
Creating a Memory

"Ahh, the sky is so beautiful today! I should take a few snaps to show dad, huh mother?" My old, dirty camera tied around my neck, snapping a few pictures of the ocean blue sky, and pure white, shaped clouds. I hope you like the pictures mother!

The wind dancing with my long, light brown hair felt nice as it touches gently together with my lightly tanned skin. I felt happy, and relaxed.

It's been a long time sense I felt like this. Just last year, my mother died in a horrible car accident. My dad was sad, but stayed strong for me. Sense he did that, I returned a favor. I tried to stay strong with him. Sadly, it didn't turn out well, not at all. I ended up skipping class, and became part of that dark side. I was able to get myself out, but it was to late. I had to repeat. I was the new girl, but at the same time, the old girl. I couldn't make any friends because they were so scared of me. Teacher's would sometime's skip me during role, or make me always last of something. I broke my promise to many people. My father, and my mother. I'm sorry. I have gotten better, though! I am making better grades, and made friends with my camera that my mother gave to me before she died. I decided to become a photographer.

"Yo, miss devil, stop daydreaming. The teacher want's you to go back to the classroom!" As miss blondie slam's open the roof top door, "You, com'in, devil child?"

Uhg, yeah, I knew the teacher would send one of her slave's to get me sooner or later. "Maybe, I might just take a nap. Now go, shoo, shoo..." The two girls beside the blondie chuckled alittle, trying hard not too, because of how scared they already are of her. I say they should just laugh. Geez, "If you girls just want to laugh, than laugh. Don't let her get in your way. Now, go! Byyyyeee!!" Suddenly, there was a silence, but than a loud yawn. "Wha-?" You could here a huge yawn coming from the roof top of the small building on top of the roof of the school. The girls ran in seconds, you could see their puddle of fear (sweat) on the ground. "Oh, gosh, that's just sick." I looked up, facing the roof. "Who's up there?" No one answered. Thank god there's a latter. I climbed, but the building was so small, I only needed to take a few steps. I sat on the roof top, looking around, and I saw a sleeping, and beutiful guy from our class.

The wind rustled through his side swept, black as the born night sky hair. His body wrapped in such pale, white skin. He looked like a vampire, but even more beautiful. I believe his name was James Hawkins?  He has the highest score's in our class, and all of the girls have hearts in their eyes towards him. He's like the prince of the school. So I hear. "Hey, you! Get your lazzy butt up and get to class." He was sound asleep.

I stood up, walking over to him. I looked down. I wonder what the color of his eyes are...? "Hey! James, wake up! You shouldn't just fall as-"

James wasn't asleep? His arm pulled me down, landing in his lap as he sat up. I felt like a baby in a mother's arm, but instead I was in some high school guys buff, arms. "Hey, let go!" I kept trying to get away, but at the sametime, I wanted to stay right in his arms. He looked at me as if he's in a daze. He didn't even look like as if he was not even using part of his strangth. "What?"

"Who are you?" He asked, looking half awake.

I could see his eyes dripping down to my chest, "My eyes are up here." I lifted up his chin, and he suddenly grabbed my hand I was using to lift his chin.

"Who are you?" I asked.

His violet eyes were round, and beautiful.

"I'm Raven." He smiled in a devil creepy way.

"That's a cute name, Raven. Sleep with me?" His baby face was looking through my eyes. What? Does he do this alot? He hugged me and deep in his chest I would go, than he laid me down. He was the only one sleeping, I would just watch his beautiful face.

Who Is He, Mother?

I was finally home. I just live here sense my father is oversea's, now. I have alot of space and that's well. But, it seems like the bigger the space I have, the more lonely I would get. I bet a whole family could live in this mansion...

As I got done taking a shower, I've been thinking, and thinking...about him. Should I keep my distance from him? But I like the roof, and I thought that space was mine, just mine. Truns out, it might be his, too. When did he started sleeping up on the roof top? Who is he? Why did he grab and hug me all of a sudden? Does he do that with just about anyone? Gosh, why am I even thinking about him? "Ok, calm down, Raven. It's not like I'm going to see him tomorrow. I'll just stop going on top of the roof top for a few days and maybe he'll be gone." I whispered to myself.

I started cooking in my oversized kitchen. Hey, mother! What would you like to eat today for dinner? No one answered. Of corse.

It seems sad, how lonely I really am. My father, I love him so much and he feels the same. He just had to go oversea's. It's been different for me. Alot different.

After I just got finished eating ribs, the door bell rang. I wonder who that could be? I don't have any friends, and my father should still be at sea's. " Who is it?" I stepped close to the door, getting nervous.

A male voice answered back, "James Hawkins, Raven." I was in shocked. My eyes widen, and my lightly tanned fingers shaking. I opened the door, and there he was. James Hawkins, and a older, taller guy?  I blushed alittle, while I was welcomming them into my home. James looked really good, and I never new that was possible. He was wearing something that looked alittle back in the time of London. Puffed out white shirt, and black vest with a chin going across his chest. Black skinny jeans and fancy shoes. The tall man looked somewhat simlier.  So cute. I bet I could get some great shots of them to be honest.

The sat on my black leather sofa in the living room. I sat right across from them, "So, uh...I'm already lost. What's going on?"

James started to speak, "Sorry to intruded, but as you know me from today, and this old man right beside me is my father. Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins is friends with your father, and ended up talking about how lonely you must be. He asked us if we could stay here and take care of you." He smiled soon after.

I couldn't smile. I don't know why, probably because I just herd about this. "Oh, I see." That was all that I could say. I thought there was nothing else to be said.

James spoke again, "If you would not like this arrangment, than please talk to your dad about it. If you would like to meet everyone first, might want to keep this in mind, there have been alot of kidnapper's, robbers and all thaat kind of stuff going on around here. We would be protecting you if you would let us stay here. He said to make you happy, so if us leaving make's you happy, than we will."

I shouted out, "Wait! What do you mean meet everyone? It's not just you two?"

Mr. Hawkins started to speak," well, I have a wife. She's late because she works at a pre school."

Maybe I should let them stay..."Do what you want." I said to them.

They looked at each other. James soon smiled at me, "Thank you, hope that we can get along." He got up and off the sofa, walked around the table between us, and hugged me!? His arms around me, pushing his body on top of me, than not soon after that, he fell asleep. "YOUR ASLEEP AFTER WHAT YOU JUST DID? WAKE UP!" The old man started laughing, "My dear, I believe you may hate him now, but he'll grow on you.

I guess I should get used to this...wait... what's this soft thing on my neck?...IS HE KISSING ME??


...such a perv...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.05.2013

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