
The Meadow
I sat in a meadow, a common dream of mine, staring in the distance. I heard a twig snap and I looked towards the sound. I saw the same male I’ve seen so much. He stared at me with his brown eyes. I looked at his black hair, black t-shirt, and black pants. I blinked and he vanished. I looked down disappointed. Then suddenly my chin was lifted up and I felt my heart race rapidly.
I opened my mouth to talk, but like always he silenced me. He moved forward to my ear and I felt him put something in my hand. “If you want to meet me. Come here,” he whispered angelically moving my fingers so my hand would grip the item. I was very surprised to hear his voice.
Then my name was yelled out and the meadow vanished. I looked at him and then he faded. Then I woke up after all that was left was his smiling face his eyes looking at me fading slowly as I slowly woke up. “Amy!!!!!!!!” the familiar voice rang out through the room trying to adjust quickly to the blurry room. I got up and stumbled to the door and opened it dropping what I was clutching. I saw his face vanish. There stood Ruby at the door her blonde hair was in curls and she was wearing her red dress, she looked at me with her blue eyes, and tapped impatiently her red high heels clicking on the floor.
I bowed. “Good morning. Going on your date after you drop off Emily and Sapphire at there friends sleep over party?” I asked quickly so she wouldn‘t get a reason to punish me.
“Yes, glad you remembered. What’s your job?” she asked making sure I never forgot.
“Keep the house clean and safe. And never leave it.”
She smiled and said, “I’m glad I kept you.” I bowed to her rare praise.
She left my room and I stretched something on the floor caught my attention. I looked at the crumpled up paper and opened it. I looked at the map in shock. It showed my room where I was standing right now. Right near the door way to my closet room. I looked around. I didn’t know if I wanted to follow it.
I put the paper in my pocket and looked out the window at a girl she had blonde hair and green eyes. It looked like she was wearing a blue shirt. She saw I noticed her and she ducked. I sighed in frustration. That girl always showed up. She always vanished. “Not today!” I thought.
I ran out the door and I saw the girl kneeling down in front of the window. “Who are you?” I asked.
“Hmm.. I can tell you, but.. I don’t think I will,” she said standing up. “Catch me if you can!” she yelled.
She ran to the forest I closed the door and ran after her. It was hard to keep up. “Stop!” I yelled. All she did was giggle and run. Suddenly I tripped on a rot. I stumbled into a clearing. “That hurt.. Time to go home. Get her next time..” I muttered.
“Why? Where are you going so fast?” I heard a voice asked, and I looked to see a guy leaning on a tree. He had brown hair, white t-shirt, and blue jeans. “Come here I won’t hurt you I promise,” he smiled evilly I knew he was lying.
I backed up and ran for my life. I heard yells and stomping of feet telling me he was near by. I was running almost in a circle. I tried to run left, but he stayed high on my heels. He tried to grab for me and barely missed. His hand hit my back and I fell. I curled and rolled into a bush and rolled out. I crawled into another bush being cut up by the twigs. I bite my lip so I wouldn’t scream in pain from the twigs that went into my skin.
I wasn’t use to this kind of pain before. I listened under the bush holding my breath and I heard him stomping on the ground hitting the bush I rolled into unaware I changed bushes. Then I heard him grunt and run away in the opposite direction. I sighed in relief and got out after a few minutes letting my heart slow.
Then I stood up and I was grabbed from behind and I was pushed down into the soft dirt a foot on my back and arms. I felt the pain as he stepped on me keeping me down. “Thought you could get away didn’t you?” the guy said holding me. I tried to get up, but he was too strong.
Then I heard foot steps and heard the first guys voice. “Wow you got her!” he yelled in excitement.
Then I was pulled up and I saw a guy with long blond hair, green eyes, a black leather shirt, and black pants. Suddenly they laughed at my fear and his grip loosened and I took the chance to wiggle free. I managed to slip from his grip. I ran again and I hoped I was running back home. I crossed my fingers hoping I was going in the right direction. I heard their heavy foot steps only feet from me I ran faster and turned. My arm scraped against a tree and I tripped on a root. I curled so I rolled into a big meadow.
I got up and pain shot through my body from my ankle when I stepped on the ground. I knew it was twisted. I heard their yells and I limped forward knowing it was useless. Then I bumped into someone and tried to run from them but they grabbed my arm. I tried to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth and whispered in a husky quick voice it sounded like he woke up recently and was very tired, “I won’t hurt you just be silent.”
“’I won’t hurt you’ where have I heard that before…” I thought sadly to myself. I heard their foot steps fade and the guy let me go I looked for where I could run, but then I looked at the guy in shock. I recognized him as the guy who came into my dreams every night.
He sighed in relief and cleared his throat. “Are you going to tell me why you came all they way out here in these dangerous woods?” he asked looking at me anger in his eyes.
“I was chasing this girl…” I replied..
“Why? What did she do that made you follow her into at place so dangerous!? Don’t you know that you could have been killed? Or worse for that matter?!”
I looked down and mumbled thinking he couldn’t hear, “and my dream told me to come here..”
“So if your dreams told you to jump of a cliff would you do it?!”
I shook my head and leaned against a tree moving my left foot and pain shot through me. I looked down to see my ankle was twisted like I thought. Than a drop of blood hit the ground and I noticed I had a lot of blood dripping on the grassy floor. I looked at him he seemed deep in thought so I decided to leave. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm again. “What?” I asked when he looked at the distance clutching my arm that isn’t bleeding as much.
“I know you won’t make it home and you probably would die before then, or you would be kidnapped by those guys which I know won‘t give up, and I also hear that your out of breath,” he said, and I realized he was right I was out of breath, “so your coming home with me.”
I smiled he had no idea how much I was glad to hear that. I walked towards him and my ankle sent another shock of pain. I flinched holding down the scream of pain. He chuckled and one arm on my back and the other behind my knees he lifted me up. He walked me to his house and I noticed he looked even more beautiful in person. The whole way he never looked at me. He typed on a pad with his right hand and was still able to support my back with his right arm.
Then it beeped and then he opened the door and he closed it gently behind him the house was wooden there was a red couch and a coffee table in the first room. He set me on the couch and got a first aid kit he cleaned a little of my leg then he wrapped my ankle up and put a bag around it and tied it. I looked at him curiously. Then I realized that I might need to take a shower when he cleaned and put a water proof band aid on my scrape after cleaning my little cuts. “Where’s the shower?” I asked.
He pointed to the bathroom past the kitchen in a hallway full of rooms. I limped to it and opened the door. I looked at it curiously because at first there was no shower then I saw a door marked, “shower” and I giggled wandering a little about it. “He must have a sister,” I thought. There was two of them. One was pink and the other was blue. After I took a shower my cloths were gone and was replaced with fresh clean cloths. I put on a red t-shirt with a black bird and a red skirt. “Pretty cool,” I thought to myself and walked out to see he was cooking soup.
I sat down at the table awkwardly because I never showered unless I was completely done and I was always cooking. He slide a glass of water in front of me and didn’t look at me at all. He didn’t even look at what was cooking he was staring at the wall, but he somehow still was able to make it perfectly.
Then I heard the door open and I saw the girl with blonde hair, green eyes, blue t-shirt, and a blue skirt and she smiled knowing I recognized her. After she got a glass of water she sat next to me. I started feeling a little nervous as she examined me. Then suddenly she hugged me tightly. I felt pressure on my lungs and I gasped for air and he quickly stopped her so I could breath. “Hi, my name is Luna. What’s yours?” she asked.
“Why would you ask me that,” I muttered. “My name is Amy. Even though you might know from watching me from the window,” I said. She smiled. I looked at him again. “What’s your name?”
“My name is of no importance,” he said quickly growling the words.
I looked down and he gave us all a bowl of chicken soup. We all ate in silence. When I finished eating Luna turned to me excitedly already done with her food. “So are you going to stay with us?” she asked.
“That depends if it won‘t bother you if I did,” I answered.
“So if we want you to leave you will leave if we want you to stay you will stay?!?”
“Yeah I guess.”
She hugged me. “I’ve always wanted a sister!” she yelled happily.
Luna and her brother looked at each other when she said that and her expression turned from happy to sad. His changed to angry then he sighed and nodded. I saw Luna light up happily. “I’m going to show you your room!” she said.
I got up silently and followed I saw her brother tense when I got near him. We left the kitchen and she showed me a room. She pointed to the next room and said, “That one is my brothers. The next one next to it is the bathroom and mine is the one on the other side of it. That one here,” she said pointing to the two rooms on the other side of my room, “those are spares like the other two next to my room.”
I nodded and opened the door to my new room. The wall paper was blue, the carpet was pink, and the bed was white. There was a closet on the right wall and a dresser on the left. The bed was on the far wall in front of a window. I saw a table near the bed with a clock that said it was two o clock. There wasn’t much, but it was better then I got at Ruby’s there I had a bed I had to curl up to sleep on it was small in the closet.
“Do you like it?” she asked.
“Its nice,” I muttered little upset that her brother doesn’t really like me. “I wander if he even wants me here,” I thought to myself, and Luna hugged me and skipped back to the kitchen. I stretched and yawned. Of course I was tired. I never knew why but fear always made me tired. I laid in bed and drifted to sleep and I woke up when I heard knocking on my door. I got up and opened it. Luna stood there looking at me.
“Most people say “Come in” you know?” she giggled and I shrugged and limped back to sit on the bed. She sat next to me and looked at the closet. I looked at the clock it said it was five o clock. “You like my brother don’t you?” she asked softly. I didn’t answer I just looked down at my hands. “Its okay. He likes you, but he just doesn’t know how to show it.”
I looked up at her. “Really?” I asked hopeful.
“Yep. Lets go to my room,” she said getting up, and I limped after her having trouble because she was skipping faster then I could limp. Her room was black and red her bed looked like fire which looked cool. Her closet was small and her clock was black her bed was on the left side and the closet on the right. There were also some beanbag chairs in the middle, they were red.
For four hours we styled each other’s hair, talked, and messed around. Luna was painting my nails when I started drifting to sleep. When I woke up I was being carried. I was only half awake and I couldn’t think clearly so I just kept my eyes closed waiting to fall asleep.
“I don’t know how this happened…” Luna’s brother muttered setting me gently in my bed sitting next to me. “I don’t know if its fate or if its from Luna watching you, but I don’t know what to do. I’m just afraid to hurt you. According to Luna I’m failing that two. I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
Suddenly I felt the bed shift and I peeked to see him laying next to me. He looked up at the ceiling then I closed my eyes again and the bed shifted again. Before I had time to look I felt his warm breath on my neck. I felt his hand hold mine and I was trying not to smile. My heart was pounding and my throat felt dry.
I heard the spring move as he lifted a little and then I felt his warm lips on mine. Then I fainted. When I woke up and he was gone. The memory came back and my cheeks turned red hot and I giggled happily. I looked at the clock it was one in the morning and I felt wide awake. I guess from him kissing me was the reason why I couldn’t sleep. I decided I would go out and walk around until I was sleepy.
I went to the door and it was slightly open so I slipped out and didn’t shut it all the way. I saw a lot of trees so I paid attention to where I was going so I wouldn’t get lost. Then I saw a blue bird its leg caught in a vine bush. So I stopped it from struggling and quickly released its leg by pulling the vine which snapped easily. Just as I got up with the bird a cat flew by where it was.
I looked shocked as the bird flew away and landed on my head. “Thanks. I would have been cat food if it wasn’t for you,” the bird said, and I jumped in shock, “here when you need help just blow this whistle.” A blue whistle dropped into my hand with a bird carving. Then the bird flew away.
I put the whistle in my pocket still very confused. I shook my head and started back, but something flew at me. I laid there with a snarling beast bigger then any wolf or dog I’ve ever seen. Its hind legs were on my legs. I was really scared.
It sat on my legs and pushed its front paws into my arms and howled at the full moon. I looked at it. The beast was brown with a black muzzle and a torn right ear.
I looked at the full moon and I heard growls and I saw pairs on yellow eyes everywhere. “It called its pack… I’m going to die. So what are they waiting for?” I thought to myself at the wolf howling into the sky then all the wolves howled into the night sky.
I waited for them to stop and just eat me for what seemed to me to be hours of endless howling. Then Luna and her brother ran up and the howling stop. “Are they going to eat all of us!?” I wandered in fear.
“No!” her brother yelled, and the beast looked frightened and confused. The beast got off of me.
“What the?” I asked.
“Sorry about our dogs,” Luna said helping me up. I tried to move my legs, but I couldn’t. “How long have you been out here?”
“Depends on what time it is,” I said.
“One thirty in the morning,” her brother said.
“Then I’ve been out here for thirty minutes,” I replied.
Her brother picked me up and Luna ran ahead. He walked with me in his arms because I couldn’t move my legs. “What were you thinking?” he asked staring ahead.
“I couldn’t sleep so I thought I should take a walk around and maybe I would get tired,” I mumbled sadly afraid he was mad at me.
No one said a word Luna had opened the door and went to bed. He walked me in my room and set me on my bed I went under the covers and he left without looking at me. Once the house was completely silent a soft sob slipped out and tears rolled down my cheeks.. “He hates me now. Why do I mess up everything…” I thought before I fell asleep crying.
I woke up from being lightly pushed. Luna’s brother stood over me I wasn’t in my room I saw Ruby’s house instead. We were outside the door and I was in my cloths I wore before I meet Luna and her brother. “We agreed you’d be happier and safer here,” he whispered pulling me up and knocked on the door and ran into the woods very fast.
I was in my closet room very sore finishing up my chores. It has been a week since I got back and I’ve finally finished my punishment for running away. Then someone knocked on the door. I got up and lipped to the front door and opened it. I saw the two guys from the woods. “Oh, Amy they have bought you and you won’t be coming back here ever again,” Ruby said, and the guys smiled evilly.
The Birds
The one with blonde hair grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me towards them. I heard the door slam shut and I was being pulled along with them. I tried to keep up, but my ankle was still healing. “Hey, look she couldn’t get away if she wanted to!” the guy with brown hair said laughing.
“What do you mean?” the guy with blonde hair asked, and he looked at my ankle and saw it was wrapped up and he laughed letting me go. They both laughed. I moved my arms to my side and felt a lump in my pocket and I saw the blue whistle with the bird carving on it. They got up and saw it and reached for it. I backed away and blew the whistle.
They grabbed my arms and the guy with brown hair yelled, “what is that?!” He pointed to a big flock of birds coming straight at us.
“Drop the girl and get out of here!” the blonde guy yelled, and the threw me hard on the ground and they ran for their lives.
I heard cheers among the birds that surrounded me. One picked up the whistle and gave it to me from the ground. They helped me up and the leader the biggest one sat on my shoulder. “Thanks,” I said. Petting the leader and he seemed to of enjoyed it.
“Anytime!” he yelled, and they flew up and left. “And yet I still don’t believe it that birds can talk, but if it keeps danger away I guess I’ll take the weird idea,” I said.
I looked back at the house and I knew I wasn’t suppose to go back to Ruby. “I’m on my own,” I whispered through tears. I turned around and started limping away. Soon after awhile limping in the woods it started getting dark I was having troubles seeing and I kept tripping and scraping myself on trees. I was able to make a moss bed in a cave and I managed to sleep and I woke up from hearing a loud pound on the cave walls deeper in the cave like someone punching a wall. Then I heard foot steps still barely awake.
I heard a voice. “There you are Jake,” a familiar female said. I tried to place where I’ve heard it from, but I was coming up blank.
“Just leave me alone!” Jake yelled.
“Calm down,” she said fear in her voice.
“Shut up Luna! I will never calm down!” he yelled angrily.
Then I realized that was Luna’s voice. Then I realized her brother’s name was Jake. “Why are you even crying?” she asked. I looked at the wall and I noticed the way to go deeper in the cave.
“Amy is dead!” he yelled, and I heard sobbing.
“What how-” she started to ask.
“She was killed by the evil blue birds. They swarmed her and she’s gone! And its all my fault…” he interrupted crying.
“Well how-” she started to ask another question again.
“I went back after I saw the swam and their was nothing left. She’s dead. DEAD!!!!!” he yelled interrupting her again.
“Its not-” she started to say something again.
“It is my fault. I put her back at her old home and now she’s gone. Gone…” he interrupted again. I heard soft sobbing and I got up to tell him I was alright, but I hit my head on a low stalagmite and it fell shattering on the ground. I was hit with the pebbles that came off the shattered remains of the stalagmite.
“We have company. How did I guess,” he sobbed and I felt a vine come out from the ground and wrapped itself around my legs, arms, and around my mouth. “What the heck?” I thought to myself. I looked in a puddle. I had scars and scratches and blood and green moss juice stains. I was unrecognizable.
Then Jake and Luna came out. Jake had tears rolling down his cheeks and Luna looked confused. Luna looked at me and whispered in Jake’s ear. Jake shook his head and looked at me. ”Jake it is me… Amy… I’m not dead…” I thought sadly knowing they can’t read my mind.
“I will not be fooled human. Now its time to die,” he said through tears of sorrow. He made a red ball of light with his hand and I looked at it in surprise.
“Jake!!! Don’t do it!” Luna yelled trying to stop him, but he pushed her away.
I saw my life flash before my eyes, which was me cleaning floors and stuff, running from the guys, hitting Jake, and somehow I was able to picture him kissing me. Then Luna ran at Jake and pushed him and the blast fired coming at my forehead.
The Rat Man
Then a blue bird came and took the blow. The bird pecked the vines and I fell, but blue birds caught me. I looked to see I was surrounded by the pack. The leader sat on my shoulder. “You want us to kill them?” he asked.
“No,” I said, “I didn’t blow the whistle. How did you know I was endanger?”
“I was flying around looking for food,” the leader replied.
I waved goodbye and looked at Luna and Jake. Jake was unconscious and Luna was looking at me surprised. “I saved the leader from being eaten by a cat,” I said, and shrugged.
“So you’re alive? You didn’t get killed by blue birds?” she asked.
“Yes and the birds saved me,” I said. I looked at Jake laying unconscious on the ground. “What about Jake?” I asked trying to wipe off some of the blood and moss off my face.
“He will be okay. I’ll have to take him home, but he will live,” she said picking him up. I looked down and she looked at me and smiled. “And I want you there you promised if we wanted you, you would stay!” she yelled playfully. I smiled at her. We walked back to their house and I got cleaned up. Luna gave me some cloths a black t-shirt and a red skirt. I went into Luna’s room what happened at the cave was bugging me. I sat next to her.
“Luna?” I asked.
“Yeah?” she said.
“Are you guys human?”
She bit her lip then shook her head. “No we aren’t. Well we are human, but not normal.”
“Oh. Cool.”
Luna looked up and faced Jake’s room and got up and left the room. I got up confused then Jake came through the door I moved back over whelmed with fear. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I won’t hurt you I promise.”
“Okay,” I said cautiously.
He gently grabbed my hand and lead me to his room. His room was black. He sat on his bed and I sat next to him the closet was near the bed and there was no clocks or windows I looked at the black bed thoughtfully. “She told you we aren’t normal I see,” he said looking at his closet tense like something was going to jump out.
“Is that why you sent me back home?”
“Yeah. I just don’t want to hurt you.”
“I don’t care if you hurt me.”
He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me and I felt myself blush a little.
I was laying in my bed it has been two days since I was back. Jake barely ever left my side which I didn’t mind. It actually made me happy how much he stayed near me. Then I heard a whisper, “Amy…” it said. I looked around scared. I got up and walked to the door. “Amy…” the whisper said more clearly then before.
I gulped and ran to my bed, “Amy…” the whisper said again louder then before. Then I started feeling like I should go outside, but I covered my ears with my pillow. “Amy!” the voice yelled angrily.
“No!!” I yelled struggling to drown it out.
”Amy!!!!!” I heard the yell again. Then I felt arms wrap around me and I screamed.
“Woo!” Jake said startled jumping back.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said embarrassed sitting up breathing unevenly the voice stopped calling my name.
“Its okay,” he said smiling, and he sat next to me wrapping his arms around me and I blushed a little. He lightly moved his arms from around me and pushed me on the bed laying on me our noses and foreheads touched and I giggled. Then he moved his hands holding my arms to my sides. I didn’t know what he was going to do, but I knew I liked it so far. Then he moved his lips down and kissed me and I fainted.
I woke up and Jake was on his side looking at me. I turned over and looked at him. I remembered him kissing me and I blushed. We stared into each others eyes until we fell asleep.
I woke up when I heard my name being called. I got up, but I was outside near a large bush. Then this girl came out. “Amy… come here…” she said.
“No!” I yelled.
Something made me moved closer to the white girl she grabbed my hand and a pain shot through me faster then the speed of light.
I woke up being pushed sweat was coming down a lot. My heart was racing so fast I was waiting for it to pop out of my chest. “You okay?” Jake asked concerned.
“Y-yeah,” I stuttered.
“You sure?” he asked.
“Yeah it was just a dream.”
“If your sure,” he said kissing me.
I blushed badly and he chuckled. I kissed him and moved before he could kiss back. Then he smiled and pinned me on the bed and kissed me. I smiled and he laid next to me again. I wrapped one of my arms around his back and with my other hand I went through his black hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we both went to sleep in each other‘s arms.
It has been two days and I was on my bed. I was only one in the house I was bored and sad Jake had to go get stuff from the store. Then I fell asleep and I woke up on a swamp ground I saw Jake and a rat dude.
“I’ve come like you told me,” Jake said.
“You must really care about your little girlfriend,” he laughed evilly.
“Just get it over with,” he said bitterly.
“Jake don’t do it!!” I yelled, but I woke up.
“What a weird dream…” I thought.
Then I saw eyes staring at me. Big yellow beady eyes staring through the window. Staring directly at me. I went to the window, but it moved. I opened the window looking out knowing I shouldn’t, but something made me do it. Than I felt a hand over my mouth.
I saw the rat dude from my dream. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the window and I fell into a bush full of pollen. I sneezed. He pushed me into the ground and tied up my arms and something went over my head and everything went black.
I walked home and typed in the pass. I opened the door happy. “Amy I’m home!” I yelled knowing she was only one home. I chuckled and walked into her room and saw the window open and a note. I started feeling a little bit of doubt and I walked over to the bed and read the note.
“Dear Jake,
I have your precious little girlfriend and if you want to see her unharmed and alive you will come to the swamp tomorrow at noon. Come alone and prepare to die or she will.”
I stared at the note in shock It wasn’t Amy‘s hand writing it was messy. “No…” I said out loud. I stared at it until Luna came home. She came in the room and looked at me.
“What’s wrong Jake? And where’s Amy?” she asked. I didn’t say anything my voice caught in my throat. I gave her the note and she gasped as she read it. “What are we going to do?” she asked shocked.
“I have to go there,” I whispered, and sat on Amy’s bed holding back tears of regret for leaving her home alone.
“What’s the plan?” she whispered sitting next to me.
“I’m going. I’m going to die. Your going to keep you and Amy happy and alive. That’s the plan.”
“No. No one, but the person who took her is dieing.”
I growled and she moved away. “I can’t let him hurt one hair on her,” I said sadness washing away as anger pulsed through my veins.
“Jake calm down,” she said fear plain in her voice. I know she gets scared when I am mad even if she was older.
“I will when Amy is safe,” I growled, and I left the room shutting the door behind me. Then I went in my room and slammed the door shut and locked it. I sat on my bed my arms shaking tears coming down in angry sadness. I took a deep breath and went to sleep to pass the time even if it took awhile.
I went into the swamp. Then I saw a figure still on the ground. I walked closer to see Amy’s lifeless body on the ground. “I’m on time!” I yelled angrily.
“Oh I’m so sorry. I held her by the neck and she died,” the rat man said smiling evilly standing a few feet away from her body, “she’s dead and its all your fault.”
“No!!” I yelled.
I woke up breathing hard. “No matter what,” I thought to myself, “if he kills her I’m killing him.”
My mind was filled with thoughts and fears so I got up. It was only six in the morning according the kitchen clock, but I didn’t care I left there early and walked to the swamp to face my death. I sat down in the swamp next to a tree and crossed my legs trying to calm down. My eyes were closed to help calm down and I really didn’t want to be late. When I heard a noise I opened my eyes to see a bush moving. ”Its not noon. You want to die so soon?” I heard a voice ask.
“I just want Amy back,” I said.
“Oh, but she will be free to go when I kill you,” the rat man said coming out of the bush.
“I want to see her,” I growled.
“Fine, have it your way,” he said. He picked up something and placed it on the ground. He pushed it forward and I stepped closer to see Amy. She was tied up and unconscious. “You get five minutes, but if you untie her and try to escape you, your girlfriend, and your sister will all die,” he walked away.
“This is all my fault… I’m sorry,” I whispered pushing her brown hair out of her face even if she’s not awake. I kissed her on the lips one last time and stood up. “Get it over with,” I said stepping away from Amy. I saw a beam of light hit me in the chest and I flew back into a tree. I felt a healing beam hit my shoulder from the side and I pretended to be dead.
“Yes!” the rat man yelled in triumph. “Now, its your turn to die.”
I heard a groan. “Where am I…” I heard Amy’s voice ask. “Jake!!” she yelled.
“Don’t worry I’ll let you join him,” he said.
I heard a scream of pain then silence. I opened my eyes to see Amy’s lifeless body, still tied up. “You will die for that!” I heard Luna yell dodging his blasts. I went to Amy holding down a sob. Hopelessly I felt her neck for any signs of her heart beat, but there was nothing. She wasn’t breath, or thinking, or even dreaming. She laid there lifeless and still. She would never breath again and its all my fault. I sat there I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly she flinched. “Amy?” I whispered.
“Jake…” she whispered back. Suddenly a beam of light hit my shoulder and I went flying and landed face down several feet from Amy. “You will die!” I heard Amy yell.
“Impossible! I killed you!” he yelled, “wait! Your human you can’t do that!” I heard a yell of pain. Then silence. I got up and saw Amy on the ground and the rat man on the ground. I saw the ropes on the ground in pieces and I ran to Amy. I picked her up. She was unconscious and looked around for Luna. I found her unconscious ten feet away and went home and put Luna in her room and Amy in hers. Then I laid next to her watching her sleep holding her hand.
Then the rat man’s words went in my head, “wait! Your human you can’t do that!”
Amy Isn’t Human
I woke up when I felt Amy move around. I kept my eyes closed thinking she was rolling over. Then she moved closer and I opened my eyes and wrapped my arms around her. Then suddenly she screamed. I turned the light on and she stopped. “Did I scare you?” I asked chucking as she tried to catch her breath.
“Yes,” she muttered blushing.
I chuckled and turned the light off again. I held her hand happy she was there. She squeezed my hand and I smiled. Then I heard her soft breathing that told me she was asleep. I fell asleep again holding onto her. I woke up again to Luna yelling, “Jake its your turn to cook break feast!”
“Okay,” I said getting up sighing. I left the room and Luna went in. I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. When Amy came out she was happy and Luna came out humming thinking about our mom as usual. Amy wasn’t thinking, but she was happy and I didn‘t know why. I guessed it was because we were all okay. “I guess everything is going to go back to normal,” I thought cheerfully when she hugged me. Suddenly a bad feeling came to me. “Was everything going to be normal again or has the adventure just started?” I wandered fearfully. No one noticed my pause. Amy and Luna were giggling sitting next to each other at the table.
I shook the feeling away and continued to cook. I smiled when Luna and Amy fell on the ground giggling.
For the next three days Amy has been leaving early in the morning and coming back near afternoon. She always left a note saying, “Going for a walk I’ll be back soon! Don‘t worry or else!” and she always drew a smiley face on it. It seemed like she was limping yesterday so today I was going to see where she has been getting hurt whether I should find out or not.
This morning I sprayed her in her sleep with a perfume I could detect easily. I was tracking the scent alone because Luna had to work really early. I saw a bridge. I looked at it in anger. I knew that bridge. Beyond it was a cat cave where Alura lived.
I ran home and got a cat carrier and ran across the bridge and stood by the cave. A brown cat with white paws came out a few minutes later and I scoped it in the cage and locked it. Luna was walking near the water her usual calm place after work and saw me and came over a little confused. “What did you do to her!” I growled suddenly Luna’s expression changed and I couldn’t place it, but I was too worried and angry to try to place her expression.
“Do to who??” the cat asked confused.
“Amy!” I yelled shaking the cage I heard the cat trying to keep balance.
“I am Amy!” she said falling in the cage I heard a snap and guessed the cat’s paw broke.
“I’m not playing games!” I yelled, “either you tell me or you die!”
The White Girl
I was walking to the cave I was told to go to in a dream. I found out I was a cat from Alura, a nice cat who lives in the cave, when her sister died her powers went to me. For the past three days I have been coming here. Yesterday I accidentally got hurt and she said she would teach me how to heal today. I was really good at hiding it from Jake I don’t think he noticed my tiny limp. I went to the cave and walked in the narrow cave.
The cave walls brushed my brown fur and I looked at my white paws. “Concentrate hard and you can heal,” Alura said when I got to her place in the tiny cave. I nodded looking into her blue eyes and brown fur. I did and my leg was healed. “Turn human,” she said turning human I looked at her brown hair. She was ten years old and she wore a white robe. I turned human two. “I have taught you everything I knew about her powers,” she said, and hugged me. “You learned so fast.”
“I couldn’t have a better teacher,” I said smiling. She smiled and waved goodbye.
I turned into a cat and looked at my white paws again, they were the only difference between me and Alura. As soon as I was out of the cage I was shoved into a cat carrier. “What did you do to her!” Jake growled.
“Do to who??” I asked.
“Amy!” he yelled shaking the cage. I tried to keep balance fear washing over me.
“I am Amy!” I said, and fell in the cage my paw broke from the fall.
“I’m not playing games!” he yelled, “either you tell me or you die!”
I froze I was so scared at that moment. He shook the cage again and my back hit the top and I fell again. “If you loved Amy you wouldn’t be trying to kill her,” Alura’s voice said.
“What?” Jake said opening the cage, and I fell to the ground from the cage being tilted. I landed on all fours and my broken paw shot pain through me. I concentrated to heal it.
I turned human and looked at my right hand which was broken in the cage. Suddenly Jake’s expression turned from confusion to anger. I turned back into a cat backed away my tail between my legs and under me, my ears down, and I pressed my body to the floor. Luna looked at him and picked me up and ran. She went into her room and locked the door.
“This is bad,” she said panicking.
“What’s wrong?” I asked laying on the floor on a bean bag chair my tail over my paws.
“You were with Alura and you were caught!” she said in panic. Luna has been helping me for the three days I have been going.
“So? She’s really nice why would Jake get mad,” I said.
“Her sister stole a very valuable and powerful stone from us our mom gave us. Why do you think Jane is dead! Jake had to kill her even though he liked her. He hasn‘t forgiven her, but I think she didn’t mean to,” she yelled.
“I..I..I didn’t know…” I said backing up and I fell back off the red beanbag chair and she giggled.
“Its okay, you didn’t know he was going to track you,” she said taking a deep breath. She looked at the clock she recently put in her room. It was eight at night. “Time moves fast when your having fun, seem like just a minute ago I left for work,” she muttered unlocking the door.
“Can I sleep here tonight I’m too scared to sleep in my bed.”
“I guess.”
She went to sleep on her bed and I curled up as a cat on her beanbag chair. It was very comfortable. I sat there curled up my tail on my nose. Soon I drifted to sleep. When I woke up I was in a bed. My eyes adjusted and I saw Jake staring at me. I stood up ears down tail under me again and backed up pressed against the bed. Then I fell off the bed. I heard a chuckle and Jake picked me up. I turned human still scared and he pulled me closer. “I’m not mad. I swear,” he said looking into my eyes.
I calmed down and turned into a cat and rubbed my head on his chin and he chuckled again. I moved back and my tongue was a little bit out of my mouth and he chuckled at the cuteness. I turned human and he pulled me forward. He kissed me on the lips and I felt my face get hot. I heard a furious small voice calling my name. “Amy…” the angry voice said. I ignored it.
We both went to sleep and my dreams where full of a little white girl. She was about eighteen. She had white hair, eyes, skin, and a long white robe. I saw her walking up to a cave and hiding in a near by bush. It looked like Alura’s cave. “Jane…” the girl said in a soft whisper. The white girl was clutching something in her hand. “Jane…” she called again and I saw a black cat come out her expression gone.
She turned human and I saw a girl with black hair blue eyes and white robe about ten years old. The white girl gave her something I moved and saw a chip. Jane screamed as it dug into her skin and I gasped as I saw the lump in her skin crawl up to her forehead and vanish. “You obey me now,” the white girl said.
“I obey you now,” Jane replied.
“You will go into Jake’s house and steal his Stone Of Magic.”
“I will go into Jake’s house and steal his Stone Of Magic.”
“Good,” a evil grin appeared on the girl’s face.
Everything felt so real so weirdly real. Jane turned into a cat and went into the forest. She came back with the stone in her mouth heading for the bush. “Get back here with that!” I heard Jake’s loud yell.
“Repeat after me,” she whispered only Jane heard standing in front of the bush. Jane nodded setting the stone down in front of her paws. “Leave now or I will kill you.”
“Leave now or I will kill you,” Jane said.
“You kill me?” Jake laughed angrily. “I will kill you!” he yelled, and grabbed her by the neck, and blasted her with light and grabbed the stone off the ground. He threw her lifeless body at the cave.
“Good,” the white girl said evilly.
“Jake had to kill her even though he liked her,” Luna’s voice rang out through my dream.
Alura came out shocked. She ran to Jane’s lifeless figure. “You killed my sister!” she growled.
“Then your sister shouldn’t steal my stone,” Jake growled. Alura looked shocked and looked down at her. “If you want to live. Never enter the forest ever!”
She nodded fear on her cat face. The white girl smiled and watched Jake leave and walk into the forest. She stood up and ran after him. “Wait up!” she called out.
“Jake had to kill her even though he liked her,” Luna’s voice said again, and I woke up.
“Amy…” the voice of the white girl said. “Amy…” it said again. I knew I had to solve this. I got up and left the room. I walked out the door and went to the first bush and she came up smiling evilly.
Anna’s Sad Past
She gave me a chip and I dropped it on the ground and stomped on it. She growled in annoyance. “I don’t want your mind control chip,” I said grabbing her arm so she couldn’t run. She looked shocked. “So who are you?”
She sighed looking down. “My name is Anna,” she whispered. “And I won’t let a fool like you get in my way of getting what I deserve!” She grabbed my arm and hit me over the head. When I woke up in was in a room. I didn’t recognize it at all. I saw a book. It said it was a diary. I read it. The only thing it said was, “Magic of the past thoughts.“
“’Magic of the past thoughts.”?” I said out loud. Suddenly the book glowed and everything went black.
When color came back I saw a girl in a blue shirt and blue skirt. She was very pale and her hair was white. I heard a voice start talking in my head. “My name is Anna. Today is May 8th 1945 I am in the 11th grade. I am super in love with this boy. His name is Jake. I was walking to class when these boys came around,” the voice said.
I saw three boys. One with blue hair and green cloths. His eyes dark brown. Another had brown hair and black cloths. I couldn’t see his eyes because he was wearing sunglasses. The last guy was wearing all blue even his hair and eyes.
The one with brown eyes slapped the books out of her hand and the guy with sunglasses stepped on them. The last guy pushed her roughly on the ground and the guy wearing the sunglasses kicked her books at her. Papers went flying.
“Ha-ha! Good one Charles!” the guy with blue hair and cloths said.
“Thanks Drake,” the one with brown eyes said. “Good kick James.”
“Thanks,” the guy wearing sunglasses said.
“You wait. I will get you back!” she yelled through tears trying to pick up her stuff.
“Sure you will,” Drake said stepping on her hand.
“Ow!” she yelled moving her hand.
“No one ever helped, but Jake and his sister even if she was out of school already. Everyone hated me and everyone called me the same name,” the voice said.
“Come on whitey we know you can’t,” Charles said.
Everyone laughed and she cried. “Pick on someone else,” Jake’s voice rang out. Everyone ran away scared. He had a backpack around his back.
“Yes, leave before we kill you all,” Luna said.
Jake was wearing a black sweatshirt and blue jeans. He looked a year younger. Luna was wearing all pink and she looked younger two. Luna picked up her stuff and Jake leaned down to help calm her down. “You okay?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said staring into his eyes he looked down and picked up her stuff not noticing the loving look she gave him.
Everything changed and I saw her looking at Jake. He was busy studying and she walked up to him. “Today was June first only a week until school was over. I was going to confront him to tell him how much I love him,” the voice said.
“Hi Jake,” she whispered in a black ruffled tang top and black long skirt.
“Oh, hey Anna,” he said looking up from his book, placed a bookmark, and closed it with one hand. “What’s up?” he asked looking at her.
“Nothing, I-I was wandering,” she started twirling a strand of hair. “Maybe-” she tried to continue.
“Jake!” Luna said pain on her face as she ran she looked more like she does in the present time.
“I’m sorry,” he said running to his older sister slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
She looked after him tears rolling down her cheeks.
“You will pay Luna,” she whispered.
Everything vanished again. I saw her walking she was still normal wearing a blue skirt and pink shirt.
“It was may 17th 1946, school just got out. I was going to ask him out and nothing was going to stop me. The weird thing was that Jake and his sister seemed different. Jake talked less and Luna didn‘t make eye contact when she picked him up. They made less physical contact with others. I thought it was strange, but he still protected me,” the voice said once again
Anna seemed confident when she walked to Jake who was leaving. He looked like his present self. “Hey wait,” she called. He stayed whispered to Luna and waited. She ran up and took a deep breath. Before she opened her mouth he silenced her.
“Before you ask I am not interested in dates,” he said not looking at her.
She cried and ran I followed her as she ran to a dark ally crying hard. “How did he even know what I was going to ask?” she sobbed next to a dumpster.
“Don’t cry,” a very red man said. His skin was red and so was his hair and cloths. He blocked the ally way exit.
She backed away and he walked forward. “Get away from me!” she yelled.
“Shhh… I will help you,” he said. “He isn’t human. Trust me. He could read your thoughts because you are human. He rejected you because he is in love with someone else.”
“How do you know?”
“Its hard to not know when you see them flirting, laughing happily, staring into each other’s eyes, holding hands like I know you wish for,” he whispered in her ear a evil smile on his face when she looked sadder and shocked. “What if I give you power and then you could get revenge.”
A evil smile spread across her teary face. “If he won’t date me,” she said her skin turning white, “no one will.” she fully turned white her cloths turning white also.
“I figured then that I shouldn’t let him get away so I pledge no matter what, any girlfriend he gets, other them me, will betray him and be killed,” her voice rang out.
I was tossed out and I hide in a closet just in time for her to come back. “Come on a lot changed I’m over it Jake,” I heard Anna’s voice.
“I don’t know I’m still confused how she could have done that,” I heard Jake’s voice.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “I would never steal from you.” she said. I looked through a crack in the wood and I saw Jake standing there looking at the ground pain in his face. I saw Anna looking at him with her arms around him. Jealousy started to build up inside me.
He didn’t move. “Its way too soon for me to decide. I am sorry, but thanks for being there for me,” he said pulling away and she pulled him closer. “I said it its too soon.”
“I can make you happier though. Please you wouldn’t give me a chance before and remember I was there when your first girlfriend stole from you. You didn’t give me a chance and same thing happened. Maybe it’s a sign,” she said smiling staring him in the eyes.
“A sign saying you are a evil murder,” I thought.
“You do have a point,” he said looking away.
She moved her arm and put her hand in his hair and kissed him and he moved his hands around her waist and kissed her. Anger, jealousy, and sadness built up and I couldn’t stay hiding. I kicked the door open and blasted her with a beam of red light.
Jake looked very confused. Then Jake looked at me and anger filled his eyes. “Jake I thought you killed her?” Anna asked hiding behind him faking the fear in her voice smiling evilly at me.
“I thought so too,” he said growling.
“No you didn’t-” I started to explain.
“I’ve heard enough. You will die right now. And I won’t let you hurt Anna,” he said darkly interrupting me.
“No listen-” I started.
“I will never listen to a using thief,” he said interrupting again blasting red light at me from anger, and I moved.
“I didn’t-” I started again.
“I never want to see you again especially not breathing!” he yelled interrupting again, hate in his eyes. I saw myself in his eyes and what looked like a fire around me. It looked like his eyes were locked on me.
I looked at Anna she smiled even more evilly. “She has him under her control. She’s won,” I thought, and teleported as Jake fired again. I appeared in a cave. I cried hard feeling like I was just stabbed in the heart. I felt dead in side like I could never be happy anymore.
Now that Anna has taken Jake. I sobbed closing my eyes letting my cold tears roll down my cheeks. Suddenly I was grabbed. I opened my eyes to see Luna. “How are you alive?” she snarled.
“I had nine lives now I have eight I think. Finish me off quickly please,” I said sobbing.
“That is impossible. We always use powers that kill every life,” she growled holding my arms tightly to the wall.
“Jake,” I said his name and cried more and tried to pull myself together. “He didn’t kill me. Anna did.”
“I was there! You stole our stone and he killed you,” Luna said. “Tell me the truth.”
“I am. She tried to hypnotize me into doing that so she could take him, but it didn’t work. So she killed me or knocked me out I don’t really know. She took me to her house and she made a clone to do it,” I said opening my mind, and thought about everything I saw from when I woke up this morning.
“Oh my,” she said letting go, and I cried.
“He tried to kill me. He believes every word she says and wouldn’t let me finish any of my sentences,” I said, and them kissing popped in my head and I cried even more.
“Oh my, oh my!” she said. She vanished and I got up and turned into a kitten and walked away hoping some dog will eat me and finish me off.
I kept walking hearing a lot of noises. I saw a lake. I was thinking that it would be perfect. “I can make you happier though,” Anna’s voice rang through my head and I saw a reflection of them kissing in the lake.
I took a breath and released it jumping in the lake. Water immediately filled my lungs. I closed my eyes and I was picked out of the water and my back was lightly patted and the water fell out of my lungs. “What the heck were you thinking??” Alura asked looking at me.
“Depression,” I mumbled.
“Why?” she asked sympathy in her eyes.
“Anna tried to make me steal from Jake like she made Jane so she could date Jake. It failed, but she managed to make a clone of me do it,“ I mumbled.
She looked shocked. I jumped down and shook water off my flank. I lapped some water and ran away. I ran into a bush. I curled up and cried. I cried until sleep drifted in on me.
At first I dreamed I was in Jake’s arms. That he was cradling me and kissing my hair. When I tried to kiss him I woke up. I sobbed under the bush before I tried to sleep again.
Then I dreamed I was walking and I saw Jake. I wanted to run to him, but I remembered Anna. He was waiting and I stayed there. Watching Anna run up. I wanted to run, but vines wrapped around me and around my mouth. I saw him kiss her roughly, rougher then he has ever kissed me and she kissed back.
He leaned down so he was supporting her back and he looked right at me his eyes filled with hate burning into mine. Then they stopped kissing and walked to me. “I wish I never met you,” he said growling at me. “I never even loved you,” he said evilly. I felt tears go down my cheeks.
“Aww look she’s crying,” Anna said smiling.
“You were always too soft, so weak,” he said, and leaned to Anna and kissed her.
“I love you,” I thought being forced to watch.
“I hate you,” he said the vines let go. He pushed me away with force that almost crushed my ribs. Then as I was falling instead of hitting the ground I fell into a bottomless pit seeing them kissing at the edge.
I woke up screaming. I was grabbed and I panicked. My claws unsheathed and I was dropped. Vines grabbed me I felt my arms break when they were forced down at my sides.
I screamed in pain. I looked up and saw Jake standing there looking at me still angry. Hate burning in his eyes as he glared at me. My heart dropped and I felt tears coming. I looked down waiting for him to get it over with.
“I’m not going to kill you,” he said. I felt the vines tighten and I looked up in pain. “I said kill, not hurt.”
“Just get it over with,” I said sobbing. He seemed surprised by how chocked and different my voice sounded. I almost didn’t recognize it myself.
“So you steal our stone. I kill you. You manage to live. You blast my new girlfriend. Now you want to end it?” he asked.
“My new girlfriend,” the words ran through my head. It felt like the words were being yelled in my head. Being yelled faster and faster until it wasn’t a word anymore.
“No, it- wait why am I bothering you won’t listen so just kill me,” I said staring at a bush in the distance.
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“I went out hearing my name being called. When I was outside she tried to give me a chip to force me to do what Jane did. When she found out I wasn’t under her control she knocked me out or killed me I still don’t know. She took me to her house. Then she tricked you,” I said knowing he wouldn’t believe me.
He shook his head. “I don’t believe you,” he said sitting next to me. “She wouldn’t. You are a thief. You are a traitor!”
“What ever you say. I love you still even if you hate me,” I said my mind open.
I thought about what happened. The dream, the whisper, and the diary. “You are a dirty traitor!” he yelled, the vines tossed me hard. I hit the hard ground a few feet away my front legs still broken. I laid there crying. I didn’t move still hoping something would kill me.
I heard foot steps. “You can heal. Why won’t you heal yourself and run?” Jake asked.
“I’m waiting to be killed,” I said staring at some grass.
“Why? Give up because you couldn’t steal from me successfully. That’s it?”
“No, what’s the point. I’m pathetic. I was a slave I should just go back and maybe I might get the memories beaten out of me,” I said thinking about it.
There was a silence. I looked at Jake he looked unsure now. Suddenly a light hit me in the ribs I gasped in pain and I saw Anna standing there. “She didn’t hurt you did she?” Anna asked.
“No, Anna, I need to talk to her-” he started.
“Your not cheating on me are you!?” she growled.
“Anna please-” he started again.
“No, if you want this to work kill her now!” she yelled.
“What?” he asked shock.
“Kill her now,” she repeated.
“Just do it and get it over with,” I said, “then you and,” I was trying to chock out the next words feeling pain saying them, “and your new girlfriend can be happy.”
I stuffed my face into the grass. I tried to not sob, but I couldn’t hold it in. Even if I knew this was happening it didn‘t feel at all real. I peeked and saw Jake look at Anna and me then back at Anna. He looked at me again and made a white light at me and I moved my face back into the grass so I wouldn’t see it coming. I heard the blast, but I didn’t feel it. I peeked and I saw Anna laying on the ground. “I’m sorry, but Amy is my girlfriend,” he said. I looked up at him tears filled my eyes.
“Am I dead and this is my heaven?” I wandered shocked.
Jake picked me up and my legs healed. Anna looked at us. “No! Your mine!” she yelled.
I turned human and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked up at him. He smiled and kissed me. I felt light from his warm kiss. “Did he blast me and this was a dream?” I wandered.
“No! We are in love! Your mine!” she yelled, and Jake picked me up and walked home kissing me the whole way I felt like I could faint. I wrapped my arms around his neck. When we were at his house he punched the code in staring into my eyes. Everything felt so unreal. He brought me to his room.
I didn’t see Luna, but I didn’t care I was just so happy He kissed me grabbing my arms. It felt so much like a dream I tried to push the feeling away and be happy. I kissed him and he started to kiss my neck. Then I felt like I was being shook.
I looked sadly realizing I was right. It seemed like every good dream made waking up worse. It was a dream. I saw I was still under the bush I felt the wind blowing me. A sob escaped my throat. I cried I didn’t care who heard me I just cried my eyes out. I saw Jake’s face staring at me staring through me outside the bush. I was grabbed and It was Jake. He had a creepy smile that scared me.
I woke up. It seemed I kept having dreams after that I had a dream I woke up human and the rat dude and everything after was a dream. It seemed after a nightmare I had a good dream. After the good dream I had a nightmare. Finally I woke up laying on Anna’s house floor. Jake was looking at me. “Stop it!! This is torture!” I cried.
Jake kissed me. “What are you taking about?” he asked.
“I’m not falling for this endless dream torture!” I cried curling up.
“Then give Jake up,” a voice rang out.
I woke up partly I was on Anna’s floor Anna growled looking at me. “What…” I asked dazed. This didn’t feel like a dream like everything else.
“Give up Jake or you will be tortured in your dreams forever,” she said.
“No I would never,” I said still trying to figure it out.
“Give him up or I can make your life the worse you could possible imagine,” she said determination in her expression and her eyes.
I couldn’t think clearly. “I would never give such a perfect guy away.”
“Do it or your dreams will become full nightmares. Each one worse then the other. Each one deadlier.”
“Fine I will-” she started, and looked at the clock. Then Jake appeared he looked so beautiful even more now then in a dream.
“Wait what the?” he asked confused, and looked a little happy looking at me.
Suddenly I felt very sleepy. My head spun as I tried to stay awake. Everything was spinning I got up to try to stay awake, but I got very dizzy. I grabbed a garbage can from near by and I puked from all the spinning. “Fall asleep before I make you!” Anna yelled blasting me with a white light and I fell to the ground. I got up again.
“Stop,” Jake said watching me stumble around like a drunk.
“When she’s dead and your mine I will,” she growled too loud that he heard her.
Jake looked at her angrily. He walked over to me and caught me as I tripped on my own foot. I couldn’t walk right and everything was spinning. “I’m not yours Anna and I never will be,” he said, and kissed me. Everything stopped spinning.
I was blasted and Jake looked at me. Then he looked at Anna and she set a small chip in his hand and closed his hand keeping it in a fist. I had to look away. “Now,” she said growling at me. “Kill her,” she said pointing to me. Everything was spinning in a blur of lights and colors this time. I was hit over and over with beams, but none killed me or even hurt I barely even felt them. “I said kill her!” she yelled angrily.
“I can’t,” he said.
“Why?!” she yelled angry.
“She is too wonderfully beautiful to hurt even a hair,” he said walking to me, and kissing me and everything stopped spinning again. I blushed.
“What!?” she yelled angrily.
Jake looked at her and dropped the chip, it was all destroyed. Jake wrapped his arm around me and grabbed my hand firmly. We teleported outside of the forest and walk to his house then into his room. “You weren’t in mind control?” I asked.
“No not really,” he smiled.
Jake kissed me slowly and it brought a dream back I saw when Anna put me in the sleeping spell. I remember the rough kisses Jake and Anna had in my falling dream I tried to shake it away. Jake looked at me and kissed my neck to distract me.
I blushed and he smiled. Suddenly he started kissing me pushing his lips onto mine. I blushed more and then Jake rolled off. He left the room. I stared after him really confused as he left the room. I wanted to run to him, but something stopped me. I stayed and got up after waiting about ten minutes. Then a hand went over my mouth. I looked horrified at Anna. She smiled evilly and I passed out.
When Do They Give Up
I felt something weird so I had to leave the room. I felt like I was going to scream from a pain in my head. I sat down outside hoping Amy wouldn’t follow. “Yeah leave her and tell her nothing,” I thought bitterly trying to catch my breath.
I sighed feeling the pain become unbearable. It felt like something was trying to take over. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw my veins through my skin. “Who is doing this to me?” I asked. I heard laughter. Evil laughter. I looked over to see Anna laughing looking at me.
“What’s wrong? Feeling pains?” she asked laughing.
“What…. Are… you doing?” I asked feeling it grow and felt weaker as it grew like it was eating my strength and getting stronger. Everything started to spin and everything sounded distant.
“You don’t like this? It will be over soon,” she laughed. She sounded miles away. The pain grew and everything went black. I felt like I was being picked up and carried. I heard laughter and I felt weak. I didn’t fall asleep, but I still felt pains. My arm hung down making it so I could feel dirt and rocks hitting my fingers. Suddenly she dropped me and put her arms on my chest and started crying.
“Jake!” I heard Luna’s voice yell and I heard feet running up. “What happened?” she asked.
“I don’t know… I found him… laying here… I tried to heal him… but nothing…” Anna said. I realized she sounded like Amy.
“Its okay Amy…” she said.
I heard her lean down near to comfort her and then I heard Luna scream and a tree snapping. Then I was picked up and was carried again it sounded like Luna was being dragged. Soon I went under completely. When I woke I could move. I looked to see that I was sitting in a prison. There were handcuffs on my arms and legs, too strong for me to pull apart. I looked at the bars of the prison cell and I got up and tried to pull them apart, but I couldn’t.
I looked at the dusty walls and the door. It was wood. I saw there was more cells. I was in the cell in front of the wooden door. I squinted through the blur I saw from just waking up. I saw that Luna was laying unconscious in the end one, the third cell away, as I thought it looked as if she was dragged from the mud on her back and her messed up hair. I looked to the other side and saw it was empty there was a total of eight cells. I heard screaming. “Amy!” I thought from the familiar screaming.
“Hold still you brat!” Anna said in anger.
“Never!!!” she yelled.
I heard a gasp and I sat down and pretended to be out. I heard the door open and dragging I opened my eyes and saw Anna dragging Amy her hands around her neck. Amy was gasping for air. Amy held her hand trying to get between it and her neck so she could breath. She was thrown in a cell, the fourth cell away.
I noticed mine was the biggest cell. She locked Amy in and walked away. Amy held her neck gasping for air. I tried to read her thoughts, but I couldn’t. I noticed Luna and Amy were both handcuffed. Amy played with hers trying to loosen it. Apparently hers was tight. Mine wasn’t tight, but I couldn’t get them off.
Suddenly Anna hit the cage door startling me. “I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said.
“What do you want,” I asked.
“Same thing I wanted when we were in high school,” she growled narrowing her eyes.
“I am sorry to say this, but I am happy with who I am with right now,” I said looking at Amy, and she smiled.
“I give you a day to reconsider before I move you and,” she said touching the wall I noticed flaps open and hoses come out in front of every cell, but mine, “And your sister and girlfriend will die. Here’s a taste for them.”
She touched the brick below and I saw seven knobs. She turned the ends and Luna and Amy screamed as steaming water hit them right in the chest. She turned the knobs to turn the water off. They gasped in pain. I noticed Amy’s neck was red she was crying in pain. I looked at Luna to see her neck was red also and her hands I guessed she put them up to protect herself she was gasping startled being awoken from the water.
“To think. That was level one hot,” Anna said shaking her head. “And that is the knob for one cell individual. Out side the door is the knob to turn the heat on for every cell. I will give you time to think. If you really cared you wouldn‘t let them die such a painful death. If you decide early just call my name.”
She laughed and left. I looked down. She was right. I couldn’t let them die like that. “Jake..” Luna said still trying to recover from the hot water. “Don’t worry about me,” she said.
“Just save yourself,” Amy said still gasping.
“No,” I said looking at them both, “I can’t do that to you guys, I would rather face Anna and…” I couldn’t force myself to finish the sentence or even think what might happen.
Amy looked down and pulled her legs up and hugged her legs sobbing softly. “I love you Jake,” she whispered.
“I love you two Amy, I promise I’ll try to save you guys just hang in there.”
“I will never give up. I would like to die knowing you tried,” she said tears going down her cheeks. She moved to the side grabbing the bars.
I smiled and took a deep breath. I looked at the door and Amy sat down staring at the wall where the hose was. I sighed and stood up. “You win, I give up Anna,” I said.
Like I thought the door opened up only a few seconds later. “You do?” she asked eyeing me suspiciously trying to force down her hope.
“Yes,” I said not looking at Amy or Luna. I looked Anna dead in the eyes.
She brightened up and fumbled with the keys and opened the door hurriedly. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me out of the door. I almost tripped how fast and strong she pulled. She closed the wooden door and unlocked the handcuffs. Then she put her hand on the wall and pulled the knob all the way. Screams of pain came from the room. I stood there until it stopped. I already knew what happened to them.
I looked away breathing unevenly. Anna brightened. Hugged me tightly I could barely breath. She let go and pushed me at the door. I heard nothing on the other side. I wanted to open the door and revive them. Then I realized something. “She is good at controlling. Is she faking this to make me believe it like a test?” I wandered. Then I looked at the door and let myself hear thoughts.
“I hope Jake is okay,” I heard Amy’s thoughts.
“These burns still hurt! I have never felt such hot water! I never want to again!” I heard Luna’s thoughts.
“I wander if anyone is out there. What if she is kissing Jake putting him under her control like in my dream.” Amy thought.
“I hope no more water comes out. I can’t take that kind of hot water! And if that was level one I don‘t want to see the last level!” Luna thought bitterly.
I stopped looking at the door and hearing thoughts and walked away from it towards Anna. “So if they are alive you don’t care?” she asked.
“No,” I said.
She smiled. She grabbed my hand and pulled me. I obediently followed. I let myself hear thoughts again.
“Jake, please be okay, My life doesn‘t matter, I have nine lives left. Please just be alive I couldn’t bare to live the rest of them if you got hurt,” Amy thought.
I saw Luna was dreaming about our mom. All of us were together. Our mom with her blonde hair and brown eyes. A pink dress. Dad was there his eyes watching me attack Luna playfully she jumped back and jumped me we rolled down the hill laughing. His black short hair glowing in the air.
His green eyes watching us ready to stop us if it got too rough. I was only ten wearing a tux. Luna was fifteen in her red skirt and shirt. Our mom held onto our fathers arm. I felt a sob in my throat and forced it down. I looked away. I blocked out thoughts again. Anna pulled me into a room. It was black.
She sat me down on her bed which was round. It was next to a window that had yellow bars on it. On the other side of the room was desk full of books, chips, guides, and tools. I saw near the corner a closet. There was a star rug on the floor and the ceiling fan was moving silently above the dead center of the star. I noticed a box, it was sealed shut in the corner. Anna shut and locked the door. Tossing the key on the desk. I stared at the box curiously.
“What’s in there?” I asked.
“Oh, ashes,” she said.
“Ashes?” I asked startled by the answer.
“Yes, someone I knew very well died and turned to ashes,” she sighed looking at the box.
“Oh,” I said nodding.
She sat next to me and hugged me tightly rubbing her head on my chest. I tensed looking at the wall. “Maybe I could make her fall out of love with me. Maybe she would let us all go,” I thought the idea came to me fast.
“Why don’t you look at me?” she asked angrily.
“I don’t ever look at people I love,” I said plainly.
“Why?” she asked.
“I might get sick of seeing them.”
“That’s stupid,” she said laughing.
I tensed and shoved her away and moved away. I was faking the anger to try to scare her. She jumped me and I hit her in the gut. “What was that for?! I thought you loved me??” she asked.
“I do this is how I show it,” I said.
“Okay, I can live with that,” she said sitting next to me slowly.
She wrapped her arms around me and tried to kiss me and I pinned her down roughly crushing her arms.
“Ow!!” she screamed. “Let go!” she yelled struggling.
I rolled my eyes. “You aren’t fun at all,” I said.
“I know you treat Amy better then this!” she growled.
“Actually I don’t she is use to it so it doesn’t bother her,” I said thinking fast.
“You guys kiss though and you won’t let me kiss you,” she said accusingly.
“I kiss her that is that,” I said coldly.
She narrowed her eyes. She tried to kiss me again and I pinned her down again crushing her arms almost breaking them. She squealed in pain. I let go and sat at the edge of the bed. She gave up and went to sleep. I didn’t sleep with her. I slept on the floor. I used my powers so when she tried to get near me vines would crush her.
I woke up five times from her sneaking over. There was holes in the ground from the vines that broke up to stop her. She coughed up blood every time the vines got her. It was three in the morning when she growled pulling me out of the room. She pulled me to the cell room and turned the lights on. Dazed and startled Amy and Luna woke up looking at us.
“Lie guys. Amy I treat you badly and I hurt you a lot. I never let you kiss me. Luna just agree!” I mouthed quickly they looked at me.
“Amy how does he treat you?!” she asked.
“Badly,” she said shrugging.
“Yeah I hear noise from her room a lot,” Luna said.
“So he crushes you?!” she asked.
“Only when you try to kiss me or sleep next to me when I don‘t sleep near you. When you come near me too fast I hit you to the ground,” I mouthed.
“When I try to kiss him or sleep near him when he isn’t near me,” she said looking at me.
“Its true,” Luna said.
“If I try to sit near him too fast he always hits me to the ground. I cough up some blood but I‘m use to it from being a slave for all my life,” she said shrugging.
“Yeah I see when she goes to hug him he usually does that too. Then he makes her clean it up,” Luna said adding the extra mean thing.
“You are all weird! I hate you Jake!” she yelled shoving me away into the cell. She left the room and I heard a lock. Then the flaps in front of the gates open and scalding hot water shot out of them all. I broke the doors on Luna’s cell and took a bite on Luna’s handcuffs and they broke.
Amy screamed and I ran to her moving in front of the water. The scalding hot water hit the back of my shirt as I took a bite on the cuffs on Amy. We all huddled together as the hot water filled the room. I picked up Amy steam filled the room I kept her in my arms so the water wouldn‘t hit her. I kissed her my mind running blank on how to save us.
It was impossible to teleport in here. I couldn’t read their minds like I could when I was outside the room. It was hopeless. She got her revenge. She is killing us. All of us.
I looked into Jake’s eyes I didn’t know what to do. He cradled me suddenly he tilted me by accident shocked from the pain he felt when the water rose to his knees. The steam thickened a lot so it was hard to see. I heard a plop as something fell into the water. I remembered the only thing I had in my pocket was the blue whistle. “There is hope,” I thought.
I got out of his arms and grabbed it pain shot through me from the water. I blew the steaming whistle and the next moment blue birds broke through the ceiling picking us all out of the steamy room. Anna came in surprised then the next second she was screaming from the water that hit her when she opened the door. The birds carried us to a boulder outside the place.
I saw steam from the room. We watched and in a few minutes the house caught on fire. Jake looked too shocked to move. I ran to the door and threw it open. I had to save her. I ran to the hallway black smoke filling my eyes and lungs making my eyes tear up and making me chock. I ran towards the steam and where the hot water was coming from.
I felt burns on my cloths as the fire hit me. I was sweating from the heat. Fire burned me and so did the boiling water that melted my shoes so I kicked them off. I saw Anna and I picked her up. She felt very hot, but threw her over my shoulder and I ran out. I screamed when a beam fell down fire burning on it.
Everywhere I felt the fire. I couldn’t give up so I jumped over the beam gasping through the thick smoke. My body wanted to drop her and leave, but my arms held her over my shoulder firmly. My hair was burned and my cloths were almost on fire.
I ran to the door it was on fire. I held Anna easily, because she was pretty small, in front of me. I ran backwards and felt glass hit me as I ran and jumped through the window. I hit the ground as the place blew up. I gasped the clean air feeling fire, burns, blood, and glass on my skin.
I got up with Anna in my arms she was burned up badly and her skin was red. Her hair was really burned not so white anymore. She didn’t move, but I heard her breath so I kept going. Jake was being held back by Luna and the birds. Luna let go when she saw me coming and Jake gasped in horror looking behind me. They both stared wide eyed behind me.
I looked back and saw the fire high on my heels. The birds flew away scared with fright when the fire almost hit them and we all ran. I heard the crackling of the fire behind me. I gave Anna to Jake. He looked at me and I pulled him close so he didn’t hit a tree. I saw a cliff and a long jump to the other side. Jake and I stopped and Luna jumped.
I looked back and pushed him over hard so he flew over to the other side. I went to jump and something grabbed my foot. I gasped in horror as I saw and felt the fire pull me in. “Go on without me!! I will be okay!” I thought as I was pulled in. Fire all around me and I felt sleepy as everything went black.

I watched Amy being pulled into the fire. Luna grabbed my arm. “She wants us to go on without her,” she whispered.
“I can’t!” I yelled.
“We have to! Amy is strong. She will live! Trust me Jake,” she said. I looked as the fire receded into the forest that somehow wasn’t burned up at all. I sobbed and nodded.
We walked away. I saw Anna was burned up. I sighed and regretfully healed her knowing that is what Amy would have wanted me to do. “All this for her,” I asked more to myself.
Anna started to wake up groaning. I set her down and Luna stood near her ready to grab her if she tried to run. “Where am I…?” she asked confused.
“I don’t really know these places,” I said bitterly.
“You guys saved me..?” she asked.
“Amy did, she even threw her life away just for yours!” I said angrily.
“She has nine lives there’s a chance she will come back with a few left,” Luna said. I growled she backed up scared.
“Where she go?” Anna asked.
“The fire grabbed her leg which I don’t know how the house caught on fire. Or how fire can get hands,” I said sadly.
“Hands??” she asked fearfully. “Derrick… he came back,” she said her eyes wide with fear.
“Derrick?” Luna asked shocked she looked confused and she bit her lip.
“Yes, in a box I told you had ashes was his ashes. He said he couldn’t live anymore, but if I got the stone you guys have or the box got wet from scalding hot water he would come back. He said it had to be scalding hot water which will burst into flames then explode and the fire would need one sacrifice so he told me not to try to bring him back. So if Amy lives he lives. Amy dies. He lives forever,” Anna whispered.
We both gasped in horror and looked back in the calm forest where Amy was taken.

I woke up and I saw a really red guy. His expression was cold and mean. He didn’t look at me. He wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at the wall. I got up my cloths burned badly. I saw I was in a stone house. It looked like a free room. I was in a basement all I saw was a bird cage and a few chairs. I looked at the man his red hair, cloths, and skin I remembered seeing in Anna‘s diary she showed me in her nightmare dream spell. He Didn’t look this evil then. Then he looked at me.
I shivered in fear. I backed up and he walked towards me. I got scared and kept moving back. Then I tripped on a book and fell. When I sat he grabbed my arm. I screamed and he chuckled enjoying my fear.
“Don’t be scared,” he whispered smiling when fear still stayed on my face. “I wont hurt such a beautiful face.” I got free of his grip and he stepped on my leg. Pain shot through my veins when he stepped with more force. I gulped. “How rude of me. Call me Derrick. Your name?” he asked.
I didn’t respond and he got angry. “I said I wouldn’t hurt you, but I will if I have to trust me you wouldn‘t want that. Now. Your name?” he asked angrily his eyes burned into mine, into my very soul sending shivers down my spine.
I didn’t respond and he got really angry. He stepped on my leg with full force. I screamed as I heard the awful crack of my leg bone. “Name!” he yelled.
“A - Amy,” I managed to say.
“Now why didn’t you tell me that in the first place?” he said grabbing my arm. My leg healed as he roughly pulled me. He opened the door to the cage and shoved me in it. It wasn’t that roomy. I could barely move. I backed into the cage which was bolted tightly to the ground. He came close to the cage.
I gulped as he rubbed the ashes on my cheek with the back of his hand. “You might have nine lives Amy, but if you misbehave you might end up with no lives,” he said softly. My eyes grew wide and he chuckled. He closed his eyes and smiled and pain shot through me. I screamed feeling weaker until I couldn’t move. I gasped still feeling the small pain fading slowly. He opened his eyes. He grabbed the back of my head and forced my face into the yellow bars.
“Be good and wait for your slow death. Or have a fast very painful death. I am sure you wouldn’t want poor Jake somehow killed painfully asking why you didn’t behave. Would we?” he asked laughing at my shocked expression. I gulped. “Would we?” he asked again. I shook my head. “That’s what I thought,” he said. “Don’t move and be a good girl and I will be back,” he whispered in my ear. Then he kissed me on the lips. I was shocked that he did that.
I watched him smile evilly smiling at my shock and fear. Then he started to walk up the stairs watching me the whole time.

I sobbed sadly. I couldn’t do anything. I wanted to die. I imagined how Amy was being killed. The thoughts ran through my mind getting worse and worse. I wanted to rip my head off to make them stop. Luna kept saying she would live horror on her face. She said that more to reassure herself. Anna sat on a rock. She mumbled something and I heard “tell”.
“What are you mumbling about?” Luna asked.
“I don’t know if I should tell,” she said biting her lip. I growled and she moved away. “Okay, Amy might live because Derrick likes to play with his pray,” she said. I looked at her in horror. “He won’t just kill her. He will play with her, mess with her mind, control her, torture her until he gets bored and decides to wipe her out.”
Then a idea hit my mind. “So there is a chance??” I asked.
“Small chance. He might have fun for a few days and I think I know where he might of took her,” she said.
“Take us to where he might be,” Luna said darkly.

I was left in the cramped cage for what felt like hours. I got sleepy waiting. I fell asleep and saw myself in Jakes room. It was empty, except for me. The door opened. Jake yawned in the door way. His eyes blood shot. I walked up, but I went through him. He looked different. Weak and drained. “Derrick, I know you are here. You’ve killed Luna and Amy so just get it over with,” he muttered darkly staring at the closet. Derrick appeared.
“So soon?” he asked.
“Get it over with,” he said looking down.
“You know as well as I do I prefer to play with my prey,” he said. Jake’s eyes opened wide and he screamed in pain falling to his knees. I saw every vein in him from tensing up from the pain he brought on Jake.
“Jake!” I screamed.
“There is nothing you can do Amy you were being bad and you’re going to force this upon him, and I thought you loved him,” Derrick said shaking his head.
“Yeah! I thought you loved me!” Jake yelled in pain.
“I do!” I said.
“Then why must you make me suffer this? Why?!” he yelled.
I woke up screaming. Sweat going down my face.

We were teleported outside a scary looking forest. I felt my skin crawl as I saw the dense dead trees. “We have to walk now. We don’t know how long, what we will face, but this is where Amy is,” Anna said.
I looked at my brothers determined and worried face. I gulped looking into the trees. Memories flooded back. I saw myself, only seven, really mad at my brother for embarrassing me in front of my friends. I ran away and ended up here. I remembered hearing howling and I felt skeletons grab my legs from below. I saw Derrick wandering through the forest and he heard my screaming and he looked at me.
“Hello child,” he said looking at me, watching me get my pink dress muddy. I kept trying to get away from the skeleton arm that held onto my leg pulling me into the ground. “Need some help?” he asked watching me.
I nodded quickly and he picked me up and walked out of there. He walked me to his stone house, which was two stories high, with a wooden porch. “You will be safe here,” he whispered. I was so scared at the moment knowing I could have been killed. He was strong to been able to carry me, even if I was young. He set me down on his porch looking into my eyes.
“Now, what were you doing in the evil forest alone?” he asked his hand stroking my long bright blonde hair. I looked at his red skin I always referred to him as “The Red Man”.
“I ran away because, my brother embarrassed me because, his stronger and cuter and everyone pays more attention to him and not me. Some how he is smarter and faster,” I said.
“Well how old is he?” he asked me holding my chin up still stroking my hair.
“Two years old,” I sobbed.
He looked shocked. “Well that’s young. My name is Derrick by the way. And yours?” Derrick asked.
“Luna,” I said.
“I see,” he said his eyes soft. “You should be proud of your little brother.”
“Yeah I know I should,” I said pulling my legs up and hugging them looking at the forest. He stopped stroking my hair and pulled my chin up again and made me look into his red eyes.
“I will take you home, and if you need me close your eyes and think of me and I’ll be there for you,” he whispered softly.
I smiled and nodded.
“Luna!” Jake yelled my name and forced me out of my memories, “lets go!”
I followed. “How could he be evil? He seemed so nice then. So harmless,” I thought. “How could he be evil?”

I stood outside the cage. After my dream he pulled me out and kissed me. He kissed my neck and all over my face. I realized that when he kissed me he enjoyed how freaked I was and he was draining more of my energy with every kiss. He got mad when I tried to get away. Then he said, “since you won’t let me kiss you and be good you have to fight me. If you don’t you die and so does Jake.”
I gulped when he said that and now I stood there while he looked at me. I tried to fight him, but my energy was pretty much gone. All the energy I had left just let me stand. He ran and hit me in the stomach. I hit the wall and gasped the air knocked out of my lungs and blood came out of my mouth. “His pure evil.. He could never of been nice,” I thought looking at his evil grin watching me with his cold eyes that was colder then a ice age and I wandered if he wanted to if he could make a ice age with just his eyes.
“Fight me weakling!” he yelled running at me and bashing into my chest I coughed up more blood and he smiled.
Derrick’s evil
“So weak,” he smiled looking at the blood I was coughing up. “So defenseless. You couldn’t protect Jake at all could you?” he asked trying to provoke me.
“I can,” I said through gasps of air.
“Really? Well there must be weak enemies. Or Jake must be protecting himself annoyed how pathetic you are. How weak you are. You can turn into a cat, so what? It’s a stupid ability used by the weakest of the weak,” he whispered in my ear.
I growled angrily. I got up and punched him and he grabbed my wrist and twisted it down breaking it. I screamed in pain and he dropped me. He closed his eyes smiling again as more pain shot through me as he absorbed my power making me weaker. “Your energy and power is above normal and it pleases me so much that you came to sacrifice yourself to me,” he said softly. He leaned down when I managed to sit up. He stroked my hair enjoying my shaking when he did.
I growled and head butt him away. He gasped from the sudden hit and stumbled backwards and I managed to get up. He swiftly managed to keep his balance. Then he grabbed my arm I healed my wrist quickly. “Your energy levels never failed to surprise me,” he whispered. He closed his eyes again and smiled as I screamed in pain when he absorbed my remaining energy.
He let go as the basement door opened. I fell to the ground gasping and shaking. I looked up through my hair at Anna, Jake, and Luna. “Anna you are too kind. You know I only need one sacrifice, but since you went through the trouble…” he said. I knew what he was going to do and liked I guessed Jake and Luna started screaming in pain.
“Stop!” Anna yelled, and he did and Jake and Luna stayed standing not completely drained. “I won’t let you hurt them!”
“I see why, they are useless to me,” he said. He stepped on my back when I tried to get up.
Jake growled. “Get away from her!” he yelled.
Suddenly pain shot through me when Jake moved forward I screamed. “Get closer see how much pain she feels. Anyone get closer. Its fun when she screams,” he said.
They all stayed back. I gasped for air. Suddenly Jake and Anna screamed as he absorbed their energy. They both fell to the ground. Derrick moved to Luna. She gulped and moved back. “Nice to see you two Luna. This your embarrassing little brother?” he asked looking down at Jake.
“Hello again Derrick,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Well it looks like someone went to liking me to hating me, even after all I’ve done for you,” he shook his head tssking.
“What are you talking about?” Jake asked struggling to get up.
“She didn’t tell you?” he asked.
“Nothing!” she said hurriedly fear in her voice.
He laughed at her desperation to quiet him. “I’ve known you Luna for what? Pretty much your whole life since you were seven?” he asked. Jake looked shocked. He stroked her hair and she moved back into the door. “You had brighter hair when I saved you didn’t you? Then again every time you called me to you your hair seemed to losing its bright colors.”
“Shut up!” she yelled.
I felt the energy returning. I slowly got up and I saw he was smiling. I blasted him and Derrick and Luna both fell down off the steps. He narrowed his eyes at me. I backed up. “You and your high energy levels. It returns so fast. They seem to get higher and come back faster the longer I let you live. Maybe you should die now,” he whispered. Jake got up and he closed his eyes.
Jake screamed in pain and fell off the stairs to the ground by his leg. He opened his dark cold eyes and hit me in the stomach. I coughed up blood and he absorbed my energy again. I fell next to Jake when he was done and lost consciousness.

I looked at Derrick. He was too powerful. He looked at me. I got up and he grabbed my arm. “Luna you didn’t tell your brother where your powers came from? Who saved your life when you were seven, nine, fourteen, and seventeen? Who taught you how to fight or who you almost forced to kill him?” he asked. I heard gasps. I felt tears roll down my cheeks and I saw his smile grow bigger from the sudden surprise in the room.
“Luna…” Jake said surprised, “is that true?”
“Yes,” I whispered, “when you stole and broke my stuff so much I got so mad, so when you were four I begged him to.”
“Good thing I refused isn’t it?” he chuckled. Jake didn’t look at me still shocked he looked at Amy instead. Suddenly pain shot through me until my energy was gone. I fell to the floor gasping. “His turning people against me to let our energy come back so he can get stronger off of us,” I realized.

I looked at Amy she started to wake. I laid next to her on the ground. I reached out and grabbed her hand. “We have the traitor over here, on the steps while the evil big sister lays there in front of the staircase, the pathetic kitten over there next to the baby brother,” he said walking around us making nicknames to make us mad. Suddenly I was moved away from Amy. He picked me up and punched me in the stomach and I landed in the middle of the room on my back.
He looked down at Amy when I started to get up. “You hurt one hair on her your dead!” I yelled.
“Really now?” he asked. He smiled at my angry expression and kneeled down and grabbed Amy by her hair and forced her up she grabbed her hair in pain.
I got up to run at him, but pain shot through me keeping me down on my back only able to see from pushing on the floor with my arms. Shaky I looked at him. “So will you really kill me if I did this?” he asked kissing her on the lips.
Anger shot through my veins. My energy was gone, but anger replaced it. I got up. I ran at him and when I was only fifteen inches away Amy screamed in pain. Her scream echoed off the walls. He let go and she fell to her knees her arms stretched out to catch herself her hair fell in front of her face screaming in pain she almost looked sick and like she was going to puke. Suddenly she stopped.
She gasped for air. “Come a inch closer she will end up with eight lives. I mean right now she’s hanging on to the first life by a tiny thread. One more shock and,” he said smiling evilly not bothering to finish his sentence.
“Now I have a little problem. You are all weak on energy, expect for the pathetic kitten. So I will keep her alive and finish you guys. My problem is which one I kill off first.”
“No, please don’t kill them,” Amy begged through gasps.
“Another word and the baby brother dies first,” he said looking at me. She gulped and stayed silent. “Any volunteers?”
“Kill me first,” Luna whispered
“No!!!” Amy blurted out.
Derrick got mad. He picked her up by her hair again.

“Now they are all dieing in front of your eyes,” he whispered in my ear holding my hair to keep me up.
My eyes opened wide. Suddenly Luna, Anna, and Jake all screamed in pain. Jake fell back on the ground. Only minutes passed by when the screaming stopped. I didn’t have to look for their breathing. I already knew what happened. Derrick laughed a laugh of pure evil. Tears filled my eyes. The only people I ever really loved and cared about were gone.
Amy’s True Power
My sadness turned into anger quickly. I grabbed his hand tightly hearing the crush of his bones breaking. My energy was back. He closed his eyes, but no energy went to him. I grabbed his throat and threw him across the room, with strength that wasn’t there before.
Carefully I walked over to him trying to not step on Jake I looked at Jake for awhile before looking at Derrick. I never knew my parents. I never even known my own last name. I don‘t even know if Amy is really my name. I growled at him as he laid defenseless against my over powering anger.
“You killed the only people I ever cared about. You have tortured me all day. You have drained my energy and made me see what you would do to Jake. You used me as a shield. You have threatened me and you have locked me in a tiny cage. You are evil. Pure evil. And I plan revenge. And another death. Oh and guess what?” I said angrily.
“What?” he asked fear in his voice.
“I have nothing important to lose,” I whispered coldly and he gulped. I grabbed him and threw him and he went through the solid stone wall.
I walked up the stairs slowly. I saw him on the ground blood coming from his head. “I’ve cracked your skull now, but soon I will crack your neck. And I really hope you didn’t have plans because the only place your going is in a coffin!” I yelled.
The power taking over me mad me evil. Made me carefree. It felt like some other person took over my body. And the real me was locked up over come by the current anger. “I must stop. I can’t kill people,” my voice rang in my head.
“Yes you can. You killed the rat man you can kill him. I mean he did kill Jake,” my anger thought.
I took a step forward. “No! You did! I will not let you kill anyone!” my voice rang out again.
“You can’t stop yourself. Like he said you are too weak. So let your anger kill him!” my anger yelled angrily in my own head forcing away the me that was stopping my anger from killing Derrick.
I grabbed his neck and slammed him into the wall. I started to crush his neck. He grabbed my hand chocking. “Any last words before I crush your weak little neck?” I asked.
“You can’t kill me,” he said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“You won’t believe me,” he said gasping for breath.
“I won’t, but spit it out before I make your spit out blood.”
“You can’t kill me. We are the same. Evil. You would kill me while there is a chance to save Jake,” he said trying to stop me even for a second.
“We are nothing alike!” I yelled.
I started to crush his neck more and he realized his plan failed and I was going to kill him.
“You wouldn’t kill the person who saved your life would you? I really did. When you were born I saved you from a werewolf and gave you away to a couple who was camping,” he whispered.
Nothing Will Ever Make Sense
The reply stopped me. I let go of his neck. He stood up and took the opportunity he had and he closed his eyes. I didn’t screamed in pain. Suddenly he started to shake and the pain stopped and I wasn’t weak. I felt weak with shock. “So much energy,” he whispered. Suddenly as I stared blankly at the wall Jake came out. As happy as I was to see him I stayed frozen in place which made Jake mad.
Jake went after Derrick and killed him thinking he froze me. I felt sick and weak. Jake wrapped his arms around me when I started to sway back and further. “Its okay its all over,” he whispered.
Through the weakness I passed out. I kept having the torture dreams of every pain Derrick placed on me. Every drop of blood I heard hit the ground from when I coughed up blood. Every scream echoing through my head. Then everything went black.
Then a hand went across my right arm and across my body and grabbed my left arm. I saw red arm and I knew it was Derrick’s arm that grabbed me. I screamed and he smiled stroking my hair. “This is a dream,” I thought.
“Yes a dream that I control. I can hear your thoughts and I am very much alive,” he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back, “and just because Jake and Luna are going to protect you in the real world, that doesn’t mean they can protect your dreams.”
My eyes grew wide. I tried to wake up, but I couldn’t. I was trapped in my own dreams to be tortured by Derrick.

I looked around the house. Normal house had a kitchen and stuff. I looked down the hall absorbing my surroundings memorizing it until I could get around with my eyes closed. I noticed Jake was watching Amy sleep. “Amy, why is he so obsessed with her. I just wish I could go in their and kill her!” I thought bitterly. I noticed Amy’s breathing increased. I saw she was shaking and the worried expression Jake had. I walked into her room when Jake tried to shake her awake.
Nothing happened she didn’t wake up. Suddenly she started screaming. “Wake up!” he yelled it scared me, and I jumped. “Sorry,” he said at my startled expression. “Stay here I’ll get Luna’s help and try to wake her,” he said.
He ran out of the room. I looked at Amy laying there helpless. I smiled. I touched her arm. Her normal colored arm. Then I looked at my white arm and sighed. “I’ll wake you it’ll be easy. Just need my knife and you’ll wake up,” I said evilly.
“Oh wait. Then you wouldn’t wake up. All the more better,” I whispered getting my white knife out. She shook a lot and so did I because I was afraid of being caught, I stabbed down at her neck, but it hit her arm. Blood came out and she woke up shaking.
She looked at me fear on her face. She pulled the knife out and healed herself. “Thanks,” she said leaving the room.
“Thanks!?” I thought angrily.
I walked out of there trying to calm down. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. Jake hugged Amy. Luna stood next to him confused. “I’m so happy your awake,” he said.
“Thank Anna for waking me,” she said looking at me smiling all happy.
Jake smiled. “Thanks Anna I knew I could count on you.”
“Any time,” I said. “Maybe next time she will die,” I added to myself too low to be heard.
I noticed how weak Amy looked. I noticed how scared and tense she was. “Something wrong?” Jake asked looking at her. Luna left the room only noticed leaving by me.
“No,” she lied.
“Want to sleep?” he asked. Her eyes widened fearfully. “What’s wrong with sleeping?”
“Derrick! He is alive and haunting my dreams!” she yelled.
“His dead. Just get him out of your head. Trust me,” he said.
“You couldn’t even wake me up. He is alive. The only reason I woke up was because Anna stabbed me with a knife!” she said angrily.
Jake looked at me. “You said to try to wake her up,” I said innocently.

I looked at Jake, I was angry that he didn’t believe me. He looked at me and kissed me. “I killed him myself. His gone. He won’t hurt you anymore,” he whispered.
“His alive!” I yelled my anger growing.
“You just need sleep trust me,” he said.
I got sleepy. I swayed back and forth. I didn’t want to sleep. “His… Alive…” I said before everything went black.
I woke up on the ground. The ground was cold and hard. I couldn’t see anything, but myself. I got up. Then I was grabbed from behind and both of my arms were held behind my back. “Welcome back,” Derrick whispered breathing down my neck, “Miss me?”
“No!” I yelled.
“Your mine now,” he said. Pain shot through me. I screamed, the pain worse then it was before. When it stopped a snake wrapped around my arms. He pulled my head up and we were on a small mountain near Jake’s home. I heard screams and I saw Jake’s and Luna’s home on fire.
I heard their screams from inside. Luna’s scream stopped. Jake came out, coughing, pulling Luna’s lifeless body out with him. Jake was burned up badly. He coughed a lot. He looked weak. He fell down. “Why Amy, why did you let this happen… We were happy… We were carefree until you came along… Why did you do this to me…?” he asked.
“I didn’t! This isn’t my fault!” I yelled.
“Yes it is… It‘s all your fault. It was from the beginning of this nightmare you brought against our happy lives,” he said before he died.
I screamed crying. I heard Derrick’s laughter behind me. I heard his laughter ringing through my ears. He forced me up and the snake slithered away. He turned me and a wall appeared behind me and he slammed me against the wall. Grabbing my arms. “Your mine,” he whispered kissing me enjoying my screams. I struggled trying to get away, but he didn’t let go and he didn‘t stop kissing me.

I looked at Amy she was shaking again. I sighed. “Guess that didn’t work she is still having nightmares,” I thought sadly. I pushed her trying to wake her. Again nothing happened. “Anna!” I yelled sadly. I didn’t want her to hurt Amy, but I didn’t like how scared she looked.
Anna came in reading a book. “Yes?” she asked.
“I need you to stab Amy again,” I said leaving the room.
I waited. I heard Anna’s frustrated growl. I rushed in. I noticed the knife in her arm, but Amy wasn’t awake. Then she started screaming. “Get away!!!!!!” she screamed. Anna jumped startled. I looked at her. “No!!” she yelled. Suddenly tears started to form and go down her cheeks. Luna came home and ran in when she heard the screaming. I pushed her, but she wouldn’t wake up. “Its not my fault!! I didn‘t cause this!!!” she yelled shaking.
Jane appeared in my mind. I picked up Amy and ran out of there pulling the knife out and healing her. I remembered that Jane was the only person I knew that could wake people up. Luna and Anna were running behind me. I went to the cave were Alura was. Alura ran out after hearing the screaming. “What is going on?!” she yelled over her screaming.
“No time to explain!” I yelled. “Where is Jane buried!?”
She turned into a cat and ran left. We all followed. She stopped at a tree. I noticed it was hallow. I sat Amy down. I closed my eyes and I concentrated. Suddenly I heard gasps. I opened my eyes and saw the black cat standing on the grave. I moved and she came out. She turned human. I looked at the black haired girl in a white robe with blue eyes. She looked ten years old. “Jake?” she asked dazed, and confused.
“Jane, I am sorry for killing you before, but I need your help,” I said.
“Its not my fault!!!! Leave me alone!!!!!” Amy yelled trembling and screaming.
Jane sat next to Amy and closed her eyes. “She is dreaming. There is a really red guy holding her down. It looks like people are screaming at her. Wait that looks like you guys,” she said opening her eyes looking at Luna and me. She hit Amy to try to wake her, but it failed. “Dream spell. Her dreams are being controlled. My guess is by the red dude.”
“Derrick,” Anna gasped.
“No his dead!” I yelled.
Jane put her hand on Amy’s forehead. Amy finally woke up and she sat up gasping. Alura turned human and hugged Jane. I helped Amy up and hugged her. She didn’t hug back. I looked into her eyes. They were blank staring off in the distance.

“What’s wrong Amy? Cat got your tongue?” I heard Derrick’s voice in my head.
“Amy?” Jake said.
I couldn’t talk I couldn’t move my lips. I was frozen. “Your mine,” Derrick whispered in my head.
“You okay?” Jake asked.
I nodded and ran off. “You can run, but you can’t get away,” Derrick said.
“Get out of my head!” I yelled pressing my hands on my ears even though I knew it wouldn’t work.
I heard his laughter loud in my head like he was laughing full volume right in my ear. I ran as fast as I could and I tripped on a root. I rolled into a meadow. I landed right in at Derrick’s feet.
“Miss me Amy?” he asked kneeling down grabbing my arm.
“No,” I said my voice shaking.
Gently he held my hand then he kissed it and whispered, “your mine.“ Then he bite my right arm just above my wrist and vanished. Jake burst into the meadow and saw me on the ground. He noticed the bit and looked at me concerned. He sat next to me. “You okay?” he asked.
“I think so,” I said getting up.
For a few days he left me alone. I laid in my room. Jane and Anna sitting outside the door and Alura stayed outside the house keeping watch. Jake asked them to watch me when they are gone. They think I am asleep so they weren’t in the room. Jane always came in when I rolled over thinking someone was in here trying to hurt me.
Anna always shook her head at Jane as she blushed in embarrassment. Suddenly I saw Derrick staring at me in my closet. I screamed and he smiled and vanished when the door was opened, quickly Jane and Anna jumped into the room. Anna looked around while Jane tried to calm me down. Anna came out of my closet and opened the window and jumped out looking around.
“You okay?” Jane asked concern in her eyes.
“Yeah,” I said breathlessly.
Anna jumped back in shaking her head. She closed the window and Jane and Anna left the room. I gulped laying down. When nothing happened I sighed in relief. Then Derrick appeared and put his hand over my mouth. He smiled at my terrified face.
He kissed my left hand. Then bite into my arm a little above my wrist like he did before but this time on the other arm. He vanished and I screamed in pain. I held my arm looking at the bite and feeling stings going through me. Jane came threw the door and gasped at my bleeding arm.
“Oh my!” she said sitting next to me.
Anna came in and jumped. “How?!” she asked.
“Derrick appeared in here and bit me!” I yelled in pain.
“That is impossible. I didn’t pick up anyone else in here. And you can’t teleport in these woods,” Jane said.
“I think she bit herself,” Anna said.
Jane sighed shaking her head. She healed my hand and started to leave I looked shocked at scar that remained. “No, please stay,” I said.
“Okay,” Jane said.
Jane sat next to me. I laid down. I closed my eyes while Jane sat in the corner in a chair. I looked at the closet and I saw Derrick staring at me. I got scared and I saw his evil smile grow. Jane saw I looked scared looking in the closet so she got up and when she did Derrick vanished. I gulped when she looked at me concerned after looking in the empty closet.

For three days I saw Derrick. Someone was always near me. Derrick kept appearing and biting me when ever I was alone. He always bit a few inches above the last scar. Jake stayed with me at nights and days when he was here. Jane took over when he left to cook. Alura stood guard when I went to take a shower one day. I sighed deeply I had five bites three on my right arm and two on my left arm and they were all scars.
After I was done I grabbed the water knob to turn the water off and another hand went over mine. I gulped looking at the red hand. I looked at Derrick. He stepped in when I stepped back and I realized the water went through him. I tried to run through him, but he was solid to me.
He laughed at me he grabbed my left arm and bit me again. I screamed and I heard Alura try to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. Derrick drank some of my blood his teeth deep in my arm. Then he forced me to drink a vial of some kind of liquid. I gagged when it went down my throat and fell to the floor. He vanished again and Alura got in almost breaking the door down.
She turned the water off and put a towel over me. She looked at me worried. She saw the bite and sighed cleaning it up. “You really need to stop biting yourself,” she whispered leaving the room. I dried off and got dressed. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
My arms were grabbed and I felt breathless. I was forced to my knees. I didn’t bother to scream. I couldn’t scream. I could barely breath. The air was too thick. Suddenly Derrick pushed me down more. The air got even thicker and I felt weak and I passed out. When I woke up I was on the bathroom floor still. Jake was sitting near me looking at me.
“You okay?” he asked looking at me concern in his eyes.
“I’m not insane,” I said looking away feeling sudden anger. I pulled my legs up, my knees against my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs looking at the wall. “I know you guys think I am going insane, but I am not insane.”
“I don’t believe your insane,” he said.
I got up. I realized I was getting angrier. I stood at the bathroom door. Jake came up to me and kissed me. I screamed. Thinking Jake was Derrick. “You okay?” he asked kissing me again. Suddenly he looked like Derrick.
“No I am not, I am going crazy I am seeing things now,” I said leaving the room I walked out of the house. I walked into the forest. Trying to get my head together.
“Stop it with these mind tricks Derrick!” I yelled angrily suddenly feeling happy to mention his name. I shook my head.
“Why its so much fun seeing you going insane,” he said leaning against a tree.
“You will die,” I yelled angrily trying to be angry because some reason I felt so happy to see him. I jumped at him and he vanished and I hit the ground. He reappeared with his foot on my back to keep me down.
“I don’t think so,” he said grabbing my arm. I noticed my arm turned red. “You haven’t wandered why I kept biting you?” he asked. “I guess you don’t like my spell.”
I tried to attack him, but I froze. “Unfortunately. I have to make one more bite. On that pretty neck,” he whispered in my ear kissing my neck. “Then instead of sudden mood swings, making you a portal, and seeing things,” he said breathing down my neck. “I could control all your actions. Every thought, dream, word, every idea,” he kept kissing my neck and got ready to bite when Jake started calling my name.
“Amy?” he asked. Derrick vanished. I fell to the ground finally able to move. “Amy!” he said running over to me. He wrapped his arms around me helping me up. I sat up fear grabbed my mind and I forgot how to breath. I looked at him and I couldn’t talk. “Amy I am really worried about you.”
“I can understand why,” I whispered. Suddenly I got sudden anger in Jake. I shook my head and grabbed him and kissed him ignoring the growing anger and wanting to hurt him. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he started softly stroking my hair. I ignored the uncomfortable feeling. He looked me in the eyes.
He helped me up the rest of the way. He walked forward and I walked back slowly. We tried to walk home, but we kept stopping to kiss. “I love Jake,” I thought ignoring the anger. “I love Jake!” I kept thinking.
“See how long that lasts,” Derrick said in my head.
“Forever!” I thought angrily.
“We’ll see,” I heard his whispery evil voice.
I ignored him holding Jake tighter. Gently he rubbed my back. I kept my eyes closed trying to show Jake that I loved him before Derrick makes me hate him completely. Then I got a funny idea. “You right,” I said.
“About what?” he asked puzzled.
“I am insane, but only over you,” I giggled.
He chuckled and smiled. “Then I would be in the same boat.”
I smiled staring into his eyes. “I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you two,” he whispered back.
“Sorry to disturb you love birds, but everyone’s worried about you,” Luna said.
“You did disturb us,” I said bitterly trying to control my anger.

I waited outside Amy’s door. Knowing Jake was in there so I just ignore the movement. Anna left to take a nap so I stood guard alone. Anna seemed nice and she explained why Jake killed me and she apologized every time she saw me.
“I’m sorry about what I did,” she always said.
“Its no problem,” I always laughed.
I yawned seeing Alura walking out of the bathroom. She saw me and smiled. I smiled and waved. She waved and skipped away. The door opened and Jake came out. “I’ll be back,” he said. I nodded. After a few minutes I heard Amy struggling and something got knocked over. I ran in and saw she was trying to zip up a red dress that went to her knees.
“What, I‘ve never worn a dress and I wanted to try it,” she said trying to pull the zipper up. I noticed it was caught in her hair.
“Okay this might hurt a tiny bit,” I said gently pulling the zipper down. She moved her hair and I gasped. I noticed a red almost finished fire symbol. It was two thirds done all that was missing was the light red inside. “Out line is from six bites that makes you a portal each one made the time you can be there longer,” I thought looking at the six bites three on each arm.
“The first inside is from a potion the lets you control their feelings but you must drink some of there blood first and knocked out,” I thought looking at the dark red first inside remembering how weak Amy looked when she was unconscious on the ground. “And the last one is from a bite on the neck that controls the person’s every move, thought, and emotion completely,” I thought horrified. I zipped up the dress and pulled her out of there. “I have to warn everyone,” I thought panic washing over me. Suddenly the door closed and wouldn’t open.
Amy screamed and I looked back as the red man everyone called Derrick appeared and grabbed Amy. I ran at him and he punched me in the stomach. He dropped Amy and walked to me. He pulled up my chin and I felt sleepy.
I tried to stay awake, but I couldn’t. I saw before I went to sleep Derrick lean over Amy and bite her neck. “I’ve failed, my mission was to keep her safe and I couldn‘t,” I thought before consciousness left me.
Mind Control
When I woke up my mind was empty. It was better that way. All I knew was I loved Derrick and I hated Anna, Alura, Jake, Jane, and Luna for keeping me away from him. I noticed Jane was unconscious on the ground in front of the door. I saw that someone was trying to get in. I moved Jane and Jake stumbled in. “What happened to her?” Jake asked.
“I was trying to put on my dress and I hit her by accident,” I said quickly thinking fast.
“I see,” he said believing my lie.
I smiled and went out the door and stood in the doorway. Anna stood near the kitchen getting a glass of water. Luna came out of the bathroom and Alura was walking around in cat form. I leaned down to pet her. “Can we go somewhere?” I asked Jake.
“Where?” he asked.
“It’ll be a surprise for everyone I have been working on it every time I left the house, please,” I asked.
“I guess,” he said. Jake called everyone and we all walked out of the door. Jake carried Jane and I carried Alura petting her gently.
“Are you bringing them?” Derrick asked in my head.
“Yes, we are on our way to the meadow for you to kill them,” I thought happily.
“Good,” he said.
“I will get a reward right?” I thought.
“Of course,” he said in my head.
When we got to the meadow Jane woke up. “Where am I?” I heard her ask.
“Meadow I guess, Amy wanted to show us something so we all came here,” I heard Jake tell her.
“No!” she yelled, and I turned around to see Jane looking at me. “She’s under control!” she yelled.
“No I’m not,” I said innocently. “Don’t move,” I said, and they all stopped following me and stayed.
“No! She is!” Jane yelled struggling under Jake’s hold. I sat down in the middle of the meadow. Fire surrounded the meadow blazing high. “She is under control!!” Jane yelled getting free attacking me.
Derrick appeared next to me and punched her away and she landed in front of Jake. Everyone gasped at the sight of Derrick expect for me. “Miss me?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said looking up at him. Smiling brightly.
“Amy! Get away from him before he hurts you!” Jake yelled running at me.
I narrowed my eyes and got up and swiftly moved and grabbed his hand when he ran past me. Then I threw him back. He landed on the ground with a thud. “Attack them all,” Derrick said.
“Will you love me more if I do?” I asked hopeful.
“Of course I will,” he said smiling.
I brightened and ran at them. “I told you she was under a mind control!” Jane yelled angrily. I attacked Luna and Anna tried to get me off her. Luna screamed afraid to hurt me.
“Okay! We should have listened!” Jake yelled angrily at Jane. I punched Anna and she staggered back. I grabbed Alura’s arm and threw her at Jake and they both fell.
It was easy because no one wanted to hurt me. Derrick laughed. “Five against one and your losing to one person,” he laughed.
Soon I had almost everyone down on the ground unable to move because of vines. Only Jake remained. I had a few cuts on me, but they didn’t matter. I attacked Jake and he moved. Every attack I did he moved. I grabbed for him running past him when he ran then he grabbed my arms. He held them behind me. I struggled and struggled, but I couldn’t break free. “Amy I know you’re in there! Fight it!” he said looking at me.
“I am Amy! Now let me go so I can finish the job and be loved by Derrick!” I yelled struggling.
“Why do you want to be loved by him!?” he asked.
“Because I love him!!” I yelled.
That caught Jake off guard and he let go. I attacked him and forced him to the ground where vines grabbed him and held him.
I sat next to Derrick smiling happily.

I watched Amy, what she said rang in my ears. “I love him!!” I heard in my head.
“She told me Derrick was alive I didn’t believe her. Derrick bit her and I kept think Amy was biting herself and going insane. This my fault I gave Derrick the ability to put her under his control. What have I done?” I thought.
“Now, finish them off starting with him,” he said pointing to me.
I looked at Amy as she hesitated.
“I love him!” she thought.
“No! I love Derrick!” she thought. I realized one was the real Amy fighting the control.
The vines let go and Derrick growled. “I’m sorry,” she said making vines come back, but they grabbed Amy wrapping around her neck.
The real Amy is trying to chock herself so she wouldn’t kill me. “It’s the real her trying to stop the mind control!” I yelled to everyone.
“We have to kill her first life!” Jane yelled attacking Amy.
“I will never let you!” Derrick yelled and attacked Jane. He drain Amy’s power so she couldn’t use it to kill herself. When he did the vines let go and left.
Anna attacked Derrick and came back every time she was thrown back at us. Derrick was busy with them and didn’t see me get to Amy. I looked at her and formed a blast to kill a life. I didn’t know if I could do it.
“You can’t kill me,” she said evilly trying to fight the real her. “You love me, but I love Derrick!”
“No, I love the real you fighting, and that’s not you,” I said coldly blasting Amy. She hit the ground on her back with a thud. I saw her chest wasn’t rising or falling. I felt tears in my eyes as I realized I killed Amy.
The Fight Is Over Or Is IT
I woke up in the meadow. Jake was the first person I saw. Then I saw my mom appear next to him. Jake jumped in surprised. “Hello Amy,” she whispered bowing her head not looking at Jake.
“Hi mom,” I whispered looking at her tears filling my eyes.
She had her hands in front of her in her sleeves so I couldn’t see them. “You have eight lives left. Use them wisely,” she said. I nodded and she smiled. “Try to outlive me and your father,” she said laughing a little. I smiled again and she vanished.
Jake looked at me and looked where my mom was. “You! Kill him!” Derrick yelled staring me.
“Okay,” I said attacking Derrick. “Dieing isn’t hard its easy,” I said pinning Derrick down.
“No!” he yelled. As I killed him by digging my finger nails in his throat. I gasped for breath realizing I killed someone. Jake wrapped his arms around me. We walked home and I smiled hugging Jake.

The fight was finally over. Right? No more bad guys, no more anything. Everyone was back to the way it should be. At least having weird abilities was normal here. We all smiled happy it was over. Something bugged Amy. Something told her it wasn’t over. She shook her head.
“Everything is going to be great,” she thought.

“Your wrong Amy,” I said watching Amy walk with Jake. I watched all six of them thinking they have won. I looked at my red hand and tightened it into a fist. “They think its over, but the fun has barely begun!” I said darkly.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2010

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