

the signs were there....
You never think that in a summer’s day the wind will blow so powerful that it would nearly blow you over off the deck and into the ocean. I, on the other hand tried to stand in different positions but I still couldn’t stay in place. My foot was just off the deck a bit and just as I was about to go over the edge, a strong hand grabbed me just in time. Bert, my best friend saved and me and pulled me forward. As we both walked and in under the motels rooftop that we were staying at the night before, Bert laughed at me as I felt my hair high and frizzy. “Ha-ha.” I said smirking but giving him attitude. Bret shook his head. Bert a 5’10 guy about 19 stood with broad shoulders and had the lightest blonde hair ever. Muscular, his eyes are the prettiest blue eyes. “Jac. We got to go!” Bert yelled in the distance heading towards our boat.

Fixing myself once more as I prepared for the blasting wind. Even though there was the slightest darkness in the clouds, the sun broke through and bluest sky shone through it. I jumped on deck on our boat and started to release the rope when Mr. Wickham grabbed my hand. “Whoa there.” he said pulling the rope back to it’s place. I looked at him startled. Mr. Wickham a 60 year old man with pure white hair and about my height climbed on board. “Where’s Bert?” he asked me. “Bert!!” I yelled. Just in time Bert came in. “Mr. Wickham sir, how are you doing?” Bert said smiling and shook Mr. Wickham’s hand. I never felt comfortable with Mr. Wickham. I always knew something was up with him but didn’t know exactly. I always find him like a creeper. Strong the wind blew past us but not as strong as it did before. “I want to give you two some fish, you know just in case you get hungry.” Mr. Wickham remarked giving the big bucket to me. I held the bucket but nearly fell over when I didn’t expect the weight on it. Quickly, Bert helped me but gave Mr. Wickham a glare. “I’ll take them.” Bert said smiling at me broadly and carrying the fish away. I examined Mr. Wickham. My dark brown loose curly loose hair fell on my face as I pushed it back behind ear. Mr. Wickham looked out at the sea with his hands in his worn out blue jean’s pockets. His red lumberjack plaid shirt looked hideous on him and the shirt was button down a bit which was disturbing to see. But his beer gut stood out the most. Bert came back later and I smiled wide. His muscular face was handsome. He is handsome.
The story: Bert and I were best friends since the second grade. Always played with one another, always hung out with one another and always had each other’s back. I may be two years younger than him. But we were never apart. We were inseparable. We were total opposites.

“Well thank you Mr. Wickham for the fish, I’m sure it will be in handy.” Bert smiled politely. “Very well, have a safe trip you two; don’t do anything inappropriate yah hear.” Mr. Wickham said as he got off and I quickly let go the rope again and pulled it in as the boat began to sail away. “In your dreams.” Bert said to himself but I overheard and laughed with him. Looking at me he laughed.


The point for the boat trip was to get away from everything School, jobs, college friends and parents. I mean everything expect to best friends. Just to relax and ride in a boat for almost all summer... Wobbling on deck, I brought out two cold water bottles to Bert as he drove the boat. “You’re making me sick, this isn’t race you know.” I said as I passed him the water bottle but gave it back to me so I would open it. Once he drank, I was tipping over but held on to Bert. The air felt nice as I listened to the waves crash alongside the boat. Seagulls gawked high up at the sky. It was almost....beautiful. As Bert rode the boat there was nothing surrounding us but the ocean itself. We wanted to ride around the world, to experience different adventures. I sat down on an old rusted chair and Bert asked, “Are you excited to be here?”
“Yeah!!” I exclaimed smiling but looking at Bert as If that was a dumb question. Bert knew me better than anyone and sometimes better than me. Chuckling Bert looked back at me as I stood up and rested my arm on his shoulder. “You’re not going to get tired of just riding this boat?” I asked.

“I’m sure I will.” Bert replied. “So how long before you take a break?” I asked again. “Why do you want to know so badly?” He asked smiling at me. “So we can hang and so I can do this!” I cried and began to tickle him. Bert moved away laughing and trying to stop me with one hand. But that’s when I found out you can put the boat on automatic and then it was my turn. Bert chased me around as I ran away from him. Finally reaching me he grabbed ahold of me and tickled my stomach. I pushed him away several times, trying to stop him. His strong hands would grab my wrists as I moved backward. When it was a dead end I quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head blinding him and ran off laughing. Soon Bert regained his place and once he found me again he pulled me down gently yet ruff so I would fall on him. My cheeks burned with the nonstop laughs as I got off of Bert and rolled over on my back. We both sighed as we looked up at the light blue clear sky. “We have to remember this summer.” I said “we will. It will be unforgettable.” Bert said and Bert was right. Ahead of us was something unforgettable...

Later that evening, the sun was setting and it was so cold that I wrapped myself with a blanket as Bert sat by me. The sky looked darker for some reason but tonight the night approached with storm coming in our way. The clouds and sky changed color into a blackish grey instead of the orangish red-violet. “Do you think we can go a different direction, out of the storms way?” I asked. “I’m not sure. What way would we go?” Bert asked me. “I don’t know. Just not that way.” I stated. “Yeah. But what if the storm is in different areas and not just in this one area that we are at?” Bert asked me one more time. “Are you Mr. Bert questioning my instincts?” I asked playfully. Bert smiled. “No, Ms. Jaclyn.” Bert joked. I just shook my head. Then I excused myself to go the restroom. But when I came back I made a shocking discovery. It only took 5-10 minutes until hard wind, thunder, lightning and rain to show up and take over the boat...


The rain hit like cold water when I opened the door. Lightning crackled across the black sky. I shut the door behind me. “BERT!!!” I yelled over the hard rain. “BERT! WHERE ARE YOU?!” I screamed starting to get worried out of my mind. “OVER HERE!” he yelled back. I ran over to where his voice was. I gasped when I found Bert on deck stuck underneath a broken sail. He was soaked as I ran to his aid. I slid a little as I dropped on my knees and started to push the sail away from his legs. I pushed and pushed and Bert screamed in agony. The boat rocked violently as we moved back and forth. Water entered the boat. “Go please. Control the boat.” Bert cried as he tried to push it himself. I shook my head not wanting to leave his side. “GO!” he yelled and I quickly stood up and took control of the wheel. The wheel swiveled back and forth and used all my strength to stop it. It was minutes away from tipping the boat over. If it tipped one way I would pull it another way. But it didn’t last long when finally the stirring wheel broke off. I held it in my wet hands and panic filled me. “Crap.” I muttered to myself and ran back Bert. “What are-”Bert began “We have to abandon the ship now!” I interrupted him. Bert looked at me as drops of rain fell down on his worried face. “Help me get out of this.” he said quickly and we pushed and pulled. “Okay on 3...1...2...3!” we both cried as the thunder rumbled around us. It was a success. The sail was off Bert as I helped him up. We stumbled nearly falling over. That’s when I noticed how ugly and in danger we were. We are in danger zone. We are facing death... The boat waved back and forth making it hard to hold on to something or Bert to hold on to me. Going on the edge of the boat, we both looked down. Bert looked at me and said, “It’s worth the risk.” I agreed. Looking down the dark black sea, I could imagine the seas swallowing me whole, including Bert who is inured. Both of us never coming back. Then that’s when I imagined what happen if it did... the life I would leave behind. Hitting back to reality, Bert said, “Help me.” As we picked out any anything that we think would be light and floatable and started to throw it out into the sea. Once that was done, I took in a deep breath. “Ready?” Bert asked I nodded. We clasped hands together tightly as we jumped...i waited and waited for the sea water to hit me but it felt like time slowed as finally the water it hit me like a thousand needles. Letting go and swimming blindly, we tried to find the objects we threw out. I found one and when I came out of the water I felt like I was reborn. I felt like I died and the dark sea cleansed me forever. It was a life raft. Thank god! “Bert!!!” I yelled out to the sea when I climbed on the life raft and didn’t see him anywhere. “Bert!” I cried again. See this is what I was talking about! Just at that moment I heard kicking and splashing and looked over my shoulder. “BERT!” I yelled nearly crying in tears. Ruff waves were then carrying me away. “No! Bert! Swim, swim!” I exclaimed as I waved my hand over. Then I paddled with my hands trying desperately to reach him. But we were going further and further apart. That’s when I jumped out of the raft in to the cold ice sea again and dived underwater toward Bert. Once I reached him, I hugged him tightly, because the joy he was okay and because I was scared for my life. I don’t know how Bert stayed on the surface with an injured leg but I couldn’t leave him. He clasped one hand on my cheek and looked at me with a smile that I used to see. “You’re insane have I told you that?” Bert said. Tears filled my eyes as I smiled, well tried. “I know.” I said. And we hugged again. “But you shouldn’t have let the raft go.” Bert added after the hugged and I looked back as we both then witnessed the raft disappearing into a forming tsunami. “Never mind...I’m glad.” Bert said. So now its man vs. nature...
No matter how high or low the obstacle was, we went through hell just trying to survive. You may think we would be dead by now but we weren’t. We didn’t give up. At times we did nearly drown but we tried to keep our head out of the water. We tried...
So what happened?... well there’s this thing called faith that helped us.


When I woke up, I felt like was drowning or swimming or dying. Seagulls flew around in circles above me as I blinked my eyes again and dared myself to sit up thinking I was either under or above the ocean. But realized only to be on solid ground. Solid sandy ground. I quickly stood up to feel light headed and having sea legs. I looked around to where I was at to only notice I’m on an island. A strange island that I thought never existed. It was beautiful yet it looked mysterious and dangerous. Soaked and now covered in sand all over my body, I heard someone groan below me. When I looked down it was Bert, he looked horrible! His knee was bleeding nonstop through his pants and he looked sickly pale. I quickly knelled down beside him. “Oh my god Bret, are you okay?” I asked. He just moaned in response. I took off my t-shirt to reveal my black bra. I ripped the shirt and pulled up Bert’s soaked pants and tied it around his infectious knee. After it was secured I pushed away his blonde hair out of his face. I was so glad we both survived, what seemed like an unbeatable event. I looked up at the dark palm trees and thought what lay beyond them...
The clouds lightened up as the sun set. I was up the whole time making a small shelter for Bert and I to sleep in tonight. Meanwhile, Bret lay there in pain and nothing much I could do. “I know, hang in there buddy.” I said to myself as I quickly went along, tying and bringing steady wood. By night fall, I was done and I got Bret and helped him inside. “You need to rest.” I said to him as I aided him. Propping his leaf- handmade pillow nice and high for him and place a huge palm tree leaf on him, I myself was ready to go to sleep for the night. So as I lay beside Bert and began to close my eyes, in the distance i heard an odd howl. Not a dog or wolf but like a different animal...
I even heard the leaves of the trees shuffle in the distance. Nervous, I listened and waited. It stopped and was gone. “Weird.” I thought...

The next morning, when I woke up the sun bleed through the leaves of the shelter I made. Sitting up and noticing that Bret is gone I went looking for him. Worried, I went in the mysterious looking woods. Pushing the leaves aside I step on lumpy sand, that every time I walked in it, it would swallow my bare feet. I slipped through small openings since all I really could see were palm trees laying slimly to the side. “Bert! Bert! Where are you?!”I called. No answer. I tried again, “BERRRRRRTTTTT!” nothing...
I sighed and became more frustrated than worried for Bert. “He should have let me know.” I mumbled to myself. Twigs lie around the looking forest and it was so dead silent. Just as I walked deeper into the forest, something stabbed on my foot and I yelled in pain and jumped back to see what it was. I bend down to notice an animal bone. Examining the strange bone I bent down to examine closer. “What the-”I began to say until I saw dark blood trickling down the small hill and down to the bone. “Crap.” I said and examined my own foot. I sat in the sand and paid attention to my foot when I sensed something. I looked up and only that moment I saw a figure but quickly rushed away. The picture I had in my head was neither animal nor human. It had piercing red-goldish eyes but the head was something I never seen before and unexplained even for to describe. Creped out, I stood up and looking back as I walked away. But one small problem I now faced. I’m lost. I clenched my fist “Nooo” I said it myself. But I kept walking. “Bert! Please Bert answer me!” I yelled out inside the island. I retraced my steps and that’s when I bumped in Bert! Thank god! “Bert where have you been?” I asked my sweaty best friend. In his blue eyes I saw fear and not apology. “What’s wrong?” I asked getting the hint. “We have to get out this fucking island now!!!” Bert said and grabbed my hand so ruffly as he pulled me away. At least it looks like his leg is better. “What the hell are you talking about?!” I asked him panic starting to rise. Looking all over him he had blood all over his body. Halfway covered. Bert pulled me in and said, “shut up...they will hear you jac.” Bert whispered. The look in his eyes were crazy... I‘ve never seen him like that before. He pulled me inches away from his face. “Who?” I asked. “I can’t explain we just need to get out here first.” Bert added. I just shut my mouth and followed him. After a while we went in circles and were going nowhere and I pulled my hand away from his strong grip. “Jaclyn what are you doing?” he asked. “No what are YOU doing Bert; we have been going around in circles for like almost 30 minutes.” “Trying to find a way out!!”He yelled. “Don’t yell at me; first explain what happen and why you are cover in blood!” I yelled. Bert said, “While you were sleeping, I went to explore the island to try to find my way around and get to know it here and as I did I ran into these freaky 10 foot monsters thatcouldn’t possibly be human or a normal animal, it was freaky and deadly and had these...these red goldish eyes.” Bert said and before he could continue I tuned out and stop Bert. “I’ve seen that.” I said. “What?” Bert asked. “I’ve seen those eyes before the description you made I’ve seen it...this morning.”

“So you know then what I’m talking about.” Bert said and I nodded. “So that’s why we need to get out of here.” He added. “But we’re lost.” I stated and Bert looked at me and then looked around. He finally sighed knowing that I was right. He fell against a tree and slumped down covering his eyes. I kneeled down beside him. Taking both his hands from his face he looked at me and I said, “We will get out of here. We will survive.”

Smiling, he pulled me into a hug and kissed my neck. “I hope so.” He added. After our hug we heard rustling behind me. Both of us quickly turning around we stayed quiet. Bert pulled me close to him. So my back was touching his firm chest. The rustling continued as a 7 foot beast came out slowly. It was hairless but it’s head was like a tiger. A white tiger. It moved swiftly and was looking directly at me. It stood like a gorilla but it’s body was not. It had black and red eyes. It came closer and closer. “Holy sh-” Bert was going to say but stop when it stopped. There was a moment of silence and it stood there waiting to see what we would do. My heart raced so fast I was so scared. Bert’s leg was beginning to shake since he sat squatting hand went over his leg and tried to hold him still. It didn’t work. I had my eyes on the beast and I swear I saw an evil grin upon his face like he was saying, “I’m not going to move”. Finally, Bert’s legs gave out making both of us fall. That moment I looked at the beast one last time and we ran! We ran as fast we could but the beast was so close. He was right behind me and I freaked out so bad I had to ditch Bert but he followed and the beast continue to follow us. At one point, I did a zigzag but still was on our tale. Then I would go one way and the beast would crush the trees and palm trees like there was no tomorrow. You may think by this time the beast would of catch us and we would be dead but you are wrong. As a team, Bert and i jumped through ever log and broken tree stump, we would swing every vine and fall on the ground rolling down numerous of hills that was there. But we would never stop. We ran and i could feel the ground thumping where the beast ran behind us and just as the beast was about to grab ahold of me, I fell on purpose, followed by Bert as we went tumbling down this great hill. The beast fell with us and was rolling faster and breaking everything in it’s path. I screamed as I tried to grab everything in my way but I would slip or it would break. Ahead, I could see that there was a dead end. A big one... “NOOOOO!” I yelled and as I changed my position into sliding mode. I was surprise my bra didn’t rip off or something cause I was running into sharp things like bones, dirt, wood pieces, and sand. Bert was behind me but when I looked back just in time he found something to hold and had a good grip while I was still sliding down to my death. Getting closer and closer and at the last minute I saw a bark and made myself slide faster and quickly I grabbed the bark and my body was thrown off the side of the end of the dead end hill and i hung on tightly as the beast tumbles over to it’s doom...


My hands were beginning to cramp as I held on the branch. “Jaclyn!” I heard Bert yell. “BERT! HURRY! I CANT HOLD ANY LONGER!!” I yelled louder. Within minutes Bert was above me and he pulled me up by my arm and I pulled myself up as well. Once I was safe, Bert pulled me off the ledge to a safer spot. Immediately, I pulled Bert and began to cry. Bert hugged me and kissed the top of my head...
Later that day, we walked trying once again to find a way out. We were tired, bloody, dirty, sore, and scared. I was quiet the whole time we walked as Bert grabbed my hand and kissed it. By the time the sun set, we were walking at night. Bert made a fire and we sat around it warming ourselves... “Are you okay?” Bert asked staring at me. I shook my head. “No...I just had a near death experience Bert.” he lowered his head and looked at his feet. We stayed quiet again. But it wasn’t when I heard Bert’s stomach growl. We both started bursting out laughing. “I’m hungry.” he smiled, “me too.” I added. Bert stood up and I stood up as well. “where are you going?” I asked. “To find something for us to eat, stay here.” He said. “And almost get killed again, I don’t think so.” I said. Bert sighed. “Fine, but stay at my side at ALL times.” He said and I grabbed his hand. “I promise.” I said smiling. Bert smiled back as we walked again in the dangerous island. We were quiet expect for our heavy breathing. We were cautious even though we were blind from the darkness. We should have thought about getting some light...

I went up now holding Bert’s arm tightly coming closer to him and listening closely. I heard strange noises and rustles as I held even tighter. “How’s your leg?” I whispered as I tried to make conversation with Bert and a distraction from the noises. “Good. I still have a little bit if pain but I will be fine.” He said and looked down at me. “Good.” I said looking around the trees. Finally we ran into a bush with black berry’s and berries, quickly finding a closed big leaf. We got the fruits and other fruits as well along the way. (Bananas, coconut, some dead fish, etc.) We might as well eat since we were super hungry. By the time we got back to the spot the fire was still on but we had an uninvited visitor. Bert pushed me behind this old palm tree as he looked. I took a peek myself. It was a 6 foot and 8 feet wide beetle. Yup, I said it a beetle. It was attracted to the fire and sniffing around the rest of the place. But this wasn’t any kind of beetle it was a meat eating beetle. Blood dripped on the side of the beetle and a body part of some kind of animal. I leaned against the tree as I took in a deep breath but silently let it out. As Bert was facing the beetle I was facing the darkness...

That’s when I noticed a figure moving in the distance. I kept watching it and right there I squeezed Bert’s arm pressing my nails deep in his skin, knowing that I made his arm bleed just a little bit. The creature came closer and closer and saw that it was the same species that we ran away from earlier. I kept doing that to Bert’s arm and finally got his attention. He turned around ready to say something to me when HE also noticed the beast. “No way...”I heard him say. Now we were stuck between two of them. We moved back a little when I soon accidently fell, bringing both the beasts their attention. “Get up!!” Bert yelled as I stumble back and with his help he helped me up and we both ran again. We pushed the heavy palm trees away as we both were getting cut from it by it’s sharp leaves. “Faster!” Bert yelled as I looked back and saw both creatures teaming up together trying to get us. “This way!” Bert yelled as he pulled me and he ran further. But what we didn’t see coming was that the beetle cut in front of us and appeared in front of us and both of us stopped but slipped, gliding below the beetle’s legs. Amazed at just what happened we looked back but continue to run not stopping. But it wasn’t too long as we were one again interrupted but the other creature but just then the other one came back trapping us and towering over us. Thunder crackled in the sky and thunder rumbled ready to rain somewhere. But instead of attacking us, they stared at one another. One was growling the other was hissing. Bert and I looked up staying real close to one another going around in circles, preparing for what happens next. Suddenly, the beetle made the move and scurried toward the beast as Bert pushed me, his sweaty heated body on me and up against another palm tree. Apparently, they were attacking each other because one wanted us for them selves and we took this opportunity to escape by sneaking away. Once we were far away we laughed in joy, glad to be alive. We hugged one another when I felt a drop of rain and it soon begin to pour quickly. The rain glistened down Bert’s chest as I saw rain drops fall on him. I watched him breath as I looked up at his face. He was staring back at me. I blushed profusely as I looked away. An awkward moment. I looked back when Bert walked toward me. I looked up at him as he pulled me to hug me. I smiled and hugged him back. “We need to find somewhere to sleep.” He said softly.“Okay.” I said as I pulled myself away from Bert but he didn’t let go and I looked back at him. The rain soaked us within minutes and we stared at one another in the rain. “But you one more thing.” Bert said. I looked at him confused and his hand then slid up my arm and he came closer and closer to me. His hot breath beating down on me as I eye his lips. He leaned in and kissed me a passionate kiss. It was like it was meant to be when I heard the thunder rumble and the lightning crackled across the sky. He squeezed me tight and felt his body heat on me as he touched my hair softly and my hands placed on his face.


When we kissed it felt like a thousand sparks went everywhere. We lay on the sand knowing that we were safe for now. Bert hovered over me and kept kissing me but his hands beautifully touched my side not wanting to let go of me. He would pull my bra strap and playfully nibble my shoulder and touch my leg so softly that it gave me goose bumps. I arched my back wanting him to kiss me more. I touched his muscular chest as I looked at his blue mesmerizing eyes. It was a beautiful moment because that moment the lightning crackled over the dark sky lighting his blue gorgeous eyes. That’s when things got heated. He gently pulled down my shorts and kissed the side of my hips. I looked at him and sat up and pushed him so I sat on him. We kissed as his thick hands went around my back and unstrapped my bra. I threw it to the side and let him touch me. I pulled down his jeans as he slipped it off and to take off his boxers. He then pushed me up against the tree and the rain tickled my breast and he slid down to lick the rain off. And once the clothes were gone He went in me. Bert brushed my hair away and said “Look at me.”I looked at him and he kissed me. “Your beautiful...your wonderful...your amazing.” Bert said as he went gentle on me but I wanted harder. I clawed his back and bit his shoulder. His tongue went around my breast and gently pulling them not wanting to hurt me. He lifted me up as he did his thing. The pleasure, the lust we had was never ending. The first time two best friends had sex with one another. “More.” I gripped on him. We panted, and began to grow sore. But was this lust and not love? Were we really in love or we just had the urge to see what we look like underneath? My back thumping the tree and trying not to yell out loud, He teased with me at times and I loved it! He place my hands above as he pulled my nipple and sucked on it and then pulled me further in...
The next morning when woke up I was surprised by one thing that we were not dead, and two Bret stood over me as I sat up and grabbing my bra and putting it back on. He knelled down beside me and kissed for such a long time, I thought we were going for round two. But one thing was for sure our main focus was survival. He pulled away and said, “Good morning.” I pulled the rest of our clothes on and walked with Bert. We carefully scanned the island trees as we walked; we even managed to eat on the go as well. But what I noticed was that even though there were these evil creatures the island was beautiful...
There were exotic flowers everywhere that the human eye has never seen. There were really high trees, and more than one of a kind fruit that we haven’t seen. So as we then sat and made weapons of out the old wood or bark we got, this was just in case to fight any of those deadly, evil creatures on the way. We finally kept going. Dawn was approaching fast as we didn’t have any encounters. I was looking up at the trees and up at the sky, I heard a small buzz in the distance. Getting Bert’s attention I said, “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?” he said “Just listen.” I said and finally recognized the sound anywhere. That sound? Is the helicopter...

We started to run getting excited and yelling and screaming and waving all we had up in the air. The helicopter flew over us and Bert chased it down. I followed behind but staying close. But it was too late... we watched the helicopter fly away. “No...” I said and tears began to fill my eyes. Bert cursed and threw a fit. “How the fuck did they miss us!” Bert said angry. He yelled again as I had my eyes on the sky hoping they did see us and were turning around. When it didn’t and the helicopter was gone completely tears ran down like water falls but I didn’t sob. Bert yelled out and knelled pounding the sand. I watched Bert place his head on the sand and tough old Bert who I knew for years began to cry the very first time. He sobbed, as I knelled down beside him and pulled him into a hug. Now it was my turn to be strong for him. We both knew we probably were stuck here forever. If not then how long would they check again. All our belonging and the things we loved and were precious to us was gone and we have no idea where they are out on the sea. I pulled Bert and told him we need to go on...


Later that night, i helped Bert build up another shelter in another place that we find that is safe. We tied the wood securely and place palm leaves over it like we did to the first one. Just as we did a few more touches we were done. Bert held me as I was under his arm and he kissed my head. As we were in our “home” we talked about each other. I lay on Bert’s chest as he played with my hair. “At least we have each other.” I said and Bert looked down at me and smiled. “That’s true.” He said and we kissed. Just as we rested and was about to fall asleep something woke us up again and brushed the side of our “home”. Getting up, Bert grabbed the weapon we made. Two wooden spears. “Ber-” I began to say but he quiets me. “Stay here please.” He said and I stayed. I could tell he was no mood to deal with these freaking creatures and me. But as stubborn as I was, I stood up and grabbed myself a spear. But just in time I heard a yell and ran out. Before my eyes I saw another creature, a 12 foot tall spider! and below was Bert as the spider was feeding off of him as he tries to fight it off. Adrenaline kicked in and I ran and began to attack the big spider. “Get out jac!, don’t! Save yourself!!” Bert yelled but I didn’t listen. I tried to get it’s attention and it worked the spider looked at me with it’s hairy legs and 8 eyes. Scared, i stabbed the spider and stabbed again. “NOOOOO!” Bert yelled and in the corner of my eye I saw him crawl toward me. I backed up as the spider went forward. Soon I was towered and trapped. “Bert!” I began to yell. I then stumble and fell but tried to back away. Its fangs drooled with acid looking saliva as I bumped to a palm tree. Just as I closed my eyes ready for my death, I waited it for the spider to eat me alive and away... but when I opened my eyes again the spider just stopped and looked at me, that’s what I thought. Until I saw that instead of me it was staring at my stomach. At that moment, the spider looked at me and we had a moment and glared at one another as Bert yelled in the background. Obvious something interests the spider and the next thing you know it’s fangs went and grabbed me by my bra and scurried away.
“BERTTTTTT!” I screamed as it took me away deep into the forest. “JACLYN!!!” Bert screamed as well. “FIND MEEE!” I screamed back and that was the last thing I said as Bert disappeared in the distance... I hung by the spider’s fangs as it took me somewhere deep, deep in the darkness. But what you will never believe this...
That I went to whole different world, in other words where ALL the creatures that Bert and I faced were all living together. This place where I was at, Bert will never find me and who knows what the spider will do to me. The creatures had smelled me from miles away and when they saw me some stared at me and some got crazy. So as the spider went through all that and up to its own nest, It dropped me as I looked around so scared out of mind. I stood up as the spider walked away. I couldn’t see where I was at but I didn’t want to find out. I kneeled down and tried to feel around the ground where I felt sticky and gooey and mushy stuff. I picked up my hand and smelled it. BOY! Did it smell awful! As my eyes adjusted the dark I saw a figure by me. I didn’t want to look what it was but I did anyway. I reached over and gently touched it. It didn’t move and then I got closer and touched it again. Nothing...
So that’s when I grabbed it and it took me awhile but as I felt around it felt like...fingers? I looked closely but an over power smell nearly killed me. Guess what? I was right. I freaked out and threw it and I yelped. I can’t believe this! Bert please save me!! I thought... i breathed heavily and tried to stay wide awake... I stayed in silence as at times I drifted to sleep. But was awaken again when I heard a rattle and movement in the distance...
I looked in that direction blindly. The next thing, I figured the figure out. It was the spider but it had visitors...great. The spiders came surrounding me and I found the nearest object I found. (Which was an ax, wonder how it got there?) “STAY BACK!” I yelled and I was ready to fight if only they attacked. Me against 3 spiders. So once was made one move I swung axe at the spider and made it bleed, green blood squirted out as I moved away from it and swung again. So this mean business... once the spider got that, they all attacked as I ran and swung, one, I got them really angry that they will want to hurt me and two, that I didn’t want to die. Blood and spider parts went everywhere, as chopped and chopped away at each one. It went on me and I mean everywhere. It’s legs, head and many more flew here and there and I couldn’t believe that I was winning! Once I was done with the last one I was exhausted and out of breath. I fell on my knees and I looked everywhere and saw how gruesome it was... I knew from this on I was a different person. I looked at my arm and it was stinging badly. I was bitten by one of the spiders. I dropped the ax and then began to cry...i was trying to stay strong but not everyone was tough to hold it in. A light hit my eyes and I noticed all night I’ve been fighting the spider as a light purple light shone through. I was so glad see that and that I knew I have survived the night...


I was so drained but I wasn’t going to give up so easily. Bert was on my mind as I walked through the island. The spear was with me as I kept going. I used it to climb up step hills as well as getting food. I even aided my spider bitten arm by taking out the venom and wrapping it with a vine tightly.
Hrs. flew by and no search of anybody. It was quiet almost too quiet. I heard a small screech behind me behind me and I quickly turned, the spear pointing out. Nothing...
Soon I heard running and turned the other way. Nothing...
“COME OUT!!” I yelled and once it teased with me again I finally faced it. This one was like a puma but imagine it 10 times your size. There was no way I would survive this one. So my decision... I ran! The puma was right at my tail. I did zig- zags but it wasn’t stupid and still went straight. I turned quickly one corner as I nearly fell and behind me all I heard was tree stumping, crashing, and thundering footsteps. I turned again but I jumped on a bush and fell over. I faced my back on the bush and stayed quiet. My heart thump loudly in my ears and I listened carefully. I dared to take a peek and I saw the creature 2 feet away from me. I looked straight ahead and saw that there was a tree nearby. I looked again quickly and then crawled slowly and lowly toward tree. I looked back a few times but when I got to the tree I quickly slammed my back on the bark. I stayed down for a few minutes and that when I heard the footsteps so close. I had goose bumps all over my body. Then it’s head came in. I held my breath...
The moment was tense that I began to sweat. The puma smelled around and hopefully it wouldn’t notice me. Finally after a long moment that seemed like forever, it went back and I sighed in I stood up I ran down the hill I saw a familiar figure. A boy 5’10 handsome, tall and blonde sat down by himself with his head down. “BERT!” I yelled the boy looked up and looked around. “BERT!” I yelled again and this timed he looked in my direction and I waved at him and immediately he stood up and ran toward me. Once we reached one another, I jumped on him as we kissed in happiness. I got down and Bert gave a thousand kisses non-stop. “I missed you so much. I thought you weren’t alive.” he said and we kissed one more time. I’ve never missed him so much or anyone in my life before besides my family of course. Bert looked at me and saw what I was covered in, “what happen to you?” he said. He even noticed my arm that was wrapped up with a vine. I just looked at him with my eyes full of love. “You will never believe it.” I said and he smiled at me and he just wiped the sticky smelly goo away from my cheek. “I have all day.” He said kissing me one more time.


Bert kicked the wooden door to the side as he carried me in bridal style in our “home”. We fell as he kissed me all over. I laughed as I pulled his thick blonde hair back romantically. Bert slid his hands on my back and all over almost ripping my shorts off and I took off my bra once again and he took of his pants as we went with round two. He kissed my neck and I pulled him to my lips. “Show me again how much you love me.” I said and he did. He messaged between my legs and I moaned in pleasure he pulled me up as he hovered over me. I slid my legs down his leg and touched his muscular arms. Bert began to sweat as I licked the sweat away and bit on his nipple.
“mmmmmmmm” I said as I bit my lip. Bert kissed me so strongly as I pulled his lower lip out. I sat on his lap and whipped my hair back as he kissed between my breasts. I groaned in pleasure and wanted him to tickle my ticklish spot. He again rocked me as I once again clawed him but made him bleed. Finally, I was free to yell and I did. “Yes!” I yelled and he chuckled and looked at me. I just stared at him.
This could only last forever.
After the powerful sex we lay together as Bert kissed my forehead and I lay on his chest again and slid a sexy finger down his chest. Even though we lay together naked I didn’t want to move away from him but sooner or later we have to because we were not safe in here. Once dressed, we went out of our “home” and had plans to finish up and a round two to get ANYONE’s attention who was out there.

5 weeks later...

5 weeks and a Friday morning we have been on this island and nobody got our attention. Help flew by here like 3 times and didn’t notice us. It’s almost been a month for us and Bert and I believe that our parents and friends think we are dead. But we still had hope. How could we have hope when the help will say to our family that they “try” their hardest and they couldn’t find anything or any sign of us?
But while we thought of that, I, on the other hand threw up on the side of our “home” right outside and I have been doing this almost every morning. I was getting sick... weaker every day and I don’t know what was wrong with me. I was even so bloated I couldn’t bare the stomach. Bert came outside to assist me as he poured water in his hands and wash my face with it. I grabbed the water he found, drank some and gurgle it, then spit it out. I was kneeled over as Bert checked my forehead. “No fever.” He said with a bit of relief. But I always had no fever. I always felt awful and had the strangest cravings and wanted more food than I ever ate. Bert helped me up and I felt like how I felt the first day we landed here. Sea legs...
I fell over but Bert caught me, “Be careful.” He said and took me back inside our “home”. As I sat there he told me to lie down as I rested on my back and closed my eyes. He began to massage my feet and it felt so good! As I drifted to sleep I felt small soft kisses go up my leg as opened my eyes again and looked to see Bert kissing me. I smiled as he reached my bulging stomach then up my neck and finally my lips. I guess he didn’t care that he was kissing a girl whose breath smells like vomit. After the kiss, he looked at me with those love eyes and said, “Let’s go take bath, it will make you feel batter.” He said smiling sexy. I groaned, “I don’t feel good Bert.” I said and he knew that very well. “Fine.” He said so just as he got off of me, in one quick movement he picked me up and I screamed as he then held me tightly. “You don’t have to walk, but you’re still going.” He said and I laughed as he carried all the way to where we found a small lake about a week ago. Once we made it there, Bert gently put me down and I sat there as I watch him take off his clothes as he went in the water he turned around and looked at me. “Are you coming in?” he asked as he pushed his wet blonde hair back. “I don’t...should i?” I asked and I stood up and stood there. “Yah, the water-”Bert began to say but then he notice that I was smiling slyly. He raised his brow. He knew this game. I striped tease him as Bert watched and slowly taking my time. Once I had my bar off, he couldn’t take it any longer so he went out and threw me in playfully in the small lake. I laughed out loud as I came up from the cool water and went over to kiss Bert. “I win.” I said. Bert just rolled his eyes and as I giggled. We swam in the water as we also playfully splash one another. Finally, after a few hours of fun we got out of the water and got dressed. We walked away holding hands as we swung them back and forth. “Do you think we can hunt something to eat? I’m really hungry.” I said to him. “sure.” Bert nodded and took out a small spear knife out. “Where did you get that from?” I asked surprised. The spear had a real metal sharp tip to it. “I found it one day when I was getting more water.” “oh.” I said. “It looks really cool.” I added and Bert chuckle. “What?” I said smiling; I knew he was making fun of me because I called something cool. “Nothing...your so cute whe-”Bert stopped what he was about to say and halted. “What’s-”I began to say but he shushed me. “It’s them.” Bert whispered and that was all I needed to know to understand. We both ran behind a tilted palm tree, as we squatted down. I knelled down behind Bert as we listened again closely. I peeked a little as I saw a tall, lean, skinny beast. It stood about 7 feet and had jet black fur and was standing on two legs. It’s back was hunched so badly, it’s translucent skin showed how disgustedly the bone is arched out. even through the jet black fur I could see pink blood running all around his body. It was walking with it’s hind legs way up off of the sand. It was smelling around the area, so we have no idea how good it’s nose can smell...but we are about to find out.


I quickly grabbed a log and threw it at the beast. It hit him like a small rock as the beast came raging through the trees. I kept throwing everything behind me to distract it. “Stop, jac! Just runn!” Bert yelled and just in time as the beast was about to slam it’s fist down at me, since I was underneath the thing, Bert pulled me from the waist as we tumbled to the ground. I lay on top of Bert when I said, “What now?” I asked quickly. “Just run!” Bert exclaimed as I got off of him nearly falling over again as I stumbled to get up. Grabbing Bert’s hand we ran over bunch obstacles...

“AHHHH!” I screamed so loud that I fell hard with a disturbing thump. Bert looked back and went to my aid. I was clutching loads and loads of sand as I began to cry. “What’s wrong?” Bert asked panicky. Bert was looking all over my body to see where the pain was but at the same time was looking back seeing that the monster was getting nearer and nearer. (Since we ran ahead of it) the monster’s thump came closer and closer...
I tried to point to Bert to where the unbearable pain was but he didn’t see my finger. The beast was 3 feet away now...
Then 2... Then finally at the very, very last minute when the beast thought it had us, it opened it’s mouth and was right about to tear us apart, when Bert saw my injury which was located at my foot and without much choice he pulled me out of the way and together we rolled, body to body (having Bert as my shield) down the steep death hill. Where indeed was another world where I have been through. As we rolled, Bert even managed to throw his only weapon at the beast as it strangely exploded as guts and blood splatted on us. Still rolling down the steep hill I could see that it was getting darker and darker as we were being pulled away from the light. After what seemed like hours and not knowing where we were going to stop, we finally stop. Forgetting about the pain the whole time it soon came back and about to scream Bert covered my mouth as he got off of me. Looking at my teary painful face, I was begging him to just rip the thing out. The thing? It was a sharp bone of some kind of creature who used to have horns. It was impaled through my foot and I was bleeding a lot of blood. Bert uncovered my mouth because his eyes read “please don’t scream.” But it was already too late the creatures would be here any moment since it could smell human blood. I began sobbing so hard my chest hurts. “Please...” I sobbed to Bert “please...” I repeated and he knew what I was talking about. He looked at my foot and I waited for him to just rip it. I waited and waited, my adrenaline kicked in and my heart was beating so fast I just wanted to yell “JUST DO IT!” Bert then handed me a dead animal carcass to put over my mouth, and I did just that and finally he did it. I bit the carcass so hard dead blood, insects, and meat slipped in my mouth as I was tearing the thing apart. I clutched my fist so tight I bit my hands turned purple and my nails made my palms bleed. Once it was done, Bert hovered over me and I could see it hurt him a lot that I was in so much pain but it was finally over. Bert managed to make a small smile and wiped my tears away. Even messy and dirty and even reeked like a dead human’s body, he was so handsome and my hero. He leaned over and gently kissed me in the lips... everything then felt like slow motion... as he helped me up and brushed my hair out of my face. He whispered, “l’ll be back.” and gently kissed my forehead as he got up and I sat there...
When Bert came back he had a rough looking cloth and some strong old worn out rope. He knelled over my foot as he wrapped it around it carefully but securely. Once that was done he helped me very slowly as I put my body weight on him. I limped as he helped me. We walked slowly at first but I caught my pace. Not too fast or too slow. While we walked we had no idea what part we were at. It seemed darker and scarier than above. Literally strong fog was all over the trees kind of making it hard for us to see. And harder for us to see where were going. I could feel the moss as it gently glide my shoulder and shivering in response. I held on Bert’s arm for support as I limped. I looked down watching my step again unlike earlier. So as we walked calmly we suddenly pass by something sticky that held on to bet and I. We struggle at first but finally got free from it. Immediately we knew they were enormous spider webs. At one point my foot got stuck and Bert didn’t notice but felt me tugging on to him. “Bert...I’m stuck.” I said whispering loudly. Bert then pulled my foot out and soon continued walking again...
I knew hrs. Passed by, as we started to get bored of walking and we knew we were going nowhere. Just as we turned a corner my ears suddenly heard mumbling and groaning loudly. I stopped as Bert looked at me. “What is it?” he asked. I looked up at him. “You don’t hear it.” I said. Bert just shook his head. That’s before he heard it himself. We then followed the sound as it got louder and closer. What we saw made me gasp and become speechless. “No way.” Bert commented. In front of us was a pregnant woman, half naked and tied up in the spider’s web. She looked at us and saw relief in her eyes. We literally ran (yes even in my bad foot) and started to rip the web apart. Once t we finished we helped her up. The woman and inch shorter than me had dark red knotty hair and blue eyes like Bert’s. She was so pale and dead looking I thought it was an illusion. She looked like she could be in her early twenties. Probably if we didn’t find her she would been dead. I pulled her hair back and took out some of the web from her nose, so she can breathe properly and mouth so she can speak. “Are you okay?” I asked surprised and wondering how long she was stuck there. “yes.” She said breathlessly I could hear a little accent at that. Her stomach was so huge that I was having second thoughts if this wasn’t bloating at all...maybe I’ it can’t be...

On our walk with the woman we found out her name is Jessica, she and her husband and 4 year old son crashed here 9 months ago and both her husband and son was attacked and killed in front her very own eyes and she couldn’t do anything because she was pregnant. She still had her ring (which was sweet of her and it broke my heart) and warned me and Bert that she tried to get out but it’s like a maze. There was no opening... no freedom... Jessica even told us that a big spider took her away when she was walking one day and kept her since. The spider fed her everything and she described the spider which I told Bert almost the same thing happened to me. This made me think... Why didn’t the spider kill me right away unlike the other creatures?

“So are you two a couple?” she asked. Bert and I looked at one another. Blue eyes and green smiled and held hands. “yes.” Bert said. Jessica smiled widely. “I’m is a beautiful thing.” She added. “It sure is.” I added. “How old are you two?” Jessica asked again. “I’m 19 and she’s 17.” Bert said proudly. “Oh my! You two are just babies; your parents must be worried to death.” She exclaimed. Bert and I looked down at that question. There was a pause. “They don’t think that you two are alive do they?” we both nodded. “I’m sorry.” Jessica said sincerely. “It’s okay.” I said. So as we kept walking after that we decide to stop for the day and take a rest for tonight. As Bert was outside building and Jessica and I were sitting in a half built shelter when I asked Jessica, “So when are you due?”
Jessica smiled and touched her stomach. “Any day now... I’m just waiting for the moment...i mean not to scare you or anything.”
I laughed out loud. “No, don’t worry.” I said then Jessica threw the question at me, “How about you?”
“Oh no, I’m not pregnant.” I said smiling. “Sure you are!" she said. I looked down at my stomach. “Here.” She said and she leaned over to touch my stomach. She felt around it and then she grabbed my hand. “You feel that?” she asked and what I felt was a warm stomach and something small as it bulged out...
I gasp. I could make out the bulge in my stomach and when I did I gasp again. It was a foot. A baby’s foot. I AM pregnant. I was speechless. “Congratulations sweetie.” Jessica said as she hugged me...


“PUSH JESSICA PUSH!” I yelled as Jessica screamed loudly as she was giving birth. Bert was holding her hand and giving her inspiration. “COME ON...ALMOST THERE!” I would say as she pushed. It had been a week since she finally gave birth. My belly however got bigger and told Bert, who was so happy that he was finally a father. A few more pushes and a little muffle cry rang our ears. “It’s a girl.” I told her smiling and tearing up for joy. As I handed her, her baby girl she cried as hard as she wiped the blood away... it was beautiful moment for her. But it didn’t last long. She handed the baby girl to Bert and I looked at her as I crawled to her. “Jessica?” I said. Her eye lids were opening and closely and that could mean only one thing. “Jessica. Jessica stay with me. Please stay with you hear me?” I said getting worried. Jessica looked at me weakly as she held my hand. “Take care of her; please I know I can trust you.”

“No! You are not leaving your daughter, needs you!” I said and tears spilled over my cheeks on to the ground. “Don’t worry...she’ll meet me soon.” She said smiling one last time as she faded away. “NO! JESS! NO PLEASE! PLEASE COME BACK!” I yelled sobbing as her hand dropped from mine and I placed my head on her stomach. Bert then came over and pulled in a hug as I cried in his chest. The baby crying as well.
Later that night, I cradled the baby alone while Bert buried Jessica. When he came back, I looked up at him with a small smile. Bert came over and sat by me. I was staring at the baby who looked so much like her mother. Bert intertwined his fingers with mine and kissed it romantically. “She’s beautiful.” Bert said.
“I know.” I said as we stared at her sleeping peacefully. “We should as well.” Bert said and I looked at him tiredly. I agreed and we rested for the night with a baby to care and a brand new “home.”
The week flew by as we gave the baby sweetened milk from a dozen coconuts Bert and I found. I would do small bounces back and forth as I tried to shush the baby. Her name was Jessica, after her mother. But Bert and I were always arguing now that we had to take care the baby. It has become more stressful. We were becoming more distant every day and I became even more moody since I was pregnant myself. My feet would swell and my breasts would develop with milk.
“Bert! Where’s the leaf?! Bert!” I yelled his name for the 10th time. Jessica was crying so hard and I knew she needed a desperate diaper change. “What the hell...” I growled to myself getting angry that Bert would not answer. “BERT!!!” I yelled one more time but this time I walked out the shelter he made for us as I pushed the tree to the side. “I’m coming! God!” his voice said from behind the wooden shelter. Stomping over he came toward me and pushed the leaves in my arms. “Don’t push them to me like that!” I yelled. “Well try finding fucking leaves without getting eaten alive!” he roared at me. I just glared at me and I stomped away and changed her. Once that was down Jessica still was crying! “UGHH!” I yelled and walked back out where I bounced around and calmly shushed her as I looked at Bert. Bert was making a fire since the sun was setting quickly. As I watched, memories flooded back about the love and dependency we had to get out of this island. We lost hope...

Jessica cried in my ears where I was getting frustrated. Stressed, Bert walked over and took the baby from me. I frowned as I watched him. This is going to be interesting. Bert held her gently in his arms as he softly looked at the baby. He began to hum a tune and rock the baby at the same time. A smile spread across my face suddenly as I kept watching. Jessica stops crying and was looking at Bert intently. He kept going and a beautiful smile spread across his face... A smile I rarely saw now, a smile Bert used to give me. I folded my arms and watched him. The mood and the environment felt calm and enjoyable. Jessica drifted to sleep and she finally snored away. Bert looked up at me and looked at me surprised, “What?” he asked. That’s when I felt my warm smile looking at him lovingly. “You were beautiful.” I complemented. I walked over and touched his arm. “I missed that did u know how to do that?” I added. “I used to have a baby sister, I watched my mom hum to her every night and when my sister died I always remembered it.” He said softly. I brushed his blonde messy hair away as I looked at him one more time. “I don’t like when we argue.” I said. Bert looked at me, “Me too.” He said. That’s when our moment came back again. We stared at one another. With one hand that was free he brushed my cheek as he stroked it down...
Once we were inside, Our lips touched as sparks flew all over again like our first kiss. We fell on the sand and I was on top of him as we kissed passionately. I sat on his stomach, fast breathing approached as he touched my skin, burning hot, and gently touched my back and arms softly. I didn’t want this to end the kissing and our touches. I was grabbing is face and bit his lower lip. With the baby asleep, this was our only place where we were sure we would be safe...
I lay on Bert’s arm as we looked up at the stars. The cold sea water touching our feet. “I’ve missed you so much.” Bert whispered to me. I looked at him sitting up looking directly at Bert’s deep blue eyes. “Me too.” I said. It was like in a romantic movie, my hair blew in the silent delicate wind as he lay below me. The moon shone bright on us as Bert pulled strands of hair from my face.
But not every Romantic moment has a happy ending, at least not mine.
The last 3 seconds of my death was going to begin...
Lurking in the darkness, two familiar creatures lurked out of the island’s trees, smashing the shelter inside.
“NOOOO!” I screamed as I got up nearly crawling only to have Bert hold me back. Our moment vanished and lasted only seconds. Reality hit and I was faced with another death. Jessica’s daughter. “NOO! No!” I sobbed. It happened quickly. The creatures coming out, smashing an infant inside. My heart broke into pieces. I was losing everything...

My sorrow only then turned into anger and hatred. I grabbed a palm tree. Feeling it in my dirty hands and ran toward the creatures of evil. “Jaclyn! NOO! Stop!” Bert yelled and ran after me. I ran and then beginning swinging with all my might. The power I felt something inside that wasn’t me anymore. Only an animal. I was TIRED of everything, these mother freaking creatures, the hope we used to have, just EVERYTHING! I was going to live if my life depended on it. I was going to find my way out of here! I am going to be free again and be with the man I love forever, I was...


I dropped my weapon, as I looked down. I froze... I couldn’t comprehend what just happened. Only what I felt. Pain...

It burned through me, through my stomach, my stomach where I held my child. Dropping to my knees I fell. The creature’s weapon, a pointy, hairy horn, from a meat eating beetle pulled out from me and I only saw the heavens above me. My vision going in and out. The pain going numb and hearing my heart starting to slow down... I couldn’t feel but I knew just above me, the beetle was eating me alive. I just didn’t care.
I let go...
But my last moments that I did remember and would forever was when I looked at the tear stained Bert one more time as he held me in his arms and said hoarsely, “I love you forever...”



I can’t believe it...
I can’t believe she’s gone. It hurts so much my chest hurts. I didn’t want it to end like this. I want her alive again. I love her...
I held on Jaclyn’s lifeless dead body in my arms. Covered in her blood. Being torn inside. I shook in anger, my throat hurting from crying so much. “Jaclyn...please come back please.” I sobbed. “Please!” I yelled. I try to keep my eyes open to see if she breathed. Nothing... only her dead lifeless green eyes looked at me. The words she said to me replayed over and over. I couldn’t let go. I’m so stupid! I should have stopped her!
“Jaclyn!” I sobbed. My head pressed against hers. Even dead she was beautiful. My baby was gone as well. I was alone now...
This time for real... Standing up, I grabbed Jaclyn’s corpse as she lay in my arms. I went over to our “home” that was now smashed into pieces. I stared at it, my heart beginning to feel numb. I didn’t feel anything anymore...
I couldn’t feel. As I set her down I wanted her to have a proper burial. So with my own hands I began to dig a grave...
The following morning I made a 6 feet hole just for Jaclyn. I stayed up all night just doing this and I was finally finished. I hopped out of the hole, as memories flooded back all about her. I pulled Jaclyn down to her grave as i laid her down. I gave her one more kiss before I pulled myself back out. I looked down at the deep grave. At her beautiful face. “I love you forever.” I whispered back as kicked the sand, beginning to fill her up. Her smile, her voice, her lips, her eyes were my only memory now. I will always remember Jaclyn Flores. Once her grave was done, the sun was shining high up at the light blue sky. I felt the heat of the sun burn on me. I managed to find a heavy rock and a rock that was made out of chalk. On the front of the rock I wrote:

BORN-1994 DIED-2011
Beloved daughter, mother and wife
J&b forever

I wiped my tears away as I stood back up. I threw the rock to the side as I began to walk away. One thing I promise is that I will find a way out of here. For Jaclyn and my daughter. I was ready to face again the darkness of the island that faced me. I swore i will never give up until I find a way out……………

Walking inside the island for 2 whole days without any sleep and getting weaker and tired every day. It was a hard two days but like I said I wasn’t going to give up. I went through cold nights and even heavy rain but that didn’t stop me. My mind was focused. As I climbed a steep muddy hill, holding a strong thick stick for support, my feet were sinking in the gooey mud. This was a different path I discovered, one I never saw before but because it was hidden. As I reached the top, I pushed the thick leaves aside and my heart stop at what I saw next. Right in front of me was a shallow beautiful sea that was see- through and you could see the white sand underneath it. Throwing my stick I carried, I ran toward it. Running as fast as I can. I just hope this isn’t an illusion. Like the days I thought I saw Jaclyn calling for me. But it wasn’t… when I got there the cool ocean water hit my legs, soaking my ragged blue jeans. I smiled and fell on my knees. I FOUND IT! I can’t believe I found the way out! I laughed at loud as I splashed the water on my face. It was the happiest moment of my life! I fell in the ocean and looked up at the sky. “I found it Jaclyn…I found it” I said to myself. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I thought back about Jaclyn. How happy she would have been. I sat up and looked around. It was a long trail… but where did it lead to? Standing up again, I followed it….

But what happens next, breaks my heart again…
just a few feet away I spotted tall buildings…city buildings…and as I walked closer I noticed docks…with boats tied around it…what? This can’t be?? My heart dropped. I recognized the place… and I saw an empty dock where I knew who it belonged to. This was the dock that Jaclyn and I left in for our vacation. I dropped on my knees and yelled up to the sky. Slamming my fist to the water as it jumped on me and making a muffle thump! On the sand I pounded my fist on….
If only Jaclyn was still alive for the next two days we would have been saved because we were not far away as we thought we were. We were only 5 maybe less minutes away from the town where we lived…..



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2011

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