

Eric stood on top of a mountain gazing to the moon, he relized that had much better things to do more than wasiting time on " flick peak mount".

"Home sweet home" here i come said Ecric in a relaxed voice. As he rode his bicyle down the street to his mom's home. Way back he met three bullies from school and challenged him to a game of cribbage.

Ecric sat before his greates enemy to play the munificent card game. They told him to put on his bet , eric was pressured and " T bet all my moms' china" he said in a fearful voice out loud.

Behind the bullys' crib there stood an ugly and raging witch who over took one bullys' body when she heard eric say, he bet all his moms' china. With astonishment she began to play.

Eric made a move and lost at the minute. As he was in shame he remembered he left his phone , at the flick peaked mountain. "Fool"! the witch said to herself in an angry voice and followed eric to the rendezvous point. Eric saw and fought his way out and tried but it didn't work. The witch pulled a very crooked and long stick out of her sleeve and stabbed it in erics' chest.

As the stabbing was in process she said " forever you will remain a werewolf".........


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2013

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