
To my family:
You guys are the heart and soul of this book!

Chapter 1
My Life

I’ve been studying polar bears all my life but when am I going to actually meet one? It doesn’t make any sense. Mom thinks it’s too dangerous but she thinks that moving out is dangerous too. For Pete’s sake, I’m in college!!

I looked at what I just wrote in my diary. I can’t give mom too much credit, I thought angrily. When was I going to move out and go off on my own? I mean I am 18. Ever since dad “disappeared” I had to be in my mom’s sight 24/7. It was so annoying. I turned back to my mini white laptop. I had to finish my research paper on polar bears. All my life my mom has been filling my head with dragons, vampires, ghouls, trolls, witches, warlocks, etc. I finally pushed it all away and went with polar bears. I remember when I told her she bit her lower lip so hard and it didn’t even bleed. My mom is the prettiest woman I have ever met. She never seems to change. She doesn’t get wrinkles, nada. Nothing. She looks like she was 16 or something. She has beautiful chestnut hair but she likes to have shoulder length hair, unlike me, I like to grow it long. Already it’s down to my lower back. There was something like fear in her eyes too, kind of like she was afraid of polar bears. She was afraid of something. My friends say I am really pretty. Well, now I don’t have friends. They were jealous of my flawless skin. At least that’s what my mom said but for some reason I feel that it’s more than that. Something like…danger. My mom had friends visiting over and I can hear the vacuum humming.
“MOM!! I’M TRYING TO DO A RESEARCH PAPER!!” I yelled. The vacuum stopped.
“What was that, Sam?” asked my mom.
“Do you really have to vacuum right now? I am trying to do my research paper on polar bears,” I said. Right when I added polar bears I looked at her face. I knew I shouldn’t have added polar bears. My mom had a smug smile that slowly turned to shock.
“Of course I have to vacuum!” My mom said looking shocked.
“Of course,” I mumbled. I turned back to my room wondering when I got up and out of my room. The vacuum started again. I only had one paragraph done after an hour. I knew my mom was already finished vacuuming but decided to keep it on just to get on my nerves. I heard a rumble from my breath. It sounded like a low growl. I gasped. Maybe it was my stomach, I thought. I saved my work and headed down the stairs. My mom turned off the vacuum cleaner when she heard me coming down the steps.
“I’m finally finished vacuuming,” said my mom in fake exhaust. She even wiped her forehead for effect.
“I just need a snack,” I said while rolling my eyes. My mom never acted like a mom. She acted more like a younger sister than a mom. I always felt I had to take care of myself. Even though she was always there, I had to get myself things. She said it was so I’ll get myself ready for the big world out there. Now I am ready and now she won’t let me go. My stomach growled. At least I thought it did. I searched the cupboards and found them empty. I looked in the fridge and found potato chips. My mom puts things in the weirdest places, I thought. She’s always has done that. Well, since she started putting the groceries away. I frowned and shook my head. I opened the bag of chips and popped one in my mouth. It tasted cold. Figures, I thought. I walked into the living room. The living room looked like a hotel lobby. It seemed like a hotel lobby too. The whole house seems like a hotel now that I thought about it. Gold felt outlined the carpet. I felt rich. I am rich too. Or my mom is. The house is huge. There are 27 bedrooms. Yes, 27 bedrooms. I have lived like this my whole life. Right now there was one guest in the “hotel”. There always seemed to be one person besides my mom and I in the house. My whole entire life. I pondered this over while putting a handful of potato chips in my mouth.
“Samanthia! Do not eat before bedtime! Does your mother teach you anything?” said my mom’s friend, Greta. What a weird name, I thought to myself. She cringed.
“Yes, I do Greta, but it is not her bedtime yet,” said my mother while striding into the room. I’m not surprised that Greta would listen to her. It seems like all her “friends” always listened to her. Greta scowled. She climbed the stairs to her guestroom. My mother glared at me.
“What? I was just hungry. I was growling, mom. Oh by the way the potato chips were in the fridge. I thought I should tell you that,” I said. I looked at her to see what her reaction would be towards the chips. Nothing. Her face didn’t change one bit. She didn’t even ponder over the statement. I sighed.
“I knew you were tired, Sam. You should go to bed,” said my mom. She actually looked worried now. I headed up the stairs. I had to stop midway.
“Wait, did you say you growled?” asked my mom worriedly.
“Yes, mom I growled,” I said. Her face turned from worried to fear. What was wrong with my stomach growling? At least, I thought my stomach was growling. I washed my face. The crystal face, my friend used to say. I looked up at myself in the mirror. I guess I was somewhat pretty. I had black hair that hung straight to my lower back. I tied my hair into a bun so it wouldn’t get messed up. I jumped into my king size bed and snuggled in. I turned off my nightstand lamp and just lay there, thinking. I heard whispers. I focused my hearing on the whispers. My mother and her friend, Greta, were talking.
“She was growling, Greta,” said my mom.
“I’m telling you, Rose, all she needs is a mate,” said Greta. Mate? I thought.
“She doesn’t even know,” said my mom, stifling sobs.
“Then your just going to have to tell her,” said Greta with authority in her voice. By then I was clearly knocked out.
When I woke up the next morning, I just lay so very still wondering what they were talking about.
“What did my mom mean, ‘she doesn’t know’?” I said aloud. I sighed. Why bother? My head asked me.
“I don’t know,” I whispered. Great, I thought, now I’m talking to myself. I pulled the gold satin blankets off of me. I, then, slowly walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I don’t know what my mother does all night but suddenly the cupboards were stocked and breakfast was made.
“Mom, what is all this?” I asked surprised.
“More guests are here,” said my mom casually.
“More?” I groaned. My mother turned to look at me. She looked sorry.
“Yes, more,” said my mother quietly.
“Is something wrong?” I asked. She didn’t answer but continued setting the table. I was going to ask if she needed some help but I heard feet slapping against the marble stairs. I looked up and gasped. There, in front of me, was a guy my age. He was beautiful. He had golden hair and he had Caucasian skin. His skin looked like silk. He gawked instead of gasped. Both of our mouths were open. I was the first one to turn away. I stared at my mother. She just shrugged with a smile playing on her face. I looked back at him and he was still staring at me.
“It’s not polite to stare,” I mumbled under my breath.
“Oh, I know. It’s just, um, I,” stammered the guy. I held my breath and I could tell he did too. Who is this guy? I thought. As if answering my thoughts he answered.
“My name is Drew and you are…?” said Drew.
“Um, my name is Samanthia or Sam if you prefer,” I said.
“Samanthia,” said Drew as if trying the name out. He smiled at me. “I like it.”
“You do?” I asked.
“Yes, it is…very unusual,” said Drew. Before I heard anyone coming down the stairs, he turned his head to his mother.
“Oh, good. You met Sam,” said his mother. I think I’m going to like her, I thought. She smiled. Drew whispered something to his mother. His mother laughed. Drew frowned. Apparently he didn’t think it was so funny. I think I looked very confused because his mother started talking again.
“Oh he only said that he didn’t know there was going to be a beautiful girl here, and that now he doesn’t look presentable,” his mother laughed again.
“Oh,” I said. We both blushed. Well, I blushed and he looked white as paper. He looks presentable to me, I thought. Then I looked at what he was wearing, pajamas and tousled hair. Oh, I thought. I looked down at myself.
“Oh my gosh! I don’t look presentable,” I said. He looked up at me and laughed. I blushed deeply. I quickly ran up the stairs and into my room. I turned the shower on and got in. After I did that, I quickly dried myself and got dressed. I worked on my hair for an hour. I looked at the makeup my mom gave me two years ago. I picked up a stick of pink lip-gloss and I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed. Then I put it down without even putting it on my lips. My stomach rumbled, very loudly.
“Ugh. I don’t want to eat like a pig,” I said to my stomach. I sighed again. I bounded down the stairs as fast as I could but as gracefully as I imagined a queen would walk. Since I was walking so fast and gracefully, I tripped over my own feet and slid down the stairs. I landed on my bottom. I quickly got up and brushed my backside. I heard a chorus of laughter, high and low. Now I could see that there were more guests in the house. There were more mothers with male children. All were my age.
“What the-“ I said definitely surprised. None of them really stood out to me besides Drew of course. Now I understood. My mom wanted me to have a ‘mate’ as soon as possible. I groaned. They all looked up at me and smiled. Why would they want to be here? I asked myself. They didn’t look even look twice. Not even a glance. There were a lot of boys. No wonder why we were having a big breakfast. I sat down at the big mahogany table and at once everyone sat down as well. I looked at all the friendly faces. Does my mom even know all these people? I asked myself. I shook my head violently. Everyone stared at me. I blushed a deep red. Drew snickered. I flashed a glare at him. He laughed harder. Everyone started staring at him. He winked at me. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to steer the attention away from me. My mom brought in the food and then everyone started talking at once. Most of the mothers were talking about how good the food was. The boys, oops, the men, were talking about sports. I just sat there, nodding my head from time to time. I was also staring at Drew eat. His sapphire eyes seemed like it was laughing. I put my head onto my arm and just stared. When our eyes met, I sat up straight. Then we both blushed. This guy, Steve was trying to talk to me, but I was barely listening. I was too busy staring at Drew. Steve was cute, (not that I really looked at him much) but he wasn’t Drew.
“I hear you already chose who you wanted,” said Steve defeated, after watching me staring at Drew.
“What?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”
“You don’t know? Everyone is here to be your mate or husband. To become king to be exact,” said Steve.
“You mean they don’t really like me?” I asked, my voice cracking. I thought about Drew. He must be a good actor, I thought angrily.
“Well, they do. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be here. Actually, only the mothers knew about this. None of us knew where we were going,” said Steve. I wasn’t listening to what he was saying. Only what he did say.
“To be king,” I whispered. He stared at me like I was mad.
“Yes, I guess, to become king,” he said questioning with his eyes. I closed mine for a moment.
“What do you mean by that? I’m no princess,” I said. Again, he looked at me like I was mad.
“Your father was a king. When he died-“ He begun to say.
“HE DIED??!!” I screamed. Everyone stared at me. I turned to my mother.
“You told me he was kidnapped but he died??!” I screamed at her.
“And on top of that, I’m a princess? When were you going to tell me? When someone became my husband or, maybe even, I don’t know, KING??” I yelled. My mother just stared at me with wide eyes.
“You weren’t going to tell me were you?” I said accusingly.
“It’s not like that, Samanthia. Who told you this anyway?” my mother said with authority, searching everyone’s faces.
“It doesn’t matter WHO told me. It matters that YOU didn’t tell me. How could you?” I said turning to go up the stairs. I usually didn’t throw a temper tantrum but my dad was important to me. When he disappeared when I was 10, I was heartbroken. She said my name a couple of times. I didn’t listen to her. I ran up to my room and stayed there. But part of my mind noticed something. I was angry, yes, but when I was running up the stairs everything was burnt like it was in a horrible explosion. I faced my room. It was the same way. Great, I thought. I angrily walked out of my room.
“I’m going to stay in one of the guests rooms. Something happened to my room,” I said. I stomped my way there but I wasn’t angry. I slammed the door so my mother could see how angry I was. After that, my mother just started talking to everyone like she didn’t care. Whatever, I thought.

Chapter 2
I’m a witch, right? Am I missing anything?

I woke up the next morning. The first thing I saw was Drew. He was staring down at me. I woke up with a start. I quickly sat up. He was just sitting there on the side of my bed.
“I’m sorry. Did I scare you?” asked Drew.
“Yes! But I’m okay,” I said. He looked at me and smiled.
“You slept all day and all night,” said Drew.
“I DID!!?? Oh I probably missed all my lectures and I’ll need to finish my research paper because it is due tomorrow. I only got one PARAGRAPH done!! What am I going to do?” I put my head into my hands. He looked disappointed.
“What?” I asked.
“I thought you were going to scream at me. But you didn’t. Oh, what a waste,” said Drew still disappointed. I looked at him like he was crazy. I didn’t understand why he said that. He smiled at me. I laughed at him. He frowned again.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I was wondering, last night, about what else your mom lied to you about. I asked my mom and she spilled. She told me everything,” said Drew.
“What else did she lie about?” I said suspiciously. Drew looked nervous.
“Let’s hope you know about this,” said Drew. He smiled at me. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Okay, well, I already knew she lied to you about the princess thing and about your dad. What else? That was the main question. My mom said that there was a will. Your father wrote it. The will said, ‘My daughter, Samanthia, will rule in my place.’ The problem was that you were only ten, so your mother was trying to rule. There was a twist to it too. Your mother claimed that the will was not what your father would write and it was handwritten but it wasn’t your father’s handwriting. It also didn’t say ‘Will’ at the top. It looked like it was just quickly written. Besides he knew how old you were and he was only 25 so… Wait, do you know about magic?” he asked. I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Apparently not,” mumbled Drew.
“There’s no such thing as magic, right?” I whispered. I felt like the world I once knew was turned upside down, burnt side up. Drew looked at me warily.
“Well, your mom is a witch and your dad was some kind of half warlock,” said Drew. I looked at him.
“What was the other part?” I asked but suddenly didn’t want to know the answer. He looked at me.
“Do you want me to tell you?” he asked.
“No, I’ll figure it out,” I said. He stared at me again. Why does he keep staring at me? I asked myself. Do I have something on my face? My hand immediately flew to my face. He laughed.
“Do you know what you are?” he asked, seriousness filled his face.
“I guess, by what you told me, I’m a witch,” I said, not believing any of it.
“Yes,” said Drew staring deep into my eyes. I looked away.
“What are you?” I asked looking back up at him.
“I’m a warlock. That’s a boy witch,” said Drew smiling at me.
“I know that!” I said throwing a pillow at him. He laughed like there was nothing wrong with the world. There was something wrong with the world. At least, it wasn’t how I knew it anymore.
“Do you only like me because you’ll become king?” I asked regretting the words once they left my mouth. He looked shocked and angry.
“I would never do that to anyone. I didn’t know about meeting you,” said Drew with such force it almost scared me. He wasn’t staring at me but into space. Then he looked back at me.
“What about the others?” I asked hesitantly. Drew looked like he was thinking.
“I don’t know. I guess you’ll have to ask them,” said Drew smiling as wide as day. I stared at him like he was crazy. He laughed again. He was a very laughable person. I laughed along with him. I suddenly became aware of the quiet footsteps that entered my room. I looked up at the doorway and there stood my mother. I became still and glared at her. Drew turned to look at my mother and then me.
“Well, I guess I should be going,” he said quietly. He collected himself and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
“What is it?” I asked my mom angrily. She looked at me.
“I was just making sure you were alive after I lied to you,” my mother spat back. Then I suddenly couldn’t take it. I could take the anger but not everything. I started to cry. I was heaving in my mother’s arms.
“I know everything,” I cried.
“I know, I know,” said my mother patting my back like I was a little girl.
“I’m a witch, a princess, and my father died. I’m even something else besides a witch and I don’t even know what it is!” I cried. My mother just kept patting my back. She started singing a lullaby in some alien language. I recognized the lullaby from when I was a little girl and I fell asleep almost immediately. In my dream, I saw my father. His face was flushed with red. He wasn’t my father. He couldn’t be. What was he? He sat on top of a mountain. It was covered in snow. He was suddenly covered in snow. He was frozen in time. His skin was pale white and ice cold. His eyelids were a deep purple-blue. I touched him and I knew he was dead. I didn’t feel sad. Strangely enough, I was kind of glad. I was glad to be rid of him. I looked at myself in a river. My lips were bloody red. My eyes were a crazy blue. My hair was tousled. I looked scary. I looked dangerous. I looked at my father and realized I did this. I didn’t cry. I felt nothing. Then I ran. I woke up with a start. It was the evening. No one was at the side of my bed. I grabbed my journal and a pen. I wrote down all I knew and my dream. It had to be all connected, right? I looked at my eyes. It was still a brown color. It was not the crazy blue. I sighed. I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. My mother came running up the stairs.
“Sam? Sam, are you okay?” asked my mom. She ran into the bathroom and helped me get up.
“Mom, I don’t feel well,” I said. My mom touched my forehead. There wasn’t a fever. She quickly took me to my bedroom.
“Oh, sweetie,” said my mom. I looked up at her. She took my journal, skimmed through that one page and put it down. She took a wet cloth and put it on my forehead. Then she closed the door behind her. A few minutes later, she was back. My mom was carrying soup on a tray. Drew came in behind her. He picked up my journal, skimmed through that one page as well. He looked really worried. My mother helped me sit up. She fed me some soup and then she left. Drew left reluctantly. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep. When I woke up, I felt much better. It was morning and the sun was trying to seep through my blinds. I got out of bed and opened the blinds. I looked out over the horizon. I sighed. I wouldn’t mind if I died right now, I thought closing my eyes for a brief second. Suddenly, Drew came in. I looked at him.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing. Your mother wanted me to tell you that she dropped you out of college,” he said not meeting my eyes. I was shocked but it slowly turned to anger.
“She can’t just say whether or whether not I drop out of college! This is MY life not HERS!!” I said angrily.
“She said that school cannot bother you when you’re training. Your college said that if you change your mind in the next year, their willing to let you back in. You must be really smart,” said Drew. I stared at him, flabbergasted. He smiled at me.
“What do you mean training?” I asked him.
“Well, if you’re going to become queen, you’ll need to know how to do spells,” said Drew casually; as if it was as regular as saying I’m going to eat breakfast. I rolled my eyes. He laughed at me. I heard someone coming to my room. I automatically turned my head toward the door and there was Steve. I smiled at him.
“Come on in, Steve,” I said. He walked in.
“I’m sorry I made you all upset three days ago,” said Steve, facing the floor.
“It’s fine. I’m sorry I made it sound like such a big deal,” I said. He looked up at me.
“You’re apologizing?” he asked.
“Well, yeah. I’m not a snobby rich kid you know,” I said.
“The others left,” he said randomly. I was definitely surprised. I thought they were going to fight until the end for me. At least that is how things happened in books.
“Really?” I asked. He nodded his head.
“Why didn’t you leave?” I asked him.
“I didn’t think it was over yet. Your mother told everyone that you have already chose but I didn’t think so,” said Steve so confidently. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“So you didn’t give up?” I asked stifling giggles.
“No, I didn’t,” said Steve.
“I don’t think I quite understand, Steve. If everyone gave up why didn’t you? And besides you didn’t know you were going to be here, right?” I said.
“Well, you talked to ME and I, um, knew I was going to be here,” said Steve facing the floor again. I was, again, surprised. I narrowed my eyes.
“What do you mean you knew you were going to be here?” I asked suspiciously.
“Don’t get mad, okay?” said Steve.
“I’m not making any promises,” I said. Drew stared at me. Steve glared at Drew.
“Well, my mother told me that we were going to go visit the queen, and her daughter, because the princess, which is you, was looking for a mate,” said Steve. My mouth was wide open. Does he only like me to become king? I asked myself.
“Don’t get her all upset,” said Drew to Steve. I sat down on my bed. Drew and Steve were glaring at each other.
“So Steve. Do you like me just to become king?” I asked Steve.
“No. I like you for you but you were just, unfortunately, the princess,” said Steve. I looked at him, deciding whether this was a lie. I gave up and looked at my hands.
“Maybe you should eat some breakfast,” Drew whispered to me. I nodded. Steve and Drew helped me up and I walked out of my room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. My mother was making breakfast. I sat down. Drew’s mother walked into the kitchen and laid some important looking papers in front of me. She smiled and sat next to me. I looked up at her.
“What are these for?” I asked.
“These are some laws you’ll have to choose and this paper,” she picked up one of the papers, “is whom you choose,” she said. I stared at that paper. Who would I choose? I asked myself, already knowing the answer. Drew, I thought. Steve is nice too, I thought.
“What if I can’t choose?” I asked. She looked at me with sympathy.
“You’ll have to,” she said.
“Do I have to choose now?” I asked. She looked at my mother and my mother nodded.
“I’m afraid so,” she said. I rubbed my temples.
“Besides, there isn’t much of a choice,” laughed my mother. I glared at her and she stopped, mid-laugh. I barely knew Steve, even though he gave me vital information, he was more like an acquaintance. So my mom was right, there isn’t much of a choice. I knew whom I wanted to be with for my whole life, even though I barely knew him, I would be able to call him mine.
“Drew,” I whispered.

Chapter 3
Training and Everything Else

I looked at my going to be mother in law. She looked at me and smiled. Smiling must run in the family, I thought. She laughed as though she could read my mind.
“I have one question,” I said thoughtfully.
“Ask away,” she said still hanging up decorations.
“Can witches read minds?” I asked.
“Yes, if they try hard enough,” she said.
“Wait, so all those thoughts I’ve been thinking, everyone else has heard them?” I asked. She nodded. I groaned. She laughed.
“Not everyone, if that makes you feel any better,” she said. Katie was so nice. I still couldn’t believe she was my advisor and my going to be mother in law.
“Do you think I could read people’s minds?” I asked. She shook her head.
“You haven’t even learned the basic spells yet,” she said. Then she laughed.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” I grumbled. She looked at me.
“Your mother said that first you have to get married anyway,” said Katie. I sighed.
“Marriage is a lot of work,” I said. She nodded. I looked at her.
“How old are you?” I asked. Her face looked thoughtful.
“I think I’m about 80 years old,” she said.
“What happens if you find the love of your dreams and he’s human? Would you grow old with him?” I asked. She shook her head violently.
“Even if I wanted to, I can’t,” she said. I was definitely confused.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“If I wasn’t 80 years old or even 30 years old, I could, technically speaking,” said Katie. I, again, was confused.
“I still don’t understand,” I said.
“If I decide I want to age I would go to my original age. The age I am right now. If I was as old as your mother, I won’t be able to age unless I want to go suicide. Do you understand, now?” said Katie. I nodded.
“I think I do. If I was my mother, and I wanted to age, I would turn to dust. Is that what your saying?” I asked. She nodded.
“So are you saying, that I can stop aging?” I asked. She nodded her head.
“Has Drew stopped aging?” I asked.
“He’s waiting for you,” she said.
“Tell him that he won’t need to wait any longer,” I said joyfully. Katie handed me a book.
“Those are the rules,” said Katie. There wasn’t much in the rules. Only two rules: To do a spell you have to wish with all your might and keep your powers a secret. Those seemed easy enough.
“I’ll have to make you stop aging because you’re still a beginner,” said Katie holding up her hand, palm facing me. Suddenly, blue fire was coming out of her hand and circled around me. My hands turned wrinkly then smooth again. Then I was in the air, the blue fire was still circling me. Finally, I floated down and the blue fire was fading. When my feet finally touched the ground, I fell, hard. I totally blacked out.
When my eyes finally opened, I opened them up to my mother and my going to be mother in law. I rubbed my head.
“What happened?” I asked. Katie looked at me.
“Well, you stopped aging,” she said. I laughed. I gasped.
“My laugh is so different,” I whispered. I giggled. I gasped again. It wasn’t my donkey laugh anymore. It was a graceful laugh. It was like, I couldn’t explain it, but it was different. I checked my voice but it was still the same. My mother and Katie looked at each other.
“What?” I asked.
“She’s more powerful than we thought,” whispered my mother to Katie. Katie nodded.
“Hello? I’m right here,” I said. My mother looked at me.
“What is it, Sam?” she asked.
“What do you mean ‘she’s more powerful than we thought’?” I asked.
“If you can change your laugh, well, you are so much more powerful,” said my mother.
“Changing your laugh could take years for a witch to learn. I haven’t even mastered that yet,” said Katie.
“But your laugh is beautiful,” I said to Katie. “And how can changing a laugh be powerful. Even humans can change their laughs to fake and then to an all blow out laugh,”
“It’s powerful because your changing yourself and it is not the same as your example,” said my mother.
“I think training is done, don’t you, Rose? How about we plan the wedding? I love weddings,” said Katie. My mother nodded. For the next half hour we planned the wedding. My mother showed me the guest list. I didn’t know anyone on that guest list. She said it was mostly the lawmakers and other lords and ladies. And I’m supposed to know that? I asked myself. Katie was doing all the decorations. Personally, I think she over done it on the confetti. She even said after Drew and I kiss more confetti would come down. Great. She put way too much daisies and I sneezed every one of them away. She just glared at me like I did it on purpose. She replaced them with roses anyway and I wasn’t allergic to roses. Darn.
“You know I think you’ve over done it,” I told Katie. She looked up from what she was doing.
“Who is your advisor?” asked Katie.
“You are but-,” I said but then I got cut off.
“No buts. I’m your advisor and I think this looks perfect,” said Katie.
“But-,” I said.
“What did I tell you? No buts,” said Katie.
“Have I ever told you that you behave like a child?” I grumbled. She smiled.
“I am 18 forever and ever,” she said. I gasped.
“18? I’m 18!” I said in surprise. She grinned.
“I guess I’m going to be your mother in law and your little friend huh?” she said. I had a question brewing in my head.
“Just one question,” I said.
“I know, I know. Do witches always behave like their age even if they’re really old? And the answer to that question is yes, I’m afraid,” said Katie.
“Then that means my mother-,” I said.
“Yes, it means your mother has never acted like a mother because she was never an adult. And yes, she is stuck at 16,” said Katie. I was definitely surprised. I knew witches and warlocks can read minds but I never knew they didn’t really have to try.
“No, at least I don’t really have to try,” said Katie. I hated her in my mind. She laughed. Suddenly, Drew came into the room. He kissed me on the head and kissed his mother on the cheek.
“I heard you’re 18 forever,” said Drew. I nodded. He laughed. “I am too.”
“What? But Katie, I mean your mother, said that you were waiting for me,” I said astounded.
“I just met you, Sam, but I thought I would fall in love with a human. Then I thought that I probably won’t if I haven’t yet and then I thought YOU were 18 forever so I turned 18 forever about 2 days ago,” said Drew. My mouth was definitely wide open. I finally closed it because I didn’t want to catch any flies. Then I realized that I was inside.
“I want to try something. See this room? It is way too white agreed? Let’s add some color,” I said mischievously waving my hand around and then black smoke came out of my hand and then the room looked like it exploded. I was very confused.
“Is there something wrong with my powers?” I asked because it wasn’t a pretty color like blue and it blew up the room. Drew looked at his mother and his mother looked back at him.
“Uh oh,” they whispered in unison. Katie waved around the room and it went back to normal. Then she faced me.
“You don’t have regular powers,” whispered Katie.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You have all magic. Well, for one because you’re a princess but even your mother doesn’t have this type of thing. I thought that those were just myths. But it’s real,” she said surprised.
“Hey, I thought witches and warlocks were just myths. Apparently, all myths come true, right?” I said.
“Maybe, but this is something more. It’s more than just the myths and legends. They say that only the Devil’s son and the Dark Lord’s family could have dark magic but I don’t think you only have dark magic. Try to make it a CERTAIN color,” demanded Katie. I waved my hand around and white powder came out of my hand. I looked around and the room was blue. But I wasn’t thinking about that. Only the Devil’s son and the Dark Lord’s family…family, that’s it! I cried out of my head. There was something that would key into who my father was. The Dark Lord’s family kept ringing around my head.
“Whose the Dark Lord?” I asked. Katie was too busy in her own thoughts that she didn’t hear mine. Perfect.
“The Dark Lord can alter time and he can raise the dead. It is said that his brother is the White Lord, which seems impossible, but it’s true. At a period of his lifetime, he met a young witch. She was a pure witch and she also loved this man but she knew who he was and she couldn’t love this man. The Dark Lord showered her in gifts and affection that she couldn’t resist. She married him and lived in Venus. Then she was big and round with his baby. When the baby was born, World War I broke out. His beloved wife died when his baby boy came into the world and no matter how much he tried the Dark Lord couldn’t raise her from the dead. Her love for the Dark Lord, silenced her, forever,” said Katie. Then she looked at me questionably. My eyes were watery because of the sad, romantic story. Apparently, Katie wasn’t so sad. She looked disgusted. She just didn’t understand. I always remembered how my dad would look so sad on his birthday, June 28. He was the bouncy baby boy who was brought into the world when his mother died. I would bet anything that his father wasn’t so nice to him either.
“That’s so sad,” I choked out.
“Sad? It’s disgusting! How anyone could love the Dark Lord is besides me,” said Katie wrinkling her nose. I shook my head.
“You don’t understand,” I whispered.
“I understand perfectly! This descendant of the White Lord falls in love with his brother, the Dark Lord?? It’s upsetting!” cried Katie.
“It is not!” I screamed at her. Then I burst into tears. Katie came over to me and looked sorry.
“I’m sorry. I mean you don’t know much history of the Dark Lord and the White Lord that you would think that it’s romantic and sad but-,” Katie started to say.
“That’s not it,” I whispered through my tears.
“What do you mean?” asked Katie.
“The-the Dark Lord…” I couldn’t say the rest. I hiccupped.
“Yes?” asked Katie.
“The Dark Lord…is my grandfather,” I whispered.
“What?” exclaimed Katie.
“My father is the Dark Lord’s son,” I whispered, my dry lips barely moving.

Chapter 4
Polar Bears and My Father

Drew and Katie stared at me with wide eyes. My mother had heard everything and dropped the tray she was filling with food. Everyone was
frozen. The words that I had said made everyone freeze. Finally, Katie started talking.
“Ho-How did you come up with that conclusion?” asked Katie hesitantly.
“Well, by what you said. Only the Dark Lord’s family could have dark magic. I have some dark magic. Besides, my father was always sad on his birthday, when his mother died,” I said. My mother came into the room.
“That can’t be! He said he was half vampire! He can’t be the Dark Lord’s son! He can’t! His magic was pure! You got it all wrong, Samanthia!” my mother screamed.
“Rose, I think she’s right. You’ve never seen him drink blood for as long as you’ve known him. I think your husband was the Dark Lord’s son,” said Katie. They all stared at each other.
“So, when’s the wedding?” asked Drew. Katie glared at him.
“What?” he asked. Katie looked away back to me.
“Drew said you were doing a research paper. What is it on?” asked Katie.
“I don’t know if it would help you but it’s on polar bears. Why?” I asked.
“That’s what I thought. You’re fascinated by polar bears. Guess today is your lucky day,” said Katie narrowing her eyes.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Katie, no! Not until after the wedding and after she has mastered her powers,” said my mother. Katie turned to face my mother.
“She has mastered her powers, Rose. Can you not see that? And I think we’ll have to postpone the wedding anyway. Or make it today and quick,” said Katie thoughtfully.
“No one would be able to come so quickly! Surely you know that Katie,” said my mother.
“Then get her a certificate saying she got married or something but she has to go to the North Pole,” said Katie. My mother glared at her.
“She needs a ceremony that she will remember forever and ever,” said my mother angrily.
“Then wait until she gets back,” said Katie impatiently.
“But she might not survive,” spat my mother. They glared at each other. I was listening to their conversation but I was still not following.
“I’m not following,” I said. They turned to look at me still glaring. Then they stopped glaring and their eyes softened.
“Well, I-,” said Katie and my mother at the same time.
“I’ll talk,” said Katie. My mother glared at her.
“Go ahead. Even though you always talk anyway. Well, you should talk because you do have a big mouth, so go ahead,” said my mom. Katie glared a hard glare. My mother stuck her tongue out. She never grew up has she? I thought to myself. Katie laughed. My mother glared at her.
“Okay, we’ll tell you about the polar bears,” said Katie.
“I thought you were telling her,” said my mother.
“I am,” said Katie.
“You said WE’LL which doesn’t mean only you,” said my mother.
“Whatever,” said Katie while rolling her eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at your elders,” said my mother in a stern voice.
“Can I move on?” asked Katie.
“Please do, I don’t have all day you know,” said my mother. Katie scowled at her.
“You need to see what the polar bears are really like. You see polar bears are one of the most powerful creatures. Well, they are under us and they want to be number one. We are the most powerful creatures in the world so they are deciding to demolish us. Well, not them but someone who is leading them. To give us a warning, they have been eating less powerful witches and warlocks,” said Katie. I was definitely suspicious.
“They can’t do that. They’re just animals,” I said.
“They can do whatever they want,” said Katie narrowing her eyes.
“Well, why aren’t you stopping them?” I asked.
“I’m not powerful enough. Eating other witches and warlocks makes them more powerful. Some of them are bewitched or possessed. They would usually eat really powerful witches and warlocks to get really powerful. A whole herd or pack of powerful polar bears could take down about 1 million middle level witches,” said Katie.
“First of all, they don’t move in herds. And second of all, why take me if it’s too dangerous?” I asked.
“You’re nothing I have ever seen before,” said Katie.
“I don’t think I understand,” I said.
“Don’t you see? You are the granddaughter of the Dark Lord, if your hypothesis is correct. You have dark magic that could kill any polar bear, powerful or not powerful, and you also have pure magic, which could destroy anything evil into something better. You’re both evil and good,” said Katie. I was astounded. I just learned about this stuff and already I was the most powerful witch in the world?
“Am I the most powerful witch in the world?” I asked. Katie nodded.
“You’re more powerful than Grandmother Widow,” she said.
“She exists?” I asked more surprised.
“Yes, she is my mother,” said my mother interrupting what Katie was about to say.
“She is your mother?” I asked in a whisper. My mother nodded.
“She is my grandma?” I said more than asked. My mother nodded again.
“Do you understand now?” asked Katie.
“No, I don’t think she should go,” said Drew. I forgot he was even there for a second even though I could feel the electricity between us. I wonder if he feels that.
“If I can help, I think I should go,” I told him. He frowned.
“It might be dangerous. What if your hypothesis is incorrect? You could die, Sam!” he said grabbing and shaking my shoulders. I looked into his blue sapphire eyes. I had to think of something quick before I was stared at with his blue eyes. If I stare at them long enough, I agree to anything he says.
“Okay, just give me a day. Only one day to decide whether I should go or not. Just one day,” I said. He nodded and took his hands off my shoulders. Only one hand lingered there just in case I changed my mind. Katie looked thoughtful but my mother was nodding her head enthusiastically.
“Okay, one day. You have until 6:00 pm tomorrow evening,” said Katie nodding her head. Great, I thought. Katie smiled at me. So did Drew. Both of them wanted me to do what they wanted me to do. Drew wanted me to stay and Katie wanted me to save the day. Which one? That was the question. I didn’t know which one to choose. Who to say yes to? I looked at Drew’s golden hair and his sapphire eyes. Then I looked at my going to be mother in law, Katie. I looked at her crazy, curly strawberry blond hair and her blue-gray eyes. They didn’t look related at all. They didn’t even look like mother and son but they did have something in common. They were both persuasive. All night long they were fighting for my likeliness. For example:
“I’m hungry. When’s dinner?” I said. They both made something magically appear, sometimes more fancier than the other. I always wound up doing something myself any way but do you see what I mean? Then Katie wanted to do each other’s hair and then wanted to watch a movie. She even wanted to have a sleepover in front of the television. I said no to the sleepover. She was very disappointed. Then to make up for not having a sleepover, (Who wanted to have a sleepover with their going to be mother in law anyway?) I said yes to scary stories. Her stories scared the heck out of me. It was ridiculous. Finally, I said good night to Katie and my mother and headed up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and there was Drew. He was sitting on the side of my bed so perfectly. He was hardly using any space at all. I smiled at him. I already had my pajamas on anyway so there was no trouble. I sat next to him. I, then, lay down on my stomach. He lay down as well only on his back. Something seemed to be bothering him.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. His fingers raked through his golden hair.
“You don’t really have to go through the motions. You don’t really have to put my mother’s hopes up,” said Drew. “You could just say no.”
“What?” I said.
“I know you don’t want to go see the polar bears and just go suicide,” said Drew.
“Drew, I really don’t know. I’m not trying to put Katie’s-I mean your mother’s hopes up. I might say yes,” I said. He was really leading me into saying yes, I thought angrily.
“So you might say yes?” he asked, confused.
“Yes, I might,” I said.
“You don’t understand, Sam. They thirst on power. They would see you and would want your power. You might not have the strength to stop them,” said Drew scared.
“You never know,” I said.
“I know that you are too good to lose, Sam. Don’t you know that? You are the heir to the throne. Your mother couldn’t rule as well so she let her husband rule but you can lead. If you die, there is no one that can step up to take your place. Your mother is tired of ruling. She wants to do something else. And you’re the only person I have ever loved,” he said. I looked at him. His sapphire eyes searching mine with sadness. I looked away.
“If my hypothesis is correct-,” I started to say.
“What if it isn’t?” asked Drew.
“Let me continue,” I said.
“Go on,” said Drew. I knew it would take a lot to change his mind. He even crossed his arms for effect. It worked.
“If my hypothesis is correct, and my father is the son of the Dark Lord, then my father didn’t really die. He couldn’t. Just as my mother has told me all my life is that my father was kidnapped. Only by his own father and if this is the work of the Dark Lord, which is my Grandfather, then it can only mean that one person can stop it. Since my father has been held captive for eight years, either that or has died and now has to live with his father, because his father raised him from the dead, then he can’t do it, but I can. If my father is with his father or my Grandfather somehow sees the resemblance to my father, then I could put a stop to it all. Katie- I mean your mother- says that polar bears are evil. Who else is evil?” I asked.
“The Dark Lord,” whispered Drew.
“Exactly,” I said finally happy that he understands my point of view.
“It also means that your mother could have possibly been thinking the same thing,” I said. Drew rubbed his temples as though he was thinking.
“I don’t know,” he whispered.
“C’mon! You can come too if that makes you feel any better,” I told him. He smiled.
“Very,” he said and then cradled my face in his hands and kissed me. I saw fireworks beneath my eyelids but the kiss only lasted a second because I felt a sort of electric shock. Drew felt it too but the shock wasn’t like shuffling around in your socks and touching someone, it was more like a good kind of shock. It’s too difficult to explain. We both pulled apart immediately.
“Oh,” I whispered. Drew just looked at me. He stared at me kind of strangely.
“Did you know that was my first kiss ever?” I told him, my cheeks burning up. Why did I blurt that out? Drew’s eyes were laughing.
“Really?” he looked surprised, “I thought that all the guys would’ve been after you.” I laughed and hit him with a pillow.
The next morning, I woke up to Drew’s soft breathing. Oh my god, I thought, I had my first kiss last night! It was the best kiss ever. I tried to quietly get out of bed. I made a whole lot of noise instead. Drew grabbed my arm really tight and woke up.
“Oops, sorry. I thought you were some kind of burglar,” he said and let go of my arm.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” I grumbled.
“You did a perfect job at that,” said Drew and then he laughed. He was still laughing when we came down the stairs for breakfast. I kicked him and he stopped laughing but he was hysterical with giggles now. I groaned.
“Come here you love birds,” said Katie. I sat right next to Katie and across Drew. He frowned as though he was upset that I didn’t sit next to him but then he brushed it off.
“Katie, I have something to tell you,” I said. Katie was already jumping for joy.
“Let me guess, you already know,” I grumbled.
“How can I not know when it is everywhere in your head? You should listen to it once in a while,” said Katie laughing.
“What?” asked my mother.
“Sam is going to the North Pole. I told you she would say yes,” said Katie. They stuck their tongues out to each other and then laughed. They definitely acted like children. Children with children. Weird.

Chapter 5
The Broom

“I’m just so happy. You don’t know how much this means to me,” said Katie.
“No, I don’t know why you’re so happy. It makes no sense to me,” I said still trying to pack but it’s hard to pack when your going to be mother in law keeps talking about how great it is that you’re going to save the world. In other words, when your going to be mother in law keeps talking about how great your going suicide. Yep, isn’t that great. Katie frowned at me. I forgot she could hear my thoughts without trying. Great.
“This isn’t suicide. This is helping every witch, warlock, ghoul, ghost, troll, dwarves, vampires-,” said Katie.
“I get it,” I said. She frowned at me.
“Who told you that this was suicide anyway? Was it Drew? I knew I should have raised him better. Maybe you shouldn’t marry him if he keeps telling you lies,” said Katie. Why wouldn’t she want him to? I am the princess, practically queen. She scowled at me.
“You think I would want him to marry you just because you’re a princess? Baloney!” she spat.
“I don’t think of YOU that way, it’s just,” I stumbled for words. She raised her hand.
“I get it,” she said. Katie is very impatient when she wants to be because there she was tapping her foot and looking at her watch every 10 seconds.
“Are you ready yet?” she asked impatiently still tapping her foot and checking her watch.
“Do you know how long we’re going to be there?” I asked angrily.
“Well, you don’t need to get snippy,” she said. She picked up my favorite pajama shirt.
“You’ll need something warmer,” she said frowning at my pajama shirt. I snatched it away from her.
“It’s the warmest shirt I got,” I said. She snapped her fingers and out came the warmest shirt I have ever felt out of thin air. She folded it up in a flash and by 1 millisecond it was already in my suitcase. She closed my suitcase easily and picked it up.
“Let’s go!” she cried impatiently.
“When does our flight leave?” I asked. She just stared at me.
“You think we’re riding an airplane huh? You know, we’ll never get to the North Pole fast enough by airplane,” she said.
“What’s faster than an airplane?” I asked. She picked up a broom. I shook my head.
“Oh no. I can’t fly! “ I cried frantically. She glanced at me.
“Well you’re going to have to,” she said.
“In the middle of the day? You know people could look up and see us,” I said. She looked at me like I was crazy.
“You really think we fly that low?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I felt hands rubbing my shoulders. I looked up and saw Drew. I immediately felt better.
“Don’t worry, Sam. My mother and I will be right next to you at all times. We won’t let you fall, I promise,” said Drew. I just looked up at his beautiful gem like eyes and nodded. He laughed.
“Drew don’t hypnotize her. Oh, here’s your broom,” said Katie. The broom jumped out of her hand and started talking. I was startled.
“OMG!! OMG!! I can’t believe I get to serve the princess!! The immediate heir to the throne!! Wait until I tell everyone at the store!! I’m the PRINCESS’S broom!!!!! OMG!! OMG!!!!! It is, like, so nice to meet you!! I just can’t believe it!! This must be a dream!! Someone PINCH ME!!” screamed the broom. I jumped a little by how loud her voice was. Katie and Drew were just laughing. I looked at my mother and she was laughing too.
“How do you pinch a broom?” I asked it.
“I didn’t mean it literally,” she said. I put out my hand in an attempt to shake hands but then I slowly put it back to my side.
“Um, my name is-,” I started to say.
“OH!! EVERYONE knows YOUR name!! It’s SAMANTHIA right?? It is isn’t it? Am I right or not?” said the broom.
“You’re right but you can call me Sam,” I said.
“SSSAAAMMMM!! IT SOUNDS LIKE WE’RE FRIENDS ALREADY!!! LOOOOVVVEE IT!!!!” screamed the broom. I closed my ears.
“Do brooms always talk this way?” I asked Katie. Before she could answer, the broom interrupted.
“OH not EVERY broom. Only me. OOOOO!!! WHAT’S THIS??” said the broom flying up and hitting the crystal chandelier. It somehow came off the chain and crashed onto the floor. Drew immediately stepped in front of me so none of the shards could hurt me. We all scowled at her.
“SORRY!! What’s this room for??” said the broom flying into the kitchen. All we heard for the next five minutes was pots and pans falling.
“SORRY!! OOOO!! WHAT’S THIS??” she tapped on the marble stairs.
“OW!! I chipped!!!!” she said. She waved the top of the broom, motioning it around us.
“HELLO?? I CHIPPED!! ISN’T ANYONE GOING TO FIX IT??” asked the broom. She stared at us. At least, I think she stared at us. I didn’t see any eyes. Suddenly, she flew up to my face.
“I WONDER WHAT’S INSIDE YOUR HEAD!!” she said and hit my head way too hard.
“OW!!” I screamed.
“SORRY!!” said the broom. I turned to face Katie.
“Did you get the most hyper broom there?” I asked angrily.
“Aw, c’mon now. She’s just exploring. I’m sure she’ll pipe down soon,” she said. I groaned. The broom flew up to my face again.
“OOPS!! I FORGOT MY MANNERS!!” said the broom.
“Brooms have manners?” I whispered to Drew. Drew shrugged.
“Yes THEY DO!! MY NAME IS BROOM # 555678,” said the broom.
“Nice name,” I said sarcastically.
“I WANT A DIFFERENT ONE!” wailed the broom. “Name me PLEASE!!”
“Okay, how about, um, hyper?” I said.
“NO!! That’s UGLY!! I know!! HOW ABOUT AQUA??” said the broom.
“Aqua it is,” I said. If brooms could smile I think she would be beaming right now. I smiled at her.
“Are we going to go or what?” I asked Katie. She nodded.
“Let’s get going before Aqua breaks anything else,” she said while looking back at my mother apologetically. My mother was already fixing things. It didn’t take too long when you’ve got magic. Everyone has got to love magic. Drew, Katie, and I were out the door with our brooms.
“Ready to learn how to fly, Sam?” asked Drew.
“I don’t know…” I said. Katie looked at me.
“C’mon! It is so fun!! I mean, the wind blowing your hair!! So much fun!” said Katie. The wind started to pick up and we all knew what that meant. Time to fly. My stomach started to feel queasy. Katie looked at me.
“If you have to throw up, throw up but we have to go NOW!” she had to scream over the rushing wind. I sighed. I tried to get on my broom. How do you get on this thing? I asked myself. As if answering my thoughts a seat appeared from nowhere.
“Thanks,” I whispered to Aqua.
“NO PROBLEM!!” said Aqua. I got onto the broom and sat on the chair. All I needed to do now was to hold on. At least that’s what I thought.
“GOOD!! Now put some MAGIC in it!!” screamed Katie. Magic? How do you put magic in a broom? She had to be joking. She wasn’t.
“YOU HAVE TO WISH IT!!” screamed Katie. While she was screaming that, Drew started to take off. It looked so easy. At least the way he did it. Katie started flying off too. I didn’t want to be left behind so I tried to put magic in Aqua and it worked! I was flying. I was flying really high. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. I squeezed my eyes shut. Suddenly my broom started spinning out of control but then Drew flew up right next to me.
“Open your eyes, Sam. Keep your eyes on the road,” said Drew. Since when was there a road in the sky? But I still listened to Drew. I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw millions of other brooms. They were all lined up like in traffic. Some of the witches and warlocks just flew upward and out in speed of light. It was nothing I have ever seen before. Katie flew upwards to avoid the traffic. I followed her and I looked down at all the witches and warlocks. They all waved hi, to me. Some of them were taking pictures of me. I waved at them and that only got them more excited. It was like I was a celebrity or something. Wait, I was the princess. I quickly caught up with Katie. Drew was right behind me. He wasn’t paying any attention to the witches and warlocks under him. He was looking at me. I blushed. He laughed. We were finally out of the traffic of brooms. What I saw under me was blocks of ice. The North Pole.

Chapter 6
The North Pole.

We landed our brooms on the huge block of ice. I never dreamt that I would actually be able to go to the North Pole and meet a polar bear. I always wished but now I wish I wasn’t there. It felt dangerous. What if polar bears were as dangerous as Katie says? They thirst on power. I’m the most powerful witch. The most powerful, I thought. I would probably die before Katie and Drew. I was the most powerful. I saw a girl. She was walking toward us. She had jet-black hair like mine. Her hair only came to her shoulders though. Her skin was as white as snow. It looked pure and innocent. Her face looked like it came from the angels.
“Hello,” she said when she got closer. She gasped when she saw me. When she was closer, I could see the resemblance. The same brown eyes. The same black hair. We were identical. Well, almost identical. The only problem was the skin color. Her skin was really pale and mine was more tan but only a little more darker than hers. I gasped as well. Apparently, the girl thought she was looking into a mirror because she put her hand up. When I didn’t, she jumped 2 feet back. She started to tremble like I was some kind of ghost.
“It’s okay,” I said putting my hand out. She stood completely still, like a marble statue.
“My name is Samanthia,” I said. She looked relieved.
“My name is Sama,” she said.
“But you can call me Sam,” we said at the same time. We both jumped too. Katie gawked. So did Drew but Drew was known for his gawking.
“What did you say?” I asked.
“You can call me Sam,” said the girl.
“That’s what I thought you said,” I said.
“How old are you?” asked the girl.
“I’m 18,” I said. The girl stood as still as a statue.
“I’m 18,” she whispered, barely moving her lips.
“Oh my god,” whispered Katie. She turned to me.
“She has your Dad’s eyes. You have your dad’s eyes. You both have your dad’s eyes and his hair. You both also have his skin color,” said Katie.
“Where are you going with this, Katie?” I asked. Katie turned to Sama.
“Sama, isn’t it?” asked Katie. Sama nodded.
“Who is your father?” asked Katie.
“My father? His name is Samuel. My nickname was after him,” she answered. I gasped. Katie nodded.
“So was Samanthia,” said Katie. Sama gasped. We just stared at each other.
“Are we sisters?” I asked Katie.
“I’m not exactly sure, but seems to me like you are,” said Katie. I looked at Sama. She looked back at me.
“We can’t be sisters,” I said. “We can’t because we’re both the same age. My father wouldn’t cheat on his wife, would he?”
“I totally agree. We can’t be. My father would never cheat on my mother, unless,” said Sama thoughtfully.
“Unless…?” I said. Sama looked at me.
“Unless one of us isn’t human,” said Sama. I looked back at her. I wasn’t human, technically.
“What do you mean ‘isn’t human’?” I asked hesitantly.
“I mean, like a robot or ghost or maybe even clone,” said Sama. I was relieved.
“One of us is a robot or a ghost or clone?” I asked. Sama nodded.
“I know it sounds totally ridiculous, but that’s the only solution I’ve come up with,” said Sama.
“Who do you live with?” asked Katie randomly. Sama looked at Katie, confused.
“Um, well, my mother died when I was young. That’s what my grandfather tells me. I guess I live with my grandpa and my dad. Why?” said Sama. Katie was pacing.
“When did you start to live with your dad?” asked Katie.
“When I was about 11 years old,” said Sama. I looked at Katie and then to Sama.
“My father disappeared when I was about 10,” I whispered. Sama stared at me.
“No way,” she whispered. I nodded. She looked up into the clouds. “Oh no.”
“What?” I asked. She started to run.
“C’mon! There’s a blizzard coming. Hurry!” said Sama. We all started to run after her. She led us in to a cave. It was unbelievably warm in the cave and the cave led downward.
“Where are we going?” I asked. Sama just stared at me.
“My home,” she said, with glassy eyes and kept going. I looked at Drew and he just shrugged. When we reached the bottom of the cave, there was this swirling spiral of death.
“What’s that?” I asked Katie.
“A portal,” said Katie casually.
“Oh,” I said. We walked into it. Wherever we were the clouds were so bunched up together and she led me into a huge red house. It was also scorching hot. Sama looked at me apologetically.
“We had to get out of the blizzard,” she said.
“You live like this?” I asked. She nodded.
“I didn’t get to choose,” said Sama. She sighed.
“Drew!” screamed Katie. He was going to pull up one of the bones in the graveyard.
“I wouldn’t do that,” said Sama.
“Why?” I asked.
“There’s only room for one body in a membrane of skin,” said Sama.
“Oh,” I said. Drew came up to me and held my hand. He held it like he was scared something was going to happen to me and he wasn’t ever going to let me go. I held his the same way. We looked up at each other and smiled. How did we smile in this awful place? I would never know but I couldn’t help noticing that his smile was sort of strange. I shook the thought out of my head. That’s when I saw him. My father. I let go of Drew’s hand and ran up to him.
“DAD!” I screamed. When I hugged him he looked confused.
“Dad? It’s me. Samanthia,” I said. He looked around him before he spoke and when he did speak he spoke sternly and fiercely.
“What are you doing here?” He looked at me with such fierceness that it scared me. Sama went up to us.
“I found her. There was a storm coming and so I took her in here,” said Sama. My father directed his fierceness on her.
“I can’t believe you did that,” said my father.
“I didn’t want her to freeze to death so I thought,” stumbled Sama.
“I don’t care what you thought. Do you know what could happen to her? Your lucky that it hasn’t yet,” said my father. He looked behind my shoulder and saw Katie and Drew.
“You even endangered her friends?” hissed my dad.
“Dad, stop! And the lady is my going to be mother in law and the boy is my fiancé,” I said. He just gawked.
“You’re getting married,” whispered my father.
“Yes, I am,” I whispered back.
“Why?” he asked.
“Because to become Queen you have to be married,” I answered with confidence.
“Who told you?” he asked.
“Someone I know told me,” I said.
“Do you know why I’m here?” asked my father staring at me with the same brown eyes I have.
“Yes,” I said.
“Tell me,” said my father. I took a deep breath.
“Because you’re the Dark Lord’s son,” I said. He hung his head shamefully. “Am I correct?”
“Yes, you are,” whispered my father. Suddenly a huge man put a hand on my father’s shoulders.
“Well look here. It’s a family reunion and I wasn’t even invited,” boomed the man. I looked up at him. He kind of looked like my father except his eyes were crimson red. I immediately took a quick step back. He stared at me intensely. I stared back at him.
“Samanthia, right?” he said.
“Yes,” I managed to say. My father put his head back up.
“Aren’t you going to introduce me, Samuel?” asked the man.
“Samanthia, this is your grandfather,” said my father.
“The Dark Lord,” I whispered. The man smiled.
“Yes, the Dark Lord,” he said. I started to hate this man. He stole my father and made a clone of me. Or so I thought. My father loved this man. He didn’t fully love him but you could see the father and son bond between them. Sama was just in between the two. They were like a family, a family that didn’t include my mom or me. I sighed.
“Your mother is a witch, am I right?” asked my grandfather. Sama gasped.
“But the polar bears-,” Sama started to say but my grandfather put his hand up, signaling silence. She immediately was quiet.
“Yes, and I am one too,” I said.
“Ah, your father’s mother was a witch. She died not too long ago. I think she’s somewhere in the graveyard,” he said waving his hand at the mounts of dirt. My father winced. My grandfather said all this casually but you could see the sadness and hurt in his eyes. He shook his head.
“How powerful are you?” my grandfather asked in interest. Katie was at my side immediately.
“That’s classified,” she said glaring at my grandfather. He laughed.
“I am her grandfather. Shouldn’t I know?” he said. Katie raised one eyebrow.
“Should you?” she said.
“I can say whatever I want to say, Katie,” I said. Katie just scowled but stayed at my side, just in case. Drew came up on my other side.
“Let’s just say I’m more powerful than Grandmother Widow,” I said. He seemed impressed.
“Wow. Must be from that dark magic,” he said thoughtfully.
“And pure,” I said. Now he seemed surprised.
“That’s impossible,” he whispered.
“It’s true,” I said. My grandfather frowned in a very scary way. He leaned closer to me.
“Stay clear of the polar bears,” he said and then he turned, striding away. I shuddered. Sama turned to me.
“He’s right. You have to stay clear from the polar bears. You don’t know the plan their hatching up. The ones that die come straight here because the White Lord wants Grandpa to find out what’s happening. Usually, any dead souls would go to the Devil but Grandpa and the Devil worked something out so polar bear souls would come here. Grandpa has been trying to figure out their plan by making some of his assistants bringing the polar bears back to life and questioning them,” said Sama.
“All I know is that they want to be more powerful and demolish witches and warlocks,” I said. Sama nodded.
“That’s as far as we know too,” said Sama. Suddenly white light flooded the room. A man came down with aged hair but his eyes were blue, like the sky back home. He was the White Lord.
“Have you found anything out yet?” asked the White Lord.
“My assistants have been working as hard as they can but you know how they can be distracted. How about you?” asked my grandfather.
“My light forces have been in and out of their minds but these polar bears are smart. They know the right time of when they shouldn’t be thinking about it,” said the White Lord. He turned to me and saw Sama right next to me this time.
“Sama and Samanthia have met at last,” he floated up to us. “Isn’t it a good feeling when you know you have found your long lost twin?” he asked us. Then he smiled.

Chapter 7
My long lost twin, Sama

“What?” we asked at the same time. Then we looked at each other. We turned back to face the White Lord. “What?” we asked again.
“You didn’t know?” asked the White Lord. “Brother, what do they mean they didn’t know?” My grandfather shrugged but before he could say anything else Sama pounced on the White Lord with a question.
“I have a question,” said Sama. The White Lord turned to her.
“Yes?” asked the White Lord.
“Well, because I’m the Dark Lord’s granddaughter, does that mean I’m not a very good person?” asked Sama. I was wondering about that myself.
“Well, if you’ve done good deeds then no. Your family doesn’t classify you, you do. For example, one of my granddaughters is a selfish spoiled little girl and she thinks she’s a goddess because of who I am,” said the White Lord. Sama nodded.
“Ok. That’s all I needed to know,” said Sama. The White Lord nodded.
“As I was saying, they didn’t know that they were sisters?” asked the White Lord to my grandfather.
“Well, I thought they did,” said my grandfather slowly, turning toward my father. My father turned to me.
“Didn’t your mother tell you?” asked my father. I shook my head. My father turned to Sama.
“Didn’t your grandfather tell you?” asked my father. She shook her head. My father turned to my grandfather.
“I told you to tell Sama about her twin and her mother. You told me to lie to her for 11 years. I told you to tell Sama the truth,” said my grandfather. My father sighed. He sighed a deep sigh. He turned to Sama.
“Sama, your mother is alive and in perfect health, I hope. Anyways, you have a twin sister and her name is Samanthia. You see, when you two were born, your mother had to give up one child. There could only be one heir to the throne. Well, we already knew Samanthia was a witch but Sama never showed any signs of magic. We were very worried. Your mother tried giving Sama some blood thinking she would be a vampire because I told her I was half one. I already knew what Sama was. She was, well, like you,” my father turned to stare at my grandfather, “It was horrible. I knew what she was but your mother didn’t. I told your mother that you could be dangerous, Sama. That’s what I thought at the time, at least. So, your mother gave you up reluctantly and I gave Sama to my father. You both were only one at the time,” said my father. We separated when we were one? Neither of us was a clone. We were twins. We both definitely had to stop watching sci-fi shows. Well, I did anyway. We turned to look at each other. Sama never knew what she was. Was she like my grandfather? I couldn’t help but think she was but at the same time I knew she couldn’t be. She was too nice and too helpful. She can’t be, well, a Dark Princess. Could she? Sama looked down shamefully. The White Lord nodded to us.
“Well, I have to go. Bye, brother. Goodbye, everyone else,” He said and then the light shined again. Then when the light dimmed, He was gone. I shook my head. Maybe this was a dream, I thought. I shook my head again. Drew came up to me and smiled. I smiled back. How can you not smile at Drew? Even Sama was smiling at him. I turned toward her.
“I guess we’re sisters,” I said. She smiled at me.
“I guess we are,” she said.
“Do you really think you’re a Dark Princess?” I asked slowly.
“A what?” she whispered back.
“Never mind,” I said.
“Grandpa isn’t evil you know,” she said angrily. Suddenly, I had an idea.
“Maybe you’re not a Dark Princess! Maybe you’re just human. Or you just are half magical,” I said. She looked confused.
“I don’t understand,” she said.
“You can only be part Dark whatever. I probably am too which would mean that-,” I said.
“Which would mean I could possibly be a witch too!” she exclaimed.
“Exactly,” I said. My grandfather stared at us all excited.
“Come with me Samanthia and her friends,” said my grandfather. I looked at him more closely. His eyes were crimson red but they glistened from something more. His hair was gray but it showed that he was wise and old. His face is what really caught my attention. Even though the first thing you see is his eyes, I saw that his face was ashy white, almost deadly. His wrinkles looked more like scars, scars of shame, of battle. His skin was tight around his face. He almost looked like a corpse. Almost. But you could see that he was friendly, in a weird kind of way. I could see his veins pulsing under his almost transparent skin. The world has been unkind to him. I could see that, now. Katie followed close behind me with Drew hot on her tail. I hurried up and caught up with my grandfather. At first, I hated this man but now I loved him like family. He never showed any type of love for anyone but he must’ve once. He was married.
“Mr.…grandfather?” I asked. He turned to glance at me and then swiveled his head to the hallway that we were in.
“Hurry up,” he mumbled walking faster now. I knew he didn’t like me. His favorite granddaughter was Sama. Anyone could see that but now I was determined. I had to have him realize that I am his granddaughter whether he likes it or not. Sama caught up with him and looked my way.
“Grandpa? Can Samanthia and her friends sleep in my room? I mean, being here must scare them a little,” said Sama. My grandfather looked at her. He smiled.
“Of course they can,” he said, his dark red eyes overflowing with love for his granddaughter. Sama looked over at me and smiled. I just rolled my eyes at her and then smiled back. We stopped in front of huge oak doors lined with gold. On the door, was a calligraphy S. Sama’s room. I sighed. It seemed that I understated grandfather’s love for Sama. She looked back at me and opened the doors. I walked in and almost fainted. It was as big as my own house. Okay I was exaggerating but it was HUGE and half of it was for closet space.
“I’ve got some sleeping bags beside my bed and I have a lot of night gowns that you can try on,” she said while closing the doors. Then she looked at Drew. “I’m afraid I don’t have any boy nightgowns.” I couldn’t help laughing. She did that on purpose because she was laughing too. So was Katie. Drew just looked confused.
“I don’t get it,” said Drew.
“You will, soon,” I said smiling. Sama looked at me and I nodded.
“Come into my closet. Drew do you see anything you like? Oh I think this blue lace nightgown would really bring out your eyes,” she said with a serious face on. She was good.
“Um, well, you see, I don’t wear girl clothes,” said Drew. Sama slowly put her head down.
“Oh, of course,” she said even sniffling a little. She could totally become an actress, I thought.
“Um, it’s okay. I can get my own pajamas. I am a warlock,” said Drew. He seemed really proud as if he was just getting used to that idea. Sama slowly put her head back up.
“I didn’t know that you didn’t want to wear my nightgowns but if you want to wear your own then that’s fine by me,” she said stifling a laugh.
“I didn’t know people here wore nightgowns,” said Drew slowly and suspiciously.
“Well you’ve never been down here and if you don’t wear a nightgown then that shows disrespect,” said Sama.
“Oh, well I don’t. Um, well you see, I, um,” stuttered Drew. Sama smiled. Everything was starting to feel strange. Drew never stuttered, for anything, as far as I’m concerned.
“Don’t worry. You can wear one of mine,” she said.
“Right,” he mumbled. She picked up the blue lace nightgown.
“As I said, these would really bring out your eyes,” she said. She pointed to the bathroom. “The bathroom is right down there. Try it on and then come back here.” He grabbed the blue lace nightgown and walked down to the bathroom.
“I don’t think that he knows it’s a joke,” said Katie laughing.
“He is taking it very seriously,” I said frowning.
“Oh, c’mon. Boys are like that,” said Sama. Sama and Katie started laughing. I decided to laugh too. Drew came out. He looked at us sheepishly.
“I think your nightgown broke,” he said. We came over and took a look at it. It looked like it ripped when he tried putting his legs through. Then I laughed. Everyone started to laugh except Drew. He just looked confused again.
“You really did believe us, didn’t you?” asked Sama laughing.
“What do you mean?” asked Drew narrowing his eyes.
“You are so gullible, son,” said Katie laughing. Drew still had his eyes narrowed. I stopped laughing. Everyone stopped laughing. I started to narrow my eyes just like him. Something felt very wrong, kind of like I was missing someone.
“I. Can’t. Believe. You. Did. That. To. ME!!” he cried through clenched teeth. Then he walked right out of the room and slammed the doors shut.
“What’s wrong with him?” I asked Katie. Katie was speechless.
“I’ve-I’ve never seen my son act like that,” said Katie.
“Then why did he act like that?” Sama asked. Katie narrowed her eyes.
“Remember when we saw him near that enchanted graveyard,” asked Katie. Sama gasped.
“Enchanted? And I don’t understand,” I said. Katie stared at me.
“That isn’t my son,” whispered Katie.

Chapter 8
Drew’s Body has been replaced with a Different Body…what?

“What do you mean ‘that isn’t my son’?” I asked warily.
“Exactly what I mean,” she whispered.
“Are you saying that Drew’s soul-?” I was asking.
“YES!! Now if you ever want Drew back, then let’s go find Grandpa,” said Sama impatiently. We were about to head out of the room but Drew came in and crossed his arms in front of the only door. I walked to him slowly.
“Drew, sweetie, we have to see my Grandfather. It’s very important,” I said. He glared down at me.
“Well, no one is leaving this room Samanthia,” he said, saying my name in disgust. I was sad and angry at the same time. I knew that this wasn’t actually Drew but he looked like Drew, he sounded like Drew. I knew what I had to do.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. He stared at me with his crazed eyes.
“For what?” he asked.
“For this,” I said. I put my hands out and my black dust came out with so much force that it knocked Drew off his feet and broke the door off its hinges. I sighed. Why did I do that to Drew? I asked myself. He’s not Drew, someone said in my mind. The voice awfully sounded like Drew. Who are you? I asked the voice. I’m Drew, said the voice. Everyone saw me jump 5 feet backwards. Katie knew what was going on in my head so she winced. You can’t be Drew, I thought. But I am, said the voice. Then where are you? I asked. I could hear him hesitating. I’m not quite sure, whispered the voice.
“C’mon Sam, Katie! We should get out of here before he’s fully conscious!” screamed Sama. I looked down dazed. Then I realized he was starting to wake up.
“Oh. Yeah, let’s get out of here,” I whispered. We stepped over the almost awaken Drew and headed out the door. We ran down the hallway. Sama was leading us to…well we didn’t know where she was leading us. But we finally came to Grandfather’s office. Grandfather wasn’t there but Dad was. I rushed up to him.
“Dad, dad! Drew! The enchanted graveyard! He’s a different being in the same membrane of skin! Dad you have to help us,” I cried. My dad looked down at me.
“Slow down. What do you mean Drew is a different person?” my dad asked concerned.
“Exactly,” said Sama. My dad stared at her confused.
“Why did you say that?” asked my dad.
“Because you asked if he went near the enchanted graveyard,” she said slowly. Wait didn’t I already tell him that? My dad was shocked.
“I didn’t say that,” whispered my dad. Now Sama looked confused.
“Yes, you did. I heard you,” she said. Katie was smiling at Sama.
“Maybe you can read minds unconsciously like me,” said a beaming Katie.
“I don’t think so. I kind of saw him saying that,” said Sama. Katie frowned, deep in her thoughts.
“Maybe you can tell the future,” she said. Sama frowned.
“I don’t think that’s it either. I guess I’ll find out soon,” said Sama. Then she smiled at us. I turned to my dad.
“As you were saying, yes he was near the enchanted graveyard, like I said before. Do you think we can get him back?” I asked worried. My dad looked at me.
“Maybe. Usually nothing makes it out of the enchanted graveyard,” said my dad thoughtfully.
“This isn’t nothing this is Drew we’re talking about here!” I all but screamed at him. My dad took a step back like I was going to blow up. I just smiled back apologetically.
“Probably Grandfather can help,” I said confidently. Suddenly a puff of red smoke came out of nowhere. I coughed and when the smoke went away there was two strange people. The girl looked like she only had eyes. They were huge topaz eyes that almost covered her face except for a eyebrows and a nose. She stared at me. The other person standing next to her was for sure a boy. All he had was a huge mouth and a nose. He looked like he was smiling. Wherever the girl looked it seemed like the boy’s body would turn with her eyes. Right now she stared straight at us.
“My name is All Eyes,” said the boy in a girl’s voice.
“And my name is All Talk,” said the boy in a boy’s voice. Then he started to laugh.
“Get it All Talk! I only have a mouth,” he said laughing. The girl stared at him and hit him.
“Stop that!” the boy said in a girl’s voice.
“Okay, this is weird,” I said. All Eyes stared at me. The boy was opening his mouth but then he closed it. He opened it up again. Then he forced it closed. Katie was laughing hysterically.
“They’re twins and they communicate by All Talk. Their brains are connected in a way so All Eyes can speak too. Right now All Eyes is offended by your comment and All Talk is trying to not speak for her. It’s very difficult for All Talk. This is why he sometimes talks as a girl because of his sister. It’s almost like talking to yourself. Fascinating,” she said. All Talk opened his mouth.
“Whoa, can you read minds or something?” he asked in a boy’s voice. Katie and I nodded. The mouth frowned. I figured that All Eyes was making it do that.
“I don’t like it. My thoughts should only be shared with my brother. Besides, I have no choice but to share them with my brother,” she said. (Well, he said but in a girl’s voice. I think you get the picture.)
“Well, I don’t really like your thoughts anyway. They are all about BOYS,” said All Talk in his normal voice. She turned to look at him.
“Shut up,” said All Talk in his sister’s voice.
“Well excuse me for making a comment,” said All Talk in his normal voice. He then stuck out his tongue. Katie turned to me.
“That was All Eyes. Did I mention that All Talk sees with his sister’s eyes? Well, he does. Their brain is almost like it’s connected,” said Katie.
“You seem fascinated,” I said. Katie nodded. Sama started nodding too.
“Yes, of course,” said Sama. Everyone turned to stare at her, everyone except All Talk. He seemed to be wandering off. He hit his head on the wall. Katie leaned toward me watching All Talk.
“His sister cut him off,” she whispered.
“Um, All Talk, over here,” I said. He turned around and bumped into his sister. Then his body seemed to turn to where his sister’s eyes turned.
“Finally! I can SEE!” he said. His sister glared at him.
“I’m letting you see because you BUMPED INTO ME!!” screamed All Eyes using her brother.
“Well, it’s not like I did it on PURPOSE,” said All Talk. Sama looked confused. Oh right, everyone was once staring at her. My dad cleared his throat.
“Sama, are you all right?” asked my dad warily.
“Never better,” she answered, but not with much certainty.
“Honey, why did you say ‘yes of course’?” my dad asked. Sama’s eyes grew wide.
“I’m NOT going crazy, okay?” she said, her voice turning shrill.
“You didn’t answer my question,” said my dad. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot in a comical way. How could you not laugh? I giggled. Everyone shot daggers at me from there eyes. I quickly piped down.
“It’s hard to explain,” said Sama after staring at me, confused.
“Well, explain it as well as you can,” said my dad. He stared deep into her gorgeous brown eyes. Sometimes I thought that her eyes couldn’t be the same as mine. Her eyes were a milky chocolate brown while mine were more dark chocolate. Nobody likes dark chocolate. At least, nobody I know of.
“Well, I have a way of knowing. I’ve actually seen this all before. It’s like Déjà vu but it’s not,” she said. A way of knowing, I thought. I suddenly knew.
“You have the gift of knowing!” I exclaimed. She blushed. She would have been a bright red except for the fact that her skin was as white as paper. Well, not that white. The bright red showed as a light pink. Sama ducked her head.
“Maybe,” she whispered.
“Well why did you say ‘yes of course’? Who were you saying that to?” asked my dad impatiently.
“I saw All Eyes or All Talk telling me that they were sent from Grandpa,” she said, her milky eyes seemed even milkier. Or maybe that was just my imagination.
“Oh, that’s it?” asked my dad.
“Yes, nothing too important,” she said loudly. Then she whispered so softly that I could only hear it, “Not yet.” My dad nodded.
“Of course. Well, I’ll try to take care of everything. You all just go on up to bed now. Get some rest,” said my dad. Grandfather had appeared out of thin air and with him he carried Drew’s body. Someone else in Drew’s body. Grandfather put him into a glass tube and that was the last thing I saw before I was dragged out of the room. When we got to Sama’s room, I walked over to her. Katie went to get dressed but she would be back soon so I had to act fast.
“What did you mean ‘not yet’?” I asked Sama.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, her milk chocolate eyes froze.
“I heard you. Is it about me?” I asked. I somehow knew what the answer was going to be.
“Yes,” she whispered. I could feel my dark chocolate eyes darkening.
“Then you should tell me,” she took a deep breath.
“Should I?” she asked.
“Um, yes. I deserve to know,” I said.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Stop stalling and just tell me!” I exclaimed. She took a deeper breath this time.
“Have you ever kissed Drew?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said slowly, carrying the syllables longer than I needed to.
“If a witch and a warlock kiss, and they are each other’s true love, it makes an egg,” she said slowly.
“How would you even know if you’re each other’s true love?” I asked.
“When you kissed, did you feel a kind of pleasant shock go up and down your spine?” she asked, completely avoiding my question, but what was strange was that’s what happened.
“Yes,” I said slowly. She stared at me like I should have figured it out already.
“That’s how you know,” she whispered. I thought about this for a minute.
“Drew’s my true love-.”
“And you’re his.”

Chapter 9
My Egg

“Then where is my egg?” I asked frantically.
“Well, the egg doesn’t go into your stomach, obviously,” she said rolling her eyes.
“Then where does it GO?” I asked.
“It goes to whom you can really trust,” she said. I began to think.
“Katie? Mom?” I asked. Sama shook her head.
“It was someone you’ve never met before the kiss,” she said.
“Dad? Grandfather?” I asked again. Sama shook her head angrily this time.
“Can you really not guess? Whom would you trust besides your long lost sister?” she asked.
“It can’t be you. I barely even know you,” I said
“Well, the thing is, it hasn’t came yet,” she said.
“What do you mean?” I asked but she couldn’t answer my question because Katie bounded into the room.
“You can keep talking, I already heard the conversation,” said Katie.
“Well, what I mean is, is that the egg hasn’t came but I’ve seen it come. I know it’s going to come,” said Sama. I had another question that I was itching to ask.
“Wait, so whenever I kiss Drew, I’m going to get an egg?” I asked. I would have a lot of children or I’ll never get to kiss Drew, I thought.
“No, only the first kiss. The first time you kiss your true love,” said Sama.
“Oh okay,” I said relieved. I didn’t think that I would be able to take care of so many kids.
“Of course the first kiss with your true love is supposed to be on your wedding day,” said Sama.
“It is?” I asked warily. Katie looked at me and smiled.
“Don’t worry. You’re not breaking the law or anything,” said Katie. Sama nodded her head.
“You’re not,” she said.
“But, when do you think the egg is going to come?” I asked Sama. Sama frowned in thought.
“I would say soon, very soon,” she said. Right when Sama said those words a golden egg appeared on her bed. Sama frowned again.
“Sooner than I thought,” she said. I looked at the egg. My egg. I looked at Katie and she seemed upset about something.
“What is it?” I asked.
“It shouldn’t be gold,” said Katie.
“Why not?” I asked.
“None of the eggs have ever been gold,” she said.
“None?” I asked. Katie nodded.
“None,” she said. Sama just stared at the egg kind of like she was hypnotized while we were talking. When she finally decided to step into our conversation, I noticed that her eyes was a neon green, but for only a second.
“Maybe this egg is a special egg,” said Sama.
“Or it’s doomed,” said Katie. Now I was definitely worried. I tried to think positively and think about what Sama said but usually Katie was right. Of course, Sama might be right this time, since she had the gift of knowing. Katie smiled at me.
“But maybe I’m wrong,” she said to comfort me.
“And maybe your right,” I whispered. I suddenly loved this egg. It was the egg of Drew and I. Maybe it’ll be a girl and maybe it’ll be a boy. I felt protective over this egg. Only the people I trusted would be able to touch this egg. Only the people I love could touch this egg. I walked up to the egg and put my hand on it. The egg was pulsing with life. It was warm also, a little too warm.
“Do you think it has a fever?” I asked.
“No,” said Sama. I guess I’ll just have to trust Sama, I thought. I guess you will, said the voice of Drew. Of course, only I could hear him. I guess, I sighed in my thoughts.
“Why is it so warm?” I asked, my hand still on the egg.
“That’s how all eggs feel,” said Katie. She seemed to be lost in her memories.
“At least, that was how Drew felt too,” she said. Drew, I thought, a sharp pain went through my heart. When was he coming back? As if answering my thoughts, my grandfather came in with Drew. Well, with Drew’s body but I wasn’t quite sure if it was really he. My grandfather just stared at my egg and frowned. How could he frown at my egg?
“Here is Drew, at least, Drew that’s back to normal,” said Grandfather.
“Why does he look dazed?” asked Katie suspiciously.
“It’s going to take a while before he gets over the fact that he’s in his own skin again,” said Grandfather, “ He might not remember some things for a while.”
“Not remember?” I whispered. Grandfather looked at me apologetically.
“Would he remember me?” I asked quietly.
“No. Not for a while,” said Grandfather.
“But what about his love for me?” I asked, my voice turning shrill.
“Well, if I’m correct, you two are each other’s true love so he’ll remember eventually,” he said.
“How long is ‘eventually’?” I asked.
“’Bout 24 hours,” my Grandfather said casually. He looked at my egg and smiled up at me.
“I guess you’re going to be a mother,” said Grandfather.
“Isn’t it great?” asked Sama, beaming.
“We should throw a baby shower!” exclaimed Katie.
“Oh my gosh! We should!” exclaimed Sama. Suddenly Katie and Sama started to plan out the date and everything. They were talking really fast and they seemed very excited. I didn’t know why they were so excited. It wasn’t that important. A baby shower, I mean. The baby itself would be very important.
“Wait! When is the baby going to, um, hatch?” I asked. Sama and Katie suddenly frowned in thought.
“When did you kiss Drew?” asked Katie.
“I don’t know. Maybe a day ago?” I said. Sama and Katie looked at each other.
“Than we have no time. The baby will be born in 2 days exactly,” said Katie.
“2 days?” I asked.
“Around the same time as now,” said Katie looking at her watch.
“Well, when should we have the baby shower?” asked Sama.
“I guess, now,” said Katie. She quickly pulled out her cell phone and texted a lot of people. Two minutes later, the room was crowded. Sama moved her bed to the side. Everyone came up to hug me, one by one. After they said “congratulations”, they formed a circle around the golden egg and me. Drew stood in a corner, just staring at me. I smiled the best I could at everyone. Right now, I was super tired. Everyone handed his or her gifts to me but my mom got to me first.
“Open mine, first,” said my mother. I ripped the wrapping paper off and in the box was a dress. I stared at my mother.
“What if it’s a boy?” I asked.
“All you have to do is snap your fingers, but you can only do that once so I suggest not doing it now,” said my mother. I stared down at the dress.
“Oh, well, thank you,” I said. After I opened up all my presents, the guests started to leave. Besides, being here kind of gave them the creeps, since my grandfather was the lord of Darkness and such. Then I realized that Katie and Sama didn’t give me a gift.
“You didn’t-,” I started to say.
“Yeah, I know. Don’t worry. Do you want it now or later?” asked Katie, cutting me off.
“Now, I guess,” I said. Katie snapped her fingers and a beautiful crib appeared out of thin air.
“Wow,” I whispered. Katie smiled at me. The crib was a honey color and inside the crib was a pale yellow mattress. On one side of the pillow was blue and on the other side was pink. The whole crib looked hand made.
“Did you make this?” I asked, sliding my hand on it.
“I made the mattress and the pillow but Drew made the rest,” she said, proud of her son.
“When did he know?” I asked. Katie looked uncomfortable.
“He didn’t know that he was going to have a baby. You see, when he was 6 years old, he thought that I was pregnant so he made it,” said Katie.
“He made this when he was 6?” I asked surprised. Katie nodded, once again proud.
“Wow,” I whispered again. I was definitely wowed. I loved it. The crib had a homey touch to it. Drew was asleep in the corner. I looked at his perfect features. If I were to die, I would like to die in his arms, I thought. We were each other’s true love and the golden egg proved it. I fell asleep in my sister’s big feather bed.
When I woke up the next morning, I realized that I took my sister’s bed last night because she was sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag. I stretched and looked over next to me. Drew was sleeping by my side. I searched the room for my golden egg and found it in its beautiful crib. Drew started to groan. Then he woke up with a start. He turned to look at me and then he smiled. He smiled his flawless smile. I stared into his sapphire eyes and just melted.
“Good morning, Sam,” said Drew and he cupped my face like he was going to kiss me. When he said my name, Sama sat up with a start.
“Did somebody call me?” she asked staring at us. We froze in the about to kiss motion.
“Um, no, he was addressing to me,” I said, barely moving my lips.
“Oh,” said Sama and then she lay back down but not before she made a mock gagging motion. I glared at her. She smiled back at me and fell back asleep. My stomach rumbled. I tried to get out of bed, but for some reason I felt really weak. Katie and Drew were at my side at once, putting me back into the bed. Katie had a worried look on.
“When did you get up?” I asked her.
“I was listening in on your mind,” she said as if that answered my question but I didn’t push it any further.
“Why am I so weak?” I asked. Drew started to open his mouth but Katie answered first.
“Because having an egg makes you feel like your pregnant,” she said.
“Oh,” was all I said. Drew snapped his fingers and in his hands was a tray of food. Mmm, breakfast, I thought. He laid it in front of me.
“I get to eat in bed?” I asked. He smiled at me.
“Of course, princess,” said Drew bowing low. I playfully slapped him.
“Stop that, my prince,” I said prince the same way he said princess. He just sighed. I giggled. Then I started to think about what Grandfather said last night.
“You shouldn’t remember very much for 24 hours,” I said narrowing my eyes. He sighed again.
“It was different with me. At 2:00 am, I got up and realized my love for you. That’s why I was next to you this morning,” said Drew. I smiled at him. I ate a big bite of my toast. I swallowed it very quickly.
“You know what I found out?” I asked him.
“No what?” he asked.
“I found out that we’re each other’s true love,” I said.
“I found that out a long time ago,” said Drew, pulling me into his arms.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you too,” echoed Drew. Then we kissed a lingering kiss, much, much better than my first one.

Chapter 10
No way! I’m a mother already!!

I suddenly felt a cramp, in my stomach. I screamed a blood-curdling scream. Sama got up and ran to my egg. She held it up to her chest. She looked worried. She whispered something to Katie but I couldn’t hear it because of my screaming. My vision was starting to get blurry but I could see my golden egg pulsing. Drew kept trying to calm me down. My father ran into the room, followed by my grandfather, who was followed by the weird twins.
“Oh no,” whispered Katie when I stopped screaming but I was whimpering.
“What?” asked Drew, concerned.
“The baby is coming out way too soon,” said Katie. I didn’t open my mouth because I knew I was going to scream again.
“What happens if it does?” asked Drew slowly. Katie turned to me.
“It could die,” she whispered. I couldn’t take it I opened my mouth and the screams came out again. I felt like I was dying.
“What about Samanthia?” asked Drew concerned but screaming over my screams.
“She would die with it,” said Katie. I screamed some more. I just kept screaming. I started to stop. The egg was growing bigger, almost the size of a three-month-old baby. That’s when it hatched. The shell was crippling off. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t scream. Then the egg just opened and sitting inside of the egg was a child. The child had wavy gold locks and topaz eyes. The pain stopped. The 5-year-old child just stared at me with its gemlike eyes. Katie picked it up and wrapped her in a towel. That’s when I fainted.
When I woke up, I felt a tight squeeze on my hand. I looked down at my hand and Drew was just squeezing it.
“Um, OW!” I said. He looked up and I could see dark circles under his perfect eyes. He smiled at me.
“How long have I been out?” I asked.
“Just a few days,” said Drew. I sat up.
“Where’s my baby?” I asked. Drew frowned.
“Well, she’s not technically a baby, she’s more of a toddler…or five year old,” said Drew. I frowned. Technically speaking she’s supposed to be a baby but she was hatched as a five-year-old.
“What is its name?” I asked.
“We have been waiting for you,” said Drew.
“Well what are we waiting for?” I asked. Drew shrugged and then helped me up. We walked toward Sama’s closet. I could hear arguing.
“Pink makes her eyes stand out,” said Sama.
“Yes, but green makes her look so cute,” said Katie.
“I’m her aunt,” said Sama.
“Yeah, but I’m her grandma,” said Katie. I rolled my eyes at Drew and he smiled at me. I opened the door. I looked in and I screamed. My little ‘toddler’ was climbing the wall. Katie and Sama looked at me. I pointed at my child.
“What-what is she doing?” I asked trembling. She was standing on the rack, balancing perfectly, and bending down. She put her mouth on it and was biting it. A second later the rack fell down and hit Sama and Katie on the head. The child jumped down and crossed her arms at Sama and Katie. They glared at her. Then they looked up. Then they crossed the room to hug me. I was still surprised and shocked, so I didn’t hug them back.
“Hi,” I finally said. I was still staring at the broken rack.
“Um, does she do that a lot?” I asked still staring. My child just smiled at me.
“Did you know she had teeth?” I asked. Katie and Sama stared at each other.
“She’s got some sharp teeth and she loves chew on things. She eats regular food too. She just bites on things when she gets bored,” said Katie pointing to a huge hole in the wall. Sama stared at me.
“And when she’s annoyed and wants some way to hurt that somebody,” said Sama glaring at my daughter.
“Oh my god,” I whispered.
“What are you going to name her?” asked Sama trying to change the subject. It worked.
“I was thinking Marigold,” I said. Drew came and took Marigold.
“I love it. Do you Marigold?” said Drew in a baby voice. Of course it was a rhetorical question because Marigold can’t talk.
“Yes, I do,” someone said in a high voice. I thought it came from the child
“Did she say something?” I asked. We all looked at Marigold but she didn’t say anything. She was just chewing on her hand. Then she smiled at us. Sama held up two dresses.
“So Samanthia, do you like green or pink?” asked Sama. I picked up a different dress.
“I say yellow,” I said. Katie snapped her fingers and then Marigold was dressed in yellow. I looked at her gold curls and smiled at Drew.
“She has your hair and she has gemlike eyes too,” I whispered.
“Her skin color is yours and her beauty came from you as well,” he whispered back. We both beamed at Marigold. My father bounded into the room.
“Is she awake? Did she name the baby? Where is everybody?” asked my dad frantically. We all walked out of the closet.
“I’m awake, dad, and the baby’s name is Marigold,” I told him.
“Oh,” was all he said. That’s when my grandfather came into the room. I hate to call him the Dark Lord because he didn’t seem like he should be the Dark Lord. I didn’t want the White Lord to be the Dark Lord either. I’m so confusing. If only someone else could take the Dark Lord’s job… My grandfather frowned at Marigold and Marigold kind of glared at him. I put her weight on my other arm.
“I heard that you named the thing Marigold,” said Grandfather in a serious voice. I was very upset that he would call my daughter a thing.
“Yes,” I snapped.
“Hmmm,” Grandfather said thoughtfully. He frowned again. Marigold hid in my hair, snuggling closer to me as if there were danger close by. I glared at my grandfather. He was still frowning at Marigold as if he didn’t even see me. Ugh. I softly tapped Marigold’s perfect nose and then put her in a playpen that was a gift from Greta. I gave her a spoon and she threw it at my grandfather. Drew picked her up and scolded her. Luckily, the spoon didn’t hit Grandfather; it hit All Talk that was right behind him.
“Sorry,” I mumbled to All Talk. It was straight through his head. His sister pulled it out and glared at me.
“Oooooo, that’s going to leave a mark,” he said while touching the hole. I leaned over to Katie’s ear.
“Shouldn’t he be dead?” I whispered. Katie smiled.
“Well, the Dark Lord’s assistants are either mutants or are already dead, well, not totally dead but kind of, and so, no, he shouldn’t be,” Katie said, confusing me. I just nodded like I understood. I looked at All Talk and stared at the hole. The hole was closing up rapidly, like it wasn’t ever there. A second later, he touched his head where the hole used to be and smiled. All Eyes was staring at Marigold and her eyes showed fear. I didn’t understand. Why would she be afraid of a little girl? I asked myself. I frowned. I looked down at Marigold and a smug smile was on her creamy face. Then she saw me staring at her and her rosy cheeks got a tad bit rosier. I was probably imagining it. I also couldn’t help noticing that whenever my grandfather walked into the room, there was a mischievous sparkle in her eye. Marigold narrowed her eyes and her gemlike eyes turned harder than rock. I knew that she knew I was examining her. I quickly looked away. How can I be afraid of my own daughter? I asked myself. I knew Sama would know what was going on. I walked up to Sama and grabbed her arm; dragging her away to her closet. I quickly closed the door and locked it. I crossed my arms. Sama looked guilty but she was trying to play it cool.
“Something’s wrong here,” I said sternly, practically demanding an explanation from Sama. She looked really guilty for a second but then her face was blank, showing no emotion.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Sama.
“Oh, yes you do,” I said.
“No I don’t,”
“FINE!! I do,” said Sama. I felt a smug smile spreading onto my face.
“Then tell me,” I said. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
“The egg…was a dragon’s egg,” said Sama.

Chapter 11
My baby Marigold…is a Dragon??

“WHAT???” I cried out. Sama looked really guilty.
“How?” I asked. Sama opened her mouth but nothing came out but a gust of air.
“Well, you see, I didn’t know. I really didn’t,” she said a minute later.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“What I mean is, that, it didn’t come to me. Usually it comes to me like in Déjà vu, but it didn’t this time. It came to me in a dream a day after the baby was born. I could’ve warned you if it came sooner,” said Sama.
“What was this dream like?” I asked sternly but quietly.
“You see it went backwards to when you went to touch the egg. That’s when it all started. The egg had me think that it was going to be the most beautiful baby in the world. Of course Katie was more close to the truth. The egg wasn’t exactly doomed. So anyway, the dream told me that a dragon’s egg can only be fertilized with the warm touch of a witch’s hand. Only the witch not the warlock. The baby dragon transforms into a human baby as a disguise when it is inside the egg. Of course it can turn into a dragon whenever it wants,” said Sama.
“Wait a minute. Both you and Katie said that when true loves kiss then an egg appears,” I said suspiciously. Sama nodded.
“Yes, that does happen but none of the eggs are gold,” said Sama.
“Oh,” I said.
“As I was saying, it can turn into a dragon whenever it wants. Usually it does this to use its dragon senses. To track, hear, or to see from really far away. A dragon can also hypnotize. 100 thousand years ago, people, witches, everyone used dragons for power. They used them for dictating. Even to kill someone since dragon claws can go through anything including vampire skin,” said Sama lost in her dream.
“Vampire skin?” I asked. She turned to look at me.
“Yes. Vampire skin is the strongest. Almost nothing can go through it. Sometimes we used their skin for shields but if the opposing team had dragons, we would lose automatically. Hmm I wonder…” Sama said thoughtfully. She looked at me with wide eyes.
“What?” I asked warily, not sure whether I wanted to know or not.
“Since we’re probably going to be in some kind of battle with the polar bears…” she started to say, looking at me with worried eyes, afraid of how I would act. I sighed. I knew the rest of the sentence.
“We could probably use Marigold as a weapon,” I said slowly closing my eyes. When I opened them, Sama was nodding her head, her shoulder length hair going up and down.
“It could work,” she said.
“But do you know that it would?” I asked. Sama shook her head violently, her eyes darker than usual.
“No,” she said quietly. She quickly darted her eyes to the floor. I knew she was hiding something but I didn’t press it. I shrugged.
“You know, I totally forgot about why I came to the North Pole in the first place. Now you reminded me. Hey, do you think that Marigold knows she’s a dragon?” I asked. Sama looked back up at me.
“Probably,” she said.
“Do you also think that she has witch powers as well?” I asked. Sama stared past me. I looked behind me and the closet door was open. Marigold was sitting there staring at us intensely.
“No,” Sama said firmly. Marigold stood up and walked to us.
“Why not?” she asked, her voice sounding childlike. I gasped.
“She…can…talk?” I asked. Marigold blushed and sat down, pretending to play with her hands. Sama looked as surprised as I did. Sama shrugged.
“I guess she can,” she whispered. I picked Marigold up.
“Say something else,” I demanded. Marigold stared at me for a minute.
“Well, I know that if you don’t stop the polar bears soon, they’ll take over the world,” she said in her high voice. She looked over at Sama.
“And they will kill anyone with the slightest power,” said Marigold. She looked back at me and showed her pearly white teeth. Then I heard a whoosh that blew my hair back. Sama and I looked at each other and rushed out of the closet. There was another golden egg sitting on the bed. Marigold stared at it.
“Mama, you have to touch it,” she said softly. I shook my head slowly. This couldn’t be happening to me. She looked back up at me.
“It’s Ivory, my sister,” she said.
“Your what?” I asked.
“Ivory, my sister,” she repeated. I groaned.
“Is she a dragon as well?” I asked. Sama and Marigold nodded.
“Great,” I said under my breath. I put Marigold down and walked over to the giant bed. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and leaned over to touch the egg. Right when I put the slightest amount of pressure on the egg it hatched. A child the same size as Marigold stretched and smiled, showing her pearly teeth. Her hair was unnaturally silver.
“Ivory,” whispered Marigold while Ivory leaped over to her. They both hugged each other quickly.
“We have to hurry,” said Ivory slowly, listening to the sound of her voice. She giggled. Then she laughed. Then she groaned. Then she giggled again. Marigold just stared at her like she was crazy, then she nodded.
“Yes, we do sister,” said Marigold. They both nodded once. They started to blur. It was so fast that I couldn’t see the whole transformation but then Ivory and Marigold were both dragons. I gasped. Drew behind me was frozen. Marigold, I think, was the yellow and red dragon. Just like a marigold, the flower. Ivory was an ivory dragon. They were both beautiful in every way. Their eyes were fierce but they were wide with excitement. They each had a twinkle in their eye. Their claws were a little big.
“Wait, what?” asked Drew, confused.
“We are dragons,” someone said in a godlike voice. We were staring at the dragons but neither of them had opened their mouth. It must be only in the mind.
“Ok, that makes sense,” Drew said in a sarcastic tone while rolling his eyes.
“Yes it does make perfect sense,” someone said in a godlike voice but a little bit more childlike. We heard a high giggle. Ivory rolled her dragon eyes at her sister, Marigold. Oh, now I knew who was talking. Ivory was apparently more mature and serious. Marigold was not.
“I don’t understand,” I said.
“You don’t understand much,” mumbled Sama. I threw a glare in her direction.
“Like you do?” I asked through my teeth. She nodded flashing a smile at me.
“Of course,” she said in a bragging kind of way. I stuck my tongue at her. She did it right back at me only she added the waggling of her finger, her thumbs touching her ears. Ivory sighed.
“The polar bears?” she said in her godlike voice again. Drew was staring at her.
“Please change back to human. It won’t make me feel as nervous,” said Drew. I laughed while Marigold and Ivory changed back to their childlike selves.
“What?” asked Drew.
“You? Nervous?” I said laughing.
“Ha ha,” mumbled Drew. Marigold laughed with me but like her father, Ivory did not. I never really noticed her before. The first thing I saw was her hair. It was a faded silver color. Now I really looked at her. Ivory’s eyes were a strikingly icy blue. They really stood out on her face. Her lips were a light pink and her skin wasn’t the same color as her sister’s. It was a shade lighter. It was kind of like the contrast between Sama and I. I was darker she was lighter, in every way. In our eyes and our skin. That was strange…for me. I had twins and one was lighter and one was darker in their skin and eyes. Ivory was as well really pretty. I realized that her cheeks weren’t really rosy. It was more a faint pink. Ivory saw me staring at her and she smiled a hard smile. Ivory seemed much more mature…and different. I was sure she was different from what I am and what her sister is. Marigold yawned, her lips making a huge oval.
“I’m hungry,” she said. I just laughed. She smiled at me. Well, actually she was beaming.
“Ivory, are you hungry?” I asked. She nodded her head and followed us out. My grandfather led the way. When we passed the enchanted graveyard again, I shuddered. One of those bodies almost took my going-to-be-husband away from me. We made it into the red kitchen. It seemed like everywhere I went was red…except Sama’s room. She seemed determined to pretend she wasn’t even here.
“What do you want to eat?” I asked them, washing my hands.
“Spaghetti!” screamed Marigold. I heard everyone pause and then they continued doing what they were doing.
“What about you Ivory?” I asked her. Ivory seemed lost in her thoughts. Then she looked at me.
“I’m sorry, what?” she asked.
“What do you want to eat?” I asked again. She sighed.
“What Marigold is eating, please,” she said. I snapped my fingers and white dust circled around two bowls filled with spaghetti. Marigold digged right in while Ivory just swirled her fork around. Ivory’s nose was wrinkled.
“Ivory, aren’t you hungry?” I asked concerned. I sat down next to her.
“Immensely,” she said. Immensely? What kind of a child used the word immensely? I asked myself.
“Then why aren’t you eating?” I asked.
“It smells bad,” she said while wrinkling her nose.
“What do you want to eat then?” I asked.
“Can I have some meat?” she asked. I snapped my fingers and her bowl of spaghetti were replaced with raw meat. I groaned.
“Sorry about that,” I said but before I could pick it up Ivory had the meat in her hands and her teeth sinking into it. When she put it down, the meat was dry. I dropped the plate but Ivory caught it with her feet and held it out towards me.
“Can I have some more?” asked Ivory her icy blue eyes were more liquidly. Marigold just burst out laughing. She clutched her stomach and then fell onto the floor rolling around.
“That was funny!” she exclaimed while wiping her eye. Ivory rolled her eyes.
“Well can I?” she asked. Then Sama burst into the room. She looked at the dry meat and the bloody plate and stared at me with wide eyes.
“Ivory…is a vampire,” she whispered.

Chapter 12
Whoop Dee Do

It was funny how each one hit me. I was surprised and shocked but at the same time I wasn’t.
“But Ivory’s a dragon,” I said. Sama smiled at me.
“And a witch and a vampire,” she said. I groaned. Great, I thought. Then she looked down.
“Why is Marigold knawing on the table leg?” she asked warily. I glanced down and sure enough Marigold was chewing on the table leg. She was already halfway done with it. I grabbed her and snapped my fingers and the leg reappeared. Marigold shrugged.
“I was bored,” she said. I sighed. Ivory sighed as well. But she also looked confused.
“What is it?” I asked her.
“What’s a vampire?” she asked. And I thought that she knew everything.
“A creature that drinks blood,” I said. She widened her eyes. I was confused. So was Sama.
“Don’t you feel compelled to drink my blood?” asked Sama. Ivory shook her head slowly. She wrinkled her nose.
“Actually you don’t smell good at all. You smell like cherries,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I stared at her like she was crazy.
“Don’t you like cherries?” I asked.
“No, they smell weird. Why would anyone eat those disgusting round things? Yuck!” she said disgusted. Now even Marigold stared at her like she was crazy.
“What?” asked Marigold. Ivory sighed.
“No they smell weird. Why would-,” repeated Ivory.
“No I got that but why wouldn’t you like cherries?” asked Marigold, interrupting Ivory. Ivory just stared at her.
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you!” Ivory exclaimed.
“Well, then tell me,” said Marigold.
“No, they smell weird. Why would anyone-,”
“I got that part. I want to know why you don’t like them,” said Marigold. Ivory just stared. I grabbed her before she could hit her sister. Marigold just shrugged like she really didn’t know why Ivory would hit her. Is she really that oblivious? I asked myself.
“I don’t know WHY she won’t tell me why she doesn’t like cherries,” said Marigold shrugging her shoulders.
“I’m hungry,” said Ivory between her teeth. I held her harder since she was going to leap onto her sister. I appeared some raw meat and handed it to her.
“Drink, eat, whatever you do, this,” I told her. She angrily bit down on the meat and started sucking. I put her down. Ivory walked up to her sister and turned her head away childishly. And I thought she was the mature one. Ivory and Marigold suddenly stared at the door with a lot of hatred in their eyes.
“An intruder is here,” they both hissed in unison. They blurred out of my vision and there, at my feet, were two dragons. One was yellow and red; the other was an ivory color. Their eyes were both a fierce green. I opened the kitchen door and there, near the enchanted graveyard, was a polar bear. I froze in the doorway. This can’t be happening! I could only scream in my head. GET ME OUT OF HERE!! I yelled at my legs. But they wouldn’t move and neither would my eyes. I just stared at the paper white polar bear. The giant polar bear turned around and our eyes locked. His black eyes widened when he saw me and his mouth was watering with power. He wanted my power but I couldn’t move. Suddenly Katie and Drew were at my side. The polar bear’s mouth turned into a waterfall, wanting the power of all three of us. But he was going to come to me first. A whole second passed by while I was thinking this. It was enough time for me to realize that I had to protect myself. I turned my head around to look at Ivory and Marigold.
“GO!!” I screamed. That’s when the polar bear leaped for me. I whipped my head around, my black hair spinning around. I put my hands out and let the power flow through me. The black dust came out faster than it usually did and the polar bear was charred. The spirit came out of the polar bear and the body went limp. Of course before it could I grabbed it. I pulled it close to my face and the spirit was trembling.
“Oh no. You’re not going anywhere. You’re staying here,” I said. But I remembered something.
“Oh and by the way! This is a warning. If you polar bears don’t stop what you’re doing, there’s going to be big trouble…soon. So tell me, who is your leader?” I asked fiercely.
“Ok, ok, ok. There’s this girl. She told us that we could be the most powerful creatures in the world. Of course we already eat power, but she said to only eat the most powerful, to demolish anyone with power. But while she was telling each of us this, our mouths were watering. She has a lot of power, magic. She told us that we can’t eat her…but others more powerful than anyone who ever goes to the North Pole,” he said quickly. I was surprised. Our own kind would turn against us? I threw him with all my might into the enchanted graveyard, but before he got there my grandfather took a hold of him. He stuffed the soul into a plastic bottle and screwed on the lid.
“There,” he said. Then Ivory and Marigold was suddenly in front of me. They faced me in their human form and crossed their arms.
“We could’ve taken him,” said Marigold.
“Don’t underestimate us,” said Ivory. Then they turned to face my grandfather. Katie patted me on the back.
“Good job,” she said, “that must’ve taken a lot of magic. Or maybe it didn’t. You don’t look exhausted at all,” she laughed.
“I’m not,” I said. Drew just sighed.
“You just took out a soul from the body,” said Drew admiringly.
“Then why are you disappointed?” I asked.
“I’m not disappointed…I’m relieved. I honestly thought that the polar bear would have killed you. It happened so fast,” he said. Then he sighed.
“I’m glad that the polar bear wasn’t going to kill you,” I said hugging him close and putting my head on his chest. He laughed his chest moving up and down. He put his arms around me and I looked up.
“What?” I asked.
“You would sacrifice yourself for no reason?” he asked.
“Of course. And technically it isn’t for no reason…it would be for you,” I said. He frowned, the laughing mood gone. I didn’t even know what was so funny in the first place. He held my face so carefully but so fiercely, as if he was afraid it would disappear out of thin air, like dust.
“Don’t you ever say that again,” he demanded.
“Fine. I won’t say it again…but I can still think it,” I grumbled. He sighed.
“Don’t think it,” said Drew in a matter-of-fact tone. Now I knew where Ivory got it. I rolled my eyes.
“You can’t stop me from thinking it,” I said. Marigold nodded.
“But Katie will tell me when you do and then I’ll tell you to stop thinking it,” said Drew. Ivory nodded. Apparently, children like to pick sides. I just scowled at him. He just smugly smiled at me. Marigold tapped me on my leg.
“What?” I asked still in a sour mood. She just smiled at me.
“Can you give me a piece of paper and a sharpened pencil, please?” she asked in such a sweet voice. I snapped my fingers and handed it to her. She smiled at me. Then she went back into the kitchen and sat down. Her hands moved at lightning speed. She seemed to be drawing something. Her little legs were dangling and swinging back and forth. Then a minute later, she handed me the paper. I looked at it. It was a very detailed drawing of a battle. There were polar bears and some people. It looked like the people were losing. There weren’t much people, to begin with. Then in the background a girl that looked an awful lot like me was weeping over a dead body with a dead polar bear right beside it. The dead body looked like Drew. I dropped the piece of paper, my eyes showing no emotion. I turned, sharply, to find my sister right behind me.
“Did you-?” I asked not able to finish what I was going to say. My eyes were still blank.
“Yes,” she whispered quietly, staring at the floor. Finally, everything was coming into focus. I stared at her.
“We have to stop her,” I whispered, staring into my sister’s eyes.
“Yes, we’ll have to stop the sibyl,” said Ivory.

Chapter 13
The Sibyl

“What?” I asked her.
“A sibyl,” she said.
“Like a witch that uses potions and stuff?” I asked. She nodded her head.
“They are evil witches. Sometimes they are psychics. Kind of like what Auntie Sama is,” Ivory said. I was confused.
“What do you mean ‘kind of?’” I asked her.
“Well, you see, Auntie Sama has lived through this all before. She’s what they call a Déjà vu,”said Ivory.
“A what?” asked Sama and I at the same time. Ivory just sighed.
“Why does no one listen to me?” she asked under her breath.
“A Déjà vu,” she said in a louder voice.
“What’s that?” Marigold asked the obvious question.
“It’s someone who lives all their lives in Déjà vu,” said Ivory. She rolled her eyes.
“What do they do?” asked Marigold.
“In other words, it’s someone who sees the future but has lived through it all before. Usually they think they’re psychics. Oh, and they live their lives over and over and over again till it kills them,” said Ivory.
“So the person who’s leading the polar bears isn’t a witch?” I asked.
“No, she’s a witch,” said Ivory.
“But you said she was a sibyl that’s a psychic,” I said.
“Yes, she is, but she is a witch as well. That’s why she’s somewhat powerful,” said Ivory. I never really questioned Katie and Sama before but now I also had to think that Ivory knew what she was talking about. She looks barely 5 years old. Unless, I’m considering that she was a psychic as well…
“How do you know all these things, Ivory?” I asked suspiciously. Every mother gets suspicious about her child someday. Just like when I was ten, and my mother thought I ate all her cookies, when I didn’t, my pet bird, Bernie, did. She shrugged.
“I don’t know. I just feel stuff around me,” she said. Marigold jumped up.
“Like how I can see things and then I just draw them. But it doesn’t mean anything. It just means to take caution. This girl is scary,” said Marigold. Then she shuddered. I shuddered as well.
“What do you mean ‘take caution’?” I asked hugging myself and shuddered again. But of course I couldn’t possibly be cold down here in…the core of the Earth. Marigold flashed her pearly teeth at me.
“It means that I have only drew the worst side of things. The worst that could possibly happen…so far,” she said, pausing dramatically between happen and so. Then she smiled again. So far, I thought. The worst thing that could happen is that Drew would leave me…forever. Katie shook her head.
“Not the worst thing,” she whispered. Not the worst thing? I asked myself. What could possibly be worse than losing Drew? I thought about it for a second. Losing Drew would be painful, yes, but losing the only things that I have left of him would be even worse. Ivory and Marigold, I thought with a stab going through my heart. I saw Katie nod out of the corner of my eye. What was I supposed to do? I was a witch, just touching my powers. I could barely make cooked meat appear. Just then, my grandfather came into the kitchen, his crimson eyes scanning the room. His already pale skin looked even paler when he saw my choked expression.
“What is going on in here?” he boomed, staring at me the whole time.
“I think little Ivory can explain here,” said Katie, glaring at my grandfather the whole time. She just really hated him. My grandfather stared at me for a second more and then turned to face my silver headed daughter. He crossed his wrinkled, pale arms and faced her with his full crimson eyes. I knew that he could feel something big was going to happen. After Ivory told the whole story, Grandfather looked a bit choked as well. Then a dim flash of light filled the room, and down came an angel. She had beautiful blond hair that was clearly from the rays of the sun. Her skin was a creamy vanilla color. Her rosy cheeks were from the pink rose petals and her eyes were the color of the sky. She looked at us all and sneered. She wrinkled her nose as if she smelled something bad.
“I have brought news from my grandfather, um, Mr.…” she said scanning her eyes of where she was, “Mr. Dark Lord.” Then she smiled a strange smile. My grandfather groaned. He didn’t try to hide the resentment he felt towards this girl.
“Why you? Why not Gloria? She at least is nicer,” said my grandfather.
“Who is she?” I asked him. The girl flipped her golden hair.
“I am the White Lord’s son’s daughter,” she said.
“You’re James’s daughter?” I asked. Wait how did I know the White Lord’s son? I asked myself. Her nose wrinkled again.
“No, that’s Gloria. I’m the daughter of the better son. I’m the daughter of William and Aphrodite,” she said her father’s name proudly.
“You’re the daughter of a son who was a mistake,” spat my grandfather. I glared at my grandfather.
“What’s your name?” I asked the girl. She flipped her hair again and wrinkled her nose.
“Dawn,” she said.
“That’s a pretty name,” I told her thinking that she wrinkled her nose because she didn’t like her name. She held up her hand as if to tell me to stop.
“Don’t talk to me, the Dark Lord’s grandchild,” she said looking at me in a dark manner. I was very taken aback.
“Excuse me?” I said rudely. She scanned me.
“Can’t you see? I have the hair from the sun; you have hair from the blackest of coals. I have the eyes of the beautiful sky; you have eyes from the darkest of dirt. You’re dark and I’m light. I’m from the heavens; you’re from pits of hell,” she sniffed and turned towards my grandfather. I was speechless! I just gawked at her. Finally, after a minute went by, with nobody saying anything, I closed my mouth and I could feel my pupils getting bigger. My eyes were definitely black. They were so black that the fire that I had in my eyes reflected back to me in my grandfather’s eyes. Katie quickly got a hold of me and so did Drew. Dawn snickered. My grandfather turned to look at her.
“What did my brother want to say?” he asked.
“Oh, he really wanted to ask you a question,” said Dawn.
“Then tell me it before I lose my mind!” my grandfather all but screamed at her. She looked upset but her eyes were dancing with amusement. So she thinks this is funny huh? I’ll show her funny, I thought, but because Katie can read my mind she held onto my arm tighter and gave me a look that said if you take one step toward her I’ll rip your head off. Dawn saw this look and kind of took a step back from Katie but kept her tiny, little, evil smile on her face.
“He wanted to know if you’re really doing your job and when are you having your book club?” asked Dawn clearly she was bored. My grandfather glared at her so hard his eyes were bugging out and his normally really white skin turned the same shade as his eyes.
“TELL HIM THAT I’M DOING MY JOB THE BEST I CAN AND THAT THE BOOK CLUB IS ON SATURDAY!!” he screamed in Dawn’s face. Then something dawned on Dawn. This was the Dark Lord’s house and if she did something to make him mad then she might as well be dead. She gulped.
“Yes, sir,” she said quietly. Aww sweet revenge, I thought, it’s really nice when your grandfather is some kind of an evil villain. I smiled as sweetly and as innocently as I could. She just glared at me. I just couldn’t believe that she was the granddaughter of the White Lord. So this was the granddaughter he was talking about to Sama. Huh, funny.
“I guess I should be going,” Dawn said ever so quietly.
“Bye,” I said in my fake innocent, sweet voice. I waved my fingers at her and then flipped my dark hair. A light flashed and she was gone.
“Do they always travel by light?” I asked my grandfather while I was seeing purple splotches.
“Yes, they do,” he said then he turned away and walked quickly with All Eyes and All Talk at his sides. I stared at their backs for a minute then turned to see Sama in my face. I jumped.
“Don’t do that Sama!” I cried my hand on my heart like I was going to have a heart attack.
“He has a book club so he can get together with people he knew a long time ago. Now a days, it’s not that much,” said Sama, sometimes its good to have a sister who is a Déjà vu. Then a flash of light appeared and my sight was filled with blotches again. A girl with curly blond locks was in the light’s place. Her eyes were blue and her skin was a creamy white. Just like Dawn. The only difference was that Dawn’s hair was straight and the girl’s hair was curly. Oh and this girl was a bit more pudgy than Dawn. Dawn was like a walking stick and, I’m afraid to say, looks like a supermodel.
“Sama!” the girl exclaimed.
“Gloria!” exclaimed Sama.
“Gloria?” Drew, Katie and I asked. Sama and Gloria were hugging like they were the best of friends and they haven’t seen each other in years.
“Ohmigod! I haven’t seen you since like FEBUARY!!” exclaimed Gloria.
“Ohmigod! I know!!” exclaimed Sama. Then they both screeched. I walked over and put my hands over their mouths. Gloria looked at me confused.
“If you both are going to talk like that, EVER, then I’m going to personally kill you. Do I make myself clear?” I asked through my teeth. They both moved their heads up and down.
“Oh, and don’t ever scream like that again,” I said. Then I let go of them.
“Whose she?” whispered Gloria.
“She’s my long lost sister,” Sama whispered back.
“You guys look, like, identical,” Gloria whispered.
“Not really. I’m more prettier than her,” Sama whispered smiling.
“I agree,” Gloria whispered laughing.
“You know I can hear every single little word you say,” I told them. They both stopped laughing. Sama smiled at me. Then she turned to Gloria.
“C’mon! I want to show you my redecorated room. Samanthia’s mother-in-law helped me,” Sama said to Gloria while they were walking down the red hall.
“Whose Samanthia?” I heard Gloria ask. I turned to look at Katie. She looked uncomfortable under my gaze.
“What?” asked Katie.
“You can read my mind, can’t you?” I asked my eyebrow arched.
“Well yea,” Katie said.
“Then?” I said.
“You’re thinking why did you decorate without me? And I’m thinking maybe I should chaperone Gloria and Sama. Yep, so, see you!” Katie said in a rush while running down the hallway. I shook my head. Drew brought me into his arms and our noses touched. Then he broke away and walked down the hall with his hands in his pockets. What? I asked in my head. No kiss? My mouth was gaping open and then Drew turned around and smiled a smile that melted my knees. He did this to me on purpose, I thought. Ivory just stared at me like I was a crazy person.
“Well, I’m in love! What do you expect?” I asked her, shrugging. She just shook her head and smiled.

Chapter 14
Steven? What are you doing here?

I smiled back at Ivory. I know Ivory wouldn’t want anyone knowing but I do think she has a soft side. Marigold came up to me.
“Do you think that we could see the redecorating too?” she asked.
“Sure, why not?” I said and smiled at her. Marigold smiled a huge smile back at me. Ivory wasn’t too happy.
“Decorating?” she asked. I nodded.
“No, redecorating,” said Marigold.
“It’s the same difference,” mumbled Ivory. Marigold was going to say something but I quickly ushered them into Sama’s room before they could begin arguing.
“Wow,” I whispered. The walls were now murals. One of the walls had clouds and the artic with, what looked like Sama standing on the ice staring into the ocean. The south wall looked like a garden with a walkway and beautiful flowers. The east wall was a picture of the whole family, including mom. The west wall was blank.
“Why is that wall blank?” I asked pointing my finger at the west wall. Sama shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just felt like it should be blank,” she said. Oh, I mouthed to her. She smiled.
“This is a big change from the beige color to now, right?” asked Marigold.
“Oh yes,” I said. Ivory even smiled.
“I like the improvements. But maybe that wall, instead of blank could be a mirror,” said Ivory pointing at the west wall and the wall became a huge mirror. She gaped.
“Oh my,” said Kate.
“W. O. W,” said Drew, spelling out, wow.
“How’d you do that, Ivory?” I asked her.
“I don’t know! I was just pointing at it and thought it should be a mirror,” said Ivory and then she gave a little humph. Marigold crossed her arms.
“She gets to be a vampire, a dragon, and a witch? That’s not fair!” cried Marigold.
“Ever hear the saying that life’s not fair?” asked Sama angrily.
“No! I’m a child,” said Marigold.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Sama.
“Nothing,” I said before Marigold could say anything. Then I clamped my hand over her mouth. I gave Marigold and Ivory dolls to play with. I, then, walked towards Katie.
“No mist came out of her finger. It was just instant,” I whispered, astounded.
“I know. This is very strange,” Katie whispered back.
“I’m here!” I heard a strangely familiar voice say. I looked at Drew and saw him scowling. I whipped my head towards the entrance of Sama’s room.
“Steven,” I heard myself whisper.
“Hey, Sam!” he exclaimed. Then he looked at Sama and then at me again. I cleared my throat. He looked at me and scooped me up in a hug.
“Put. Me. Down,” I said slowly.
“Sorry,” said Steven and he smiled sheepishly.
“What are you doing here, Steven?” I asked him.
“I’m going to fight some bad polar bears!” he said with enthusiasm. Gloria looked at me and then to Steven. She smiled. Oh she better not be thinking what I think she’s thinking, I thought to myself nervously.
“So, are you guys married?” she asked. Then she smiled.
“NO!” exclaimed Drew and I. Gloria became confused.
“Then are you two married?” she asked looking at Drew and I.
“NO!” exclaimed Steven. I glared at him.
“Not yet anyway. But considering we have twins I think that makes us married,” I said turning back to Gloria. I saw that from the corner of my eye that Steven was gaping.
“Not technically,” said Katie. Then Steven stepped in front of me.
“You have twins?” he shrilled. I smiled a hard smile at him.
“Yes, Ivory and Marigold. You didn’t hear?” I asked innocently.
“Um, no. Where are they anyway?” asked Steven, smiling. Oh he thinks I’m lying huh? I thought to myself.
“Marigold! Ivory! Come meet Steven!” I called. Ivory came up to me first, considering her lightning speed. She looked Steven up and down. Then she frowned and crossed her arms. Marigold came up to me second but only a second away from her sister. Both had inhuman speed.
“Hiya!” exclaimed Marigold and went up to shake Steven’s hand but his hand was stiff against his side. Marigold was getting frustrated so she yanked on it with all her strength and Steven let out a blood-curdling scream. Did I mention that dragons have a lot of strength? I smiled to myself but I fixed his arm with my magic.
“Thanks,” he said to me. He cleared his throat.
“Um, hi, little girl,” he said to Marigold. Marigold smiled because she finally got a response from him.
“My name’s Marigold. You must be Steven, right?” Marigold said giving him her dazzling smile. Steven took a step back.
“Um, yeah. Nice to meet you, Marigold,” Steven said bending down to shake her dainty, little hand. He turned to face Ivory. Ivory gave him her look of death. He shook his head.
“Um, you must be Ivory,” he said smiling at her. Ivory glared at him.
“Why do you say ‘um’ a lot?” asked Ivory in her hard voice.
“See? There you go again! Are you nervous about something?” Ivory all but screamed at him. She took a step forward in a crouching position, like she was the predator and he was the prey. Predator. Prey. Oh no! I thought. Steven took a clumsy step back and fell on his bottom.
“Drew! Ivory is hunting!” I yelled at him. I tried to grab Ivory but because of her inhuman speed she moved too fast for me.
“Marigold! Get a hold of your sister!” I screamed at her. I saw Drew making a spell around Steven. Then I saw Marigold in a blur, running to stop her sister. Marigold toppled over Ivory and just sat on her, smiling. Ivory glared up at her. I grabbed them both.
“I need a cage and my hands are full,” I said to Katie. Her blue mist circled around a spot and a cage appeared. I put Ivory in it and locked it.
“I hope she can’t get out,” I said to Katie. She nodded.
“She won’t be able to. Even with her doubled strength,” said Katie.
“Thanks,” I told her.
“This is no way to treat your child!” yelled Ivory.
“It is if your child is a vampire, a dragon, and a witch,” I said calmly. I helped Steven up.
“I did it for a good reason,” mumbled Ivory.
“And what reason was that?” I asked her, arching my eyebrow.
“He likes you mommy!” she yelled. My eyebrow wavered and fell. I turned to glare at Steven. His face was bright red.
“How do you know this?” I asked Ivory but I was still glaring at Steven.
“I can see it in his eyes,” she said know it ally. I looked at Drew. He was glaring at Steven as well.
“What was your real reason for coming here, Steven?” asked Drew. Steven wiped his brow. Katie and Sama stood beside me, also glaring at him.
“If this is going to end up in a big fight then can I join?” asked Marigold hopefully. Ivory gave her what-the-heck look. Steven was still bright red. Is he holding his breath? Thankfully he breathed out and turned back into his original skin color.
“I’m here, not for personal reasons, but for important ones,” said Steven looking at each and every one of us in the eyes.
“Then what’s the important reason?” asked Katie crossing her arms and staring him down.
“I’m here to warn you about my sister,” Steven said.

Chapter 15
Wait! The leader of the polar bears is…your sister?

I swear I heard someone gasp. When I looked at Sama, she had a glossy look, staring far away.
“It can’t be,” she whispered looking back at Steven.
“Heh, it is,” he said. Gloria then dropped to the floor.
“Is it only me, but does she act kind of like a drama queen?” asked Ivory. I raised my hand. Then Gloria got back up.
“She does,” I said. Drew stared at Sama.
“What are you talking about?” asked Drew.
“The leader of the polar bears…is Steven’s sister,” whispered Sama. Then Gloria dropped to the floor again.
“Wait! That can’t be! The polar bear’s leader has to be a very powerful witch,” I said.
“Oh, she is,” said Steven shivering. Ivory gave him her what? -are-you-scared look.
“Why would you be afraid of your own sister?” asked Marigold, narrowing her eyes.
“She’s been torturing me for, like, ever! Well, until she moved out,” said Steven.
“How?” I asked.
“Yeah, how?” asked Gloria.
“She left me hanging on the ceiling for two days,” said Steven.
“That’s not too bad,” I said.
“Yeah, not too bad,” said Gloria. I gave her the look.
“In the attic, without food or water, and where the bats are. She also glued me up there so I couldn’t move and I’m allergic to bats so I had the hives and by the time they got me down, I couldn’t breathe,” said Steven.
“Whoa, what did you do?” asked Ivory with an amused expression on her face.
“I tapped her shoulder to ask her a question,” said Steven.
“Wow! She’s a hot head,” said Marigold. Ivory nodded her head in agreement.
“So, she gets angry easily. Why is she controlling the polar bears?” I asked.
“To get rid of you,” said Steven staring at me.
“W-What?” I stammered.
“Originally, she was controlling the polar bears to get rid of Grandmother Widow but then when your power struck the universe, my sister wanted to get rid of you. She wants to be the most powerful witch in the world. She also wants to be the only one with any kind of power. But she wouldn’t get rid of her own brother, right?” said Steven quickly.
“By what you said about her, I think she would,” said Ivory in her medal cage. I waved my hand and white and black dust came spiraling together and circled around the cage, leaving only Ivory. I looked at my hand.
“What the-?” I said.
“’What the-?’ is right,” said Sama. Sama and I looked at Katie. Katie shook her head slowly.
“I’ve never seen anything like that in all of my 80 years,” whispered Katie.
“Just a minute,” said Katie grabbing out her cell. She smiled.
“Hey, you’ve got good connection on Venus,” said Katie.
“Ha, ha, ha,” I said. Katie dialed some numbers and hit talk.
“Rose? You have to come here immediately,” said Katie. Suddenly we saw a flash and in its place was my mother.
“Was this fast enough for you Katie?” asked my mom. Then she looked between Sama and I. Apparently she didn’t see Sama at the baby shower, because she started to cry and ran over to us.
“Oh Stella! I’m so sorry I gave you up when you were a baby! I swear your father made me give you up. My, you look so beautiful, and grown up. The last time I saw you, you were bald and I was changing your diapers,” said my mom grabbing Sama by the shoulders and hugging her.
“Stella?” we all asked except my mother. My mom looked confused.
“Um, yes. That’s what Sam and I named her,” said my mom.
“Mom, her name is Sama,” I told her. Sama was shocked.
“This stranger hugging me is my mom?” shrilled Sama. My mom backed away. She crossed her arms and looked at her.
“Of course I am! Can’t you see the resemblance?” asked my mom turning around in a full circle. Sama started to cry.
“Sama, are you alright?” I asked Sama. My mother gave me her “look”.
“Her name is Stella,” said my mother, “S-T-E-L-L-A, Stella.”
“Whatever, are you alright?” I asked Sama or “Stella” angrily.
“Don’t call your sister whatever,” said my mom sternly.
“Ok, Sama, Stella, whatever your name is, are you alright?” I asked Sama. Sama laughed.
“I’m fine. Seriously. I was just so happy that I’m able to see my mom before I die,” said Sama. Then she clamped her hand over her mouth.
“Tell me I didn’t just say that,” peeped Sama.
“You didn’t,” I said crossing my arms.
“I didn’t?” asked Sama.
“Of course you did! You’re going to die! Why didn’t you tell us?” I asked her.
“Um, because, I have this feeling that, we’re all going to die,” said Sama quietly.
“WHAT?!” everyone in the room screamed except Sama.
“How?” I asked. Sama started to squirm.
“Well, in the battle, which may or may not turn into a war,” said Sama.
“I don’t get it. I’m not even going to be in the war,” said Gloria. Sama stared at her.
“I’m sorry but everyone in this room at this minute, is going to die in the near, near future,” said Sama.
“Did you have a dream of that or something?” asked Katie.
“No,” said Sama.
“Then how in the world do you know that?” I asked.
“I just do,” said Sama stubbornly.
“So, we’re all going to die,” said Steven slowly.
“Yes,” said Sama.
“I can’t believe it,” I whispered. All this time has been wasted when we could’ve thought of some strategy to fight the polar bears. I turned to Sama.
“What’s our strategy?” I asked dazed.
“We don’t have a strategy,” said Sama cocking her head at me. I finally, really looked at her.
“Who knows the number for the Devil?” I asked.

Chapter 16
The Devil

“The Devil? Why would you want to call the Devil?” asked Drew slowly.
“I heard the Devil is worse than the Dark Lord,” said Katie to my mom. My mom nodded her head.
“I heard that he slowly puts dead people to death a second time. I’m also sure he’s worse than Hades,” said my mom. Katie nodded her head. I just stared at them like they were the ones who were crazy, not me.
“The Devil probably knows strategy,” I said.
“So?” asked Gloria.
“So we need it. He probably knows how we can kill the ‘oh so powerful’ leader of the polar bears,” I said. Sama nodded slightly.
“He’s not busy doing anything else. Besides the Devil loves death,” said Sama.
“So his number?” I asked. Sama shook her head.
“The Devil doesn’t have a number. You have to summon him,” she said. My mom shook her head up and down vigorously.
“Okay, then how would we summon him?” I asked Sama.
“Think of him,” she said slowly.
“Okay, um, Devil please come,” I said while closing my eyes. I looked at Sama. She urged me to try again.
“The Devil come to the Dark Lord’s castle right now!” I cried. Then the Devil appeared. He looked somewhat bored. He had red fiery hair, peach skin, and crimson eyes. He was young. He looked about 17 years old. He looked at me with his bored expression.
“What?” he asked.
“Oh my god,” whispered Gloria. She put her hands together in a prayer and mumbled. The Devil’s eyes flashed towards her.
“Stop that!” he cried while holding his head. Sama looked at her and separated her hands.
“Stop,” she said gently but stern. Gloria stopped but her eyes were wide. Slowly, the Devil’s eye color returned to a crimson red and he calmed down a bit. Then he looked around.
“Who summoned me?” he asked. Drew was surprised.
“You’re the Devil?” asked Drew.
“Um, last time I checked,” said the Devil. Then he burst out laughing like it was the most hilarious joke in the world. Then he looked at us.
“Laugh,” he said in a dark voice. All of a sudden, we were all laughing and we all couldn’t stop. His booming laugh was the loudest of us all. We were all in pain and he seemed to be enjoying it.
“OK, OK, stop laughing!” he cried wiping a laughing tear from his eye. We stopped laughing immediately.
“So, what’s up?” asked the Devil.
“Well, we need strategy. For the battle,” I said. He looked at me confused.
“The polar bear battle?” asked Sama slowly.
“Oh that one. Yes, I think you do need strategy. Now what does this have to do with me?” asked the Devil sitting down on a red couch that wasn’t there 10 seconds ago.
“You know strategy don’t you?” I asked slowly. He shook his head slowly.
“No, I just kill people,” he said.
“More like torture,” whispered my mom to Kate. Kate nodded. He turned his head lazily towards Kate and my mom.
“Yes I do. Is that such a big surprise?” asked the Devil eating a cake. Eating a cake? I doubled checked and yes, there was a cake. I turned toward Sama and waved my hands around. The setting started to change. We were now in Hawaii where no one that we new would hear us. Sama looked around.
“Hey, I’ve never been to Hawaii,” she said smiling. Her smile became bigger.
“You’re working magic so much better now,” she said beaming.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know why we’re here,” I said. She sighed.
“Yes I saw it coming 2 seconds ago,” she said.
“Do I have to ask?” I asked her. She shook her head no. Then she pushed a lock of black hair behind her ear.
“Yes, the Devil can work magic. Not like the Dark Lord’s magic. It’s different. I can’t really explain it,” said Sama thoughtfully.
“So it’s not dark magic,” I said slowly. She shook her head.
“The Devil isn’t supposed to be born with it. He trains with magic and somehow gets it. He just can’t torture anyone with it, which sometimes makes him grouchy. Like on the Halloween, he was really upset because this thing wasn’t doing anything right and-,” Sama said.
“Wait, you celebrate Halloween?” I asked. She looked at me like I was dumb.
“Of course. After we scare the whole world and stuff we have a big feast when all evil things are invited,” said Sama. She looked around again.
“Can we go back now?” she asked.
“Of course,” I said. I waved my hands around and we were back in the Dark Lord’s castle where the Devil and my family were arguing.
“What the hell is going on?” I yelled. They stopped talking. Then they all started to talk at once, pointing fingers and such. My white and dark magic twined together came out of my hand, freezing them all. The talking stopped. I rubbed my temples a bit and slowly looked back up. Marigold and Ivory were in their dragon forms. This must be serious. I take a deep breath.
“OK. I’m going to unfreeze one person to tell me what happened while Sama and I were gone,” I said slowly and quietly. I saw my mother try to say ‘Stella’ but her lips were frozen too so she couldn’t move them very well. I decided to unfreeze Ivory. If I could trust anyone it would either be Ivory, Marigold, Katie, or Drew. Ivory shook off the rest of the ice from her back and shifted into her normal 5 year old self. She stared at everyone hard.
“Well, I’m not sure how it started,” said Ivory carefully. I nodded for her to keep going. She nodded her silver head.
“Ok well I think it started when your grandfather came in,” she said jerking her head in my grandfather’s frozen figure. I felt my brow turn up into a question.
“Um, ok,” I said a bit questionably. She cocked her head but kept going.
“So he came in and everything and he got really upset. Apparently two months ago the Devil ruined something or other so he was banned from this household and this planet for the rest of the millennium. The Dark Lord, and everything, started to shout at him for disrespect and trying to steal the family power. Then the Devil said ‘I don’t need your puny family’s power. Why would I need it anyway? It’s worthless.’ Which turns into a whole other fight about how our family could take down his family any day. Then the Devil said ‘Why bother? You know my family would beat your family!’ That was a direct insult to us, which made us even louder. You know your family is a little hot headed,” said Ivory raising her eyebrows.
“Tell me about it,” I said rolling my eyes. I looked at everyone.
“Ivory stay here,” I said while unfreezing my grandfather. I looked at him and he looked at me with his crimson eyes.
“Yes?” asked my grandfather in his deep, rumbling voice.
“Why was the Devil banned from here?” I asked him with my hands on my hips. He laughed.
“You mean you haven’t figured it out yet, granddaughter?” he asked. I shook my head slowly. He frowned.
“That…Devil…tried to steal the family power the last time he was here and you just gave him the perfect opportunity to be here without getting in trouble. That is one thing that your…daughter left out,” said my grandfather crossing his arms.
“What’s the other thing?” I asked my eyebrow arched. He sighed.
“The Devil signed a contract saying he couldn’t come here. I told him that and he said ‘No, the contract says I couldn’t come here on my own and I didn’t. Your charming granddaughter let me in. Oh and I didn’t know you had two of them!’ I was flabbergasted,” said my grandfather. I fought the urge to giggle. My grandfather frowned at me.
“What?” he asked. I smiled.
“You said flabbergasted. Who says flabbergasted?” I asked. Sama rolled her eyes. My grandfather’s frown deepened.
“Are you telling me that young people your age don’t say flabbergasted?” he asked.
“Not most people,” I said. Ivory cleared her throat. I waved my hand to unfreeze everybody, except the Devil. I walked over to him and pointed. I felt the magic building up slowly. Then I opened my eyes and they were black. The dark magic was overcoming the pure but the pure magic was still there. The Devil’s eyes were slowly turning black. I felt him dying and I knew I had to do this quickly.
“You are never to come here again, by will or by force. You can never be on the planet Venus. You can’t ever come near any of us in this room or anyone who carries the family magic, my mom’s and my dad’s. That also includes Katie’s family magic as well. You are officially gone,” I said to his face. Then he disappeared but before he did I saw the color of his cheeks and his eyes appear before he left. I breathed a sigh of relief. Katie was staring at me. So was everyone else.
“What?” I asked.
“You are so ready,” said Katie.

Chapter 17
The Letter

“You think so?” I asked nervously.
“I know so,” she whispered. My mother nodded. Sama took me by the arm and led me away. Drew followed. Sama glared at him.
“What?” he asked.
“This is for sisters only,” she said.
“You found out you were sisters not too long ago. I think I can join. Can I join Sam?” he asked looking at me with those gorgeous sapphire eyes.
“Sure,” I breathed.
“No,” said Sama the same time as I said “Sure.” We looked at each other. Drew smiled.
“I was talking to Samanthia,” said Drew.
“Oh. Well even if she does say yes it doesn’t concern you,” said Sama her eyes flashing.
“Everything that concerns her, concerns me too,” said Drew with a smile playing on his lips.
“You’re not married to her,” said Sama under her breath but Drew heard.
“Yet,” he said. She glared at him.
“Even if you do get married to her, you don’t own her. Especially since she is a queen and your only going to be royal by marriage so ha! I win,” said Sama triumphantly. Drew rolled his eyes.
“Whatever,” he said about to walk away. I grabbed his arm before he could move. I turned to look at Sama.
“It concerns both of us,” I said sternly. Sama scowled.
“Fine. I’ll tell you both but if he starts acting like an overprotective bear you’ll zap him right?” she said. I nodded my head hesitantly.
“So I’m guessing it’s bad news right?” I asked slowly.
“It’s…in between,” said Sama. I nodded.
“Tell me,” I said. Drew nodded his head as well.
“Ok. A letter is going to come. It’s from the sorceress girl. You know the one leading the polar bears? Any way she knows you want battle and she’s got a tight schedule or something so she wants to know what time is good for you,” said Sama. I started laughing.
“She wants to schedule a battle! Is she crazy?” I asked laughing so hard that tears were in my eyes. Sama smiled a bit and nodded her head.
“Yeah, she does, but it’s not a laughing matter. There will be a battle and it looks like the outcome won’t be so good,” said Sama with a straight face. I nodded.
“Yeah you’re right. So, when is the letter going to come?” I asked. Right when I asked that my grandfather came in.
“It’s a letter from a girl named…Sarah?” my grandfather looked at me questionably. I nodded and took it. He came out of the room. Then I slowly opened the letter. I took my time and when I pulled it out it said:

Dearest Samanthia,
Yes, dear, I know your name. Doesn’t everyone? Besides, it shouldn’t be a surprise to you now. You do know my brother, do you not? Anyway, Sama, or Stella if you prefer, probably told you about the letter a second ago. Well, she is right. I do need to schedule this battle.

I couldn’t help but to start laughing at that part.

I know you are laughing right now. I know everything, even more than your puny twin sister. Back to what I was saying before, I need to schedule this battle. It is very important. Besides I know you haven’t really started training anyone for this battle so it would do you good. I will be on the Witches’ Show tonight at 7. Maybe you would like to watch it? Oh and the show’s host is your grandmother. This would turn out better than I thought.

Love Yours Truly,

Write to me soon, dear. I want to know what day and what hour.

I couldn’t believe it. She really did want to schedule this battle. I had to see the show. Or try to stop it. I knew what she was planning to do. She wanted to kill my grandmother, Grandmother Widow. The most powerful, besides me, witch in the entire universe. I turned to Sama.
“We have to stop her,” I told her. She looked at me.
“You don’t even know what she’s going to do,” she said.
“I’ve got a pretty good idea,” I said.
“Write to her first. She’ll get it quick and she’ll write back in the same second,” said Sama. I nodded and she handed me a piece of paper. I grabbed a pen and started to write.

Don’t call me dear because I am not your dear and I never will be. If you so much as touch a single hair on my grandmother’s head you will have to respond to me.


When I finished writing it quickly disappeared. Then a letter came in the next second.

I’m so looking forward to it. Don’t worry about your grandmother besides what would I do with a single piece of hair?


I dropped the piece of paper. I looked at Sama.
“We have to! We absolutely have to!” I cried. I knew she wasn’t only looking for my grandmother. She was going to kill down the royal bloodline, which didn’t only mean my grandmother and I. Once she was finished with my grandmother, my mother was next.
“The only way is to have the battle now. Besides she can stop time. She will win,” said Sama glumly. I looked at her half crazed.
“With that attitude she will,” I said. She half smiled. Drew looked at me and his blue eyes looked wild.
“We can’t! You’re not ready. No one’s ready,” said Drew holding one shoulder of mine. I looked at him fiercely.
“Drew, we have to,” I said quietly. I quickly kissed him on the cheek and walked to my mother. She was holding out two black dresses with tears in her eyes.
“It’s ok, Mom. I’ll be fine. Sama will be fine,” I said to her. Then I hugged her.
“It’s Stella,” she whispered. Then she handed the dresses to me.
“This is for you and Stella. It was your grandmother’s and her sister’s dresses. They were always in some kind of battle,” said my mother with a smile playing on her lips. Then she looked like she was going to cry again.
“You know they fought with a sorceress too. My mother’s sister, Willow, died,” said my mother then she ran off crying. I held the dress just staring at it. Who would die during this? I asked myself, would it be Sama, Drew, Katie, Ivory, Marigold, Gloria…or me? Sama took one of the dresses and smiled.
“At least they had good taste,” she said smiling. I smiled back and I appeared the dresses on us. Katie put on her fighting dress, it was strawberry colored, and Gloria just stood there looking nervous. Sama put her hand on Gloria’s shoulder and hugged her.
“Don’t worry, your grandfather did teach you some magic. You will be okay, I promise,” said Sama. Gloria smiled back at Sama. Then a letter appeared on the table. Everyone looked at it. Then I walked slowly to it and picked it up.

Let’s do this.

It had no name on it but I knew whom it was from. I knew she was watching us, wherever she was.

Chapter 18
The Last Battle

I saw Marigold and Ivory putting on some really pale colored dresses. Marigold’s was a pale yellow and Ivory’s was just white. They looked at me and smiled. I knew I looked nervous because Drew came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
“Don’t worry. They will be okay. It’s you I’m worried about,” said Drew with his eyes bunched together. I laughed.
“You shouldn’t,” I said. Since you’re the one who might die. I gulped. We can do this. He can take care of himself. Just because some people said he would die doesn’t mean he would. I smiled. We can do this. I can do this. I was still smiling when Katie came up to me.
“Oh break it up you two. We have a battle to go to,” she said, her eyes twinkling.
“Yeah,” I said. Then a dim light shined and there sat the girl who said I came from the deepest parts of hell. I glared at her, my teeth clenching.
“What are you doing here?” I asked sternly. Everyone looked to whom I was talking to.
“You really didn’t think I could let you guys go into a battle without me, did you?” asked Dawn as sweetly as possible.
“Actually I did,” I said with mocked innocence. She scowled at me.
“Well, I brought some people,” she said still frowning at me when she waved them forward. The girl kind of looked like Santa Claus but he didn’t exist…did he? I shook my head. Dawn smiled like she was enjoying my confusion.
“This is Noel, Santa Claus’s daughter,” said Dawn. Noel looked at Sama and smiled.
“Hey Sam,” she said. Sama smiled.
“Hey Ellie,” said Sama.
“Ellie?” I asked.
“Noel, Ellie? It’s a nickname,” said Sama. Then Sama and Noel started talking.
“You guys! YOU GUYS!” I screamed. They all turned to look at me.
“Hello? Battle?” I asked. Then it sunk into their heads.
“Oh,” they all said quietly. Sama signaled us to follow her. Then my dad appeared.
“You stay out of trouble,” said my dad. Then he kissed the top of my head. I smiled up at him.
“Yeah hard to get into trouble in a battle, Dad,” I said sarcastically. He smiled back at me sadly and let me go. I kept following Sama with Drew holding my hand. We all went through the spiral of death (A.K.A the portal) and we were in the North Pole. I walked out and I think I saw about 2 hundred polar bears.
“No way,” I breathed. I heard other people saying things but I wasn’t paying enough attention to them to hear them.
“Meet my army,” someone said and then all the polar bears roared. Some of them were drooling a lot and others just looked bored. Then a girl appeared in a cloak. She looked like she was about five. She pulled down the hood of the cloak and showed her face. She smiled evilly. Her eyes were the darkest green. Her hair was raven black. I knew who she was but I couldn’t believe it.
“Your Sarah?” I asked surprised. She scowled at the ground and then looked up at me.
“You sound surprised, dear,” she said sweetly. ‘Dear’ sounded very weird from a 5-year-old girl.
“Um, I am,” I said. Sarah glared up at me.
“Well you shouldn’t,” she said. Then she turned around.
“Let the battle begin!” she shouted at the polar bears. Then they started to run at us.
“Oh boy,” said Drew. Then he ran up to some polar bears and started making spells. Mostly force field spells. The only thing was, the polar bears were sucking up the magic from the force field spells. The small and quick force field spells knocked them away but disappeared quickly. I gulped and turned toward Sarah. I smiled.
“So is this one on one?” I asked her sweetly. She smiled her evil smile.
“Of course,” she said. I smiled back at her. I felt my magic building up and I let it out. It didn’t seem to harm her.
“I thought you were so mighty and powerful,” said Sarah in mock sweetness. I gave her a hard smile. We were circling. Then she threw some spell at me and I dodged. I tried to blow her up but she dodged and the ice behind her blew up instead. She looked back at me nervous for a second but it passed before I could make sure. Then she made a ball of green fire magic and threw it at me. I was almost knocked off my feet. I could see my magic was circling me so I didn’t fall. I smiled.
“Is that the best you can do?” I asked. She scowled. Her eyes turned a metallic gray and I felt pain. I knew it was in my head but I felt it anyway. I screamed. I went down to my knees. I was face to face with the little devil. She smiled but her eyes were still the gray color. Drew turned to look at me but by then I was too late. I couldn’t call out to him. The polar bear he was fighting knocked him down. I screamed out in more pain but not because of Sarah, because of Drew. I looked at Sarah. My eyes were turning coal black I could feel it. I got up and her eyes were black too but the dying kind of black. Her face was turning paler and more corpse-like by the second. Then I closed my eyes. I couldn’t do it. I opened my eyes and she was gasping for air like a little fish. Her hand was at her throat and her eyes turned back to her green color. I waved my hand and knocked her away. I heard her head crack on the ice. I closed my eyes and turned away. When I opened them, all the polar bears were gone. Only one was there and it ran away as fast as it could. I ran up to Drew.
“Drew! Drew!” I cried out but his eyes were opened and he was seeing nothing. I started to cry. The tears were coming out. Ivory just stared her hard stare. She did not cry. She never did cry. Marigold was crying and she was hugging her father. She was crying and crying. Katie was crying silently unlike the rest of us. Sama just looked puzzled. Katie looked at me.
“All the polar bears were an illusion. They weren’t really there,” she whispered.
“Besides one,” whispered Sama.

Chapter 19
Drew and Sama

I could hear them. I could hear them crying. I wanted to tell them it was okay, that I was alive. I wanted to open my arms and hug and kiss them all. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t see and I couldn’t move. I felt paralyzed. The last thing I saw was my beautiful Samanthia screaming out in pain, all because of that evil little girl, Sarah. But when I turned around to try to help her I felt pain as well. I felt the polar bear eating my magic. I felt him bite into me. But then he was gone. I heard my mother Katie calling my name. Then I heard everyone else. The most distinct voice I heard was Samanthia’s. When I was younger, I promised myself that I would never fall in love. That I would just get hurt when I do. I told myself that after my father died and my mother was drowned in despair for a long time. But even though I tried, I eventually did. I fell in love with Samanthia and I wish I could tell her this now. I wish I could tell them all that if I was dying then I was off to a better place.

It didn’t make any sense. Drew couldn’t have died. It’s impossible. Especially since he was an immortal. I turned toward Samanthia.
“He was immortal right?” I asked her quietly. She glared at me.
“Yes. But why are you bringing that up now? You know sometimes your really cold hearted, Sama,” she said. Then she walked away in a huff. Sometimes, Samanthia gets a bit…hot headed. This whole family does, now that I think about it. I was still wondering how it was possible for Drew to die. The polar bear could’ve sucked up all of his power but the polar bear was only on him for a second. It wouldn’t have enough time, not to mention that it was an illusion anyway. So how was it possible? Ivory calls me a Déjà vu seeker and Samanthia says that I have the gift of knowing, so shouldn’t I know what’s happening. I didn’t know. It was all blank. I was seeing nothing. How could I not know? How could I possibly not know? I looked over at everyone crying over an immortal body. Over someone who should be alive right now. I was so confused. I hated being this way. Immortals are so confusing. Sometimes I wish I never were part of them. But I am. Sigh.


I didn’t feel the years go by. I only knew I was here, frozen on the North Pole. In the exact same place I was when I “died”. Is this what it feels like? I thought you were supposed to be going somewhere. I was just here in the same place, which wasn’t any fun. Sometimes, though, I felt someone watching me. I didn’t know whom. I felt the snow piling up on me from all the snowstorms. Sometimes, some animal walks over me. Sometimes, an animal sleeps on me for the night and then walks away. This is how I was for who knows how long. I didn’t know what the time was when I woke up. I didn’t know how many years had gone by. All I knew was when I woke up I saw an older version of Sarah. I brushed the snow off of my and sat up. I squinted at her and gasped.
“Sarah,” I asked carefully. She smiled the same smiled she did when she was five.
“Hello, Drew,” she said.


I would like to thank everyone in my family for helping me out with this book.
I would like to thank my sister for illustrating the title for this book. I hope she could be my illustrator for many years to come. Thanks so much, Sabrina! You’re the best!
I would like to thank my brother for giving me the idea for All Eyes and All Talk. We were playing with Easter Eggs and one only had eyes and the other only had a mouth. So he got the idea of putting it in my book. THANKS C.J.!
I would like to thank Uncle Donny, Papa, Aunt Terrie, and Cousin Cindy for reading my book and seeing if it was good. Thanks a lot!!
I would like to thank Amanda for giving me great ideas when I was stuck. For example, the whole Sarah being five years old thing? That was her!! Amanda Spencer is also writing a book!! I hope it gets published, Amanda!!
I would like to thank my dad for encouraging me with writing this book. Daddy you rock!
I would like to thank my mom for also encouraging me with writing this book. I also want to thank her for trying to steer me along the right path. Thanks mommy! You are great!!
I would like to thank Emily for reading my book along the way and saying her honest opinion of what she thinks. Emily you’re the best friend ever!!
I would like to thank everyone else who helped me with making this book.


About the Author:

Bianca Kathleen Gray was born in the Loudoun County Hospital on April 2, 1996. After her birth, she lived in a town house in Ashburn, Virginia. She has a brother and a sister (Sabrina and C.J.) who were born on July 8, 1998. Bianca is a student at
J. L. Simpson Middle School. She is an 8th grader. She has always wanted to become an author but this is the first book that she has ever finished. In other words, this is her first book. She wants to be an author on the side but she also wants to be a researcher doctor. Right now, Bianca lives in Leesburg, Virginia with her mother, father, brother, and her sister. She also has a little Shih-Tzu named Bella.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2010

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