
Rugor is waiting outside for his family to come out to play. He is a big, black, aged horse. Rugor is retired of his youth but a very strong and loving friend.

I live in Missouri and when i go visit my grandchildren on their farm in Arkansas, Rugor always gives me a hug and smooches his nose on my shoulder. He likes to walk and walk and walk all over the farm. He goes through the woods, and in the twigs, and the branches, and when he gets back home, he has burrs all over his hair. Oh what a mess !

Nana says "its time for Rugor to get a haircut". We need to go in the house and get his comb and scissors.
Rugor shuffles his feet and acts like he wants to go walk again. Oh we dont think so Rugor, you been in the woods all day, and you need a haircut.

So Nana and mommy, go in the house while Hunter and Kaley stay with Rugor so he wont run away. Hunter
feeds Rugor a pear off the pear Tree, and he eats it in two bites! Rugor has a big mouth!

Mommy and Nana come outside and Mommy combs Rugors hair but it is stiff and hard and sticky. So Mommy get the scissors and Snip! Snip! Snip!
All Rugors hair is cut off! Hunter said what did you do that for? And Kaley looks at him with a frown in her eyes. But Nana says "its okay' Rugor will grow back his hair really fast. Mommy ties a big Blue Bow where is hair used to be and Rugor is all happy now, and he feels better that those burrs are not sticking him any more.

So if Rugor dont want anymore haircuts, he better stay out of those burrs! Thats what Mommy says!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.10.2009

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