
Unexpectedly rescued


", She heard it from through the window barely restringing the distant howling,she 's gazing at the scarcely obscured full moon in the black sky in wistful longing wishing to get away, heavy clouds rolled by in small torrents lazy and fat making the forest seem even more ominous, and imposing then usual. She sighs and turns away from the window to her dark nicely furnished prison she is forced to stay in. The furnishings are a soft velvet ranging in colors between creme, scarlet, and black, the paper walls are black with creme colored roses splashed in random order across the walls, the couch and chairs are creme and scarlet, the few tables are a red wood and the canopy bed is scarlet and black, the sheets deep red, the canopy draped over is black hanging loosely around the Gothic looking four posters. The one burning dim light is throwing shadows around the room. Two doors lead out of the room, one which is always locked barring me from the hallway keeping her from escaping and freedom. The other leads the the black and white themed bathroom and a door in there is the closet. Caroline Lewis clutched the bed sheet around her curvy bruised and battered aching body wondering when her tormenter is going to show up to nearly drain her body dry of blood, rape, and beat her again.
The vampire master holding her hostage came barging in the room just then startling her from her thoughts. He locked the door again and put the key under his shirt where it hung around his neck and started to slowly stalk her across the room with a sick twisted pleasure in his dark crazed eyes. She stepped back feeling the usual dread, and fear wash over her making her feel nauseous. Forced into a corner by the predator his eyes hungry to ravish the prey once again. She cowers in the dark corner wondering if shes going to die this time or survive through the torment again and wishing she hadn't , wishing it to be over. He grabs her arm and flings her across the room but not letting her hit the opposite wall because he catches her using his blinding speed, grabbing her by the neck and slams her into the floor before the sheet even touches the floor a few feet away, her bare bruised body lat barely conscious and bleeding on the floor while he strips off his clothes, he jumps on her to brutally rape and drink from her tearing flesh in his haste. After finishing he got dressed then bit into his wrist to give her a few drops to slowly mend whatever broken bones or torn skin to keep her barely alive, then walked out locking the door again after exiting the room. She lay in the floor in excruciating agony while things slowly mend, after she crawls over to the big bed pulls the conferrer dragging it behind her under the bed and wrapped it around herself and falls into a restless sleep filled with tears and shivering fright.


"Micheal" Jade pouted at him while climbing into his lap "please don't go, and make love to me instead", he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back off of him "no Jade I have to go now" he said standing up and walked to go join the others getting ready to attack Ontario view mansion to take down the vampire coven there. "As you know the vampire coven, 'Ontario view' has to be taken down for the lack of control, hundreds of innocent people has been murdered and Anjello the master of the coven must be trialed for his actions, so capture him and bring him to me. Micheal bring my beta will lead group two and half of three, I will be leading the other half of group three and group one. Fight well men, LET'S GO!!" my alpha Kloff finished his speech.
Everyone started shifting into their wolves and followed behind Kloff and I to attack the blood sucking demons.

Caroline woke from her disturbed dreams by the sound of running, screaming, and loud booms emanating from around the room, and loud growls. Not seeing her tormentor and her curiosity growing, she cautiously climbed from under the bed still clutching the conferrer. She inched to the window to see a large hoard of vicious giant wolves attacking the mansion shes in. Intrigued she doesn't move and watches from the high window feeling like they can't reach her until she saw them start to filter into the building. Fear started to wash through her then hope following close behind. What if this is my chance to escape from this place she wondered then dread came, if I don't die first she mentally added. Keeping the conferrer around herself she went to a dark corner of the room and silently waiting for the door to open. "For death or life" she mumbled to herself trying to not run and hide in the closet.

Ripping another throat open with his teeth and claws slowly made his way further into the large house killing vampires one by one. Leading the group up a wide flight of stairs they split up into two groups and went down halls bursting thorough doors into rooms and killing any of the species deemed to death.
He busted through the last door of the fourth and last door. He sniffed the air, smelling her he went to the corner she hid in looking wide eyed and terrified. A sudden and fierce nee to protect her came about him confusing him. He looked into her sky blue eyes and nudged her arm with his nose, he backed away from her a couple of steps, then changed into his human form surprising her "do you want to get out of this place?" he asked her, she nodded her head "then when I change back climb on my back, okay?" she nodes again and with the confirmation he turns back into his wolf.
She shakily, and slowly got out of the corner winching at the movement and climbs onto his back. Leaning forward a little she wraps her arms around his neck the best she could. He carefully made his way out of the mansion avoiding fights along the way, making it out he ran further from the house. Desiding that their far enouph he layed on the ground and lat her slide off of him then shifted to his human form again.

Meeting you

He grabbed her hand and started walking away from the mansion that is now burning by an all engulfing inferno, wolves scattered about running back to the pack house or to their families. " What is with the blanket?" he asked her, she clutches it to herself tighter to keep it there "I have no you for saving me" she says giving him a weak smile to show she appreciates it. He rescued her after all. He smiled "no problem..." after hesitating for a few seconds he asked " why were you there?" She kept walking hesitating then finally answering him "maybe one day I'll tell you".
When they got to a large white with blue trimmed, three story house their were a lot of people milling about talking, hugging, and kissing each other glad they did not loose a loved one. When Caroline saw a woman with long red curly hair saunter up to him "Micheal what took you so long?" she pouted draping herself around him possessively. So that's his name? Caroline mused zoning out of her surroundings until she noticed Micheal's hand waving in front of her face " to you" he was saying "What is your name?" then he stopped. "um it's Caroline...Lewis" she grabbed his hand and shook it feeling electric tingles run up her arm. " My name is Micheal McVah, unusual name right" he introduced his amusement obvious pointing to the red haired woman "this is Jade". "Nice to meet you Jade" Caroline said raising he hand to shake Jades, though Jade just looks at it then looks Caroline in the eyes "I don't touch worthless insignificant dirty things" she smirked. 'Well this going to be fun' Caroline thought sarcastically dropping her hand and glares at Jade "well that's fine with me because i don't touch snobby wanna-be whores".
Not noticing for the first time that Jade is being rude Micheal frond not liking one bit, usually he didn't care but this time it does he assessed feeling uncomfortable. He glared at Jade "that's enough" he said to distract the two before they pounced on each other after their comments to each other. He hadn't realized before that Jade could be such a damn bitch and that Caroline has manners bit a bit of a spark of attitude. He grabbed Carolines hand to make her walk with him not caring if Jade fallows " we're going to get you cleaned and dressed" he informed her walking into the house, down a long hallway lined with open entry ways to a stair case, he looked at Caroline and saw her looking around and at the paintings and pictures hanging on the walls. They stopped at a closed door that he opened and ushered her in. finally looking at her he realized she's quiet beautiful, she has sky blue eyes and long wavy white hair, voluptuous body 'bout 5' 3" under the blanket. "Get into the shower and I'll be back with some clothes, towels are in that cabinet" Micheal said gesturing to the small door in the wall then walked out closing the door. He walked to Kloffs wife Anne "do you have any extra clothes that I can give to someone? your about the same size as Caroline", "yes I do but who's Caroline?" she asked him putting her hands on her hips. "She's someone I saved from the vampires when she's cleaned up and properly dressed you will meet her" he said to the short brunette woman. After getting some clothes from her he went back to the bathroom and set the clothes on the toilet seat and walked out locking the door behind himself then walked to his bedroom and layed there waiting for Caroline to be done.
Trying not to start hyperventilating Caroline finished taking her shower then turned off the water, stepping out she looked around a peach colored bathroom with white porcelain then wrapped herself with the towel to dry off. Picking up a tan long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans she dried her hair more then put her towel into a clothes basket. She unlocked the door then opened it happy that the dreaded sensation went away as she opened the door. She looked around the hall seeing a door cracked open she inched to it to see Micheal laying on a bed asleep, opening the door wider she stepped in and looked at him for what seemed the first time he has short black hair and a square jaw with a nose that fit perfectly on him, the masculine and rugged look suits him she already knows his eyes are a forest green, he has a dark tan, tall, looks about 5'9". Putting her hand on his shoulder to shake him awake he grabs her wrist making he jump back and yank her hand away. "I-I didn't know you were awake" she stutters and blushes backing away a step when he sits up. "Don't worry about it, com on we have to go to Kloof the pack alpha to see what to do with you" he says while grabbing her arm and leading down stairs to a door, he knocked then heard a muffled "come in". Opening it he sat me into a chair facing a small brunette woman and a tall blonde man behind a big desk "so you must be Caroline" he says, Caroline nodded her head.

The alfa, luna, and Rose

The man leaned forward out stretching his hand "My name is Kloff Rowler and my mate Anne" he said gesturing to the brunet woman standing next to him she gave me a warm smile and came around the table and gave Caroline a hug saying it's good to meet you Caroline" She mumbled "nice to meet you too Mrs. Rowler" she said call me Anne I insist" then she went and hugged Micheal "I'm glad your uninjured Micheal because you would worry me more" she said seriously then patronizingly "you know if you were to have your mate you wouldn't worry me so much" taking the chance. For some reason that last bit was bothering Caroline. She fumbled with fer shirt edge thinking 'why does that bother me so? it's pointless I didn't even know werewolves existed till I was rescued from that vampire let alone them till Anjello captured me. He is a creature I'm human so nonsense it doesn't bother me' she convinced herself taking it all in as a grain of rice in her bowl of life. Feeling like he's trust worthy she gathered her courage and said "umm Kloff... Sir um, from my understanding Micheal is not h-human are you the s-same?" she stuttered out. "Yes Caroline the majority of people here you see are wares but some are human due to being a mate to one" he replied after a second he asked "you are human yes?" Caroline sensed Micheal stiffen "yes to my understanding I am very human from what Anjello said my blood tastes unique some how though" sensing another question she added "he was thinking out loud", "why were you there Caroline?" Kloff asked her, Caroline answered "he cap-captured me and kept me locked away" she then said in a rush "he said that I could come in handy in his plans, what plans though I do not know". Kloff looked thoughtful for a minute then looked at Micheal 'it almost looks like they're having a conversation?' she wondered 'maybe I can trust them? they did technically save me from my tormentor' she shuddered in dread the familiar nausea forming in the pit of her stomach 'he's gone now he can't touch me' she tried to reassure herself but the feeling didn't go away.
Micheal noticed Caroline start to shake and the look of dread steal across her face then disappear "Micheal, from what she's saying this can't be good Anjello may be possibly running an organization under our noses, and the unique blood notion she told is a bit unsettling I don't feel anything from her just the usual homo sapiens blood though, look more into this Micheal" Kloff said into my head our mind link letting us have a private conversation "I will what should I do about Caroline? she's my mate, I found that out while we were attacking Anjello's coven that's why I saved her" Micheal said blocking the link to his alphas mind. 'It came as a surprise to him when it happened after busting through the locked door to the room she was in cowering in the corner as soon as he saw her it happened she became his world kind of hard to explain but he will never hurt her intentionally her sky blue eyes wide and piercing yet intelligent all the same her long and wavy snow white hair temping him to touch it to see if it felt like silk to his touch, her nose sloped and small, her mouth bow shaped and pink as rose petals, face heart shaped skin a pale creamy peach color flawless except for the bruises and cuts marring her skin making him want to kill Anjello with his bare hands, her body is voluptuous making her very generous in curves' Micheal pulled his mind from Caroline with difficulty. "Micheal i would like to see you later to further discuss this" Kloff said out load for everyone to hear this time, Micheal nodded his head "I'll be back later then". Anne then grabbed Carolines hand and said "I will bring you some clothes later Caroline it was great meeting you" with a warm smile, then gave Micheal a hug and good bye, Kloff said his good byes while Micheal walked out followed by Caroline. He looked over at her wondering about her "are you hungry?" he asked her, she looked at him then nodded her head in confirmation so he took her to the kitchen of the pack house "what would you like to eat then?" he asked, she looked thoughtful for a minute then "umm may I have some eggs?" seeming uncertain. He nodded his head "of course you can just sit on a stool and I'll make it for you, do want anything with it? like baken and sausage?" grabbing a pan while saying it she shook he head no "just eggs are fine thank you", he got the eggs from the fridge "how do you want them?". "Umm how about scrabbled?" she answered, he got them started then grabbed a couple of glasses and filled them with orange juice he handed her one then went back to the eggs. Handing her the plate she mumble "think you", he washed the pot and spatula then sat across from her at the table drinking his orange juice waiting for her to finish "so...what do you want to do next? do you like movies?" he asked her, between bites she nodded her head "that sounds fun...what is today's date?" she asked him "August 26th why?" he asked curious why she asked she nearly started choking on the eggs "I've been there for nearly five whole months?" she asked shocked though he new she wasn't asking but stating a fact "how did I survive for that long?" she finished. She looked at the mostly empty plate looking apologetic "sorry, but im afraid I cannot eat any more" Micheal just nodded his head and took the plate and glasses to the sink and washed them "lets go watch that movies shall we?" he smiled at her, she nodded her head and followed him to the living room. "What would you like to watch?" he asked her going to a large cabinet and opening it to show a large selection of DVD cases. "Come over here and help me choose" Micheal said to her, she walked to him and helped him choose, eventually they chose 'the art of getting bye' they sat on a couch and watched the movie. After the movie Micheal went to see Kloff leaving Caroline in the living room to watch more movies. Knocking on Kloffs office door after hearing him say "come in" Micheal entered.
After Micheal left Caroline got bored with the movie she was watching so she took it out and put it away. She decided to explore the house curious she started wondering the house mapping the doors and halls to memory she came to an open door, peeking inside she saw a library stepping inside she saw the tall bookshelves circling the room in book with some tables and chairs scattered about the room, by then she saw the girl looking at Caroline with interest, setting the book she was reading the girl stood up and walked to Caroline, she had waist length curly red hair and green eyes the same as Micheals she's tall and thin but "I haven't seen you before" she said to me raising her hand for Caroline to shake "my names Rose, and your is?" she asked Caroline "Caroline nice to meet you Rose, you haven't seen my before because this is the first day I've been here" she replied to Rose with a small smile liking Rose immediately. They sat down where Rose was reading.

Finding mates

Caroline was still talking to Rose when she instantly sensed when Micheal walked into the room. Roses face lit up like a childs would on Christmas morning, she lept out of her seat, and shot over to him before she could blink. Caroline turned in her seat to look at them when Jade walked in behind him and grabbed his arm pushing Rose off him and throwing Caroline a dirty look "oh Micheal let's forget about these two to play and go have some fun" she said this in a 'seductive' voice. "Why don't you go and fuck with someone else you dirty masochistic whore" Rose said in a deadly and threatening voice. A smirk instantly widened Jades face when she was about to say something Micheal cut in "that's enough Jade don't be so rude to my sister and go, Rose don't start again" he scolded them then looked at Caroline and gestured to her to come to him "Rose, Caroline it seems you've meet" he said with a big smile on his face.
Caroline got up just as Jade gave her a threatening look then turned on her heels and stomped out, Micheal gave a huff of annoyance "don't just stand there come here" he said to her then grabbed her arm in his hand when she got to his side pulling her into him. She started feeling uncomfortable then scared when she thought how easy it was for him to man-handle her, she started freaking out and pulling out of his grip trying to get loose from him she started feeling uncomfortable and scared when she thought how easy it was for him to man-handle her, anxiety pulled on invisible strings through her body pulling out of his grip trying to get loose from him. She saw Anjello leaning over her raising his fist to punch her again and again repeatedly being shook from the force and voices yelling name pulling through her screams and memory of the near past. Almost like waking from a dream she was shaking and sweating bullets, looking into the worried faces of Micheal and Rose "Caroline, Caroline" Micheal was repeating to her, holding her in his arms trying to calm her "it's okay my mate" he said quietly "your safe, it's okay".

When she finally calmed down he loosened his arms around her "she's your mate?!?" Rose hollered out of nowhere "really!?! cool! yay she's going to be my sister in law soon!" Rose jumping and dancing in joy. That's when they realized Jade was standing in the door way looking shocked and pissed "WHAT!?!" she screeched "this ugly tramp is your mate?" she gave Caroline a look that would cripple a lesser person then ran off fuming. Caroline was puzzled at this not knowing anything about werewolves except for stories and legends "what exactly is a mate?" she asked to no one in particular that's when Rose looked at Caroline after glaring at Jade "I'm going to let Micheal explain this okay? I can't believe you found your mate Micheal!" She went back to her dancing and skipped out of the room.

"Ummm,,, how do I start?" Micheal stated to his self, "kay...mates are like soul mates and we are made for each other, that's the main just of it but we're made each other and when we meat we're supposed to complete the mating ritual" he pause but Caroline butted in before he could start again "what is the mating ritual and what do you have to do?" she asked him. "Well" he continued " we are supposed to make a strong bond of love between us then make love and give you my mark, after that we get married and we'll have a child then we're fully bonded by then" he finished the explanation looking in her eyes getting lost in them "how would I get your mark?" she asked him "that's some thing I'll explain another time" he said absently. "Come you must be hungry because I'm ravished" he started gently pulling her out of the mini library by her elbow

They made their way to the kitchen to find it filled with women and food, Anne came up to them and pushed them out into another room "stay out of the kitchen" Anne scolded them, the room had a long table that could fill at least thirty people on it. People were sitting and settling into chairs at the table while women put dishes of assortment on the table. Micheal pulled Caroline to a couple of empty seats and sat her into one then sat next to her, Rose sat in front of Caroline and smiled an bright smile at her and Micheal "hey guys how's it going?" Rose asked them "good Rose and you?" she asked back looking around at people getting curious looks from them "fantastic" Rose countered back then grabbed a plate and heaped it with steaming food. Micheal put a plate in front of Caroline she looked down at it with a watering mouth, 'I'm not hungry I'm starving' she mused to herself picking up her fork and digging in. During dinner between stuffing her mouth with delicious food she answered a couple of questions asked by the people sitting around her while Micheal deflected most of them and kept them too busy to bombard her with there curiosity. When finished Micheal grabbed her plate then went in the direction of the kitchen, when gone Caroline looked at Rose to see her grinning at her. When Micheal came back he took her to a room and pointed at some clothes on the bed "go in the bathroom and change into these for bed" he said to her, going into the peach and brown bathroom she set the clothes on the sink and changed. Walking out she found Micheal in some sweat pants laying on the bed he looked at her and patted beside him "come lay down I promise I won't touch you, I don't want to scare you" she hesitated before padding her way to the bed deciding to trust him 'the situation could be worse' she thought to herself snuggling under the covers as he turned off the light and surprising her by giving her forehead a pick "night my mate" he whispered before she slid into sleep after the busy, and shocking day she had, conforted by his presence.

New friends

Chapter 5.

Waking to sunlight warming her eye lids Caroline opened them shielding them by her arm looking around, Sunlight filtered in through the window bright and slanting across the room. The room is a good size with walls the color of rain, a couple of small tables, a big dresser, an assortment of game players hooked to a flat screen T.V and sofa. The queen sized bed she lay on was covered in sheets a deep blue color, Micheal lay next to her still fast asleep with an arm resting across her waist. In slumber he looked so peaceful that she surprisingly felt like hugging him to her, to take confort in his presence, embracing that she scooted closer to his hard body, wrapping her arms around him she pressed her body to his unable to control herself and liking it even more when he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist feeling safe she stayed like this for a while more wishing she could stop time, though she didn't know if he was awake or asleep still so she shifted to look up at his face to see him quietly staring at her with a soft smile and love softened eyes. She looked in his eyes and smiled back, tingles raced through her from the physical contact seeming to be emanating from his skin, heart fluttering in her chest she wondered what this emotion was, deciding that she liked but she didn't like that she likes it. She pulled away unable to look at his face because she knew that he will have a disappointed frown on his face, 'great I've known him for a whole day and I can already predict him' she mentally raged 'and developed feelings towards him' she added ruefully. Getting up she saw a pile of neatly folded clothes on top of the dresser "are these clothes for me?" she asked Micheal turning to look at him, when he nodded she grabbed a russet blue shirt, jeans and under garment from a package. Going into the bathroom she locked the door, undressed then turned on the shower at full blast letting the heavy drops beat onto her head and shoulders, she grabbed the green bar of soap 'it's not going to turn me green is it?' she bemusedly asked herself rubbing it onto her skin to get clean, then washed her hair with head and shoulders brand of shampoo. Getting out she got dressed into the clean clothes she got and dried her hair while unlocking and walking out the door into the bedroom to find Micheal sitting on the couch watching the news on television, she noticed that he's not in the sweat pants anymore but fresh clothes, a fitted shirt a dark green and jeans that hugs his thighs realizing that he just saw her check im out she looked away unfailingly fighting off a blush. Her stomach growled then, a smile spread across his gorgeous lips "let's go get something to eat" he turned off the T.V and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the room, and down the stairs passing a few pack members to the kitchen.
He sat her on a stool and made them blueberry pancakes at her request. While eating another bite she asked him teasingly "what would you do if you turned into a frog instead of a wolf? maybe I should say duck instead?" he laughed at that "then I'd be your werefrog maybe a wereduck" he said amusingly making them both laugh uncontrollably until Rose interrupted "what's so funny I want to be in on the joke" she said pouting at them making them laugh harder tears running down their faces "don't get what could be so funny" she added, when they finally calmed down wiping away the tears "I'm now her wereduck, or frog prince?" he said causing them to start again on their fit of giggles "only because your either a quack or trying to charm the pants off of women" Caroline added in Rose joined in the laughter then "yeah he is" she agreed, "no I'm not" Micheal said trying to instantly look serious and fight off lauphing, both girls laughed at his face "you, you look so con-constipated" Rose burst out unable to breath while Caroline fell to the floor unable to stay upright any longer Micheal joined in until someone cleared their through to gain their attention they calmed down to see Jade and some other brunette woman standing in the door way shooting daggers at Caroline and Rose "get lost you two" the brunette said giving Micheal a quick lustful look, "no go away Alice, you too Jade no one wants you here" Rose shot back "seriously nerd go read and get smarter that's all your good at cause your looks don't say anything for you" Jade cut in snobbishly. "Really cause I see two desperate brainless whores wasting our time with your waste of space" Caroline said cuttingly, making Micheal laugh and let him wrap his arms around her waist and pull her into him before he could say any thing to them they were interrupted by a woman and two guys walking in "hey Micheal!" on of the guys said holding the hand of the woman "what's this their bothering you again?" he continued to talk "shame you can't ever get some peace with them two around" he joked walking to them, hearing an audible 'hmph' Alice and Jade stormed away. Micheal loosened his arms "Hey guys I want you meet someone" he said to the three "this is my mate Caroline, Caroline this is Butch, his mate Summer, and Hunter" Butch is tall and muscled with short brown hair and blue eyes, shook Carolines hand, Summer Butch's mate is a tall woman with long black wavy hair and brown eyes gave Caroline a hug in greeting and Hunter is like the other two men tall with brawn, longish black hair with dark blue eyes gave her a sly smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes gave her a brotherly hug "Micheal's lucky to get someone so beautiful" She could tell he has trouble written all over him, 'this is going to be interesting' she thought to herself. She heard a low growl from behind her and felt Micheals arms tighten around her "hey Micheal are you going to share this one with me?" Micheal gave him a murderous glare while Hunter laughed "calm down man I'm just kidding she feels like a little sister to me already" he added to save his ass from getting handed to him then turned to Rose "hey Rose come give me a hug" he talked like he's talking to a baby gaining a smack in the back of his head from her everyone laughed "anyone want to go to the mall or theaters?" Summer asked the group gaining nodes from everyone, with that they all piled into cars and left.

Mall day

Walking with Micheal hand in hand made her happy, with new friends it's even better Caroline decided. They were walking to the mall entrance when she got a sudden feeling like she was being watched, the glare she was feeling didn't feel friendly whats so ever. She figured it was just Jade and her friend and dismissed it walking in chatting with the others "sex with Robert Patterson or some Brad Pitt?" Hunter asked Rose "hmmm..." she pretended to think about it "Taylor Lautner all the way, he's some hot stuff" she said with a sly smile making the rest of them laugh at her shenanigans "I have to agree" Summer agreed "hey what about me?" Butch cat in whining at her she laughed "were talking if we could do them honey" she smiled making the rest of them laugh again. Feeling the glare again Caroline got curious and looked around her to unexpectedly see Anjello across from her at a far entrance glaring at her she froze and stared wide eyed at him 'he could possibly be here' she screamed in her head she started to shake and raw fear washed through her voice started to clamber in her throat like she's going to scream when Micheal noticed and wrapped his arms protectively around her trying to calm her down before asking "what's wrong? whey are you afraid?" "A-Anjello I-I just saw him" she stuttered out afraid that he will get her, that's when she saw the others looking at her curious and worried, Hunter made a face "what about Anjello? what does he have anything to do with you?" he asked her, Rose asked "who's Anjello?" Hunter then told them in a hushed voice who he was "that's a good question how would she know Anjello?" Butch asked curiously and cautiously. Caroline gave Micheal a questioning look to say 'should I?' he nodded his head so she uncomfortably told them how she met Micheal and how he saved her leaving out the details much to the others surprise. They looked at her with pity and sympathy making her wish they wouldn't "are you okay now?" Micheal asked her loosening his arms around her keeping an arm around her back to hold her close yet not too close.
They decided to change the subject and continued to talk about random things and shop. They walked into Spencers walking to the back they saw the scandalous sex toys so Micheal decided to be funny and asked the male cashier if he wanted to help him 'try out' the candy underwear pretending he's gay, much to the poor guy's disconfert. Then Rose making fun of him when he was yelled at and kicked out of the store for disrupting his worker. They went to eat lunch Caroline, Hunter, Rose and ,Micheal settled on Mcdonalds while the rest got pizza. After eating Caroline and the other girls went to Victorias secret and found Hunter where he disappeared while the others eat kissing and flirting with the cashier. Laughing Rose walked up to him "What happened to the guy you were just flirting with?" she asked him exasperated while Caroline and Summer were stifling laughs from his ears "well Rose as you know I'm a man with variety in mind and the man was a quick distraction now this beauty is" he said back to Rose grinned then puckered her face up like she was pouting "aw baby your cheating on me again?" then she changed her expression to one of exasperation "my your such an insatiable man Hunter first me then the boys stick now her mouth what's wrong with you? yes I saw you behind the curtain with him" The woman started to make gagging noises when he just smiled at Rose Caroline and Summer laughing loudly at her. "aw but darling you know I like it like that" he grinned wolfishly knowing what she's doing "come and kiss me now love and let's see who's talking?" she shrieked and ran putting a stand between them Caroline and Summer were now hanging onto each other with tears rolling down their faces while Hunter chased Rose around the store causing a seen. Micheal, and Butch walked in the store chuckling at them and giving them curious looks then helping Caroline and Summer off of the floor "what did they do this time?" Butch asked the girls and looked over at Hunter pulling Rose into his chest and giving her kiss faces while she pushed at him and made disgusted faces they all laughed when Roses arms gave out and they banged heads making the two go down grunting. The cashier looked angry when she went to the two on the floor "out of the store or I'm calling security!" she yelled "aw but I wanted to buy some sexy underwear please let me stay" Rose pleaded "no!" the cashier stood firm and tough "thanks Hunter" she muttered while pushing his shoulder then storming out Hunter following apologizing to her. She turned to the people hat were watching giving them a scorching look. Caroline bought some comfortable and lacy underwear, and bras with Micheal trailing behind her. Finishing their they went to a couple of other stores joking and talking before leaving the mall and went to the pack house.

Pack introduction

Getting out of the car Micheal grabbed Caroline's hand pulling her into the house out of the cold November wind. Walking into the house she looked around and noticed a few festive nick-naks sitting around on the small tables lining the stretch of hall. "Come on it's time you got introduced to the entire pack" pulling her behind him Micheal pulled her into the brown furnished living room where at least thirty people sat talking amongst themselves. When Kloff turned and saw them walking in he clapped his hands "quiet everybody, for those who do not know Micheal now has a mate, Caroline welcome this is most of the pack you will get to learn there names afterward, there is another pressing issue, Anjello lives" with this news Caroline started to fear that he may be after her and then noticed Micheal became rigid as a board, Kloff continued "he was first seen this morning at about four when Jase came and told me he was snooping around therefor I suggest to take caution when out at night, that is all" Micheal grabbed her arm pulling her away from the overcrowded living room, wrapping her protectively into his arms "are you going to be okay? We can go up stairs if you don't want to hang around you will meet everyone later" Caroline shook her head "I'll be fine it's just-damn...why?" she shoved her face into his shirt squeezing him whispered "he's back already, I just can't get A break from him can I?" and started silently sobbing while he rubbed her back soothingly.
After awhile she raised her head and wiped her eyes for the remaining tears "lets go up stairs" Micheal said to her leading her to the stairs "no I'm fine I want to meet the people I will be living with for A while" Caroline said stopping in the hall, "are you sure?" when she nodded her head he lead her to the living room where most people were still standing and chatting. Micheal introduced Caroline to the people lingering around and she found that most of the people in her company were lively and friendly. After awhile Micheal took A tired and smiling Caroline to their room to ready for bed "I like the people around here I was half expecting more Jades around" Caroline said with earnest. "Well She is one of the few frank self righteous whores you will ever meet here" Caroline lifted her head to look squarely at him with A lifted brow "what do you mean frank? she wasn't being frank she was being a straight up bitch by what she said" he sighed wile shaking his head "okay wrong word for about uninhibited" she scowled at him "that means the same thing" she pointed at the floor "your sleeping on the floor for saying that" he looked at her dumbfounded "what did I do? I was half agreeing with you" she shook her head "no you were agreeing with what she said so your sleeping on the floor tonight besides I'm supposed to be your mate are you not supposed to agree with me no matter what? Don't want to get into trouble with your mate because you suffer from some kind of withdraw...well, that's what I got out of watching the Twilight series anyway" Micheal just shook his head at her again when Caroline wondered how she was so comfortable with him how it was so easy to be around him...with him "well your just going to have to deal I'm sleeping on the bed anyways".
He went into the bathroom she took the chance to change into A night shirt and a pair of loose shorts then spread her limbs as far as she could to take over the bed. When he came out he pushed her over and got under the covers, turning off the light he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before snuggling under to sleep, after waiting for hm to fall asleep she positioned her body to where her feet were on his back and head over the side, with all the energy she could muster she pushed with her feet sending him sprawling to the floor with a loud 'thump' he jumped up to find Caroline fighting the sheets trying not to fall over the other side of the bed chuckling he pulled her fully on the bed and climbed back in chuckling a little he said "night love" covering her then gathered her into his arm almost instantly falling asleep.


Opening her eyes Caroline looking around trying to find Micheal but didn't see him. Hearing the shower turn off, she got up and looked out the window until she heard the door open turning she saw Micheal walking into the room with just a pair of sweat pants on and tennis-shoes. He gave her a small smile "come on lets go eat breakfast" nodding she grabbing some clothes and walked to the bathroom "let me get dressed first". Walking out in a pair of light jeans and a white shirt, then slipped on a pair of flats, she nodded to him and followed him through the halls. Going into the kitchen People greeted them with friendly smiles, and waited for breakfast to finish cooking. Finishing a plate of eggs and bacon, Caroline rinsed off her plate and put it in the dishwasher, sitting down she waited for Micheal to finish eating asking him "what are we going to do today?" he paused with a fork halfway to his mouth "well first I want to go for a run, then what ever you want to do". Stuffing the last fork full he got up and rinsed his plate and silverware then gestured for her to follow him.
Walking outside Caroline shielded her eyes from the sun and followed Micheal into the woods he turned to her "I'm going to get undressed behind a tree, when you see my wolf get my clothes please" nodding she asked "why are we going out their?" looking at her he smiled "it's tradition to take your mate with them for the month pack run right after meeting to prove that they are capable, we usually do it at night because it's safer but with Anjello on the loose in the woods it's too dangerous for the adults to be out after dark, and children have to have a companion while out" nodding again she waited to see the large black wolf emerge from behind a small cluster of trees. Grabbing the clothes she jogged along with his walk through bushes and around trees. Coming to a clearing they stopped and she saw multiple colored wolves ranging from black to brown to white, and of all sizes. Nervously walking beside Micheal she followed him into the crowd of furry friends quietly chuckling at her thoughts she began to relax more when noone payed her any attention. Stopping beside Kloff Micheal laid on the ground for her to climb on his back.
Micheal quickly walked beside Kloff into the dense woods with the rest of the pack following behind. Picking up speed Caroline leaned down to his body molding her body to his holding onto his fur the wind whistled in her ears whipping her hair behind her. Stuffing her fur she breathed in his scent feeling completely relaxed feeling the muscles in his body working at he moved between the trees and bushes with reflexes of a wild cat. Lifting her head Caroline watched the bristling rush of greens and browns flashing by her eyes breathing the rushed damp air into her lungs more. Feeling exilerated Micheal and the others slowed by a river that must have been a couple of miles away from the house. Micheal laid down allowing Caroline to slide off of his big body, sitting next to him she absentmindedly ruffled her finders through the his thick fur again thinking how fun it was to run. Feeling a nudge at her side she looked over at Micheal then moved when he shook his head in the other direction. They went a little further up the river and he drank water while she watched a couple pups splashing nearby, when on got to close and splashed water on her she gasped as the freezing water soaked into her clothes lauphing she put her hands into the cold water and splashed water into the air at them catching their attention they tackled her rubbling wet bodies of soaked fur on her Micheal let out a chortle of a odd lauph gaining attention. The pups tackled Micheal, she lauphed as he rolled around with them playing in the tall grass. Getting back on Micheals back Caroline grabbed handfulls of his fur tugging slightly to get his attention whispering in his ear "think you for this Micheal it's a lot of fun" then leaned into his body more as he walked to the rest of the group.


     Two days later... Remembering the run she had with the pack and meeting the members, and they're pleasent greetings. She had gained some new friends, one of them being one of the desgnated cooks, though it is not nessisarry or a perminant job for these women and man, they voluntary cook for everyone. Walking into the great big kitchen she greeted everyone in the room, walking to the cabinate she grabbed a coffee cup filling it high with hot coffee joking with them.


Texte: The picture is not mine but the story is.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.12.2011

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