


My name is Alana Flambeau. Have you ever pictured yourself moving out of your parents house and then thinking that you could see your life past them. Well, that's everything i could think about. My mom was a drug addict, my dad was a drunk who, every night picked on me and my mother. I would always come home to her crying and then when i would try to comfort her my stupid dad would drag my ass up stairs and " teach me a lesson" on how to be a good daughter. My father didn't want any girls, so when i was born he hated me to death. Since we were abused,my mother got her tubes tied without my fathers permission,and since then he has been forcing me to have sex with him in order to concieve a male offspring. What he didn't know is that i have been taking birth control ever since i started my period. That way i would never have a child from him. My mother has been trying to get me out of the house but i just can't get the courage to leave her.

One day after school, i came home to a hurse in my drive way. As soon as i seen it, i ran into my house screaming for my mother. I ran into the living room to find my mother, and unfortunatly my father sitting with two other adults. I look around the room to find a third person standing by the window, gazing out at the forest that we lived next to. As soon as i'd seen him my heart began to race. Why was it doing that. I had only seen the back of his head and i already was feeling something for him. This is definetly wierd shit.

" Oh, hunny your home. This is Mr. & Mrs. Ridley. They have come to see the city and they dcided to come and visit us."
"Why, are they family or something?" Right then i get a death stare from my father.
" Well, no. Umm, but they will be." What is she talking about?
" How so?"
" Well, you see little miss attitude. Your getting married, to that young man over by the window." My dad shoved the words right out of his gritted teeth. I quickly ran up stairs and into my room. I locked the door behind me and threw myself on my bed contimplating weather i should have even came home today.

I heard ffotsteps running up the staris and i already knew who it was. " Emeley, open the damn door now!"
" Why, so you can beat me again?" I very hesitantly unlocked my door. As soon as he heard the lock click he pushed open the door hard as hell causing me to get hit in the face with it. He covered my screams with his hands. Then he pushed me into the wall. " Get your ass downstairs and listen to what they have to say. If you don't ill kill your mother when they leave. Got it?" I just nodded my head. He left and i wiped away my tears. I fixed my bloodied nose up and went down stairs.

" Sorry, everyone for running away like that. It's just hard to comprihend at the moment."
" Oh, it's fine we understand. Come, sit by me and well have a little chat about how this is going to work."
" Mkkay " When this women spoke it was like you had to abide with what ever she said. She was gorgeous. She had bright red hair oulled into a magnificient bun. She had bright green eyes and freckles around her nose, and besides that she did not look a day over thirty. I walked over and she made room for me to sit down. As soon as i sat down she grabbed my hand and held it for comfort.

" So you see my dear Emeley, your parents and i have had this arranged for quite some time. Since you were bron actually." What!
" So wait, your telling me that i have no choice but to marry their son?" I referred to my mother.
" Yes, sweetheart. Im so very sorry." No she wasn't. She would be glad to get me away from my damn father. I couldn't help but look over at their son when i said that. When i did he was looking at me too. He was very handsome, but he looked as if he were three years older than me. I was to turn eighteen in about a month and he looked twenty or so. He had brown hair mixed with red highlights and he had the same green eyes as his mother did. He was well built around the upper torso from what i could tell. We held eachothers gaze for a moment, until his father cleared his throat.

" Son, why don't you introduce your self to the young lady while us adults go and have a drink in the parlor."
" Of course father." His voice was deep and just added to his beauty. What am i saying, i barely know the guy and im slready falling in love with him.

" Hello. My name is Nicholas, and you are?" Really he didn't even know my name?
" Umm, It's Emeley, nice to meet you." No it wasn't.
" Im so sorry for what are parents are doing to you, i tried to tell them that you weren't ready and that you might not even want to marry me but they didn't listen. They just said it was my duty as prince.." And that's where i cut him off.
" Your a-a prince!" A freaking prince. What the hell is wrong with these people?
" Why yes, i thought they must've told you by now."
" You were standing by the window this whole time and you weren't paying attention to the conversation?"
" Well, no. It was none of my buisness what they were saying to you. But, anyways, would you like to go start packing your things?"
" What! Your making me leave today?" Oh hell no.
" Well that was the plan, but we don't have to you can stay here for tonight and we can leave tomorrow."
" I don't want to go because..." I trail off for i fear of my father hearing me.
" What's wrong Em.?" He called me Em, only my mom ever calls me that but it's nice.
" I just don't want to leave my mom alone." A tear strolls down my cheek, and he reaches to wipe it off. Then my make up smears and reveals a very dark purple bruise on my right cheek, he sees it and looks furious.
" Who did this to you?"
" Noone, i walked into a door yesterday. Im fine, really." He pulled me in for a hug and electricity was sent all through my body, he felt it too because he pulled away.
" What happened, you felt that too right?"
" Well of course i did, but that would mean.." He trails off then walks into the kitchen to speak to his parents. They all yell with excitment, then Mrs. Ridley comes in and gives me a huge hug.
" Oh, im so glad we finally found you." What is she talking about.
" Come, let's go pack your stuff we have a long drive to the castle." What! Did she just say castle?
" Umm okay? My rooms up stairs, Nicholas would like to come help me?"
" Sure." I only aske dbecause i feared that my father would come up again. Then we head up to my room.

This can't be happening

Oh my. Was this really happening? Was i getting married to a complete stranger? We walked up the stairs to my room. When we walked in he gave me a hug and that's when i caved. I started to cry instantly, i was really about to pack my stuff and leave. I couldn't do it though, i can't just leave my mother with this monster.

" Hey, it's okay. Im going to take care of you. It's going to be alright. "
" How! I get to leave while my mother stays here with my abusive ass father! Dammit!
" What are you talking about?" He actually seemed concerned about me.
" My father beats me and my mother and it's all my fault." I started to cry but not a lot.
" It couldn't possible be your fault." He hugged me again. I pulled away to explain.
" Yes it is becuase my father wanted a boy as his first child and he got me instead. When my mother was thirty four she got her tubes tied with out my father knowing because she didn't want another child to go through the same thing that i do. My father found out and now he tries to have a baby with me every night for the past two years. I don't tell anyone because he says he'll kill my mother. I haven't gotten pregnant so now my father just beats us, and if i go with you hell probably beat her to death." I started to cry but i stopped when there was a knock on the door. It was my father, asking what we were doing. I told him we were still packing and well be down in a minute.

Wejust stood there and looked into eachothers eyes, then he leaned in and kissed me. When our lips touched it sent a huge bolt through me but neither of us moved we just kept enjoying the amazing feeling going through us both. When he finally pulled away he smiled at me and i just hugged him. We finished packing my stuff and Nick pulled my suitcase downstairs. My mother had super red eyes and her cheeks were flushed. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. I didn't want to let her go but i was pulled away by my father. Every one was out side waiting for me in the car. He punched me in my stomach when i told him to let me go and pushed me out of the door. He grabbed my mother by her hair and slammed the door in my face. I got into the car and i immediatly laid my head on Nicholas' chest and he let me. I soon fell asleep.

Nicholas' pov

I couldn't beleive how my day is going to be. Im supposed to go meet my fiance today. I hope shes not an immature little brat like her parents were. Being a werewolf sucks. You live for ever, like vampires, and ive known this girls parents since they were born. One day they were in a car accident and i saved them but while doing so Amelia made me bite her and she killed herself,turning herslef into what i was. Frank doesn't remember anything after the accident including me, and i kept it that way. After i took them to the hospitol, that was last time i had seen them. But before i left Amelia had made me a promise that because if she had a child it would be a half breed, so i could marry her when she became close to becoming of age. I agreed to because she had already known that life would be hell for her.

I arrived at their house but Emeley wasn't home yet so my "parents" were talking to hers about how this whole situation was going to go down. We had to use mind control on the stupid human to let his daughter go with us. Stupid humans loving their children so much, but we had to use mind control to tell him to let her go with us. My " parents " were vampires so they had the power to decieve humans minds. Just as they were finishing up on Frank, Emeley had walked in. She was beautiful. She had dark blonde hair with blue highlights that complimented her gorgeous blue eyes. She was about three inches shorter than me with well exploited curves. She was amazing and she was mine. I looked away before she could catch me checking her out.

The whole time i was there it was horribly awkward. Her mother told her that she was to be married and she ran upstairs like a stupid child. I knew she was going to be acting like a child. Damn, I sat next to Amelia while Frank went upstairs to get Emeley. We all heard a loud bang but ignored it because we figured he just fell because he was drunk. Amelia told us that he beat her but not Emeley. I asked her why doesn't she just kill him already, she had enough strength to. She said it would leave her with nothing then becuase her daughter was leaving she needed someone to keep her company.

Emeley came odwnstairs shortly after her father id and apoligized. We sat there for a while when the parents went to get drinks. She told me how she felt and i explained to her that i was a prince. She was shocked, but then she started to cry. I comforted her and she told me why she didn't want to leave. Then i hugged her and we kissed. Her lips were so soft and then i knew that she was more than just a fiance, she was soulmate. See when werewolves find there destined love they feel it everytime they touch that person. When i kissed her i felt a bolt of electricity that sent shivers up my spine. I pulled away and ran into the kitchen and told Amelia and my vampire parents how much Emeley means to me.

My mother went in the living room and smuggled Emeley with hugs. She was so happy that Emeley looked confused. She suggested that Emeley should hurry up and go pack. That's when she invited me to help her. I accepted and we went to her room. When we were inside she started to cry. I just hugged her tightly and told her everything will be okay, because i was here and i was going to take care of her. Then her father came upastairs, i was about to go puch him in his face when Emeley just pulled me into her and we stared into eachothers eyes. I was happy that i found my mate. Then i kissed her again. This time the bolt was so eminating but we didn't move out of the kiss. When we were finished packing we wnt down stairs. I carrie dher suitcase for her and went to put it in the car. She said good bye to her mother and her idiot father thought it would be nice to pull them away from eachother. He then punched Emeley in her stomach she just took it like it didn't even hurt and he pushed her out of the house. I got in the car and then she followed. When she got in she layed her head down on my chest and i could tell she fell asleep because her breathing evened out. I was happy that she was mine finally.

Emeley's pov

I woke up just as we were pulling into some driveway. I looked at the area that surrounded me. It was a huge castle that was surrounded by nothing except a big beautiful forest. Wecame to a stop in front of the castle, im not going to call it house because thats an understatement. This thing actually had a moat and everything. I had to believe Nicholas hen he said he was a prince. Wow. I was acctually going to marry him. Acomplete stranger was going to marry me. I wish that i would've stayed with my mom. She's probably getting beaten on right now. I miss her so much.

Nicholas escorts me into his home. He gives me tour through out the inpotrant rooms. I walk into the kitchen, it was huge. Then to the family room, there were a bunch of guys in the family room. I didn't really want to go in there but Nicholas just pulled me into it. The guys were laughing until i stepped into the room. They sniffed the air and then turned directly to me. Theses guys were very wierd. There were five differnt fuys. One was blonde with blue eyes. Another with the same but with red streaks in his hair. One cam eup to me and he had brown hair and blue streaks like mwa. The fourth had dark red hair and had dark brown eyes. And the fith had super white hair with dark brown eyes. He kind of scared me.

Nicholas introduced everyone to me. First there was Alec,then James,Jacob, Anthony and Micheal. They all came up to me and gave me a hug.
" Were so glad your part of the pack. Oww" What pack?
" Dammit James, she doesn't know!!"
" What are you guys talking about?"
" Come on ill tell you over dinner." While we were walking out of the family room Nicholas punched James in his head. I just laughed because he did too. But what the hell is the pack? Nick pulled me into a big room that had a bunch of people in it. I was wondering how many people are at his home all the time.

" All right everyone, settle down,now!" The room got super quit as Nicholas spoke.
" As you know the population has been going down ever since the damn shapeshifters had gotten into town. We need to do something sbout it, soon or there will be none of us left to even try to reproduce." As he talked to every one i quitly listened. It was really fastenating to see how everyone just listened to him, i guess it's the perks of being a prince. I kinda zoned out and got snapped back when he said " Us male werewolves need to find mates and the shifters are killing all of our females." WEREWOLVES?

" We could always mate with the humans." Some guy in the croud suggested.
" But then they wouldn't be pure bloods and we need to have pure bloods so we can keep the population strong." Nicholas has a very authority like voice when he said that, it was almost like yelling.
" Umm, can i make one little suggestion about this whole little thing?" I said, which i knew i shouldnt've.
" Who is she? What is a human doing in our court room?"
" Shes my mate and you will respect her." He kinda yelled at the little guy that said that.
" But she's a human!" What, is that bad. I think your insulting your self there man.
" Oh but thta's where your wrong Matthew. She's not human..." I gasped when he said that. He just gave me an apoligetic look.
" She's a half breed of a pure bloods making." What did he just say?
" Well then that would make her the first, which would start a whole new generation." At that time every one in the room just started to clap. It was strange. After everyone was told to shuty up and sit down, Nicholas answer the man's question with a yes and then dismissed everyone. Only the boys from the family room stayed in the meeting room, which i found out was really the ball room.

" So, what exactly am i because at this point im not sure!" I said yelling at all the boys in the room. They all flinched and backed up a little bit. Was i that scary, i don't think so.
" Umm, your a pure blood half breed. Your also the new queen of all the werewolves that were just in this meeting." What.Did.He.Just.Say. I clenched up my fist and thrusted it up towards his face but he caught it before it contacted with his face.
" Dammit! You need to calm down. Don't be mad at me be mad at your mother shes the one who was the werewolf not me. Well yes i am one but that is not the point. I love you and you need to calm down."
" You l-love me?"
" Well of course i do, i have ever since i laid eyes on you. When we first touched and when we first kissed. iv'e loved you ever since and i will never stop loving you." Wow. I love him too i just never thought of it that way.
" I love you too." An then we kissed. I can handle being a half breed as long as im with him.


So, in the last maybe two hours, i have found out that i am not only human but a werewolf. Not just any werewolf, but one that's supposedly going to change a whole population of werewolves. This may be fun but right now i'm scared out of my freaking mind. Nicholas is trying to comfort me as much as he can and i'm just fed up with it.

" Oh my God! Just stop with all the gifts and the im sorry's. I'm fine, i just need some time to think about things. Okay?" I say to Nick. I think i might actually be okay with everything. I mean i knew i was different but not this much. Like, all me life i've never gotten along with anyone and i'm the nicest person you'll ever meet.My hair changes shades whenever it wants to which by the way is freaking awsome. Everyone who has ever seen me thinks i die my hair every weekend. It's so amazing, i can't wait to see what else i can do.

" So let me say one thing. Do i have like super powers and stuff?" I ask with the most adorable face i could put on.
" Haha, yeah kinda." What! Awsome.
" So...What are they?"
" Well you have super strength,speed,vision and that's about it."
" Aww, i thought it was going to be something cool like mind control and stuff." I start to pout. It's not very attractive, but i know he's keeping something from me.

I start to walk towards the back of the house. I wanted to go and test oput my so called powers. I reach the back door and step outside. I can't believe i've never been beack here, it's so beautiful. There were millions of flowers and trees. But thething that most amazed me was the fountain in the midle of the garden. It was a statue of a werewolf and a baby. What could it have meant.

Anyways, i looked around the garden for an open space and ran as fast as i could which wasn't very fast at all. Hmf, he lied to me. I tried again, this time, i tried my hardest to run faster but i only tripped over a root in the ground. I decided then, to try out my super strength. I walked over to a little tree that was about a foot in it's diameter and about three feet high and pulled on it as hard as i could. It wouldn't even budge. Why wasn't it working. I must not be the person they all think i am. I had to go find Nicholas.

" Nick!... Get your ass out here now!" I said as i walked back towards the house. This should be fun, i was going to get him this time. I seen him coming outside and i took my chance. I lunged my hand towards his arm and it finally connected.

" Ouch! What was that for?" It did not hurt.
" For one, you lied to me. I don't have super powers." I pouted again.
" What, that can't be true of course you do. Your supposed to get them when your fully grown." Welp,that solved that. I don't turn eighteen for another week.
" Well im not, so that solved it."
" What! I thought you were eighteen already?" You thought wrong man.
" Well i'm not, and so what, it's not like im going to need them anyways, am i?" I knew the answer to that.
" Well yes kind of. Em, your so amazing, i wouldn't let anything happen to you. You just need to be prepared becuase other creatures will try to come after you. By you existing you put them all in danger." So im not a saint. Great!
" Well, what now?" He then just pulls me in for a hug and we stand there embracing eachothers touch for a little while.

So that solves everything? Not quite, i still don't know about how everything evolves around my existence.
Am i some sort of killing machine? Do i have like poison blood in me or something.At this point i think im some super freak. Someone needs to clarify something.

That's it for now. I have sudden writers block, but i have started on a new story called " The stranger in my dreams.Check it out. But please if you have any ideas of how to continue this story don't be afraid to comment.And i'll be sure to mention you on the copyright notes.


Texte: dawn brown
Lektorat: dawn brown
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to all of my friends,family, and my love.

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