

"Hey man! You're leaving?" asked Josh as I slapped his hand and then gripped it into a handshake.
"Yeah. My girl and I are going," I replied pointing a thumb behind at me at my girlfriend Annie Hastings, the most beautiful girl in the school. With her long legs and equally long golden hair, she was the dream girl of all the guys at Asheville High. Josh raised his eyebrows and gave me a goofy smile.
"Kay then. You two have fun," he said hitting my arm. I rolled eyes.
"It's not like that. I'm just taking her home," I said. He just nodded his head.
"Uh huh. No worries, man," he said. I waved bye and then walked out the door in the cool fall air.
"Ready?" smiled Annie wrapping her arms around herself. I smiled back as I offered my coat. I proceeded to open the door for her and then I walked around to the other side of the car and sat down in the driver's seat. We backed out of Josh's driveway and headed to Annie's house. She was animatedly talking about how she and her group of friends humiliated a girl in class the other day. I glanced at her and gave her a small smile as she recounted what she did to the poor girl. I didn't like what she did to others, but she was hot, and all the other guys were envious of me because of her. So, I stuck myself with her.
"That's cool, Annie," I said. She flipped her blonde hair and looked at me with dull blue eyes.
"Isn't it?" she smiled. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking. Suddenly, two headlights were heading towards us.
"AIDEEEENNN!!!" screeched Annie. I froze. I didn't know what to do.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AIDEN??!!" screamed Annie. She grabbed the steering wheel, but it was too late. I suddenly felt excruciating pain and I couldn't see anything. I heard people calling my name, faintly. But my eyes hurt so much. It was dark and all I could see were those two headlights coming towards me, over and over again.


Everyone was talking about the accident that happened last weekend. I rolled my eyes over in Annie's direction.
"Ugh. I'm so sick of hearing Annie's version of 'almost dying'. Neither she nor her boyfriend died in the accident. And she left the scene without a single scratch on her," I said. Lyn smiled.
"Yeah. Though, her boyfriend still hasn't came to school yet," Lyn said, her face scrunching up with concern. I stared at Annie.
"Poor Aiden. I don't think she even cares what happens to him..." I murmured. Lyn tied up her brown hair into a bun.
"Who knows. C'mon, lets go," she said shrugging and then dragging me to class. During class, I couldn't help but think of Aiden. He was smart, funny, and most definitely good looking. But, why was he dating an idiot like Annie? Sure, she was pretty. But she was heartless, dumb, and there was nothing special about her. And yet, it seemed like everyone either wanted to date her or be her. I wondered why Aiden was still in the hospital. Annie didn't talk about what was wrong with him. Actually, no one would. Absentmindedly, I drew him instead of taking notes. When I realized what I did, I blushed and closed my notebook really quickly. And just as quickly school was out. Everyone was still talking about the accident as I walked out of the school. I saw Lyn making out with her not-so-great boyfriend in the hallway. I walked up and tapped her. They both looked at me annoyed.
"Uh, are you taking me home today?" I asked. She just looked at me like I was crazy.
"You know what, nevermind. I'll just walk," I said.
"Text me," she called before she went back to sucking off her boyfriend's face. I tried to keep my stomach from jumping out of my throat. I walked home slowly in the cool fall air. As I did, I walked past Aiden's house. He was there, sitting on the porch, just staring. He looked like he was either about to cry or kill someone. I stopped, but he didn't seem to see me. He just kept looking straight ahead. His bright green eyes just stared, unmoving, as I stared back at him.
"Aiden?" I asked meekly. His head turned to face my direction.
"Who's there? Go away!" he said. I walked closer to him. And then I sat down next to him.
"Aiden... You don't know me, but, I'm sorry for whatever happened to you," I said slowly.


I felt someone next to me. Her voice sounded like a girl's, but I couldn't see her.
"Go away," I said again, but softly. I heard her sigh.
"What happened?" she asked just as softly.
"Who are you?" I asked angrily. How dare she come to my house and pity me!
"I'm Rose. Rose Thorn," she said slowly. The name rang a bell. And then I remembered that she was the girl that Annie was talking about that night. I couldn't put a face to the name.
"Yes, I know you," I said slowly. I heard her stop breathing for so long. I flashed a smile.
"Hey, you still alive?" I asked teasingly. I heard her breathe out slowly.
"Yeah, 'course," she said nervously laughing. I frowned.
"What do you look like?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"Can't you see....? Oh," she said realizing her mistake.
I didn't say anything. I was slowly getting angrier at the world.
"Well, I have blue eyes and light brown hair. It's a caramel color. And it's wavy and goes past my shoulders. Uh... I have freckles...?" she said slowly.
"You sound pretty," I stated. I heard her breath quicken. Gosh, I really did make an impression on this girl. I've never noticed that you could tell how a person felt just by hearing them breathe...

He stared at me in my general direction. His bright green eyes twinkled. I felt my heart beating. I was sitting next to Aiden Matthews. I was talking to him like a regular person. It was what I wanted to do all my life, but I just couldn’t.
“You sound pretty,” he said. I think I started to hyperventilate. He smirked at me. And then I realized he could probably hear me breathing.
“Thanks,” I murmured shyly after I tried to control my overflowing emotions. He smiled. And then slowly his smile began to fade.
“Why are you here anyway? To pity me?” he asked.
“What? No! Of course not! My friend, Lyn, she was going to drive me home but she was busy with her boyfriend so, I decided to walk home instead of waiting for her. I walk home sometimes, and when I do, I pass this house. You sit here, actually, on this porch. Usually you’re reading. I sort of just stare at- wait! No, not stare! I glance at you and you never notice me. Not that I ever wanted you to notice me. And today, you sort of looked upset and you looked lost in your own world… Not that I usually stare at you to see how you’re feeling! Haha! That’s weird…” I said flustered. I put my head in my hands and inwardly groaned.
He smiled.
“Hmm, Lyn Saber? The girl who’s dating John Smith?” he asked.
“Yup,” I replied.
“I used to see them make out in the hallway all the time,” he said.
“Yeah, they’re always majorly sucking face,” I said without thinking. He laughed.
“Haha! They do don’t they?” he smirked cocking his head. My heart stopped breathing.
“Yeah, well, she’s my best friend. Actually she’s my only friend,” I said. Then I clapped my hand over my mouth. IDIOT. I didn’t want him to think I was a freak! Or a loner! Or a… loser…
“Why’s that?” he asked, slightly confused from the clapping sound.
“Uh… People don’t really talk to me. I don’t really… Fit in,” I said slowly.
“Haha! Does anybody really?” he asked his green eyes twinkling. I smiled back, even though he couldn’t see me.
“Are you going to be blind forever?” I blurted. I closed my eyes and mentally hit myself. His face, hardened.
“The doctors say maybe,” he said. He got up and turned towards his door.
“Here,” I said leading his hand towards his doorknob.
“I don’t need your help,” he snapped, his eyes flashing with anger. I let go quickly, as if I was being scalded. I backed into his porch railing as he opened the door and then slammed it. I realized there was tears streaking down my face. They blurred my vision as I found my way to the sidewalk. I wiped my eyes and then ran all the way home.
“Rose? Is that you?” called my mother from the kitchen as I walked into the house. I tried to control my voice before I answered.
“Yeah,” I said starting to trek up the stairs.
“Why are you so late? Dinner’s almost ready,” called my mother, unmoving from the kitchen.
“Uh, Lyn drove me home. But she wanted to stop by McDonald’s. Sorry,” I called from the upstairs.
“Tell her to bring you home earlier. You have to study,” she said.
“Okay,” I said. I walked into my room, dropped my bag, and flopped down on my bed.
I stared at the ceiling thinking of how much of an idiot I am. Then my phone started to buzz. I looked at my phone and it was Lyn. I groaned. Then I answered.
“Heyyy! I’m so sorry for not being able to drive you today…” Lyn apologized. Then she giggled. Ugh. John was there.
“No, it’s fine,” I said.
“Okay. Good. So, we’re cool?” she asked.
“Yeah. Hey, actually, I need to tell you something.”
“Okay what?” she inquired.
“Um, something that John would have to leave the room for…”
“Ugh. Fine. Hey John. Rose here has to tell me something. So you gotta go for a little while,” Lyn told John.
“Whatever,” I heard him say. Then I heard them kissing.
“Ahem,” I said. I heard a large smacking sound as Lyn came back to earth.
“Okay, he’s gone. What is it?” she asked.
“Okay, so you know Aiden?” I asked.
“Yeah. The stuck up guy that was recently in a car accident. Don’t ask me dumb questions.”
“He’s not stuck u-ugh. Whatever. He lost his eyesight in the accident,” I said.
“WHAT??!” she screamed.
“Oh, poor guy! How do you know this?”
“He told me.” There was silence.
“Hello?” I asked.
“…YOU, Rose Thorn, TALKED to HIM, Aiden Matthews??”
“It’s not THAT hard to believe,” I mumbled.
”Does he know it was you that he was talking to?”
“Well, he knows it wasn’t a talking cactus,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Rose, seriously. Does he know it was you?”
“Well, I told him my name. He asked me what I looked like so obviously he didn’t KNOW know me,” I said slowly.
“Oh my God! Rose talked to Aiden!” screeched Lyn.
“Don’t tell anybody,” I said.
“That you talked to Aiden? Or that Aiden’s blind?” asked Lyn.
“That Aiden’s blind!”
“…Oh… Whoops! Haha! John sort of came in here while we were talking about it…”
“Sorry! You didn’t tell me it was a secret!”
“Why the heck did you think I wanted John out of there??”
“It’s ‘hell’.”
“It’s ‘what the HELL’.” I just stared in disbelief at my phone.
“What’s going on?” I heard John ask in the background.
“Oh, Aiden’s blind,” she said.
“Are you serious?!” he asked.
“Yeah, it’s really sad…”
“WHAT THE HECK, LYN!!” I cried.
“It’s ‘hell’, darling.”
“You know that I don’t like-“
“Saying bad words. I know,” she said. I heard John snicker in the background. I felt my eyes grow hot.
“Whatever. Bye.”
“Wait, Rose I’m-“
But I hung up before she got a chance to apologize. I wiped the tears that fell down my face. Today was just not my day.
“ROSE! DINNER!” called my older brother from the foot of the stairs. I got off of my bed slowly.


“AIDEN!” called my mother from the kitchen. I got up slowly off of the couch. I was watching television, or, well, listening to television. Though, I didn’t understand a word they were saying because I couldn’t see what they were doing. Great. That was ruined for me too.
“Aiden, do you need help?” my mother asked from my left.
“I-“ But she grabbed my arm and started to lead me towards the kitchen. I counted my steps. Twenty-one steps and then pivot and sit. Twenty-one steps from the living room couch to the kitchen table. I heard my mother set a plate in front of me. I felt the heat coming off of it. My stomach growled.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Can’t you see? It’s spaghetti!” said my thirteen-year-old sister. Then I heard her fork hitting her plate hungrily. There was silence besides, what I assumed, was the noises of my sister eating.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Aiden. I forgot…” she said, realizing her mistake.
“It’s fine,” I told Francine.
“The fork is on the left side, dear,” said my mother. I reached for it with my left hand but instead got a handful of spaghetti. I felt my face grow hot with irritation.
“Here,” said my mother as she grabbed a napkin and started to wipe my hand. I was slowly getting angrier and more frustrated. She put the fork in my hand and I finally got to eat a little of the spaghetti. But, soon enough, I was having issues. I kept making a mess, because I couldn’t see what I was doing. I flipped the plate in frustration and heard it shatter on the floor.
“AIDEN!” my father shouted angrily. I got up from the table and tried to find my way to the stairs. When I finally got to the stairs, I started to trip over them. I hated this!
“Oh just let him be,” I heard my mother say to my father as I finally reached the upstairs. I opened my door and then closed it. Then I collapsed on the floor, too tired to try to find my bed.
I listened to her voice go over in my head. Her voice was like melted butter; it was soothing. I played her saying her own name over and over in my head.
Rose Thorn.
I closed my eyes, although it didn’t make a difference, and tried to picture her. She said she had caramel wavy hair and blue eyes. She also walked by my house a couple of times. A lot of people walked by my house.
It was useless. I had no idea what she looked like or who she was. As far as I can tell, she was a social outcast. If Lyn was her only friend…
Lyn was always by my locker with a small petite girl with wavy caramel hair and the biggest blue eyes. She always looked so innocent.
Maybe that was she…
But she never said she was petite.
If she is Rose, then Rose was pretty. I remember seeing an innocent look in her eyes. And she used to blush so easily.


I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Gaaahhh. Another day.
I dragged myself out of bed and hopped into the shower. The water was warm and soothing. For some reason, sleeping left me feeling achy all over. After the shower, I dried myself off and slipped on some comfortable blue jeans and a black and white graphic tee shirt. I let my hair hang loose and applied a little mascara to my already huge eyes. They always made me feel self-conscious. Like, everyone was staring into them. Like, they really were windows to my soul, but bigger windows than usual. I brushed my hair as I hummed a little tune.
“Hey, want me to drive you to school?” asked my brother, leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom.
“That would be helpful,” I said.
“I heard you and Lyn arguing on the phone the other day anyway. Figured you needed one,” he said.
“Thanks Jared,” I said.
“No problem,” he said. I smiled. Then I grabbed my backpack and slipped into the front seat of his car. It was warmer today.
“So, I know you didn’t ride with Lyn yesterday,” said Jared as he started the car.
“Hmm? Oh, how do you know?” I asked.
“I saw her and her boyfriend in the hallway after school when everyone was gone. And you weren’t with her,” he said.
“Yeah, I walked home,” I said.
“That’s a long walk. But not that long of a walk,” he said smiling a goofy smile at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Meet a boy?” he asked. I playfully slapped his shoulder
“What are you talking about?”
“C’mon. I know you and Lyn were talking about some boy. What was his name? Andrew?”
“Aiden,” I blurted. I clapped my hand over my mouth. He glanced at me in disbelief.
“Aiden Matthews?”
“There can be more than one Aiden,” I said.
“True, but by the way your face is turning scarlet red, I’m guessing it’s Matthews. You guys talked? Wasn’t he in a car accident?” he asked.
“Yeah, coming back home from the party YOU were at,” I said.
“Is he okay?” my brother asked.
“Yeah, he’s fine,” I said.
“Any broken bones?”
“None that I know of,” I said. There was silence.
“You liiiiiikkkeee him. You wanna daaattteee him. You wanna kiiiissss him!” teased my brother, copying the voice that Sandra Bullock had from the movie Miss Congeniality. I just glared at him.
“Just take me to school, Jared,” I said.
“OOO! Didn’t deny it!” he cried. I rolled my eyes and stared out the window and watched the world go past.
“Hey, Rose, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” he said after a moment of silence.
“No, it’s just… Not like that,” I said slowly. He nodded his head.
“I figured,” he said. I feigned hurt.
“Thanks!” I cried sarcastically.
“No prob, lil sis,” he said patting my shoulder as we pulled into the school parking lot. I stuck my tongue at him.
“Okay, now remember, you don’t know me,” joked my brother.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I said getting out of the car. I waved ‘hi’ to Lyn who was across the parking lot. She dyed her hair bleach blonde. Well, it was better than the hot pink…
She ran over to me. Her eyes were lined with lots of thick eyeliner. She was wearing electric blue contacts. She was wearing black skinny jeans that had about twenty rips in it. Her shirt was black and it had rips where her chest was. Underneath it was a lacy bright blue undershirt.
“Nice… outfit,” I commented. She scoffed and looked at me putting a hand on her hip.
“Yeah. I saw how your eyes widened. Hey, I like it,” she said linking arms with me.
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t. It’s just pretty…bold,” I said.
“My clothing’s always bold,” she stated.
“Yeah, but, yesterday, the flower dress was okay… And your hair and eyes were brown,” I said.
“Yeah but that’s because I was bored and decided to be weird for a day,” she said. I just looked at her. Weird? Seriously? You call dressing normally weird? I just shook my head.
“JOHN!” shouted Lyn waving her arms like a maniac. John bounded up and then they started sucking each other’s faces off.
Do they greet each other like this?? I just walked away towards my locker. And then headed off to my first block. Unfortunately, I had the stereotypical blonde in my first class. Yes, Annie Hastings. She sat behind me. I walked in and sat down in front of her. She and her cult of friends that worshipped her were talking about Aiden. My ears pricked up.
“Yeah. Unfortunately, I just can’t be with someone who can’t see and appreciate my beauty!” she cried disgustedly. I sat very still.
She broke up with him??
In one way, I was extremely happy. In another, I wanted to kill her for making such a mistake.
“Can you believe it? All the boyish looks, gone down the drain,” said one of her clones.
“I know. I can’t believe that he can’t see! He’s like… handicapped,” said another one of her clones.
“And I can’t possibly be with a handicapped person. I mean, like, ew,” said Annie.
I wanted to break her nose. He wasn’t handicapped. And the boyish looks comment? He still had them! And looks are NOT everything.
“How’d you break up with him?” asked the clone that made the boyish looks comment.
“Oh, well, I just texted him. I didn’t want to deal with him CRYING over me,” she said sounding like she was just disgusted at the thought. I swiftly turned around, my eyes blazing.
“First of all, he’s not handicapped, he can’t see. And chances are, he’ll get his sight back. Second of all, seriously? You TEXTED him? Did you not realize that he’s BLIND? He can’t see you text. And third of all, he wouldn’t cry over such an egotistical dumb FAKE blonde like you. You WISH he’d cry over you,” I said. Then I turned around smugly after seeing her blazing red face.
“WHAT did she say to me?” she hissed to one of her clones as the teacher walked in.
“I think she called you ‘egotistical’ and that you’re ‘fake’…. You weren’t born with blonde hair?”
Then she let out a little scream.
“Miss Hastings, are you alright? You look a little pale,” stated the teacher.
“No, I’m fine. I’m always fine,” she said a little high pitched. I let out a little giggle.
“I’m going to make your life here miserable,” she hissed in my ear. I shut up real quick. Just great. That’s all I need.
I sunk down in my seat as class started. What did I do THAT for? I’m not the bold one. Are you serious? Why would you DO that, Rose?
I spent the rest of day avoiding Annie and her cult. I was so scared she was going to make my life a living hell… heck… oh whatever!
I walked home because well, honestly, I wanted to see Aiden again. And because Lyn was busy again.
I kicked up the colorful leaves and made my way home. I walked past Aiden’s house, and sure enough, he was sitting right there on the porch. I smiled to myself as I made my way to the spot next to him.


I heard someone stepping on leaves in the yard. I smiled.
“Back again?” I teased. She plopped down next to me.
“How’d you know it was me?” she asked.
“Well, for one, I really didn’t. But you’re the only one who visits me anyway, so I figured I would take an educated guess,” I smirked. She was silent.
“Hey you still there?” I joked.
“Yeah, just thinking,” she said.
“About?” I pressed.
“Annie,” she said. My heart sort of dropped. Right, Annie. Why did I ever go out with her? I mean, she broke up with me because I lost my eyesight. I regretted my whole relationship with Annie.
“What about her?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even.
“Well, she broke up with you. I heard her talk about it in class today,” she said.
“Well, I sort of… snapped at her because of it. And now she’s going to make my life a living hell… I mean heck,” Rose said catching herself. She sounded frustrated and her voice was cracking like she was about to cry.
“You snapped at her because of me?” I asked.
“Well, she was being a witch about it,” she replied.
“Yeah, Annie’s sort of a bitch,” I said. I opened my arms.
“C’mere,” I said. She hesitated but eventually she let me wrap my arms around her. She rested her head on my shoulder. It felt good this way. Comfortable. But also electric.
“Don’t be afraid of Annie. She really can’t do anything. She’s actually very insecure. What did you say?” I laughed.
“Um…” she said. Her heart was fluttering. I couldn’t help but smile. Wow, her feelings really were like an open book.
“Uh… I called her a fake blonde,” she finally said. I whistled.
“Low blow,” I smiled.
“Well, she is. I’ve known her since I was in kindergarten. And apparently everyone has forgotten that she had jet black hair when she was younger,” she stated matter-of-factly.
“That would make so much sense. I bet she fakes being dumb too,” I said slowly.
“Yeah. We actually used to be friends. But, she just really doesn’t want to lose her popularity. Which is why she doesn’t want anyone to know anything. It’s the most dumb reason I’ve ever heard,” she said.
“Sounds like it,” I replied. I felt her head pop up.
“She said she texted you. How did you get it?”
“Uh, well, I got a new phone that reads out the text messages. Sort of embarrassing because it was during breakfast with my mom and all of a sudden my phone goes ‘hey AY-den. IM breaking up dub woo slash mark you. I just cant date you any-m-row. Especially since er blind. Sa-ree. Dash. Annie’,” I said sounding like how the machine said.
“How did you figure it out?”
“Well, the ‘breaking up’ and the ‘I just can’t date you’ really gave it away,” I replied smirking. She popped her head up again.
“Aiden, I want to help you,” she said.
“Help me?” I asked.
“I want to help you get used to being blind,” she replied. I felt my pride getting hurt. I didn’t need help from her. I was a man. I took my arms off of her.
“I don’t need help,” I replied coldly.
“Aiden, I just want to-“
“I don’t need it,” I said. I heard her sigh.
“Okay, if that’s what you want,” she said. I felt her get up. I didn’t ask if she was leaving. Part of me wanted her to, another wanted to grab her and hold on to her forever.
I heard her shoes hitting the porch steps and she sat down next to me again.
“Here,” she said. She handed me something that felt crispy but delicate.
“A leaf,” I said.
“Yes, a leaf. That’s what you’re like right now. You’re colorful on the outside. But you’re also fragile, ready to be crushed,” she said softly, her voice sliding over her words like butter. She put her hands over mine, crushing the leaf.
“I want to help you. So you can’t be crushed,” she said. She placed a smooth object in my hand.
“A rock, can’t be crushed,” she said. I flashed a smile, hiding my how uncomfortable I was feeling.
“Yeah, but it’s not colorful,” I joked.
“You’re right. It’s not,” she said.
“I’m sorry. I don’t… I can’t…” I stumbled on my words.
“You just have too much pride. I understand,” she said truthfully. Pride?
“Well, actually, you can help me,” I said slowly. I heard her laugh.
“Yeah, okay. We’ll start tomorrow, kay? Do you drive?” she asked without thinking.
“Umm, no,” I said.
“Oh my gosh! I’m sorry! I keep slipping up… No, it’s okay. I’ll get us a ride,” she said her voice changing a bit.
“…You’re not going to get like, a fake license and steal a car right?” I asked slowly. She playfully hit my arm.
“Who do you think I am? Sheesh,” she laughed.
“Where are we going to go?” I asked.
“You’ll see,” she replied. Then she got up and left without saying goodbye. Why say goodbye anyway, when she was going to see me tomorrow? I’ll hear your voice again real soon…


I looked over at him, sitting in the passenger seat. I was driving. I have driven before; I just didn’t have my license. But it was all right because so far, we hadn’t been pulled over.
“Where are we going that takes three hours to get there?” he asked, impatiently. I tsked.
”Impatient, impatient. Relax, Aiden. We’ll get there,” I said smiling to myself.
“You didn’t steal this car right?” he asked.
“Well, it’s my brother’s, so sort of…”
“And you didn’t get a fake license right?” he asked.
“Nope. I’m driving without one.” I heard him take an intake of air.
“O…kay…” he said slowly. I saw him grip the side of the car. He was scared. I mean, considering he had lost his eyesight in a car, it made sense.
Finally we were here. I parked the car.
“WE’RE HEREE!!” I sang. I got out of the car and then helped him out of the car. His green eyes stared at nothing.
“Where are we?”
“I don’t know. You tell me,” I said. He stood there, looking around but not seeing what I was seeing.
“I smell salt water… And I hear waves crashing… Are we at the beach?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” I said.
“But, it’s fall…”
“We’re not going to go SWIMMING silly,” I said. I grabbed his wrist.
“C’mon!” I lead him to the sand.
“Okay, now take off your socks and your shoes.”


I did what she told me to. I even rolled up my pants just a little bit. She held my hand instead of my wrist this time. Her hands felt soft in my rough ones. Small and soft.
I took a step into the warm sand. My feet felt the warmness and it felt grainy. It felt familiar. I could imagine how the beach looked, empty but beautiful. But, I couldn’t see it. And I didn’t think I would ever see it again.
By the time Rose told me to sit down, a tear was falling down my cheek.
“Aiden…” she whispered. I felt her hand brush away my tear. I didn’t know if I was looking at her or not. I stood up.
“I’m never going to see this again. Ever…” I said slowly. She breathed slowly and steadily. I felt her closer to me.
“No, but you see things in a totally different way,” she whispered. I looked in the direction of her voice. I could feel the heat coming off of her body. She was standing real close to me. Then suddenly, she threw her arms around my neck and shoulders. And she pressed her hot lips against mine. I put my arm around her back and tangled my hand into her hair.
This kiss felt different from other kisses. I didn’t know whether my eyes were open or not, but I didn’t really care. I could feel, so clearly, her soft pink lips on mine. Her hands tangled in my dark hair. I could feel her body pressed up against mine. Then I took her hands off from around me and fit my fingers in between the spaces between her fingers. I kissed her again as I dropped the hands to our sides. And then I pulled away.
“And you feel things differently,” she whispered breathless. I just smiled.
It was true. I did feel things and see things differently.
And my heart saw her.

That's when I noticed something different.
"Aiden?" she asked.
"Shh," I told her. It wasn't exactly important for her to be quiet but I was amazed. I was seeing...shadows. I blinked, a lot. I wanted to see. It was the one thing I wanted more than anything.

Wasn't it?

But, maybe Rose was more important to me. I felt her tiny hands touch both sides of my face.
"Aiden? You're shaking and hyperventilating..." she said. I put my hands over her hands.
"I'm starting to see..." I heard her gasp.
"Is that possible?" she whispered. I felt her move closer to me. I closed my eyes. I think it was happening. I think the surgery worked. I think...

I opened my eyes and I saw bright blue eyes outlined by long dark eyelashes. Her pink lips were twisted in concern.
"Rose?" I asked. Her lips curled into a smile. She was just as pretty as I imagined her to be. Not that it mattered. She could look like a pig and I would still be in love with her.
"Guess helping me be used to being blind isn't necessary anymore, huh?" I smirked. She laughed and looked at me in a way no one has ever looked at me before. I saw the sun setting in the corner of my eye. It was beautiful, being able to see all the colors that I had taken advantage of before. Then suddenly, she looked away. I tucked my hand under her chin and turned her towards me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Aiden... I'm not... I'm not the girl for you," she said getting up. I got up quickly and grabbed her wrist.
"What do you mean you're not the girl for me?" I asked. She sighed and tucked a caramel-colored lock of hair behind her ear.
"Listen. I'm not popular. I'm not pretty. I'm average. Completely and totally average. I'm a dork. I get made fun of. I CARE too much about everything. About you," she looked at me, her blue eyes staring into my soul, "And, I just don't want to get hurt. Aiden, I'm just not the-"
I grabbed her and pressed my lips against her. It was a sweet kiss. She kissed me back. I pulled away, breathless.
"Aiden, I-"
"Shut up," I murmured and then I leaned in to kiss her again.

I could see. And I will always only see her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To anyone who is blind and is going through a tough time. To anyone who had a horrible accident and regrets their life. (Although, I guess if you were blind you wouldn't be reading this...) This is also dedicated to my lovely readers! :D

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