
Author's note




Hello dear readers!


 So, I decided to write about a Romance-Comedy and in an adult's perspective. I usually write about teen fiction and fantasy so this will be a different approach. I hope you'll like this story and thank you for reading it. Though it is not yet complete, I will update it as soon as I could.

 Caution!!!: There will be some matured contents 

Please feel free to leave a comment or message me if you think this book is not good enough or if you like this story. I will gladly appreciate your opinions and suggestions. You may add this to your favorites if you like. That would mean a lot to me and a great help. ;)


Warning!!!: Please do not copy/steal the story or concept of this story.

Copyright holder of this text: Kenzhie Addie

Images copyright holder: I do not own any of the image(s) I use in this story◆No copyright infringement intended ◆The image(s) is/are use solely for the purpose of making the story more vivid◆The author intended to use the image(s) only to describe the characters in this plot◆

Proofreading and editing is done by yours truly: Kenzhie Addie

Thank you and enjoy reading!

Don't forget to comment or suggest/add to your favorites if you come to like this story. It would be a great deal of help and means a lot to me. I love y'all ♥

Yours truly,

Kenzhie Addie xoxo

◆Feel free to message me◆I'll gladly reply to your messages as soon as I can◆





(If you see some grammatical errors, spelling errors, incorrect punctuation or any typo errors please do inform me as I am not perfect and might have overlooked some of the incorrect texts and I don't have the time in the world to proofread all the chapters. I would be greatly indebted to you if you will be so kind to inform me anything about the said errors above. ) ;)






"Hey, Abby, Happy birthday!" A girl I didn't recognize greeted me enthusiastically. The greetings seemed endless and I couldn’t even recall how many times it was already. I nodded and said my thanks, nonetheless. It was a good day and I was in such a good mood. It was, after all, my birthday. My steps were as light as feathers as I continued to glide through the school corridors. Looks like everyone will be attending my party later, I told myself. A smile crept in my lips, wondering in excitement what my cute boyfriend would give me as a present this year. The thought made me even happier and every person who came across me were blessed with my most gorgeous smile. Everyone called me; Abby, well, of course with the exception of my grandmother, who would always call me; Abigail, when she would get angry at me and at most times she would. Yeah, what a poor thing was I for having a control freak of a grandmother, but she was the only family I had left and that I was thankful enough for at least having a grandmother whom I knew, loved me even in her own scary way. Moving on, I was one of the famous figures in my school and the hottest girl at that, and if I may add, the center of envy among girls. Who wouldn’t? I was pretty popular since I was the captain of the cheerleading squad. Not only that, I was quite tall for my age and had a body every girl would die for, and that, of course was according to my ever supportive best friend; Eloise. I remembered how she described me during one of our conversations:


“You know what, I envy you,” Eloise blurted all of a sudden.

“What, why?” I asked, confused by her words.

“You see, you’re this girl with mesmerizing hazel eyes with lashes that almost all the guys would fall for—”

“Oh, shut up!”

 I covered her mouth, but she still went on, “ah, that natural straight, light auburn hair that beautifully splayed loosely on your beautiful shoulder, a slender pointing nose that looked oh so perfect with your oval-shaped face, ugh and those pinkish full lips that I definitely would love to trade in with these thin lips of mine. How unfair this world to me,” she mumbled, nonsensically. I laughed—quite an exaggeration, I believed, but yeah, I wouldn’t deny that how she said it was indeed a fact, yet I also knew  that she was just trying to tease me since she couldn’t forget about the bet we were in together and that she’d lost to me.

The thing about Eloise being envious of me made me shake my head at the absurdity of it since Eloise herself was gorgeous enough to be called one of the hotties in campus. What a humble wench, I thought with a grin and headed to the field for the cheerleading practice when someone from behind, covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

I rolled my eyeballs under his hand, but smiled. Who else would do such common and boring thing, but him, I thought amusingly. Plus, I could smell his mild cologne. "Xander," I whispered his name—a pet name, actually, which I just decided to call him; short for Alexander. I just thought it was a cool nickname, although at first he complained about the name not befitting his personality, still he let me and didn’t complain again.

"You got me, babe," he blurted softly with soft chuckles and removed his hand from my eyes, then placed his arm on my shoulders gently. "Happy sixteenth,” he went on with his shy greeting and hesitantly kissed my cheek lightly.

“Thanks,” I replied, beaming with joy and briskly tiptoed a bit to kiss him on the lips. It was brief, yet I felt the tiny sparks of electricity that I would always feel every time our lips would brush or our skin would touch.

"I'll see you after your practice. Same place. I have something to give you before the party tonight," he uttered shyly, then ran toward the direction of his class without waiting for my response.

I couldn't stop myself from grinning widely. Alexander Miller was such a bashful boy, but that just made him super cute in my eyes. I'd never once thought that we would end up together much less stay in a relationship for almost a year. In fact, I’d usually break up with my past boyfriends in less than a week and the longest relationship I'd ever had so far before I met him, was barely even a month. Our relationship started with a bet, though, pitifully, Xander didn't have any clue about it and I made sure that it would stay that way. My childish self just simply thought that it was just a harmless bet between my girlfriends and I and disclosing it would just complicate things. Xander was a quiet person, known as a total geek and a bookworm who’d never glance at girls back then, however, that had changed when he fell for me. Everything had begun when my playful girlfriends challenged me to make him my boyfriend in less than a week and as someone who’d never admitted defeat, I accepted the challenge without blinking. I smiled at the memory as I reminisced about how my friend, Eloise accepted the challenge first and got turned down almost instantly by his silent treatment. He just simply ignored her and continued on studying. When it was my turn, I changed my tactic and just sat in front of him not talking to him at first. I just pretended that I was reading and oblivious of my surroundings. That finally caught his attention and gave me his elusive glance. It was a favorable chance for me when I caught him staring at me, though it almost made me laugh and roll on the floor when I saw him blush, but I held it in. Instead, I gave him my most charming smile and started a conversation with him and surprisingly, he replied timidly and every day for three days I sat with him on the same table, just chatting casually. Then, on the fourth day, I simply told him that I like him and he shyly admitted that he felt the same way too. Voila! I won. Well, I guess, Mr. Frigid wasn't hard-to-get after all, I told myself inwardly, still grinning widely while remembering how easily I won the bet, but then upon knowing him, I started really liking him. He was smart, honest, and the sweetest guy I'd ever known. He wasn't the usual guy I dated before, who only aimed to have me on their bed. Xander may not be one of the hot and popular guys in my school, but he was genuine and special and I loved him. He was charming in his own way. As thoughts of him ran in my head, I arrived at the field with a smile plastered on my face, still reminiscing the past.

"Hey, guys!” Regina—one of my many friends—called the attention of the cheerleading squad. “The birthday girl is here and looks like she has some dirty thoughts in her head right now!" she jested, making them burst into laughter.

"Shut your dirty mouth, wench!" I barked, but laughed as well. Nothing could spoil my mood today. Not on my special day…



I was on my way to the meeting place that Xander and I would usually meet up when my best friend, Eloise saw me.

She greeted and gave me a peck on the cheeks. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah. I'll meet up with Xander at the cafe."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm happy for you. I've never thought that you will last this long with him when we just bet on him—"

I widened my eyes at her. "Hey! Don't say that out loud. Someone might hear you."

"Oops. Me and my big mouth," she giggled.

I was about to speak again when we heard a loud crash at the dumpster just in the corner of an alley behind us. "What the hell was that?" I asked, alarmed and went toward the dumpster and saw some stray cats rummaging the garbage. I heaved a sigh of relief. I thought someone just heard us.

 “Well, gotta go Birthday girl! Enjoy your date with your boyfie!” Eloise smiled teasingly as she started walking away. I rolled my eyeballs at her, but couldn’t help laughing. “See you later at the party!” Eloise waved her arms as she continued to disappear from my eyesight.


I was waiting for him at our favorite meeting place—a cafe nearby our school and at that moment there was no one around, but me. As soon as I heard the glass door opened, I immediately turned around and was disappointed to see a group of girls chatting loudly.

Where are you Xander? I glanced at my wristwatch and realized that he was already half an hour late. This is kinda strange, I thought to myself, my face became anxious. Xander was never late. In fact, he was very punctual on our set dates. Suddenly I got worried, thinking that he might have gotten into an accident, but quickly whisked the dreadful thought and took my phone out of my bag and sent a text message. I waited for five minutes and when he didn't reply, I dialed his number, but his voice mail answered it. Once again, I waited for another couple of minutes and almost dropped my phone when I heard the message tone, however relief crossed my face when I saw that the text message came from him. Though it was short-lived and was replaced by disappointment as I read his message. It said;

M sori.I hav an urgent matter

Letz mit up at ur party 2nyt

My good mood vanished in an instant. I became angry and at the same time worried. Xander was acting a bit odd. His message was so weird. Maybe something came up, I reassured myself, trying to rationalize his sudden strange behavior and replied to his message right away.

It's OK Babe. I understand.

See u @ my party.

luv yah!xoxo

I sent the message with a forced smile and made myself believe that he'd feel better after seeing it and anticipated his reply soon, but fifteen minutes past and still there was no reply. Finally, I decided to just go home and get ready for the party. I'll just ask him later, I said to myself. Though, I couldn't shake off the feeling of pure disappointment since I expected a surprise from him just like what he did on my last birthday, but then I had come to a conclusion that maybe he had an emergency and tried to be understanding.


I sat on the top staircase with my two arms propped up on my knees as I leaned my face on my hands. The party had started a few hours ago, but Xander hadn't shown up yet. I called him like gazillion times, but it was always his voice mail, answering my calls. What the hell was going on with him?! Couldn't he at least tell me what was bothering him? I’m friggin worried for heaven's sake!


I instantly glanced down as I heard his clipped voice. In spite of everything, getting stressed and all, I beamed seeing him. Better late than never, I thought, letting out a sigh. He looked sullen and different, I observed. Though, I noticed that he dressed up well and he looked extra cute with his sandy hair all tousled. I got down as fast as I could and skipped the remaining stairs between us. Without a word, I hugged him immediately as soon as I got in front of him, but he didn't hug me back, which was really bugging me, Big time.

"What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" I asked with a pout, and somehow it made him smile, but it was just brief.

"Nothing,” he whispered.

"Good. Come, I'll introduce you to my grandma. She wants to meet you." I excitedly grabbed his hand, but he didn't move.

"I have something to tell you."

My excitement died down when I saw his serious look. "OK,” I said. “Let's go to my room to talk. It's quiet there." I took his hand again and led him to my room upstairs. He followed quietly. I was really starting not to feel well with his cold treatment. It felt like he returned back as the person he was before we became a couple.

"Abigail,” he started as soon as we reached my room.

"That's it!” I cut him off, feeling frustrated. “I've had enough!" I hissed and banged the door shut behind me. Then, I swiftly grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips roughly. He froze, surprised by my sudden action. I thought he was going to push me, but he didn't. Instead, he seemed to have gotten carried away and lost his self-control. He cupped my face and kissed me back passionately. I moaned in pleasure as he deepened the kiss. I felt his hand move to my nape and the other one caressed my bared back. My mind was getting fuzzy as the kiss was getting more intense and I was surprised to feel the soft bed on my back. I hadn't realized that he already laid me down on my bed. My eyes widened, feeling panicked. Whoa! This seemed to be getting really intense. I don’t think I’m ready for this. My mind was on alert level all of a sudden. I’m a damn virgin in spite of my past relationships, for crying out loud! My troubled thoughts got disrupted when Xander moved his mouth down to my neck, my collar bone, and my shoulders. Another moan escaped my mouth as I felt his warm hands roamed my body, from my breast down to my thigh then back on my breast again. He cupped one of my breasts and my mind was in turmoil that I couldn't think straight anymore. Speaking of raging hormones, I was already on fire and I couldn't make him stop any longer and to be honest, I didn't want him to stop. Then, I decided to just let it go. All I knew was, I loved him and if it was him, then it would be fine. I trusted him and maybe this would make his cold treatment disappear and we'd go back to normal or so I thought.

"I love you..." I whispered as I stared at his deep blue eyes, which were looking at me darkly, full of desire, before he took me. When I woke up, the party was over and I'd never imagined, so were we... Xander disappeared and the next thing I knew, he transferred schools, which I didn't know where, without telling me and without closure. So, I guessed we broke up... He was, after all, the same guy as those jerks I dreaded...


Chapter 1: Meet the boss



I hurriedly hopped in my red Audi R8 and fired it up; just glad my grumpy grandma didn't take away my precious baby. I sped up to Hamilton Electronics & TelCom International Corp (HETIC) at central avenue, hoping not to be late on my first day at work as an executive assistant to a certain man called, Mr. Hamilton. I assumed it would take about 30-40 minutes from home to Central Avenue depending on the current traffic. I wasn't completely briefed about who my boss would be, but the previous assistant who interviewed me said not to worry since I’d get to know him before I start the job. Well, I didn't give a damn whether my boss would be a fat, bald, old man as long as I get paid nicely. Yeah, you heard me right. I got a goddamn job! My first ever job at the age of twenty-seven. I just happened to be in luck to get hired in such a big company even though I had no work experience. At least luck was still on my side. Honestly, I had no interest in working or whatsoever, but my eccentric, coldhearted grandmother kicked me out of our house in Beverly hills when she returned home from her European cruise and found me dancing wildly and drunk with my friends and some unknown friends at the poolside. She kicked us out immediately. Yeah, us, including my sorry lil ass out of the house. I only had my clothes and shoes, some branded bags, my car, and my four hundred bucks in my Prada wallet without the debit and credit cards. If I had known earlier that my grandma would take away all of my cards, I would have withdrawn a bounty of cash. It was a good thing that my good friend, Eloise had let me stay in her house in Beverly Hills a few blocks away from our house or I’d be selling all my stuff if I didn’t want to end up sleeping on the streets. I sighed as I parked my car in the parking space of the HETIC building in the basement. After I got off my car, I stared at my car window to check my makeup one last time and then fixed my cream long sleeve and button-down blouse tucked in my high-waist black pencil-cut skirt. Then, I checked my black pump shoes and ran my fingers on my sheer stockings. All set. Everything was just perfect, too perfect, and I looked perfect. I grinned at my reflection. I knew that my self-love would sometimes go overboard, but I’d rather love myself than love a man again. No shit. That would never happen ever again.

"Hmmm... Abigail Wilson, you look expensive. Well, aren't you a gem?" I asked myself through the reflection and giggled, not caring that someone might hear me and would think that I had lost my mind. Finally, after I finished admiring myself, I walked toward the elevator and mindlessly winked at the man who let me in on the elevator before him. "Thanks, darling!" I winked at him again as I reached the thirtieth floor. The poor man blushed and shook his head. Unmindful, I walked to the reception area and smiled at the young brunette. She looked amiable enough so I greeted her cheerfully.

"Hi! I'm Abigail Wilson. I'm supposed to start today."

"Good day, Ms. Wilson! I’m Sally and you're just in time. Mr. Hamilton just arrived just now. You know, he hates tardiness the most. Just a heads up,” she informed, a bit gossipy, but friendly nonetheless.

"Thanks for the info, Sally. I’m so glad to meet you. Please call me, Abby," I said brightly. She nodded and we shook hands.

"OK, Abby, and yeah no sweat. I’m just so glad to have someone my age on this floor and as fashionable as you are,” she said, admiring my outfit. I smiled and thanked her. “By the way, Mrs. Smith will orient you with the pros and cons of this company and everything that you need to know about your job title," she went on, and then she led me to a room that looked like an adjacent to the CEO's office. Mrs. Smith, who interviewed me previously, stood up and greeted me professionally. So opposite from Sally, but she seemed nice nonetheless. Sally excused herself and I thanked her one more time before she went out. So glad I found a nice person right away. I hope my boss wouldn’t be some kind of a terror or worst a sex offender.

"Would you like some coffee or tea, Ms. Wilson?" Mrs. Smith asked.

"No, thank you," I declined politely and smiled.

"Alright then, let’s get down to business," she replied and started to brief me with my job. I learned that she’d been with the company for thirty years since Mr. Alexander Hamilton Sr. was the CEO and up until, his son, Alexander Hamilton Jr., became the current CEO; twenty-eight, an eligible bachelor, and my would be boss. At least, he wasn't an old, balding, or probably a fat man that I was imagining about. She said that Mr. Hamilton or Alex as she kept on calling him—I noticed that she was fond of him so I’d guess he was not a bad boss, which I was glad of course—was very particular with the time so I shouldn't be late. In fact, I should be at least five minutes earlier than him, which I had found a bit bothersome since I wasn’t born a morning person and this lady here was telling me that I had to be here at around 7:30-7:40. The working hour should start at 8:00, by the way, and if my scary grandmother didn't kick me out, I should be sleeping like a log around that time. I also found out that if a woman or did she say women, come to the office without an appointment, I shouldn't let her or them disturb my boss. Ha! So, my boss is an egoistic playboy? And an appointment is needed just to meet his women? What a jerky gigolo! But I shouldn't give a damn care, all I need to do is do my job and receive my salary until my grumpy grandma forgives me.

"So, do you have any question, Miss Wilson?" she asked after the endorsement.

"No, thank you. Everything is clear. So, when do I meet the boss?" I tried to sound jovial at the word boss, but my smile looked sour as I most hated jerks and playboys. Mrs. Smith smiled at me knowingly.

"Right now, since you're all set and ready oh, and by the way, you don't have to worry dear, Alex is a good man and a good boss. It's the women who chase after him. I’m telling you this just in case you're worried about him taking advantage of you,” she said, a bit amused and somehow it made me blush.

Mrs. Smith called using the intercom to inform Mr. Hamilton that we were done with the orientation. Then she told me to go into the adjacent room.

"You aren’t coming, Mrs. Smith?" I wondered.

"Alex said to meet you alone."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," I said and went to the glass door which had a cream Venetian blind and knocked lightly.

"Come in."

My heart skipped a beat oddly as I heard that somewhat familiar, yet with a more baritone voice. I ignored it and shook my head as I slowly opened the door and went in. There, he was, the man who once broke my heart; Alexander Miller. I couldn't believe he was Alexander Hamilton, my freaking Boss!


"X-ander? I muttered almost inaudibly after a shocking silence. I was... How should I say it, Shocked? Not good enough... Mortified? Well, yeah... But I couldn’t describe fully how I felt at that moment. I had a mixed emotion of anger, hurt, surprised, and humiliation of facing him again for the first time since eleven years ago, looking dumbstruck while he was sitting comfortably on his expensive leather swivel chair, gazing at me coolly like he wasn't surprised to see me at all. He knew! My thought screamed. The freaking bastard knew! And yet he allowed me to work for him as his Goddamn secretary!

"Fancy seeing you again, Abigail. It's been what? Ten or eleven years past and look at you still looking gorgeous as ever," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. My mouth gaped open as I stared at him, looking appalled and speechless. Is this really Xander? He is somewhat different. No, he is very different. The way he acted was so confident, his voice even sounded authoritative. Gone was the shy boy, innocent-looking, and sweet that I used to love—Yep. Used to. Past tense. I hate him now. I loathe him to be exact—the man in front of me right at the moment was someone who had a full control of his emotions, of himself. I studied him carefully. His sandy hair that used to be tousled, was neatly combed, the usual t-shirt and faded jeans that he used to wear over his lanky physique had drastically changed into an expensive tailored black suit that had somehow fit and would stretch on his muscular biceps each time he moved his arms and his once before shy blue eyes were now gleaming with amusement while looking at my expression.

"What the fuck," I muttered after regaining my wits.

"Watch your language, Ms. Wilson," he said, smiling, but his eyes had a warning look. Now, that was my last straw.

"To hell with you! You mother-fucker!" I hissed angrily and like some crazy bad spirit had possessed me, I walked toward him and punched him straight in the face. He was too surprised to react and was even too surprised to evade my fist. He didn’t even utter a word when I walked out from the room. With a wicked smile, I stormed out from his office, ignoring Mrs. Smith and Sally as I walked passed them. I guess I will not be seeing them now since I'm absolutely fired and I will definitely not work here. All hell let loose, but I will never set my sexy foot here again. I'm just so glad I had the courage to hit him. Ha! I've waited for eleven freaking years to do that. Now I feel relieved. That bastard deserved that no actually it wasn't enough for breaking my heart and taking my virginity then ran off! But I guess that's better... I thought contentedly while shaking my injured fist. Damn! His face was so hard and now my hand is throbbing. I ran toward my car the moment the elevator door opened in the basement, feeling my tears flowing relentlessly on my cheeks. Shit! I am not crying for that jerk again! I was so over him a long time ago! I harshly wiped my tears away and hopped back in my car and drove away from that building. Ha! You do have feelings for him, Abby. That explains why you are hurting to see him after all those years... My evil subconscious smirked at me. No! I will definitely forget about him tomorrow after drinking a can or two of cold beer. That's for sure and I guess we will never see each other again...



"Ugh..!" My head hurts so bad as I willed myself up and out of bed. The stupid doorbell was screaming non-stop and I’d love to strangle whoever was doing it. Eloise wouldn’t be home from her trip to Hawaii with her long-time partner until the end of the week and it was just Tuesday. I stared at the digital clock on the bedside table. It was already past six in the evening. That's why my head is throbbing. I overslept too much. My original plan to just drink a can or two turned into a bucket or two of beer. The bell annoyingly rang again. I furiously marched toward the door without a single care in the world how messy I looked at that moment. Now, who could this pest be? I opened the door briskly and ready to curse whoever was behind the freaking door, but was too stunned to even open my mouth. Xander or Alex, whatever he called himself now, was standing on the front porch looking so damn gorgeous. Ugh! Why does he have to be this freaking insanely gorgeous right when I want to erase him from my memory and when did he get this hot? Yeah, he was cute before, but gorgeously hot? Nah, I never have thought he could look like a fashion male model in front of me. I scanned him from head to foot. He looked much taller and muscular, wearing a white V-neck semi-fitted shirt with a gray blazer, dark denim trousers, and a pair of signature gray loafers. His skin became more tanned. Hell doesn't he look like a Greek God?

"Good evening, Abigail. I see you didn't come to work earlier today? Poor Mrs. Smith didn't enjoy her early retirement because my new secretary wasn't professional enough to do her job," he said sarcastically while gazing down at me, who still remained speechless. He seemed oblivious of my skimming eyes. I shook my head, dazed, and still feeling a bit hangover from drinking beer till dawn and for crying my heart out. Now, the reason for why I was a wreck was standing in front of me, goading me with his sarcastic remarks.

"Well, I thought I was terminated from my job," I said wryly, my subconscious mind clapping with a standing ovation for acting calm and not stuttering.

"And why do you think so?" he asked, amused.

"I think you know," I said dryly and raised my injured fist and stared at his face, which had a slight purplish bruise which I felt a bit disappointed that I didn't cause any big damage on his hateful handsome face while I injured my right hand. I winced as I felt a tiny sting on my knuckles.

"Oh, that," he uttered nonchalantly and touched his left cheek. "Didn't hurt a tiny bit, just my ego, sweetheart." He smirked. I frowned at him still standing in front of the open door, not offering him to get inside. As if I'll let him!

"Well, if I wasn't fired, then I've officially resigned today," I said firmly and turned my back to get in the house again, but he briskly caught my arm and swiftly turned me around to face him. I gasped out of surprise and my hard work of composure shattered in a blink as we became so damn close, inch closed to each other. I could even smell his delicious male scent and his fresh, minty breath. Oh, God, kill me right now before I lose my control and ravished this jerk that is one hell of a hottie!

"That is not up to you, Ms. Wilson," He replied, coolly. "Did you forget that you’ve signed a two-year contract? That is, if you can pay the breach of contract, which I hardly think so, as I have heard your dear grandmother kicked you out without a single penny." My eyes widened. How the hell did he know about that?! He grinned at me like the devil he was. I could already see his invisible two horns on his head, which I didn't see back then and fell for his naive-looking face.

"You, bastard! What do you want from me?!" I yelled at him furiously and forcing myself not to cry. I hated it that I was such a crybaby. He leaned closer to me—brain-froze me in an instant—our noses touched and our mouths an inch apart. I couldn't breathe as his lips almost brushed mine.

"Just be a good girl, Abby. Go to work tomorrow and we won’t have problems. As for inflicting physical injury on my handsome face, I'll think about your punishment for that next time,” He whispered, then slightly and briefly let our lips brushed for a split second, teasing me. Then he let me go, almost staggering. "Don't be late tomorrow, oh, and you need to take a shower, sweetie. You reeked of alcohol and you looked all mess-up, but don't worry, you still look pretty," he taunted and left me standing on the porch, mouth wide open, and looking pale...








What do you think of  the story so far guys? Shall I continue with this story? If you like it, Please comment/Vote/Add to your Reading list. It would be a lot encouraging for me to update a new chapter. Thanks much! :)


Your truly,


Kenzhie Addie xoxo

Chapter 2: The crazy plan


I was overly pissed as I went out of a club at Hollywood Boulevard, enjoying with some friends, dancing and drinking when Xander's legal advisor called to threaten me. I didn't go to work earlier that day either and that egoistic son-of-a-bitch just couldn't leave me alone. He even ordered his damn lawyer to pester me right when I was having fun. Suddenly, I felt not in the mood to party and just decided to go home. I kicked my Gucci knee-high boots as soon as I enter the guest room of Eloise's place and plumped down on the bed. I got so damn furious because that frigging bastard threatened to sue me if I still wouldn’t come to work tomorrow and it would be my last warning since I’d been absent for two consecutive days already. Shit! I need a plan. I can't let that asshole play me around his fingers!  That night I twist and turn on the bed while thinking of a plan when my phone rang again. I absent-mindedly answered it without looking who the caller was.


"Abby... I missed you..." My brow furrowed as I recognized Nathan's voice. How the hell did he get my number? I changed my phone number because of him. He was my boyfriend six months ago. We just lasted for two months or so because I got suffocated by him. He was just too possessive and the fact that I couldn’t trust men led to our breakup. I kinda hate men to be exact, but I thought I'd try another relationship to change that, yet it just didn't work so I broke up with him, but it seemed like he still couldn't get over me or maybe he couldn't since he didn't get me to bed yet. That's what men are... They’d go crazy over you at first, but when they get what they wanted from you, they would throw you like some useless trash.

"Nathan, can't you put it inside your thick skull that we're over? Why are you calling me?" The annoyance in my voice was very audible and I heard him sigh. I felt pity for him, but if I become too nice to him, he’d take that in a wrong way and pester me nonstop.

"I'm sorry... I just can't accept it... That we're over. I love you and I want us back—"

"No way. I don't love you, Nathan. I never did. So please leave me alone. I have so many problems to deal with right now and I don't want you to add to it," I said in a firm voice. It was mean, but I had to. He was acting like a stalker already and it was getting on my nerves.

"I can help. Just tell me what you want." I rolled my eyeballs in annoyance. He was so persistent. This could be the reason that I would never love him. No matter how I’d tell him I don’t want it or I don’t like it, he’d still force me to have it. I didn't even like him the slightest and it got me to wonder how I even put up with him for two months. I just couldn't imagine. He had been just plain crazy and should see a shrink. He got overly obsess to have me and sometimes it would get creepy.

"No, Nathan. Please stop this. Stop acting like a fool because it won't get us back."

"Please Abby... Please give me another chance... I'll change myself so you'll like me again," he begged, but I was getting irritated. He just didn't know when to quit. I had to change my number again.

"Nathan, you're good-looking, smart, and rich. A lot of girls will swoon over you. Don't just focus on me. I will never love a man again, you should know that."

"No. I want you," he insisted and dropped the call in an instant. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to think of my plan and it hit me. I smiled as my naughty brain worked just as I needed it. So, Alexander Hamilton, be prepared! If I can't quit this damn job, then I'll make you fire me... I laughed wickedly as I just made a crazy, but perfect plan.


I had taken my time in dressing up since getting late wouldn't put me to jail, right? I sneered while applying my bloody-red lipstick, a symbol of my impending battle. Xander just declared a war against me and I wouldn't raise the damn white flag to satisfy his ego. I dressed to kill today, hoping it would kill Xander literally. He had been my most hated person on the entire planet including the universe. He ruined my teenage life as I mopped during my entire high school life like someone mourning at a funeral when he broke my young heart into a tiny little pieces. Enough brooding already, I told myself inwardly and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I looked absolutely gorgeous, no doubt about that. I was wearing a white semi-fitted button-down blouse—three buttons were intentionally opened. I paired it with my Dior orange neon mini coral skirt, and three inches high black leather ankle boots. My long shapely legs were covered with sheer black stockings that had my slender legs. Then, I let my long auburn hair fell loosely just above my back. I promised I’d let him drool at my feet and at the same time, I'd make his life a living hell or at least I hoped he would.  Now, let the plan begins...

"Hi, Sally!" I greeted the young receptionist jovially as I reached the executive floor, not caring that I was an hour late. She looked surprised, worried, and at the same time I could see the admiration in her eyes as she skimmed my appearance. I smiled contentedly as I got the same reactions from the other employees, especially the men as soon as I entered the Hamilton Building.

"Er.. Hi, Ms. Wilson. It's good to see you're finally back, but Mr. Hamilton has been expecting you an hour ago and, er, um, you're very late,” she said and gave me an awkward smile.

"Oh, please call me, Abby. I thought we’d agreed about that last time, oh and don't fuss about such thing. I'll take care of Mr. Hamilton." I winked at her, leaving Sally with her mouth dropped and went to the adjacent room which was my office. I was about to sit down when the intercom buzzed. With my eyes rolled, I nonchalantly answered it, "Yes?"

"Come to my office,” he ordered and cut the line without waiting for my response. I rolled my eyeballs once more and stuck my tongue out at the Venetian blind which was covering the glass door that separated us. I lazily walked toward the glass door and plastered a sweet smile on my face before I opened it.

"Good Morning, Sir," I greeted him as soon as I entered his opulent office. I saw him giving me a quick appraisal and his eyes became dark with desire, but it quickly disappeared. He eyed me grimly.

"I see you've finally decided to show up after two days of absence and now you're late?" He looked calm, but I could sense his irritation and anger which he was obviously keeping at bay.

"Oh, my Gee! I'm so sorry, Mr. Hamilton. I had an itsy bitsy problem on the way here." I acted troubled and saw his brow wrinkled.

"And what was that?"

"Well, as I was driving my ass here, I took my time contemplating on how I shall get my ass fired and the first idea came to my mind. I decided to be late since you hate it and I can see it's kinda effective since you look pissed. So, am I fired now?" I gave him another innocent sweet smile with puppy eyes. His expression changed. It appeared like he didn't know how to react. He somewhat looked amused, but irritated at the same time at my obvious drama.

"No,” he said curtly. “The only thing that's gonna be on fire is your damn chair as you will be working your ass starting today without leaving your Goddamn chair until you've done all the things that you should've done while you were absent,” he said, smirking at me.

Bastard! Let's see who's gonna be on fire... I smiled at him again, ignoring what he said. "Sure. Coffee?" His brow furrowed a bit, surprised and suspicious of my sudden change of tactic. "What? You think I'm gonna poison you or something?" I laughed at his expression.

"Fine, did Mrs. Smith inform you of my coffee preference?" he asked, still looking suspicious.

"Of course, I know it very well. Black, no cream, and a teaspoon of sugar, am I right, Sir?" He just nodded, so I slowly went out of his office, flaunting my ass that got defined perfectly because of my mini skirt and had showed my long, shapely legs. A smile formed on my lips when I heard him sigh. I hurried toward the coffee table at the far corner of my office and made his mojo coffee. Well, it was, for me. I giggled as I took some things out in my bag which I brought from Eloise's kitchen. I sprinkled lots of rock salt, black pepper, and my secret weapon, hot chili sauce. I poured all the contents while giggling like a wicked witch.

"Ta-dah! My masterpiece..." I whispered to myself while stirring the dark liquid. I plastered my best poker-face before I entered his office again, but I almost dropped the coffee mug when I saw Xander. He looked serene and young like the boy I used to love. His eyes were closed while he reclined his head on his swivel chair. His sandy hair was tousled in a messy wave of curls like he just raked through it or something. He looked oh so boyish and innocent right at that moment and I wanted to run my fingers on his sexy chiseled face and rake my fingers through his already rumpled hair.

"Did I pass your assessment, Ms. Wilson?" I stifled a gasp when he opened his eyes and spoke. His blue eyes met my surprised hazel eyes and gave me a cheeky grin. I discreetly expelled a mouthful of air, calming myself. Good. I like him better like this. A jackass. It gave me a control over myself and not run to him like a complete fool. That would satisfy his male ego. I smiled back and gracefully glided toward his table. Two can play this game and I reckoned I will not lose to this asshole.

"Nah, you know I like the nerdy type of guys and not some cocky looking bastards," I said sardonically, giving him my sweetest smile. I caught a glimpse of hurt crossed his handsome face like he was remembering something painful, but I wasn't sure since it was so brief and he became impassive while staring at me.

"Really... It's bringing me back to the past—"

"Here. Drink some coffee. It might relieve some of your stress," I said, cutting him off and placed the cup of coffee on his desk. I didn't want to talk about the f*cking past. My water dam might break and my eyes would flood. I would be so glad if only that would drown this gorgeous jerk with it. He stared at me briefly and shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm so damn stressed. I just don't know who's causing it...," he whispered meaningfully and my eyes widened in anticipation as he slowly took a sip of his mojo coffee. I grinned widely as I saw his facial expression changed and contorted dramatically. "What the fuck!" He hissed angrily and spat out some of the dark liquid he swallowed. "Shit! Hot! Water!" He shouted angrily at me while fanning his mouth. He just looked so damn hilarious as his face turned red and his mouth wide open. He was even hopping as if it would ease away the spicy coffee he drank.

"Hot water? You want hot water, Sir?" I asked innocently while trying to stifle a giggle.

"No! Are you trying to kill me?! Give me a Goddamn water! Cold f*cking water!" He shouted, steaming and I could already see an imaginary hot smoke coming out of his nose and ears like in the cartoons when a villain would get angry. "Don't f*cking put anything strange in it or I'll kill you, hear me?!" I giggled, but when I saw his deadly stare I bit my tongue to stop myself from rolling on the floor and laugh.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" I saluted and winked at him.

"Go! Goddamn it!" He roared, his face was burning red. I stifled another laugh and ran back to my office and filled the glass of water. I giggled. I damn well knew that Xander couldn't tolerate anything spicy. I went back to him and acted that I tripped and spilled the water on his face.

"Oh my Gee! I'm so sorry, Sir. I'm so clumsy," I said seriously, but I couldn't keep a straight face. I could clearly see his face turning dark. He harshly grabbed the glass of water from my hand and gulped the remaining water from it. I couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed my heart out. He was just so damn funny.

"Do you think this is funny?" He glowered at me after regaining his composure and I looked at him innocently, acting like I was thinking and considering his question.

"Umm.. Well.. Yeah? I know you look funny. If only you can just see yourself. I'm like watching an animated show or something. I never thought you could be a comedian. Oh shit! I should've taken a video." I slapped my forehead and laughed loudly.

"I can see you're finding this funny, Ms. Wilson..." I stopped from laughing and my eyes widened in alarm when I saw him stepping toward me. I quickly backed away, but he was fast. He grabbed me by my waist and slammed my butt on his desk and put his hands on both sides of my hips, pinning me so I couldn't escape his grasp. I gulped nervously. We were so damn close and I could hear his harsh breathing. Shit! I haven't seen him got angry before and seeing it right now is kinda scary. "I see you haven't changed at all, Abigail. You still have this naughty side of you and you need to be punished so you'll behave like a good girl," he whispered softly in my ear, but I could sense his vehemence. I let out a gasp when he bit my earlobe.

"W-w-hat the hell!" I pushed him, but he didn't budge at all. He was so damn strong and I couldn't think straight as he was so frigging close. His nose was brushing mine and his lips were teasing my upper lip. I closed my mouth tightly. No way in hell I'm gonna let this bastard kiss me!

"You're liking this, aren't you Abby?" He whispered huskily and ran his tongue playfully on my upper lip, then my lower lip and he tried to push my lips apart using his tongue. I shook my head to clear my mind and to move my face away from him, but he stilled it with his big hands. I was losing it. He was so damn irresistible. I could even smell his delicious minty breath. No! My mind screamed in protest. I couldn't let this happen. I raised my right knee to kick him, but he was quick. He predicted my actions and held both of my knees. He then forcibly parted my thighs and placed himself between them and pressing my back to his desk. I shivered as I felt the cold glass of his desk pressing my back. I gasped a protest when I felt his warm hands squeezed my left thigh, but he took that opportunity to kiss me roughly while his tongue was playing the inside of my mouth. He was punishing me, but why did I like it? Because you still love him, silly! My subconscious sneered at me. I shook my head to clear my mind, but his playful hands skimmed my body, clouding my senses again. I moaned involuntarily when he started kneading my right breast. Shit! Shit! Shit! I was burning already and couldn’t control myself anymore. So, I grabbed his neck and raked my hand through his hair. I'd been subconsciously dying to do it since we‘d met again for the first time since a decade ago. Throwing my inhibitions away, I responded to his hot kiss fervently. He tasted so damn good. I could even taste the mixture of a salty, bitter coffee in his tongue and a bit of the spicy hot sauce which I found sexy. I heard him groan and it made me want him more. I dropped my hands from his hair and neck down to his toned wide shoulders and down to his chest, his abs—then, suddenly the phone rang loudly like a bomb and woke me up. My eyes widened in horror as my senses went back and my fervent desire slowly died down. I breathed heavily while I tried to push him as strongly as I could. I was glad when he let me go and moved away from his desk, leaving me on top of his desk, sprawled uncomfortably and feeling wet down below.

"Shit!" He uttered, sounding irritated as he heaved a deep sigh and raked his hand through his already messy hair from my wild fingers grasping it not a while ago. My whole body blushed when my eyes came across his arousal. I quickly raised my eyes to meet his. His blue eyes were dilated and turned dark, almost black. They were burning with fervent desire while staring at me intensely. He shook his head and looked away as he answered the phone that was continuously ringing at the moment. "What?!" He hissed on the phone. I sat up and hurriedly fix my rumpled clothes. I straightened my skirt which was pulled up high above my thigh, showing a glimpse of my black underwear. Then my hands went to my blouse and shakily fumbled with the buttons of my blouse which I didn't realize was already halfway opened, showing my black lacy brassiere that pushed my full breast up to form a lush cleavage. "Don't send her in. I'm busy." I heard him spat out; probably it was Sally informing him of a client or a visitor or whatever since I wasn't in my table to answer her call. I didn't give a damn. I sighed harshly as I found it hard to button my blouse and it surprised me when he came to me and whisked my hands away, buttoning my blouse instead of me. I didn't notice that he was finished talking on the phone already.

"Hey! Get your filthy hands away from me you bastard!" I hissed angrily, but he just ignored me and easily finished buttoning my blouse with his deft fingers and patted it just between my breasts.

"Done. Now you look decent." He smiled boyishly and it left me speechless. "You're kinda distracting me with all the fumbling and this..." He whispered huskily while pinching my crimson cheeks not with blush-on, but with embarrassment as I just did something slutty in his office specifically on his Goddamn desk! "Now, go, before I lose my control again and..." He teased and ran his long slender fingers on my nape. My eyes widened in horror and ran toward the door instinctively. I blushed even more when I heard him chuckle when I almost fell on my face when I tripped.

"Fuck," I quietly hissed, but he heard it.

"Watch your mouth, Abby or I'll teach you another lesson which you can't escape from," he warned and I risked a glance in his direction and saw his dark stare. I grabbed the door knob harshly and step out of his office, slightly trembling. I got scared, but not of him, but of myself as I finally realized my desire for him was intense and uncontrollable. If it would continue, I’d surely end up sleeping with him in no time, and that was what he was aiming for. I knew it. Just like eleven years ago. He left me right after he took what he wanted from me. I didn't notice my eyes were brimming with tears already. I ran toward the restroom, ignoring Sally when she called for my name. That bastard! He hired me to be his secretary for this single purpose. To repeat what he did to me... How can he be this cruel? What did I do to him to deserve this? I loved him. He was the first guy I have ever loved...

I faced the mirror and I cringed at my pitiful reflection. My eyes were bloodshot from crying and my eye makeup looked a bit smudged in spite of using waterproof cosmetics, I guessed from my excessive rubbing. I splashed the water on my face, removing my makeup. I sighed heavily at what I saw in the mirror. I looked so damn vulnerable…

So my crazy plan didn't work after all...






Hi lovely readers!


What do you think of this chapter?

It got a bit intense and a lil' hot here, don't you think? HAHA Do you want me to make it more intense? I'll think about it. LOL 


Please don't forget to comment and add this book to your favorites. Love y'all! (wink wink)

Chapter 3: Troublesome situation


I went back to my adjacent office after cooling down and had redone my makeup. If I had a choice, I would have ran home like a coward, but then again, he would pester me and threaten to sue me all over again or whatever he’d thought would keep me at bay just so I'd continue playing along with his stupid little game. I heaved a deep sigh of relief when Sally informed me that Xander already went out for an appointment with a client. I didn't even bother explaining to her why I ran like a crazy kid while crying earlier. I sat down at my desk and started doing my job not because I was scared of getting fired—I would jump for joy if that would happen, which, of course not going to happen until he’d get what he wanted—but because I needed a distraction. My mind and heart were in turmoil and I badly needed to do something to ease my mind. I skimmed the files that needed to be sorted. I also checked his appointments for the day and for next week and by looking at it, I realized he was a very busy man. I didn't bother checking everything since I was not interested, but I did check what time was the Executive meeting when I scanned his schedule for that day and saw he’d have a meeting at 4:00P.M, so I’d  know what time he was going to go back so I could go to the bathroom and hide. Yeah, you could say I was a coward because that would be me. I couldn't face him yet. I needed a thorough meditation before facing that evil guy. Maybe I'd drop by my yoga class after work to blow off steam or something. I really wondered how he’d still have a time to play with me. What was his real motive? He seemed angry at me for something. I could feel it no matter how he’d hide it in his cool facade. There was something in his eyes, whenever I’d catch him staring at me. Like anger and sometimes hurt? But, why? I got quite confused. I was the one who got dumped like a slut, wasn't I? Shouldn’t I be the one getting angry here, right? I sighed and debated if I should send him a message to remind him for his four o'clock meeting or not. It was just one o'clock so I’d have plenty of time to think if I should or shouldn’t. Maybe I'd just say I didn't have his number which was lame since Mrs. Smith wrote everything I needed to know that would include his personal number, home address, etc.

Ugh! I'll think of an excuse later...


I stirred up; feeling something rough was touching my face. I slowly opened the heavy lids of my eyes and saw that someone was leaning close to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again to clear my foggy vision and my eyes widened to see Xander so close to me. Impulsively, I jumped off my chair and accidentally hit his face with my head, particularly his nose.

"Awww! What the heck, Abigail!" He hissed while covering his bloody nose.

"Oh, shit! Your nose is frigging bleeding!" I said in a panic, not knowing what to do.

"You hit it with your friggin' head, of course, it's f*ckin' bleeding! I think you broke my nose!" He spat angrily while glaring at me, who was walking back and forth in the office like some lunatic. "What the hell! Can you stop pacing around and grab me a Goddamn tissue?!"

"Huh? Tissue?" I asked like a retard and gazed at him in confusion.

"Are you an idiot?! Get me some f*ckin' tissue!" He shouted, looking exasperated while trying to stop his nose from bleeding.

"Oh! Yeah... Right!" I looked for the tissue in the drawer of my desk but there was none. I forgot that I didn't bring any except for the spices from Eloise's kitchen cupboard. I hadn't thought of staying for long in his company so I didn't bother bringing some. I peeked at the reception if Sally was there, but the reception desk was empty. It seemed everyone had gone home. I glanced at my wristwatch and saw that it was already past six o'clock. Of course, everyone had gone home. It was already late. I had slept for hours and no one woke me up. I wondered who assisted him during his meeting. Well, that was something I had no interest about. I faced him again with a crooked smile. "Um, I don't have a tissue," I whispered.

"What kind of secretary are you?!" He roared and marched into his office.

"That's why you should just fire me, jerk!" I screamed back.

"Dream on!" I heard him spat while rummaging something in his drawer. "Shit! Where the hell are the tissues and my Goddamn handkerchief!" He growled and looking pissed. I kinda pity him and then an idea came. I went in his office and grabbed his arm, lightly pushing him to sit on his chair.

"Leave me alone,” he grumbled and stared at me darkly.

"Shut up and stay still." I removed his hand that was covering his nose, then I raised the tampons I took from my bag. Luckily I had brought some since my period was just around the corner. Glad to be prepared. I smiled widely when I saw his expression of horror.

"What the f*ck is that?!" He looked really furious. I stifled a laugh and plastered a serious face.

"You've been cursing me a lot, Mr. Hamilton. Watch your language,” I taunted, copying his words. I grinned as I saw him frowned. "Now be a good boy and stay still. I'm gonna put these in your nose so it'll stop bleeding, OK? As you see, this is a tampon." I informed him like I was a teacher instructing a kid while wagging one of the tampons by its string in front of his face.

"I know it's a Goddamn tampon! I asked what are you gonna do with them?!" He asked again, obviously my words didn't process well in his brain. I laughed at his obvious frustration.

"Are you an idiot?  Xander, honey, I've never thought of you as a dumb guy," I said smugly.

"Are you really trying to piss me off?" He glared daggers at me.

"I thought you already knew," I smirked and he scowled at me. I ignored him and grabbed his chin up. "Anyway, don't be such a baby. These will help stop the bleeding," I said and swiftly pushed the tampons in his bloody nostrils a little too harsh.


"There. Now my conscience is clear," I said and went back to my office. I gathered my stuffs and went to the door to go home.

"Abigail!" He called out and I rolled my eyes again before turning my heels toward his office.

"Yes? Do you want me to call an ambulance? Are you dying?" I mocked, feeling my frustration building. The guy just wouldn't leave me alone.

"Drive me home," he ordered coolly ignoring my sarcastic remark.

"What? I hit your nose not your head, right? I'm your secretary and not your frigging driver," I grumbled, feeling my irritation growing.

"I can't drive since you broke my nose," he complained like a spoiled rotten brat, looking kinda hilarious with the tampons in his nose. If our situation was normal I might roll on the floor and laugh about his lame excuse. He can't drive because I broke his nose? Is his nose the one driving the car? What a stupid, ridiculous thing to say, I thought to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Then call your driver or do you want me to call?"

"I don't have a driver."

"What?! You're a f*cking CEO and you don't have a driver?" I asked, incredulously.

"Your language,” he warned.

"I'll curse whenever I want. Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do! And you! You curse like it's a prayer too, so don't lecture me about what comes out of my mouth," I hissed venomously.

He sighed before he spoke again. "I don't like having a driver and If I'd known that you're gonna injure me today I should have hired a driver or better a 24/7 doctor or a bodyguard since you look like you're always plotting an evil plan on how to kill me," he accused, but he had a smirk on his face. A giggle escaped my mouth before I could even stop myself. I cleared my throat and spoke again.

"Just take a cab. I'll call now."

"How cruel. You broke my nose, but you wouldn't even give me a ride? Don't you have any conscience?" My ears burned hearing him say the word conscience. I wanted to spit that word in his face. I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to ask him if he even had a tiny bit of conscience when he left me without a word eleven years ago. He didn't even have the decency to properly dump me. He could've said; Abby, let's break up. I don't like you anymore or Abby, thanks for giving your virginity, let's break up. But I wouldn't give him more satisfaction of knowing how hurt I was because of what he did.

"Who told you to startle me in my sleep anyway? So, it's not my fault in the first place."

"If you should know, I've been considerate with you. I had a meeting which you should have reminded me. It's a good thing that I got back before the schedule. I didn't scold you and even didn't bother your sleep since you look dead tired. You were even drooling on your desk—"

"No, I did not!" I objected harshly and I was awarded by his hearty laughter. I shook my head as it was getting clouded by his stupid mere laugh. This man was dangerous since I couldn't keep calm and think straight whenever I was with him.

"Anyway, Sally took the responsibility to facilitate the meeting, which was your job, by the way. I think Sally deserves to have your salary since I notice she's been doing most of your job."

"Then you could've woken me up earlier."

"I didn't have the heart to wake you up since you were sleeping soundly. I even heard you snore,” he jested, smirking.

"Yeah.. You don't have the heart.." I whispered to myself inaudibly.


"I said I don't snore."

"If you say so. Anyway, just give me a damn ride and there will be no nonsense arguments,” he said arrogantly.

"Fine! But give me my frigging tampons back!" I hissed and pulled the strings a little too forcefully and marched out of the office.

"Shit! One of these days, I'm really gonna file a lawsuit against you, Ms. Wilson." I heard him complained and I annoyingly turned around and glared at him impassively.

"Sue for what?" I asked while putting both of my hands on my hips.

"For physical injuries and attempted murder,” he said with his signature smirk.

"Ha! I guess I should plan how to murder you in an accurate manner from now on so you can't sue me, right Mr. Hamilton?" I smiled at him wickedly and he just chuckled in response. "Hurry up. We'll use my car," I said and walked out.


I turned on the stereo of my car and drive quietly to his home at Holmby Hills in Bel-Air. It would take about thirty minutes by driving from Central Avenue to there. I changed the channel when the song, I don't wanna miss a thing, played on. It was a song which Xander sang to me on my fifteenth birthday. It was a shitty memory and probably he had forgotten about it already. I made a quick glance at him and saw him looking at me with a weird look.

"What?" I uttered, and looked away. My brow furrowed when the next song that played next was, Teardrops on my guitar by Talyor Swift. I just turned off the stereo. That song was not bad, but it was ironically taunting my broken heart.

"Are you an anti-love song?" He asked seriously afterward, but I could tell that he was smiling.

"No. I just don't like the songs that are playing right now," I replied curtly without glancing at him.

"Someone broke your heart?" He asked softly and my head whisked harshly to glare at him. Is he mocking me?!

"Yeah. I suppose you knew?" I said sarcastically and briefly I saw the hurt in his eyes appeared, too brief that I couldn't be sure if I'd really seen it. I just shrugged off the stupid idea and focused on my driving, then I remember his broken nose. "Anyway, don't you wanna go to a hospital? If I really did break your nose, you should see a doctor." I winced as I heard my worried voice. I glanced at him again and he was staring at me intently. Shit! Now, he's gonna think I'm still into him. I shook my head. But you are still into him, right Abby? My annoying subconscious interjected. My brow wrinkled even more just by that thought.

"No. I'm alright. I think your head wasn't that thick to break my nose," he jested, but I didn't feel the humor in it. He sounded strange so I kept my mouth shut and we drove to his home in an awkward silence. I was thankful when we finally arrived at the front of his place, but got so stunned to see his breathtaking house. It was a contemporary three-level, glass-encased compound that boasted panoramic views of the Hollywood Hills, framed on all sides by mature trees and greenery.

"Let's get inside," he said coolly while grabbing his Armani black leather briefcase and went out of the car. I ignored him and started my car, but he leaned his head in the open passenger seat. "I said let's get in. Are you deaf?" He gave me a serious look. What's this wicked guy cooking? I eyed him surreptitiously.

"Do you want me to hit your head so your stupid brain will function? Why would I go in your house?" I blurted incredulously.

"What a barbarous woman you are. Always thinking about brutality," he muttered in amusement. "Just a reminder, Ms. Wilson, I didn't sue you for punching me and inflicting physical injuries, including now—he said pointing his nose. I winced when I saw the dried blood on his expensive white shirt and his khaki suit jacket.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No. As I said, a reminder." He smiled at me which was really irritating me to the maximum level.

"Hey, you frigging bastard if you're planning on thinking about something---"

"Oh, C'mon, Abigail. Are you thinking about something perverted? I won't do anything to you which you don't like, Trust me, if something might or will happen to us, you definitely liked it," he said smugly.

"What! You egoistic son-of-a-bitch!" I burst out in anger.

"Your language, Ms. Wilson. Remember, I am still your boss. Don't I get some respect here?"

"Respect your ass!" I hissed.

"So, you won't obey me?" He asked again and I just shot him my dagger stare. He sighed and dialed on his phone which he took from his pocket. I eyed him curiously. "Hello, Jack. I guess I might need your service, after all," he uttered, and glanced at me with his wicked grin. My eyes widened. Jack Moore was his frigging lawyer, who called me yesterday.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, feeling a bit nervous. Xander was different from the boy I knew before, so I couldn’t know if he was being serious or just bluffing. Either way, I couldn't afford anyone pressing charges on me. Ugh! Granny please just forgive me already so I can get away with this unlikable situation.

"So, do you wanna talk to my lawyer or do you wanna go in?" he asked me cockily.

"Fine!" I exclaimed, and killed my car engine and got out. I closed my car door too forcefully that it might tear off from its body.

"Sorry for the bother, Jack. Ms. Wilson and I came to an agreement so I won't be needing your service for now. I'll keep you posted if the need arises again," he laughed while listening to the other line before ending the call. "Come," he ushered me inside his gorgeous house and I followed behind him with my alarm signal on alert, but when we got in his lawn I couldn't stop myself from admiring the exterior and the interior of the house. The main entrance looked dramatic, offering an immense motor court and impressive 20 feet high canopy. He led me to the luxurious spacious living room, with its earth-toned color scheme, floor to ceiling glass, and soaring 20 feet high ceiling, tailor-made for displaying large-scale artwork with a direct access to the terraces and custom-tiled infinity pool and into the ultra-spacious kitchen that featured a state-of-the-art design with integrated lighting.

"Why am I in the kitchen?" I asked him with a curious look.

"You're gonna make me some dinner," he said the words in a matter-of-fact tone like that wouldn't make me mad.

"You're beyond ridiculous! First, you made me your driver. Then next, your cook? Can I look at my job title again? Maybe I read it wrong?" I ranted sardonically and he just glared at me while raising his phone, acting like he was about to make a phone call. The bastard is blackmailing me!

"I'll just take a shower and change. Cook something delicious," he ordered and went out of the kitchen but went back again. "And Abby, don't put any crazy stuff in it." He didn't wait for my reply and disappeared. I sighed, feeling beat. Now what shall I cook for that bastard? I went to his built-in refrigerator to check. There were plenty of meat, but I decided to grab the chicken breast. I should try to cook the Italian recipe which Eloise and I recently learned through online surfing. I was glad to see  that there was kale and the other ingredients needed to cook my recipe. I checked the cupboard for the olive oil and was surprised to see that there was more than one bottle of it. Everything seemed to be here so I grabbed the apron I found in one of the kitchen cabinets and rolled my sleeves up. I sliced the kale thinly after washing it, then I put the thin slices in a pot of boiling, salted water. I waited for 5 minutes, then I drained it and run under cold water, squeezed dry and transfer to a bowl. I then grabbed the diced tomatoes and stir in and the shredded Fortina cheese. I cut a deep pocket in center of each breast, I stuffed them with kale mixture and seasoned it. Lastly, I heated the two tablespoons of olive oil in skillet and added the chicken and cooked it until well browned. I waited for about 15 minutes. Then voila! My Italian Flag chicken recipe was done.

"Smells good..." I turned around to see him wearing a blue cotton shirt that hugged his muscular physique and gray sweat pants that hanged low to his waist. His sandy hair was still wet. He looked so damn sexy and delicious that I might end up eating him instead of my aromatic Italian dish.

Holy mackerel! I have to go now or I'll end up putting him on my plate for dinner!



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Chapter 4: Troubling appetite


“Aren't you going to eat?” He asked, his hand paused in midair together with the slice of chicken that he was about to put in his mouth.


“Not hungry. Can I go now?” I tried to be nonchalant as best as I could and avoided looking at his sexy chiseled mouth that was slightly opened which was quite tempting.


“Eat this first,” he said all of a sudden and placed his fork in front of my mouth. I was taken aback and flustered by his sudden action, but managed to stay calm. Thank goodness!


“No, th—” My words were cut off when without a word, he pressed the food in my mouth. I didn't have a choice, but to just chew the food while trying to hide my flushed face.


“Hmmm... Seems like the food is safe,” he commented coolly and sliced another chicken, then quickly put it in his mouth. “Wow, this tastes pretty good,” he complimented, but I was pissed off. I was embarrassed that I even thought that he was acting sweet, but the bastard did it to make sure I didn't put anything bad in his food.


“Did you think I'd poison you or something?” I muttered bitterly and gave him a dark glare.


“We'll never know…” He grinned at me and continued on chewing the food. Ha! I'll make sure to do so next time. You better watch out you piece of shit! My mind screamed in annoyance.


“So, can I go now, Sir…?” I asked, sardonically.


“You should eat first, Abby. Why the rush?” He said, casually.


“No, thanks. I think I've stayed here for too long already.” I stood up, but he grabbed my arm.




“No,” I said blankly, yet my heart was beating frantically from his mere touch. We were facing each other in  his overly luxurious dining table and since he tugged my arm unexpectedly and a bit forcefully, I was  pulled down closer to him in a leaning position which almost caught my breath. I mentally shook my head and pulled my arm from him, then I stood upright. “I'll get going.” I managed to utter and averted my gaze away from his watchful stare. It was so distracting and I couldn't think well. What the heck is wrong with you, Abigail?! Snap out of it, you dumbass!


“Fine. You're no fun anyway. I'll see you tomorrow and don't be late or you'll gonna regret it.” Hearing it, made my blood boil. “What a cocky piece of shit...” I muttered quietly before I turned toward the exit of the dining area.


“What did you say?” He called out before I completely disappeared from his sight.


“I said, enjoy your meal. It might be your last. Who knows...” I smiled derisively and didn't give him a chance for a retort. I walked off, but before I can go far, I heard him chuckle. I definitely hate you, Xander! Ugh! I marched out of his house, quickly got in my car, and almost kicked the gas pedal because of irritation. I sped away from the Bel Air road toward the main road and kicked the gas pedal even harder. I really wanted to get home and take a cold shower to cool down my raging temper as well as the strong feeling that was fighting to let loose...




My eyes accidentally caught something interesting as soon as I got out of my car. A beautiful and sexy woman was clinging to Xander  like he was her life source or something. It  made me wanna puke. Why wouldn't they get a room instead of loitering in the basement and making out in public. You're just jealous... My evil subconscious taunted, but I just ignored it. A great plan came to my ever smart, pretty head. I smiled mischievously as I approached the lovey-dovey couple. Let's see if he still won't fire me after this...


“You bastard!” I started and almost laughed when I saw Xander's startled face. I continued with my acting, “How dare you do this to me after you've gotten me pregnant! You even asked me to marry you, but... But...” I faked my tears and sniffled. I mentally congratulated myself for being a good actress.


“Y-you're getting married...?” The woman's ultra-red face because of over applied blush-on turned pale after hearing my drama and moved her gaze to me and back to Xander. My lips almost formed into a grin only to disappear in an instant when he spoke up.


“Yeah. So, I've been telling you that I'm not interested. Look what you've done. My fiancée is now upset cause she thinks I'm cheating on her.” My mouth dropped open when he winked at me. What is this situation...??? I asked myself in total confusion. My thoughts were disrupted when he went toward me and my stupid body just froze when he draped his arm around my shoulders. I couldn't even back away.


“A-ah... Uhm.. I-I'm..” Why the heck am I stammering?! I scolded myself, but that didn't change anything. I couldn't move away from his warm embrace and strangely, I liked it. Get a hold of yourself, Abigail!


“Babe, you shouldn't worry. I'm all yours,” he spoke of the words like they were sugar-coated. So fake... I thought bitterly to myself. What's with him, anyway? Why is he playing along? Isn't she his girlfriend or one of his girlfriends or something?


“I-I'm s-sorry. I've gotta g-go.” The poor woman wobbled toward her car and disappeared from our sight in no time.


“Good job,” he said afterward and patted my shoulder, then walked toward the elevator impassively like nothing happened. Finally, I came to my senses and scrambled after him.


“What the hell was that?” I asked, confusion was written all over my face.


“Should I ask that question instead?” He asked without giving me a glance.




“Doesn't  really matter. Anyway, you did well, Ms. Wilson. I didn't know you were such a reliable and sensible secretary. I'm glad I hired you,” he mocked and grinned at me like he was telling me that my plan to piss him off backfired.


“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked like a dimwit while glaring at him.


“Well, you've just chased away that woman so easily when I tried everything, but couldn't. You are such a gem and you're not late. Keep up the good work.” He winked at me and got on the elevator as soon as it opened. “Aren't you getting on?” He asked when I just stood there, in front of the open elevator. “I'll see you upstairs then.” I heard him say and he must have clicked the close button since the door was slowly closing.


“H-hey! Wait!” I called out when I finally got back to my senses, but the bastard just smirked at me as the door was closing in. “Asshole!” I yelled and kicked the already closed door out of annoyance.




Work was finally over and I got just too excited to go and party since it was Friday and most especially, tomorrow would be a weekend which would mean there’d be no work. No work means No Xander. No Xander means Peacefulness. I sighed a breath of relief as I waited for the elevator.




I turned my gaze to the tall man who appeared beside me.


“Oh, Hi! You're Mr. O'Keeffe, right?” I smiled brightly as I remembered him. He was the newest client of the company. He was the Irish guy Sally had been talking about the whole remaining working hours. Well, I couldn't blame her. He was drop dead gorgeous with vivid grayish-blue eyes that seemed like they sparkle whenever he would smile.


“Oh, please. Just call me, Craig,” he said and gave me one of those killer smiles. If he did that to Sally, she might die. Poor Sally, if only she hadn't gone home first.


“Craig, it is. I'm Abby.” I offered my hand for a handshake and he took it gallantly.


“I know. You're Alex's secretary. How can I forget that beauty?” He gave my hand a squeeze before he let it go. I  knew then that the guy was a player, but still I gave him my sweetest smile. I could handle guys like him. It’s a game I’m good at…


“Why, thank you! My beauty is indeed unforgettable. Even in your dreams, you'll remember me,” I jested and winked at him with a matching sugary smile.


“Damn, I like you!” he said through his laughter.


“Not quite surprising since I'm very likable.” I grinned at him smugly.


“Are you free tonight?” He asked afterward.


“Well, that depends.” I raised my perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.


“How about a drink?” He stared at me with a hopeful look and I was about to say yes when an annoyingly familiar voice interrupted us from behind.


“It's bad for the baby.” I whisked my head harshly at Xander.


“What?” I asked, surprised.


“Alcohol is bad for the baby, isn't it?” He looked at me innocently. I almost smacked him in the face, but I held it in. He was doing this to get back at me for sure. But didn't I get rid of one of his women? He was even thankful to me. He was just being an asshole, I concluded.


“You're pregnant? But, you're not married, right?” Craig interjected, looking shocked and disappointed.

I just ignored him and glared at Xander.


“What? You did say it this morning,” said Xander with a serious expression, masking his smirk. You're really gonna get it. I flung my bag in his face as soon as the elevator door open and got in immediately. Then, I hurriedly pressed the close button and stuck my tongue out at Xander as the elevator door was closing in, leaving the two men in shock. What I did was childish, but I wouldn’t argue that he deserved it. I laughed as I got out of the elevator when it opened in the basement and walked toward my car, but my smile disappeared when I remembered that I threw my bag at Xander. “Shit,” I muttered. “So much for my stupidity.”


“Looking for this?” I turned around and saw Xandr  raising my bag. I was about to rant when I saw blood dripping on the side of his forehead. The metal decorative on my bag must have scraped it. “What?” He asked afterward, when he heard me gasp.


“Ah.. Um.. Well..” I felt guilty looking at him, so I took my hanky from the breast pocket of my cream blazer and went in front him. Without a word, I tugged his necktie so he could lean toward me.


“What the heck are you doing?” He asked in confusion.


“Just shut up and lean closer,” I ordered and thankfully he followed. I wiped the blood off, then I took my bag from him. Good thing I always had a small bottle of alcohol with me in my bag. I took it out and pour the liquid in my hanky, then I pressed it in his small cut.


“Aw! What the hell---”


“Stop whining like a baby.” I snapped at him and placed a band aid on the tiny cut. “Good thing I'm a girl scout.” I smiled, but my smile disappeared when I realized he was staring at me intently and our faces were inches apart. I could even feel his fresh breath on my face. It was quite tempting looking at his sexy lips. I didn't even back away when he slowly brushed his lips to mine. It was brief, but enough to burn me.


“What are you two doing over there?” I saw Craig approaching us so I pushed him immediately after finally waking up from the trance. “Don't tell me you two are dating? Is he the father of—”


“God, no!” I denied right away. “I'll get going,” I said in a hurry and got in my car. What the hell is wrong with your brain, Abigail?! That guy is your enemy! He broke your goddamn heart and you let him kissed you?! You even frigging liked it! I castigated myself as I hit the gas pedal into acceleration. I had to be more cautious whenever he’d be near me since I couldn't trust myself as much as I didn’t trust him.




I gazed at the beautiful sunset as I walked on the sandy beach, feeling relaxed and contended inhaling the salty air into my lungs. I didn't mind getting my expensive flats soaked by the small waves. In fact, I loved the coldness it brought to my toes. Then, suddenly I jolted, yet giggled when two strong arms wrapped around my small waist from behind and slightly lifted me up from the wet sand, then put me down just a few steps away from the seaside, but his arms remained and wrapped around me. I leaned more closely to him, feeling his warmth engulfing the bit of coldness I felt because of the cold breeze of the evening had brought. I felt a tingling sensation when he leaned even more and kissed the side of my neck while his hands started to caress my flat stomach and I couldn't stop myself from moaning when one of his hands slowly went up and massaged my left breast. His deft fingers felt like a spark that was lighting a fire within me. Then, all of a sudden, it sunk in to me that a man had sensually embraced and touched me. Why the heck am I here with a man anyway? He then slowly turned me around and my eyes widened in utmost shock.




I woke up with a start when the doorbell rang like a siren wailing continuously. “What the hell...” I murmured in annoyance when I saw the clock on my bedside table. It's just 6 in the frigging morning! Who could it be? I got up, thinking that Eloise must have had an early flight instead of the late flight she informed me about last time. Did she forget her key? I sleepily look into the peephole and my drowsiness left me when I saw who it was. What is he doing here? Don't tell me, I'm still dreaming... I cringed at the thought of that sensual dream. It was like a Nightmare on Elm street. Who are you kidding, Abigail? You liked it and you dreamed about him cause you were thinking of him... My ever so evil subconscious taunted me. I shook it off my head and focused on my current dilemma. Then, I decided to go back to bed and act like there was no one home when Xander spoke up behind the door just when I was about to step on the stairs.


“Abby, I heard you coming down. Open the damn door already,” he commanded with a hint of irritation in his voice. My blood started to boil in an instant. This bastard really knew how to piss me off. Acting like a King giving orders to his servant. Ha!


“Who the hell are you to order me around in my own house?” I hissed through the door.


“I'm your boss and this isn't your house, by the way. In case you've forgotten,” he said nonchalantly, but I could sense that he was smirking.


“Whatever and today is a weekend so you're not my boss,” I said relentlessly. “What are you doing here anyway?”


“Will you open the door so I can talk to you and not to this damn door?”


“No way. Why should I? I'm not even sure whether you're a psychopath or not.”


“Abigail, are you going to open this goddamn door or do I have to call my lawyer—”


“What does your lawyer have to do with you, pestering me here early in the morning?” My irritation level was rising to the top because of this arrogant man's presence.


“Well, I have told you before that if you do something that might annoy me, I will pursue my lawsuit against you. I still have my medical certificate with me. Physical injury isn't that big, but with your current situation right now—”


“You're a real bastard, don't you know that? Blackmailing me and such.” I gritted my teeth as I tried to speak as calmly as I could. I really wanted to kill him right at that very moment.


“I know,” he answered back coolly which made me more annoyed. “Are you going to open it or not?”


“Fine!” I opened the door harshly. I was ready to curse him, but instead, I swallowed the words that I was about to say, seeing how handsome he looked. He was just wearing a casual black leather jacket over a gray crew neck shirt, wash off jeans and a pair of black sneakers, but damn, he was smoking hot! He looked younger and boyish. A complete contrast from his usual classy, executive look. My eyes went up to his face when I realized that he was quiet. I caught him staring at me darkly. “What?” I asked, a bit confused at his odd expression.


“Are you trying to seduce me or something?” He asked while his eyes roamed over my body like he was mentally undressing me. I blushed and looked down at my clothes which made my face flush even more seeing how little I was wearing.


“Oh, shit!” I blurted and instinctively covered my almost naked self since I was only wearing a piece of thin lingerie that didn't leave anything to the imagination. I grabbed my jacket at the foot of the stairs that I must have thrown last night when I came home drunk and quickly put it on and crossed my arms on my chest like a protection from the beast in front of me. “Now, what is it? Hurry up and tell me so I can go back to bed. If you haven't realized yet, it's my precious weekend and you're interrupting my—hey, what the hell are you doing?” I uttered in a panic when he moved closer to me, closing the distance between us. I stepped backward, but stopped when my back hit the wall. I gasped when he put his hands on the wall, just on either side of my head, leaving me to no escape. I instinctively closed my eyes when he slowly leaned his face closer to mine.


“Get dressed and bring some overnight clothes and other things you might need for a short trip. You're coming with me,” he whispered in my ear, his lips slightly touching my earlobe, like he was deliberately teasing me. I opened my eyes to glare at him.


“Why the heck should I go with you?!” I hissed in an angry manner to mask my embarrassment for thinking he'd kiss me. Why am I even thinking about that? It's like I'm craving for him to kiss me. I must be out of my mind! Abby, get a grip of yourself! I scolded myself and pushed him off me, but he didn't budge even the slightest.


“I need your help.”


“Ha, and why should I help you?” I arched my eyebrow at him.


“If you help me, your two-year contract with me will be reduced to 1 year. Sounds good?” My interest suddenly perked up by his offer, forgetting that we were in an uncomfortable position.


“How about 6 months?”


“No deal.”


“7 months?”


“8 months. Take it or leave it,” he said decisively and moved away from me like our closeness was suddenly bothering him.








Hello dear readers!


I deeply apologize for taking so long to update, but finally I was able finish this chapter. Thank you very much for reading this book and hope you will support this book and hopefully my other books. :) 


PS-Please leave a comment if you like this chapter. ;)


Kind regards,



Chapter 5: A weekend travel with the boss



“So, how can I be of any service to you, Mr. Hamilton?” I asked him as soon as I got in his flashy car. He didn't answer right away so I glanced at him. “It's not my body, right?” I stifled a giggle when he rolled his eyeballs at me. Honestly, I found it kinda cute, but mentally slapped my face after realizing how I shouldn’t even be thinking about it. He started the car first before he replied to my question.


“I need you to be my girlfriend,” he said flatly while driving out of Beverly Hills.




“Just for today. Don't overreact.” He gave me a quick glance, his eyes telling me that he wouldn't even consider me becoming his real girlfriend and that it didn't cross his mind at all. Oddly, it stung. Like he just stabbed me with a pitchfork right through my heart. Was it because I was inexperienced when we did it? Was I too boring in bed that he decided to run away from me and now he find me unattractive enough to think I would never be a girlfriend material? I sucked in a lot of cool morning air to calm  myself. It was a good thing he let the sun roof down so I could feel the air on my face which made me feel relaxed. This was not the time for drama. I should think carefully before I should act. He was offering a good deal which I could barely resist, but it didn't mean I couldn't play hard to get, could I?


“What makes you think I will agree to this?” I mentally clapped my hands for being so composed when in fact I wanted to throw my polka dot tote duffel bag in his face. Instead, I threw it in the backseat a bit harshly which earned me a glare from him but he didn't complain about it.


“You already did,” he replied with an annoying smug in his face. If only I can wipe off that stupid face of his.


“Can't I back off? After all, I didn't sign any contract.” I challenged.


“You wouldn't.”


“Why's that?”


“Cause my offer is way too good to decline.”


“No, it's not. I need more.” I smiled widely when an idea came to me.


“What do you need?” He asked and eyed me surreptitiously.


“I need a nice and luxurious apartment near the office. You see, Eloise and her boyfriend will be home today and I don't want to bother them. Plus, I won't be late if I have a place nearby the office. What do you say?” I sounded very casual but my grin was so wide I even wondered why my face didn't tear off.


“No,” he replied bluntly. My smile instantly vanished by his mere answer.


“Fine. Stop the car. I could handle two years, but I'm not sure if you can handle two years of hell with me. I'd rather rest at home than—”

“Fine,” he said curtly, without giving me a glance.


“Cool!” I clapped happily and winked at him when he glared at me. He just shook his head out of irritation or maybe amusement. Well, I don't give a damn as long as he gives me what I want. I smiled and looked around. I realized we were already exiting Santa Monica boulevard and passing onto Beverly Boulevard, but I didn't have any idea where exactly we were going. Xander instructed me to bring my passport so it could only mean that we were going somewhere far. “Where are we going anyway?”


“We're heading to San Marino Island.”


“Miami? What are we gonna do there?” Now, I'm curious…


“We're visiting my family.”


“Oh. So, your parents live there, huh. Why am here again?” I got very confused since he didn't explain anything to me.


“You'll act as my girlfriend, remember?” He sounded annoyed by my question and it made me a bit pissed. He just asked me for a favor, well, a favor with benefits, but still, it was a favor so he should be nicer.


“Yeah, I got that part like crystal clear, but how am I supposed to act if you don't give me the complete details? What am I? A fortune teller of some sort or something?” He glanced at me again hearing my sarcasm then turned his gaze back to the front.


“My grandmother wants me to get married soon and she wants me to bring her my girlfriend or she'll find someone for me. Actually, she already has someone in mind, but before I get hitched by someone's niece, daughter, or granddaughter which I haven't even met, I need you to convince her that you're good enough for me so she'll stop bothering me with her silly matchmaking and bothersome blind dates.”


“I'm way more than good enough for you. I'm even way out of your league—Kidding! You don't have to glare at me.” I laughed at his reaction but went serious when I remembered something. “Why me? I've heard you've got like plenty of girlfriends swooning over you which surely you wouldn't have troubles asking for a favor.” When I stared at him, I caught a glimpse of amusement seeping through his cool facade but he became serious in an instant.


“You're a perfect a candidate.”




“You hate me so I know you wouldn't be clingy. No emotional attachment. No problem.”


“That I can agree much,” I said with a smile, but deep down, I felt like being stabbed for the second time and more severely. It was like he just said that he was so damn sure there would be no feelings involved. But you don't have feelings for him as you've clearly denied many times right, Abby? Or do you? The thought of it bugged me. Do I? Of course, no! Having feelings for an arrogant bastard like him, is like picking a stone to hit my head.


“So, it's settled then?”


“It's only for today?”


“Well, for two days and one night, to be exact. It isn't too much to ask in exchange for having your contract lowered to 8 months instead of two years. In addition, you get to have an apartment within your contract period,” he said in a business-like tone.


“How can I be sure you'd carry out our deal?” I looked at him suspiciously. He was someone who couldn't be trusted after all. He didn't answer me, instead he clicked something on his phone which was mounted to his car cell holder dock kit. It dialed and rang for a while before someone answered it. He turned it to a loudspeaker so I could hear their conversation.


“Jack, please change Ms. Wilson's work contract to 8 months and could you ask Rose to find a good apartment near the office?” He instructed as soon as Jack Moore answered his call.


“I believe the apartment is for Ms. Wilson as well?” I could hear the amusement in Jack Moore's voice and found it a bit embarrassing. Surely, he thought something weird about me and Xander.


“Yes,” Xander answered in a clipped tone like it didn't affect him at all.


“Are you two da—”


“That's all, Jack. Call me when you're done with the things I've asked for,” he said and clicked the end button before Jack Moore could I ask him further. He turned his gaze at me again. “Happy?”


“I would be, 8 months from now,” I replied sarcastically. He stared at me intently, but I couldn't read what was on his mind. He was all poker face again. I got confused when he let out a sigh, but before I could see through him, he returned his attention back to his driving.





After about a few minutes of awkward silence, he slowed down and halted in front of a private jet charter in Beverly Boulevard.


“Private jet?” I arched my eyebrow at him. I think it was a bit of a show off, but yeah I was impressed.


“Yes. I have a few things to do during the flight and I don't want anyone to bother me during my work.” He explained while giving me the look that I, especially, shouldn't bother him during the flight.


“Oh, the boring stuffs...” I murmured to myself, but he seemed to have heard it since he gave me a dark stare.


“It's called, sense of responsibility, but I guess you don't know what that is.” He gave me a disapproving look before he got out of the car. I just followed him with a pout plastered on my face.


The good thing about private jets; the flights were very convenient and comfortable. I slept during the whole flight since when we boarded it was only past seven in the morning and I’d usually wake up at high noon during the weekends if only Xander didn't badger me of course. It was past eleven when he came to wake me up. I realized I slept for nearly four hours and I felt my stomach grumbled.


“We're here. I bet you're hungry, so we'll stop by at a nearby restaurant on the way,” he said in a nonchalant manner, but I couldn't help to smile.


“Thought you'd starve me to death,” I said when he stared at me with his brow creased in confusion.


“Well, you can't die yet without serving your purpose, sweetheart.” He winked at me and gave me a devilish smile which was pretty annoying, by the way. “Let's go,” he said afterward without masking his amusement after seeing my miffed expression. I was not in the mood for a comeback, so I just quietly followed him. There was a car with a chauffeur waiting for us when we went down. It still surprised me how Xander became this rich. We had dated for a long time, but he'd never once mentioned that he was this wealthy. I even went to his house before and it was just a normal and simple house. His mom was just working in a hospital as a nurse. There was no sign of him being affluent. Maybe his mom got married to a very rich man. I thought to myself. I suddenly wondered what had happened to him over the past years. I was dying to ask him about a lot of things, especially why he disappeared without saying anything to me, but I wouldn't ask even if I’d die of curiosity. I shouldn't bother even thinking about him. He was a past and would forever remain just a past, but why did my daft heart keep on jumping whenever I’d catch him staring at me? Why was he even staring?


“What?” I finally asked when I caught him staring at me again.


“You look like you're in deep thought. Something is bothering you?” He raised his eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at him. You're the one that's bothering me, moron. I wanted to say, but I held my tongue before I replied.


“Nothing that concerns you,” I said instead and got in the car that the chauffeur had the backseat door opened for us. Xander followed and sat beside me. I’d never thought that sitting next to him could be this uncomfortable. It felt like I was being suffocated and I couldn't breathe well. His damn alluring male scent was like a pure torture and I hated that I felt uneasy and squishy while he seemed unfazed.


“Let's stop by at Casa Tua for a quick lunch, Manuel,” he ordered when the driver started the car.


“Understood, Mr. Hamilton,” replied the young driver politely and maneuvered the car out of the airport. I sat quietly and gazed outside the window. At least the view was amazing. I'd been to Miami a couple of times with my friends, but going with Xander seemed different. It gave me the feeling of a romantic vacation with my boyfriend. I shook my head violently, realizing how ridiculous my thought was.


“Hey, are you alright?” he asked and fixed his gaze on me.


“Yeah. Never been better,” I answered, full of sarcasm.


“If you say so.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to his phone. He made some business calls during the drive and it made me realize how workaholic he was. He really looked like someone else now. A totally different person. I couldn't see the old Xander anymore. He seemed like a complete stranger and somehow, deep down, I missed the old Alexander, the shy and sweet boy I used to love. Shit. What am I thinking? What am I getting myself into?


“What's wrong?”


My train of thought was disrupted when I heard him speak.


“Nothing. Why?”


“Your eyes are red and teary,” he stated with a hint of worry in his voice which wasn't helping me at all. Just be a jerk. Don't act as if you care! I wiped the tears that were about to fall and tried to calm myself.


“It's nothing. The stupid dust got in my eyes.” I lied and averted my eyes from him.


“Really...” He sounded unconvinced so I glared at him, but he just arched his eyebrow at me. I then realized that I just made a lame excuse since the car window was close and I doubt it if there would even be a slight dust inside the car that appeared like it was shining from utter cleanliness. I was pretty sure Manuel made it a habit to clean it on a daily basis since it was sparkling. However, Xander didn't have to know that. He didn't have to know that he was the reason I got frigging emotional all of a sudden.


“Yeah. Really. Don't mind me. Since when did you care, anyway?” I tried to be sarcastic to mask how I really felt at the moment.


“I don't. I'm just a bit bothered since you're acting kinda weird. Who knows what's running inside that crazy head of yours.” Thanked goodness! The jerk is back! I smiled at him sweetly. I liked him being like this. It reminded me how hateful he was.


“Don't worry, I'm not plotting to kill you... Yet.” I mentally congratulated myself for acting composed.


“Well, good luck with that. I'm very difficult to kill, so you should plan it well, Abby.”


“Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Hamilton. I sure will.” Our little skirmish was interrupted when Manuel informed us that we had already arrived at our destination. He looked amused when I caught him staring in the rear mirror. Most probably because of our childish bantering.




I was impressed when we got to the restaurant. The place had a lovely and cozy ambiance and it looked like an Italian Villa rather than a restaurant which had added to the restaurant's appeal.


“You're still into Italian cuisine, I believe?”




“Great. I chose this place since I remember that Italian dish is your favorite,” he mentioned while staring at me. It took me by surprise that he still remembered it. He just remembers it. So, what? It doesn't mean anything so don't make a big deal out of it, Abby. I chastised myself for being affected by it.


“Why, thank you very much. How thoughtful of you to remember it,” I said grimly. He glowered at me, but didn't say anything since the waitress came to our table and asked for our order. However, I did wonder if she was really taking our order or trying to ask him out by the way she smiled and openly batted her lashes at him. She didn't even pay attention to me like I didn't exist in her world and it pissed me off.


“Hey, there. Can you give me a little of your time? I wanna take my order too, if you don't mind?” I gave her my sweetest smile, but I made sure my eyes were enough to send her my true feelings.


“O-of c-course, ma'am! W-hat would you like to have?” The poor woman stammered, but at least, she got my message.


“Stupid, blonde,” I grumbled after the waitress staggered away from our table when she’d done taking our order. I was surprised when I heard Xander’s laugh all of a sudden. I frowned at him, but the bastard laughed even more.


“I'm sorry. It was just too funny,” he said afterward and tried to act serious, but I could clearly see that he was just trying to stifle his laugh.


“What is?” I asked out of curiosity.


“You, being mean to that poor woman. You should have seen the look in your face. It scared the hell outta her which made her squirm in fear,” he said with a chuckle.


“Well, she was ignoring me like all she can see was you. I'm frigging starving, but the wench was busy flirting with you. How annoying,” I blurted out, my nostrils flaring.


“If I don't know any better, I would assume you're jealous,” he teased and smiled at me, but for me, it was the most horrendous thing I'd ever heard.


“Don't be stupid. Like hell, I would,” I snapped at him, which only made him laugh again. I was glad when our food arrived. The silly conversation ended and we just focused on our food. The dishes were all delicious and mouthwatering. We were having our dessert when his phone rang.


“Yes. We're already here, mom. We've just finished lunch. We'll be there about twenty minutes tops. Yes. I brought her with me. See you in a bit.” He ended the call and turned his attention to me. “Ready?”


“Yup. Was that Mrs. Miller or I mean Mrs. Hamilton?”


“Yeah,” he replied tersely and called blonde for our bill. At least, she was pretty alert and attentive.


“So, I'm just curious. How did you end up becoming a Hamilton?”


“It's a long story,” he answered and stood up after he paid the bills. “Shall we?” I just nodded and followed him out of the restaurant. I guessed he didn't want to talk about it much less with me. “Have you bought the flowers?” he asked Manuel as soon as we got in the car.


“Yes, Sir. They're in the trunk.”


“Good. Let's go.”


“What's the occasion?”


“It's my parents' wedding anniversary.”




After about fifteen minutes of drive, Manuel slowed down and stopped in front of a contemporary home that was absolutely breathtaking. As soon as we entered the house, Mrs. Hamilton rushed to greet us.


“Oh, honey. I missed you so much.” She hugged him immediately and kissed his cheeks.


“Mom, I was here last month,” he complained, but he hugged her back nonetheless.


“One month is long, son,” she said and smiled when she realized I was staring. Honestly, I felt a bit envious. I grew up with my grandmother since my parents died when I was five and ever since then, I'd longed to feel the love and care of a mother which I didn't have. Mrs. Hamilton was really kind to me back then and I thought she really liked me like a daughter. I wondered if she’d still remember me though.


“Abby, darling! I'm so glad to see you again!” She let go of Xander and hugged me. I was pretty shocked and overwhelmed that she’d still remember me.


“I'm so glad to see you too, Mrs. Hamilton,” I said bashfully and hugged her back.


“Oh, please call me, Andrea.” I smiled and nodded. “You have no idea how happy I am when Alexander told me that he's bringing you today. I still can't believe that my son has found you again.” I felt really guilty, hearing her enthusiasm about the relationship Xander and I just made up.


“Um, yeah. It must be fate,” I said with a crooked smile and glanced at him. He was staring at me, but I couldn't read his mind. Ugh! I've never thought pretending could be this difficult.


“Yes. Indeed, it is. I remembered when we had to leave and Alexander had to leave school, he was so—”


“Mom,” he interjected. “Abby must be tired from the travel. Let her rest first before you continue chatting and catching up.” If  his mom wasn't there, I could have smacked him in the face. I badly wanted to hear what his mom was about to say. It seemed really important, but he had to cut her off all of a sudden. Well, I can still ask her later...






I've stayed up pretty late today just to finish this chapter so I hope you'll like this new chapter guys. Please don't forget to comment/add to your favorites. That would mean so much to me. x


Hello dear readers! It's been so long since I've been here and now, sadly, I'm here to inform you that I have to take down this story from Bookrix since 'Dreame' has had this story published on their platform exclusively. Well, it's a good news for me, but I feel sorry for those who haven't finished reading the whole story yet. However, you don't have to worry since you could still continue on reading this story by simply clicking on the link, but if you can't click the link, you could copy and paste in your browser.


 Also, I've edited some parts of the story and made a few changes. It is already completed in 'Dreame' and I was planning on adding an Epilogue if I reach 500 followers. Please do follow me in 'Dreame' and support this story. I'd pretty much appreciate it. :)


P.S. You can download the 'Dreame app' in google store or Apple app store or you  could simply view it on your Desktop or Laptop whichever you're comfortable with. And, it's still free for now. ;)


Thanks so much! :)


Have  a great day everyone!






Texte: Kenzhie Addie
Bildmaterialien: The image(s) of my cover is/are not owned by me◾No copyright infringement intended ◾
Lektorat: Kenzhie Addie
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.06.2014

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