
Chapter 1
I stared out of my window at the full moon and sighed. The trees were so beautiful and enticing, I longed for the opportunity to get out there, to become my wolf, to run free and wild. I glanced back at my bedroom door, it was closed, surely Mom wouldn’t know if I slipped out for just one hour. She didn’t like me becoming the wolf, she hated the very idea of the wolf. I sighed again; I could hear the full moon calling to me. In this, I was much more like my father had been; he had had the call of the wild too. He had loved to run free, in fact, what little I knew about being a wolf I had learnt from him, my mother had spent all of her time working on making me think and act like an ordinary human girl. I wish she would understand that there was nothing ordinary about our family. The fact that we had to move from city to city over the past three years was evidence that we weren’t ordinary, the fact that my father had been killed by hunters in the last city we lived in was evidence that our family wasn’t ordinary, and the fact that we had moved hundreds of miles away to a community that was inhabited by barely two thousand people and which consisted of mainly large expanses of open land and a huge forest was also evidence that we were no ordinary family.
I glanced up at the moon again, then down at the trees – maybe half an hour’s run, if nothing else in this God forsaken town, at least I would have the opportunity to let my wolf run free – regardless to what my mother said.
I pushed open my bedroom door and snuck downstairs, I could see the edge of Mom’s apron near the kitchen sink, she was humming happily, it was the happiest I had seen her in a long time. Living in a house nearly ten miles from town suited her; it gave her the privacy she desired to pass us off as an ordinary family. As I snuck to the back door and pushed it open and I inhaled the freshness that only comes from unpolluted country air. Back in New York I would never have been able to do that! I grinned at the thought. I should be tired, we had been driving for almost a week straight, and not having much money, we had spent most of our time sleeping in our car, but I wasn’t tired, the very thought of being able to change into my wolf again was too exhilarating. Since dad had died, that was like two months now, Mom had forbidden me to change into my wolf, and even while he was alive, I could only change when Mom wasn’t around. Out here, I could change into my wolf and run around freely, and if I was very careful, Mom would never know.
I hopped off the back step on the grassy pasture next to my house and started undressing, it was pretty chilly, but once I changed into my wolf I knew that the fur would keep me warm. I tucked everything into a tiny bundle and stashed them under the step, didn’t want Mom stumbling across them by chance. I stretched my hands wide, inhaled the fresh of the air and then transformed into my beautiful pure white wolf.
It was a full moon, Mom had never thought me much about being a werewolf, and Dad had always been busy, but I learnt that during the full moon when the werewolf transforms it actually transforms fully into a regular wolf. Everything is like the ordinary wolf, except that it is faster, stronger and of course much smarter. I grinned at the thought as I trotted along towards the forest, careful to avoid the kitchen window so my mother wouldn’t look out and see me. It was so weird, I looked like sixteen but I wasn’t. You see, werewolves age funny. For the first seven years of life a werewolf ages very quickly – like a real wolf. Then after that the aging process slows down so much that werewolves who look like sixteen would actually be twenty something years old. My mom got changed by my dad when she was twenty three – so even though she is really like forty something, she actually only looks like twenty eight or so – every one always looks at us strange when I tell them she’s my mother. In some of the cities we went to, I had to say she was my older sister and my dad was my brother! I grinned at the thought, but I knew Mom never liked that, she preferred to dress more mature and try to pass for thirty or so, and say she got pregnant early. I really loved her, the way she took so much pleasure in being my Mom. I glanced back at the house guiltily as I entered the forest area; I hated not telling her what I was doing.
By the time I had spent about five minutes in the forest I had completely forgotten about my guilt. I was way too happy, this is what I loved, freedom and space – inspite of what appeared to be the socially challenged atmosphere of the community, this open space for running free was a definite highlight!
I ran on, going deeper and deeper into the woods, we had been told that the forest area was very extensive, I reminded myself not to travel so far that I would become lost. Also, the forest was reported to have wild animals, I definitely didn’t want to come up against any of those.
I glanced around, spotting a small rabbit, I pounced, but he dashed into a hole. I grinned – little bitty rabbit scared of big old wolfy me? I liked the idea of being a big tough wolf girl. I smiled again, sniffing the air for the scent of the rabbit. Still there, probably not too far in the hole. There was a faint odor of something else as well too, but I wasn’t sure what. I sniffed again, I never had much training, my sniffing senses weren’t really that great. What ever it was, it was getting closer. I turned away from the rabbit hole; perhaps it was time for me to head home. I sauntered off lazily, still taking a whiff of the air, the scent seemed closer. Maybe I should hurry, I thought, I could feel a tiny bit of nervousness start to build up in my stomach. I rushed along, but the smell was becoming stronger and stronger, I sped up – I was going at full speed now. I definitely needed to get back home. Pretty soon, the scent shifted from a scent to a sound, I could hear the sound of running – animals running. It didn’t sound like hooves, but the numbers seemed large enough for a stampede of some kind, I stretched out my gait. The scent was almost overpowering now, I sneaked a quick look back and then gasped – oh my gosh, WOLVES!
I could see a solid jet black wolf to the front and just behind him almost thirty wolves. I raced on, my heart pounding hard against my chest and my lungs gasping for air! I could see the path just seven minutes away that would lead me out of the woods and back to my house. Just a little faster Tessa – I told myself, straining every muscle in my body. You can make it! I lounged towards the edge of the woods but failed to reach any height as the jet black heavy body of the wolf in the lead came crashing down on me, and bringing me down to the ground.
I stayed there, crashed to the ground, glancing around at the other wolves, completely unable to move, his wolf was a good foot taller and much heavier than mine! I had no doubt these were werewolves – like me. That was what I had been smelling – the scent of a werewolf! He climbed off of me and patted his left back paw on the ground, I looked around – the other wolves were taking off in various directions. I made an effort to stand up, but he growled so I crouched back down on the ground. I remembered my father had told me that when confronted with an Alpha wolf, a wolf should show that it is submissive, or the Alpha would fight and kill it. I allowed my tummy to rest on the ground and held down my head, allowing my tail to fall between my legs. That was the position of submission. I peeped up at him, he was looking at me curiously. I so hope this works, I thought anxiously. Mom had never said there were werewolves in this area – she probably didn’t know or she would never have come here!
He was walking around me now sniffing the air as he strutted around. I held my breath, anxious to leave, anxious to return to the safety of my home, and my mom.
He nudged my head and I stood up shakily. He walked around me again, I took a deep breath. Suddenly, he was mounting me!
I struggled under his weight, I shifted slightly to shake him off but then I felt his teeth sink into my neck and I felt the determination drain from my body, leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable. And then, I felt him push and enter me. I howled as he broke the shield of my virginity and a searing pain shot through my body, I struggled to dislodge him from my back, but he was too strong, and his grip on my neck was too sure. I could feel his body moving back and forth on mine, and my whole body felt a mixture of pain, humiliation and…and a feeling that I couldn’t understand. I could feel his fluids emptying inside of me, and then he howled. My legs felt like jelly, and damp and my private parts felt sore – unaccustomed to the pounding they had received.
When he was finished he dismounted me, and came around in front of me and looked at me. I snapped at him, but was amazed at my own lack of antagonism! He easily stepped away from my bite, then leaned forward and licked my face, and then took off back into the woods!
I stared after him in shock, and then I turned and headed back to my home. I hobbled up to the steps where I had left my clothes and transformed back into my human form. I glanced down at my legs, I could see blood and semen running down my inner thigh. I sniffled; I couldn’t believe this had happened to me – and my first night here! I pulled my t shirt on over my head and pulled on my dress, stuffing my panty in the skirt pocket and snuck back inside. I could hear mom in the kitchen singing merrily to herself, should I tell her? She didn’t need more problems! I would handle this, she had told me never to transform into my wolf, and now I learnt that she had been right. I started to sneak up the stairs, my legs feeling wobbly; I bounced against the wall and stopped.
“Tessa!” Mom shouted, “Is that you?”
I wiped a tear from my face and fought to put on my bravest voice.
“Yeah mom!”
“I thought you were asleep?” She yelled.
“I…I…forgot something at the bottom of the stairs so I just came to get it!” I yelled back, willing my weakened legs to hurry up the stairs before she came to check on me. I hated lying to my mom, but I didn’t see how I had any choice now.
“Oh…” She hesitated, “Okay.” She said; as if dismissing any doubt she had about my explanation.
I hobbled up the balance of the stairs and into my room, and went straight to the bathroom and washed and washed and washed, hoping I could completely wash his scent off of me. But it’s so hard to wash away those things that are not only on the outside but on the inside as well!
Chapter 2
The next morning I woke up to the annoying ding of my alarm clock. I crawled out of bed and stumbled over to the mirror. I felt just as bad as I looked. I stared at my reflection, then stared harder. Oh my gosh, that jerk left a mark on my neck! I rubbed at it, but it didn’t move. It looked like some kind of a tattoo, but I knew it was something he had done when he had bitten me, right there on my neck. I patted my stomach gently, finding myself wondering if I might be pregnant after last night, I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I was surprised at my own state of calmness, I wondered if the wolf in me was helping me to deal better with this situation.
I sighed, somehow it would work out, right now I had to face the challenges of today. Today was the first day of University in our new home; Mom’s research had indicated that the University was for students from sixteen upward – it seemed to be some kind of strange mixture of college and university. I didn’t much feel in the mood to meet a bunch of new kids, but I knew staying home without an explanation was going to be out of the question. I hurried and bathed, then looked at the scar on my neck again in the mirror, I grabbed a scarf from my wardrobe and wrapped it around my neck, covering the mark.
By the time I got downstairs, Mom had breakfast ready and was looking all cheerful and bright – almost made me puke!
“Why are you walking like that?” She asked me as I grabbed a bagel from the plate.
I blushed.
“Scratched my leg, feels a little sore.” I lied.
“Put a bit of antiseptic cream on it honey.” Mom suggested, I just uh huhed. I would definitely have to make a conscious effort to not walk as if I’m sore, even though I most definitely was!
It turned out that the GreenRidge University was almost five miles from my home, the nearest bus stop was a mile away and the buses ran by the hour. Fortunately Mom was taking me this morning; she pressed the money for fees into my hand as we reached there and told me I should call her if I had any problems. She was headed into town to see if she could find some work. I pressed my lips to her cheek and braced myself.
I headed off to the Principal’s Office for registration, a slender pleasant looking girl offered to show me where it was – maybe the school won’t be too bad after all, I thought.
“I’m here to see Principal Gilbert.” I said as his secretary glanced over her glasses at me.
“What do you need to see the Principal about?” She questioned.
“I’m Tessa Campbell – I’m a transfer student. I’m supposed to be starting here today.” I informed her. She pulled a register from her drawer and flicked it open and leafed through it.
“I’m sorry; I don’t have any registration for you.” She said, sounding any thing but sorry. I sighed, can my life get any worst??!
I pick up my cell phone and called Mom.
“Yeah, they’re saying they don’t have any registration for me.” I said, my voice sounding short and abrupt, I was already in a crappy mood – what with the Alpha and all.
“I sent the text and faxed the documents and everything.” My mom was saying, I could already hear panic starting to bubble in her voice. Mom wasn’t very good at working under pressure.
“I…I….I don’t know what could have happened.” She was saying, her voice going up an octave.
“Never mind, I’ll handle it.” I muttered.
“You want me to come back?” She asked.
“No, I’ll handle it; if I don’t get it fixed I’ll call you back!” I insisted, hanging up before she could say anything else.
I sighed, I didn’t really have a plan, but I just didn’t need the drama today.
“Could you please check again for my name, Miss, I’m sure I must be in your new registrants?” I pleaded.
The secretary completely ignored me, not even bothering to raise her head from the paper she was looking at.
“I’m sure you can find the young lady’s name on new registrants if you look hard enough!” A deep voice insisted from behind my head. I spun around and found myself face to face with a goodlooking young man – probably nineteen years old. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and was about six feet tall, he was dressed in a brand name dress shirt and jeans pants – which looked very good on him! If it hadn’t been for my experience last night, I would definitely have been putting him on my hot guys list, but as it stood, I didn’t even want to see the name ‘guy’ on a piece of paper!
“Oh, Stephan…..I’m….of course. I can add her name to the list right now.” She muttered, pulling a registration form from her desk and passing it to me. “Just, complete that, we can have all the documents worked out by the end of the week.”
Half and hour later I was leaving the Principal’s Office with Stephan by my side; an almost fully registered student.
“Thanks, I really don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along.” I muttered.
“You should be thanking my contacts, that’s what it’s all about in this one dog town.” He said bitterly.
I ignored his comment and glanced down at the list of classes on my schedule.
“Mythical Science.” I muttered, screwing up my face – what the heck was that!?
“Yeah,” He peeped into my hand at my schedule, “We have the same class, I’ll show you where to go.”
“Thanks.” I muttered and followed him along the corridor.
He pushed open a door and strolled in, and I walked in behind him. Everyone glanced around at us when we entered. I looked around for a seat.
“You can sit over here, next to me.” Stephan offered and I nodded. I didn’t mind the seating, we were in the back row, and today I didn’t much feel like listening to a teacher, so this would be perfect! I sat down, slipping my book bag over my chair, I didn’t have any text books to work from, I hoped Mom would be able to get some organized as soon as possible!
Three minutes later the teacher walked in, she was pretty young – maybe twenty five or so, and she was quite pretty. Quite a few of the boys in the room stared at her from the time she came in.
“Good morning class.” There was an inaudible grunt of good morning in response. “Aahh…I see we have a new student. Stand up please.”
I got up, feeling a little embarrassed as all eyes stared at me again.
“Come and introduce yourself.” She said, smiling brightly.
I guess she was pretty cool, but going to over thirty schools in my life and always having to get up and do the whole introduction thing was starting to get tired.
“My name is Tess Campbell – I travel around a lot, so I couldn’t say where exactly I’m from, and I’m glad to be here in your beautiful town.” I said and sat down. Yeah, you guessed it, that was my standard speech each time I was asked to introduce myself.
“Oh…am…well I’m Miss Goodlin, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said. I nodded, resting back in my chair, and mentally hoping that I wouldn’t be called on to introduce myself in all the other classes!
She picked up the chalk and started to scribble on the board.
“Today we will be covering an introduction to the myth of ‘The Ogre’.” She said, scribbling the word on the board.
I pulled a pen and paper from my bag and placed them on the table.
“Perhaps I should explain, for the new student what this class is about.” She said. I glanced up at her, but then the door swung open and a guy walked in. He was easily six feet five or six inches, broad shoulders and he was wearing a black hooded jacket that almost completely covered his face and dark shades.
He strolled through the class room, with two tough looking guys following him, as if he owned the place and went and parked himself on a chair in the corner of the room and rested his foot on the table. There were a few snickers around the room, I glared over at him completely amazed, then looked at Miss Goodlin, who seemed to be struggling to find something to say.
“Jake Greenidge! Class started almost fifteen minutes ago!” She said. He shrugged his shoulder, which was followed by giggles from the class.
“In future, please respect my time!” Miss Goodlin insisted, clearly fighting to regain control of her class.
“I respect lots of things about you, Miss Goodlin,” His voice was smooth, deep, controlled and totally sexy, “But you’re time isn’t one of them.”
There were hoots of agreement from the boys in the room; I noted that only Stephan appeared unmoved by the exchange. I watched as a faint blush tinted Ms. Goodlin’s cheeks.
“Please remove that hood and shades – so we can get on with our class.” Ms. Goodlin said, turning around to face the board again.
“Are you sure that’s all you want me to remove?” Jake asked.
“Remove everything – if you care to!” Ms. Goodlin snapped.
I watched the Jake guy get to his feet, okay, maybe he was six foot seven, I reconsidered. He slipped the hood from his head, revealing curly black hair that reached pass the nape of his neck, he unzipped the jacket and slipped it onto the back of his chair. I could see his profile clearly now, strong masculine jawline that added to the strength of his profile. He slid the glasses from his face and rested them on the table. I barely caught a glimpse of bright green eyes, twinkling with amusement.
“If you’re done, Jake, please take you’re seat!” Ms. Goodlin demanded.
“Oh but I’m not done, Ms. Goodlin.” Jake said, with a smile on his face. He was really extraordinarily handsome. I fought back the desire to watch him and sigh wistfully, as I noted most of the girls in the class were doing. Then he slid his t shirt up his body and pulled it up over his head and dropped it on the desk. There was an actual round of applause from the girls – and wolf whistles. He was totally hot, and he obviously knew it. He had eight pac abs and a sexy tanned skin with well defined chest muscles, I could feel my fingers grip the pencil in my hand and squeeze it hard to relieve some of the tension I could feel building up in me.
“What do you think you are doing?” Ms. Goodlin screamed, clearly giving up on any effort to remain in control of the class.
“Didn’t you tell me to take off everything? Well, I’m taking off everything. I’m nothing if not obedient.” Jake responded, a huge grin spreading over his face as he slid the belt out of his pants. The girls in the room were in a complete uproar!
Ms. Goodlin went red in every part of her body that I could see, and I figured she probably went red even at some of those parts I didn’t see!
“Jerk!” That was Stephan, his face screwed up in a mask of anger.
Jake ignored him.
“Please stop that!” Ms. Goodlin muttered; there was an aaaawwww of disappointing coming from the class.
“So what are you saying Ms. Goodlin – you want me dressed or undressed. Make your mind up.” Jake said.
“Dressed! I… w…want you dressed!” Ms. Goodlin stuttered.
“Well, I’m just happy to know you want me.” Jake said, and the class broke out in laughter. I watched intently, as Jake pulled on his t shirt, jacket, slid the hood back over his head and pulled on his glasses, sat back in his chair, rocked back and put his foot back on the desk. Ms. Goodlin was seething, but clearly decided it was better to completely ignore him.
The balance of the class went pretty uneventfully with Ms. Goodlin giving us notes on the Ogre. I took away the knowledge that the Ogre was now believed to be extinct. I sighed, I hadn’t even believed that Ogres existed, now to hear that they were extinct! Ms. Goodlin assured me that there were many creatures that existed, that mankind believed to be total myths; it was her job to educate us on the difference between the myths and the realities about the various creatures that shared the world with mankind. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the session; this was the first school I had been to that felt as if it was actually teaching me something that somehow seemed relevant to my life style – especially my life as a werewolf.
At some point during the course of the morning I lost Stephan, but was able to bungle my way to classes and even find the cafeteria at lunch time.
I glanced around, Mom had packed lunch for me – she loved doing those Mommish things. I looked for an empty table and sat down. The morning had proven to be pretty hectic, and I was glad for some alone time.
“May I join you, Blondie?” I didn’t have to look up, from the way my hair stood up on ends and my heart raced, I knew it was the jerk Jake from Mythical Science class. How original – calling a blonde haired girl – blondie!
“I’d rather eat alone, thanks.” I said politely.
He sat down next to me anyway.
“I don’t believe I caught your name.” He said, resting his tray next to my food.
“I don’t believe I threw it.” I replied.
He chuckled.
“So what’s your name?” He asked.
I glared at him, of all the thick skinned jerks!
“Will you leave me alone?” I asked, not fighting too hard to be polite.
“Really?” He actually seemed surprised, “You want me to leave you alone?”
“Slow…but I think you’re finally getting it.” I said, pulling a sandwich from my brown paper bag and sinking my teeth into it.
He grinned.
“So, would you like to see a movie or something?” He asked.
I stared at him incredulously.
“Well?” He persisted.
“Yes.” I paused, “Yes I would.”
A broad smile spread over his face – way too handsome, the really drop dead handsome ones always have to be jerks!
“But not with you!” I yelled. I snatched my lunch from the table and climbing over the bench I headed to another table.
From the corner of my eye I could see him glance back at me briefly, then he raised his hand and lowered it, in two seconds like seven kids were crowding around the table and joining him to eat their lunch.


Texte: Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved Please do not copy, reproduce or perform any part or the whole of this work without the express written consent of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2011

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