
Purple flames Chapter 1 - Prolouge ?

Chapter 1.


My hand slamed down on my clock. Pain shot up my hand, and i cursed the damn alarm clock for being metal and not plastic or anything you could smash into peices with you bare hands.I lifted the quilt out from above my eyes so i could look aound my room.

My rooms quite large, black painted walls with silver designs going all around, an indoor closet , a four poster bed, with black and blue silky sheets, and pictures of mum and dad hanging on the walls and my own bathroom, Thank god, dad takes ages in the bathroom, i swear he acts like a brother and not a dad, Its quite annoying.

My names Evangaline, but people call me Eva because i dont like my name, they ask and i say it makes me sound old. The only thing stopping me from changing it is because my mother gave me this name so i will stay with this name untill the day i die. My name reminds dad of my mother so he calls he me Night, because i was night baby, fasinated by night. I have no idea why but was and in fact still am.

I miss mum, she died when i was five and i have lived with dad ever since, i mean i have always lived with mum and dad but he never got over her and has stayed single ever since. I admire that about him, he still loves her after she died, People say she died in an accident. I dont think that though, i think she died in a diffrent way, i dont know why i think that, but i do.

I pulled the covers of the covers of my body and swung my legs over, a sile soon erupted on my face as i looked at the calander next to my bed.

I stood up and walked to my indoor closet and took out a MCR top out, Gothic pleated mini skirt Black and purpled tights, knee high purple converse, bra and knickers. I changed into that and started to walk into the bathroom.

My eyes started to burn like it was drying up and my throat went really dry, and my head started throbbing. My vision went blurry and i fell to the ground with a Thud ! blackness started to seep into my vision and i blacked out.

I woke up and looked around, i was still in my room but the throbbing in my head increased and spread its way from my head all the way to my right and left palm. I'll have some paracetamol later. I thought to my self.

I got up slowly and walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. I gasped in shock. My eyes were Purple, i mean purple, thats not natral. I took in my new apperance and sqealed. I had Pale skin, when i usually have tanned, black hair, when it was usuallt blonde and i was tall than i was before.

My palms where the pain was intesified and i looked down to see purple flames had erupted along my arms and leading its way up to my shoulders. I started to freak out and screamed and kept on screaming. I mean this isnt normal. No way is this normal.

The bathroom door opend to see my father, he looked at my new apperance and smiled in delight and sut the door behind him and said. " Wow... Purple flames iv not heard of this happing, iv heard of green and blue but not purple, does that mean shes powerful or weak. Wow you look soo cute " He looked at me again and smiled.

" Dad what the fuck are you talking about this isnt normal !! " i shouted.
" well hunny, my family, is made up of Wizards, witches, demons,werewolves,faries and others" he said with a smile.
" What are you ? " i asked .
I wished it wasnt true but the look he had in his eyes said he was speaking the truth. " Im a demon."
I couldnt help it, i just burst out laughing. " What ?" he asked. "
" You.. Dont .. Act.. evil and all that." I said after i recoved from laughing.
" what was mum ? " i asked.
" she-- " he suddenly froze.
" dad...'no reply' daddy...'no reply' dad."
i snapped my fingers infront of his face, but got no answer.
I was about to talk again, but i heard the thudding of foot step on the floor and stop outside of my bathroom door.
" right, you know what to do men get the girl before she changes and get her to the facility." the burning in my hands stopped and i knew the flames had gone.
" dad " i wispered .
Still no reply.
He stood there like a statue.
" 3...2....1 ... NOW ! ! " boomed the same voice as before.
The door burst open and pain hit me in the arm, i looked down and saw a tranquilizer dart. Blackness seeped my vision with 1 thought in my head.

Happy 18 birthday Eva

Purple Flames Chapter 2 - Voices in my head !

Chapter 2.

All i could see was darkness.

Everywhere i looked darkness.

I started to hear the squeeling of wheels on the floor.

I tried to open my eyes, but they were to heavy to open, I could hear voices mumbling next to me, but i could also hear the same voices shouting. I desperatly wanted to open my eyes so i did.

It took a lot of effort to do it though, but when they opened i wish they didnt. sharp and bright light came into vision, i couldnt really see because my sight was all blurry like i was running to fast, all the colours mixed into one.

What shocked me most was that i could see the people thought. They were wearing gas masks and dressed all in white plastic. The looks they were giving me were scary though they were looking at me like i was an rare animal in a zoo.

I new instantly i didnt trust these people.

Blackness started to seep into my vision.

No ! !

Screamed a voice at the back of my head.

They'll do something,

Dont fall back into unconsincous,

Stay awake please !

I wanted to listetn to the voice in the back of my head, even though it didnt sound human, it sounded angelic, and lovable.

I wish the voice would of dared me to stay awake because i cant turn a dare down and i always win,
but the voice didnt and blackness clouded my vision and i blacked out.

Purple Flames Chapter 3 - Checking out the Enemy !

Chapter 3 .

Wake Up ! !

You have to wake up ther going to do something !


I jolted with a annoyence, that bloody voice has been nagging and nagg-

I told you they would do something you stupid brat, why would i have to be your bloody inner animal !

My eyes fluttered open and light flashed its way into my vision and i fliched. I tried to lift my hand up so that i could rub my eyes but i found out i couldnt. I looked down and saw that my hands had been strapped diwn to the bed i was on, i looked towards my legs and found the same straps there aswell.

I lifted my head and looked around.The room was boring, plain steel white painted walls, a large see through window, but only see through from their side, Big steel door, Bathroom and a small window with bars.

You cant see the sunlight ... said a sad little voice at the back of my mind.

Great! i thought. Im going crazy thinking there is more than 1 voice inside my head.

You really are an idiot, you would belive in what your family is but you wont belive there is more than 1 voice in your really are an idiot... said another voice.

Shut up ! Im not stupid, your stupid, stupid annoying weird voices.

You know we are you so you just basicly called your self, annoying, stupid and weird CONGRATS !

I stayed silent and so did the voices.

I looked out of the small window hopeisng to see something, but i saw nothing, no sun, not even the sky, i couldnt even hear the birds singing.

I knew they were watching me, i could hear the sound of pencil against paper, i could also hear them wispering. I dont know i could, but i was grateful that i could hear them.

I turned towards the big window where they sat on the other side, and kept looking.

I straind my hearing ability to hear what they were saying.

' Mike go get the telapathic one, whats his name..Dai..Dei..Dean thats it Dean go get Dean so he can read her mind and tell us what shes thinking.' said a rough voice.

Telepaths...Arghh i hate them... Said a demanding yet calm voice inside my mind.

I heard someone speaking.

' Shes talking to her inner animals. '

I heard about 6 Gasps all together. They all started talking say things like,

' She has more than one '

' I wonder how many she has '

'Probably two, the stupid girl couldnt hold that much power '

The last one ask,

' How many inner animals does she have '

I quickly focused on putting a mental barrier on my mind, but i felt a hand pushing on it, i knew i was too strong for them. It was like before again, i dont know how i knew to do this, but it felt like instinct.

Its because it was... Whispered more than 2 voices.

I smirked and listened in on them talking.

'She put a mental barried up ' Gasps ' but i know she has more than 3 inner animals, i dont know how many but she is incredibly powerful, i couldnt break her barried ' Gasps ' and im the most powerfulest telepath you have here.' his voice said he was proud of his abilitys but annoyed he couldnt break my barrier.

Thats when they started talking about what they should do with me, and it was starting to annoy me,
i mean you dont talk about someone while your watching them in the next room. I glared daggers at the Big window, thats when i heard it.





I looked down and found all of the bounds that kept me to the bed had been terred apart. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and got up. Just then nock out gas started to come into my room, from underneith the room door.

Cell door more like it.

I smiled. I was getting used to the voices in my head. I turned and walked to the big window. I stopped five spaces from the window and lifted my arm plam up to the window. I watched as little Air swirls floated at the center of my palm. I released it and it hit the window.Pieces of glass went into my direction and imbedded them selves in my skin.

The looks on the scientst faces were ashtonishement, anger, and others i couldnt dicipher. My vision started to go blurry and i looked towars the telapathe, Blonde hair sticking up in places, tan-ished skin, Pink kissable lips and all in all, quite hot.

Stop checking out the enemy you idiot.

Hey im a teenaged-woman what do you expect me to do and in a boring place like this, i said back to the voices.

I fell to the groud with a Thud! and i blacked out for the 3rd time in one day.

Purple Flames Chapter 4 - CLOWNS ?!

Chapter 4

I could feel the blood running from my wounds.

The wounds made from the chains around my Wrists and the ones binding my legs together.

I had been placed in a smaller and more duller room than i was in before... no bed. Not even the big window so they could watch me through.

Instead there was a corner camera watching me from above....

It felt like i was in a Prison.

Its because you are in a Prison... Well its like a Prison anyway...

' I now Tala.... I know.. '

Tala is the name of ones of my animals.. the one that talks to me the most out of them. Only 3 talk to me at the moment, The others will be able to talk when i complete the change. They say it will hurt. But i dont care.

I was cut out of my trail of thoughts when They walked in.

They being the Evil...Crule...Scarey...Horrible...Ugly... CLOWNS...

Well i call them clowns because of the amount of make up they wear... and to be honest clowns actually scare me. When i was 5 i lost my dad at a friends birthday party and i got scared... Clown came up to me and tried to make me happy again by trying to make me laugh! It didnt work though i got so scared i ran and climed up a small tree and refused to get down until dad found me and took me home. I also cried then.. i dont like crying i think it makes you look weak infront of others.


The clowns were basicly the Scientst sluts.. they wore skirts sooo short you could see there underware when they were standing straight, Tops soo tight you could see there rips and bra through it and a open Cloak like thingy that scientest usually wear and big high heels.

There called.. Midget...Skinny cow and Cheesy Puff.... Thats my names for them anyway there real names are Cindyy... Claire and Chantel and all begging with a C. Which starnd for CHEAP whore ! :D just jokeing... might be anyway could be true.

Midget has Bleach blond hair... Actually they all look the same excpect midget is smaller and Cheesy Puff is more Tanned and Skinny Cow is well... Skinny.

Anyway the Midget likes to carry all of the heavy stuff.. i dunno why but she does it kinda weird someone that small can carry alot of stuff. She was carrying a box and she settled it down on the Table In the corner opposite the Camera.

Skinny Cow went over and took A few things out and settled them on the table top. I couldnt see what was on the table top because i couldnt look over the box and the box was quite high. Cheesy .P. came over and stood right in front of me and then Bam!

She...Slapped me.

For no reason...well i guess they was but i dont know what its for.. Whore..

I cant wait to break out off here so i rip her gigantic head from her small betit tiny little Cheesy body.. said Tala in a Venmous Voice.

You see when Tala gets like this she can actually be scary and too be honest the thoughts and images she thinking now make me happy im not Cheesy P of there.

" How DARE you hurt my little baby you cheap BITCH ! " screamed Cheesy. I stared at her blankly.


Midget slapped me.. What is it with them and slapping and in the same place !

" Dont ignore her.." she was cut off by Skinny C " Hey lets show her what we do when people do follow the rules and ignore us " and then was cut off by Cheesy P " And those who hurt MY baby.."

I was getting more baffled... More confused every second.. I really had no idea what was going on...

Read Cheesy's mind and find out why shes made at us....also find out what they are gonna do ! Commanded Tala. I closed my eyes and focosed on Cheesy's Mind...

Ohhh! thats why shes angry... When i shatterd the window the Telepath..

The fit telepath.. Yumm...

Hey... you might be a teenage wolf with Horomones but come on ! but give it a rest... hes the enemy.

When i shattered the window the peices got stuck in his body because it bounced back after a few shardes hit me and hit him and hes recovering and cant * shiver* do any Physical stuff...

I was once again cut off my train off thought when a searing pain went throught my stomach. My eyes shot open to find Skinny C holding a Meat cleaver and cut lines in my stomach not to deep but deep enough to hurt.

" Right... lets get donw to business on why were here... .Where gonna ask a few questions ... " Said Cheesy.


" Answer the question ! What are your inner ANIMAL AND HOW MANY YOU HAVE " Shouted midget.

" I DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW MANY I HAVE * breath * HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO " I was cut off by my own scream.
They had taken me off the wall and placed me on a chair and strapped me down. They had used an iron rode the past 3 times to cut my shouting ... I was healing incredibly fast and they were getting more frustrated that none off there methods were working.

They carried on doing what they were doing and i went to my own imagenary land and started to i sing in my head Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold.

Dragged ya down below
Down to the devil's show
To be his guest forever
Peace of mind is less than never
Hate to twist your mind
But God ain't on your side
An old acquaintance severed
Burn the world your last endeavor

Flesh is burning
You can smell it in the air
Cause men like you have
Such easy soul to steal (steal)
So stand in line while
They ink numbers in your head
You're now a slave
Until the end of time here
Nothing stops the madness,
Burning, haunting, yearning
Pull the trigger

You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know
That you belong here, yeah
Ooh, it's your fuckin' nightmare

I was pulled out of my song in my own Imagination Land when i was Midget walk to the door and open it.

It slowly opened to reveil my Best Friend Chloe.. I watched as she hugged the 3 Evil Clowns and look at me smugly before saying...
" You were just a mission you know your really stupid for think i was really your friend you stupid cow.."
I blocked her out... I could feel my anger rising and my vision started to go to a Hazy Red... My tempreture started to rise....

I watched as Chloe went and got a knife and strated to slice my arm.

This is suppose to be my BEST friend... well was anyway.

Friends wouldnt do this.

I could feel my eyes change colour and started right into Chloes eyes.. Her eyes widened and fears showed in her eyes...

I watched at her skin started to peel away and and she started to scream.. I watches as blood started gooshing out of her eyes, Mouth, nose and ears.. her muscles started to streached and teared apart... I watched as her body Disintegreated and all that was left was bones and ashes... I suddenly felt weak and exhasted.. Mind you i havent eat or drank for 2 days and know i feel like crap.

I started to black out but heard bits off the coversation.. I didnt even notice other people walk into the room to watch what happend.

" No has done that before "
" Unbelieveable "
" She has to be the most Powerfuliest i have ever seen "
" We need her on our side "

Then i blacked out.

Purple Flames Chapter 5 - Cliche

Chapter 5

I had a really weird dream which included Rainbows, Unicorns, Elves and gold.

If i told my friend i had a dream about this then she would probably say i was high when i fell asleep.

I could feel people watching me, so i just lay there pretending i was asleep hopeing they will go away.
Iv been doing this for about ... 10 mintues now and they havnt stopped, so i think i wil jsut act like iv woke up.

I started streaching, Finding out i was bowned down to anything, groad and rubbed my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to revile....

An ordenery looking room.. well ordernery enough until i saw two cameras in the room in the corners, My stomach growled, Ignoring the constant noises coming from my stomach, which was kinda embarissing if i wasnt in this type of situation, I had a normal bed with silky sheets, a dresser, a normal-ish looking door if there wasnt a food hatch and another ordernery looking door. I swung my legs over and walked to the ordernery door. It opened to reviel a bathroom, I decided to have a shower but looked around the room to see if their were cameras in here... Nope.. Wait ... There is .. THOSE BLOODY PERVS !

I screamed in frustration, everywhere a bloody go in this room or the next is a bloody camera, i quickly walked to the towel rack and picked 2 up i put one next to the shower and i flung the other one on the camera...

I would lock the door aswell if the door has a lock, you never know they might be that much of Pervs they might walk in while you have a shower .... Tala shouted outraged by the fact they would do such a thing.

Tala Confuses me.. I mean she can Perv and think of ..Dirty Thoughts and she doesnt like it when others do.. I mean im not complaing because some of the stuff she thinks about is helping but shes a little picky.. and im not fighting back because of the violent thoughts she thinks about are quite disturbing.. Lately shes been think about what shes going to do to them when she gets her hands on them.. Its quite scarey that were the same person.. I think shes my Evil side that would kill without Hesitation...

Whilst i was thinking i didnt realise my body had gone into an Automatic reaction to my rambling in my head and had gone in the shower, washed, dried and got changed. Thats kinda freaky that i can do that...

I walked back into my ' Normal Room ' ( Prison ) and smelt food, I looked to the door and saw a plate had been put their with toast with cheese on and Orange juice. I stalked over to the food and went back into the bath room.. Where prying eyes cant see my , and sniffed my food and drink making sure they werent druged .. they werent so i ate the toast and drank the drink. Refresend i walked back into the room and sat on the bed thinking about my Dad.

I miss him..

I miss him to if that helps...

I smiled.. I could feel tears starting to build up in my eyes..

Dont cry Eva..Well get out of here soon i promise you we will...

With that said she started to think of Murderous thoughts again...

I laughed, I know it sounds mental but its the fact she went from all nice and lovly dovey then Murderous and angry..

I stopped laughing when 2 very, VERY , Muscly men who were very tall walked in.. followed by a short man.. who was shorter than me and had a bowl cut with a mustach.. I was trying soo had not to laugh..

" Come with me Pest, The boss whans to talk to you. " Order, Mr Mustacio.

I got up and walked behind the midget and infront of the 2 Mr.Muscle guys... Whilst we were walking i walked past other doors, some doors looked like they had claw markes in them made by a very big wild animal, some had been Singed by fire, some had big dents in made by something strong and the others looked pretty much a mess.

We went into an elevator that was playing classicly music.. I sighed.

" What are you sighing at brat ? " asked Mr.Mustacio.

" Couldnt you...Like play rock it would set with the mood of this place. " I asked.

I saw the 2 Muscly men smile.

" No.. Ugh! Ur one of those rocker, musher people arnt you just like those two " Mustacio said.

The muscly men stopped smilling and glared at the small man.. If he could shrink anymore he probably would.


We carried on walking again until we stopped at Large doors and the Muscly men bushed me into the room. It was dark and i couldnt see anything except an outline of an arm chaire. Some how i got bushed down and i fell and sat in a chair.

A light flashed onto the the Arm Chair and desk, The chair slowly turned around that had a Mand who was in his thirties with a Devilish Grin and a Semi- Bald head and who had a White cat on his lap and was strocking it in an Evil way.

I stared at Him in a Bored way.

" Well thats very Cliche isnt it ? " i said with a smile.

Purple Flames Chapter 6 - Creepy Dude

Chapter 6.

After the Creepy chair dude told me who he was ( Mr.Dominlico ) but i prefere Creepy chair dude, because it suits him better. He also explained what this Goverment Intake Institutes For The Supernatural, GIIFTS, He told me what it was for. Basicly the Institute is to take in Powerfull Supernaturals like my self, in and teach them how to find others incase they was a uproar with a certain Rebelious Group and you would never guess who the Rebelious group is.

My Family and Friends and EVERYONE i know, i mean everyone knew about supernaturals and not me, its not fair, kinda proad im not the only Person in my famil who goes against rules.

I also found out that my Mum had risked her life and willingly gave herself cance. Basicly the Goverment knew i was going to be powerful and sent some poison to our address saying someone had to drink this and die It was either me or someone else but someone who was really close to me, it was that or if anyone didnt take the poision including me then they would kill me Publicly. My mum took it upon herself to take it, she did it in secret and made a Promise with the goverment to leave me alone Until my 18th birthday and then they would take me and do tests. Mum took the Poision in secret for the rest of her life until she drank all of it and got cancer,( The posion was the cancer to Humans ) Father found out and thats why he thinks it his fault that she died and not him.

I felt Numb...

I felt like i wished i was never born so my mum and dad could of had a happy marriage,

I felt horrible and disgusted with myself, Someone died because of me.

After Creepy Chair dude told me about the Reblious group and about my mother he started to tell me what kind of races their are.

" Firstly their was Phoenixs their exstinct know because they were hunted down by the Uknow, the Uknown being we dont know what killed them, Secondly Their is Werewolves, then Vampiers, Faires, Mermaids,Griffins,Fire Benders,Earth Benders,Air Benders,Water Benders, Spirit Benders, Wizards, Witches, Evles, Demi-Gods and Godesses, Then their are -- " he was cut off by my squel .

" UNICORNS ARE REAL ! " " No---"

" SMURFFS ARE REAL ! " " No---"

" OMFG ! Do vampiers really Sparkle ? " i asked.

I looked at the Creepy Chair dude, He looked kinda Pissed off. " No Unicorns ARNT real, Smurffs ARNT real and VAMPIERS DONT SPARKLE ! " he shouted ." What.The.Hell... WHY AINT THEY REALLY ALL OF THE OTHER THINGS ARE REAL ! " I shouted, i was kinda annoyed right now, i mean if all of the other things excist then why cant they, its not fair. Awww that means My pet Sparkle isnt real.

" Why dont vampiers sparkle ? " i asked curiosly. I mean in Some books and movies they say and show that vampiers sparkle and some video clips on Youtube show that Unicorns excist, they might be drawings and what not but they had to be based of something right ?

" I dont know why they dont sparkle but you like Vampier ? " he asked with Annoyence and Curiosity.

" Hah! dont make me laugh i dont like vampiers, But i am kinda disapponted that they dont sparkle." i said.

Then he started to ask questions about my family again, I wouldnt answer their is no way in hell i was gonna help this Creepy Chair dude and give information about my family and friends to him when i dont know him. Rule Number 1 - Dont talk to strangers... and im just rememberingthat now.

" Do you know what you father is ? " he asked with slight Hope in his voice, even though he was trying to hide it.


" Are you going to answer me ? " He asked.


" Answer me, WHAT is your father " he asked exaggerating on the What bit.

He met silence.

" Okai then, Was your mother Human or a Supernatural their isnt any Trace of her identity " he asked.


" Fine then i think where going to have to do this the hard way then, then the easy way later. " he said with that devilish grin i hate so much.


I did as she ordered and Missed the back of a gun hitting my head. I grabbed him hand and slammed it down on the chair, Automaticly making pain Flair up his hand and making him drop the gun, I brought his arm around his back and held it right back so the Mysterious Guy was crying out in pain, I kicked in legs out from Under him and kneeled on his back to stop him from getting up, I then got a hand full of hair and kept smashing his face into the floor until he lost Conciouseness.

I did to the other to who had tried to help his friends after watching what i did. I turned around to look at the Creepy Dude to see he had a Gun with a tranquilizer init. He Aimed.


And hit my shoulder.

I slumbed to the ground, and fell onto my back slipping in and out of Unconcousness.

Nice moves back their. Said Tala and i sent a Thanks back to her.

I calm back around to find myself over someones shoulder, I looked around until i saw a Gun and Keys on his belt i quickly got both and bit his shoulder, he yelped in pain and i knocked him out while he went down.

I quickly turned around to the others but luckily they hadnt noticed anything, I quickly walked behind them and knocked them out, I looked around and saw i was in the cell area, I walked down the corridor until i came upto the controls. I unlocked all of the door cells and Angry Men, Teenagers, Women and Some Supernatural Creature looking came out and looked my way, I gave a small smile and wave. They gave a small smile back and started walking in the same direction as i did. The alarms started to go off.

Everyone of us started running Knocking people who came to fight us down and tearing them apart like the animals we were, No of us got hurt and we made it past the security. I started to think it was weird where i was going.

Im an animal ofcourse i know where im going, i have like a mental GPS in my head. Whispered Tala, I chuckled and kept on running. After a Hell of alot of swearing, fighting and killing people, we made it out and went our seperate ways. They had all made it.

Until i was shot down by a Tranquilizer and Saw Creepy Chair dude walking over to me, with Telepathic due, Cheap Whores, The mustacio Midget and The muscly guys.

" Looks like your more trouble than your worth ehh! " Souted Mr Creepy Chair dude. I blacked out for the second time today but not before i heard a bit of the Conversation.

"Too Powerfull......No We Cant..... Forget.....I Cant...You Can...Forget "

Purple Flames chapter 7 - What could be worse ?

Chapter 7

I woke up to the sound of slamming and banging, I move my arms and legs to check that they wernt tied together or to anything.

They wernt.

I have a starge feel were going to regret opening our eyes Eva. Whispered Tala at the back of my mind.

' It wont be that bad ' i replied.

I breathed in deep and istantly regretted it, there was a foul smelling stench coming from behind me, i opend my eyes and looked infront off me, There was no lights so it was dark and dry blood splatterd against the wall, There were metal bars around me, so i knew i was in a cage, I looked both sides of me and found other Cage/Cells lind up against each other.

I breathed in Deep again and The Steanch was still there, I started to turn round,

Dont turn around i have a feeling its going to a grewsom sight.

' How bad can it get ' i asked.

Much worse, hun, Much worse.

I turned around, i stared horrified at the sight before me.

There was Rotting bodys all along the back wall, there was even maggots coming out of their mouths, eyes and ears, bones were disgared along the floor and dried blood and some fresh was along the floor and walls.

I turned around and walked to the bars and sat right in front of them.

Chapter 8 - Purple Flames Chapter 8 - Number 921

Chapter 8

Iv been here now for a While, I started Counting, But then i lost track when one of the other people in the Chages started Screaming and Thrashing around.


A door Opened, Further down the line, I could hear the Fall of the Persons Footsteps.




I could tell it was a Man, by the Amount of force that went onto the Floor, I woman would be Carefree and Gentle, There for Gentle Footsteps, For men they have Heavly Footsteps, So there Easy to Identify.

" I want Number 432 and 729 to go have there Dinner and then they can have there .. Um check ups. " He said while Chuckling.

The cage Doors opened and i could Hear them Whimering while Being Dragged off. They Were girls by the sounds of there Whimpering .

" Next i want 921 Take her out to the Court Yard " He said.

My cell Door Opened up and I was Pushed onto my Back and Dragged out the of the Cell and past the Cages, I could see who was In them, Some were Children and there Mothers, Men, Boys,Girls , Teenages.

I was Dragged out the Door and Thrown into a Courty yard. There Was a Fence that went up Quite High. There was A forest within the Court yard and then there was a Lake aswell. It was Beautiful. It would be More Beautiful if i was a Captive and Throw in here, There were Guards along the Fence outline.There was also guards outside the Door to get into the Facility.

I walked over to the Lake and Sat down at the Edge, I looked at my Reflection for a while, Suddenly i was Dragged under.

I looked around and then i looked behind me and Screamed in shock, There was a person, Well a Girl Behind me, She had Blue hair, Pale Skin and Blue eyes, She was Definetly Cute. She pointed to the Surface of the Lake and Put her Finger to her Lips, Telling me to Be Quit.

She swam/Dragged me Behind her because i had no idea where we were going or if i should even Trust her. We went through a Tunnel and Reached the Surface, I realised that we were in the Forest.

She Jumped out of the Lake and Went Behind a Tree, She came Back out with a Towels, she handed me one and Dried herself of, I watched her With Curisosity and She finally Spoke.

" Hello There Evangeline, Im Maka Light and Its nice to meet you " Maka said.

" Hello .. Maka... How do you know my name. " I said.

" Well Everyone Now knows your Name because u Helped the Others Escape " She said it with a Smile .
" And we were all thinking if you would help us Escape, Eventualy When ur here For Ages, You lose hope . But you Brought Back our Hope " She said it With Hope.

I stared at her in Shock, Right before i was About to Speak a Ringing when off, I looked for the Sorce of the Ringing, and Looked back to Maka, The Terror, Horror And Fright that was On her Face told me that rining wasnt good.

Chapter 9 - Purple Flames chapter 9 - Test's of Loyalty !!

Chapter 9

Me and Maka sat there . Listening to the High Pitch ringing from the Alarm.
Maka turned to me. She was frightened, scared, Terrified.

" We need to Hide. But we also need to split up. You go that way " She directed to me, Her arm pointed out to the East of the forest. " And i will go that way. " She pointed West. " If you hear, Growls, Howls, Shreaking, Flapping of wings, Anything thats not me. Dont move ! What ever you hear. And IF a voice speaks in your head that you dont know. Dont listen to it. Dont do what it tells you to do. You got that ? " She asked. I nodded. She sprited off to the west.

I stalked through the forest, Looking for somewhere to hide. My eyes scanned around as i mover. There! There was a Fallen tree that had a hole in it. Just big enough to fit through, You wouldnt be able to see it , You would only spot it if you were actually looking for it. I ran towards it, I Wriggled into the fallen tree. It was actually quite comfy.

There were holes in the tree just big enough to look out, Kind like to spy if anything was out there. I got into a comfy sitting position and touched the entrence way that i entered through. Words started chanting in my head.

I εντολή σας το ξύλο του δέντρου για να σφραγίσει την τρύπα εισόδου που έγινε από κάποιον άγνωστο. Σφραγίδα μέχρι την είσοδο για να με κρατήσει ασφαλή, σε παρακαλώ. Σας εντολή για να μου παρέχει την κάλυψη και να με κρατήσει κρυφό από τους εχθρούς μου, εκείνους που θέλουν να με σκοτώσουν, με βασανιστήρια ή σύλληψη μου. Κρατήστε μου κρυφό.

I translated the words from Greek to English.

I command you the wood of this tree to seal up the Entrance hole which was made from someone unknown. Seal up the entrance to keep me safe, Please. I command you to provide me cover and keep me hidden from my foes, Those who wish to kill me,torture me or Capture me. Keep me hidden.

I watched as the hole sealed up.

The inside of the tree quickly turned dark, The only light was the moon's light that seeped into the tree through the holes.

I sat there quitely. All you could hear was my breathing, The sounds of crickets aswell as the other nightime animals. All of a Sudden, all the noises i heard just stopped.

The sounds of Owls Twooting.
The sounds of crickets.
The sounds of the bats Hunting.
All i could hear was my breathing .

And just when i turned around to look out of one of those holes. I heard, Screatching, Howling. Wails, Cries Of hunger. Flapping of wings.

I suddenly realized why the animals stopped making those sounds.
Then i heard a sound.

" Lets have a Game of hide en' seek my pets. Its Chow time. Hunt them down and eat them, If you cant you will get no dinner. If you do just make sure you injure the girl who has purple eyes. I dont want her dead. Not right now anyways. Lets test her Loyalty to a friend. Go and hunt my pretty Pets ". Said a voice from what i was guessing was an Intercome.

Chapter 10 - Purple Flames chapter 10 - Beasts in the moon light !

Chapter 10

There were creatures in the sky. I could tell by the moons light that leaked into the Tree. It was like things were blocking it . Fly past. I could hear thudding on the ground, as if animals were hunting on the ground. Which they were, You could tell by there growls and howls of hunger, By there heavy breathing, From breathing in diffrence sents.

I looked out of a hole in the tree on my right. My hand covered my mouth to hide a gasp.

There in the moon light .
Was a beast.

That kind of beast that scared children at night.
The ones that exsist in nightmares.
But Now the ones that exsist in real life.

It was horrible and ugly.
It was tall half the size of a tree anyways . It started making Noises. The sound hurt my ears. It sounded like an Alarm but gurgling and rough. Horrible. It opened it mouth wide, Its teeth were Jagged and sharp to the point. Its skin was was black and gray with rounded patterns on it. It had horn like things coming out of it shoulders and neck , and two Horns coming out the side of its head and cheek.

There were answering calls from the skies . They were as ugly as the beast on the ground . I could only see a glimpse of them in the sky because the sky was cloudy. They were dark colours. Horrible.

A growl came from behind the tree i was in. I froze out of fear. I nearly stopped breathing. I turned and looked into the peep hole on the right of me. There was another ground creature diffrent from the one before .

It was on all fours. Fire was coming out of its mouth and paws as it moved and breathed. There were patterns on its forehead. It was a Browny, black colour . It had spikes coming from its back, It growled at the other beast. They started as each other as if they were communicating . They stared for a while at each other.

Then they both made noises. The black-ish gray one making alarm gurgling noises and the other one howling and wailing at the same time as fire coming from its mouth.

Its going to be a long long night . I thought.
I looked up to the skies.

And saw it was a full moon.

Chapter 11 PART 1 - Purple flames chapter 11 PART 1 - Await My Fate...

Chapter 11 - Part 1

I watched with ragged breathing as all of the Vile creatures Gathered on the moutain. Surprisingly they acted a little ............. Human ? I heard them howling , growling, There bellys rumble in hungry Protest.

I watched as they all looked up to the moon, they howled at the same time .
They all suddenly ran to the West, Where Maka had run off to hide from them. I hoped she would be okai. Really hoped that she would be okai .

I stared hearing whispers in my head. You have to help her. Change. Help her. Shift. Do it now! Help your friend. Show your Loyalty. Prove yourself. Help... It just wouldnt stop. A sharp pain and a jolt made me shoot forward into the hollow wood of the tree making me tumble out. A loud crack was heard as heard.

I looked around sharpy and quick. Nothing was here. The pain came again and i had to bite my lip from screaming out. My muscles started spasming uncontrolably. It was painfull. Tears flooded my eyes. I blinked them away. Another pain peirced my skull and i screamed out. Suddenly i heard a thuddening. Something running my way. I stood up on shakey legs. And stared at the black, Terrifying, Creepy Forest.

I heard Growling .
I heard Snarling .

And i saw the same furry beastly firey creature as i did before.
I watched as the thing stoof on its hind legs and suddenly howled at me. I heard replying howls coming from behind it but further away.

I watched as its Heartless eyes turned and looked at me. Black pitless orbes looked back. It growled at me. I stepped back shakely. My legs suddenly becoming weak and painfull as if they were about to snap from pain.

Another Jolt of pain went up my back and i screamed .
Unfortunaltly for me.
The beast thought i was challenging it or something.

It growled louder at me and crotche.
It studied me.
It suddenly lunged as i fell to the ground .
My legs had given away .
As i awaited my fate .

Chapter 11 PART 2 - Purple Flames Chapter 11 PART 2 - The Change

Chapter 2 !!

It happened in slow motion.
It launched of its hind legs as a Sharp Line of pain went up my back .
A gut renching scream worked its way through my throut and out of my mouth.
Because of the pain.

I suddenly became Numb.
All i could feel was a Prickely sensation .
As if something was growing out of my skin.

I opened my eyes.
The world was brighter.
Sound Defined.
Smells inhanced.
Touch sensative.

I went to stand up and run, but ended up falling forwards ... On to Paws ...

I looked down and saw paws had Replaced my hands.
My fur was as Dark as the Nigh Sky.
I think i looked Pretty Normal.
I was as tall as a Human would be .
And i Could see a Red rim curved around my eye... I'd have to check that out later.

This all happened in slow motion to me.
When i fell over.
The creature went over my back and landed into a tree.
It looked kinda funny. The tree broke and the creature was stuck in the tree trying to wiggle its self free. I imagened the creature being frozen to death . From the inside out. And slowly but surely the creature started to free and bit by bit it broke away because of the flames on its skin.
I watched as it died.

I thought it was all over untill i heard a Ear Peircing Scream.
The Scream of my Friend ,

And the howls of beasts .
One of those howls was behind me.
And a few of those howls where were Maka was.

When will this Nighmare End ?

Chapter 12 - Purple Flames Chapter 12 - Maka's Past .... Revenge ?

( Maka's POV )

I had run into a cave. It was pitch black inside.
That probably would give me the Advantage against the Beasts.
I had been out here before with my older sister in this Hell Hole of a Captive Place.
I had to watch as she died.
By the hands of a beast.

I couldnt help.
It was like i was frozen.


I was running.
My sister Yumii Was behind me.
I could hear the frantic beating of her heart,
The was her blood pulsed through her veins,
Her raged breathing.

You could hear our footsteps thudding onto the ground .

Thud thud
Thud Thud
Thud Thud
Thud Thud

I had made it up to the side of a cave, that had a boulder infront of it.
I head a scream behind me.
I turned round and froze.

The weather changed suddenly .
To a rain like thunder storm.
There infront of me stood a creature.
The creature had horn like things sticking out of its neck.
Its colour a dreadfull gray, Its eyes a cat like Iris and a Yurky Yellow.

Its hand was clasped around her throat .
Atleast it looked like a hand . It had claws an Ugly Black.

She screamed again as the creature ducked its head under her chin . Breathing in her scent.
He threw her onto the ground with a howl.
The beast got returning howls.
You could hear a stamping of there paws on the floor.
I watched .
1 by 1 they came out of the shadows of the trees.
Surrounding my sisters.
Suddenly they lauched at her.
Feasting upon her flesh.
Her screams of Agony. Pain. Terror and horror could be heard for miles.
But i could also hear the laughter of the guards and the creepy man that owned this Hell hole .

( End of Flashback )
I always thought it was my fault that she died.
I still think it now .
And i swore an outh to my sister.

That i would get Revenge.
I would kill that creepy old man and all of those people who think that we are freaks .
And i will do it soon.

I turned around to the mouth of the cave and saw 5 creatures there.
I screamed .
I needed help to kill them.
If i could that is .
I need Eve.
I hope she would of heard.

( Back To Eve's POV )

I followed the Howls and screams of my Enemies and Friend.
I was getting closer.Closer Closer.
I poked my head out of the tree's and looked at the sight infront of me .
I looked at a cave.
There were five creatures surroding the opening of the cave.
I looked inbetween there legs and squinted my eye sight.
Maka was in there.

I stalked up behind one of the beasts.
Ready for a quick kill.

I jumped up quickly landing on the creatures back.
We rolled around snapping and clawring each other.
The creature landed on its back .
With me on top.
I took the advantage.
And bite straight into his neck.
I tore out the peace of flesh with my canines.
Some thing pounces on my back and i bucked it off.
The creature ran up to me .
But suddenly it frozed and it started screaming.
Cracks appeared on its body and it broke to tiny peaces.
There stood behind it was Maka.
With ....
A tree branch.

She walked to me quickly and we both ran into the cave.
And before the other to creatures could follow.
A boulder fell infront of the cave entrence and closed any exit off.

We stook inside the cave.
While creatures probably gathered up outside.
Waiting for us to come out .


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2011

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