

I stormed out of the classroom...
I had a legit reason though this time! I promise. My stupid teacher paired me up with Ian. Yes, Ian Winters.
Yes, Ian Winters the fantabulously gorgeous actor/singer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Him. With his golden blonde hair that looked like it "captured" the "sun's rays". Ha. Yeah, right. Oh, and you can't forget his "deep ocean" blue eyes. They're blue. BLUE. JUST PLAIN FRIKIN BLUE. There's no DEPTH to them at ALL.
Anyway, it'd be one thing if it was the first time. But in ALL of my classes today, I got paired up to do a project with Ian frikin Winters. Ian obnoxiously snobby Winters. Ian the-superstar-that-everyone-loves Winters.
So, yeah, it might be a little childish to storm out of the classroom because of him. Don't you have at least a little bit of maturity in you, Brooklyn? Yes, I do as a matter of fact. But you don't have to also WORK for the little scoundrel. I'm his built in maid practically.
....I live with him...
I owe his mother. She saved my life one time. And she told me to keep an eye on her son.
That and she was my mother's best friend before my mother died. So, I mean... I had to do as she said. So, I went to watch her son (not knowing who her son was) and then now I'm the new kid being paired up with Ian Winters.
To make matters worse, the public media think we're a COUPLE. LIKE A MUSHY COUPLE.
So, anyway, I stormed out of that classroom with the teacher yelling at me down the hallway. I just put up my hand and gave a little wave without turning around. I pushed through the heavy metal doors and took out the silver keys from my pocket. I pressed the unlock button and the shiny silver mercedes beeped in response. I slipped into the driver seat and turned on the car. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the car space. Then I put the car into drive and stepped on the gas pedal and flew out of there. I parked in front of Ian's humungous mansion (more like a castle). I opened the front door and threw the keys onto the side table next to the door. Ian's butler came rushing towards the door and then relaxed and smiled when he saw it was me.
"Ah, Brooklyn. Not a good first day?" he asked smirking.
"Oh, shut it Bert," I said rolling my eyes and making my way to the kitchen.
"I've told you, my name is not Bert," he whined. Bert, or well, John, was only about twenty years old. For some reason, he decided to be the butler of Ian Winters. I have no idea why... John had dark brown hair that fell a little bit into his deep green eyes. I smiled at him as I opened the silver refrigerator. I grabbed a strawberry yogurt and when I closed the door, there she was, glaring at me. She, was the maid. Her name was Sky. She had long blonde hair and was also twenty. She was actually John's twin sister. They both had the same deep green eyes. She crossed her arms and took the yogurt out of my hands and then yanked the silver spoon out of my mouth. She quickly threw away the container still full of yogurt and scrubbed the silver spoon with a bright blue sponge.
"I was eating that..." I said staring at the silver trashbin.
"And I was cleaning the whole house," she said back. She put the silver spoon away.
"What does that have to do with me eating...?" I asked her retreating backside. She left without answering me.
"Yeah, that's Sky for you..." said John. I sat down on one of the spinning bar seats.
"I just want to go home," I mumbled, my head on the granite counter.
"Hey, then you wouldn't have met me!" exclaimed John using broadway hands. I lifted my head and just stared at him as he kept doing those broadway hands awkwardly. Then I burst out laughing.
"Stop, stop!" I giggled.
"Stop what? This?" he asked as he put his hands in my face. Then we heard a throat being cleared. We stared towards the opening of the kitchen. It was Ian. It looked like he walked out of a magazine cover. Knowing him, he probably did.
"Am I interrupting something?" he asked staring at us both. We were just frozen.
"Sorry, sir, I didn't hear you come in," said John standing up very straight.
"Obviously you were preoccupied with something else," he said gesturing towards me. John blushed. I glared at Ian.
"That 'something else' has a NAME," I said. Ian looked over at me with uninterested blue eyes as he opened the refrigerator.
"Oh, you mean the girl who ran out of her English class just because she was paired up with the guy whose giving her a place to live?" he asked cocking his head. He turned his head back towards the refrigerator and took out a strawberry yogurt. I was seeping with anger.
"Actually that girl is named Brooklyn," I said through gritted teeth. He looked up.
"Oh you mean like that awful city in New York?" he asked. I just glared at him. Oh, how I wanted to hit him.
How dare he insult my neighborhood. My town.
I hated his guts.
I hated him so much.
I turned on my foot and ran up to my room.
"I HATE YOU SO MUCH IAN WINTERS!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping he heard me.
"Love you too," he said popping his head into my room. I threw my lamp at him. It hit the door and shattered.
"DID I NOT JUST TELL YOU THAT I HAD JUST CLEANED THE HOUSE??!!" yelled Sky from outside of my bedroom door. I hung my head in shame, knowing she couldn't see me.
"Sorry, I'll clean it up," I said meekly.
"You better," she threatened. Sky, even though was sometimes totally insane, could be very scary and you always listen to her.
"And you!" called Sky probably to Ian.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Skyyy!" cried Ian. She was probably tugging on his ear. She opened my door and I was right. Ian was bent in pain from Sky's ear pulling.
"Apologize to her!" yelled Sky into his ear. She then let go. Ian straightened up and just glanced over at me before looking at the floor.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"For...?" asked Sky.
"For insulting your name and your town thingy," mumbled Ian. I smiled.
"I can't hear you...what was that?" I asked sweetly. He glared at me.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Wait, let me get my video camera," I said searching my drawer. Ian looked like he was going to pummel me except Sky had her hand on his ear again.
"Sky!" said Ian frustrated gesturing at me.
"Brooklyn, don't you dare," she said with that menacing voice of hers.
"Well, I just thought..."
"Thought what, Brooklyn? You thought it'd be fun to torture him? HE APOLOGIZED. ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON. I'M SICK OF YOU TWO!" she cried out. She yanked on Ian's ear and then slammed my door.
"Okay..." I called back. Then I put my head into my pillow and cried.
Stupid girl hormones.
I cleaned up the broken bits of the old lamp, cutting myself in the process, and then cleaned myself up. After I was finished washing my face, I turned around and there he was leaning against my bathroom door frame.
"What in the world do you want, Mr. Winters?" I asked sarcastically. He smirked.
"I need a date for the red carpet premiere of my new movie," he said.
"Then ask one of those many girls that fawn all over you at school," I said.
"Oooh. Bitter are we?" he asked smiling.
"Why would I be bitter? ...I'm not bitter!" I said shoving him out of the way.
"I know you want to see that movie. You and John were talking about it the other day. You would love going to the premiere. Pleeeaaassee?" he asked holding his hands together, begging. I thought about it.
"Grovel then," I said.
"What?" he asked bewildered.
"Grovel at my feet," I said.
"No way am I going to do that. Go or don't go. I don't care. Besides, the fans like it better when I don't have a date. It makes me seem more avaliable in there little psycotic minds," he said.
"Fine, I'll go. Stop begging," I said sarcastically.
"I knew you would change your mind," he said. Then he paused before leaving my door.
"Oh and TRY to look pretty will you?" he asked. I threw my pillow at him. Oh, he gets on my nerves. Sometimes I just wish he would keel over and die from some chronic disease.


So, here I was. Walking down the red carpet in an equally dazzling red dress. I had like ten pounds of make up on to make me look "natural" (which really doesn't make sense because if I was going for a natural look, why was there so much ARTIFICIAL stuff on my face???). I had my arm wrapped around Ian's arm.
It was because I felt like I was going to fall every time I took a step in these stupid red heels. My auburn hair wasn't in updoes like a lot of the other girls here. It was down and wavy, flowing over my bare shoulders.
"Ian over here!" said a photographer. Ian put his arm around my waist suddenly and smiled as the photographers took pictures of us.
"I'm going blind," I whispered into his ear. He laughed. Someone took a picture of this.
"C'mon, can't stand around watching flashes go off. We have a premiere to get to," he said. Then I realized something awful. I really couldn't see. After walking wobbly and having no idea where I was going, I felt someone scoop me up as if I was as light as a pillow. I blinked a few times and realized that Ian was carrying me, bridal style. The cameras were going nuts.
I wanted him to put me down.
And then, at the same time, I wanted this moment to never end.
But I hate him.
Aww, he's not so bad, I mean, he helped a girl out in need. (ME)
But I really do hate him.
Don't get me wrong. I hate his guts.
He's just a nice person that I hate...
God, that makes me sound like a terrible person...
He put me down once we were inside the theater.
"Thanks," I mumbled. Then I wobbled again and he grabbed my arm.
"It's just the heels, I can see," I said.
"I don't know why Iridescent just didn't let you wear flats," murmured Ian. Iridescent was his stylist who styled me tonight for this red carpet premiere. The theater was huge with a huge screen for the showing of the movie. On the sides there were tables of food. Lots and lots of food. But hardly anyone was touching it. Just a nibble here and a nibble there.
"Let's eat the food," I said tugging on his arm.
"Uhh, that's not a good idea," he whispered in my ear.
"And why not?" I asked crossing my arms and facing him.
"Because no one really eats the food," he said.
"Then what a waste of food. So, I'm just going to eat that now," I said moving away from him. I went to the table of food and then stuffed my face on purpose and very big-like. Then I felt someone next to me. I looked up and there was Taylor Swift stuffing her face as well, not like me, but more than the rest of the people here. I swallowed.
"You're Taylor Swift," I said. She smiled.
"Yup, that's me," she said.
"You're actually eating?" I asked. She just looked at me.
"People eat..." she said slowly. I laughed and nodded. Then I hugged her.
"You're normal!" I exclaimed happily. She giggled nervously.
"Okay, sweetie... What's your name?" she asked when she finally got me to let go of her.
"Brooklyn and I-"
"Sorry, Taylor. I'll get her out of your hair," a very familiar deep voice said. Ian yanked me back and then caught me when I fell backwards. I blew a stray hair out of my face and glared up at Ian. Taylor just had a slight smile on her lips and one eyebrow was raised a bit. He had me under the arms and then my feet were where I used to be. I was aware there was more than one pair of eyes on us.
"Hi Ian," said Taylor trying to stifle a giggle.
"Let go of me," I hissed struggling. Then he dropped me and then put his arm under me and caught me. One of my foot was up and he was leaning down looking at me. To anyone, it would look like we were dancing and he just dipped me. And in any good movie, he would kiss me. I quickly stood back up on my feet and brushed myself off. Taylor was laughing and then shook my hand.
"Aww, you guys are such an adorable couple!" she gushed.
"Couple?" I asked wide eyed.
"No, you're mistaken," he said as I said, "No way not in his life!"
"I should write a song about you two..." she mused. "Well, nice meeting you, Brooklyn!" she called as she walked to her seat. The lights were dimming and the announcer was all like "Ladies and gentlemen" in that really deep voice. Ian grabbed my wrist as I grabbed a very good looking, lip smacking cupcake. He dragged me to our seat.
"Please don't be so... weird," he said looking over at me eating a cupcake.
"Well, if no one was going to eat them, why would they be here hmm? And you're the one making me look weird," I said.
"You're the one who can't follow directions," he snapped back.
"At least I'm my own person," I said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked insulted.
"You're whoever anyone wants you to be," I pointed out. He looked like he was going to retaliate with some clever remark about me and my "insecurity". But then the lights turned off and then the screen turned on. Then everyone went crazy, screaming, and Ian was saying something but I couldn't hear him. So, I just nodded my head and then pointed to the screen and even screamed a little in excitement.
So, in case you wanted to know...
The movie was about a girl and a guy. (La duh). The guy was played by Ian Winters and his counter part was played by Anna Margaret. (Didn't know that she could act...). It was really good. It was called "Kiss Me Already" and it was about this girl who wasn't known in the school because she was new. But this guy (Ian) was very well known through out the school. Anyway, she gets kicked out of her home and this guy offers to have her stay at his house. Having nowhere else to go, she complies. But they absolutely hate each other. Really, they both secretly love each other and it's totally obvious. I mean, really, why would she put up with him if she didn't like him, ya know? She could've said NO to living with him and then lived with a friend or something... Oh but then again she was new and had no friends... But still. Anyway in the end he had just saved her from being mugged or something and they just sort of awkwardly say thanks and your welcome and stuff. Then she turns to him (really dramatically) and says "Oh, will you just kiss me already??" He looks taken aback but he swoops her into his arms and then they proceed to suck each other's faces off.
Oh that was kissing? I had no idea. It didn't look like it.
Then the credits came up and everyone cheered for everyone. I got up quickly and wobbled out of the aisle. Ian caught up to me and grabbed my wrist.
"Did you like it?" he asked whirling me around to look at him, his eyes full of anxiety.
"OH YES! Especially the part at the end where you eat Anna Margaret's face off," I said with too big of a smile and lots of sarcasm.
"I suspect some envy, Miss Brooklyn," he smirked.
"Envy? You think I'm JEALOUS?" I squeaked. He just raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not jealous," I said.
"Really?" he asked.
"Yeah," I snapped. He smiled as Anna Margaret came up to talk to us and probably congratulate Ian.
"Then you won't mind if I do this then," he said with a sly smile. Then he grabbed Anna Margaret and dipped her. Then he kissed her square on the lips. But it wasn't like the suck facing in the movie, it was like a sweet shy-like kiss. Then he let her go and she just raised her eyebrows. I crossed my arms and then pivoted around and walked out of there. Then the flashes went off. I put up my arm to shade my eyes. It was brighter than daylight. I felt a strong grip on my arm. That person started to lead me towards somewhere. Then his hand loosened and then his fingers intertwined with my fingers. Finally I was led to a car door. He opened it and I crawled inside. Then he crawled in after me.
It was Ian.
Of course, who else would it be?
"Home please," he said softly. I touched his face, it was like he was glowing. His eyes were wide in surprise. I scooted closer to him and just stared into those blue eyes.
They are deep like an ocean, I thought wistfully.
"Brooklyn..." he said slowly. He held my face into his hands and stared at me with smoldering blue eyes.
I blinked.
Then I threw up into his lap. He jumped back, hit his head on the ceiling, and then fell to the floor.
"What's going on back there?" asked John (he was the limo driver). I just giggled and pointed.
"It's a butterfly..." I said smiling.
"What did you say, Brooklyn?" asked John. I crawled onto the floor towards Ian. Then I poked his cheek. Then I giggled.
"A butterfly. A beautiful, sparkly butterfly," I murmured. He just stared at me like I was crazy.
"Can there be food poisoning at a premiere?" Ian called back to John.
"I have no idea... Maybe we should go to the hospital?" he asked Ian.
"Yeah, let's do that," said Ian. Ian grabbed my arm and sat me down on the leather seat. I then proceeded to sit in his lap and look out the window. I leaned against him and slowly fell asleep to him stroking my hair.


I woke up in a strange white room. I suddenly realized I was in a hospital room.
What happened last night? I asked myself. I had a killer headache. I fell back onto the fluffy white pillows. I had a strange dream where I wanted to kiss Ian...
I shook my head.
Stupid girl hormones.
Then Ian walked in wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. His blonde hair was lightly tousled and his blue eyes were sparkling. The sleeves to his sweatshirt was pushed up to his elbows showing his scrawny, pale arms. I held my head as I sat up.
"What the heck happened last night?" I asked.
"Well, you were drunk," he said sitting down on a spare chair and picked up a magazine with his face on it. I sat up really straight and just stared at him with my mouth wide open.
"WHAAATTT??!" I cried. He looked up at me, scared for a second.
"Calm yourself DOWN, Brooklyn. SHUT UP! We thought you had food poisoning because you were acting all weird and you threw up on me," he said putting his hand on my mouth, shutting me up. His hand smelled like cocoa butter. Mmmm coca butter, my mind went. Then I blushed as the remains of my "dream" came back. He removed his hand from my mouth.
"Oh..." I said looking away so he couldn't see me blushing.
"Anyway, apparently you were just drunk," he said sitting back down.
"How did I get drunk? All I drank was that sparkling grape juice that they- ....ooooohhhhh," I said slowly. Ian chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"Since I'm okay can we go home now?" I asked.
"YOUR home or MY home?" he asked. I got up and shoved him.
"OUR home," I said, smiling slightly. He just sort of stared at me.
"What are you staring at?" I asked putting a hand to my hip. He shook his head and looked down.
"Nothing," he mumbled. I raised an eyebrow and then decided to drop it. I slipped into the limo outside of the hospital as Ian checked me out. I watched him slip sunglasses on before he came outside, like that would stop people from recognizing him. He quickly slipped into the limo and then the limo started to move.
"Hey Brooklyn! You okay now?" John called from the driver's seat.
"I'd be just peachy if you could stop driving so jerkily," I called back as I clutched my stomach. John laughed.
"Yeah, Ms. Underage drinker," John teased.
"I didn't know I was drinking alcohol!" I cried.
"Suuuurrreee," he teased. I rolled my eyes and rested my head against the cold glass of the dark tinted windows.


So, I was giving this whole school thing another shot. Unfortunately. Sky said I either go or she's going to put me to work...So I decided to go. Iridescent decided to style me for school to boost my confidence. She brushed my long wavy auburn hair as I hit the play button on the CD player. Suddenly, Justin Bieber's Love Me blasted out. Iridescent and I pretended to rock out as we lip synced to the song. In the middle of it, Ian walked in and then he just stared at us. Iridescent had icy blue eyes and black curly hair. She was pale and sometimes reminded me of a mischievous Snow White. She was only about 22 years old. So, we all were like siblings.
Ian watched us rock out to the song with an amused smirk on his face.
Then the strangest thing happened.
He joined in.
I mean, I know he and JB has hung out before once or twice at some big red carpet event... but I didn't think he actually would be seen singing to Justin Bieber and dancing to it.
Then John and Sky came in.
Suddenly we were all dancing to Justin Bieber.
I couldn't stop smiling as we went to school. I was wearing a simple white summer dress and my long wavy auburn hair was down and held back with a white headband. A stray piece of hair still drifted onto my face though. I looked over to Ian who just seemed... like stone. That's what he was like. So, I poked him. It seemed like a good idea at the time... But, he just rolled his eyes and stared out the window.
Well, then.
Not like I cared.
'Cause I didn't...
Finally, we got to school and I rushed out of the car and breathed deeply. I twirled around and then stopped in front of Ian.
"Isn't it just a beautiful day??" I gushed. He just looked at me in disgust.
"Why are YOU being nice to ME?" he asked in distaste. I just looked at him.
"Whatever, Ian. Fine. I'll just be mean to you my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE! Ya know, if you were the last guy on Earth I would STILL never consid-"
And then he kissed me.
Yes. Ian Winters kissed me.
Did you read this right??
He pulled apart from me and then disappeared into the school. While I just stood there like a maniac, frozen, paralyzed. I couldn't move one muscle. I just... couldn't.
Was that for real?
Was I dreaming again?
Then the most sickening thought came into my head..
Was he tricking me?

And so, I convinced myself that he was playing with me. Which turned my face bright red with anger. I stomped into the crowded school and walked straight to my locker. I slammed it open and stuffed some stuff into it and then slammed it shut.
"Whoa! Got a lot of anger in a tiny girl," smiled some boy. His dark brown hair fell into his strikingly bright green eyes. But, he wasn't staring at me. It was like he was staring through me.
"Yeah, well, if you knew my situation, you'd be angry, too," I said crossing my eyes and facing him.
"Hmm. Well, I'm blind, but I'm not taking it out on my locker," he said smiling. I just stared at him in wide eyes.
"How did you know I was tiny?" I asked. He smiled, his green eyes twinkling.
"Your steps are lighter than an average teenage girl," he stated.
"Were you born blind?" I asked. He shook his head, his smile wiped off of his face.
"No. I had an accident when I was six," he said. I glanced across the hallway and saw Ian staring at us intently. I just glared at him and then looked caringly at this blind boy, even though he couldn't see me, and touched his arm.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. That must be terrible," I said sadly.
"So, what'd you say your name was?" he asked.
"Brooklyn," I said.
"Ah, that girl who's dating Ian Winters?" he asked. I saw Ian smile to himself as he closed his locker.
"No. I'm not dating him," I said. -_-
"So, you wouldn't mind me asking you out on a date then?" he asked.
Wait, what just happened?
I've never even talked to him before.
He laughed.
"I can tell by your hesistation that you don't want to," He said.
"Well, I mean..."
"No, I can tell that your heart is somewhere else, and I can guess where," he said winking. Then he walked away.
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm not in love with anyone else.
I watched Ian walk down the hall past me...
Or am I?


Texte: iojokffriofdjirrfI love you guys.I know you won't copy MY work. (Any pictures don't belong to me. I get them all from Google Images. Just for future reference...)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.12.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To everyone who reads this. THAT MEANS YOU! And even all the mushy couples that everyone hates because we all secretly wish we were them. Yeah, even you guys. *rolls eyes*

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