
Chapter 1

Chapter 1
My heart raced and the veins in my neck throbbed, the stitch in my side was overbearing but I dared not stop. What lay in store for me was enough to add wings to my feet and determination to my mind – I couldn’t let them catch me.
Most girls would be celebrating on their eighteenth birthday, but not me, there was nothing for me to celebrate. Eighteen years old made me fair game to the clan leaders. That was the rule, eighteen years old meant it was time for the ceremony, a ceremony that drove fear into the very core of my being.
I stumbled forward, grazing my knees, but I knew this was no time to linger; I picked myself up hurriedly and pressed on, my large dress bellowing around me and slowing me down. I stared ahead, by vision blurred by my tears; the forest loomed ahead of me, my one safe haven. The clan held several superstitions about the forest and they all feared to enter it. Today, I found my fear of the clan greater than whatever lurked in the forest.
“She’s getting away!” Col’s voice screamed from the group behind me, he was my half brother, Arkel’s son, but that didn’t stop him from wanting me. There was just something so wrong about the whole ceremony.
“Hurry!” Arkel, my father, screamed, he was much further behind. In spite of the fact that he was our fearless leader...he was overweight and out of shape. His only usefulness was to terrify young girls. “Shoot her if you have to!” Arkel yelled and his voice sounded so far away I knew he had given up the chase.
“Give me a gun!” That was Col’s voice and my breathing intensified, my arms pumped double time and my legs lengthened their stride...the forest, the forest, I couldn’t let them stop me. If they caught me now I’d be punished, I’d be the outcast, I’d be... I suppressed the thoughts; I couldn’t bear to think of the things that happened to girls that tried to run away and got caught.
The sound of a bullet whisking past the side of my face made my breath catch. God, help me; I just need to make it twenty more feet before I can reach the security of the forest.
“What’s wrong with keep missing.” Talbot, another one of the hierarchy of our clan yelled angrily. The second bullet struck the tree next to me just as I fled into the safety of the forest.
I had only gone thirty feet in when I stopped and looked back. The twelve men that had been chasing me were already slowing down, apparently unwilling to even draw close to the edge of the woods.
“No point us following her in there. She’s already dun for.” A twig cracked off to the left and I glanced about anxiously. There was nothing.
“Darn it, Arkel, I was really looking forward to that one coming of age. We should have kept a better eye on her.” Col complained.
“She seemed so quiet...didn’t think she had it in her to run off like that.” Arkel grunted and spat out on the ground.
“Well, we got to keep an eye on Gracey, she’ll be eighteen in three months, don’t want her taking off too!” Talbot said and the others grunted their agreements.
I watched as they stared into the woods some more, I slid against a tree to hide myself, fearful that they may be willing to brave the forest and come after me.
“Let’s get back, it’ll be dark soon.” Arkel spat again and then the group turned and headed back towards our village slowly, dejectedly.
“She’ll get what’s coming to her.” Talbot said; his voice rose possibly with the hopes that I would hear and be afraid, it worked. My fingers slid across the breath of the tree and I pressed my face against it looking for both comfort and support, something that I could never get from the living.
“Oh...Lord...” Arkel had always spoken about god, but I wasn’t sure if the god Arkel served would be willing to help me, but I needed help now. I was away from home for the first time, and no idea as to where to go or even how I would survive in this god forsaken place. Perhaps I should go back, didn’t Arkel teach us these woods were filled with demons? Maybe...
“Aaaaaahhhhh...” My scream was cut off by the feel of a strong large palm across my mouth. Tears that had just dried started to flow again. My scream must have reached the ears of the men, for they stopped and looked back, almost pitifully and then they took off running in the direction of the village even faster than they had left it.
“If you scream I will kill you.” A strong harsh voice behind me said and my body went stiff and rigid. “Do you understand me?”
I was frozen to the spot, fear clawed at my heart and I nodded my head dumbly. When he released me I bolted back the way I had just come but he was too fast for me and within seconds I was lying on the ground, his body pressed upon me.
“Did I forget to tell you not to move?” He sneered. I blinked, staring into his face with a racing heart. He was a good looking man, much better looking than any one at the clan, but he was hairy, beard and moustache which made it difficult to determine just how old he was. Long black hair hung about his shoulders and tumbled over his face in disarray. He looked toughed, but was he a demon? I rather expected a demon would be red with horns.
“Are you a demon?” I asked; my voice sounding much higher than its normal level.
“Only if you disobey me.” He said frankly and I swallowed nervously.
“I...I..I won’t, Sir.” I promised.
“What is your name?” He demanded.
“Careella, Careella...Cut..Cutting.” I choked out; my breast heaving in spite of my best efforts to control my fear. His head lowered slightly to take in the top of my blouse where my bosom seemed to be bursting forth and I blushed. When he looked back at me his eyes were dark with the kind of desire I had seen in Col’s this morning.
“Perhaps it might be nice to have you around after all.” He said and I wondered if I had jumped from the frying pan right into the fire.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
I caught my breath nervously, what manner of demon was this, and what did he mean to do with me?
“Do you wish to live?” He asked his fingers were now trailing a line along my cheek and I shivered nervously as he twined several strands of my waist length brown hair around his forefinger and tugged it slightly.
“Ye..yes Sir.” I stumbled out and waited with baited breath to determine what I would need to do to continue to enjoy the pleasure of breathing.
“Sir? Sounds far too gentlemanly for me, call me Anzel. I have a proposition for you.” He said and the lopsided grin on his face left me with little doubt as to what his proposition might be. I didn’t answer, I knew whatever I had to say was irrelevant in the negotiation.
“I find myself in need of a...wife.” He said and his cold dark eyes stared at me so intently I feared to even swallow. “And you appear to be well endowed with all the necessary traits for being a wife.” As he said that his hand cupped one of my breasts and squeezed it none to gently, and I gasped.
“And...and if I refuse?” I asked wondering where I got the courage from to even ask the question. He tossed back his head and laughed.
“I thought I made myself clear – marry me or die!” Saliva puddled in my mouth and I swallowed hard.
“Death or...or marriage to you?” I muttered nervously. He raised an eyebrow at me his face – what little I could see of it, seemed hard and set.
“Are they so close in distastefulness?” He questioned.
“I’ve...I’ve never been married...” I began, my light grey eyes staring earnestly into his hard black ones.
“And you’ve never been dead.” He cut in. “But one is permanent and from the other there may yet be a reprieve.”
“There are...are some fates worst than death.” I said and was surprised at my own audacity. He laughed and jumped to his feet and gripping my hand pulled me up with him, my body collided with his and my breath caught.
“Oh!” I shouted as his arms encircled my waist and he pulled me tightly against him.
“Perhaps if you had the slightest taste of both it would help you to make your mind up.” He said as his head dipped and his lips captured mine. My first reaction was to try to turn my face away but his other arm captured the back of my head and kept my face firmly in place. I pinned my lips determinedly, adamant that his tongue would not obtain passage to my mouth but his other arm gripped my face and applied pressure to my cheek, forcing my mouth opened so he could enter for his fill.
Tears stung the back of my eyes and terror ravaged my spirit – would he take me, right now, right here? I struggled against him, but my strength seemed puny and insignificant when compared to his. I could feel his body start to harden against mine and I stiffened instinctively, the feel of his lips on mine were hard, demanding and dominant. My heart fluttered and unaccustomed butterflies circled in my stomach and descended. My legs grew weak and had it not been for his firm grasp I would certainly have slid to the ground. I leveled my palms against his chest in a vain effort to push him away though my nails curled wantonly into his chest and my heart raced as his kiss deepened, awakening parts of me that I had hitherto never concerned myself with.
He drew away from me as swiftly as he had pulled me to him and looked down at me expressionlessly.
“That was a taste of marriage...this is a taste of death.” Suddenly his eyes were changing from their hard black coldness to a bright unnatural green and they were expanding even as his face appeared to take on a new and even more horrifying shape.
“Aaaaaaahhhh!” I shrieked and then thankfully blackness engulfed me.

chapter 3

Chapter 3
I woke up to the feel of a firm mattress below my body and the smell of food cooking not far away. I yawned and stretched and inhaled deeply, fully appreciating how hungry I was. Memories flooded into my mind, fear, panic and then running, running, running. And the monster. The words seemed to scream in my head forcing me into action. I glanced around hurriedly and then slipped out of the bed.
I made my way to the window and peered outside, it was early dawn and from the sound of plates clattering I was quite satisfied that Anzel was in the kitchen – this might well prove to be my only opportunity for escape. I pushed the window sash higher and hoisted my leg through. I had no idea where I was or what direction to run in, but surely if I ran far enough I would find someone or at least escape. I had but just tucked my head through the window behind my leg when the door swung open and Anzel strolled in.
“What are you doing?” He demanded the tray in his hand slipping onto the floor as he raced forward to grab me.
“I’m...well...” What does one say in such circumstances? I needn’t have bothered to find words for Anzel was already dragging me by my waist back into the room and tossing me none too gently onto the bed.
“Stupid girl!” He barked but I was not really listening to his words for I was staring up at him with wide opened eyes as if I were seeing him for the first time. Anzel looked completely different.
His face was completely clean of hair, no beard, no moustache...completely clean. As he leaned over me on the bed and pressed my body into the mattress with his my hand reached up almost automatically and my fingers brushed lightly across his cheek, so very smooth.
“You shaved.” I said unnecessarily and was surprised when Anzel turned away from me, but not before I had noticed that his face had turned a bright red.
“Hmmm.” He muttered pulling himself off of me and walking away. I stared at him, his hair too was different, instead of the long shaggy mat that had partially covered his face his jet black hair was now combed and though still past the nape of his neck, looked much more managed. I was finding it hard to imagine this fine specimen of manhood could become anything remotely like the creature I had seen. Had I imagined it, I had been tired and frightened after all.
“ made me breakfast?” I muttered, still trying to figure out this new Anzel. He ran nervous fingers through his hair and hurried over to where bits of glass and plate laid from the accident. I had never thought earlier to ask him how old he was, but with a clean shaven face I could see clearly he was barely older than I.
“You shouldn’t try to escape.” He said gruffly. Had he been planning to bring me breakfast in bed? I stared down at the floor as Anzel picked up the bits and pieces, a single rose laid in the centre of the heap of eggs there.
“Oh my gosh...” I covered my mouth. “You brought me a rose?”
“It’s nothing. These are all over the place.” Anzel muttered as he piled the gunk on the floor onto the tray. “I’ll bring you something else to eat.”
“” I hurried out of the bed and raced over to him, he was so strange. One moment he could be so rough and then the next so gentle, thoughtful and caring.
“Ow!” I skipped from one foot to the next as pain shot up my leg. “I stepped on glass...oh...oh...ow...”
“Stop that!” Anson muttered as he scooped me into his arms and carried me back to the bed. “Why didn’t you put on your shoes?”
“I didn’t think...” I muttered sadly as he laid me there and slipped to the bottom of the bed to inspect my foot.
“You have glass in it.” He glanced up at me briefly. “I’ll pull it out.”
“Will it hurt?” I asked making a sad face. It was most extraordinary how the idea of removing glass from my foot pained me so when over the past twenty four hours I had been through so much.
“Are you always such a big baby?” He queried.
“I don’t like pain.”
“Hmmmm...I shall try to remember that. It won’t hurt much.” He said as he tugged the piece of glass out of my foot...I screamed.
“It did hurt.” I complained and he chuckled. “And it still hurts.”
“I can fix that? Do you want me too?” His black eyes gleamed brightly and I found myself inspecting every contour of his handsome face.
“Yes.” I answered nervously, not sure why I was allowing myself to trust this man into whose hands I had fallen. He bent slowly and pressed his lips against my foot and I started to pull it away.
“Wait.” He said and then his tongue licked the pained area and my entire body seemed to convulse and I groaned and then blushed. He smiled and pressed his lip to my foot again, I didn’t pull away this time, even as his lips started to travel to my ankle and then my calf.
“Oh...” I could feel my body grow damp and turned red with embarrassment.
“Grrrrrrr...........” The sound was low and almost sexual and made my heart race.
“ doesn’t hurt now.” I fought the words out as his hand followed his lips and climbed to my upper leg and started to massage the fleshy skin there.
“I know.” He whispered. When his teeth nipped gently at my body I groaned and spread my legs wider, allowing him a greater access.
“Pl...” I whispered, my mind telling him to stop but my body reveling in the feel of his mouth on me.
“Oh gosh...” I muttered as his finger took the place of his tongue and pressed in and out of me driving me to heights I had never experienced in my life.
“Oh...oh...oh...” I squirmed under the desire he created in me, wanting more, but uncertain. My heart quickened at the sound of his zip being pulled down and I stayed transfixed as he undressed, revealing a perfectly chiseled physique.
“Gosh...” I whispered as he pressed my legs wider with his knees even as his finger continued to explore me. I stared at his member, as it grew thicker and larger nervousness settled on me and fear and anxiety. He was big.
“You’re mine.” He said and then his body pressed hard into me, I screamed and reached out for something to grip onto, my hand gripped his shoulder and my nails sunk into his skin.
“Oh gosh!” I yelled as his body pressed into mine and then retracted then entered again and retracted. Each time he entered I groaned, shamelessly enjoying the feel of him in spite of the pain it brought with it.
“It’s okay to like it, baby.” He whispered as his body banged against mine, his member driving deep inside of me.
“Oh...oh...oh...” My body shook with the power of his strokes while perspiration settled on his brow.
“Gosh, you’re so sweet.” He whispered, then he growled and the pounding intensified.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop!” I screamed, completely lost in the pleasure he created.
“Darling!” Was the last word he yelled; a few moments later his body collapsed on top of mine, I gripped him tighter and relished the feel of his juices emptying inside of me.
We laid there in silence for close to twenty minutes, it was Anzel that spoke first.
“Carrie...” His voice was low and hoarse when he spoke.
“Get off of me!” I sobbed. I felt so ashamed, what I had let him do, and that I had enjoyed it made the thought more painful. “You had no right to do that to me!”
He rolled off beside me and I turned away, tears filling my eyes.
“I didn’t plan it to happen like this.” He said and I sniffled.
“You’ve had what you can let me go now.” I muttered brushing a tear from my face.

chapter 4

Chapter 4
He slid his hand through his hair and it was trembling, I turned away, not able to bear looking at him, not able to bear what I had done.
“Everything is going to be fine.” He said gently, pulling me into his arms. I had not experienced that side of him and it surprised me.
“I’ll take care of you.” He said quietly. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
“I don’t want to be here.” I whispered as he pulled my head to his chest.
“I know that, Careela.” He said softly, and I could feel his lips press against my hair and my body stirred.
“Please let me go.” I begged tearfully. He sighed heavily and pulled me harder against him.
“I will make you a proposal.” He said. I swallowed hard; I had not much liked the last one.
“I don’t...” I started but he pressed a finger against my lips.
“I’m not accustomed to female company.” He said and I was sorry I couldn’t see his face. “And I’m sorry if I’m a little rough...” He seemed to be speaking and thinking out his words thoughtfully.
“You’re very rough.” I corrected him between sniffles.
“Sorry.” He said and then tilted my face up to look into my eyes. “I don’t want to be rough...with you. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted you to be my wife.”
“I’m sore.” I sobbed and his thumb grazed my cheek as he removed a tear from my face.
“It will pass.” He said.
“Why can’t I leave?” I persisted.
“Was it so bad...with me?” He asked and I turned a bright red.
“Let me go.” Was all I said, he looked upset and frowned down at me.
“Fine. If after five days with me you still want to go...I’ll take you to the next town myself.” He slid out of the bed and tidied himself and hurried towards the door.
“Thank you...thank you...thank you so much!” A sense of relief flooded through me. Freedom, at last, at last I would free.
“I ask only one thing.” He said before he exited.
“Anything!” I said exuberantly.
“At least give me a fair chance.” And then he disappeared through the door.
Chapter 5
The day was surprisingly normal. Anzel grew several produce and spent his time tending them. He maintained precious few animals but yet lunch consisted of a good helping of meat and vegetables. He was a good cook.
We didn’t speak much during the meal, it still felt remarkably embarrassing to look at him, each time I did I found my breath catching in my throat, though I must confess I snuck several looks when he was not noticing me.
“I’ll tidy up.” Anzel was saying as he collected the plates from in front of me.
“Please, let...let me. I feel like I should work for my lodging.” I muttered and then blushed a bright red. Some might say that I was working for my lodging already.
“You don’t have to.” He said firmly but I was already on my feet and taking the items from his hands, when our hands touched I pulled away suddenly but Anzel caught the wares before they could crash to the floor.
“Sorry...” I muttered, the tips of my fingers still burning from where they had brushed him. I turned away and hurried to the door, I needed some fresh air.
“Carrie.” He said.
“Yes.” I stopped and turned to face him.
“I’ll show you around a little later.”
“I...” I was not sure if I wanted to be in his company, he made me so nervous.
“If you’d like that?” He added hastily and turned to hurry off to the kitchen to rinse up the wares. I could tell he was not accustomed to forming requests, and I was slightly heartened by the fact that he made the effort for me.
“I...I think I would.” I raised my voice ever so slightly so he would hear my words from the kitchen.
“ is your foot?” He shouted back to me. I could hear the water slashing about in the kitchen as he cleaned up and I hurried back to my chair and slipped off my shoe. How very unusual, there wasn’t so much as a scar to show I had been cut.
“Why...why it’s fine.” I muttered.
“Great!” His voice carried a hint of a smile in it and I wondered why he was so pleased with himself.
“Finished.” He presented himself to me, hurriedly drying his hands with a kitchen clothe. “Are you ready to go for that walk?”
He was quite handsome; I could almost excuse myself for being so easily seduced by him. Just watching him I was almost moved to go to him, to embrace him, to treat him as the lover he truly was to me. Instead I nodded my head stiffly and headed out of the door ahead of him.
“I’ll show you the stream. This morning you washed in water I brought in, but mostly I bathe at the stream.” The long strides had brought him in line with me and we were now walking side by side, every neuron in my body was on edge.
“Oh.” I spared him a swift glance hoping he wasn’t looking my way, our eyes met and locked; I stumbled forward awkwardly and he grabbed me and pulled me protectively towards him. I leveled my hands against his chest and pressed myself away.
“Thank..thank you. I seem to be rather clumsy.” I knew my face was a bright red and it turned brighter when he smiled his acceptance to my excuse. “Won’t the water be cold?” I muttered.
“Yes. But I don’t mind.” He glanced over at me. “I’m sure I could keep you warm.”
“” I was genuinely too flustered to make a coherent response to his comment. He laughed at my discomfort and I stared at him with daggers. Five days could not go fast enough.
“The cabin is surrounded by fruit trees, so we won’t lack for food.” He was saying as he scampered down a small slope and stuck his hand up to help me. I inhaled deeply and then placed my hand in his and hurried down beside him.
“I make a fairly decent husband.” He said; my hand was still captured in his and my heart was beating double time.
“I..perhaps not for me.” I suggested; forcing my voice to sound even. He pulled me against him and his lips covered mine; they were tentative, testing and askance. I melted against him and found my own lips answering the questions of his.
When he pulled away we were both breathing unevenly.
“Definitely for you.” He said firmly and still holding my hand continued his trek away from the cabin.
“Oh!” I couldn’t help but gasp, the entire area was beautiful but the stream was positively panoramic with its adorable water fall and ethnic rough edges.
“I love it!”
“I thought you would.” He was chuckling. I slipped off my shoes and dipped my toe in, I was surprised to find it not as cold as I would have imagined.
“Who owns all of this? The village?” I asked.
“No. It’s mine. In fact, the village is on my land as well, but I have tolerated them over the years.” Anzel explained as he started to strip away his clothes.
“What are you doing?” I asked nervously.
“I can’t swim with my clothes on.” He said flatly, I stared at him and then turned my face away as he peeled off the last of his garments.
“You’ve already seen everything.” He pointed out and I blushed.
“I...a young lady...” Arkel’s rules swam about in my head. “Arkel says a young lady ought not to look on a man’s body!” I explained.
“You’re my wife. That sort of changes everything.” He pointed out.
I blushed and was glad my face was turned away from him.
“At the Village...when a woman was married she would dress pretty, and they would be a big feast and...she would be given a ring – and the two would make great vows of life long commitment.” I explained. It was foolish I knew, but it was what marriage meant to me. He had taken me, but was it marriage?
“ my land, marriage is what I determine. You are my woman that makes you my wife.” He said simply.
“Of course.” I settled down on a rock nearby and turned to face him again, he was standing waist deep in the water. It was pointless to argue with him, he wouldn’t understand what I felt.
“Join me.” It was probably supposed to be a question but it sounded suspiciously like a command.
“You’re...” I bit my lip, it was amazing how the very thought of his nakedness made me warm. “You’re naked.”
“So what?” He scrunched up his face. “When we lay in bed tonight I shall be naked as well, and so will you.”
“But you promised you would give me five days!” I exclaimed jumping up from the rock hurriedly.
“And I will. In those five days you will be a wife to me. If...” He tossed water over his head as he spoke and I watched his black hair become shiny and sleek and cling to his head and face. “If you still don’t want me, I’ll take you to town. That’s what I promised and that’s what I’ll do.”
“But...but I thought that...” I bit my lip, he was such a monster!
“You thought wrong.” He said bluntly and dove beneath the surface of the stream.
I didn’t need to take this from him! I was no toy he could use and send back to the shop! I was leaving and I was leaving now! I turned on my heels angrily and started my march back through the woods. I had gone only a few yards when I felt Anzel’s body against mine hot and damp and his arms encircling my waist.
“You’re getting me wet!” I complained.
“That’s good news.” He muttered and I blushed.
“Let go of me.” I whispered through clenched teeth.
“You think this jungle is a park?” He asked. “That you can go strolling off in any direction you want to?”
I refused to answer; choosing to pout instead.
“There are wild animals in these woods. Animals that would tear you apart and devour you in two bites.” He said as he twisted me about to face him.
“Liar!” I answered. “Why haven’t I seen any?”
“They stay away from the house, because they fear me.” Anzel explained and I swallowed hard. “But they won’t hesitate to attack a human.”
“Human...” The word slipped off of my tongue nervously. It was amazing that I had been here less than twenty four hours and I was already starting to forget what Anzel had shown me that first day. “What...what are you?”
I wasn’t even sure why it mattered what he was, in five days I would be free of him.
“I’m a werewolf.” He said. “Do you wish to see?” His face actually looked hopeful that I might say yes. I wet my lower lip swiftly with my tongue, I remembered how he had looked earlier, so scary and his eyes.
“I..” I wasn’t even sure why I was hesitating. I didn’t need to see that thing again, but somehow a part of me was curious, curious to know all there was to know about Anzel. I nodded my head slowly; perhaps this would make the decision to walk away in five days so much easier.
“It can be scary.” He said softly and I was surprised at his thoughtfulness. Yesterday he had wanted to scare me, today; he wanted me to accept what he was.
I nodded my acknowledgement of his statement, not trusting myself to speak. He grinned suddenly and I almost melted against him.
“The truth is, I can’t transform right now, I can only transform at night, and I am at my strongest only on a full moon.” He was still smiling.
“Oh.” The tit bit of information surprised me; Anzel was sharing a weakness with me.
“So, you are just a man now?” I asked and he nodded. “You feel pain; you can die as easily as a man.”
“Almost.” He said simply.
“No special abilities?” I asked.
“Not too much.” He responded.
“Good.” I slapped his face, hard. He laughed.
I had expected anger or reprisal; his laughter caught me by surprise. I smiled and tried to pull away from his arms.
“You have a beautiful smile.” He said softly and stared into my eyes intently.
“Thanks...” My words were cut off by the press of his lips against mine. I could sense the hunger behind his kiss but he drew away without deepening it.
“I’ll go dress and walk you back to the cabin.” He said and hurried back to the stream. I brushed my fingers lightly across my lips, savoring the tantalizing warmth of his lips that still lingered. I found myself looking forward to sharing his bed, it wasn’t that I was loose as Arkel would say; I simply had no choice in the matter. I nodded my head firmly; I would make love to Anzel tonight, because I had no choice. I licked my lips in an effort to retain the taste of him...yes, because I had no choice.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
The day was surprisingly normal. Anzel grew several produce and spent his time tending them. He maintained precious few animals but yet lunch consisted of a good helping of meat and vegetables. He was a good cook.
We didn’t speak much during the meal, it still felt remarkably embarrassing to look at him, each time I did I found my breath catching in my throat, though I must confess I snuck several looks when he was not noticing me.
“I’ll tidy up.” Anzel was saying as he collected the plates from in front of me.
“Please, let...let me. I feel like I should work for my lodging.” I muttered and then blushed a bright red. Some might say that I was working for my lodging already.
“You don’t have to.” He said firmly but I was already on my feet and taking the items from his hands, when our hands touched I pulled away suddenly but Anzel caught the wares before they could crash to the floor.
“Sorry...” I muttered, the tips of my fingers still burning from where they had brushed him. I turned away and hurried to the door, I needed some fresh air.
“Carrie.” He said.
“Yes.” I stopped and turned to face him.
“I’ll show you around a little later.”
“I...” I was not sure if I wanted to be in his company, he made me so nervous.
“If you’d like that?” He added hastily and turned to hurry off to the kitchen to rinse up the wares. I could tell he was not accustomed to forming requests, and I was slightly heartened by the fact that he made the effort for me.
“I...I think I would.” I raised my voice ever so slightly so he would hear my words from the kitchen.
“ is your foot?” He shouted back to me. I could hear the water slashing about in the kitchen as he cleaned up and I hurried back to my chair and slipped off my shoe. How very unusual, there wasn’t so much as a scar to show I had been cut.
“Why...why it’s fine.” I muttered.
“Great!” His voice carried a hint of a smile in it and I wondered why he was so pleased with himself.
“Finished.” He presented himself to me, hurriedly drying his hands with a kitchen clothe. “Are you ready to go for that walk?”
He was quite handsome; I could almost excuse myself for being so easily seduced by him. Just watching him I was almost moved to go to him, to embrace him, to treat him as the lover he truly was to me. Instead I nodded my head stiffly and headed out of the door ahead of him.
“I’ll show you the stream. This morning you washed in water I brought in, but mostly I bathe at the stream.” The long strides had brought him in line with me and we were now walking side by side, every neuron in my body was on edge.
“Oh.” I spared him a swift glance hoping he wasn’t looking my way, our eyes met and locked; I stumbled forward awkwardly and he grabbed me and pulled me protectively towards him. I leveled my hands against his chest and pressed myself away.
“Thank..thank you. I seem to be rather clumsy.” I knew my face was a bright red and it turned brighter when he smiled his acceptance to my excuse. “Won’t the water be cold?” I muttered.
“Yes. But I don’t mind.” He glanced over at me. “I’m sure I could keep you warm.”
“” I was genuinely too flustered to make a coherent response to his comment. He laughed at my discomfort and I stared at him with daggers. Five days could not go fast enough.
“The cabin is surrounded by fruit trees, so we won’t lack for food.” He was saying as he scampered down a small slope and stuck his hand up to help me. I inhaled deeply and then placed my hand in his and hurried down beside him.
“I make a fairly decent husband.” He said; my hand was still captured in his and my heart was beating double time.
“I..perhaps not for me.” I suggested; forcing my voice to sound even. He pulled me against him and his lips covered mine; they were tentative, testing and askance. I melted against him and found my own lips answering the questions of his.
When he pulled away we were both breathing unevenly.
“Definitely for you.” He said firmly and still holding my hand continued his trek away from the cabin.
“Oh!” I couldn’t help but gasp, the entire area was beautiful but the stream was positively panoramic with its adorable water fall and ethnic rough edges.
“I love it!”
“I thought you would.” He was chuckling. I slipped off my shoes and dipped my toe in, I was surprised to find it not as cold as I would have imagined.
“Who owns all of this? The village?” I asked.
“No. It’s mine. In fact, the village is on my land as well, but I have tolerated them over the years.” Anzel explained as he started to strip away his clothes.
“What are you doing?” I asked nervously.
“I can’t swim with my clothes on.” He said flatly, I stared at him and then turned my face away as he peeled off the last of his garments.
“You’ve already seen everything.” He pointed out and I blushed.
“I...a young lady...” Arkel’s rules swam about in my head. “Arkel says a young lady ought not to look on a man’s body!” I explained.
“You’re my wife. That sort of changes everything.” He pointed out.
I blushed and was glad my face was turned away from him.
“At the Village...when a woman was married she would dress pretty, and they would be a big feast and...she would be given a ring – and the two would make great vows of life long commitment.” I explained. It was foolish I knew, but it was what marriage meant to me. He had taken me, but was it marriage?
“ my land, marriage is what I determine. You are my woman that makes you my wife.” He said simply.
“Of course.” I settled down on a rock nearby and turned to face him again, he was standing waist deep in the water. It was pointless to argue with him, he wouldn’t understand what I felt.
“Join me.” It was probably supposed to be a question but it sounded suspiciously like a command.
“You’re...” I bit my lip, it was amazing how the very thought of his nakedness made me warm. “You’re naked.”
“So what?” He scrunched up his face. “When we lay in bed tonight I shall be naked as well, and so will you.”
“But you promised you would give me five days!” I exclaimed jumping up from the rock hurriedly.
“And I will. In those five days you will be a wife to me. If...” He tossed water over his head as he spoke and I watched his black hair become shiny and sleek and cling to his head and face. “If you still don’t want me, I’ll take you to town. That’s what I promised and that’s what I’ll do.”
“But...but I thought that...” I bit my lip, he was such a monster!
“You thought wrong.” He said bluntly and dove beneath the surface of the stream.
I didn’t need to take this from him! I was no toy he could use and send back to the shop! I was leaving and I was leaving now! I turned on my heels angrily and started my march back through the woods. I had gone only a few yards when I felt Anzel’s body against mine hot and damp and his arms encircling my waist.
“You’re getting me wet!” I complained.
“That’s good news.” He muttered and I blushed.
“Let go of me.” I whispered through clenched teeth.
“You think this jungle is a park?” He asked. “That you can go strolling off in any direction you want to?”
I refused to answer; choosing to pout instead.
“There are wild animals in these woods. Animals that would tear you apart and devour you in two bites.” He said as he twisted me about to face him.
“Liar!” I answered. “Why haven’t I seen any?”
“They stay away from the house, because they fear me.” Anzel explained and I swallowed hard. “But they won’t hesitate to attack a human.”
“Human...” The word slipped off of my tongue nervously. It was amazing that I had been here less than twenty four hours and I was already starting to forget what Anzel had shown me that first day. “What...what are you?”
I wasn’t even sure why it mattered what he was, in five days I would be free of him.
“I’m a werewolf.” He said. “Do you wish to see?” His face actually looked hopeful that I might say yes. I wet my lower lip swiftly with my tongue, I remembered how he had looked earlier, so scary and his eyes.
“I..” I wasn’t even sure why I was hesitating. I didn’t need to see that thing again, but somehow a part of me was curious, curious to know all there was to know about Anzel. I nodded my head slowly; perhaps this would make the decision to walk away in five days so much easier.
“It can be scary.” He said softly and I was surprised at his thoughtfulness. Yesterday he had wanted to scare me, today; he wanted me to accept what he was.
I nodded my acknowledgement of his statement, not trusting myself to speak. He grinned suddenly and I almost melted against him.
“The truth is, I can’t transform right now, I can only transform at night, and I am at my strongest only on a full moon.” He was still smiling.
“Oh.” The tit bit of information surprised me; Anzel was sharing a weakness with me.
“So, you are just a man now?” I asked and he nodded. “You feel pain; you can die as easily as a man.”
“Almost.” He said simply.
“No special abilities?” I asked.
“Not too much.” He responded.
“Good.” I slapped his face, hard. He laughed.
I had expected anger or reprisal; his laughter caught me by surprise. I smiled and tried to pull away from his arms.
“You have a beautiful smile.” He said softly and stared into my eyes intently.
“Thanks...” My words were cut off by the press of his lips against mine. I could sense the hunger behind his kiss but he drew away without deepening it.
“I’ll go dress and walk you back to the cabin.” He said and hurried back to the stream. I brushed my fingers lightly across my lips, savoring the tantalizing warmth of his lips that still lingered. I found myself looking forward to sharing his bed, it wasn’t that I was loose as Arkel would say; I simply had no choice in the matter. I nodded my head firmly; I would make love to Anzel tonight, because I had no choice. I licked my lips in an effort to retain the taste of him...yes, because I had no choice.

chapter 6

Chapter 6
I was surprised to find that we spent much of the day talking. In spite of his rough exterior it turned out that Anzel was quite talented. I learnt that he had left his parents many years before and earned his way in life, I was amazed to find that he was numbered among the first people who inhabited the Americas, and swiftly obtained the land the space on which he now lived. I dared not ask him his true age, for though he looked a young man of no more than twenty two or three, he was clearly much, much older.
Talking to Anzel made me feel so lost and sheltered. To hear the things that he had experienced, the places he had seen – my own life seemed pathetically empty in comparison. I had never left the village, never knew more than the ten or so families that lived there, never knew a way of life other than the one they told me about. Anzel spoke of hundreds and thousands of people, of a freedom that I could only dream of and I wished dearly to experience it.
He showed me around the grounds, where he kept animals and grew vegetables and suffered to teach me how to maintain a kitchen garden. I daresay I ended with more of the mud on my face than in the garden. He had a fine time laughing at me.
“Is that not considered ungentlemanly?” I demanded, after a day of being told of all the fancy ways of ladies and gentlemen about the world I rather fancied myself an authority. He laughed all the more loudly. I grinned. I liked his laugh; it was earthy and so real and contagious.
“Come here.” He instructed; I stepped forward obediently and he lifted his shirt, revealing well sculpted abs, damping the end with his tongue he proceeded to rub the dirt from my face. I inhaled sharply; the action was so simple and yet so intimate it sent bolts of electricity through my body. Why did I respond to every thing he did like that?
“I shall start dinner.” I muttered pulling away from him I hurried towards the house. He hesitated only momentarily before joining me; I felt his hand slide around my waist possessively and was surprised to find that I liked it.
Anzel was most quiet during dinner and I could not help worrying if I had done something to offend him, we seemed to have been getting along quite well during the day. Perhaps I ought not to worry about such things; after all, in just a few days I would be leaving this place, never to see him again.
Having insisted that I needed no help with the dishes I watched Anzel saunter outside to chop wood for the fire. I had five days here but I knew instinctively a man like Anzel would take many, many, many years to understand. So tough and aggressive one moment and the next soft and playful, the question was, which was the real Anzel?
When I strolled into the bedroom I noted that Anzel had captured and left a basin of water for me to clean up and I was grateful. I was accustomed to hard work, but the long walk we had taken during the day left me feeling rather tired. I stripped off my clothes and pulled on what I could only presume was one of Anzel’s shirts, he had said that I would sleep naked, but he was wrong – I would fight his intentions all the way.
I climbed onto the bed and snuggled under the sheet briefly wondering where Anzel had disappeared to. The single candle I lit was growing smaller and still there was no trace of Anzel. I pushed the thought out of my mind that I was actually waiting up for him to come to bed. I slipped off the bed; hurried to the door and peeped outside.
“Anzel.” I whispered his name into the dark room, a little embarrassed that I was having some trouble sleeping in his absence.
“Carrie.” His voice responded from so near to me I stumbled back.
“I...I thought...well...I...” I wasn’t sure what explanation to give for my coming to look for him. I need not have bothered for he gripped my hand firmly and pulled me back into the bedroom. A breath caught in my throat and my stomach twisted with a combination of anticipation and nervousness, would he make love to me again? In the dim flickering light of the candle I could see that Anzel was fully dressed and looking quite splendid in a fancy gentleman’s suit and hair well groomed.
“You’’re going out?” Where on earth could he be going in a jungle dressed like that; unless he had changed his mind and decided to take me into town and release me sooner. “You’re letting...letting me go?”
“No.” He rubbed what appeared to be a nervous hand across his mouth roughly. “I rather hoped you’d...” It was his turn to stammer now. “I hoped...” I stared at him, waiting to hear the hopes of this man that seemed to be such a crazy mix of personalities, but suddenly he was kneeling before me and from his extended hand he was presenting me with the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my life.
“Anzel!” The word rolled off my lips.
“Be my wife.” He whispered, he looked shy, almost embarrassed but that just made him so much more endearing. “I’m sorry I have no fancy dresses here for you, or feasts, but tomorrow I promise you I can kill a lamb and prepare you a feast you would not soon forget. I know it could never be like the marriages you’ve seen but I promise I’ll take care of you and you never have to fear anything or anyone.” He was looking up at me earnestly and I could only stare down at him with shock. A tear trickled down my cheek and I brushed it away swiftly.
“I...” I wasn’t sure what to say, a part of me screamed yes and a part of me said that I wanted to be free. Agreeing to marry him meant never being free. I stood there struggling with my emotions until I felt the ring slide onto my finger.
“Anzel.” There were no more words to be said he had risen to his feet and lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed. “Anzel.”
“I only ask for you to give us a chance, Carrie.” He whispered and then his lips were on mine, hot, passionate and his tongue demanding entry – I didn’t refuse him.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
I picked my way along the forest gingerly, I was wearing one of Anzel’s shirts, I didn’t wish to take the time to dress more appropriately for the outside as I didn’t wish to wake him. Last night had been good; in fact it had been more than good, it had been extraordinary. Anzel had been gentle, thoughtful and loving. I would never have thought it possible, but in spite of what he was; I was falling in love with Anzel.
I smiled to myself quietly; it was so strange how he could be so soft sweet and kind. I glanced down at the ring he had placed on my finger that night, the ring that said Anzel wanted to be with me, forever. I caressed it gently and trudged forward determinedly. Since I had arrived it seemed it was Anzel that spent his time trying to make me feel loved and wanted; it was my turn now. Had he not said that he had gotten the rose he had brought to me that first day from around the forest? In fact I distinctly remembered him saying that they were all about and quite easy to find. I bit my bottom lip viciously; I had been searching for close to an hour now and could find not one.
“Darn!” I peeked behind a nearby bush and gave a sigh of frustration. I had hoped to make it back to the cabin before Anzel awoke, prepare breakfast and present it to him with a rose and announce that I desired to stay with him; not as a captive but as his wife. I smiled to myself again and hummed a happy tune as I imagined the look of surprise and yes; joy that would spread across Anzel’s face. He wanted me; he had made that quite clear.
“Grrrrr….” The soft low growl in the distance caused my heart to skip a beat.
“Oh dear.” I glanced around nervously, Anzel had warned me not to travel too far from the cabin. I would have to give up on my hope of a rose and hurry back. Bright red eyes stared at me from behind a rock just a few feet away. I swallowed hard. It was low, no more than two feet off of the ground. It looked like a child’s eyes, and yet not.
“Hel..hello…” I called nervously taking a tentative step backward, there was no response. I turned and started to hurry back in the direction I had come, the sound of small footsteps behind me caused me to start to run.
“Grrrrr….aaaarrrrrrr.” The sound seemed to be increasing in volume. It sounded like more than one.
“Please…please leave me alone!” I was running and screaming at the same time. My heart seemed to be racing double time, faster than my feet could carry me. The feel of a small body on my back made me scream louder.
“Aaaaaaahhhhhh!” Its teeth seemed to be like the blades of a saw and as they sank into my shoulder I felt another grab my foot and bite in.
“Get off…” I struggled but they were coming too fast now. They might be small but their combined weights were forcing me to the ground.
“Please…aaaaahhhh.” Tears stung my eyes as sharp teeth sunk into my neck and I collapsed to the ground gasping.
“Raaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.” It was the sound of a moan or groan, I couldn’t be sure because I was curled into a ball my hands covering my face and sobs racking my body.
“Hoooooooooowwwwwwlllllllll…..!” I wasn’t sure how, but I recognized the sound immediately. It was Anzel, and he was calling to me.
“Help!” My voice was low and weak to my own ears but somehow it seemed as if less of these creatures were about me. Had the sound of Anzel’s howl scared them? Anzel had said that the creatures of the forest avoided him, they stayed away from him, did that mean he was coming? Was he coming to save me?
I had never slept like that, so soundly that I hadn’t even noticed when Carrie had left my bed. I cursed at myself mentally, I had been complacent. Perhaps I might have thought what we shared was beautiful, but clearly Carrie had been using the opportunity to escape from me. Could she hate me so much that she would risk going into the forest alone to escape?
It was the scent of her blood that woke me. I had transformed immediately and raced after the smell that not only haunted my nostrils but my mind as well. If I could smell her blood…it didn’t bear thinking about. I had to believe she was still alive!
I stopped dead in my tracks. She was laying there, her body covered with blood and one last Werepraun sitting on her shoulder feeding. It must have gotten carried away with its meal and neglected its own safety. It would pay dearly for that, in fact it would pay for all the other Wereprauns that had ran off before I arrived. I dove gripping the creature in my mouth, its eyes widened with fear and the sound of its bones scrunched as my teeth pressed down against its body. I dropped it to the ground and proceeded to rip it apart with my claws – bit by bit. It was dead after the first tear, but I didn’t stop; it was my way of getting over my pain.
“Anzel…” The voice was soft and weak but it was Carrie. I dropped the bit of Werepraun I was still holding and transformed into my human and hurried over to where Carrie laid, she wasn’t moving.
“Carrie?” I slid my fingers along her neck and my heart skipped a beat. There was a pulse, she was alive, barely, but alive none the less.
She was my mate; surely I could nurse her back to health? Surely? I glanced around once more for a sign of more Werepraun, part of me wanted to tear through the forest, hunt them and kill everyone of them, but I had to subdue the revenge side of my wolf, the man understood that right now more important than revenge was caring for Carrie.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
I opened my eyes and saw Anzel standing over me; he was stirring a paste in a bowl.
“Anzel…” I whispered.
“Don’t try to talk.” His voice was flat and dry. He seemed angry or upset. He plastered some of the contents on my chest; I looked down and made a face. I had large scars and bite marks all along my body. A tear trickled down my face and I wondered if he found me disgusting to look at. Was that why he was so upset, was he sorry he had offered me marriage?
“You don’t…” It was a strain to talk. I closed my mouth and eyes, there would be enough time to tell Anzel that he could find someone else, I wouldn’t hold it against him. A tear slid down my cheek and I tried to pull the sheet up to cover my ugliest.
“Don’t worry, I won’t touch you.” Anzel said.
“You…should have let me die.” I muttered and buried my face in the pillow and wept bitterly.
The next time I opened my eyes was to the feel of the sun streaming through the bedroom window.
“You were upset so I gave you something to help you sleep.” Anzel said. He was sitting beside me the same bowl in his hand and I had to wonder if he had slept.
“Oh.” I wasn’t’ sure what to say but the growl from my stomach told its own story.
“You’re hungry.” He got up and hurried out to the kitchen. “I’ll take you into town today. I’ll leave you with some money.” He was shouting to me from the kitchen and I had to strain to hear him. So this was it then, he was ready to be rid of me.
“I’ll make sure you have somewhere to stay for a few months at least.” Anzel was still shouting. “And you’ll have your freedom. You’ll be free to go wherever you want.”
“I…” Had he grown tired of me or was he disgusted with the way I looked? I pulled the sheet down to take in my body. I gasped. There wasn’t a mark, not a scratch, not a sign that I had been attacked, bitten, almost killed by those little monsters. How was that possible? What kind of magic had Anzel worked on me?
“There is some water in the corner to wash up with.” He was entering our bedroom again with a tray ladened with food. “You can clean up and get dressed, we’ll leave in an hour.”
“Thanks…” I started.
“No need, consider it paid in full.” He said dryly and I blushed a bright red. Was this payment for what we had shared?
“I’m not a whore.” I said.
“Whatever.” He seemed dismissive and a tear pricked the back of my eyes. Was it all make-believe, had he meant nothing of what he had told me?
“I guess the ring isn’t covered then.” I said dragging the ring he had given me from my finger and throwing it at him angrily. I half expected him to catch it but he allowed it to fly by; strike the wall and fall to the ground unnoticed.
“That’s true. The ring was worth much more than anything I got from you.” He said and I tossed the breakfast tray at him. Again, I was surprised he made no effort to move.
“I’ll go clean up, meet me outside in an hour.” He turned and walked away without another word.
I cried. I was falling in love with Anzel and suddenly he didn’t want me anymore. If I just knew what I had done that made him change his mind about me; I would certainly undo it. I dragged myself from the bed; washed up and put on the dress I had arrived in together with my shoes. It was washed and tidied and I considered the many skills Anzel had, he made for a fine husband indeed but it seemed as if it was too late for him to be my husband.
I brushed my hand across my face quickly; I wouldn’t let him see how desperate I wanted to stay and how much I had come to care for him.
“On time. Must be really anxious to leave.” Anzel said as I strolled out from the house.
“No more anxious than you are to have me go.” I muttered.
He reached out a hand; I took it and he pulled me up to sit beside him on the wagon. We stared at each other for a long moment, our hands still clasping each other.
“How long is the journey to town?” I asked.
He laughed but it was not a cheerful laugh. He dropped my hand and gathered the horses’ reigns in his hands.
“That anxious to get away?” He clapped the reigns angrily and I rocked back in my seat.
“I…” I wasn’t sure what to say. I wish I could figure out what went wrong, why was Anzel so angry at me?
“Save it, don’t waste your time being polite.” He said and focused his attention on the horses.
The journey to town took almost five hours most of which was in silence. Every conversation I tried to start Anzel shot down. Eventually he looked straight at me and asked if I minded if we didn’t talk.
Anzel was as good as his word. He took me to an Inn and paid the innkeeper, he had lunch ordered for me and he left a pouch of coins that from the look on the innkeeper’s face I knew they were worth quite a lot. It was strangely exciting to think of myself out in the world as a free woman, but strangely sad as well. I wanted to see the world, I wanted to know what was out there, but I had come to realize that I only wanted to do so if Anzel was with me.
“Anzel.” I gripped his hand as he started back towards the wagon.
“You’ll be okay.” He patted my hand gently and he had a kind look in his eyes. “I trust Jules…” He nodded his head over at the innkeeper. “He won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“Thank you.” I raised up on tip toe and pressed my lips against his. A few ladies passing the street stopped and glanced at us scoldingly.
“People in these parts aren’t too partial to outward gestures of affection.” Anzel said. “You might want to remember that if you don’t want a bad reputation.”
“I will.” I muttered. I really wanted to ask him what I had done that made him send me away. Was it because I had gone into the forest although he had warned me about the dangers? Pride seemed to stop me from asking, from begging him to give us a chance.
“Good girl.” He climbed onto the wagon and glanced down at me.
“Wait!” I yelled and he scrunched up his face as I raced back into the Inn my hair flying and several persons staring at me as if I had gone completely insane.
“Careela…” Jules eyes widened as I hurried behind his desk and popped his rose from the vase behind him.
“I’ll pay for it, I promise.” I said racing back outside and hoping against hope that Anzel had not left.
“I…I wanted to give you this.” I held up the single rose towards him; he was sitting on the wagon his face set. He raised a questioning eyebrow.
“I went looking for one in the forest, that night…that night…” I still found it hard to speak of it. To speak of the fear and of the moment when everything between Anzel and I had changed.
“You were looking for a rose?” He seemed incredulous.
“You said they were all around. You could find them easily, but I didn’t. I looked and looked and then…” My voice trailed off again.
“Carrie…” He voice cracked as he slipped off of the wagon and gathered me into his arms, his lips crushing mine with his hard and passionately.
“I thought you were running away from me.” He said; he sounded breathless when he drew away.
“I…” I threw my arms about his neck and hugged him tightly. “I would never run from you, I love you.”
He was kissing me again and the fact that a small crowd had started to gather around us went completely over our heads. When he drew away he was laughing.
“So?” I stared at him pointedly. “You still want me to stay here?” I asked.
He didn’t answer he was swinging himself back onto the wagon and pulling me along with him.
“Anzel!’ Jules was rushing out of his Inn yelling at us.
“Don’t worry Jules. We’ll be back another time…” Anzel yelled but the wagon was already tearing its way towards our home.
“Will we? Will we go back to the town?” I asked a sense of excitement filling my heart.
“Yes.” Anzel was still grinning. “There’s lots of things and places for you to see.” He slid his hand onto my leg and I covered it with both of mine.
“I’m looking forward to that.” I admitted. “But I’m looking forward even more to seeing those places with you.”
He stopped the wagon suddenly and I lurched forward, his hand gripped me holding me in place.
“Tell me I’m not dreaming this.” He said.
“Dreaming what?” I asked.
“Dreaming that you really want me, that you want to stay with me, that you want to be my…wife, forever.”
“I do, forever and forever shall not be long enough.” I said earnestly. When he pulled me into his arms I melted against him happily trading kiss for kiss and silly words of love for silly words of love.
“I’m sorry I was hard on you.” Anzel said.
“I wasn’t sure what I had done wrong.” I confessed.
“You did nothing wrong.” He kissed me again. “You’ve been nothing but perfect.” He slapped the reigns and we started to move off again.
“Oh…” I glanced at Anzel as he spoke. “For the record, I traveled a day’s journey as my wolf to find that one rose I brought you.” His face was red as he spoke and I knew it was difficult to admit. “I wanted to impress you but I didn’t want you to know how difficult it was to find the rose. I didn’t want you to know how much trouble I had gone to in order for you to like me.”
“My darling Anzel. Such a strange mixture of personality.” I said softly. “But I love them all.”
There was much to learn still of Anzel and his life style, I loved him but I never doubted that there would be challenges, but I was ready to face them.

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9
We were home by nightfall and Anzel went straight to putting away the horses, feeding them, cleaning up and fetching water for my bath. By the time he had returned to the house I had cooked dinner and was awaiting him.
“Smells good.” He said.
“Thanks.” I walked up to him still feeling a sense of nervousness and pressed my lips to his cheek gently. It would take some time for me to fully accept that he was mine.
“I’ll go wash up.” I hurried into the bedroom; cleaned up and came back to find Anzel setting the table.
“I’ll finish.” I said; he nodded and sat down. I could see from the way he was glancing about he was unaccustomed to being looked after.
“You should get used to it.” I said.
“To what?” He asked waiting politely until I picked up my utensils before digging in.
“Being looked after.” I said. He grinned.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Very.” I muttered and shoveled a forkful of food into my mouth.
“Should I say sorry?” He asked.
“I like the way you look after me.” He was blushing as I said it. “I guess I enjoy doing the same for you.”
“Tonight…” He seemed hesitant and then he stuck a forkful of food into his mouth.
“Tastes good.” He muttered.
“That’s not what you were going to say.”
“Tonight…” He hesitated again and stuffed another forkful of food into his mouth. I sighed heavily.
“Tonight…” Whatever he was trying to tell me seemed to be fighting him and I could feel a knot begin to form in my stomach. “Tonight, I want us to mate…completely.”
I laughed.
“We’ve already…” I bobbed my head to insinuate sex. “What else is there?”
“Werewolves…” He stuffed another forkful of food in his mouth and I made a face at him. He was becoming very tiring.
“Sorry.” He half smiled at me. “This is hard for me. It’s like we’ve gotten over our human differences and now I feel like I’m introducing a whole new problem.”
“Problem?” I had given up on eating, I had made up my mind I wanted to be with Anzel and the idea that they could be a problem was very disheartening.
“Werewolves mate for life.”
“So do humans.” I said.
“We live for hundreds of years. If you die, they can never be anyone else for me.”
“Oh.” I wrinkled my nose at that thought. “I shall try not to die too soon then?” He laughed.
“It would help if you were like me…a werewolf.”
“But I’m not.” It was pretty obvious but I felt it needed to be said.
“I know that.” His voice was a little gruff like the old Anzel, but I had learnt not to take the tone too seriously.
“So what would you have me do?” I persisted.
“If a werewolf bites a human without killing them, they become a werewolf.” Anzel said.
“That’s all you have to say?” He asked.
“What does that mean?” Roughly. He cleared his throat. “Sorry.”
I picked up the plates and started to scrape the ends into the garbage.
“I want to be with you.” I said. He stood up and hurried over to my side.
“The first night I found you in the forest and I touched you, my wolf knew that you were meant to be my mate. And when you cut yourself and my saliva healed it I knew for sure that you were the one.” Anzel said.
“When I was hurt, you nursed me back to health.” I whispered.
“My body is your medicine Carrie. We belong together. Hundreds of years together will never change the way I feel about you. But unless you’re like me you won’t feel the connection as strongly as I do.” He said.
“I feel the connection mighty strongly already.” He turned me about to face him and I slipped the plates on the nearby counter. His lips brushed against mine.
“I won’t force this, but I’m asking you. I don’t want to live on without you. Be my werewolf mate.”
“I…” I trusted Anzel, there was much I didn’t know about werewolves but what I knew about Anzel; I was willing to trust this creature. “Yes.”
“Thank you.” His hands slipped below my knees and he lifted me into the air.
“The dishes…” I protested.
“We have many tomorrows to wash dishes.” He said and I nodded my agreement.
It was different tonight, tonight for the first time in our lovemaking we both allowed ourselves to be vulnerable.
It felt good to hold Anzel, to feel him deep inside of me and to know with every part of my being he belonged there.
“I love you.” Anzel’s hoarse voice whispered into my ears and my hands caressed his hair reveling in the joy that I had found.
“I love you.” I whispered back, the joy of being able to express our feelings taking us both to new heights. When his teeth brushed against my neck I stiffened momentarily.
“I won’t if…”
“No, I want us all the way.” I whispered and felt his mouth on my shoulder and then his teeth sink into my skin.
“Aaaaaahhhh…” The scream was involuntary.
“Forgive me.” He whispered and suddenly everything seemed to go dark.
“Anzel…” My fingers curled about his shoulders; holding him begging him not to fade away, but he did and darkness engulfed me.
I woke to an empty bed; breakfast on the table beside me and a note that simply said.
‘I love you, feel free to sleep in.’
I pressed the note against my heart. Anzel was up and busy already. I hurried from the bed, ate and washed up hurriedly. I wrinkled my nose at my shoulder where Anzel had bitten me, there was not a mark in sight. It was as if it were but a dream. I inhaled deeply, things seemed much clearer today, the food smelt much better and I felt as if I could hear every creature in the woods.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Anzel was standing with a rose in his hand. “It was lying around.” He teased and I giggled running over to take it from his hand and greet him as a proper husband should be greeted.


Texte: Copyright - All Rights ReservedPlease do not copy, reproduce or perform any part or the whole of this work without the express written permission of the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2011

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