
Chapter 1

“Sssssshhhhh……Be quiet. Don’t make a peek; and don’t look so weak. Mommy will be back soon.” My mother softly said to me. She put pointer finger on my lips and then took it away. I grab her hand before she went away. A tear stream down my face; I had fear, and I look up into her frosted blue eyes; they looked strong and unafraid, meaning there was nothing to fear, but yet, why was I here? She smile weakly and gently pull away. “Don’t worry; I’ll be back soon, just wait here. There is nothing to fear.”

She then closes the closet door and I was left in the dark, I heard noises from my mother, noises from a man and noises from something not human. I my mother was yelling and the man was yelling; I couldn’t grasp a word they were saying, I hope they weren’t fraying. I heard things falling over and glass breaking, my mother’s scream filled with terror. Then there was silence; silence……DREADFUL silence.

The door to the closet open slowly, bright light went in and I look up hoping. Hoping it was mother and she was alright and was right….about nothing to fear. But that was not mother standing here; it was a shape of a man. My heart froze, it was too bright to see the face and I brace myself ready to except the same faith of mother. The man reach down for me……..

I jolted up in bed and look at my cell phone; a minute away to a new day. I wipe my forehead for it had sweat. I felt my heart startted going again and then climb out of bed and hit the ground hard. For I had forgotten I was on top of a bunk bed.

“Ow~” I groan. “That hurt.”

The lights in my room went on and it burned my pupils. I cover my face from the sting of bright light.

“Sophie? Are you okay?” My sister,my foster sister asks me, Macy Hunt. I look up to see Macy at the door holding a sandwich in her hands; it seems she been midnight snacking.

Her dirty blond hair was in two messy breads and she had on her teddy bear pajamas on.
I rub my eyes; trying to relief the burn of light from my eyes. “Yea, I’m fine….Just forgotten I was on top of a bunk bed.”

“Will you turn off the light!” My other sister, foster sister, Angel Young, shouts sounding like more like a demand then a question. I look to see her just pulling the covers over her head.

I turn to see Macy rolling her almond shape eyes at Angel. Macy then takes bite from her sandwich and chews it slowly looking at me. “You need to remember that you sleep on the TOP bunk bed.” Macy said while taking another bite.

I smile weakly. “Ha-ha, I seems I cannot ever remember.”
Macy lifts her eyebrows and her forehead creeks. “You sure you’re alright? You look rather pale.”

Angel jolts up from her bed and glares at Macy. “God damn it MACY!!! Turn off that awful bright ass light before I lose my fucking sight!!!” Angel shouts.
“Oh shut up ANGEL!! You’re not the boss of me. If you care to see, there is something with Sophie!” Macy shouts back.

“Hey guys don’t fight. Macy, Angel’s right turn off that light, it’s really bright.” I said getting up slowly from where I fell. Macy groans and turn off the light.

I then feel my way over to my dresser and pull open the top drawer. I dug under my clothes until I felt a rectangular box and pull it out. Then felt my way out my room; Macy had gone back to her own room, which is next door to mine and Angel’s.
It was darker in the hall then in my room, but I manage to feel my way down the steps and to the front door. I open the front door and cold wind rushes into the warm home. I step out and didn’t bother to grab my jacket; to me it was not cold. I then open the rectangular box; inside were 7 cigarettes and a red lighter. I took out a cigarette; stuck it in my mouth and then took out the lighter and lit the cigarette.

“I thought you quite.” Said someone from behind. I turn to see it was Macy’s twin, Lacy Hunt. Lacy was wearing her silky brand new purple night gown and white slippers. She looked just like Macy; of course, but her hair was short, only a little bit past her ear.
I turn away. “Lacy, go back into the house; you’ll catch a cold.”

“What about you? You’re wearing nothing but girl boxers and a tank top; I’m least I’m wearing slippers.” Lacy said now beside me. The wind blew and Lacy shiver. “Macy said you looked pale, so I came to check on you. What happen? You had a nightmare?”

“Lacy, look at you….. your shivering. Go back in the house.” I said avoiding the questions.

“Sophie…Talk to me. My therapist said you’ll feel a lot better once you talk about it. If you hold it inside you’ll lose your mind.” Lacy said. I didn’t say anything and Lacy sigh. Lacy then walk back to the door and went into the house. The door to the house open a bit and Lacy stuck her head out. “Make sure mom doesn’t catch you smoking that.”

You don’t have to tell me twice. I nodded my head and said: “good night.” The door then close and I turn around looking across the street. I took out the cigarette and blow and then put it back in. I then look at the top light pole and blink. There was a man in a black hoodie on top of it. I blink again; I must be seeing things but there the man was still there. I run my eyes; I must be getting mighty high. The cigarette making me see things. But no the man was still there and he was looking down at me. I couldn’t see his face because he had his hoodie on but I know he was staring at me, I could feel it.

I walk off the porch not sure what else to do and I stop at the end of the lawn. I then wave my arms around and called out to him: “Hey are okay? How you get way up there?”
He then didn’t say anything back; just look.


He then didn’t say anything back; just look. Then a strong freezing wind blew and I even shivered and look away. When I look back at the light pole, the man was gone.

“Sophie! What are doing yelling? Are you trying to wake up the neighborhood?!” My mother, my foster mother called to me. “Come inside. It’s cold and you have nothing on.”

I then stuff my cigarette box in my boxers and snatch the cigarette out my mouth and close it in my palm; putting out. When I open my hand there was a black mark from the cigarette; it didn’t hurt. I then turn around and walk back to the porch.

When I pass mother trying to get back in said. She asks me. “Sophie, have been smoking. You smell like it.”


chapter 2

“No, for real I’m not lying.” I said to Gill Hilton, my boyfriend and best friend. Gill had light brown shaggy hair and green eyes.

Gill rolls his eyes. “Yea right, and I can fly.”
I was telling Gill about the man standing on top of the light pole last night but he doesn’t seem to believe me. We were at his place since his mom and dads were at work; we are expose to be at school but we decided to skip school and chill. Right now we are sitting in his coach in the game room watching the flat screen TV, but we weren’t watching the TV more like making out and talking.

“Gill….. I’m serious.” I said.

“Sophie, you smoking right when you saw him, right?” Gill asks.
I nodded my head and I am pretty sure I know where he’s going with this but I decided not to say anything and let him go on with it. His theory is most likely right and I want to believe it was right.

“Well, believe or not, when you smoke you see strange things that aren’t really there. I remember when I was smoking with Kyle I saw a purple octopus with sun glasses and I pointed and laugh. Kyle took a video of me laughing and it turned out I was laughing at a tree.” Gill said. “Smoking causes to you see some crazy ass shit. Besides I thought you quit.”

“Well, I needed the cig; I needed to calm nerves from the nightmare. I have quite but still need it just in case I need to chill.” I said.

“That reminds me, what did you dream about?” Gill asks me.

“The last time I saw my real mother.” I said not looking at Gill.

“Oh.” Gill said, there was an awkward silence. I pretended to watch the TV and I felt Gill’s eyes on me.

“Sophie, you’re really pretty.” Said Gill, out of now where; totally random, I guess he’s trying to break the ice.

I then turn to look at him and gave him a small smile. “Thank you and you’re really handsome.”

“Handsome? Gurl I’m SEXY.” Gill said with a smirk.

I giggle and Gill kisses my cheek. I then kiss Gill on the lips and he kisses me back. We then begin to make out for a good 10 minutes.

Gill pulls away first with a happy sigh. “So what did Beck say about your smoking?”

“Well, she said that smoking is blah blah…..I block her out after 'smoking is'.” I said.
“Punishment?” Gill asks me.

“I have to write a 3 page essay on why smoking is bad and I’m grounded for 2 weeks.” I said.

“Aw, I was hoping she would whoop you.” Gill said.

“She cannot not lay a finger on me since she’s not my REAL mother.” I said.

“Lucky, last time I was caught smoking my dad whoop for 2 hours straight. I wasn’t able to sit down for a week.” Gill said.

“Aren’t you too old for whooping’s? You are 17.” I Said.

“Have you met my dad? The master general….do you not know how big and buff he his? To him I’m like a tooth pick to him. He could break me in half any day and any time.”

“Hey you’re not a tooth pick; you’re pretty buff yourself.” I said honestly. Gill is well built; he used to be on the football team, until he quite. Everyone blames me for him quitting since he quite the same time I started dating him. His also blames me and absolutely hates me because of it. His dad thinks I turn his son to a gothic crack head because I’m a foster kid and I’m known for getting in trouble anywhere I went. His mother thinks I’m just a trouble child without a family and only wants attention; she pities me.

“So are you going to write the essay?” Gill asks.

“What if she gets rid of you?”

“Then she gets rid of me. It’s not like I haven’t been abandon before.” I said honestly and it wouldn’t hurt a bit if I was to leave I been abandon so many times it doesn’t even sting anymore.

“No! I don’t want to you to leave! You write that essay or I’ll write it for you. If she does get rid of you, you can come live with me.”

I kissed Gill and smile. “Thanks you’re so sweet.”

“GILL!!! What are you doing home?!?!” Said a roaring voice shaking the walls. Me and Gill look up at the door and there is Gill’s dad. I scooted as far away from Gill as the coach let me and Gill shot up from his seat. Gill stood straight up like he was a soldier from the army.

“Gill what is she doing here?” Gill’s dad yell. Gill’s dad was a giant and muscular, he had a big square chin with a dimple on it. He had a shaggy dark brown mustache and a fresh shave head. He was wearing his army uniform.

“Sire, I got a name” I said. “It’s Sophie, remember.”

Gill look at me and gave me that ‘shut up because you’re making it worst’ look.
I shrug and slowly got up and grab my book bag. “Gill, I’ll be going home now.”
I then walk past Gill’s dad and went out the door. Poor Gill; he’s in for a whooping.

Chapter 3

I sure wasn’t going home since mother was at home because she works at home. So I decided to go back to school; I only miss two periods and if I hurry I could be at my 3rd period 15 minutes late. So I decided to peddle faster on my bike so I could make it. I heard someone hunk their horn and I glance to see it was Gill’s dad Truck. Crap! There no way I’m stopping! I then peddle faster and then went off road into the woods.

I peddle faster and faster into the woods; I wasn’t sure of where I was going but no way was I about let Gill’ dad give me a ride to school. I wasn’t worry about getting into trouble because I sure Gill’s dad already call mother and told her. But I just don’t like to be in car with Gill’s dad driving because he drives like psychopath. The last time I drove with him in the truck; I felt like I was on a roll coaster and threw up after I got the truck.

Before I knew I was up in the air; it seems my bike’s tire had came to a rock too big to go over and it stop, throwing me off like a wild horse. I hit the ground, hard head first, and I cried out in pain. I got up slowly my head still thumping and then I felt something wet on my forehead; I touch my head and it was blood.

“DAMN IT!” I shouted; scaring away the birds high up in the trees. I then took of my jacket and wipe my forehead with it. I look back at my jacket and it had one huge bloody stain on it. My blood flowed down to the tip of my nose and I wipe my forehead again and again but I still bleed. I then decided to tie my jacket around my head like a bandage. After I was done, I went to pick up my bike and looked at it. My bike looked fine as ever but I was here with a busted head.

I heard a stick snap and I looked up in the direction of the noise. There standing was the man in the hoodie from last night. I froze and my heart stop; I gaze up at the man with the hoodie. I still couldn’t see his face even though it was day light; his face beyond my sight. He had his hoodie on and inside his hoodie it looked pitch black; like he had no face. The man was wearing holey jeans and sandals with socks. He took a step forward and I was still frozen. When he was about 6 feet away; I was able to move and step back.
I saw something flash in the light and I turn to see it was a knife he had drawn from his pocket. My eyes grew big and like an idiot I ask: “What are going to do with that? Are you hunting in these woods? You know hunting season doesn’t start till next week.”

The man didn’t say anything; he slowly lifted his arm up that held the knife and pointed it at me. I turn to run but before I knew it he was in front of me; blocking the way I came from. In his hoodie I saw him smile, flashing his teeth; they were all sharp. The man then swung his knife at me and somehow I saw it in slow motion coming at me and I dodge. He then started to swung again and again at me and I saw every move in slow motion dodging every attack.

I blink and he was gone from in front of me but I sense he was still here. I looked up and he was falling towards me from the air. I raised my right arm over my head and the knife h it my hard. I then look at my arm and it was on scratch; I saw a golden red scale on my arm and then the red golden scale multiply on my arm. Soon my whole arm was cover in red golden scales; I shriek at the sight of my arm. My arm was beautiful but it was all scaly like a snake and I touch it; it was smooth and cooled.

The man with the hoodie looks at me and mumbles something that sounded like: “Damn it, she has already awakened.”

“Who are you and why are you trying to kill me?” I ask the man. “I have awaken? What does that mean and what’s wrong with my arm.”

“SHUT UP LIZARD!” The man with the hoodie shouted and lung at me. I dodge and without warning I stabbed him in the stomach. My finger nails acted as knife stabbing into his flesh and through his back. The man shrieks and cried out in pain. I pull my hand out his stomach and back away; not sure what to do. The man felled to the ground and twitches and then lays still. I then look at my arm and it was now back to normal only had a golden red diamond looking like a tattoo on it. I stare at the man on the ground unmoving and I gasp and rush to him. His blood was spilling out on the ground and I look at his stomach; it had a gushy bloody hole in it.

“Hey! Wake up!” I yelled and I then slap his face hoping he would wake up and attack me again. I then busted out into tears; for I had killed this man, I was a murder.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.11.2011

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