
“Isabella, come here!!!” my mom called. I ignored her and turned up my music louder. “ISABELLA VERONICA COUCH” my mom yelled louder. Uggh I thought to myself while, pausing my music and taking off my Justin Bieber beats. I walk out of my room and jog down the stairs, my brown hair getting in my face.
“Yes mom?” I said.
“I need you to get dressed in something descent” my mom said.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because we have new neighbors, and we might be going to their house” my mom said.
“Okay, can I ride my scooter before I change into my clothes?” I asked
“No, you can’t you’re going to get dirty and you don’t have time to take a shower by the time you get back” my mom said.
“But, mom!!! Please it will be really quick I promise and I left something at Tamera’s house, moms please!!” I begged.
“Ok, fine but be back in 5 minutes” my mom said.
“Okay, thanks!!” I said.
I grab my jacket, walk outside, and get on my scooter. It’s not to long from when I’m riding my scooter and I see a car coming right towards me. I panic and try to move the scooter, but it’s like it’s stuck to the ground. I move but I move about an inch. The car comes and stops about an inch away from me, I see a man who looks angry and seems to be yelling at me but I don’t hear him. I glance at everyone in the rusty old car, a mom, a dad, a little boy who looks like he’s about 5 or 6, and a girl who looks my age. A girl my age!! That’s the new people my mom’s talking about I think to myself. I snap out of my thoughts and return to reality when the car honks. My cheeks turn red and I wave my hand as in to say sorry, and ride down to Tamera’s house. When I get to Tamera’s house I stop the scooter jump off of it, run to her door, and ring the doorbell. “Hey Tamera” I say while walking inside right when she opens the door.
“I have a problem” I say.
“What” she says.
“Ok, so my mom said that there was going to be new people coming so I went on my scooter over to your house. But when I was on my way there my scooter got stuck, and a rusty old car was about to hit me but it stopped and honked, and I looked at the people in the car and I didn’t know them at all and they had stuff like they were moving here, so I think that’s the new people and I’m supposed to be going to their house for a welcoming and the dad probably hates me because I almost made him hit me, and I just don’t know what to do!” I said all in one breathe as fast as I could. “Okay repeat that one more time but go slower” Tamera said sarcastically “Tamera this isn’t the time to joke around I’m serious what if they hate me” I say “They aren’t going to hate you” Tamera says “but how do you know” I question her “well I don’t know but I know they won’t” Tamera says “they will” I say “and they have a daughter who looks exactly our age” “whoopee” Tamera says sarcastically. I throw a pillow at her long blond hair and say “I’m serious” “I know you are, I’m just adding a little spirit into this dull conversation” Tamera says while trying to put her hair into a ponytail but failing and her hair falls to her face instead. I laugh at her and say “fail”, Tamera moves her beautiful blonde hair from her blue eyes and throws the pillow back at me. I look at my watch and panic crosses my eyes. “I have to go I am so late my mom is going to be so mad at me!” I say “ok bye” Tamera says while finally getting her long blonde hair into a ponytail “adios” I say while running out of her house and getting on my scooter.
When I get home I run inside and wait to prepare myself for the consequences, but instead I come in and see my step-brother in the living room on his laptop and watching TV. “Uh hi Darren” I say “Hey little sis” he says “where’s mom?” I ask “she went to the grocery “oh” I said kind of quietly while jogging upstairs and heading into my room. I grab my Justin Bieber beats and walk to my laptop, and get started on my homework. By the time I’m done with my homework it’s already 10:00 so I go take a shower, get in my pjs and go to sleep.
I wake up and put on a purple shirt and denim skinny jeans, and then I make my bed. I go downstairs to get breakfast; I see no one made me any food so I grab a bowl of cereal and eat. When I’m done eating I grab my jacket and head outside to wait for the bus. When the bus comes I get on it and walk to the back to sit with Tamera and Ashley. “Hey guys” I say “hey” Tamera and Ashley say at the same time “jinx” Tamera says before Ashley could even open her mouth “I heard you have a ‘problem’ with new people” Ashley says “whatever” I say trying to act like I don’t care “we all know you want to talk about your ‘problems’ Isabella” Tamera says “and I know you want to talk your ‘problems’” I say while pointing to her beautiful blonde hair in a messed up ponytail, Tamera’s face lights up pink. I take a brush out of her bag, wondering why she even has a brush if she does her hair incorrectly, and fix her hair.
By the time I’m done with Tamera’s hair we are already at school. Tamera, Ashley, and I walk off the bus and walk to our lockers. “HEY HEY YOU I KNOW YOU” yells a new girl, I pause and look around seeing that’s the girl that was in the car. “Oh hi” I say while walking up to her “my name is Isabella” I say with a smile on my face “my name is Leia” the new girl says. Ashley, Tamera, and Catelynn walk up my side. “Hey guys this is Leia, Leia this is Ashley” I say while pointing to Ashley “Hi” Ashley says “this is Tamera” I say “Hi” Tamera says “and last but not least this is Catelynn” I say while pointing to Catelynn “hey” she says. I take out my phone and take a picture of me and Leia then put it back in my pocket. The bell rings and everyone but me and Leia runs to class, “got to go to class see you at lunch” I say while running to Spanish class.
When I get in Spanish class I go to my seat next to Tamera and have a silent conversation until the teacher walks in. “Hola clase sacan la tarea la tarea la tarea” the teacher says. I take out my homework and put it on my desk for the teacher to come around and check it. “Muy bien Isabella” the teacher says when she checks my homework and walks all the way back to her desk. The teacher starts talking but she stops when Leia walks in, “uh hi is this the Spanish class” Leia asks “Sí” the teacher says “introduce yourself to the class” the teacher says “Ok, Hola mi llamo Leia” Leia says “muy bien” the Spanish teacher says while looking impressed. Leia sits down in the very front, and takes out a notebook. A few minutes pass by till I hear Leia say “yes sir” and everyone starts laughing, I couldn’t hear anything because of the giggles in front of me but I heard it loud and clear when the teacher told Leia to go to the principal’s office. The class went by like a breeze, I didn’t really pay attention because I knew everything already, so I’d text in class and whenever she called on me I’d answer the question correct.
Classes passed by quickly before lunch came. Half of the people got their jackets and left to go home and eat, while the other half stayed at school and waited in the long line for food. I was of those people who stayed in line and waited for food. “Ewww sloppy Joe” Ashley yells right in my ear “yes I know Ashley it’s disgusting, but no need to YELL IN MY EAR” I say while grabbing the tray with the Sloppy Joe and fries on it. I walk in the front of the lunch line and pay for my food and head to the table where Tamera’s at.
I put my tray down and sit. “Hey, hey girl” Tamera says “hey” I reply. The rest of our group comes and sits down. “Where’s Leia?” I ask “who cares” Tamera snorts “Tamera!” we all shout at her “just joking” she says but I can tell she’s lying because whenever she lies her blue eyes turn a hint of brown. No one eats the sloppy Joe but we all eat the fries off of my plate. “You guys get your own fries instead of getting mine” I say “does fatty want all her food to herself” a familiar voice snares. I turn around to see April and her ‘posse’ “She’s 96 pounds” Tamera snares back “Whatever, anyway you guys are probably wondering how lucky you are for me to come over to talk to you, well I’m here to tell you guys I want to make a truce” April says while looking at her beautiful long finger nails. “I’m in” Ashley says “Ashley!!” Tamera says while grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “What, anything to get April off our backs is fine with me” she says like she’s serious. “Okaaay if you two are done, I would also like to accept you guys to our group.” April says “what?? Your group!!??” Ashley asks like shes actually enjoying this “yeah like being invited to party’s, sitting at our lunch table, v.i.p passes to everything, sleep over’s at my house, and being on the cheerleading squad” April says while pulling out enough Justin Bieber tickets and placing it in front of each and every one of us. “Woah, I’m in” Ashley and Tamera say at the same time “Okay then, I guess I’m in too” I say “great!! Come on, come sit at our table, and lets talk about what size you are so we can order your cheer leading uniform!”
We all walk to her table with our lunch in our hands and sit down.
“I’m joking I don’t want you to get your dirty little grubby fingers around my perimeter"
We all gape at April and sit down at our regular table and act like nothing happened at all.
"that was ru-" i cut Ashley off saying "don't even speak about it". We spend the rest of lunch eating in silence, or pretending to eat in silence. When the lunch bell rings everyone piles out the lunch room and heads straight to their lockers.
When the final bell rings i pack my stuff up and head outside to the bus.I walk to the back of the bus where Tamera and Ashley are sitting and plop down. "School was so borning" i mutter "i fell you, i hated my classes especially because that new girl-" Tamera stops speaking when she see's Leia coming. "hey guys can i sit here?", I see the hesitation in her eyes as she asks that "Sure", Ashley and I scoot over towards to Tamera so Leia can sit by the window next to Ashley. Tamera, Ashley, and I get in a conversation about funny stuff that happen a few days back, i look over at Leia to see her looking out the window. "Hey guys Leia doesnt know what were talking abut so lets tell her" I drop my bookbag and look both ways before saying "OK we were just talking about how Nate was singing to himself. Leia forces a smile, i can tell she doesn't care, so i lean back in my chair and sit silently all the way to Tamera's house. "Hey were going to Tamera's you wanna come?" i point at Tameras house while getting up "no sorry i have to go home, and help my parents unpack our stuff" Leia says forcing a smile again. Tamera rolls her eyes and says "OK lets go before the bus driver lady drives off", "bye Leia" i say, Leia waves at me and smiles for real this time.
When we get off the bus we walk down to Tamera's house and stop by the mailbox. i turn around to see Leia across the block opening her door walking in and closing it. I turn back around to see Ashley opening the door while Tamera searching through the mail to see if anything was for her. i walk inside and close the door behind me. Ashley, Tamer, and I walk up to Tanera's room. I sit down on the pink bean bag, Tamera sits on her chair near her laptop, and Ashley plops herself down on Tamera's bed pulling out her cell phone and texting. I'm about to ask her who's she texting but don't, instead i just think shes texting her 7 boyfriends. "Texting your 7 boyfriends?" Tamera asks while logging on her laptop "I don't have 7 boyfriends!!" "well it sure seems like it" "burrrrrn" i say. Tamera laughs throwing her head back with such force her hair comes out of the style I made for her. "Oops" she giigles, i roll my eyes and pick up the book next to me. i open the book and open to page 1.
The book is so interesting i forget that i'm in Tamera's house and i forget i'm on earth. I feel like i'm the main character in the book, if i could i would go into the book. i turn to the last page, read it and close the book. "Gosh, isabella you read fast" Tamera jokes. Ashley looks up from her phone and says "i have to go bye."uh, ok" Tamera and i both say. Ashley jumps off the bed and runs downstairs, a few seconds later i hear the door shut. "that was aqward" i stare at Tamera then run towards the window, just quickley enough to see Ashley getting in the car with a whole bunch of guys and their girlfriends with them "way to ditch us" i msay under my breath "what about this ditiching?", Tamera gets up and looks out the window "uh, i dont see anything" "yeah thats because she already left" "ohh" "yeaaah", i say while picking up my bag and jacket, "im gonna head out now" i open the door slightly "your going home so early?" Tameras blue eyes change from happy blue to confused blue "no i'm going to Leia's house", i open the door all the way and walk downstairs, close the door shut and walk up to Leia's house. i knok on the door and wait, i knock again, still no answer. I look up a one of the windows to see Leia staring at me, i pretend i don't see her so i walk away to my house. When i get inside, again i see Dareen on the couch with his laptop and tv remote. "where's mom?" i ask. He just keeps on doing his facebook and basketball then jabs his thumb towards the kitchen. i walk over to the kitchen to see my mom cooking cheese burgers. "Hi mom", i walk towards the cupborad where we keep our cups and get a cup. "oh, hey Isa i thought you were still at Tamera's house" "oh well i was but then i decided to come back home." my mom puts down the spatula and turns towards me "is everything okay, are you not feeling good?" she looks at me with a serious face on, i cant help but laugh because her face says serious but her brown eyes say she doesnt care at all "what is so funny?" she questions me "oh nothing, i'm okay but i dont think your burgers are", i point to the bernt burgeres. my mom turns around to only see a whole bunch of smoke, my mom panics and just stand there staring at it "mom do something!" i shout. Darren comes in and says "whats going on" but then catches the glimpse of fire "DARREN PLEASE DO SOMETHING" i yell Darren grabs a cup of water and pours it over the small fire. Everyone but me jumps back when he pours it on, i get a huge bruise on my wrist then my mom comes to me to tell me everything is all right and it will heal, i pull away and say "everything is not all right! i just got burned and youre teling me everything is all right! wow what a mother you are, oh wait are you just a manniquin of houw you froze there". i regret ever saying that to my mom and run outside. i run far away. i don't know where my feet are taking me but i just let them go until i stop, i look up at the tall maple tree. I attemp to climb to the top but only make it half way up because of my bruised wrist. i can see almost everything from up here. i wish i could go all the way up, if i could trust me i would. i feel exactly like that girl in the book i was reading earlier today, the girl who was put in so many situation so she ran away to ease herself out of the stress. wait but i'm not exactly like her, i didnt intentionally run away. Well come to think of it i actually might have run away, because if you are gona more than a day that means that you ran away. Even though i got here like 5 minutes ago, i probably don't know my way back home. I pretend like i'm Stephanie the main characheter from the book i was reading. I grab the tree branch with my bood wrist and pull myself up. i imagine i'm in Javiie and i pretend that the grass is blueish greenish, i pretend that the lake water is more blue than ever and i dont have to pretend for this one, that there is a beautiful sunset.
After i get tierd just standing there up in the tree i sit down and look at the sunset until it finally goes down, I'm guessing ive waisted about 3 hours in the tree, so i climb down, well at least try to but as i grab the branch below me with my bruised wrist and pull my body weight down, the pain runs through my body like lions running after it's prey. I fall all the way down and hit the ground with a thud. Tears swell up in my eyes but i keep them in. I stay on the ground for an extra 10 minutes, then i get up when i hear a noise, a noise of a dog, or a hungry hobo, even if it's a friendly dog or friendly hobo i'm not takin my chances. I ignore the pain set in me and run. From the outside i look like a normal girl running, but in the inside i'm a tiny little girl crying so much.
The stars have come out already by the time i get home. I walk inside and head staright for my room. I put on my nightgown and fall asleep.
"Moring sweet heart, are you okay?" my mom puts a tray with eggs, bacon, and pancake on my lap when i sit up. I get really confused i never get to eat in my room, oh well. i sit up and eat, after im done eating i look up to still see me mom messing with my stuff on my desk. i clear my throught and say "mom i didnt mean what i said yesterday." "i know sweetie, its okay thats the past lets look to the future." she looks at me and smiles. i hold out my tray so she can pick it up and get out. She looks at the tray picks it up and heads out my room. I throw a hard book at my door so it will close. i hop up and go to my laptop. once i open it up i get an instant message. I look at the instant message, and it's from -


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2011

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