
I looked into Jake’s eyes. He kissed me and I giggled. It has been two days since we killed Derrick. Nothing has happened. I heard loud music from Luna’s room and I was in Jake’s room on his lap. I heard jumping and guessed everyone was dancing.
“I love you Jake and no matter what I‘ll always love you, I promise,” I whispered softly kissing him.
“I will keep you to that promise,” he whispered stroking my hair his eyes closed.
Then Derrick appeared in my head. Jake opened his eyes. He wasn’t shocked. every time he stroked my hair with his eyes closed he knew it reminded me of him. He started kissing my neck to make me lose my train of thought. I kissed him.
I looked at the door when I heard a thump. I gulped and Luna crashed in. She was laughing fighting Jane. They wrestled on the ground. “Where’s the popcorn when you need it?” I joked.
Jake chuckled. “Its in my room,” Luna said. Luna grabbed Jane and managed to get her out of the room. I got up and shut the door.
I suddenly felt a weird feeling. I looked at the wall. I felt like I was being watched. I started to shake. Jake stood up grabbing my arms one arm wrapped behind my back
“Jane?! Alura?! You guys okay?” Luna asked turning the music off.
I felt a sharp pain that was unbearable.

I was shocked. At the same time Amy, Jane, and Alura started screaming. I picked up Amy and went to Luna’s room. Jane and Alura were on the ground. I set Amy down everyone looked around. “What’s wrong? I heard screaming,” a female voice said.
I looked around at a girl. She looked like a cat with pink ears and a long pink tail. She had cat nails instead of normal nails. She looked at them on the ground with her pink eyes. She had pink hair and a pink mini skirt and a pink shirt. She purred and they stopped screaming. I looked at her suspiciously.
Suddenly she looked at me and walked forward. I backed away recognizing the loving look she gave me. Luna noticed it two and ran at her and she moved her hand and the next moment she stumbled back claw marks on her face. Anna helped her up confused.
She grabbed my arm and I pushed her back. “You will settle for a cat like her,” she said looking at Amy. “Why not me?” she asked.
“How does everyone know about us??” I wandered. “And why is almost every girl attracted to me!” I thought bitterly.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not interested,” I said.
“We will see about that,” she said. She winked at me and vanished.
I shook my head dazed and confused. Amy stood up shakily and staggered forward. Jane and Alura stood up two walking like they were drunk. “Okay,” I said, “am I only one noticing this?”
“What?” Luna asked.
“The only cats in here started screaming. Some weird pink cat girl came in and made them stop. Is it me or is all this connected to cats?” I asked shaking my head.
“Now that you mention it,” Jane said holding onto Anna to keep balance. “His right, we are all cats and a cat person came, but what does this mean?”
“I know,” Amy said staggering, and tripping on her foot and I caught her when she fell forward towards me.
“What?” I asked looking at her.
“This is just part of our endless crazy adventure. Someone tell me when everything gets normal I mean when I was a slave it was more normal,” Amy said.
I chuckled. I wrapped my arms around her. Anna yawned. She walked out and went to her room next to Luna’s. Alura and Jane went to there room next to Amy’s room.
I helped Amy to her room and she went to sleep. I left the room and went to the kitchen. My throat was dry so I got a glass and got some water. I drank the water thirstily and cleaned the glass. I faced towards my room when she appeared again. It looked like she came out from under the sink her cat eyes burning into mine. She put her hand on my mouth and I got dizzy and lost consciousness.
When I woke up I looked at the pair of eyes that where watching me. I recognized them immediately. I saw I was tied down with rope that was around my wrists and ankles. I was in a dark empty room with no lights. All I really saw was two doors. “Hi handsome, reconsider my offer of taking me instead?” she asked purring.
I rolled my eyes. I looked away from her and she got mad. She calmed down and smiled. “My name is Alice. What’s yours?” she asked.
“Alice… weird name for a cat,” I said.
She got really mad when I said that. She walked away from me and paced around the room and walked back. “What’s your name?” she asked.
“My name is of no importance,” I said.
“Did I mention I can cause pain to people who can turn into cats thirty yards away?” she said.
“How bout I just go back and get your three kitty friends see how well you understand.”
I bit my lip. I didn’t want them to suffer just because of a evil cat. She sat next to me and looked at me. When she was least expecting it I growled. She jumped back startled. I chuckled. She growled at me and jumped me. Her claws where aimed at my chest but I move my arms so she cut the rope. When my hands were free I smiled and grabbed her arm and threw her across the empty room. I stood up even though my legs were tied up. “Fine you want to fight, I’ll give you a fight,” she growled.
“I could fight you with my hands tied behind my back,” I said.
“Want to bet?” she asked.
I thought about it. “She’s weak I could win easy.”
“okay,” I said.
“You won’t be tied up. If I win your mine.”
“If I win?”
“I’ll let you go and you‘ll never see me again.”
She walked forward. I shook her hand. “Deal,” I said. She cut the ropes on my legs and we both jumped back. “Easy win,” I thought.

I woke up at five in the morning. I got up and slipped in Jake’s room. I was surprised he wasn’t in here. I went in my mind, but I don’t remember him telling me that he was going somewhere. I went to the kitchen and he wasn’t there.
I knocked on the bathroom and no one was there and there was no sound of water. I went outside he wasn’t sitting at the porch. I noticed Jake’s dog the same one who jumped me the first night I was here. I recognized the brown fur and black muzzle. I mostly remembered the torn ear. I pet the dog.
“Have you seen Jake?” I asked the dog.
The dog looked at me and whined shaking his head. “I think his missing,” I said tears started to come down. He nuzzled me and ran behind me. He crouched down and moved under me to lift me on its back. I laid on my stomach and wrapped my arms around its neck when he started to run.
He sniffed the ground as he ran. I knew this was going to work. It had to work.

I fell to the ground. I had cuts on me and I was losing. “That the best you can do?!” Alice asked.
“I will not lose,” I said getting up.
She ran at me and I grabbed her arm and she clawed my neck. I grabbed my neck coughing up blood falling to my knees. “I win,” she said. She healed my cuts.
I couldn’t believe it. Suddenly the door opened and Amy came in on the dog who trapped her before. She growled. “Aww look who it is,” she said hugging me helping me up staring at Amy.
“Get away from him!” Amy growled.
“His mine now,” Alice said. I looked at the wall trying to hold back my tears.
“No his not!” Amy yelled trying to step of the dog. He laid down and she managed to get off. She shook a bit. She looked like she was going to be ill from riding the dog.
“That dog can make you sick,” I thought.
“Why don’t you tell her about our bet.” Alice looked at me and not at Amy.
“What bet?”
Amy looked at me. “A fight… She wins I’m hers. I win I’m free and she would never bother us…” I said.
“And who lost?” she asked evilly.
I didn’t answer. I tried to keep myself from crying I still couldn‘t believe I lost.

I looked at Jake shocked. I got back on the dog’s back wrapping my arms around its neck feeling tears fill my eyes. The dog got up and ran out the door. The dog ran out of the weird house and teleported to the woods and stopped at the meadow. I got off and cried. The dog curled up next to me knowing how betrayed I must of felt. I pet him sobbing. I heard a laugh and I looked up and saw Derrick looking at me. I kept petting the dog sitting up still next to the dog.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Your boyfriend turn into a mutt?”
The dog growled getting up to protect me. “Leave me alone Derrick,” I muttered.
“What’s the fun in that?” he asked walking forward. The dog howled into the air and the next second a lot of dogs appeared around Derrick. “These mutts suppose to scare me?”
I shrugged. They all howled in the air. Derrick growled and the dogs whimpered. They all ran away whining. I sat there sobbing. Derrick walked up to me and pulled my chin up. “What’s wrong Amy upset I’m here?”
“I don’t care just finish me off.”
Derrick was shocked from what I said. His eyes went from cold to caring. He started to stroked my hair. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he said softly.

I woke up it was seven in the morning. I laid on my bed and my head hurt a bit. I heard howling that quickly stopped. Anna burst in my room. “Why does Jake and Amy always leave without a note!? I keep forgetting and its annoying. And what the heck was with the howling” she said.
“I guess we don’t give them enough space. And I really don‘t know dogs must of made a mistake,” I laughed.
I smelled breakfast. I went to the kitchen and saw Jane and Alura cooking. “I’ll get them for breakfast,” I said looking at Anna. She nodded and we both left.
I saw one of our dogs it looked at me frightened. I saw it was the one Amy first saw. I pet its torn ear. “Where’s Amy and Jake?” I asked. The dog walked towards the meadow and whined. I looked out and saw Amy and someone else. I looked closer and saw Derrick. He was stroking her hair sitting next to her.
I ran out and attacked Derrick. “No one can be alone around here?” he asked chuckling.
“Its okay his not hurting me,” she said crying.
Anna came out of the bush slowly. Luna narrowed her eyes and let Derrick get up. Derrick sat next to Amy again stroking her hair softly. I growled. “Where’s Jake?” I asked.
Amy started crying harder pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging her legs. Derrick looked at me. He looked her in the eyes and she went to sleep. “He made a bet and lost to this pink cat person,” he said.
“What was the bet?” Anna asked.
“She wins his hers he wins she lets him go and never disturbs him again,” Derrick said stroking Amy’s hair.
“Okay so why did you make Amy sleep?” I asked.
“So I could tell you what happened without her crying even harder. I worked hard to try to calm her down,” he said chuckling.
“Where is he?” Anna asked.
“Ask the dog that’s how she found him,” Derrick said.
“Anna get everyone else over here,” I said.
She nodded and left. I looked at Derrick stroking her hair and whispering to her. She would giggle every so often. Everyone came and I whistled. The dog came. I pet his torn ear. He ran forward towards where Jake is. I noticed everyone looked at Derrick stroking Amy’s hair. I didn’t trust him, but we had no choice. I recognized the soft look in his eyes from when I was seven and I knew he would protect her.
“He would keep her safe right?” I wandered following the big dog.

I looked at her watching me with her pink cat eyes. “Be back,” she whispered. She went through the second door that Amy didn’t come out of. I sighed thinking about Amy. I felt like I was going to cry.
I was still in the empty room that had two doors. I missed Amy a lot and I sobbed silently. The other door opened and I saw the same dog run in and attack me. He licked my face and I chuckled. I pet his torn ear knowing he loved that.
Luna came in and ran next to me; “Jake!” she said hugging me.
I hugged her. “What are you doing here?” I asked looking at the door where Alice left I pushed the dog off of me so I could see everyone coming in.
“Getting you out of here,” she said.
“Amy tell you about what happened?” I asked.
“No, Derrick did,” she said. I looked at her shocked.
“Please someone explain again why we left Amy in the meadow with him?!” Jane yelled the question.
My eyes opened wide. “You left Amy with Derrick!?” I yelled the question anger pulsing through me.
“What is with the yelling!?” Alice yelled. She came in and was shocked to see everyone there. She hissed at the dog. “Didn’t tell me your friends were coming.”
“I didn’t know,” I said rolling my eyes. “I’ll be back in a hour or two,” I said leaving.
I ran out of there no one followed that a new off. I went to the meadow and saw what they said was true. Amy sat on the ground and Derrick was next to her stroking her hair. I stepped closer and Derrick looked up right at me. He looked into Amy’s eyes and she passed out in his arms.
I growled stepping in the meadow. “Get out of here,” he growled.
“You get away from her!” I yelled angrily. “Hurt one hair on her and your dead!”
“Me hurt her? I am the one cheering her up. After you got her crying.”
“I was kidnapped,” I growled.
“You made a bet you should have been stronger!” he yelled.
“I know all you want is her energy,” I growled.
“Your wrong there. Leave before she wakes up and I have to calm her down again,” he growled.
I snapped I couldn‘t take what he was saying. I jumped him and pinned him down. I heard a groan and a yawn. I looked up at Amy. Her eyes were bloodshot. Derrick pushed me off and stepped back to Amy.
“Leave,” she mouthed. She turned away from me.
Derrick wrapped his arm around her. He narrowed his eyes looking at me and fire appeared around them. I left slowly. The shock was thick around me like ice. I waited for it to defrost so sadness could take over. Soon enough I found a quiet place. I sat down unable to continue to walk. I cried. “What have I done? I’ve lost her. Why did I make that stupid bet.”
Love To The Limit
I sobbed sad I shooed away Jake. Derrick took my hand. “There’s too much disturbance here,” he said softly. I sighed and nodded. He smiled and teleported outside the dead forest. He walked me in with his arm around my back. Once we got to his stone house I was exhaust . He walked me inside and I looked around in the house. I noticed the stone hall way was long.
I saw stairs and a dinning room with a wooden table. We walked past the dinning room and I saw a door. We walked past it into a living room. I saw book cases and I saw a black couch and two black chairs. I noticed a brown coffee table in front of the couch. He set me down one of the two cushions on the couch. He left and came back with two glasses of water, a tissue box, and a garbage can.
I felt cried out. I couldn’t shed another tear. He set the glasses of water on the table and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He leaned over and tried to kiss me. I was shocked I pushed him away when his lips were inches away from mine. “What’s wrong?” he asked stroking my hair.
I looked away. “You said the only reason you stayed was for your friends and now they remind you to much of him. Why not be with me?” he asked.
I didn’t have a response for his question. He leaned over again to kiss me and I didn’t stop him this time.

I sighed sitting on a rock. I couldn’t believe I this happened. I ran my hand through my hair trying to calm down before I had to go back to Alice. I really didn‘t want to see her and I really didn‘t want to see her and know she forced me to betray Amy. I still couldn‘t believe it. I jumped when Alice came behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. “Didn’t mean to startle you,” she said.
“Its okay,” I said sighing.
“What’s wrong?” she asked wrapping her arms around me.
“Nothing,” I said sadly remembering Amy. I remembered when she rubbed her head against me and her little tongue was out. I almost cried from the thought of that cuteness.

I woke up in my room and I has been two days since Jake made that bet. I haven’t seen Amy in awhile and I hoped she was okay. I looked around the blurry room and I got up yawning. Life felt empty without Jake or Amy here. I went to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. Some knocked at the door and I opened it. There stood Jake in the door way. I jumped up and hugged him. He hugged me back almost as tightly as I hugged him.
“I missed you Jake,” I said.
“I missed you two Luna,” he said. “I miss everyone.”
“Its so boring here without you and Amy.”
“What?” he asked.
“I haven’t seen Amy since I saw her in the meadow with Derrick. She was thinking of leaving for a little bit to calm down, but I just don’t know.”
Jake looked worried for a minute. “Jake when you going to be done,” a voice said I recognized.
“Soon Alice!” he yelled out a little annoyed.
“Well come in,” I said moving. They both walked in. I shut the door and sighed. Jake sat at the table and so did Alice. I looked at the living room couch. I started to walk to the kitchen, but someone knocked on the door.
I went back and opened the door. Derrick stood at the door way this time. He looked tired and like he just woke up. “Didn’t know you were having company,” he said.
Jake got up. “Where’s Amy?” he asked growling.
“Asleep at home,” he said rolling his eyes.
“This is her home,” I said narrowing my eyes.
“Why are you here?” Jake growled.
“Amy wanted me to come here to say that she won’t come here and she’s okay,” he said. “My job is done. Bye.”
“No,” I said grabbing his arm, “I want Amy to tell me that.”
“Fine,” Derrick said rolling his eyes. He ran into the forest and vanished. I waited ten minutes in the door way anxiously. Finally I saw Derrick running back with Amy cradled in his arms. and I saw him running back about ten minutes later.
“What?” she asked sleepily yawning when Derrick stopped at the door way in front of Luna.
She didn’t seem to notice Jake. She stretched in his arms. “Is it true your moving in with him!?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“I think she’s under control,” Jane said.
“I am not under control,” she said. “I’m tired though.”
Jane came up to Amy and closed her eyes her hand on her forehead. It took her a minute before she open her eyes. “She isn’t under any control. She‘s sleepy and she might have a headache and a small fever, but its her,” she said shocked.
Derrick set her down on her feet and wrapped his arm around her waist and narrowed his eyes looking past me. I looked back and saw Jake looking at Derrick anger on his face. “Lets go before I fall asleep here,” Amy said swaying.
“Okay. Still next time tell me you don’t like staying up most the night,” he said rolling his eyes. She hit him playfully.
“I’m use to it, but seriously. Staying up until five in the morning,” she said rolling her eyes.
“You can’t stay?” I asked.
“No, not really,” Derrick said kissing Amy’s hair.
Suddenly Jake blasted Derrick. Amy ran to his side. I saw Derrick on the ground. Amy helped him up and looked at Jake. “Maybe your right,” she growled.
“Right about what?” Jake asked stepping forward.
“That since your evil. I should be evil. Next time we meet. You will all die,” she yelled pulling Derrick’s arm. They left and I looked at Jake. He was shocked and his face was full of pain.

I was frustrated about what he did. Derrick wrapped his arm around my waist comfortingly. We sat in Derrick’s room. It had a gray bed and a wooden dresser with a clock on top of it. “When do you want to attack?” he asked.
“I don’t know, when can we?” I asked surprised how much I wanted to attack.
“Anytime,” he smiled evilly.
I looked at the time. It was ten in the morning. “How about six tomorrow morning? They usually don’t wake up until around nine so they won’t suspect a thing and they would be too drowsy to fight,” I said smiling evilly.
“Sounds good to me,” he said evilly. “Maybe we could also torture Jake?”
I thought about it for a second. “What do you have in mind?”
“I have some friends,” he said. He got up and left. I got sleepy after ten minutes. I fell asleep on the bed and woke up in Jake’s room. I saw myself on Jake’s lap kissing him.
“I love you Jake and no matter what I‘ll always love you, I promise,” I whispered softly kissing him.
“I will keep you to that promise,” he whispered stroking my hair his eyes closed.
I remembered that. It only happened a few days ago. I saw the look I had. I remembered it because I had that look when I was reminded of Derrick. I couldn’t believe how much changed in only about three days. Suddenly it was just Jake and me in the room.
“You aren’t good at promises are you?” he asked. I looked down. “You said you loved me and now your planning on killing me? I was just trying to protect you.”
“How?! By betting? Why didn’t you wait we could of saved you!!” I growled.
“The bet was if I won I would be let go and she would never both us. I did it because I thought I could win and protect you,” he said tears rolling down his face.
It felt like what he said stabbed me in the heart. Suddenly another me appeared.
“Hello not me,” the other me.
“I am you,” I said.
“No your not. I love Jake not a evil killer only interested in my energy,” she said moving and the black back ground turned into a white screen.
I watched me screaming in pain as Derrick absorbed my energy, beat me up, bite me, force me to hurt Jake, make everyone think I am mad, stuffing me in a cage, forcing me to fight him. I saw everything he did to me. I looked at the scars on my arms.
I looked down at my feet. “What have I become?” I asked tears rolling down my cheeks.
“A idiot,” she said hugging Jake.
“A killer,” Jake growled.
“You crossed the line from the good guy to the bad guy,” she said.
“The hundreds of dreams you had about me. The millions of day dreams and wishes to see me. Now you want to kill me. That’s not right,” Jake said.
The dreams Derrick made me watch appeared in my head the pain he made me feel. It all flashed before my eyes. “You love that?” she asked. I looked at the past me. A mirror appeared next to her appeared and I saw my reflection.
I looked the same. “We can’t be the same person. I love the good guy. You love the bad guy,” she said.
I saw when I was in Anna’s house when she tried to make me give Jake up. I saw myself on the ground. “I would never give such a perfect guy away,” I said then.
Everything vanished. I fell to the ground on my knees and sat on my legs. I cried. They were right. I was messing up my life. I woke up being pushed. “Amy you okay?” Derrick asked.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Sorry I was gone so long and to disappoint you, but I couldn’t find any of my friends unfortunately they all died,” he said.
“Okay I need time to think about what…. We are going to do,” I said.
“Okay be safe,” he said.
I nodded leaving the house. I walked into the woods and it seemed like only a few seconds later I was out of it. I teleported somewhere, anywhere my powers took me. I saw I was in a closet. I looked out the cracks to see Jake asleep.
I heard the cat girl was in another room working on something. I opened the door slowly. I tip toed towards him. I picked him up and teleported. We appeared in a cave. I watched Jake sleep. I sat down. I didn’t know what I was thinking. “I just kidnapped Jake,” I thought to myself.
I sobbed softly. Jake stirred in his sleep. I watched him and he woke up. He was surprised about his surroundings. Then he noticed me. “Second time I’ve been kidnapped this week,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“Its okay I wanted to get out of there,” he shrugged.
I pulled my legs up and started crying. “Why did you kidnap me? I thought you hated me.”
“No!” I yelled. “No! No, no, no!”
He was startled when I yelled. “I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you two,” he whispered hugging me. I hugged him tightly.
I kissed him running fingers through his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist. The kiss lasted five minutes, but it felt like it was five seconds. I heard growls. We both saw Derrick and Alice growling at us.
“You’re mine!” Alice yelled at Jake. I held on tighter.
Derrick just looked at me his eyes lost the warmth and softness and was replaced with cold anger. I felt myself shaking from looking. I looked away. Suddenly pain shot through me. I tried to not let go, but I knew Derrick was draining me. I felt Jake’s grip tighten as mine loosened.
“You know if this is how your going to treat me we are over!” Alice yelled. “You will regret this!”
She vanished. Everything got distant and blurry as I passed out.

I looked at Derrick. I held Amy tighter even though she passed out. “She’s mine Derrick,” I growled knowing I didn’t stand a chance against Derrick.
“No, she was dating me and its over when I say its over. And guess what,” he said. “Its not over.”
I attacked him. He kept moving. Then he grabbed my neck and threw me away from him. I hit the ground with a thump. Suddenly my energy started to leave me and I laid there still waiting for it to come back.

I woke up in the bird cage. Derrick stood in front of me. I noticed a dark figure in the shadows behind him. I got a little scared. “You were very bad for lying to me,” Derrick whispered. “So I brought the only person I know specializes in bad girls like yourself.”
I gulped and the person in the shadow moved forward. I saw he was normal color and had brown hair, blue eyes, red shirt, and blue jeans. “Hello,” he said. He looked at me and he looked a lot like Derrick.
“This is Duress. My twin brother,” he whispered. “I’d be good. Just because his my twin doesn’t mean he has the same temper.”
He smiled evilly and left the room. I looked at Duress. I was startled when he opened the door to the cage. I didn’t know if that meant I should get out or not. His expression angered when I did nothing. I gulped and got out. Suddenly he grabbed my neck and pushed me into the cage wall.
“You’d take the first chance to escape. That’s not good,” he whispered.
“I thought I was suppose to,” I said. He laughed. “Why did you get angry when I did nothing!?” I asked angrily.
“Watch it, Derrick said, “I can do any thing I want to you. So if you give me too much trouble. Lets just say it’ll be over for your relationship and your life,” he whispered in my ear sending chills down my back with every word he said. “Don’t look so frightened.”
He stroked my hair setting me down. I realized he had no power. I was scared of him because Derrick made me think he was scary. I looked at Duress. I pushed his hand out of my hair and growled. He backed up and I jumped him growling angrily. His skin, hair, and cloths turned blue.
He smiled kicking me off him. I ran and at him and he moved and I fell to the ground. “Your just too bad for words,” he said coming up to me. “So very bad. And guess what?”
“W-what?” I asked.
He came up to my ear. “I like it,” he whispered. He kissed me over and over. I couldn’t breath when he closed my nose. I moved away gasping for air. Kicking him in the gut. He grunted and fell over. He acted like I kicked more powerfully then I actually kicked.
Derrick came down and saw his brother on the ground. He looked at me and I gulped moving back backing into the cage. The door was shut and I tried to move around in it, but Derrick grabbed me. I screamed struggling. Suddenly he kissed me. My energy draining the longer he put his lips to mine. I couldn’t scream. He dropped me when I barely had energy left.
I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. Duress walked up to me. He watched his brother leave the room. He kissed me again and didn’t stop. Suddenly I passed out from not being able to breath because he held my nose. When I woke up I saw Derrick. He looked at me and I noticed Duress wasn’t in the room.
“My brother gets what he wants,” Derrick whispered. I gulped looking at Derrick. He sort of looked frightened. “Guess what he wants?” he whispered.
“W-what?” I asked.
“You,” he laughed.
Fearful Days
Duress came down. He looked at me and smiled at my fearful look. He walked up to the cage and Derrick walked out of the basement. Duress opened the door and pulled me out of the cage roughly. I stumbled out and onto the floor. I got up and he grabbed my arm tightly. He walked me to the door of Derrick’s house.
“Bye brother. Good bye Amy,” Derrick said. When he said good bye to me it sent chills down my back. He walked through the woods and when we were outside them he teleported to his house and my new home.

I sighed walking around. I didn’t know where to go. I kept wandering around aimlessly. I noticed a house. I recognized it as the house I dropped Amy off when I couldn’t be near her because I was too afraid to hurt her. I wanted to walk away, but my feet brought me forward towards the house Amy use to live in.
I went to the window. I saw a girl. She was about eight years old. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and a red mini dress. A older women with blond long hair stepped towards her. She had blue eyes and she was wearing a red dress also.
I saw another one she had blue eyes and blond hair she looked about sixteen. She was wearing a red dress also. Then I saw another girl. She had almost white hair and green eyes. Her hair was full of dust and so were her dark yellow cloths Amy use to wear.
“I want Amy!” the little eight year old yelled.
“Emily, calm down. She was bought remember?” the adult said.
“I still can’t believe you!” the sixteen year old yelled.
“Sapphire, don’t yell at your mother!” she growled.
“Salina go get us glasses of water!” she yelled at the girl with dark yellow cloths.
“Yes miss Ruby,” Salina said bowing. Salina left and came back with a tray with three glasses of water.
“I don’t want to go to this dance!” Emily yelled.
“Me neither!” Sapphire said.
“You guys have always loved to come to this dance since you could get in,” Ruby said in shock.
“Yeah because of Amy. She taught me how to dance and she learned by watching everyone else. She taught me so much,” Sapphire cried in sorrow.
“Whenever I had a nightmare she would let me tell it to her and she would explain what she would do if they tried to hurt me, then she’d gave me a glass of warm milk, tuck me in and read me a bedtime story even when I fell asleep she would read the whole thing to me!” Emily yelled.
“Listen. That was her job,” Ruby said.
“She does it better then her!” Emily yelled pointing to Salina.
Salina looked away. Ruby growled in frustration. Suddenly Salina noticed me in the window. I ducked down. I ran out of there as soon as I could.
“Amy is precious to so many people. How could I let her get taken?” I wandered sadly.
I yawned. I walked towards a cave and I went to sleep.
I dreamed I saw Amy. She was at her first house. She sat next to Emily. Her cheek was blackened from dust and her arms looked sore. She looked like she was going to pass out.
“I dreamed a really red man was coming after me to kill me,” Emily said.
Amy’s eyes softened. “If he came here you know what I’d do?”
“What?” she asked frightened.
“I’d fight him off and give him what for, for trying to hurt you.”
Tears came down in Emily’s eyes and she hugged Amy. Amy hugged Emily and got up. She left and came back with some warm milk for Emily. She drank it and laid down. Amy tucked her in and got out a book.
I watched Amy read it to her even when she was asleep. She stretched and turned the light out. I then saw I was at a dance. Amy was still in her dark yellow, stained up, cloths and Sapphire was in a blue dress.
“I can’t dance,” Sapphire whispered to Amy.
Amy watched some people dance and whispered to Sapphire and dancing with her explaining what she did wrong when she made a mistake. Suddenly a guy came up and pushed Amy out of the way and started dancing with Sapphire. She was grabbed by Ruby and brought outside. Ruby scowled at her.
“You shouldn’t embarrass me by falling on the ground you ungrateful brat!” she yelled.
I realized how the kids were the only ones who respected Amy.
The scene changed to when she was in her room. She looked so tired. Someone knocked on the door and Sapphire and Emily gave her a plate full of food. She looked at the in surprise.
“Here eat this,” Sapphire said.
“I couldn’t its your food,” she said.
“Well you follow our orders so eat it!” Emily said.
I woke up looking down at my hands. I felt so bad. She was never really appreciated by anyone, but Emily and Sapphire and I let her get kidnapped. I sighed and I heard a noise. I looked over and saw Emily and Sapphire walking around.
I walked out to them. “What are you guys doing in these dangerous woods?” I asked.
They jumped startled. Sapphire backed away.
“We are looking for Amy!” Emily yelled.
“Emily we don’t talk to strangers,” she told her little sister.
“I’m friend’s with Amy,” I said getting out a picture I had in my pocket Luna took of Amy and me.
“Sapphire its her!” Emily jumped up and down looking at the picture.
“Your right,” Sapphire said looking at me. “How do you know her?”
“I’ve been with her for almost three months,” I said shrugging.
“She was bought about three months ago,” Emily said. “Where is she?”
“That’s my problem. She was kidnapped from me,” I sighed.

I was on the ground in a big cage. The metal ground was warm under me. I looked at the metal top. Duress left a tray of food next to me. I ate it and left the water to drink later. It has barely been half a day I’ve been here and I was treated better here then at Ruby’s.
All he did was stare at me, stroke my hair, kiss me a lot, and get mad when I didn’t kiss him back. I fell asleep and when I woke up the door was unlocked. “Duress must of forgot,” I thought.
I looked at the door to the basement. I opened the cage door and stretched. I walked to the door and it was unlocked. I put my ear to the door and heard nothing. I opened it slightly looking out. No one.
I sneaked out the door and ran. I realized I was holding my breath. I teleported when I could and I appeared in a meadow. I was dizzy. I never ran so fast. I fell to the ground feeling like I was going to vomit.
I had to keep moving. My powers were still weak for some reason. I was sad I couldn’t teleport any further. I stumbled around and fell to the ground. I smelled the damp air and guessed it just rained. I moved forward and saw blood on the ground. It was near a tree. The blood was old. I remembered the day I came here when I scrapped my arm and met Jake.
Suddenly I heard noise that was distant. I looked up and at the speed of light I was hugged. “Amy!!” the person yelled. I looked at her dazed. I recognized the brown hair.
“Emily?” I asked surprised.
I tensed. I looked around afraid Ruby would jump out at any moment. Suddenly Sapphire hugged me. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked pushing them away so I could get up.
“We ran away from home, because Salina wasn’t as good as you are,” Emily said.
I heard a gasp from a distant. I looked over and saw Jake. He was worn out. “Amy,” he said walking over.
“Hi Jake,” I smiled.
“You two shouldn’t of ran away from Ruby,” I said.
“We don’t care!” they said.
“You have no room to talk Amy,” Derrick said.
We all looked over at Derrick and Duress.
Screaming Fear
Emily screamed loudly at the sight of Derrick. I remembered her dream of the red man. “Protect me Amy!” she yelled.
“Yeah Amy protect the brat,” Derrick said.
I pushed Sapphire and Emily behind me. “Who are you?” Jake asked looking at Duress,
“Well hello Jake. This is my twin brother Duress,” Derrick said.
“Run,” I muttered.
Sapphire grabbed Emily’s arm and started running. Fire burst in front of them before they got out of the meadow. “So we got run away kids and a run away adult. I guess you know them?” Derrick asked.
I gulped nodding slowly. Duress never took his eyes off me. “You teach kids a lot don’t you?” Derrick asked chuckling.
I growled. “Get lost Derrick and Duress,” Jake growled.
Suddenly Derrick backed away from his brother. Suddenly we all felt pains. “What’s happening?!” Emily screamed falling to the ground.
First Emily lost consciousness. Then Sapphire lost consciousness. Then Jake then me. When I woke up I was in the same cage I was before. Emily and Sapphire were in a smaller cage. Jake was in the corner in a small cage. He looked crushed in the small cage. He was too far for me to see his expression and it was too dark.
Derrick walked in the room and looked at me through the bars. “Why did you have to do that?” he asked. “Haven’t seen him this angry since our parents died.”
“Where am I?” Sapphire asked.
Emily gulped looking at Derrick fear on her face. He looked at her and Duress came down. Derrick opened their cage and took Emily out and stopped Sapphire from getting out.
“What are you doing?” Duress asked watching his brother hold the child his hands holding under her arm pits like his a father of a brand knew baby.
She squirmed and he held her tighter. Suddenly she kicked his jaw. He dropped Emily and rubbed his jaw. Duress grabbed her and she screamed. She struggled and kick, but pain didn’t bother him. Derrick flexed his jaw and growled. “May I?” he asked growling at Emily.
I understood what he was asking for. “Don’t hurt her!” I yelled. Standing up grabbing the bars angrily.
“Why not?” he asked stepping towards me. “Will you be willing to give your self up to me for the energy I crave?”
I nodded knowing I didn’t want to suffer the pain. Derrick looked at his brother and Duress nodded. Then Derrick closed his eyes and pain shot through me as he absorbed my energy away.
I tried not to scream and it worked pretty well. When he was done I realized I was holding my breath so I released my breath and breathed a little uneven. I swayed back and forth and Derrick torched my forehead and I fell to the ground on my back.
Derrick laughed and took Emily again. He sat in a chair and sat Emily on his lap. Softly he stroked her hair and kept a hold on her arm if she tried to get away.
“I guess you wish you never saved Anna don’t you?” Duress asked.
“It wouldn’t of mattered. She would have died before I could get to her so I’d somehow find someone else or when they were watching the house I could have gotten one of them. Even if it wasn’t Amy she’d still come and save them,” Derrick said.
“What if she never followed her dreams?” Duress asked.
“I might of decided to follow my dreams,” Jake said in the corner.
“We would have had these brats anyway because somehow Anna would have managed to steal the stone, bring me back, and I would have went to houses taking energy and killing. Yes I could see that. Then again they would be dead,” Derrick said looking at Emily and Sapphire.
“No! Amy said if you ever tried to kill me she’d kill you and give you what for!” Emily yelled.
“Then Amy would have died first I would see she comes back and then I would have taken her. Simple as that,” he said.
“No then we would have come to get her back!” Sapphire growled.
“You would have died,” Duress said.
Sapphire growled at him and he got mad. His skin turned blue again and he grabbed her out of the cage and threw her across the room. “Sapphire!” Emily yelled jumping down to get to her. Derrick held her back.
“Why are you named after a gem?” Duress asked confused.
“I was first born and my mom named me after a gem like her,” Sapphire getting up.
“That’s weird,” Derrick said.
“Ruby isn’t weird!” Emily yelled.
“So what’s your name? Emerald or diamond?” Duress asked laughing.
“My names Emily!” Emily yelled.
“Weird family. So what about her?” Duress asked looking at me.
“Her parents died and Ruby was camping with her husband and they found her and took her home. And according to my mom she didn’t look like a new born. So we don’t know her birthday or anything so we had to name her,” Sapphire said.
“So she became a slave?” Jake growled.
“No. Ruby didn’t want her to do nothing. But she watched her husband working and she started working,” Emily replied.
Derrick thought about it for a second. “Makes somewhat sense. Its to bad she had to run away from there and be with him,” Derrick said looking at Jake.
“No she was bought by two dudes,” Emily said.
“They ditched me when a flock of blue birds came down,” I said.
“Saved the leader?” Derrick asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“Oh, look I feel like I know you all. Almost,” he said “Got to admit. The pathetic cat has some past.”
“’Pathetic cat’?” Emily asked.
“Yes, that’s Amy’s nickname for being a cat and weak,” Derrick said.
“She’s not a cat,” Sapphire said.
“Oh really?” Derrick said. “Amy why don’t you show them how you turn into a kitten.”
I heisted. “Its okay if you choice not to I can just kill them,” he said softly putting them in their cage.
I gulped. I looked at Emily and Sapphire. I took a deep breath and concentrated with my eyes closed. I heard gasps and I looked down at the my fluffy white paws.
“You’re a cat?!” Emily asked shocked.
I walked towards the bars and managed to squeeze out. I let them pet my brown fur and I purred. Derrick reached to grab me and I unsheathed my claws and clawed his hand.
I ran to the stairs and turned I managed to blast the cage apart with my mind like Alura taught me, but all my strength died. I fell down in cat form on the stair. Duress grabbed the kids and Derrick grabbed me. I saw Emily’s surprised face and I felt tears build up in my kitty eyes.
Sapphire got angry when Derrick grabbed my neck. “Unsheathe them again see how many lives you have,” he growled.
Duress fell to the ground pain on his face. Emily and Sapphire stood there. Sapphire’s skin was a light pink. Derrick tried to absorb their power, but instead power went to Emily. I watched in shock. I saw Jake also was watching in shock. They both ran at him and he jumped when Sapphire’s skin hit his. Sapphire caught me and I felt like I was on fire. I jumped off meowing in pain.
“I don’t want to be cooked,” I said.
“Sorry,” she said. I bite Derrick and he growled in pain. He punched me away and Emily attacked him. I ran to Jake’s cell and unsheathed a claw and picked the lock. He got out and picked me up. I turned human and hugged him.
He tipped me and my whistle fell out. I grabbed for it, but he got it first. “Mine now,” he said.
“You didn’t save the leader,” I said trying to grab it from him giggling.
“You’ll have to kiss me for it,” he whispered.
“That’s all?” I asked. I kissed him not waiting for a answer.
“Eww!!” Emily yelled.
We stopped kissing. “Oh, come on its natural you’ll do that sooner or later,” Sapphire said nudging her playfully.
“Eww boys are weird! No offense!” she said.
Jake chuckled. Derrick was on the floor dead and so was Duress. We started walking. I tried to get down, but Jake wouldn’t let me. “Can’t take a chance at losing you,” he said when we got ready to teleport.
“Ow!” Emily yelled after holding her sister’s hand.
“I think there might be an oven mitt in the house. I’ll get it,” I said jumping down running into a wooden place. I went to the kitchen. I found the door opened. I searched a drawn and found a oven mitt. I ran out listening for sounds of life. I ran down the hall that seemed to of took forever. Jake was looking at me from outside. I threw the oven mitt out and Emily caught it.
I was at the door when it slammed shut.
They Don’t Understand Death
Hands grabbed my shoulders. I screamed as I was roughly pulled back. I hit the floor and I saw Derrick and Duress looking down at me anger on their faces. “Don’t you guys know how to die?!” I asked.
“Die isn’t in my vocabulary. How bout you brother?” Derrick said.
“Never heard of it,” he whispered his eyes burned into mine.
Derrick’s red hand grabbed my arm and Duress grabbed my arm with his blue hand. I gulped. I heard banging on the door.
Suddenly pain shot through me. I screamed loudly I felt my life draining away.

I stood there shocked listening to the loud screams. Suddenly it stopped. “Derrick! You weren’t suppose to kill her!” Duress yelled. We all froze.
“Well sorry!” Derrick yelled.
There was a pause. “She won’t come back to life!” Duress yelled frantically.
“Through her outside!” Derrick yelled.
The door opened and Amy’s lifeless body was thrown out. I caught it and the door slammed shut. Her eyes stared at me blankly and lifelessly. I felt her cold arm. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I grabbed Emily’s hand and she grabbed her sister’s hand with the oven mitt. We teleported to the meadow.
We walked to the house in silence I was in front holding Amy’s lifeless body. We got to the door. Luna opened it up and gasped in horror at Amy’s limp lifeless body. Luna let us in looking at Emily and Sapphire suspiciously. Luna’s arm hit Sapphires and she jumped in pain feeling the burn on her arm.
“Sorry, I don’t know how to stop it,” she said.
Jane came out and looked at her. “Try to concentrate in having normal skin,” she said.
Sapphire laughed happily. I went to my room with Amy’s body. The news of her death traveled like wild fire. First Anna came in and hugged me and tried to revive her, but she failed. Then Alura came in and cried hugging me tightly trying to revive her like Anna, but same results. Jane came in sobbing sadly. “I’m sorry,” Jane whispered trying the same thing and yet they all failed. Emily and Sapphire came in tears rolling down there cheeks. They cried harder seeing the dead body.
Finally Luna came in. Her eyes were bloodshot. She looked cried out. She sat next to me and hugged me. “I’m sorry brother,” she whispered.
“Its okay Luna,” I whispered my voice shaking.

I looked at Jake he looked cried out like I was. I couldn’t believe Amy was staring lifelessly at the ceiling. I heard Emily attack Jane. I could hear Emily’s battle cry and Jane’s shriek.
“Go Emily!” Sapphire yelled.
“Go Jane!” Alura yelled.
I wandered how they were able to be happy at the moment. I sighed giving my brother another comforting hug. I knew how he felt. He had been having dreams about Amy for two years before they met. I remembered following him to were his memory brought him. I remember looking at the house from on top of the hill.
I remembered trying to convince him to going down there. I remembered looking in the window at Amy being yelled at and working hard. How Jake couldn’t go down there so afraid to see her that she would see him and hate him. I sighed and got up to leave him alone.
I saw Emily pinned Jane down. They didn’t look happy, but it looked like they were trying to be happy. To act like nothing was wrong. I went to bed and when I woke up I heard a noise in Jake’s room. I went over there quickly somewhat scared. I saw the window, we put in recently, was opened. I turned the light on and saw the note.
“Dear Someone,
I cannot live without Amy. Stay happy, stay alive. I buried her body so you don’t have to worry. I can’t sleep at night all I hear is her screams I heard when she got trapped in Duress‘s house. I can’t get the imagines of pain she must of felt out of my head. So by the time you read this I will long dead. Good bye.
I looked in horror at the paper. Then without realizing it I jumped out the window. I ran out not even knowing where I was going. All I knew was I had to save him from killing himself and at that time I was glad the only thing I was better at was being faster.
The Plan
I looked at the wall. I was sad Derrick’s plan worked. I was sad they tricked them into thinking I was dead. I sighed in a small cage. I was drained every hour on the hour. They kissed me every ten minutes. Which was different from the time I was drained. They made it so it wouldn’t be the same time. I looked at the time. It said it was three forty-four. One minute until my regular kiss.
I sighed. They both took turns. They kissed me for five minutes and they took turns. One time Derrick would kiss me. The next time Duress would. I sighed. The alarm went off. Saying it was three forty-five in the morning. I was tired, but they wouldn’t let me sleep.
The door opened. Derrick kissed me last time and Duress came in. he clicked the clock on snooze so he knew when his turn to kiss me was over. He opened the cage and pulled me out. He slammed me into the wall near the door.
He kissed me over and over. He got mad when the alarm went off. He hit the snooze after he shoved me in the cage. I started getting really tired. I drifted to sleep and when I woke up I was being slammed against the door again.
Dazed and drowsy I looked at Derrick. I couldn’t feel the kiss I was still half asleep. I heard the alarm clock went off and he hit the snooze. I woke up completely when he absorbed my energy. He got mad when he realized I didn’t have much.
He dropped me to the ground and it seemed like when I hit the ground I went out. I woke up being pushed. I woke up. I saw Duress looking at me. I looked at the time. Eight fifteen. I stretched tiredly. Even at Ruby’s I got about six to seven hours.
Duress’ eyes were calm. He stroked my hair softly. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“For?” I asked sleepily.
“For all this. You deserve better then this. I know that, but that’s another problem. I love you and I don’t want you to go, but I know I how to.” he kissed me.

I growled in frustration. I looked at Luna as she had vines around me. I couldn’t believe she saw my note already. Mostly I can’t believe she found me. We were standing in a cave. I was going to shot myself before she came in and stop me.
“Let me go,” I growled.
“No,” she said. “I’m sorry, but just because Amy’s dead doesn’t mean you go off and kill yourself.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it doesn’t!” Luna yelled getting frustrated.
I rolled my eyes angrily. She used the vines and started taking me back home.

The clock said it was eight twenty five when Derrick came in. Duress got up and dropped me on the floor. Derrick walked over and grabbed my arm. Sleepily I looked at him. I was half awake before pain went through me. I growled in pain.
“Maybe I should go to Jake now and kill him,” he whispered in my ear.
I gulped. “No,” I said.
“Why? He might supply me with more power then you.”
“Don’t hurt him.”
“Have more power and I wont.”
He kissed me and pain shot through me again. His absorbed my power through every kiss.
I wanted to struggle, but I felt weaker and weaker. He dropped me to the ground and locked me up. A few minutes later Duress came in. He had a vial with some kind of liquid, white hair dye, and fake blood.
“Drink it’ll give you energy,” he said. I drank it like he told me and I felt my energy returning. “Now turn into a cat.” I obeyed. He unlocked the gate and made a clone in the cell. He put fake blood on my paws and he cut the clone so real blood came out.
He dyed me white and whispered in my ear. “I will yell and you act like a evil cat. I will have to take you outside away from here. Then you’ll be free.”
I nodded and he locked the cage door the clone looked at me frightened to help the real me escape. I hissed and he grabbed me. “Bad kitty! You shouldn’t come in here and hurt Amy!”
Derrick ran down and gasped at the cuts the clone had in the cage. I hissed and tried to claw free. “Take that cat away from here!” he yelled angrily. “Kill it, but I don’t want a dead cat near here. And you better have no cat blood when you get back!” he yelled angrily running to the clone. He went in the cage and started healing the clone.
Duress ran out with me. He ran to some woods away. I turned normal. He had a wet napkin and cleaned my face. He kissed me and ran back. I teleported to the meadow. I walked to the house. I knocked on the door. Next thing I knew I was sat on by three people. I looked at Emily, Jane, and Alura. Anna and Sapphire came out. Anna looked surprised at my white skin.
“Get off!” I yelled pressure on my ribs.
“We don’t know you, you are a trespasser!” Emily yelled.
“I’m Amy!” I said.
“She’s dead!” Sapphire yelled.
“Jane, Emily, Anna, Sapphire, and Alura get off me or get Jake and Luna!” I yelled.
“How do you know our names?!” Jane asked.
“I’m Amy!” I said turning into a cat. Only my face was brown. “I need to get this hair dye of me! Then I can prove it.” I ran inside. They tried to grab me, but kept missing. I jumped up to the sink and turned the water on with my teeth. I stayed in the sink and the water started to make the hair dye come off. They watched me go white to brown.
I got frustrated when some parts wouldn’t come off. “I don’t want a white tail,” I muttered angrily. I made the water hit my tail, but the tip wouldn’t come off. I turned the water off and shook. Everyone got wet. I jumped down and turned human.
“Thanks a lot Amy,” Jane said laughing running to get towels. We all cleaned ourselves. I took a shower and when I got to lay on the couch my feet aching. I suddenly felt weak.
“That potion doesn’t replenish much energy does it?” I asked aloud.
“No potions do,” Jane said.
She hugged me and realized how tired I was. I yawned. I turned into a kitten and curled up on the couch. Jane slept next to me as a cat.
I woke up being shaken. I opened my eyes to Jake. I yawned. I jumped out of his grasp and stretched. I turned human and Jake looked at me. Luna looked at me two. I started getting uncomfortable and I backed up. Jane woke up and stretched. “Morning Jake, Luna, Amy,” she said.
“Morning,” I said. “Wait. Isn’t it afternoon!?”
“Yes,” Jane giggled.
“Amy?” Jake asked.
“Nope, I am a cat,” I said pretending to be a cat in human form. I hugged Jake. I was shocked when he fainted. “What’s wrong with him?”
“We thought you were dead! We even had a body!” Luna said.
“They was Derrick’s idea. And that was a clone,” I said. “Now I am still tired.”
I turned into a kitten and curled up next to Jake. Jane joined me, but instead of sleeping she attacked me. Our claws sheathed we. We fought until I hit Jake and woke him. He looked at me again.
I turned human and kissed him. He fainted again. “Okay really this is getting annoying,” I muttered.
“I still can’t believe your alive,” Luna said.
I ran at Jane and she moved. I hit my head on the leg of the couch. Everything went black after that.
When I woke up I saw a boy. I looked at his black hair. I got up looking my dark brown hair. Suddenly the guy next to me woke up. “I can’t believe your alive,” he whispered.
“Okay, but can I ask you a question?” I asked.
“You just did,” he chuckled. “Go ahead.”
“Who are you?”
He looked startled. “Okay Amy that wasn’t a funny joke,” he said.
“Who’s Amy?” I asked. “Where am I?”
He looked at me startled. Suddenly two girls came in. One with black hair and the other with brown hair. They looked ten. “Hey Amy! You okay?” the one with black hair asked.
“Am I Amy?” I asked.
“Wait. You don’t know your own name?” Alura asked.
“No,” I said. “I don’t remember anything. All I remembered is hitting my head.”
“Amnesia…” the girl with black hair whispered.
“Okay. Well I am Alura!” the brown haired girl said.
“Jane,” the black haired one said.
“Jake,” the guy next to me whispered still surprised.
“I’ll get Luna, Anna, Sapphire, and Emily!” Alura said.
She ran out and came back with four people. I saw a girl with blond hair. “I hear you got Amnesia. I’m sorry, I am Luna to remind you!” she said.
The next girl was totally white. “Anna,” she said.
I saw a girl about eight. “Emily!” she said.
“Sapphire,” the last one said she looked about sixteen.
“Do you remember anything?” Jane asked.
I shook my head. “Maybe a walk around will remind her,” Anna suggested. “I’ll take her around since she saved my life.”
They all nodded and Jake let me get up. I followed Anna. She walked us to a meadow. Out of no where a red guy and a blue guy appeared. They shoved Anna away and she screamed hitting the ground. They grabbed my arms and teleported.
I looked around surprised. “I’m not letting you out of my sight,” the red guy said.
I looked at him confused. “I’m sorry to say this, but according to a girl named Jane I got amnesia,” I said. “Sorry, but I don’t remember you guys.”
“Well I am Derrick this is my brother Duress,” the red guy said.
“Don’t listen to those guys. They kidnapped you from us,” Duress said sadly.
Derrick looked at him then nodded. I was shocked. They seemed really nice. “They always steal you from us because of how evil they are. So I think they only thing they said that was true was their names and that you have amnesia. I could only imagine how hard they hit you,” Derrick whispered walking me inside the wooden house.
“So my name isn’t Amy?” I asked.
“Oh, well that’s true also, you live with us and we both share you,” Duress said opening the door for me.
“Okay. Thanks,” I said walking inside.
They explained everything to me. We are all happy together. Every so often Derrick takes my energy to help protect me if someone tried to kidnap me. I stayed in a cage in the basement to protect me. They told me that I’ve always lived here after they saved me.
I hummed in the cage. Duress came down the stairs and unlocked the cage. He walked in the big cage. He kissed me softly and I blushed. He didn’t give me any time to kiss back. “Nope your not aloud to do anything,” he whispered.
“Oh, okay,” I giggled.
He stroked my hair softly. I smiled and he hugged me wrapping one arm around my waist still stroking my hair. He pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest. Before he could stop me I slipped a kiss. He smiled and I smiled to.

I looked around for Amy. I couldn’t believe how much we keep losing her. Anna cam back an hour ago saying she was taken by Derrick and Duress. We stood in Derricks house. I yawned. It was almost midnight and if we went through the forest it was so dark.
I sighed. “Good idea! Check Derrick’s house first!” I growled at Anna.
“Sorry Jake,” she said.
We walked through the woods staying close together jumping from every sound. When we got out we went home for the night. My dreams were filled with what might be happening to Amy. I had a dream I went to Duress’s house alone and when I walked inside. Duress wasn’t there. I went to the basement and I saw a body face down on the ground. I recognized Amy’s brown hair. Her head was on her arms.
I touched her arm and she looked up. Blood was on her face. She looked more like a zombie then a girl. She looked at me one eye gone. She opened her mouth and blood came out. I looked at her horrified. Her left eye was bloodshot. She got up. Her leg was twisted to the side so she walked with a limp. She was wearing a white dress, but it was stained up. She limped forward her nails were broken and crooked.
It was actually creepy. I stepped back. She spit out blood and a cockroach. I moved back in disgust watching the roach run to the corner of the room. “Don’t love me anymore?” she rasped blood tickling down her chin.
“I-I do,” I said backing up as she walked forward. She looked at me with her only eye. I saw the dirt and scratches on her face. I gasped in horror when I realized the lumps was her skin completely pealing away revealing her veins. It looked like she was killed and she was quickly decaying.
I was overwhelmed with fear. She touched my arm and like vines blood started to crawl on my skin. I watched in horror as it went around my body. I woke up when it got to my mouth.
I rubbed my arm. I still felt the sticky blood trying to put me in a cocoon. Sweat dripped down my face. When I looked at the time at the clock Amy put in here. It was only six. I tried to slow my heart beat, but Amy’s bloody face came into my mind. I gulped.

I woke up next to Duress. I heard a knock on the door. Duress got up and Derrick walked in. “My turn,” he smiled at me.
Duress kissed me and picked me up. Derrick took me and walked out. He teleported to some woods. I saw we were outside the woods. They explained to me that one day I stay with Duress the next I get drained to were I half some energy and I stay with Derrick.
I understood how draining me helped him protect me. He took me through the dead trees into his stone house. He kissed me bring me inside. He set me on his bed. He kept kissing me. I started feeling weaker with every kiss. I didn’t worry about it much.
I enjoyed the kisses he gave me. He chewed on my hair and I giggled.

When we got to Duress’s house. When we entered and I ran to the basement. I had my hand on the door when I saw her face from my dream. I gulped it down and opened the door. The basement was empty. We ran towards the hall and saw Duress.
“What are you doing in my house?!?” he asked startled.
“Where’s Amy!” I growled.
“Not here,” he said
“Where is she?!” I growled again.
“Oh, why not. She’s at Derrick’s house,” he said. He walked through a door.
We ran out and went to his house. I gulped fear building up. We got to the stone house. I took a deep breath before I broke into the house.

Derrick kissed my neck before his head shot up. He ran out of the room and shut the door. I heard yells. “Where is she?!” I heard Jake’s yell.
“Leave now or die,” Derrick growled.
“Give her back!” Luna growled.
I got up. Hatred building up in my stomach. I still only remembered being at Jake’s house. I thought back to the memories Derrick and Duress told me. All I knew was Jake, Luna, Jane, Alura, Anna, Sapphire, and Emily were all evil.
Derrick and Duress were the good guys and all my life I have been hopelessly in love with them. I opened the door and looked out. I saw Jake growling at Derrick. Derrick moved when the door hit him. “Sorry,” I said.
I squeezed out. “Its fine,” he said.
“Let her go!” Luna yelled attacking Derrick.
I moved in front of him and hit her away. “Amy,” Jake said shocked.
“Stay away, I want nothing of your evil!” I growled.
“Oh, no wander! They made her think we are the evil!” Jane said, “how did I figure?”
“You are evil,” I growled.
We fought and before I knew it I was pinned down. I couldn’t remember what happened. I remembered attacking Jake and then we tumbled down the basement. Now Jake was pinning me down.
“Get off of me,” I growled.
“I will, when you are coming back home with me,” he said. He kissed me on the lips. A long kiss. I moved my head to try to get away. Vines held my arms down and he kissed me again holding my head so I couldn’t move. He kissed me the whole time. He wouldn’t stop until he was thrown off.
I was happy. I saw Derrick he walked down and picked me up cutting the vines. I hugged him looking at Jake on the ground. “You okay? He Didn’t hurt you did he?” Derrick asked.
“No,” I said.
He kissed me. Jake looked at us. He growled. He attacked and we separated and he hit the steps. Anna came down. She helped Jake up. “I have an idea,” she said.
She kissed Jake and ran her fingers through his hair. Suddenly everything came back to me. I gasped as it looked like he was enjoying it.
A Evil Spirit
I growled and jumped Anna. My memory was back. I didn’t know who I was the most angry at. Derrick, Anna, or myself. I shoved Jake away from them and growled. Red beams of light hit Anna and Derrick. I looked at Anna. “You never kiss Jake ever again!” I growled. Then I looked at Derrick. “I will kill you if you try to kiss me! Same for your brother.”
They were both shocked. I pushed Derrick on the ground and grabbed Jake’s arm and pulled him up the stairs. I found myself in my room. All I remember was leaving there holding Jake’s arm and never letting go. Jake was asleep next to me. My hand gripped his arm.
He woke up and looked up at me sitting by the window gripping his arm. He made me let go and he held my hands. He kissed me. I kissed him back. He tried to pull away and I pulled him closer. “Pull any closer and I won’t be able to kiss you,” he whispered.
“I don’t want to let you go,” I said still angry.
He kissed me rubbing my sides. My head spun with curiosity with what he was going to do. He got up and I noticed a sign that read, “Disturb and you die!”

I looked at her in the window. I sat outside watching Amy and Jake. I floated pretty much. As a spirit I couldn’t get in there. I watched them starting to get romantic. It was disgusting. He pinned Amy on the bed kissing her neck. I floated away. I saw Anna come out. I knew all there names from watching them.
She pushed her long white hair. I growled in frustration. Another body I can’t take over. The white was like a shield preventing me from taking over her. I turned invisible and went to Anna. “Hello Anna,” I whispered in her ear.
She looked around startled. “Get Luna,” I whispered into her other ear.
Something hit her. She growled. A ball of blue light appeared and she barely missed me. “Die evil spirit!” she growled. She blasted again and I made it look like I was hit. She went inside. Next came out Emily. I tried to get in her, but I felt weak getting near her.
Sapphire came out. I felt a burn trying to get in her. I can’t keep waiting. I need to get into someone’s body! I saw a dog. I went in it. It was a dog so I couldn’t control it fully. I made the dog snarl at Emily and Sapphire. They screamed and ran inside. I barked loudly. Soon Luna came out. I flew out into her.
I hit the startled dog and went inside. I walked into the kitchen. I needed to get the stone and be more then a spirit. I looked around. The coast was clear. I went into Jake’s room.

I kissed Jake. I didn’t want to stop. Then a noise came from Jake’s room. Jake got up. I followed him into his room. Luna was in his room holding her leg. “What are you doing in my room?” he asked suspiciously.
“I was looking for our stone to remember our parents for a minute,” she said.
Jake growled in frustration. He took the rock from under his bed. He gave it to her and waited. She looked at it and gave it back. She left and he put it under his bed again.
He shut the door and jumped me. He pinned me to the ground face down. I struggled playfully. He kissed my neck. I felt every muscle in my body loosen. I wandered if I could ever move again.
Suddenly my name was called. “Amy!” Luna yelled.
I growled in annoyance. “What?!” I yelled back.
“Come here I need to talk to you,” she yelled.
“I think we need to run away if we ever want to be alone,” Jake said. I laughed and smiled.
I found Luna outside. She started to walk and I had to jog to keep up. We made it to a ditch far from the cabin. “How far do we have to be to talk!?” I asked.
“Miles away,” she whispered darkly.
As I started to back up she grabbed my hand. She pulled me into the ditch and I saw a tunnel. I tried to get free, but I couldn’t her grip was too tight. Suddenly we got to a dead end. “What are you doing?” I asked.
She didn’t respond. She shoved me into the dead end. “Luna?! What has gotten into you!?” I asked gasping from being thrown against the dirt wall.
A black gas started to come out of her mouth and I started feeling weak. She fell to the floor and I gasped as I saw a black spirit. I saw it was floating with no legs or arms. “Me,” it whispered.
It came at me I moved my arms forward uselessly. It got in my body. I started feeling dead inside. Suddenly I hit Luna’s body. I looked at myself. I was transparent. I looked back at my body taken over by a spirit.
It ran off. Suddenly I slipped into Luna’s body. My body vanished. I was confused. Suddenly it hit me. “If Its in my body and I’m in Luna’s body. Where’s Luna?!” I wandered fear taking over me. I teleported. To the meadow I looked around the empty meadow. I ran into the forest. I hit the door to the cabin. “Ow,” I said.
“You!” Luna’s voice said. I looked around and I saw Luna. She floated up to me. “Get out of my body you evil spirit!”
“Luna its me. The spirit is in my body,” I said leaving Luna’s body.
She went to go in it when a thought came in. “Wait,” I said.
“What?” she asked.
“Can anyone else see us?” I asked.
“No or hear us expect whoever took over our body,” she said.
“When you enter yours I won’t be able to talk to you,” I said sadly.
She realized what I was saying. “True.”
“I’ll find away,” I said slipping into the house. It was cool. I was pretty much flying. I wasn’t out of breath when I flew. I gasped in shock when I went through Jake’s room. The image horrified me.
True Evil
I saw Jake kissing the person in my body. I flew at them. I couldn’t get in my body. The spirit was too strong. I kept trying and I accidentally went into Jake’s body. I saw Jake’s transparent figure on the ground.
“Jake its me. My body has been possessed by a evil spirit!” I said hoping he will believe me.
“Lies!” the spirit said looking at Jake.
“Okay so if spirits in someone’s body can see others if that’s not your body how can you see him?” I growled.
“Cats can see spirits thank you very much,” the spirit said.
“Who’s in my body?!” Jake asked started.
“Me Amy,” I said.
“No it’s the evil spirit!” the spirit said attacking me. I hit the wall that didn’t let to my room. I went out of the body and into the ground into another body. I dug upwards. I looked amazed. It was me. I had dirt all over, but it had to do. I ran inside and Jane was startled. I ran into Jake’s room.
Jake was back in his body. He looked even more startled. Two Amys. “Where the heck do you get that?!” the spirit asked startled.
“Wait didn’t I have that body buried outside my window?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said. “I want my body back!” I growled.
“Mine!” the spirit growled attacking me. We went into the kitchen and I hit the table with my head. A giant bowl of water hit us. The dirt washed off.
We struggled wrestling on the ground. It was weird wrestling myself. It was definitely the number one thing I didn’t think was possible. Suddenly I managed to get the spirit pinned down. I noticed everyone gathered.
Luna looked less shocked as everyone else. “Which one is which?!” Alura asked. I realized we were wearing the same outfit.
I didn’t get enough time to even change. This was going to be very hard. “One is Amy one is a spirit!” Luna said.
“But which is which?!” Jane asked.
We were both dripping dirt and water so it was pretty hard to tell.
“Get out of my body you evil spirit!” the spirit yelled trying to push me off.
“What?! You get out of mine! This isn’t even yours!” I yelled.
“Out evil spirit!!!!” the spirit yelled.
Suddenly vines grabbed both of us and dangled us apart from each other. “Who do we kill!?” Jane asked making balls of light. We both gulped.
Jake walked up to the spirit and kissed my body the spirit was in. I noticed that he kissed it tenderly which he never kissed me before. I growled and struggled frantically jealously and rage pulsing through my veins. Jake smiled and walked over to me.
He kissed me and the spirit started to struggle. Jake got annoyed. He kissed me tenderly and I fainted. When I woke I was on the ground. I looked at the spirit in my body. Everyone crowded it suddenly I say it leave my body. I flew in it when it went limp.
The vines were still around me. They started to choke me. “Let go. It left! Its me! The other body is limp!” I yelled gasping. They looked around at the limp, no breathing, lifeless body. Suddenly it became full of life.
“This is so confusing,” Jane said. Suddenly the door opened up and the vines let go. I fell to the floor. I heard a shocked surprise. As me and the spirit where grabbed.
I saw Derrick and Duress. One held me and the other held the spirit. “Which is the clone!?” Duress asked.
“Now you know our problem,” Jake said.
“Explain,” Derrick said sitting on my back.
“A evil spirit took over my body. Then it took over Amy’s body now one of them is the spirit the other is Amy,” Luna explained.
Derrick thought for a second. Suddenly pain shot through me. I screamed in pain felling my energy draining from me. “This is Amy,” he said.
“No! I’m Amy!” the spirit said.
“For this purpose you can be Amy. Just don’t kiss Jake,” I muttered gasping for breath.
“Yep this is Amy,” Derrick said getting off. Duress got off the spirit and grabbed me keeping me down.
“Thanks now get lost,” Jake growled.
“We save you from almost killing the wrong one and for a reward you just kick us out?” Derrick asked.
The spirit tried to get up and Jake pushed it down. Duress held my arms down rubbing them gently. He held me down lovingly and gently. Jake growled and Duress growled back gripping my arms tighter. He pulled me up and sat down wrapping his arms around me resting his head on the back of my neck sending chills down my back.
“Get away from her,” Jake growled.
Everything started going black I didn’t know what happened. I started to wake. I couldn’t open my eyes. I felt a hand on my chest just below my neck. It was above the low cut shirt I was wearing.
“I have to have you,” I heard “I need you.”
I felt lips on my neck and the side of my chin. I opened my eyes and I saw Duress. He was kissing me. I felt his tongue lick my face working up my chin to my cheek. I tried to move, but something held me down. I saw I was tied down. I felt the ropes. One was around my forehead, my neck, which wasn’t too tight, my arms, my wrists, legs, and ankels.
I couldn’t move at all. Duress kept kissing me I felt his other hand on my stomach. “You don’t know how much I am holding back. Its hard,” he whispered.
“Holding back?” I asked surprised.
“Yes. There is so much I want to do right now. I don’t think I’d be able to do it though no matter how much I really want to,” he whispered kissing me softly.
I noticed we weren’t in Duress’s house or Derrick’s house. “We are in a cave. Far from life. I go here often. Mostly to be alone or to think. No one will find us here,” he whispered kissing my ear.
I started getting scared. “What was he going to do to me?” I wandered fearfully.
“I won’t hurt you I promise,” he said like he was answering my question.
I stayed scared. He kissed me more intensely not stopping for air. He held onto me tightly.
My eyes opened wide when I felt his hand move down grabbing my shirt pulling downwards. I heard the small rips of my shirt.
Just Want To Be Alone
I sighed. We managed to fight off the evil spirit and destroy the extra body. We managed to fight off Derrick and get our heads together. Somehow we don’t know how Duress got away with Amy. We check Derrick’s house and we were going to Duress’s house.
When we got to the door the door opened when we knocked. We walked in and we heard a angry growl. We went down and saw Derrick. “Brother were are you!” he yelled angrily.
“You can’t find your own brother?!” Luna asked.
“He went to his secret hiding place!” he growled angrily. He sat down rubbing his forehead in the basement.
“So where is it?” I yelled angrily.
“What about ‘secret hiding place’ don’t you get!?” he growled.
I gulped. Fear and anger taking over my body. I sighed and sat down. Suddenly a idea hit me. I ran out of there. I looked in my pocket and there I found her whistle I took from her. I blew it as everyone came out.
The blue birds came down. “You aren’t Amy!” one of them yelled.
“No, but Amy is in trouble. She has been kidnapped and we can’t find her. Please help us,” I said hopeful.
“Okay,” the leader said. They all spread out expect the leader which was the biggest. Suddenly he vanished with the whistle. Then one of the birds appeared and we all appeared outside a cave. The leader had the whistle.
I heard a snap. I ran inside and saw Duress and Amy. I saw her shirt was torn. I growled and Duress looked up. Amy looked up breathing unevenly fear in her eyes.
“How do you always find me!” he growled getting up and holding Amy close to him. Amy tried to push him away, but he held onto her tightly.
I growled and ran at him and grabbed me from behind when I ran past him because he moved. “I want her. So what I want I get!” he growled holding my arms behind my back breathing down my neck.
I looked and saw everyone else look at me expressionless. “How about we play a game,” he whispered and before I could object I lost consciousness
. When I woke everyone was gone. I ran my fingers through my black hair. I moved out of the cave. I teleported to the meadow. I saw Luna she looked sad and lonely. I walked up to her. “You okay Luna?” he asked her.
She screamed and jumped back. She grew pale and she dug in her pocket of her old blue jeans. I noticed her shirt was black and torn. She held out pepper spray. “Stay away from me!” she screamed.
“Luna its me. Your little brother?” I said.
“What?! Impossible! I’m an only child!” she screamed.
Bad Game
I looked at her in shock. Suddenly Duress’s voice rang through my head. “How about we play a game?”
I heard Amy’s laughter. I ran towards it. I saw Amy being tackled by Duress. I growled and attacked Duress. He looked at me in surprise. “Let me go!” he growled.
“Leave him alone!” Amy yelled attacking me. She was human she was weak and I could barely feel her attacks.
“Amy, its me Jake,” I whispered looking at her.
She looked at me blankly. “Get off him!” she screamed.
I got off and wrapped my arms around her waist. “You have to know who I am,” I whispered.
“Hey! Get your own girlfriend!” Duress yelled.
Suddenly angry built up. I held on tighter and vanished. “Let me go!” she screamed.
“Amy its me Jake,” I said holding onto her waist. “You have to remember me,” I said.
“No I don’t,” she said growling.
Suddenly I lost it. I kissed her on the lips. I kept kissing her. She pushed me away, but I held onto her. She struggled, but I was stronger. I pushed her on the ground holding her kissing her over and over. Until I was pulled off.
“Strange how it works out isn’t it?” Duress growled.

I looked at Duress. I could still feel Jake’s kiss. His kiss so rough. It was shocking. I looked at Duress growl at Jake. “She’s mine!” he growled at Jake.
“You wish!” Jake growled. He jumped at Duress and they fought. I watched wandering what to do. Suddenly I heard them stop and a soft moan. I looked and Duress was on the ground.
He looked weak like he was going to pass out. Suddenly I noticed a knife. It was white. “I don’t know where I got Anna’s knife from,” Jake said.
I kneeled next to Duress. He breathed unevenly. He looked like he was dieing. “No!” I yelled.
He didn’t say anything blood running down his chin. He closed his eyes and didn’t move. Jake grabbed me and teleported. “I’ll only be a matter of time before he comes back to life,” Jake said.

I looked around. I felt weird. Suddenly I realized the spell. Duress must of cast a spelled. that’s why I felt the strange power I teleported and looked around. I sighed. It always took so much effort to find Duress. I closed my eyes and I teleported to a cave. I gasped as I say his lifeless body.
A white knife stuck out of his chest. A trail of blood went down his chin from his mouth. I sighed and took the knife out and healed him. He moved. He got up. “Fun. You died by your own spell,” I said.
“Shut up Derrick,” Duress said.
I chuckled. “Its only a matter of time before Jake ends this game,” he said. He teleported and I closed my eyes and teleported with him.

I kissed Amy and kept kissing her. Suddenly she kissed back. “Wait. I remember you!” she said.
“Good,” I smiled and kissed her again. I didn’t want to stop ever. Then Duress appeared.
“Well I guess you don’t like my game,” he growled.
Suddenly everyone appeared behind him and everyone's expression was blank. I looked at Amy’s blank expression. “Attack!” he growled.
Suddenly everything attacked me. Everything went black under the pill of my friends. I woke up in a cage. Everyone else where in other cages separated expect for Amy. She was gone. I saw Derrick standing in the doorway. Everyone’s expression was still blank. I gulped. I looked around and I heard a noise.
Duress ran up the stairs and came down shocked. “Don’t ask,” he said looked at me. I gulped. I had to get out of here.

I kissed Duress I didn’t remember anything, but that I loved Duress. He kissed my neck pinning me on the ground. He kept kissing me and he never stopped.
I gasped when I say something. Duress followed my gaze to the door. There stood a figure. It looked like a man. He didn’t move. Suddenly everything came back. I remembered it all.
I pushed Duress away my head spinning. “Everyone’s so annoying..” he said grabbing my arm and pulling me back.
Suddenly Duress was thrown back. Suddenly I felt weaker. I looked up at the guy he walked forward. I saw into his dark black eyes. He stared at me. I backed away uncomfortably. I moved back and he moved forward. His hair was dark black and so was his close. Only thing that wasn’t was his skin.
He walked forward in his black boots stepping near and near with every thud his boots made on the wooden floor. Thud thud thud thud.

I head a thud out of the room. Thud thud thud thud. I wandered what it was. Then I noticed everyone was back in control and was looking at the wall where the sound was coming from. Derrick ran up stairs and he fell back down. I broke the cage door and blasted Luna’s cage door.
I ran up the steps and I saw a guy corning Amy. I saw his black hair and black cloths. His boots were making the thud on the ground. I jumped at him, but he moved and grabbed my arm with a gloved hand.
He threw me back and I hit Duress. Thud thud thud thud. I looked up and saw Amy continuing to back up into the wall and him continuing to walk forward. Everyone came out and attacked the guy.
He threw every single one without looking. I gulped.

Fear surrounded me. Suddenly I noticed a door was opened a crack. I ran in the room and I noticed a staircase up to the attic. I ran up them fear clutching every muscle but I had to run. Thud thud thud thud. I gulped and I hide in a closet in the attic. It was small barely big but I fit.
Thud thud thud thud. He was walking up the stairs. Thud thud thud thud. He was in the attic. The thud stopped in front of the closet. Thud thud thud thud. He was walking away. The sound continued and faded. I heard a door slam shut Thud thud thud thud.
I stayed in there when I heard the thuds fade. I gulped when they came back. I wandered what he was doing. Suddenly I heard screaming outside the closet door in the attic. I ran out and saw a figure on the floor. I gulped and I walked forward and I screamed when I realized the what the figure was. I was grabbed from behind, but I couldn’t help staring at the body laying lifelessly on the ground. I was frozen staring at body. The body was Anna’s.
There she laid staring at the ceiling with her white eyes. Red blood going down her chin. I noticed the white knife in her chest directed right in her heart. She laid in a pool of her own blood that gave a light red color to her white skin. I realized it turned pink when it touched her skin. He held my arms behind my back. It felt like everything slowed. I was pushed slowly forward and I stepped in the blood. I was pushed slowly down the steps Anna’s body stuck in my head.
I couldn’t struggle. I could barely move. He pushed me forward. I stumbled over the unconscious bodies laying so still. So deadly still. “No they can’t be all dead,” I thought looking at Jake. His chest raised up and down so slightly it was hard to see it. I felt better knowing he was okay. “Someone would revive Anna… I know it,” I thought. It felt like he pushed me through the hall of my fallen teammates and Duress until we finally got outside.
I almost stumbled onto the hard dirt ground when he pushed me outside. I saw it was dark outside. I didn’t feel tired after seeing Anna laying so still. So dead. It will haunt me until the day I die.

I woke up on the ground. My head was spinning. The room was a mix of colors. I got up and stumbled and splashed into a small pool off blood. I looked up and I saw it dripping from the floor boards in the attic. I gulped and I ran to the door and up the stairs. I gasped in horror as I saw Anna’s body.
I saw the knife in her chest. I felt sick. The blood was all over the floor. I moved closer feeling the sticky stuff still on me from slipping in it in the hallway. I saw the blood the tickled down her chin from her mouth. I saw her eyes staring lifelessly at the ceiling.
I felt like I was going to be sick. I have never killed with a knife before and stayed to see what happened. I grabbed the knife and pulled it out. I tried to heal her bout I was too dizzy. I walked back downstairs. “Jane will be able to fix it,” I thought reassuringly.
I saw Jane waking up. I grabbed her arm and pointed up when I had her attention she looked at the blood from the floorboards dripping into the hallway. She nodded and went up. I waited and she came down. Anna came down also covered in her blood.
“You are not going in my house until I set lot of news paper to the shower!” Luna said.
Anna giggled. “Actually. Your not going in the house! Luna you hose her off,” I said.
“What bout me!? I’m in blood!” Alura said.
“A lot of people need to be hosed off,” I said.
“Where’s Amy?” Emily asked not realizing what she was covered in.
I looked around. I didn’t see her. Suddenly I saw something outside. It was a little blood. It was a footprint. I saw the small foot. “Its Amy’s foot,” I whispered.

I found my self in a graveyard. Hands popped out of the ground and tried to grab my foot. He pushed me into a big tomb where great people were put. He pulled the door open and pushed me inside.
I jumped when the door slammed shut. I saw the coffin and I gulped. He touched a brick with a black gloved hand. A brick moved up he moved me forward and over the hole. He dropped me and I fell. I screamed. I felt my adrenaline pumping from the long fall. I hit the ground with a hard thud.
I felt the blood in my throat. He landed next to me lightly on his feet. He picked me up and my leg was broken. He dragged me into a cell and locked it. I healed myself and looked at him. He was silent. He kneeled down in front of the cage.
“You better be good, or else you’ll end up like them,” he whispered turning on a light I gasped in horror at the girls laying on the ground. All of them dead. I gasped as I smelled the decay. I felt sick to my stomach.
I saw the girls laying there in their own blood. One of them had bad gashes all over her body the gashes were long. Another girl was laying on the ground her arms and legs twisted and her face twisted in frozen pain. She stared at me lifelessly.
A rope hung off the ceiling and the end was tied around a dead hanging girl. Another girl was tied to a post with a axe in her chest. Three skeletons were chained to the wall. One had a arrow in each eye socket. The next one had a arrow in her forehead.
The last one had a arrow on both her wrists, ankels, feet, and one in each of the palms of her hands. The last dead girl stood with a spear through her chest. The end stuck to the wall. She was decaying on the wooden part of the spear.
I looked away and I saw a little girl next to me. She had big brown eyes. She had long wavy brown hair. She had a pink shirt and skirt. She looked about eight. “That’s Jessica. She is my little angel. Aren’t you?” he asked.
Jessica nodded. “Night girls,” he whispered turning off the lights. I heard light snores next to me. I guessed Jessica was asleep already.
I couldn’t sleep with the smell in the room. I started to stand when Jessica pulled me down and I hit the ground and I heard a arrow hit the wall. I looked at it surprised. My head was there just a second ago. Even in the dark I could see her wide grin.
When I woke I was outside the cage. I was tied to a post. I looked around afraid. He stood in front of me. “How about you call me Zack and tell me your name. Or else,” he said turning a axe between his fingers.
I gulped staring at the axe. “Amy,” I said fearfully.
He smiled at me. He walked around me when I was tied to the post. He walked in front of me after a few times walking around me. He hit the axe and I say a lock of my hair fall into his hand. He walked around and pointed with the axe to the dead girl tied to the post. “Didn’t tell me her name,” he said.
He walked to the girl with a spear through her. “Lied,” he said. He walked to the girl hanging. “Didn‘t talk to me.” he walked to the girl with a arrow in each of her eyes. “Didn’t sleep.” he walked to the next with a arrow in her forehead. “Back talked me.”
He walked to the last one with the many arrows. “She attacked my little angel over there,” he said pointing with the axe to Jessica. He walked to the girl with deep gashes in her. “She wouldn‘t play any games with me,” he said the words evilly. Then he walked to the girl with her arms and legs twisted on the ground. “She tried to escape,” he whispered.
I gulped. “You don’t want any of that to happen to you do you?” he asked. Spinning the axe in his hands.
“No,” I said looking at the girl hanging. He smiled.
Slowly he moved towards me. He put a finger on my lips expecting me to bite him. I didn’t want to see what would happen. I stayed silent. A big grin formed on his lips. A evil triumph grin. He swung the axe and the ropes let go from my arms. I stumbled forward and quickly regained balance.
“Now be a good girl,” he whispered stroking my cheek with his knuckles, “and go in your cell with my little angel.”
“Yes sir,” I said. I walked to the cell and opened it. I walked in and closed it behind me and I sat down next to Jessica. She smiled up at me. He smiled and left the room. I looked at the door it was unlocked.
She grabbed my arm. “Don’t think about it. It’s a test. Trust me,” she whispered. I looked at the girl looking at me her face twisted in pain. “You see her?” she asked. I nodded. “This is the same test.”
“Thanks for that,” I whispered. “But why?” I asked.
“You seem cool. I’ve been here for a few months. I was the fifth one. I told my name, I told the next girl it was a test, but she didn’t believe me, it was horrible to watch her screaming being twisted like that. He has powers you wouldn’t believe,” she whispered, “if he tells you to leave and go somewhere wait until he opens the door if he points to his cheek kiss his cheek. If he points to you that means you got to come to him. If he gives you a drink and looks at you that means you drink or you die.”
I gulped. I smiled at her happy she shared that information. A few hours passed when he came back he looked on the ground and looked at me. “I see someone is still here,” he smiled. “Angel you dinner is outside the door. You won’t leave me will you?” he asked.
“I’d never do that,” she said. He smiled and opened the cage door. She got up and walked out the door he left.
He pointed to me and I stood up and walked to him. He pointed to his cheek and I kissed his cheek fearfully. He gave me a small bottle and looks into my eyes. I gulped and drank it. I suddenly got very dizzy. I held onto the cell wall for support.
Everything was spinning. Finally I passed out. When I woke up I groaned. I was laying on the floor. I didn’t know where I was. A light turned on and I saw the exit sign. I ignored it remembering the girl with her arms and legs twisted and her face twisted in frozen pain. I gulped and looked around. The room was empty. I wasn’t in the same room.
This room was too dark to see in, but I didn’t smell the decay. I remembered I was a cat. To think I almost forgot. I took a deep breath and turned into a cat. My eyes adjusted. I saw that it was a trap to go near the exit. I turned around and I saw a few other doors. Then I saw Zack. I gulped. He looked at me shock on his face. I turned human and walked to him.
Then I hit something. The lights turned on and Zack was in front of me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me off the ground. “To think I thought I kidnapped a human girl,” he whispered. “You were the only girl who didn’t use powers. That girl I killed I know she wasn’t human from her skin. Those two twin ten year olds both shot at me. The eight year old tried to drain me and the sixteen year old made her skin light pink. That one girl who almost looked similar to that boy who came after the guy with red skin. She used power. All of them did, but you,” he whispered.
“Actually she has used more then that power here,” Jessica said. Zack looked at her. “She healed herself after that fall down here.”
“Your just telling me this?” he said.
“What are you going to do to her?” Jessica asked. I gulped at the thought.
“Kill her,” he whispered in my ear. My eyes opened wide in horror.

I looked around. We were in a cemetery. We have been looking nonstop. We even have Duress and Derrick on our side for the time being. Suddenly as I started to sniff a tomb I heard a small crack coming from it. “Over here!!!” I screamed as they ran to me hands popped out of the ground they ignored it and opened the door I saw where a tile pushes in and I heard a scream.
I turned human and pressed the tile a brick moved. I turned cat and jumped landing on all fours. Everyone was there and so was Amy. She was tied to the floor. I saw the guy had his foot on her neck and he was pressing down. Everyone attacked even Alura and he looked up. I stood there in horror. I listened and I heard the crack again and I knew she was dead.
Teamwork And Fighting
“Amy!!!!” Jake, Derrick, and Duress yelled at the same time.
Duress growled. “You will die!!” he yelled his skin turning blue.
“You will regret that,” Derrick growled.
I looked at Jake. He was shaking. “You’ll wish you were never born!!!” he screamed.
I knew what was happening. I pulled Anna, Jane, Alura, Emily, and Sapphire. They all struggled. “There is a reason I never make my brother really angry and unless you want to die you won’t get near him,” I whispered. We all watched as he jumped at him. The guy screamed as Derrick absorbed his energy. Duress and Jake attacked him while he was being drained.
I pointed to Amy. The nodded. I looked at Derrick and he looked at me. I pointed to us and then to Amy then to the guy Jake and Duress were fighting. He nodded. He talked to his brother and they started attacking him and pulling him away from Amy. We all sneaked to her. Alura and Jane cut the ropes.
We carried her away and I set her down and Jane healed her. Suddenly a women appeared in a white robe. She looked like Amy. “Mom..? Where am I?” Amy groaned.
She leaned down and touched her forehead. “Seven left use them wisely,” she smiled at Amy.
“Yes mom,” Amy said. We all stared at her mom.
“Still I got a bet with you dad. Try to live twenty more years. He thinks you won’t live longer,” she laughed.
“I think I will!” Amy said. She smiled and vanished. Everyone looked at Amy. “What!?” she asked.
“Nothing,” I giggled.
She looked at Jake in shock. We all looked. A steam seemed to off been coming off him. Duress and Derrick were away from him.

I watched Jake he looked so angry. I saw Jessica in the cage. She watched in shock. I noticed Zack was dead on the ground. I got up and it felt hot when I got within twenty feet of Jake. I saw Jessica was sweating. I looked back everyone noticed Jessica at the same time. Even Jake finally noticed her then he noticed me.
“Amy!” he yelled running at me. Next second I felt like I was in a fire.
“I’m on the menu as cooked lobster aren’t I?” I asked shaking the heat was unbearable.
“I’m sorry,” he calmed down and the heat vanished. I was wet from sweat.
He kissed me and I kissed back. Jessica busted out of the cage and ran to Zack. “Daddy!!!!!!!!!” she screamed kneeling next to Zack.
More Enemies
“Jessica, Zack is your dad!?” I asked shocked.
“Yes he is, and that’s my mom,” he said pointing to the girl with deep and long gashes.
“I feel bad. Her parents are dead. And she knew them. I never knew mine. Even if he is evil. It must be awful,” I whispered to Jake.
“You want to live with us?” Jake asked.
A smile spread across her cheeks. “No,” she said. Balls of light appeared in her hands. “Leave,” she said. She moved her arm and pointed to a door. We all left.

Its been three days. I yawned and curled up in the bed. I felt so alone in the bed. I heard growls outside and I gulped. I peeked out the window and stared at the dog. It was a rottweiler. Its massive paws on my window. He looked at me with dark red eyes. I looked at his black body.
I moved away from the window and started to run out of the room. When I got in the hall Jake grabbed my arms. He looked into my eyes. I smiled at him. “Why so jumpy?” he asked.
“Because I want Derrick!” I said teasingly I kissed him.
“I’m sorry, but you’re my prisoner. I will shove you in a cage if I have to,” he said teasingly pushing me against a wall kissing me.
I struggled playfully and he held on a little tighter. I kissed him pressing my lips against his. I was always afraid every kiss would be the last. I was always so afraid. Sometimes I wandered if he was afraid also.

I looked into her eyes. I kisses her again. I never wanted to let her out of my sight. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I walked her into her room and shut the door. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I felt her fingers moving through my hair and I smiled.
I heard a strange noise. I looked up and I saw a rottweiler in the window its eyes glowing red. Amy saw it at the same time she backed away into the closet the door burst open and another rottweiler came out of it. Amy seemed scared. She moved as close to me as possible.
Suddenly a big rottweiler came in and stood up like a man. The dog reminded me of the Rat Man. The dog growled and stepped forward. “Move away from eat other,” the dog growled in a male voice. Obediently Amy moved away from me. Amy threw her hands up. I noticed she was trembling.
The dogs surrounded her and started sniffing up and down her body. I say her tremble and I heard her small screams of terror. One of the dogs growled and stood up putting his paws on her shoulders. The dog was bigger then her. She seemed to of sank down.

I shook. I stared into the mans face. He stared at her. Anger in his eyes, in his face, in his very soul. I heard a growl come from his throat. “I told you years ago I’d pay you back,” he whispered grabbing my hair. I cried out when he pulled roughly.
He pulled my hair and threw me down. I hit the ground on the soft grassy meadow. “Why did I ever go out? Why did I leave the cavern and come here?” I wandered looking up at his dark icy cold blue eyes. He had dark black hair and he worse dark cloths and pants.
His face was frozen with anger. “Mike I said I was sorry,” I said my voice trembling.
“I don’t care Jane!” Mike growled. “You left me there years ago. Actually thirty years to be exact. You left me in the desert! You broke my heart now I’m going to break you, but more then your heart,” he growled grabbing my shirt pulling my up the back of my shirt digging into my neck.
He paused. He growled in frustration. “Why did you have to be so pretty?!” He shook his had trying to keep control and trying to not be distracted.
“Mike calm down please, I know you don’t want to hurt me,” I said my voice sounded so small I wandered if I even said it or thought it.
“Yes I do!” he growled inches from my face.
I gulped looking up at him making my eyes big. I knew he couldn’t resist my weak face. His eyes softened. Then they hardened again. “I’m not falling for it!” he growled holding my arm tightly.
Suddenly he held it tighter and I felt my bone bending. I heard the crack and I screamed as pain shot through every muscle in my body. He stuffed a sock in my mouth. I looked at him fearfully.

I looked around calmly. I knew he was out there. I could smell his scent. I sniffed the air flicking my tail endlessly on the floor. I knew he was here I tracked him here. He had to be here. I moved to some trees and sniffed I smelled the sweet coconut smell. I jumped in the bush my claws sheathed. I attacked him. He fell to the ground.
I looked into his pretty pale skin. I looked into his light blue eyes and dark brown hair. He wore a blue sweatshirt and blue jeans. “Hello Eric,” I purred.
His eyes didn’t show any happiness to see me. He grabbed my throat and I chocked. I clawed his hand and he dropped me. “Hello Alura,” he growled his eyes full of hate.
I backed up. “Didn’t think I knew what you did thirty years ago? Being “attacked” I know you left just to be with your sister!” he yelled.
“I had to Eric. She was in trouble,” I said.
“But look now, who’s in trouble now?!” he yelled jumping at me. I jumped back.

I looked around. Only Anna was next to me. I sighed. Suddenly I heard movement. I looked up and saw him. I screamed. His blue eyes burned into mine. His blonde hair cut to his forehead. My breath caught in my throat.
“You thought you got rid of me didn’t you Luna?” he whispered. He had a black shirt and pants. I moved away fearfully.
“What’s wrong his cute,” Anna whispered unable to take her eyes off him.
“You remember me don’t you Luna?” he asked.
“Yes Justin,” I said through clenched teeth.
He moved closer and I got up and backed away. Anna saw and grabbed his legs. He kicked her away and jumped at me and looked me in the eyes. I gulped.

I looked around. I saw my little sister next to me. She smiled with her cute little dimples. I heard the bushes. Emily and I both saw them at the same time. One was tall. He was sixteen. He looked at me with black eyes and red hair. He had on a prince outfit.
The other one was wearing a blue outfit. He was eight. He had blonde curly hair. He had blue eyes. He stared at Emily. Her smile was gone. She back up. They both attacked us and my skin got hot and burned him off. It was horrible no one was around to help us. Thoughts of what might happen went through my mind.

I watched Amy and Jake were struggling. Luna and Anna were struggling. Jane was struggling everyone was struggling. A smile formed on my lips. I knew how we could defeat them easily. All we had to do was team up and they were as good as dead. I had my plan and I knew one thing.
“It was time to group up and destroy them,” I thought a evil smile on my face. I saw that my brother was hoping to Amy’s rescue. I sighed and went after him. By the time I could see what was happening he was in the window the dogs running out. I dropped down and stopped the leader.
“You hate them don’t you?” I asked in a hurried whisper.
“Yes, I’d do anything to get rid of them,” the leader growled.
“Good,” I said I handed the dog a card that told where I lived. “Be there tomorrow ten sharp.”
The dog looked at it. He looked up and nodded. He ran away with the card. I looked at the window Amy was pale breathing unevenly. Jake watched Duress in anger. I walked to the window. I knocked on the frame. Amy looked at me, but stayed pale as Anna.
“Get your brother and leave,” Jake growled.
“Okay fine I won’t tell you that Luna, Anna, Jane, Alura, Emily, and Sapphire are in trouble. It isn’t my business anyway,” I said putting my hands up walking away. I heard gasps and Jake and Amy ran out.
They chased off Justin. I stopped him in the forest. “Hey is you want payback on them come here tomorrow ten sharp,” I said handing him one of my many cards.
He smiled and nodded. They chased off Mike and I stopped him also. He smiled at the card and nodded evilly. Then they chased off Eric. He smiled at my card and nodded. Finally they chased of Dustin and James. They both sneered and laughed. They nodded. I smiled. I had work to do. I had other bad guys to track down and get. It was going to be a fun meeting.
The Meeting
It was the next day. I watched as everyone stood there. Everyone was talking. Duress was talking to Alice. They seemed to of been laughing. The Dog Man leader was talking to The Rat man. I managed to bring him back. I was happy as I watched Zack and Dustin watch Jessica and James playfully fighting.
He watched Mike attack Eric. They looked alike almost. Justin watched the spirit float around the room petting a rottweiler. I looked around wearily. I stretched and everything silenced and watched a robbed person walk in. I smiled. I walked to the robbed person. I walked to the stage and she followed.
“Everyone. I’m so glade you all came. We all came for the same reason. We are all united for one reason. To destroy a little group of annoying threats,” I said watching everyone nod. “I have here a guest. She has been with them spying and learning their weakness. When they sleep. What they do. How they live. Memorizing every inch of their house.”
She stood forward removing her hood. I saw everyone gasp at Anna. She smiled evilly. “We alone stand no chance! Together the possibilities are endless!” I yelled. Everyone erupted in cheers. “Together we will win. Together we will get what we want!” I said.
Anna watched everyone yell before she stood forward in front of me. She held up a object wrapped in a cloth high above her head. “I have with me something valuable to them. Something they held close for years,” she said her voice calm in front of the group.
Slowly she unwrapped the object. The tension in the room thick. She never mentioned having a object. Everyone gasped in shock. Everyone looked at Jake and Luna’s Stone of Magic.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.07.2010

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