
I laid back. Breathless, tired, Sore and weak.

Laying in bed I was sweating. I felt like my soul flew away as my body stayed behind. Covered in a blanket, I looked up at the ceiling. I felt his hand touch my bare stomach. I looked back, back at the eyes of Alexander. “Why did you lie to me?” Alexander asked me smiling in pleasure.
“Don’t touch me…” I said simply as I sat up and covered myself with the blanket. Alexander sat up and stroked my back. Quickly without warning, I threw a punch which in return Alexander grabbed it in midair and the twisted my arm. I cried in pain. Alexander leaned over as he whispered to me, “don’t fight it.” he hissed. After he let go, I rubbed my wrist and stood up and gathered my clothes. As I headed to the bathroom I changed into my clothes. Two vampires in the same bed…..not a good idea.
Crossing my arms I stood over his bed. “So when do I start?” I asked Alexander. Alexander arched his brow as he sat there leaning against the pillows. The blanket fell off of him to show a glorious muscular pale chest that made every girl want to do it with him. I just did. The memory was still there the way he touch me, how experienced he was…….I shook it out of my mind. “What? Oh! Being a dark hunter? Never… I didn’t need one. I just wanted to see beneath those clothes, I wanted to see how beautiful you were…” Alexander added. Rage filled all over me. HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME! I sighed. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I said beginning to raise my voice. I clenched my fist. “Yup...” Alexander said to me as he stood up from his bed. Without thinking, I flitted over to him not caring if he was naked and slammed him against the wall. “Another round I see...” Alexander said pleased. “No! more like a fucking killing round!” I yelled. Oh…I should have shut up. Alexander smirked and then, we had a bedroom fight. Alexander threw me across the room as I smashed into the wall. Alexander flitted over as he grabbed me by the throat. “You are very brave to fight me Shirley.” Alexander growled. It took a while until I finally burst into tears. Alexander looked at me as he tilted his head and then gently touched my face, wiping my tears. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. Gentle and soft. With no other choice I kissed him back. Alexander’s hands slipped in my shirt. I slide my hands down his back. Quickly he took off my shorts again carrying me to his bed. Throwing me in bed, he flitted over and ripped my shirt. Alexander kissed my neck as he stops for a moment as he opened my legs. Getting hot and steamy, he kissed my shoulders, which tickled me as goose bumps rose from my skin. I arched my back, scratching him. His hot tongue ran around my breasts that made me tingle, I moaned in pleasure. “More!” I pleaded. While he was doing his business I did mine. I glanced up to see a lamp near by as I quietly picked it up and as lighting I smacked him on the back. Shoving the bulb in his skin…. Burning him he yelled. I got from under him as I grabbed his shirt and my shorts on the way out and flitted away from his room. Very, very quickly. Once I thought I was out of sight I went to find Kevin and Chris. I pulled the shirt over my head as I snuck in further in the dark hall. I stayed quiet as I calmed my breathing. Listening for any vampires around the corner, I closed my eyes. I hear some slow, very slow heart beats. I felt one approaching as I waited. Finally, when a male vampire passed by, without thinking I quickly snapped his neck. There he fell. I ran down the hall and just as I thought more vampires spotted me. A male vampire who was shorter than me ran toward me. My first opponent. I punched him in the face, taking his sword; I decapitated his head as blood splattered on me. More rushed in as I ripped them one by one. Blood splattered here and there and on me. One I managed to rip him up with my fangs. Within minutes all were gone. Standing up from one of the dead vampires I dropped the sword as I slowly walked over to the first cage. It was Kevin’s. Grabbing the keys that hung high up, I unlock the door. With a bear hug, Kevin gave me and carried me off the floor. I managed to smile. I have to admit I did miss him a lot. Kevin spun me around as he gently looked at me in the eyes. I totally forgot how gorgeous he was. My first lover and someone I fell in love deeply. The man, who loved me, took care of me. My best friend. Kevin wiped the blood off of my lips with his hand as he leaned in to kiss me. Getting closer, our lips met. I felt his tongue go in my mouth as I went to his. This was real love. We still had feelings for one another even though we were going deep. Our passionate kissed ended when Chris yelled “uhh…hello! You forgot your best friend here!” Chris exclaimed as Kevin and I stopped. I laughed and shook my head as I ran over to Chris’s cage and unlocked his door. Once he was out, I got another bear hug. Laughing, Chris also spun me around. Okay I’m feeling bit nauseas here…. Chris stopped as he kissed me on the cheek. “You are the best!” Chris said proudly. Chris kissed me all over again as I try to push him away. “Okay, okay…” I said as I finally pushed him away. So back together again we walked away to yet again try to escape for the millionth time. First of all, we should have stayed away from here and should have never have come back…

As I explained what happen when I was with Alexander, I saw revenge and anger on both Kevin’s and Chris’s eyes. I told them not to worry about it. I took care of it. (Sort of).
But I wanted all of us to mainly focus on escaping out of here. Then we worry about who we should go after. (Which I can’t wait to do).

I felt like and expert, since I directed Chris and Kevin. All three of us who were vampires. (Expect Kevin, who is half demon,) which made me think… I one too?
I know Chris changed me but…..
“Are you okay?” Chris whispered to me as I looked up at him. Smiling I nodded. But I did have one question……
“Chris, am I half demon… Kevin?” at that moment Kevin looked at me.
“No, only a quarter like Chris.” Kevin spoke seriously. I looked at Kevin, who seemed sad. I wonder why?....
Turning back to Chris who smiled widely
”yup, just like me. “Chris added as he wrapped his arm around me, I giggled. “Not exactly…” I said.
This shows how close Chris and I are to one another. We got along great and we were practically like brother and sister.
Kevin on the other hand, IS my true best friend and someone who I care about deeply even though he made mistakes. If Kevin apologized I would forgive him. Within minutes we made it with no problem. (Which was a surprise.) Just as we were about to leave out the main door, a voice….. A terrible, terrible voice yelled, “STOP!” freezing at that moment we all turned around to face a half naked, pissed of vampire. Only wearing jeans (which I didn’t thing he owned) Alexander flitted over and right in my face. Chris flinched as he went in between Alexander and me now in his face. “Move out of the way Christopher.” Alexander growled. Chris didn’t listen. “No.” Chris said simply. I looked at Chris. “Chris…” I began to say. “Shirley please let me handle this.” Chris added. I looked at Kevin for help. “Chris you don’t want to do this.” Kevin warned. “Yes, Christopher listen to your friends…..they are smart to warn you.” Alexander said gritting his teeth. “Well I’m not afraid to fight you.” Chris threatened. I grabbed Chris’s arm and tried to pull him away. With all my strength I managed to pull him away for a bit. Chris was so focused on the king that I had to grab back his attention. When Chris looked at me, he was serious. “What the hell are you doing? Are you mad?” I whispered loudly and then I tried to lower my voice a bit more. “When I say on 3, you and Kevin run out of here as fast as you freaking can.” Chris whispered totally avoiding my questions. “What? No.” I said getting worried and upset. “Please Shirley….do this for me. I’m trying to save you.” Chris added “but…no. what about you?” I asked. My eyes were beginning to fill in tears. “I’ll meet you and Kevin. soon.” Chris said looking at me bravely though he’s eyes read differently. Is this the end between me and Chris? Does our friendship have to stop here? I can’t believe what Chris is doing…. Chris then leaned over to kiss me on my forehead. While he did this I was in shocked. My mouth open ready to protest again…small tears began to seep down my cheeks.
I looked at Chris one more time. We stood inches from our faces as we looked at each other one more time. Chris made a small smile as he leaned in again to give me another kiss. But probably this time forever. As he was about to kiss my cheeks, I pulled him in and kissed him on the lips. Chris pulled me close to his body as I stood on my tip toes when he kissed back. After our kiss, we turned and looked at Kevin and Alexander. I try not to burst out crying…. But to be honest it was hard. I held on Chris’s hand as we walked back to our regular spot that we were before. I looked at Kevin, who looked at me. he knew how this was going to end. Everything went slow…I waited and waited for the moment.

“3!” Chris suddenly said as things went by too fast. I remembered when I still held on to Chris’s hand as Alexander tried to get to me. Kevin pulling me on the other end. “NO!!” I cried as I was further and further away from Chris. All at once vampires ran in and tackled him down. I cried so hard as Alexander pushed the vampires out of the way to reach me and Kevin
from going out of the door. Once we were outside, I couldn’t stop crying…I kept looking back at the door waiting for him to escape. But he never did…..

Running, as fast I could run with Kevin as we fell deeper into the forests. Gripping Kevin’s hand, I would once and while look back. The chilly breeze hit my face as it froze my wet tears. Finally stopping, I leaned against a tree as I threw my head back. I slid down the tree as Kevin walked over toward me finally letting go of my hand. Knelling by me as he hugged me and soon after our hug ended Kevin lifted my chin so that I would look at him. I saw some tears in his eyes too. I wasn’t the only one who was heart broken…now in the darkest trees we hid as we thought if Chris would even live….. The way the vampires grabbed Chris, I have bad feeling they were going to torture him.

I wiped my tears as Kevin cupped my face. Our foreheads touched as we looked each other in the eyes. If Chris did perish, Kevin would be the only person I have left.
Kevin leaned back beside me as I cupped my face with my hands. I couldn’t stop. To me this was the darkest day of all…….

Hrs flew by, as I stared out in the open, where the trees lay beyond us. We were both quiet for a long time. Not one word peeped out. Suddenly Kevin begins to stand up. I looked up at him. What is he doing? I asked myself. That’s when Kevin looked at me and grabbed my hand. As his hands gently touched my waist and our hands gripped tightly, one of my other hands touched his back. I laid my head on his shoulder. I didn’t know what he was doing until he sang angels on the moon by thriving ivory. Our song. I slowly began to calm down. This song reminded of the many years we spent together. This was our high school song. I then began to hum back as we both rocked back and forth in place. I can’t Kevin still remembered this song. Tears of joy slipped out this time. I looked at Kevin and I knew he read my soul. As I stepped back extending our arms, we both sang the song as we danced. Kevin spins me as he sang, “Where everyone you, know never leaves too soon.”
Than I sang, “don’t tell me if I’m dying, because I don’t want to know…”
The night felt calm and easy as we relaxed. We both managed to sing the same song over 5 times. Laughing, we both looked at one another. For a moment we totally forgot we were in the woods and I was a vampire and Chris was in trouble. When reality hit again, I let go of Kevin’s hand as my mood changed to being gloom. I began walking away as Kevin followed. “Where are you going?” he yelled behind me. “To save Chris...” I said seriously. Flitting over, he stood in front of me as he stared at me. “No…not yet. We can’t just bust in and take charge to saving him.”

“Well I am.” I said as I walked past him. Kevin then went in front of me again. “Shirley do you really want to do that? After Alexander held you prisoner and had sex with you….” Kevin added. That’s when I noticed he had a point. “So then what do we do?” I asked Kevin. Kevin looked at me thoughtfully. “I say we make a plan and that way it will easier to save Chris, but without getting caught and needing to work fast.” I nodded in an agreement. I also noticed that we were getting along and working together again. My heart thumps fast whenever I’m with Kevin. And even though I’m dead and he is too, I know he feels the same. But starting right now we will work together to save his cousin.

We made our traps, and plans on the ground with a stick. Sunrise was approaching fast as we stayed up all night planning what to do. I noticed the weather got a bit chiller since last night. Vampires don’t mind the cold and don’t really feel it like humans do. Since our skin is cold to us it feels like a numbing feeling. Since we can’t feel. I don’t ever regret turning into a vampire. Unlike others they wish the could be human again. To me I think I suffered more as a human than a vampire. (Probably because I’m only half and have a bit of a demon in me) unlike Kevin he was born as a vampire. One side of his family is demon and the other side is vampire. Kevin is built but not much like humans are. Of course tall (6 foot something.) and of course our fangs come out when we are pissed. So now that our plan is figured out… we need the props. Which we don’t have….
“We need to buy them.” Kevin said. “I looked down at myself. I remembered I didn’t have any money. I looked up at Kevin. “I don’t have any money.” I said in a small voice. Kevin did the same. “Shit, neither do I.” he said. “Now what?” I asked. Again Kevin had that thoughtful look. “I remember some tools and ropes Chris has back at his place.” Kevin began. “It’s in his garage.” Kevin finally added. “Let’s go, what are we waiting for?” I asked him as I began to walk. Quickly he grabbed my hand, I looked back. “the problem is I don’t have his keys and I believe he must of left them at the hotel you two were staying at….that’s all the way down town.” Kevin said finally putting things together.

“But that will take us days….maybe weeks.” I added getting frustrated. “What about back at the university…at our dorms?” Kevin suggested. I thought about that….I totally forgot about the college Kevin and I went together. Oh my god….the College….. I wonder if anyone is looking for us or think that we are dead. Kevin and I just disappeared out of nowhere without any notice. I finally agreed with that. As we headed out, back to our college, it felt like years when we finally approached the building. I totally forgot how it looked like. And it felt soon new to me like as if it was my first day. I had that same nervous feeling inside. Plus I felt like a homeless person by the way I was dressed. As we climbed up the stairs, I entered and could smell the new floors and the whole building clean. I saw several students who looked at us strangely; some looked at us as if they knew us from somewhere. I even recognized some of my friends in the distance and they didn’t even notice me. Kevin opened the door for me to the office. That’s when I quickly grabbed his arm. We both stop. “What are you doing?” I asked. Kevin looked at me puzzled. “Getting our keys…” Kevin simply said. “I think not…”I replied back. Confused Kevin faced me all the way. “What do mean? We need to get the keys to go inside how else would we go in?”

“That’s when I said, “We sneak in….”

“Why?” Kevin asked giving me a strange look. “Kevin…look at us…do you think they would give us the keys looking like this? I don’t think so. And what if they think we are imposters…think about it….” I said as I began to walk to my dorm. Kevin sighed and shook his head as he followed me. Kevin was getting paranoid as he smiled at the students around campus and gave a little nod. Even some of the girls around this school think Kevin’s hot and almost melted in the grass. I just ignored them. Finally making it to our dorm we gathered all of or things and quickly headed back as fast as we can. The sun was setting when we were back and in the woods. (Ropes, axe etc.) As we began to knot together the rope, I noticed something odd about Kevin that I didn’t see before. It looks a scar…..eyeing the strange pretty large scar Kevin noticed I was looking at it….. “It’s nothing” he claimed. I then gently moved my hand over Kevin’s and gently stroked it. Kevin paused and then looked at me. He stared at me as I looked at his scar. When I looked back at Kevin’s hazel eyes, that’s when Kevin slowly (a little hesitant) as he leaned over and then pressed his lips on mine. Oh… the good feeling I had for him….the hormones reacted and churned, flaming again as the old times. Kevin pressed a little harder. That’s’ when he pulled me in. I couldn’t resist and pushed him down….I hovered on top as his fingers ran slowly on my back, lifting my shirt. His lightest touches gave me goose bumps. We kissed endlessly as he kissed my neck. He brushed my hair to the side, exposing my neck I leaned forward as he tempted me with nibbles as if he was going to sink his fangs at any moment down my neck. I moaned in pleasure as I pushed him further. That’s when I whispered in his ear; “show me what you got.” even though I know what Kevin has….oh the sex. The best ever. Action started as he took off my shirt and we traded places. I took off his as we were down to nothing. Once and a while I would see animals of all kinds stop and stare and I would smile in pleasure. When it comes to making love Kevin can be really aggressive and I love that. His skin on mine and in me. I scratched his back hugging him tight. I had short breaths and happy cries. Finally Kevin sank his fangs in and I scream. I pressed my nails even deeper into his flesh as he drank my blood. I became hungry…very, very hungry…….

Twitting birds and running deer’s reached my ears. I woke up into a different new world. I looked around as a pair of arms wrapped around me and kissed my neck and shoulders. I turned to see Kevin pressing me against me. We were both still naked, while he covered my chest; the new world was morning….
“Where are our clothes?” I asked Kevin. “Why do you need it now? We have all day… anyway I love to feel you.” Kevin whispered and he slowly touched my thigh. Then I remembered why I said that. Chris…
We slept together and totally forgot to plan and make a weapon to save Chris. Man am I that easy to sleep with? Finding my panties at the pile of leaves I grabbed it and pulled it on. Then I found a shirt. At last my shorts. Kevin did the same (expect had no shirt which was a nice view) focus…. After I was dressed, I started to walk ahead of Kevin. “Where are you going?!” he yelled back at me. I just ignored him and kept walking. Really I didn’t know where I was going….
Within seconds of less he flitted over and appeared right in front of me, blocking my path. “hello.” He said smirking and just brushed him to the side. “Shirley, what’s the matter?” he asked confused about why all of the sudden I won’t talk to him. “Nothing Kevin, I just don’t want to play games anymore. Chris is you cousin and we need to be focused.” I said seriously. “Okay….I get it but we will we really do Shirley? I thought we planned to have a sneak attack on Alexander?” Kevin asked again. “Never mind that, at least we have the materials that we need. We are vampires and we can take them. I mean we did it before.” I added. “Not really.” Kevin said. I stopped and looked at him. Kevin was right… the more I thought about the more I asked myself. Why am I acting like this to him? I love him but I guess I didn’t want to be hurt again. Kevin still has to gain his trust to me. He has to prove it. Kevin walked over slowly as he touched my cheek. Oh the memories we had…
I couldn’t hate him forever… I remembered his beautiful hazel eyes, the way he looked at me, the way we bought hot chocolates, the way we kissed…. A smile spread across his face and mine’s spread as well but I said, “Can we just save Chris already.” Just like that I walked away. I gathered the rope, and axe we got from our dorms and walked past Kevin once again as he watched me. I pushed the leaves aside and kept walking. Soon I turned around, “you coming?”
It felt like a long moment until he nodded….

Tonight is a moonless night. Standing above the tall mansion and on it’s roof, we crept quietly as ghosts as we reached a small window that lead inside the main room where all the vampires have their meetings. I crawled quietly to the other side careful not to slip on the roof. The rope was wrapped around my shoulders as I looked at Kevin, who handled the axe. “Open it.” I mouthed and Kevin nodded. He found the latch and with his fast movements he held it open. He signaled me to move in as I went over and put my legs in first.
Unfortunately you get the point that not all our plans work out to well……
thunder rumbled across the sky faintly as I paused. I could smell rain about to fall at any minute and I pulled my legs back out. “What he hell you doing?” Kevin whispered lowly. I just shook my head and pointed at the sky. “rain.” I said. He looked up at the sky and I bet he could smell the rain himself. I could see his mouth tense as he shut the window door again. I looked around me and saw lightning flash in the distance. Across from me, from where I was at Kevin jolted a bit when something went in his eye. Then I felt something land on my head. Another second later, rain poured like a water fall. Within minutes, we were soaked as the powerful rain hit our bodies. Now we have to find another way in without Alexander noticing the wet floor. Lightning crackled across the darkened sky as we watched below us. That’s when Alexander and one of his minions came in our view. We couldn’t understand a word that they were saying because the rain running in our ears and pounding the glass. They walked along without noticing us as we watched them. That’s when Alexander stopted… Kevin and I saw him knell down and touch the spotless tile floor. We watched him as he put whatever that was on the floor in his fingers and up to his mouth slowly. Guessing that tasted it, he quickly looked up. But we quickly looked away out of Alexander’s view. “Shit.” Kevin said. I began to shake so hard because I was scared that we were close to being caught. Afraid to look back down to check if Alexander left, I didn’t dare move. But Kevin checked. Very slowly…. I watched his expression as he finally sigh. Close was clear! I placed my hand on my face as I slid it down. “He’s too quick we got to be careful.” Kevin whispered. I laid down on the roof as my head laid on it. I sighed. The rain was coming in my eyes as I closed them. Felling relaxed. Drifting to sleep, I heard a thump aside of the mansion. Quickly waking up and sitting up I looked around. “did you hear that?’ I asked Kevin. He nodded. I stood up and began to walk over the edge of the roof where I heard the noise. Looking down, I noticed nothing. Only the lights that were inside that shone out the window and the wet glistening grass. I stepped back and turned around. But when I did I gasped loudly at what I saw next. A man 6’8 stood behind Kevin, holding him from behind and a sword at his throat. I froze. Shit….

Kevin didn’t even seem worried that he was in danger. He was calm…almost too calm. The man grinned at me a grimacing grin that stayed in my head, replaying it over an over. “Let him go.” I demanded. He pushed the sword closer to Kevin’s neck. Just minutes maybe seconds away from bleeding. So I tried a different approach. “What do you want?’ I asked this time. The man just looked at me his go-----t was getting wet and his long black trench coat as well. “Oh just looking for unwanted visitors that Alexander didn’t ask for.” He said. His voice was deep and had a faint Russian accent. “Why are you here?” he asked. “Well you see…” I began as I began to walk closer. “I’m here to save a friend. He doesn’t belong here and your “master” has him locked up somewhere in this mansion.” I explained. The Russian man looked at me intently but was looking straight into my exotic green eyes. That’s what I wanted him to do. He stared at me as I continue. “So it’s an emergency that’s we save him right away…” I added. “Who is this man?” the Russian man asked. “My lover.” I said and that caught Kevin’s attention as HE looked at me now. “Don’t you have a lover?’ I asked the Russian man this time. He froze. “no.” he said. He wasn’t even blinking and I was getting closer and closer to Kevin. “Would you like one?” I said my voice changing into seduction. The Russian man cocked his brow, seeming to be mesmerized. Once I was a couple feet away, I smiled and touched my leg slowly…. “If your lonely, I can give you company….” I said.
Almost there….

“What are you?” he asked me. “Just like you.” I said simply. Finally I reached both of them and slowly touched the Russian’s arm. I slowly moved it up, the one that had a sword and touched his go-----t seductively.
“mmmmmm…” I said. “I love a strong man that can pleasure me.” I said. This time I got him distracted as he loosens a bit the sword at Kevin’s neck. He had his eyes on me the whole time and I stared deep into his soul. I was glamouring him. It worked! I have him under my control. “Why don’t you let him go and show me what are you made of.” I said and slowly touched his leg up to his family jewels. The Russian let go of Kevin as Kevin stumbled, keeping a watch on me. I grabbed his big hands and placed them on my waist. He looked down and moved it up towards my breasts. Underneath my shirt, his cold wet hands went around my back and up to the front. I leaned over and kissed him. But before we went to far though….my fangs popped out and I bit his lower lip and in one swift movement I bit it off. The man jumped and stood back covering his mouth in pain. “oops.” I said innocently. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth and sexy-like I licked it. He’s human. He looked in my eyes again and dropped his hands. “Jump off the roof. You’re a vampire you will survive…” I said. The Russian man then walked to the edge of the roof ready to jump off… when he took one step off, he fell to his doom. And that was the end of him….
I sighed in relief as I blinked several times. I ran over toward Kevin asking if he was okay. He was….
Kevin wasn’t injured and even if he was, he would heal quickly.
I helped him up as we stood face to face staring at one another. “What?” I asked him. “Don’t do that again….Your mine.” He said seriously and I chuckled. “right.” I said to myself but I knew Kevin over heard….

Dropping inside the mansion and landing on my feet followed by Kevin, I stood up from my crouching position and looked around the quiet mansion. Still having the rope in hand and the axe as well, we quickly flitted down the hall and tried to listen or sense where in this enormous mansion Chris would be in. We also wondered where Alexander is.
What seemed like forever we finally found Chris. “Chris.” I whispered knowing that he could hear me. “Shirley?” I heard Chris said. “Yes!” I whispered back. I heard some shuffles inside and walking towards us. I was excited to see him myself. I couldn’t wait until he opens the door! I even heard chains jingle as bit as he unlatched the door and slowly opened it. Chris’s head popped out and I nearly gasped when I saw him. He was beaten and bruised so deeply it was too painful to see. One of his eyes was swollen and his once handsome face smiled at me. “Shirley!” Chris said his voice rasping. Tears began to fill my eyes. “Oh Chris!” I cried and then I pushed the door open and embraced him with a long hug. I felt wetness go through my shirt even though I was wet myself. I pulled back and kissed his cheek. The water works began as I examined him. Oh my god he looked awful! He had painful scars. He was covered with dirt and dry blood as all he had on was his jeans. His chest had deep burning cuts that even for a vampire were going to take long to heal. He looked awfully pale then how he looked before and to wheezing a bit in his throat. Chris was not only torched he was nearly on the verge of death. They wanted his barley alive. Chris looked so weak as he limped over and gave a warm hug to Kevin. Kevin was worried himself. I shut the heavy metal door behind him as Kevin helped Chris towards to the old worn out bed. I walked over and sat beside Chris. “What happened to you Chris?” I said softly as I wiped my tears away. “After you two escaped, I was brought down here and they beat me and tortured me to death….Alex wanted answers but I wouldn’t….tell him.” Chris explained. “What did he ask?” Kevin asked. “Like where you two were going? And I had no idea; he asked me why I did a stupid thing for you guys. And he seemed to be interested more in you kev. Ever since that day you stabbed…Shirley.” Chris added. I looked at Kevin as that memory flooded back. “He said that he wants you to join back the dark hunters.” He said. I stared at Kevin who didn’t notice me staring until he looked at me and I looked away. “I bet he does.” I murmured. “What else?” Kevin asked not paying attention to my remark. “He also talked about a wedding he wanted but I don’t know with whom.” Chris said and frowned. “A wedding?” I asked disturbed and feeling bad about the woman who would marry that evil man. Chris nodded. “Who’s the lucky woman?” I asked again but with sarcasm. “I’m not sure.” Chris stated “but I want to find out.” He added. And at this point it also made me curious. Now one thing we need to do? How to get out without getting caught? And going through Alexander’s room and finding information about the lady, quoted by Chris, which Alexander wants to marry so bad…..
As we got out of the room Chris was locked in for 2 days, we tried to walk quietly and had close eyes and ears on the hall for any lurking minions. We passed 3 long halls and no sign of Alexander or his people. That’s when I noticed a beautiful red cherry door. I stopped the guys and pointed to the door. “This had to be Alexander’s room. It was the only nice door out of the mansion so far we saw” Chris referred. “This could be it.” I whispered to them nodding in agreement. “How do you know?” Kevin asked both Chris and I. “I just had a feeling.” I answered back. But probably in reality, I just knew even though I had sex with Alexander doesn’t mean I knew what door it was. Slowly opening the door I poked my head in and looked all around for any sign of Alexander. So far so good….

“Where the hell is it?!” I yelled as Chris and Kevin looked under the bed and in the drawers and I went to Alexander’s bathroom and looked all over. “I don’t see any damn evidence!” I said loudly getting frustrated. I sighed loudly as I pulled my curly hair back. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on his red love seat. “Nothing…” Kevin said clearly upset as well. “nada.” Chris added and then st on his bed. We looked at one another….we knew this wasn’t going nowhere.
“What now?’ I asked. “I don’t know.” Kevin said as he sat by me. “we should give up and get out of here.” Chris added. We both looked at Chris. He was right….
Before we really get stuck….
“okay.” I said as I slapped my thigh and stood up. Kevin stood up followed by Chris. As we headed towards the door, that’s when we heard a woman groan. We all froze. “Did you hear that or was that just me?” Chris said worried. “No we hear it too.” I said. I walked toward the sound as the woman moaned again. “It’s behind this book case!” I said in excitement. While I began to touch all the books on the shelf trying to see if any of them would open. The boys helped me and finally found the right one. As the book case opened it was dark and full of spider webs. We slowly walked inside as our hands were against the wall, trying to find a switch. Chris found the switch as it turned on, hurting our eyes a bit. But only to be a flickering light. As we looked around as saw it was an empty grey dull room with only a woman tied up. Frightened, the woman spotted us and tried to back away. She had strawberry color hair and brown eyes. She was pretty but you could tell she was weak and a human. She was tied in silver looking chains that were tightened around her ankles and wrists. I could smell blood on her. She must have had open wounds from trying to escape several times. Her mouth was tapped up as well. Kevin ran over and gently took off the tape. The woman was my age as she breathed out loudly. “Thank you.” She gasped and tried to smile at us. I walked over about to ask her questions when her eyes went wide with fright. Apparently she didn’t notice me and just the guys because she was trying to back away from me and because she even yelled stay back.
I stopped confused and getting pissed off. Who the hell she think she is? “Stay back.” she repeated as Chris and Kevin glared at me. “This woman is good.” Chris tried to explain. “Are you sure?! You shouldn’t trust her, the man who tied me up says she belongs to him!” he exclaimed. “who?” Kevin asked curiously as he stayed knelled beside the woman. “The master he calls himself.” She added. “Alexander.” I said to both of them. “See! She knows his name! Stay back!” she yelled. “shhhh!” Kevin said. “He will hear us. And she’s with us she’s good.”
“no she isn’t!” the woman hissed. That was it I flitted over so close to her I bared my fangs. She yelped as Kevin pulled me back. “Shirley…” Kevin said hissing at me in my era. “The woman is just confused.” He added. “More like out of her mind.” I said glaring at her. I brushed away from Kevin as I walked up to Chris. “I’m not crazy. If was, I wouldn’t have heard you have sex with him.” She said. I paused and turned around. “What did you say?” I growled. How did she know?! Was she there the whole time when I did it with Alexander and even fought with him. She cocked her strawberry shortcake brow, “that’s right girlie…I heard you have sex with him.” I felt Chris’s and Kevin’s stares at me. My lips tensed. “Is that’s true Shirley?” Chris asked not wanting to believe what the woman said. I didn’t say anything. I looked down at my feet. “Is it?” Kevin demanded, I could feel him getting angry. I looked back at the woman. I gave her a death stare. But also I believe I should tell them. “Yes….” I said sadly. “But because he forced me! He tricked me!” I began to yell. Kevin turned around. Now he knows how I feel like. “and when were you going to tell me?’ he said seriously. “Oh don’t give me bull shit Kevin, I was going to tell you sooner.” I said. Kevin swirled around and flitted towards me right in my face and yelled, “BUT YOU DIDN’T!” Chris limped over quickly and went right in the middle of both of us. “Kevin enough…she didn’t mean it.” Chris defended. Kevin glared at Chris and walked away. The woman giggled in the background and I looked over to her and flitted over by grabbing her neck and lifting her up in the air. She was gasping for air and frightened to death. “Shirley!” Chris yelled and flitted over and pulled me away from the woman as I dropped her. She was gaping loudly again as Chris took my face in his hands. I was looking down. I was hurt…..
“Shirley….look at me.” he said softly. I raised my eyes up to Chris’s eyes and he noticed my eyes all watery. Chris stroked my cheek and he knew that I didn’t want to have sex with Alexander. He raped me….
Chris kissed my forehead and hugged me. Now that the truth came out, Kevin wouldn’t even look at me. He felt betrayed. I could feel it. Ha! Don’t like don’t you, Kevin!
After that moment, Chris turned around and held my hand. The woman sat there grinning from ear to ear. Ooo so close to ripping that freaking grin off!
Looking serious as ever, Chris asked, “do you even know Alexander?”
“I met him once and don’t want to know more about him.” She said. What’s your name?” Chris asked. “Bethany.” Bethany said. “What was that? The freak out you had over my friend?” Chris asked again. Bethany glared at Chris and she knew what he was talking about. Calmly Bethany said, “She looked a lot like that one woman Alexander wanted to marry…when she died?” Bethany asked. “I never died...…I was turned by my friend.” I explained to her. “I’m new…so since birth I was human and grew up to one.” I added just as calm. Bethany looked at me. I caught her.
“oh.” She said softly. “Well behind me I have a book that one of his men hid behind me. Check it out…but release me first.” She said. We all stared at one another wondering who will do it. I sighed and walked over to her and grabbed the book and handed to either Kevin or Chris. I wasn’t looking because I was ripping at the cuffs she had on her wrists and bare feet.
Once that was done, she stood up and brushed herself off. She was taller than me. Probably around 5’10, since I was 5’8 and thinner as well. All she had on was an old worn out blue long men’s shirt that went up to her mid thighs. Great…just what I needed. Feeling my clothes dry already, I went over to Chris who had the book. The book before my eyes was an old dusty, nice ancient book. Thick and heavy….
Together we opened the book and looked through it. Half of the pages were blank and I was having second thoughts about Bethany. Until, we came upon several old pictures. Looking through the pictures, Chris and I examined the pictures. But one picture I noticed was a married couple on their wedding. They smiled in the picture and the woman looked beautiful and the man looked handsome. “Shirley…she looks just like you.” Chris whispered. I looked at Chris. “What are talking about?” I asked. “Look!” he said and I looked at the picture again. I gasped when I did. The woman in the photo looked like a splitting image of me! And the man next me was Alexander! Speechless, I stared at the photo. “You’re the woman that Alexander wants to marry again.” Chris said just as shocked. No way…
I flipped the photo around and in cursive handwriting it says:

My wedding day with the love of my life.
Many blessings,
Your brother, Alexander.

Your brother?

I looked up at Chris who looked astonished. “I never had a brother.” He said.

“Well he obvious said “your brother” Chris.”
I referred. “Then he must be my long- lost brother.” Chris said softly to himself.
We kept looking through the photos and it got worse. One of the photos was a picture of the woman that looked like me an around her neck was a gold necklace with a small diamond. It was my grandmothers!
“Chris look!” I pointed in the photo. “That’s my grandmother’s necklace! I haven’t seen it since jack stole it from me.” I exclaimed. It was almost by fate that something fell on my foot when Chris moved a bit. Looking down I saw a gold necklace with a small diamound on it! Excited, I picked it up and held it in my hands. “Kevin!” I called. Kevin turned around as I looked at him with a happy smile. “My necklace! Remember! It was taken by jack and haven’t seen it since.” I added. Kevin’s face lightened up as he walked away from Bethany. Wonder what they were talking about……
I wrapped it around my neck and clicked it as it stayed there. I touched it. I was so happy to see it again…. But does that mean that this was my ancestor?
And did it first belong to her?
This ran through my head, but I didn’t care I was happy I got it back.

The four of us Bethany, Chris, Kevin and I walked out of Alexander’s room. With Bethany being the only human we had to walk slow for her…..
Kevin and Bethany walked up front while Chris and I walked in the back. We were keeping an eye out for each other. Bethany was shaking up and down and I wondered if she was faking it. Oh! How I hated her.
Watching her she got closer to Kevin and grabbed his hand. About to throw a fit I remembered about Chris who was injured. Chris was limping and he looked a bit better since he was half vamp. But he looked hungry. I leaned closer to him and grabbed his arm. I could see in his eyes that he wanted blood. And badly. Wonder if Bethany will let him suck her blood?
“Are you feeling okay Chris?” I asked him. Snapping out of the moment he was in, he was looking at me smiled, “I’m okay. Just a bit hungry.” He said. “I can get you blood.” I added and Chris gave me a look that read, REALLY! WHERE?

I pointed silently to Bethany. “there.” I said. Chris watched Bethany from behind. “I can’t.” He began to whisper. “I can’t do it.” He said. “Do you want to die?” I whispered loudly. “No...” he said sadly. I rubbed his arm with warmth. “Me neither.” I said. Chris looked at Bethany one more time and he got into the mood. He’s fangs popped out and the next moment Bethany said, “Okay, we need to turn one more corner and we’ll be out any moment.” She explained to Kevin. Chris snapped out of it again. Crap! So close. “Chris you have to eat.” I said seriously. “I can’t; I just got out of the dark hunters… I can’t go back in there Shirley.” He said. That’s when thought about what he said. Why was I doing this? I’m not an evil woman. I’m good, I was turned into a vampire and my life went down hill ever since then. I was just acting like an evil vampire and not a good one…..
“okay.” I nodded. “But I’m worried about you.” I added. Chris smile in response. “What would I do without you?” He said. “here.” I said and then lifted my wrist to my mouth, popped my fangs and bit into me.

Once that was done, I was bleeding out and handing it over to Chris. “Take it.” I said but Chris refused. “Please Chris don’t argue now just take it.” I said. I looked forward and saw that Kevin and Bethany was a couple of feet away from Chris and I so I wanted him to take the opportunity to take my blood before Kevin noticed and rejects about it. “Please, I trust you completely…just take it. I’m offering you. Don’t think you’re a killer just take it.” I said beginning to hiss at Chris. Chris’s tired blue eyes glared into my green eyes and smiled. He finally agreed. So as I prepared for the sharp pain. It finally came as he drank. I tensed my jaw so hard I swear at any moment my teeth were about to fall off. I watched Chris as he drank away. I was reminded by Chris that I would need to stop him. After 5--15minutes. I told Chris to stop and he finally let go. Easy as that. Chris wiped his mouth as I licked my wrist, taking the blood away and it healed quickly as if it was ever there. “Thank you Shirley.” He said and smiled at me and came over and hugged me as we kept on walking….

The main room….oh this brought back lost and lots of bad memories….
It was the same where Kevin stabbed me and the other vampires took Chris away. This spot officially was the spot I hated. Another thing was that it was strange that I haven’t seen or heard of Alexander his people in a long time….. It was almost too strange. It felt like the place was abandoned. Like nobody lived her any more. As we reached the main double door, the entrance to the mansion we walked out in the middle of the night, where the rain stopped and what rang in my ears were small crickets and frogs…. I smelled around the night moonless forest and right there I had a felling that something wasn’t quite right.

The further we walked into the forest the more I was aware that something was going to happen at any minute.
I pushed the limp branches that hung beside the tree aside as Chris and I never let go of one another. Just on Kevin’s and Bethany’s tail we stayed close behind.

Snap! Crrrackk! I suddenly heard. I stopped. Pulling Chris to a halt. “Did you hear that?” I whispered. Chris didn’t say anything but nod. Turning around, I looked all over at pitch night sky. I looked ahead to see that Kevin and Bethany walking further away, without much noticing that we were now really left behind. “kev----” I almost yelled when Chris put a hand over my mouth. “Don’t move…I just saw something.” He said. We stood still as Chris let go. I watched as Bethany and Kevin walked further and further behind. Hearing shuffles around each corner, I thought who it could be……
We probably were in the middle of a target right now. Feeling tense, I wanted so bad to just keep on walking but whenever I made the slightest move Chris kept my still by holding my hand tightly. The shuffles got closer to us and I just felt the tension in the atmosphere. “We can’t jus---” I began to say again. “shh!” Chris interrupted me again.
That’s when I saw a smallish figure come out of the darkness as it walked across our path. It was just a fox. Both Chris and I sigh in relief. I glared at Chris who looked embarrassed thinking we were in trouble. So we kept on walking.

But think again….

“Oh shit.” Chris said. As four tall dark men with guns came out and pointed them at us. “You got to be freaking kidding me.” I added.
“Well, well, well look what we have here the two people I am looking for.” Said a familiar voice. Both Chris and I turned around to see Alexander, who had both hands behind his back. “Your never going to give up are you?” I said really getting tired of seeing Alexander’s face and knowing next that we will loose again at this game.

“Aww, you miss me already?” he asked making a fake pout. “In your dreams.” I said. Alexander just merely chuckled. He walked slowly toward us. Wonder what he has behind his back?
His men in the background still pointed the guns at us which made feel like a criminal, which really it should be the other way around. “Why don’t you leave us alone Alex.” Chris said. “And let you go that easy…that wont be fair. “ Alexander added smirking at me. “You want to play a game then?” I asked. Suddenly Alexander looked at me interested. “That would be nice.” He said smoothly. “Okay then, I got one.” I said. Chris snapped his head at me as he glared at me. I knew he probably thought I was nuts but hey, it’s worth a shot. “Okay, shoot.” Alexander said. “If you let us go without any problems and give us a head start and we’re free if you don’t catch us. BUT if you do catch us…I will marry you.” I explained. “Shirley!” Chris exclaimed. “Mmmm…I like that. How did you know I was looking for a beautiful wife?” He asked. “Lucky guess…” I said. Alexander paced back and forth as he thought about the deal. Finally he agreed. Adrenaline kicked in as I waited for him to make his move. “But are you sure my dear…I don’t want to hear you complain that I catch you…” he said. “If you get us, it’s fair and square.” I said bravely. Alexander just smiled and at me and gave me a wink. Oh god…

Breaking the branches on the trees as we flitted quickly across the woods….. Chris and I, side by side would work together since 5 evil vampires were just on our tail. I would move swiftly and tried to be quiet as we dodged each tree that was in our way. So far we were winning…. I could smell the streets of New York as I felt we were just a few minutes away ready to just escape and loose Alexander and his minions. That’s when I saw it….the city lights just at me finger tips….
Just as I was about to reach the line of freedom Alexander appeared in my eyes and in shock I halted. Alexander’s and my body collided and we both stumble on the forests grass. NO!! So close! Chris suddenly stops as he looked back. “GO!” I yelled and he stood there not wanting to leave me. But there was no time for good manners. “GO! CHRIS GO!” I said. He didn’t budge at any moment the rest of Alex’s men would come and take us back in the mansion. Alexander chuckled and grabbed a hold of me. “Tag you it.” He whispered in my era. I growled as he pulled me close to his body. Chris was like a statue and just inches away to just reach the streets. What was he waiting for?
He walked back and toward Alexander. He looked madly upset as we went over with his bare fangs and just like that he flitted over and pushed him off of me. Once I was free, I yelled Chris’s name and the two were in battle. I turned around to run but was stop when finally the other’s reach them. Then I thought about Kevin…..where the hell was he?
They either smiled or laughed at my helplessness, but they shouldn’t be mistaken since I’m a woman. One of them fired at me and I dodged it as bared my fangs. At least I’m having dessert tonight…..
It felt like I was in the civil war. We were all fighting to our deaths. Blood splattered here and there. Limbs flew here and there and bone crushing, head turning sounds hit my ears.
It felt like forever but only it really lasted for 30 minutes.
Knelling over and exhausted, I looked around my self. I won and blood was splattered on me. Standing up I sighed in relief and I don’t remember much but that I was just acting animalistic. I turned around to see Chris holding Alexander by his throat and lifting him up in the air. I walked over and place a hand on Chris’s shoulder. Finally when Alexander saw me he had a surprise look on his face. He didn’t think I could beat his trained men. “Let him go.” I said. Chris looked at me like I was crazy. “What?” he said. Both our fangs were still retracted and his face softens. Both of the men were beaten (Chris got worse) and angry. “Let him go Chris…” I said again softly. He finally lowers Alexander but in the end gave him a shove. He wasn’t happy that I was telling him this when he almost got killed. I stared at Alexander and even he seemed confused. “Come on…I think he won’t be bugging us tonight.” I said as I pulled Chris away from Alexander. We turned our backs to Alexander who stood there amazed that we let him live and let us go…..
Finally we reached the streets of New York and boy did it feel good! We stayed all the time in allies so that nobody would notice us and freak out at what they see. Tired for the night we stumbled across a small motel. The front office was closed but I also saw fresh clothes behind the owner’s desk. Chris and I broke in without breaking the glass and grabbed several clothes….
Having no idea where Bethany and Kevin were (hopefully they are alive) we decided to stay together. In we crawled through the window as I turned on the lamp. The room was cute with one bed and old--- fashioned wall paper and setting. Laughing at the sight of it, I dropped the clothes on the bed. Chris shook his head and sat on the bed. He turned on the TV as bay news 9 came on. Walking over I looked the door and placed the chain over the door so that way nobody can come in. I sat with Chris as we watched the TV a bit. Forgetting how horrible we look I said, “I’m going to take a shower.” Standing up I looked through the pile of clothes and found an old pair of short, used bra (lucky), panties and large grey t-shirt. As I walked over to the shower, I closed the door and stripped down. I turned on the shower and hopped in. as I closed my eyes and washed away all the dirt and blood off my body, I was dazed and in a short daydream when I went over to grab the soap. Instead a felt a strong hand. Gasping, I opened my eyes to see Chris in the shower with me. He smiled and looked into my eyes. “May I join?’ he said. I smiled. “Sure,” I said. We took turns with the soap and water as we talked about earlier events. Chris was polite not to look at my naked body and only had contact with my eyes. After the shower we dried our selves and felt squeaky clean. As I wrapped myself in a towel one for my hair and one around me. I slipped on the clean used panties and took off my towel to put on the used bra. Chris wasn’t paying attention to all this as he put on his clothes. Just as I put on my shirt we walked out to the room and together pulled the sheets aside. As we climbed in bed I rested on Chris chest as he stroked my wet hair. I looked up at him and suddenly asked, “How did we become such close friends.” I said.
But I was really referring to the shower part. “I don’t know I guess we are comfortable with one another to know that we can trust each other.” He explained. He knew what I was talking about. I smiled. “Well, I’m never embarrassed you know…it’s fine with me.” I said staring at his luscious lips. His lips spread into a smile. “I’m glad.” He said. There was a moment of silence between us as we stared. Then I said, “thank you for standing up for me.” I said referring about the one incident where Kevin yelled at me about having sex with Alexander, smiling he said. “Your welcome Shirley…you know it’s not your fault about that he technically----”
Chris never finished because I interrupted him with a kiss. Our lips meeting again. I kissed him so passionately as he kissed back. I fell back on the pillow as he hovered over me. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth a couple of times as his hands carried me pressing close to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands gently stroked my leg as we kissed. I felt little sparks when we kissed. Biting on his lower lip, his hands went up my shirt. He pulled my shirt over and lowered his kisses to my shoulder blades and down to by chest. He gave kisses to my stomach lightly as it tickled me giving me Goosebumps. He came back up and kissed me again. I smiled when I kept on kissing him. It felt endless when I kissed him. I even slipped my hands in his shirt felling his lean muscular hairless chest hair and touching his chest and slid my hand down his lower abdominal. Lightly I pulled in his jeans. I pulled Chris’s shirt off. Quick and silent, I had his pants undone and lowered. Hs hands glided past my shorts and a bit in the side of my panties at top. I giggled at his touches…
Chris kissed the side of my jaw line and to my ear as he nibbled on it. Getting turned on by that move; I slipped my hands in his boxers, just lightly touching his sides….

When morning approached, we didn’t do anything last night. We still had our clothes on and we just snuggled in bed. Sitting up and waking up, I stretched and went to the restroom. Checking in the little medicine cabinet they had I opened it and found a tooth brush and paste. So I brushed my teeth. Afterwards when I came out I saw Chris up and early. “Good morning.” He said smiling wide. I smiled back. It was always nice to see Chris around and smiling. Feeling that I still had the necklace from my grandmother, I looked through the pile of clothes again because this time we had to leave before they noticed we were in here without paying. Changing into light blue woman’s jeans and black nicely shaped tight tank top. I noticed that we both didn’t have shoes to wear. “Great…” I said Looking down my feet. Chris put on his jeans as he looked up at me. “Something wrong?”
“Yah, we have no shoes.” I said. He chuckled that’s when he passed me a pair of black sandals. Catching them I was surprised. “Got them last night, I found a pair just for you and me.” he said. I threw them down and put them on. Chris places a red Tommy hill finger shirt over his head and then sat on the bed and put on some sneakers. “Got any make up?” I joked and Chris smiled. “You don’t need make up Shirley, your beautiful.” He complemented. “Thank you.” I said and checked my self in the mirror. I fixed my hair and noticed that all was left on the makeup was mascara. With that we quickly left the motel without anyone noticing and flitted down town in New York City!
Out in the streets, I forgot how many people there were all at one sidewalk. We had to squeeze through a lot of rushing people just to get by. There were all kinds of people. Business, construction, teenagers, mothers with babies, mothers with more children taking them to school, wedding couples, gangsters etc… I even forgot how it looked like since at times we stayed in the woods trying to escape form Alexander. Chris and I even had a little fun as we looked through store after store. (Even I managed to put on some dark eye make-up.) We walked through parks and snuck in movie theaters without getting caught. This brought back lots of memories from where I grew up and walked with Kevin in the beginning before all this happened. I was growing hungry and we didn’t have any money. So we had to either sneak in or do things for free. Slowly things changed for me….

Instead of hearing the people inside doing what they would do at home and the cars passing by us and the honking at bad drivers, I was hearing people’s heart beats…
I watched as each human being passed by me as I watched their necks. Not noticing how tight I was gripping Chris’s hand. He caught my attention and pulled me aside in the alley. Snapping out of it quickly, I placed a hand on my forehead and leaned against the brick building wall. I breathed in and out….
“Are you okay Shirley?” he asked. I nodded. “you sure?” he asked again and I looked into his eyes.” Yes, I’m just really hungry.” I said. Chris scratched the back of his neck.” I forgot you haven’t fed in 2 days.” He said. Chris looked around and it was empty except for the stinky dumpsters. But when we thought we were alone, we were wrong…

I was watching the humans go by one by one as I tried to focus on something else,. The more I stared the more temptation I had I grab a human and suck their blood. I knew I wouldn’t hold it very long and so did Chris….
That’s when two teenage boys walked by us, one of the teenage boys were Spanish and the other was African American. Looking at us weird, the Spanish boy gave me a nod. I just smiled when the boy stopped and stared. “You okay lady?” he asked with an accent. “She’s fine.” Chris lied to them. No I’m not! I wanted to yell. But I stayed in control. The African American boy looked at me intently and tats when he found something strange about me. “Eh, man lets go.” He said getting worried. “Hold on…” he said. “Can I get you anything?” he asked. How sweet….
I just shook my head. “You should take you girlfriend to the hospital man.” the Spanish boy said to Chris. “We have no money.” Chris said. “I’m leaving Derek, I’m out of here.” Said the African American boy as he walked away without his friend. The Spanish boy was real sweet and was helping me out until I said to him, “you should go home your parents will be worried about you.” I said sweetly. “Nah…. Don’t worry I have no parents I stay in a shelter. I have all day.” He said. I smiled. “Well it’s getting late, you should go Derek. Its really sweet of you…my boyfriend will take care of me.” I added. He smiled back. Finally agreeing. Oh my god! I can’t take it anymore! “You’re a good boy.” I added as I stood upright and began to walk away. But lets just say, it didn’t end there because all of the sudden my mind went black…
When I woke up from my black out, my vision was going in and out of focus. In the distance I heard a small yelling. Chris…
What was he yelling about?
The voice got louder and clearer. Chris was yelling, “Let’s go Shirley now!” crashing back to reality I noticed what I had in my arms…a dead boy…the boy was the Spanish boy….oh my god…
I drained him up and he was pale and limp in my arms I dropped him, scared at what I have done. I felt Chris pulling me away, the opposite direction from the streets. We were going deeper into the alley. Noticing what I have done, I started to cry. Once we were far away, Chris pulled me into a hug. “It’s okay.” He whispered. “It’s okay, you couldn’t control It.” he added. I felt so horrible…I just murdered a teenage boy and I don’t remember how I did that…
I sobbed in Chris’s chest as he pulled me in tighter….

After I finished sobbing, I was on top of the roof, sitting on the ledge quietly. Chris sat by my as the cool breeze passed my face. He kept telling how it wasn’t my fault and how I technically warned the boy but he didn’t listen. Chris was trying hard to make me feel better. I just didn’t say anything as I listened to Chris talk….Chris held my hand trying to comfort me. Only it didn’t really help. Knowing that there were two witnesses…..The boy and Chris. I sat there as I wiped my tears away. Chris looked at me as he gently grabbed my hand. I looked over to him as he gently raised my hand and kissed my palm. The wind pulled my hair back. we stared at one another as the let go and very gently touched my cheek…..and I was thinking two is better than one. Both of us quickly turned away as I looked below me. I was watching thousands of care pass by me, honking and cutting other cars. I was so high up… like 17 stories high. I was drifting off, about to daydream when my ears reached a cry for help…………


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2011

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