

I felt awful. So awful. I felt like ripping my throat out. She said it would be okay. She said she wouldn't leave me. Some sister. I looked around. I was in the woods, no place to go. So, thirsty. I clawed my neck while looking for a stream. My sister, Taylor, left suddenly about a year ago at the age of 17. I was 15 at the time. When she came back, her blonde hair looked softer and her eyes were a bright crimson red. She was abnormally pale and she walked quietly, like a huntress always stalking her prey. She brought a boy with her, he was dark haired and twitchy. I remembered him as Taylor's boyfriend before she disappeared. And he disappeared 6 months after her. They both stared at me hungrily. That's when Taylor realized I was her sister. And she wanted me to feel this freedom with her. So, she took me here, and bit my neck. Now, I'm stuck here, and she left. I finally found a stream. I ran there, getting to the stream in less than a millisecond. Boy, I was fast now. I opened my hands and closed them. Cool, I thought. I looked into the stream and brought the water to my lips. Ugh, I thought tossing the water out of my hands. Disgusting. It was starting to become harder to breathe. What's going on with me? The pain went away as I looked at myself curiously into the crystal clear water. My reflection. I had big violet eyes with specks of dark blue floating around in them. My hair looked softer, long, auburn and wavy. My face was pale and my features looked more defined. My eyelashes were dark and thick. I knew I wouldn't need any makeup anymore. What happened to me...? I heard a snort and looked up. The man was a beautiful man in a dark red robe and straight black hair. He looked astonished for a minute and stared into my eyes. I stared into his musty crimson eyes and he smiled.
"My dear, what is your name?" he asked putting out a hand. I looked at his hand curiously. I didn't take his outstretched hand.
"My name is Cherry Blossom, but everyone calls me Cherry," I said.
"Please, take my hand. Let me help you up," he said smiling. He looked okay. So, I put my comparitively small hand into his hand. His long fingers covered my hand and he put his other hand on top. He bent his head down like he was concentrating. That's when I felt his presence in my brain. He was milling around in there, looking at everything. I hissed at him, surprised at the sound.
"Get out of my brain," I said connecting with his mind. I felt him astonished.
"You're in my mind," he thought. And I had to admit, I was in his mind. Well, whatever creatures we are, everyone must be able to do it.
"GET OUT OF MINE!" I shouted into his head making it a command. I put up walls around all my thoughts and he couldn't get in even still his mind retreated from mine once I commanded him to. I snatched my hand away from his.
"It's rude to be intruding into other people's mind, Mister," I said crossing my arms. Then I clutched at my throat. I could hardly breathe. Then the man took out a bag of blood from behind him. He held it to the side. I eyed at it hungrily. Then all of a sudden the bag of blood was flying at me and I ripped it open and drank the blood that was in it. I could concentrate much better now. He looked at me, even more astonished.
"You are telepathic, a mind shield, can control people's minds, and you can control things with your mind," he said astonished and curious.
"Can't everybody," I said downing the last drops of blood.
"No, you are definitely special. Come with me," he said.
"I don't know who you are," I said eyeing him suspiciously.
"You have surprisingly good concentration for a newborn," he said.
"I am Aro, the head of the Volturi clan," he said. I frowned.
"Who?" I asked. Aro laughed and grabbed my wrist.
"Come, come. I'll tell you all about it on the way there," he said.


I was standing in an open area with all these vampires staring at me. Aro, the head of apparently all vampires and the head of the biggest clan in the world, called a meeting. And now all these red eyed hungry vampires were staring at me. How ordinary. I turned to look back at the big doors that were opening to let in some late comers. There was a girl leading them. She had red blonde hair and had deep golden eyes. Different, considering everyone else had red eyes. Her hands were intertwined with a tall boy with dark hair and red eyes. He looked at me curiously. The girl smiled. Behind her was another girl who couldn't keep still who was coming in with a big man. He smirked at me. Everyone turned their attention to Aro.
"Cherry Blossom, this is Caius and Marcus, my brothers," he said. Considering he said they were all royalty, I curtsied.
"How do you do?" I said blinking my big purple eyes and looking up at them. Marcus smiled and Caius gasped, looking curiously at my odd colored eyes. I didn't think they were that odd. My eyes had always been slightly purple. Now they were a deeper purple and more noticable but still...
"Everyone, this is Cherry," said Aro. I looked around and made eye contact with the girl with deep golden eyes.
"Why is your eye color different?" I asked cocking my head to the side and staring at her wide eyed. She looked shocked for a moment and then smiled.
"I drink animal blood," she said. I looked up at Aro.
"I want to drink animal blood as well," I said. He tried to hide his surprise but considering I connected my mind with his just barely, I knew he was surprised and a little irritated. Something about the Cullens...? Then he went on with explaining my oh so powerful powers. Marcus was staring at a boy who was staring intensely at me. He had deep green eyes with golden specks floating around. His caramel colored hair fell just a little into his eyes. He was staring very intensely at me. I felt like I was being interrogated. I knew what everyone was thinking. "What's with her eyes?" I looked curiously at the girl holding the big man's hands, not at all paying attention to what everyone was debating about.
She had straight brown hair that was slightly red. Her eyes were a little smaller than the usual vampire and her skin tone was a little darker than the average pale vamp. She smiled at me as if encouraging me to do something. Then I heard something about soulmates, so I started paying attention.
"Marcus, come," I heard Aro, I mean the master, say. Marcus gave Aro his hand while staring blankly at me. Aro smiled.
"Yes, how strange," he said. I figured since it was a private conversation I wouldn't butt in with my whole telepathic thing. Then Aro stared at the guy with the soulful green eyes.
"Everyone is dismissed...except for you, Corin," said Aro. I turned to leave.
"And you also Blossom," he said.
"It's Cherry Blossom," I mumbled. He looked at me like he was my father and I had said something out of turn.
"Come, my little Blossom," he said beckoning me over with his hand.
"Yes, Master," I said obeyingly.
"Please, call me Father. I have now adopted you," he said with open arms. I looked up at him, excitement showing desperately on my face. I had never had a father, and of course he knew that, nosing around in my mind and everything. A girl with an angelic face and short dark brown hair hissed at me.
"Jane, please," said Aro waving at her. She scowled at me.
"Yes, Master," she mumbled. Aro looked at me and Corin.
"Come, come," he said. He sat down on his throne, Marcus on his left, Caius on his right.
"I have heard some very interesting things," he mused putting his head on his fist.
"What kind of things, Master?" asked Corin his voice sounding like melted butter over toast. He looked about 17. A year older than I.
"You know about the soulmate principle, don't you Corin?" Aro asked.
"Yes, Master. All vampires do," he answered.
"Mm. Well, this may be one of those things. How often does a vampire see two 3/4 vampires in their lifetime?" asked Aro.
"Excuse me? 3/4?" I asked. Aro turned to look at me and smiled cheerfully.
"Of course. It happens when not enough venom goes into your heart. It looks as though an amateur did you," he answered.
"It was my sister, Father," I said meekly. He nodded.
"I already know this my little Blossom," he said.
"But, she is not your sister anymore," he said strictly. I nodded and bowed my head.
"My daughter, I like you better when you are defiant and strong, do not be like this in front of me," said Aro. I looked up and saw him smiling. Strong and defiant, he said. He saved me from ripping my throat out. I can be strong and defiant. I lifted my chin and stood as proudly as I could. Aro nodded at me in approval.
"Now, about the soulmate principle, when two soulmates come together in battle, they become unstoppable. No one can touch them. And especially with the both of your powers, together, you two would be my secret weapon," said Aro thoughtfully.
"Are you saying he's my soulmate?" I asked narrowing my eyes at Corin. I hated him already and he hardly uttered a word. There was something in between us. A connection I couldn't understand. And I hated it, so in turn I hated him.
"Yes," replied Aro. He and I took a step away from each other.
"This must be some mistake, I'm not attracted to her at all," he said as I said, "Um, no, Father, I think you've got it all wrong." Then we both looked at each other and scowled.
"Not happening in my existence," we both said at the same time. Aro laughed at our childness of it all.
"Corin, Cherry, Do you not feel a connection at all?" asked Aro thoughtfully.
"Well..." Corin started off.
"I feel a connection but its more like 'I hate you' kind of thing," I finished.
"So, you do feel a connection?" asked Aro. We both nodded.
"Unfortunately," Corin said. I glared at him.
"But of course it works both ways, the whole soulmate principle. If you look at it one way, you both hate each other so much, you can't stand it. If you look at it another way, you both love each other so much you can't stand it. But in your case, you both love each other so much you hate each other," said Aro.
"I don't love him," I said crossing my arms across my chest.
"I will never love her," said Corin looking at me like I was something on the bottom of his shoe. So, I stuck my tongue at him. Yes, it was childish, who cares? He looked amused. So, I rolled my eyes and looked back at Aro.
"I have one order for you two. You must be with each other at all times, until you realize you love each other," said Aro sternly. All he wants is a secret weapon, I thought angrily. I scowled at him. Aro gave me a look and I sighed.
"Fine," I said.
"Yes, Master," said Corin through gritted teeth. Aro waved his hand toward the door.
"Off you go," said Aro.
"Yes, Master," Corin said. I didn't say anything. I was so mad. I just stalked off towards the door and left the room. I don't what it was about him, but he made me so angry that I couldn't concentrate on anything else. Corin finally came out of the room and my anger flared up. He looked so bored and it was like he was staring right through me. Rude. Then he smiled.
"So, what do you want to do?" he asked.
"Shoot you with a gun," I answered right away. We stared into each other's eyes waiting for one to back down. His eyes were such a deep green. And he was staring into my eyes, and I was staring into his. But although I'm sure we both meant this whole staring thing to be a stare down, as in whose strongest. Well, I did... That's when I felt myself in his brain. He was thinking of my eyes. He was thinking how the dark blue specks floating around my deep purple irises were circling around in this slight hypnotic affect. I knew he could hardly breathe staring at me. I knew that when I walked into the Aro's room, his heart stopped beating, for the first time in his existence. I knew he thought I was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. I had to get out of here. I felt like I was suffocating. I quickly pulled my self out of his brain and in case he could go into my mind, I put up all kinds of barriers.
"Hi," a girl's voice said. We both looked away from each other to look at the girl. It was the girl with deep golden eyes.
"Hi, Cherry, I'm Destiny," she said smiling and holding out her hand. I smelled blood running through her and I heard her heart beating.
"You, are a human," I said slowly, astonished I didn't notice it before. Her smell was slightly less tasty with another smell. A smell like honey surrounded her as well, hiding the smell of blood. She laughed and looked at the dark haired boy.
"Yes, I'm half human. My father is Demetri," she answered.
"My father is Aro," I answered proudly. She looked at me confused.
"He has adopted you as his daughter?" she asked.
"Yes," I answered. She laughed.
"And everyone thought that it would be Jane he would adopt," she laughed.
"What about me?" a twinkling voice answered. She walked strongly and defiantly up to where we were all standing. She looked at me and sniffed distastefully. We-ell.
"Aro still has the chance of adopting me. He's just curious about this creature is all. Soon he won't pay any attention to her. I'M his secret weapon," she said crossing her arms.
"Jane..." whispered the dark haired boy. So, Jane, eh? Right, she's the girl who hissed at me back in the royal room.
"Well, it is true, Alec," replied Jane angrily to the dark haired boy. Destiny took her hand and grabbed his hand. They were obviously together... Jane flipped her short brown air and stalked off.
"Excuse my twin," said Alec bowing to me.
"Why are you excusing her?" I asked. He looked up at me with his bright red eyes.
"So you don't bring this up to Aro, princess," he said. Princess? Oh, well considering Aro adopted me and he's like a king, guess that makes me a princess.
"I won't," I said. Alec straightened himself back up.
"Well, sorry to interrupt your whole staring into each other's eyes thing. Just wanted to introduce ourselves. Bye!" called out Destiny, running and dragging Alec with her, her red blonde hair flying out behind her like a fire or a shooting star.
"She's nice," I said.
"She's new," said Corin. I looked at him with a hand on my hip.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"I mean she got here not too long ago," he said rolling his eyes, he might've added "duh" at the end of that.
"I hate you," I muttered.
"Aro says you don't. You love me," he said mockingly. I glared at him.
"Aro is wrong," I said then I stalked off. Of course he was following me. He had to. Ugh. A big man came out of the shadows and stepped in front of me.
"Cherry, right?" he asked. It was that big man with the girl who had brown hair that was reddish.
"Who wants to know?" I asked eyeing him suspiciously.
"Felix," he answered smirking at me. I looked at him in distaste. I hate people who mock me.
"Princess, I'm here to show you where your room is," said Felix. Corin snickered at the word "Princess". I flashed a glare at him and showed him my fangs. I must've looked pretty intimidating 'cause he stopped almost immediately. I wanted to know what he was thinking. No, I will not go into his mind again. That was...I just won't. Besides, I hate him remember?
"Okay, let's just go," I said. Corin started following us again. I sighed angrily. I felt his energy behind me, connecting me with him. I hated him so much! Felix stopped in front of huge cherry red doors. In gold carved into the doors was "Cherry Blossom" in caligraphy.
"Cool," I whispered. Felix frowned.
"It's not really fair that you get such special treatment," he said frowning. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Whatever," I said opening the doors. I felt Corin's presence but I didn't care at the moment. It was so beautiful. Dark red curtains were in front of the window, blocking out the sun. There was a huge crystal chandelier that lit up the whole room. I ran into the bathroom. There was an extravagantly made bathtub and just as extravagant mirror, sink, and toilet. There was a fluffy pink rug on the floor of the bathroom in front of the sink. On the towel rack was 5 dark red towels. The queen sized bed had satin purple covers with dark purple pillows. I definitely felt like a princess.
"It's amazing!" I exclaimed twirling around and flopping onto my bed. I felt Corin's presence more than I did before. I looked up at him and glared.
"Go away," I said annoyed.
"I'm not allowed to," he said smirking. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Don't you have your OWN room?" I asked him more annoyed.
"Yes," he said.
"THEN GO TO IT," I said angrily.
"I'm under orders not to," he said simply. I looked at Felix for help. He shrugged.
"Sorry, I can't make him go. If he's under orders, he's under orders," he said. He turned around and closed the door behind him. I glared at Corin.
"Well, if you're staying here, you're sleeping on the floor," I said pointing to the chocolate brown hardwood floor. He smiled.
"Aw, that's no fun," he said simply. I threw a pillow at him with all my might which caused him to fall off of my bed.
"The floor," I said simply. His soulful green eyes twinkled. I couldn't breathe for a second. Then I looked away. Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in! Please do and take this idiot out of my room too!" I called out. The door opened as Corin said, "Who you calling 'idiot'?"
"You, duh," I said back to him. I looked at the open door. In the door frame was Destiny and the girl with the brown red hair.
"Sorry, we aren't under orders to take this idiot from you," replied Destiny. She pointed to the girl next to her.
"This is-" she started.
"Christa," I finished. She smiled a little surprised.
"Yeah," she said. Christa smiled.
"You're Cherry Blossom," she said. I smiled.
"Yeah, I am," I said blocking a pillow that Corin threw at me still smiling. I glared at Corin.
"Remember? I can read your mind when I want to," I said smirking. He glared at me, sitting there on the floor.
"ANYWAY, sorry to ruin your whole love fest here..." started Destiny.
"LOVE FEST?!" cried Corin and I at the same time. Then we glared at each other for saying the same thing at the same time.
"AS I WAS SAYING, I'm here to take Cherry out hunting, Aro said so," she said seeing that Corin was going to object.
"Well, Aro said I need to be with her everywhere I go," said Corin shrugging. I glared at him.
"Go away and die somewhere," I said.
"Ouch. That hurt," he said smirking. I glared at him. I looked away at Destiny and Christa and smiled.
"Don't worry, he'll stay here," I said.
"No, I won't," he said.
"I can make you remember? Controlling power?" I asked pointing to my head.
"You definitely are controlling," he muttered.
"EXCUUSE ME?!" I asked him crossing my arms across my chest.
"Nothing, nothing," he said waving me off. As I got up, he got off the floor.
"Sorry, Corin. But I have to do this," I said. I put myself in his mind.
"You WILL stay here, Corin. On the floor. Until I come back. You will be mindless and unable to do anything but sit in the same spot," I ordered in his mind. Everything shut down. It was dark in there. I took myself out of his mind and he had collapsed onto the floor, just sitting, his green eyes showing no depth, they were glazed over. He wasn't in himself anymore.
"Umm, creepy," said Christa. I shrugged. Even standing so close to him, the connection was gone. I felt so empty.
"Let's go," I said. They both nodded and we ran out the room.


I was crouching in the woods, the blood of the elk smelling so good. I just wanted to attack him now. But Destiny said that you had to wait until the right moment, and that I'm supposed to give into my instincts. I knew what I looked like. My violet eyes were slightly silvery, and my fangs were popped out, my lips were fuller, and my hair looked a little more wild than usual. Destiny's golden eyes looked more gold since she just fed. Christa's eyes were more an amber color. My instincts told me to attack now, my throat felt like it was burning, smelling the blood coming off of the elk. I ran quickly and reached the elk in less than a millisecond. It was too surprised to do anything, so I leapt to its throat, where the blood was pulsing the most. I sunk my teeth through it's neck and felt the flow of the bitter sweet blood coursing down my throat. I sunk the elk dry in no time. I lifted my head and looked at Christa and Destiny.
"It doesn't taste as good as that bag I ripped from Aro's hands..." I frowned. Christa looked at me with wide eyes.
"You ripped it from Aro's HANDS?" she cried in disbelief.
"It's 'cause it was human blood. Human blood is delicious, at least so I've heard. I haven't tasted it," said Destiny.
"Oh," I said slowly. I tasted human blood? Great. It tastes like candy.
"I'm craving bread," I said. Christa and Destiny just looked at me.
"What? I am," I said wiping the grass from my silk dress. I put my black cloak on over it and put the hood up.
"Can we get some?" I asked. Christa and Destiny shrugged.
"You won't like it as much as you did when you were human," said Christa. I smiled.
"I think I may," I said. Destiny shrugged.
"Then lets go to the bakery," she said. We ran out of the woods and then had to walk as slow as slugs so humans wouldn't suspect anything. Finally we got to the bakery. We walked in and the sweet smell of bread and pastries surrounded us. It smelled so good. Destiny and Christa made a face when they smelled it.
"One pastry please," I said taking off my hood. The poor boy at the counter gasped and I could hear his heart beating faster. I smiled at him. I could hear his blood going up to his face. He blushed and his heart beat went way faster. He handed me a random pastry. It smelled so good.
"That would be 12 euros," he said in his italian accent. I checked my cloaks pockets. No money. I smiled awkwardly.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know where my money went," I said apologetically.
"No worries, you can have it for free," he said hurridly. I smiled at him again. I could hear every word he was thinking. He was a pig.
"Thanks!" I said cheerfully. I put my hood up over my head and left the shop. I hated that boy's thoughts. Destiny and Christa were waiting for me outside the shop.
"Got your pastry? Lets go," she said when I nodded. I ate the pastry. Mm, it didn't have the exact delicious flavor that I remember it having but it still tasted okay. We got back to the house...well not really a house more like an ancient castle. I walked into my room and saw Corin walking around pacing. Then he came over to me and looked at my slightly disheveled hair and grass on my dress. He grabbed my shoulders.
"Are you okay?" he asked frantically. I walked around him.
"I'm fine. I thought I left you mindless," I said throwing my cloak onto my bed.
"Yeah, for a minute. It was scary, not being able to do anything. I could see and hear with all clarity, I just couldn't think and everything was dark, don't do that to me ever again," he said glaring at me.
"No promises," I said. Then I looked at him.
"How did you only stay like that for a minute?" I asked surprised. He shrugged.
"It wore off?" he asked. I shook my head. I could feel that my power was powerful enough to fullfill my order... I looked at him irritated. If this was also part of this whole soulmate principle, I swear to God I'll rip his head off.
"Oh!" cried out Corin jumping on my bed and grabbing something there.
"What?" I asked. He handed me an I-Pod.
"Aro had Felix bring this in. He says it has all your favorite songs in it," said Corin. An I-Pod? I've never had one of those. I smiled, I felt so happy. I put the earbuds in my ears and Taylor Swift's "Tied Together with a Smile" started blasting. I started singing to it and started dancing around the room. Corin just sat on my bed looking amused. Then I plugged it into the I-Pod speaker thing and turned it up all the way. Then I made Corin get up and we started dancing around the room. Then it turned into a pillow fight with Taylor Swift singing in the background. I was actually having fun with him instead of hating his little guts. I was laughing. And screaming when he would hit a pillow at me. There were feathers all over the room. Then suddenly Aro was in the doorway of my room. We froze, our pillows in the air. I dropped mine and he did the same. I curtsied while Corin bowed.
"Hello," Aro said looking amused. Caius looked upset looking around my room. Marcus looked, expressionless.
"Sorry, we were just having a bit of fun," I explained.
"I see," said Aro looking around the room. If I was able to blush, I would.
"So, have you seen that you two are soulmates yet?" asked Aro.
"We aren't soulmates," we both answered immediately. Aro looked at us with disappointment.
"Well, I would really like it if you two could find out soon. Because we are leaving in two weeks," said Aro.
"What?" I asked when Corin asked, "Where?"
"To Forks, Washington of course. We must see our good friends," said Aro smiling. I knew we were seeing the Cullens. Something about having me and Destiny, we could now take them down.
"Are they bad people?" I asked out loud. Aro smiled hardly.
"Of course they're not. We are friends," he said. Riiiggghhhttt, I thought, you can't lie to me darling Father.
"So, you want us to figure out if we are soulmates or not by that time?" I asked.
"Yes," he answered looking at me in the eye.
"Okay," I said. He nodded and closed the door.
"What? No goodnight?" I asked Corin.
"Since we live forever, there really isn't a need for it," he said.
"Oh," I said. He leaned forward and was really close to my face. I couldn't breathe. His eyes were like melted emerald.
"I hear you can connect with people's minds," he whispered his cool breath washing over my face. I pushed his chest, moving him away from me.
"Yes, I can," I said.
"Why don't you connect with mine?" he aked.
"Uh, no. I'd rather not," I said going over to sit on my bed.
"Why? Scared of what you might find?" he asked. I shook my head.
"No, terrified," I said smiling. He shook his head and smiled back. I sighed.
"Fine. But not with yours, someone else. You get to name," I said. He frowned in concentration. I stared at him. He was thinking so intensely about this.
"Alec," he said smirking.
"Okay," I said. My mind tried to find Alec's mind through the sea of minds around me. Destiny's room was close by and wherever there was Destiny, there was Alec. I moved my mind down the hall. I went through the door of Destiny's room. There I felt Alec's aura and hers. Then I felt electricity on my lips. My mind came reeling back like a rubberband that had been let go. I opened my eyes and realized that Corin was kissing me. Corin..? My mind asked. Before I knew it, I was kissing back. I pushed his chest before I started completely melting into water. I wiped my mouth angrily.
"WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" I asked angrily but I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. He shugged.
"Kissing you," he said simply. I just stared at him.
"I know THAT!" I exclaimed. I looked away from his curious green eyes.
"What were you doing KISSING me?" I whispered. He sighed.
"I wanted to know what it would feel like," he said shrugging. I just stared at him.
"I thought you wanted me to connect minds with Alec," I said pointedly. Then there was silence.
"Did you feel anything?" I asked. He looked up at me with such deep green eyes that were expressing one emotion, love. I looked away from him.
"Actually no," he said. I looked back at him.
"Yeah, me neither," I whispered. But I knew what we were both thinking. It was the best kiss either of us had ever had. There was some awkward silence following that. I kept chanting in my head, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!
"Well, I'm going to bed," I said pulling back the covers on my bed. He nodded and hopped off of my bed.
"Yeah, me too," he said.
"Night," we both said at the same time as I turned off the lights. God...that was awkward...


I woke up this morning and the first thing that entered my mind was Corin kissed me last night and it was amazing. I shook the thought from my mind.
"MORNING!" exclaimed Corin. I screamed bloody murder.
"You would've think she heard me," he muttered under his breath.
"Yeah, I did hear you just now," I said pointedly. He rolled his eyes. I peeled back my covers.
"Go away," I said.
"I'm not allowed to," he said.
"I hate you," I muttered while walking into the bathroom.
"Love you too," he called out. I closed the bathroom door and locked it. Then I peeled off my clothes and went into the scorching hot shower. It felt like rain. It unknotted my muscles and made me relax. Then I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom while brushing my hair. He was sitting on my bed, crisscross applesauce style. I just stared at him and rolled my eyes.
"Got to go, Christa's teaching me Italian," I said while heading out the door.
"I'M COMING WIIIITH!" exclaimed Corin. I stopped short.
"No, you're not," I said turning around to face him. He was right there. His face so close to mine. I turned back around quickly. For some reason, today, I could hear everyone's thoughts.
"CORIN YOU'RE NOT INVITED!" I yelled at him. He held up his arms in defeat.
"Okay, okay, okay. Fine, I got to go talk to Caius anyway," he said. Since I could everyone thoughts without wanting to this morning, I knew he was hurt. I sighed. Then Alec walked by. And I heard all his thoughts. Okay, ew. No. Please God. UUUUUGGGHHH!! He and...ugh Destiny. Ugh. GAH. I gagged while walking past him. Then I walked into Destiny's room. I smiled and cocked my head to the side.
"So, I passed by Alec on the way here," I said smiling. She looked surprised at first. Then embarrassed. Christa came in.
"What did I miss? What happened?" she asked looking at Destiny's sheepish looking face. I whispered in her ear about what I heard in Alec's thoughts. She started to giggle and smiled really big.
"AWWWW," she said. Destiny looked away.
"Whatever," she mumbled. We all headed over to Christa's room to learn some italian.


This is stupid, I thought after like an hour of trying to learn Italian. I knew Destiny was thinking the same thing.
"I will NEVER get the hang of this," cried out Destiny. I nodded my head in agreement.
"It literally sucks," I said. Christa sighed.
"Yeah, I know," she said.
"How do you even KNOW Italian?" I asked. Christa shrugged.
"My mom made me learn it because we had a neighbor who only spoke Italian and I had to watch their kids," she said.
"You don't even like children..." Felix said. Christa smiled.
"And I didn't like Italian. Yeah that summer SUCKED," Christa said. Destiny chuckled.
"I can picture it, a very hyper girl who was forced to watch non English speaking kids. I bet their parents LOVED you," I said.
"CORIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!" I yelled suddenly at a not so sneaky Corin. He turned around and smiled.
"What?" he asked so innocently.
"Oh don't you 'what' me!" I cried out. I saw Destiny, Alec, Felix, and Christa giggling in the corner of my eye. And I heard their thoughts but whatever. I just ignored them. I grabbed Corin's wrist and pulled him down the corridor. I looked back at him and his green sparkling eyes looked amused. I sighed angrily.
"Why are you spying on me?" I asked crossing my arms. He looked innocently guilty.
"Spying? Me? Nooo," he said shaking his head and smiling. I just gave him this look.
"So, learning Italian are you?" he asked. I shoved him lightly.
"Shut up," I mumbled.
"Have you learned Italian yet?" he asked.
"You know, I could just make people think I'm speaking their native language," I said. He put a soft hand on my cheeck.
"Ti amo," he whispered. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, then he took his hand off of my cheek and ran with inhuman speed away from me. I could hear his thought loud and clear when he said that in Italian. English translation was, "I love you." I didn't know what to do. I wanted to break down crying. I wanted to jump for joy. I wanted to slap him across the face. I wanted to kiss him endlessly. STUPID HORMONES THAT STILL EXIST WHEN I'M A VAMPIRE!! Hmph. Soulmates don't exist. He's not mine. I looked at the direction that he ran off, longingly. No, not at all.
I didn't see Corin for what seemed like forever. (Only really a day..) I walked by Destiny's room and then paused. I back tracked and opened her door.
"Destiny..." I whispered knowing her thoughts. She nodded. She let her knees fall to the floor holding her belly.
"Is that even possible?" I asked.
"Maybe half vampires can do that?" she asked.
"Does Alec know?" I asked. She shook her head no. I ran over to her with inhuman speed and embraced her.
"What's Aro gonna do?" I whispered. She shook her head, not knowing. I could feel that she was so stressed out. I shook my head and got back up.
"Aro has to know," I said. She shook her head.
"No! No! Cherry don't!" she said. I looked at her sadly. Aro has to know.
"He has to. He won't do anything to you. I won't LET him okay?" I said. She nodded knowing my power was strong enough to encase Aro. I ran down into the Royal Room.
"Aro," I said. He held out his hand and walked down to me. I grabbed it and he bent his head in concentration.
"Interesting..." he said. I blocked him from reading the thoughts about me freezing him if he hurts Destiny.
"Call Alec down here," he said turning to Caius and Marcus.
"Is it possible?" I heard Caius say to Marcus.
"You're dismissed," said Aro to me. I bowed my head and left there as soon as possible. I ran straight into Corin. Yeah, some vampire I was...
"Sorry," I murmured. Corin just stared at me with his green eyes.
"Sure you are. You purposefully ran into me," he accused. I just stared at him.
"Are you kidding me?" I asked.
"No. YOU'RE trying to kill me aren't you?" he said.
"I'm sorry I can't WATCH where I'm going," I said.
"Some vampire YOU are. Might as well be human. I mean, you ARE still as clumsy," he said.
"I am NOT clumsy," I said, walking away. Then he appeared in front of me and caressed my cheek. I leaned into his touch subconciously and then suddenly he was gone and I was falling.
"Yeah, not clumsy," he laughed as I caught myself.
"OH I HATE you," I said to him, enraged by my humiliation.
"Are you sure about that?" he whispered. I would blush if I was human, but I wasn't human anymore...well, I'm only 1/4 human.
"Shut up," is all I said to him. He just smiled and danced away from me. Then he disappeared. I sank to the ground and put my head into my hands.
"Are you okay?" asked Christa.
"No. Go," I said. I put the order into her head and she quickly walked away. I sighed and then slowly got up. I hated loving him. I hated it so much that I just hated him. With a passion. And I have heard that hate and love...well, there is a VERY fine line between them. Which just sucks in my opinion. I slowly walked to my room. It wasn't like I had anywhere to go. Destiny was pregnant. Which is yippee kai yay for her. Christa and Felix seem very close. YAAAYY for her too. Maybe she'll invite me to her wedding. Now, Corin and I? We're FORCED to be together. There is no just falling in love. It's either your soulmates or you DIE. Well, in my head it seems like that. But that's not how love works. You're supposed fall into it WILLINGLY. NOT against your will. Which what was happening here. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it...
I was falling in love with Corin.


I flopped on my belly into my bed and groaned. And groaned. And groaned some more. I groaned so loud that Felix had to stick his head into my room and ask if I was okay. I just threw a pillow at him. Finally, Corin slipped into my room. I didn't know he was there 'til he cleared his throat. I turned quickly to look at him.
"What are you DOING here?" I asked.
"Well, this IS my room too..." said Corin. I just glared at him. He cleared his throat again.
"Uh...why were you just groaning on your bed...?" he asked.
"Because I felt like it," I said crossing my arms.
"Is it because you're hungry or thirsty or something? Because everyone's feeding right now if that's the case," he said.
"NO! I'm already full thank you very much," I said.
"Then why...?" asked Corin.


Texte: This is a side story from winterhead123's story "Meeting Demetri Volturi". Check out her book. It's amazing. (By the way, she's a good friend of mine and YES I got permission to write this, sheesh.)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2011

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