
The Lusts
I was sitting in the cafeteria lunch table looking at the wall. People came up and I growled. They ran away. I already knew they were going to ask me out. I sighed. If I dated anyone I might lose it. I use to have a family. I don’t remember what happened. All I remembered was being a vampire at the age of eighteen.
For some reason I was in school. I came here a few years ago. I already had a house. Suddenly a guy stumbled towards me. I sighed. The boy walked behind me and said, "Hi." and sat down next to me. I heard his breathing and fast heart beat and I could tell automatically that he was staring at me.
"So...Um...Why do you sit here all alone?" he stuttered.
"I like to sit alone," I replied quicker then he was able talk to me in a very unfriendly tone trying to scare him off.
"Oh. Do you have anyone in your family?" he asked not noticing that I don’t want him next to me.
"Other than me?"
Then the bell rang and I got up and left without even looking at him once. I could hear him calling after me running to me, but I walked too fast for him to catch up to me. I went to science class and sat in the corner like I always do away from everyone, but there was a empty desk right next to me that the teacher gets complaints when they sit there that I growl and make them uncomfortable. He moves them now it’s the only empty one left so I hope no human takes it so he doesn’t have to get a new desk and fill up the room.
Then a new girl came in she had blond hair and gray eyes which I thought was unusual. She had a black shirt and blue jeans on, but it isn't even cold in late April. She also had boots on. "Strange," I thought to myself. I listened for her heart beat, but nothing. Her breathing wasn't uneven like all the new girls are.
"She must be a vampire,” I thought to myself. She was talking to the teacher and he pointed to the desk next to me and shook his head and she looked at him questionally. He muttered and she laughed. I guessed he told her what happens when people sit next to me. She smiled and shrugged and walked over and sat down.
“Hi I’m Luna,” she said cheerfully.
“Emily,” I said.
“Nice to meet you,” she said smiling brightly.
“Same,” I said looking at the teacher when he called for silence glancing uncomfortably at me and narrowed his eyes when I just stared back.
"Everyone we got some worksheets so pair up," he said, and everyone groaned eyes fixed on me.
Then the kid from lunch walked over and asked, "Want to pair up?"
I knew he was talking to me I looked at him the word “no” was stuck in my throat as I looked at him. His hair was short dark brown and his eyes were brown and he was beautiful. He had on a gray shirt, tan pants, and tennis shoes. Then I felt the blood lust and a new strange lust, a lust I've never felt before and I couldn't tell because my hand shook trying to not drain him of his sweet blood I seemed to of wanted badly at that moment and I couldn't stop staring at him
"Actually I'm not feeling well," I said, and raised my hand, and said, "Mr.V can I go to the nurse?"
"Yes you can," the he said looking surprised and slightly happy, and I went out of there to the nurse. I made my temperature change so it will be hot. When I got to the nurse I said in a small weak voice, "I'm feeling a bit ill…." and she check my temperature.
"Well your quite ill. You should go home. I'll tell your teachers you went home for today. Do you feel well enough to drive home?" she asked in surprise looking at my temperature the thermometer said.
"Yeah…" I said gripping my stomach in my sick act.
"Well go home sweetie," she said pushing her short brown hair out of her face, and gave me some pills so I could get home without being too "sick".
"Take a nap when you get home," she said.
"Okay," I said, taking the pills and left to go to the parking lot holding my stomach and people passed me watching me suspiciously and then I quickly ran to the forest to hunt some animals. Then in a hunting couch being unseen to animals and unable to track I smelled some humans, "No not when I‘m hunting," I mumbled to low for anyone to hear.
"Hey anyone there?" some dude asked, and I ran from them I felt thorns tearing my pant leg.
"I need to find an animal to hunt…" I thought to myself and found a bear cave and I sniffed smelling the fresh aroma of bears. I went inside. I saw a ten bears. One of them was on the floor a female with five cubs. Two male bears stayed in front of her. One bear was to weak to move and one bear came at me. I loved bear blood a lot. I killed the bear before it had time to realize what I was doing. The other two looked scared and I drank the weak ones blood and put it out of its misery and one of the males and left. I couldn’t hurt a mothering bear and her cubs.
I ran to my old cavern. The door has sign on it saying, "Beware enter if you want to die." I've had people come here, but I had to kill them and I've heard people saying it’s haunted because they can't destroy it because they "mysteriously" died. I thought a bit and I figured I needed some human blood if none of the humans come I drink some I have stored. Then some hikers came by I made myself invisible and thought, "I guess we got some human on the menu." I heard them talking outside and I listened expecting them to enter because they always do.
"Well if it isn’t that old abandon haunted cavern. Hey, Joe, Jessica, lets go and see how haunted it is," one of the guys said.
The male named Joe said, "you sure that’s a good idea?"
"Of course it is," I thought to myself.
The girl named Jessica said, "I don't know Bryan."
"Come on," the guy named Bryan said.
"Fine," Joe said.
"No way," Jessica said, and I could hear a foot stomping on the ground and guessed that was Jessica's.
"Well I'm going," Bryan said, and I heard him and other feet.
"So all of them came to play?" I thought.
They opened my cavern door and stepped in the house, which was very dark because the wood on it was thick, but I saw the girl named Jessica was a light tan blond with blue eyes. I could tell she dyed her hair blond by the smell of hair dye she had on a tan shirt with tan pants and tan shoes. One of the guys was a very pale color with black hair and blue eyes he also had tan shirt, shorts, and shoes. The other was tan with brown hair and bluish-green eyes he had on a blue shirt with blue jeans and white sneakers that looked new. The light from outside came in as they did. They walked closer and closer to me there shoes soundlessly touching the wooden floor.
"It’s creepy in here… Maybe we should leave," Jessica said standing close to the pale guy grabbing his arm fear plain on her face.
"Oh no you don't," I thought, and ran silently and gracefully to shut the door and they all jumped.
"I knew this was a bad idea!" the very tan guy said, "Bryan you get us out of here!"
"Oh, but why leave? My house not good enough for you?" I asked making my voice sound like it’s from everywhere. Jessica screamed and ran behind Bryan burying her face in his back.
"Who are you and where are you?" Bryan asked, and looked around for me and they jumped when I turned the light on and they saw my red couch and mahogany coffee table in front of my book cases filled with books.
"I never liked to be rude, but it’s pointless to tell you. Joe was right it was a bad idea to come here," I said, and Joe jumped when I knew his name.
"Leave us alone!" Jessica yelled.
"You came here and its okay, you can yell and scream all you want it won't matter," I said, and I grabbed Joe’s hand and bite it and sucked him dry and dropped him to the ground and turned visible and licked a drop of blood that was running down my chin.
"You’re A…A...A… Vampire???" Bryan asked backing away as I dropped Joe's body.
"Well. Yes and I'm a bit thirsty still," I said evilly, and walked forward.
I reached out and touched Bryan's hand and he backed up.
"No!! Leave me alone!!" Bryan said, and shoved Jessica at me, "take her instead! She tastes better!"
"What?? No I don't!" Jessica yelled her eyes growing in fear and anger.
"Aren't you the sweetie? I always knew guys were selfish," I threw Jessica on my couch and jumped on Bryan and bit his neck and sucked him dry like Joe.
"Please spare me please…"Jessica begged.
"Begging won't save you my dear," I said, "though I'm not thirsty anymore," and she got relieved, "aw well," I grabbed her arm and took her to the room I store my extra blood. I stabbed a needle into her and it sucked her blood while I held her still.
"No!! Please!!!!" she begged trying to struggle.
"Shhh it'll be all over…" I said, and kept her in place till she was dry. I took the needle out and put it back where it was, "time to dispose of the bodies," I picked up the bodies of the hikers and ran out to where I put all my dead human victims in front of a bear cave. I ran home and I could smell and I knew I had a visitor.
"Hey Emily," Luna said.
"Hey Luna," I replied.
"Hmmm...Smells like blood in here....Human blood," she said sniffing the air.
"Oh. I just had some visitors. Want some blood?" I offered.
"Oh, no thanks," she said.
"Okay. So how was school?" I said and laughed.
"Pretty boring."
"Ahh, I see."
"Brandon was sad you left."
"That's his name?"
"I see... I couldn't stay I had the lust for his blood... I didn't want to hurt him..."
"I understand that usually happens when vampires see their human mate. I think of it as a lust for love and blood."
"Well... I don't know what to do."
"Is that really that hard?"
"To me... Yes..."
"Well try to control yourself around him or tell him what you are so maybe he will stay away or stay alert.”
"You’re talking nonsense now."
"No you need be less of a worry wart.”
"Fine." I said rolling my eyes.
I went to bed even though I don’t need to, but its better staying up all night doing nothing. I drank a gallon of blood the next morning so I wouldn't have such a blood lust and just the giant lust for love. I took water bottles full of blood with me. I drove to school even if I could just run there which so much faster than driving, but its better that way so something can hold the water bottles. When I got to school I drank a water bottle full of blood. I went to my classes and after every class I'd quickly run to my truck and had a water bottle full of blood. I filled a container with some blood to drink during lunch. I wanted to make sure I didn't have any wanting for his blood. The container was black so no one could tell what was in it. Luna came to sit by me and sniffed my cup and said to low for anyone to hear but me, "wow you must really not want to blow it."
"No plans on blowing it. Drank a gallon before I left. Put some water bottles with blood in my truck two," I mumbled low enough for only her to hear.
"Drink some blood his coming," she whispered.
I took a gulp of the blood and he sat next to me and said, "Hi Emily, hi Luna."
"Hi Brandon how are you today?" I said.
"Hey Brandon," Luna said.
"You seem happy today," he said, staring at me while I stared at him two. He must of been happy I was staring at him I sipped my cup of blood every so often. Before I knew it Brandon and I where almost alone.
"Guys time to go," Luna said
"Ummm... I don't think today would be a good day to go to science," I said, and lend back to whisper to Luna, “we are dissecting frogs.”
"Oh…I'm afraid of dissecting stuff..." she said faking a shiver.
"Act sick?" Brandon suggested.
"I can do that," I said, and I made myself look very sick and my fever high.
"Hey you look really sick now," she said laughing, "Wait haven‘t you always been sick!?" she said snickering.
"Watch it girl," I said, and took a sip of the blood.
"Maybe we could pay someone to let us go home?" Luna said.
"Good luck with that," I said.
"How about I pass out and you guys take me home?" Luna said.
"Please. You’re not that good of an actor," I said.
"Fine then you pass out," she said.
"Okay," I said, and drank the rest of my cup of blood and fell backwards.
When I woke up Luna was by my rooms bed laughing Brandon was sleeping next to me.
"He mumbles about you in his sleep," she laughed I listened to what Brandon was mumbling. Then I giggled then all the sudden he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me very close to him. I flinched the blood lust was back and very strong I gulped hard. Luna noticed that and gave me a cup of blood I gulped it down.
"Its gone now I‘ll tell you when," I said, when she offered another cup of blood.
She giggled as he pulled me closer to him I didn't resist so I went back easily. Then Brandon mumbled something and I swear I would have blushed if I could Luna fell backwards laughing hard.
"Huh?" Brandon said and turned red when he saw how close I was to him and sat up.
"Luna. Did you have to wake him up?" I said, and growled at Luna.
"Aww, come on it was funny you know that," she said giggling.
I just rolled my eyes and said, "You can go back to sleep if you want."
"Umm...I...Ummm...Never mind..." he said, moving his hands looking down Luna rolled her eyes and turned away. I moved closer to him and kissed him on the lips it would have continued if he didn't start gasping for air. Luna started laughing. I giggled and hugged him gently he rested his head on my neck and whispered very low Luna could hear him anyway, "You can really hold your breath can't you?"
"Yeah I guess I can," I whispered.
He mostly stayed at my house it was harder and harder to drink blood I stored and kill people that came over. Luna and I had a conversation about that, "Emily, I don't think this is easy is it?"
"No. Not really," I admitted.
"Maybe it’s time."
"Brandon has to know we're vampires."

The Truth Is Out
"What?? No, now you are really talking nonsense!" I said, in surprise.
"He has to know!" she yelled at me.
"Shhh!" I said.
She looked up and I looked back Brandon was standing there by his expression I could tell he was puzzled. I sighed and gave Luna a mean look and let the sun go over us Brandon watched in shock that we turned extremely pale.
"My lusts are simple. Blood lust and a lust for love. The only problem is its very hard to fulfill the first lust..." I said staring at the sun, "I don't need to breathe. I don't need to sleep. I don't need to eat. I don't need to use the bathroom. All I need is blood. That was, until you came along…"
Brandon stood in shock and didn‘t say anything.
"I finally understand what everyone says and why I’m here. As you can probably tell. Luna and I are vampires..."
I waited for his response and he didn’t say anything.
"I think it’ll be best if we went our separate ways..." I said.
"No..." he managed to say when I said that, "I...I don't care if you a dragon. I don't care how much of a monster you are or… Or..." he shook his head, "I don't care what you are."
I swallowed and I felt the blood lust again.
"Maybe you should rest," I said, "Sleep on the idea."
"No! What if I wake up and you’re gone??" he said.
I had to smile at that and said, "I'm here as long as you want me to be here."
"You know that means forever," he said smiling.
I smiled two and picked him up and he laid his head on my neck and fell asleep.
"Fast sleeper," I whispered, and Luna giggled at what he kept mumbling in his sleep I smiled at what he mumbled, but I really needed to get some blood. I put him in bed Luna and I both needed to get some blood. I left a letter next to him saying, "I love you so, but Luna and I need to get some more blood. Be back soon. Love Emily P.S. There is a small phone near your pillow use it in case something happens and I love you and feel free to use whatever you need or want."
We got to a cave and it had a lot of bears, 15 in fact, "I only want 7 okay?" she said, at the cave entrance.
"Sure," I said, and we attacked the bears when we got home Brandon was sleeping on the couch.
"I guess he woke up and walked out. Wander what is wrong with the bed," I said and picked him up and he woke up.
"Hi," he said and stretched in my arms.
"Good morning," I said.
"Good afternoon," Luna said and giggled.
"What’s so funny?" Brandon asked.
"What you talk in your sleep about," she said and burst out laughing. Brandon turned red and I kissed his forehead.
"Hmmm...You might be running a fever," I said.
"Maybe it’s because I'm so close to you," he said grinning.
I giggled and Luna fell to the ground laughing so hard I bet she would have turned blue or something.
"Don't die on me Luna," I said.
"Too late!" she said laughing, "I died years ago."
"Cool," I said and she gave me ugly looks.
"Can you make me a vampire?" Brandon asked.
"No..." I said
"I might kill you."
"I don't care."
"I do."
Luna just rolled her eyes and said, "Well wouldn't it be easier if he was a vampire?"
"Yes, but still…I don‘t want to kill him," I said, "No matter how much you don’t care if I do," I added looking at him when he gave me the, "I don’t care" look and I looked out the window and said, "Aren't your parents worried about you?"
"Oh, no Luna convinced them to let me stay for the weekend and tomorrow with you guys," he said grinning and Luna smiled too.
"Well we all got school tomorrow," I said, "so you have to go to bed."
"I can't sleep without you," he said.
"I'll be right next to you. I promise."
We all went to bed, well expect for Luna because she wanted to go home so she left after saying goodnight. I laid down with Brandon and when he went to sleep I made myself sleep afterwards. I woke up in the middle of the night by someone’s footsteps. I got up and turned invisible I silently shut the bedroom door and went out to where the noise was there was some kids walked in. "Oh, just some little kids I can't kill them.." I thought to myself
"You sure about this?" a little girl whispered, to a boy she had brown hair in pigtails wearing a black dress and white slippers her eyes were brown also.
"Of course," The boy answered, and he had black hair, blue eyes, a red T-shirt, tan shorts, and some tennis shoes. "Everyone likes tennis shoes don't they?" I thought to myself.
"I don't know it’s very creepy..." she said.
"Then why would you come if it’s creepy?" I said, and they jumped, "Listen to the signs more often, 'Beware enter if you want to die.'"
"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" she screamed, and ran out the door.
"Neither d...Do...I..." the boy said, and I watched him back away to the door. I let the little kids go free of course they have their whole lives ahead of themselves and they are just kids and I think they look for adventure. I could hear Brandon waking up he came out when the little kid saw him he left the room very quickly like the girl did.
"Don't worry I was just scaring them away I don't kill kids," I said, and made myself visible again and he jumped.
"Oh," he said, and walked back to the other room I followed him back there and we went back to bed I woke up at 7 like I always do and got him up we got ready to go and left. We sat together for lunch and when we went to P.E. The coach said, "Dodge ball today Boys Vs Girls!!" Brandon and I looked shocked boys vs. girls didn’t work well for us because we didn’t want to hurt each other. Coach put 10 balls in front of both teams.
"Ready...Set...Go!" The coach said, and blew his whistle and we all ran for the balls Luna and I got one I tried as hard as I could to not hit him. Soon it was just Luna and me vs. 24 other boys. They threw their balls at us and we caught the ones that we could and dodged the others we tried to end it quickly until only 10 guys left Luna's ball was caught then it was me vs. 10 guys.
"Easy win!" one said.
"Yeah Yeah. Say that when you get me out," I said, and soon it was Brandon and I left.
"I don't want to hurt you..."I said, with a ball in my hand.
"Neither do I," he said, a ball in his hand.
"Come on! Get her out!" the guys were shouting.
"Come on! Get him out!" the girls were shouting.
"One of us have to go out…" he said and looked at the boys. Gently I threw the ball trying to make it not hurt him and it hit his arm, "Okay good game."
"Yeah it was," I said, when all the girls cheered and chanted, "GIRLS RULE! BOYS DROOL!" Brandon and I walked out of there when the bell rung.
"Well… I got to do something see you at the cavern," he said, as he went into his car.
"Okay bye," I said and ran off and went to the park. The park has monkey bars, swings, even wall climbs. What I like about it is the small house thing it has it also provides shade. I stayed there for awhile and in an hour Brandon pulled up he waved at me and I waved back and he shut his car door and walked towards me.
"I still think you should stay away from me," I said.
"I can't do that," he said.
"Can't you try?"
"If I did I still couldn't..."
I sighed and said, "Want to go to a small meadow?"
"Sure," he said, and walked the rest of the way to me. I picked him up and i took off for the meadow my skin turned very pale in the sunlight.
"I'll never get use to seeing that," he said, staring at me.
"Well you'll have to," I said, smiling and he smiled two and a bear came out from nowhere it seemed.
"Dude!!" he said, and walked backwards.
"This doesn't work for me," I said, and the bear walked toward Brandon.
"Control yourself… Control yourself..." I mumbled to myself, and ran at the bear and took a bite of the bear and sucked him dry. Then Brandon's smell was over whelming. I was shaking like mad the lust for his blood was controlling me I had to fight it.
"Get away from me!!!" I yelled and took a bite out from a tree. He backed away, " he must be freaked out…" I thought, and grabbed some leaves and put them by my mouth and took some deep breaths. The leave's smell knocked Brandon's smell out of me and soon I was in control again.
I stayed at the distance and said, "I'm... sorry..."
"No. Don't be I know my sent makes you want my blood. Luna told me that that’s why you went to the nurse to get away so you wouldn't do something you’d regret. I bet you regret meeting me..." he said, sighing at the last three words he said.
"It’s true but the last sentence…"I said, "Your sent drives me crazy. Yeah it was why I went to the nurse and made my temperature change just to get out of there I did it, because I knew I would do something I would so regret and if I took a bite of one person there I would have to kill all of the humans in that room or even more than that. I don't regret meeting you I'm glad I did meet you. Really. I love you with all my heart even if it’s not beating anymore."
"AWW, so touching," a voice said, and a female and male, came in and they were both were wearing black robes.
"It just makes me cry to hear that," the female said, and stared at Brandon.
"You’re not going to be having Brandon as a snack if that’s what you want," I said, and ran to Brandon and the male hit me away with lightning speed I‘ve never seen in any vampire, "Well we will first fight you for him. Or I will. Jane," the female turned to the male, "Make sure he doesn't move if he tries just break some of his limbs."
"Okay!" Jane said, and ran at Brandon I ran at her and the male grabbed my leg and threw me at a tree, "I'll make sure he doesn't run Jake."
"Leave him alone!" I yelled, and ran at Jake he grabbed my arm and had me down on the ground with my arm behind my back I grabbed his arm and through him but through myself also.
"So then. Why do you hang with a killer?" I heard Jane asking.
"I don't care what she is!" I heard him yelling as Jake punched me I grabbed his fist and threw him at Jane I ran to Brandon. Right before I could grab him I was pinned down.
"You and me are fighting so forget about the mortal," he said, "Your life is currently in danger so I’d focus on your options if I were you."
"What options?" I said growling.
"You can give up on the mortal and join us and live. Or I can kill you. Your choice."
"How about none of the above!" I said, and managed to roll under him so he was on my back and flung him off of and away from me. Jane apparently wanted to help so she attacked me. So I grabbed her neck and threw her away and went to Brandon and I saw she tied him up on the bush so I just took the bush out from the roots and ran as fast as I could with Brandon and the bush. Before I knew it I was on the ground again. Jane grabbed Brandon from me and Jake had his teeth to my neck I could feel his breath on my neck and smell his sent.
"This is your last chance..." he said.
"Then kill me," I snarled at him.
"You sure?" he said a bit shocked.
"Hey!!!!!!! Get off of her!!" I heard a familiar voice say, and thought to myself, "Luna..."Then Jake was kicked off of me I got up and saw Luna wasn't alone she had a two other males all vampires. One of the males was wearing full black his hair was black and so was his eyes. Another one that’s close to Luna was wearing a robe. The Male wearing full black was fighting Jane so I took that opportunity to get Brandon away from her and got out my pocket knife and cut the ropes and kept a firm hold on him.
"Luna," he looked at Luna, "What a surprise. One of you get him," he pointed to the male fighting Jane, "To stop attacking my wife," he looked at Jane and Luna pulled the male’s arm and he stopped, "And what a pleasure to see you guys again."
"I don't know about a part of it." Luna growled.
"What part?" he asked.
"The part where you are attacking my best friends," she growled.
"Oh. So you’re with them?" he pointed to Brandon and me. I guess he could tell this was the best time to not really talk because he was hardly breathing, but I was making sure he wasn't killing himself with how little he was breathing.
"Are you okay?" I whispered to him and he nodded slightly.
"Don't be scared. You’re not going to die. Not while I'm alive," I whispered to him.
"I'm...Not...Afraid of losing…M...My...Life..." he managed to stutter.
"Brother. Leave them alone. They have never harmed you." Luna said and I was surprised when she said, "brother".
"I don't really care for the boy’s life," he said.
"Well my friend does so no! So you will have to deal with that." she yelled.
"And yet. I don't really care," he said, and ran after Brandon and me. I took Brandon in my arms and jolted full speed away. He kept his head down on my chest which I smiled at even if this was a bad situation. I took him to my house and took him to my room he didn't want to let me go so I held him with one arm and gave him a bottle and a jacket that was my fathers. Once he was done spraying himself he put the jacket on by then Luna and the two males were here Luna sniffed Brandon and said, "Wow! He doesn't smell like he did."
"I don't mess around here." I gave her three small phones, "I know a perfect hideout to go no one should be able to find us. Its not even on a map."
"Okay we will stop him best we can." she said.
"This is goodbye for now." I said, and flung Brandon on my back and ran out the back door.
Secret Hideout
I ran for hours. I ran in the desert, I ran in the mountains, I ran in the freezing cold places. I even ran on the water to an island Brandon was already asleep on my back. I took him to a hidden door in the ground I moved the leaves on it and entered the password I put on it. I carried him down the ladder I put in it. I felt his lips on my neck and I smiled I closed the door when I got deep enough to reach it without hitting mine or his head. When I finished climbing the ladder the bottom it was really dark. I heard the wind blowing so I knew the leaves would cover the hatch. I put him on the bed there was food that never went bad and plenty of, human and animal, blood. I set him on the bed and laid next to him he hugged me and kept very close to him I went to sleep and was woken up later by a noise of footsteps.
"Hey Brandon wake up," I said to silent for them right in his ear he woke up and I whispered, "Keep silent okay?"
He nodded as the people outside said, "Where are we?" It sounded like a male.
"I... Don't know…" a female said I heard paper so I guessed she had a map, "It doesn't say it just says this is supposed to be nothing, but water."
Brandon looked at me I whispered to him, "I have to kill them..."
He nodded and I turned invisible and climbed up the ladder I got out without being noticed.
"Who dares come to my island?" I said, and they all jumped and looked for who said it.
"Y...You’re... Island...?" a tan male in a tan jacket tan shorts and boots. His hair was short and brown with green eyes.
"Well...Th...This...Isn't... Yours... Anymore..." The female said, the female had on the same thing the male has on with red hair and blue eyes.
I growled and said, "This is my island!!!!" then I grabbed the female and males arms and said, "No one will take it from me!"
"Okay okay!" the female said try to get free, "It’s yours…"
"You have come across it you shall die!" I said and bit the female and sucked her dry then I dropped her body on the ground and took a bite out of the male he struggled till he was drained also. I picked up the bodies and threw them across the island. I went back down the trap door.
"I'm done," I said when I made it down he looked a bit scared so I asked, "What’s the matter?"
He shook his head, "It’s nothing."
"Ummm...Okay…" I said, looking at him and to me he looked pretty sad about something. I sat on the bed next to him. I knew something was bugging him.
"Come on tell me what’s bugging you," I said, finally after a long silence.
"It’s nothing..." he said.
"It’s something. So tell me."
"But it isn't."
"Just tell me what it is. I know its something. Please."
"No it’’s nothing."
I would have kept it up if the mini phone didn't ring I answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey Emily," I could tell it was Luna
"Hey Luna," I said
"We couldn't get them off your track."
"I see. So they will be coming for us?"
"Well first they need to know where you took him."
"But I changed his scent so wouldn't that be hard?"
"Yes it will be extremely hard for them."
"That’s good as long as his off our trail I can keep him safe till you can kill him."
"That’s...The hard part...We thought he had him, but it was Jane so we don't know where Jake is..."
My face probably turned pale because Brandon's eyes where wide at my expression.
"I...I see..."
We both jumped when we heard a knock on the trap door. So I whispered in the phone, "Got to go…" I hung up and point to a hallway Brandon walked down the hallway I climbed up and said, and changed my voice, "Who dares to come to my island?"
I heard some people jump and I turned invisible and went up I saw it was the two males from before and I turned visible and they jumped again.
"How do you do that?" the one in black asked.
"Do what? Turn invisible?" I said.
"We don't have time," one of them said, "I'm Chad."
"Call me Ryan," the male in full black said.
"Okay Call me Emily. Come Brandon is probably scared to death."
They followed me down the ladder and we went to where Brandon was hiding. I was right he was scared to death when we reached him he was barely breathing. He was hiding in a closet with a lot of stuff on him. I laughed after we got him to breathe normally.
"Okay Brandon. This is Chad," I said, and Chad bowed a small bow, "And this is Ryan," Ryan nodded his head.
"Nice to meet you Brandon," Chad said.
"Yes nice to meet the human we have to protect," Ryan said.
"N...Nice to meet you…G…Guys two..." he said, and backed into me, "sorry."
I laughed and hugged him gently.
"So, what news do you bring us?" I said
"Other then he knows you have Brandon. Jane is furious that you got away with Brandon and she’s quiet the good tracker," Chad said
"I see," I said.
"Don't worry she won't be able to find you here," Ryan said.
"Yeah we barely found you here," Chad said, and we all laughed, "how did you find this place?"
"Adventuring," I said.
"Oh, cool," Chad said.
"Should we stay here?" I asked.
"It’s probably the safest place," Ryan said.
I nodded. We stayed down in the trapdoor very few people came by I didn't kill most of them because I wanted to stay with Brandon. I knew our time was running out. I had the strange feeling something, I don't know what, but something bad was about to happen. One day Ryan and Chad went out to get a update from Luna and Brandon and I were just sitting on the bed when he got up and went to get something to eat then I smelt the blood. I flinched. I stood up slowly and asked, "Are... You okay?"
"Yes," he said, and came out with food.
"Then why do I smell human blood?"
"What?" he looked around puzzled. I put my hand up and he shut up and I listened. I leaned closer and sniffed him it wasn't strong on him I sniffed up towards the hatch and I smelled the blood I silently moved from the hatch and grabbed Brandon's arm gently pulled him with me and called Luna.
"Hello?" Luna said.
"Can you call Ryan and Chad to see if they have blood from humans or something I smell some human blood above the hatch and I fear going up," I said.
"Okay!" she said, and hung up she called a minute later.
"Hello," I said.
"This is bad it isn't them do you hear heart beating?" she said, and I went back and listened.
"No," I whispered.
"Oh my. I'll send Chad and Ryan to look for you," she hung up and then I heard talking.
"Hello," I heard Chad's voice.
"Hello," I heard Ryan's voice.
"Hello," I heard another voice I didn't recognize.
"What are you doing here?" I heard Ryan ask.
"I heard some voices and I was curious and I smelled human and heard a vampire so I wanted to bring them out," the person I guess was a female replied.
"Name?" Chad said.
"My names Hyper," she said.
"Chad," Chad said.
"Ryan," Ryan said.
"Don't dare make fun of my name or face my wrath! Got that?" Hyper growled suddenly.
"Yes. We don't make fun of people's names," Chad said.
"Emily. Come out please," Ryan said, and I climbed the ladder and opened the hatch the female had blond long hair green eyes wearing a black and red dress with some black sneakers.
"Hello. Ryan. Chad. Hyper," I said, "who’s the female over there?" I pointed over the distance where I felt another female’s presence.
"So you discovered Brittany?" Hyper said, "Brittany come out."
Brittany had dirty blond hair blue eyes wearing a red shirt and a red skirt with red sneakers.
"Hello," Brittany said, and I looked at the females and something told me they were good guys.
"Okay. Can you guys meet Brandon without killing him?" I asked.
"Sure sure," Hyper said, and Ryan and Chad gave me uneasy looks. I opened the hatch and jumped down and ran to where I left him he was scared when he saw Hyper and Brittany.
"Okay Brandon this is Brittany," I pointed to Brittany, and she bowed.
"Hello Brandon," she said, "I'm glad to meet you."
"Yeah... Glad to meet you...two..." he said, still scared.
"This is Hyper," I pointed to Hyper and she nodded her head.
"What a pleasure to meet you," she said.
"Hi," he said, "Can I ask you a question, Hyper?"
"Yes," she said
"Is your name really Hyper?" he asked.
"Yeah what about it?" she said, and he tried to stop himself from laughing and failed. That really made Hyper mad. She grabbed his neck and held him on the wall Brandon started gasping.
"Hey! Don't kill him!!!!!!!" I yelled.
"I…I'm...Sorry..." he gasped.
I moved her figures to give him air and said, "Stop! He apologized for it!" she growled and dropped him he gasped holding his throat. Then out of nowhere she jumped him Ryan, Chad, Brittany and I grabbed her and pulled her back.
"YOU LITTLE SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed trying to attack him.
"He didn't even say anything!" I said.
"NO HE WAS THINKING BAD THINGS!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Jake's Surprise Arrival
"Hyper! It doesn't matter what they think!!!!!" I yelled and pulled her back.
"HE HAS A DEATH WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed.
"Hey don't read people's minds and get pissed at what they think you weirdo!" he said, I gave him a mean glare and he stopped and said, "Fine. Sorry."
She growled at him and stopped trying to kill him. From then we kept an eye on Brandon and Hyper. One day they left to hunt Brandon and I was left alone. We sat on the bed and he looked more nervous than usual.
"Something bothering you?" I asked.
"No…" he said.
"Then why are you so nervous?"
"It’s...Nothing..." he said, and started sweating. I kissed him and the mini phone rang. He cursed under his breath and I answered, "Hello?"
"Hey," Luna said.
"What’s up?" I asked.
"Checking up on you guys. How’s everything?"
"We got some new friends."
"Good ones?"
"Ones a mind reader."
"Any news?"
"We've seen Jake a lot so I think Jane is after you."
"Okay. We'll keep a lookout."
"Okay. Bye," she hung up and I put the phone away, I looked at Brandon it looked like he wanted something so I said, "You know if there’s anything you need you can have it right?"
"Um...Yeah…" he said.
"Come on. Tell me or hint me."
"Umm...Okay..." he said, and thought a bit. His breathing got even more uneven and then a knock on the hatch I giggled as he swore under his breath again I got up and opened the hatched and jumped down doing a black flip and sticking the landing perfectly. Hyper, Brittany, Chad, and Ryan came in Hyper flinched staring at Brandon.
"Stop reading my mind!" he yelled, and laid down.
"Dude that’s wrong!" she yelled.
"Wait what?" I said lost.
"Nothing…" she said, and walked to a different room Brittany followed her.
"Okay?" I said, as Ryan got down from closing the hatch.
"Well...That...Was......Interesting?" Chad said, looking where Hyper and Brittany went.
"Very…" I said, and sat down next to Brandon. I looked down and he looked sad, "What’s wrong Brandon?" I said, and hugged him gently.
"Nothing…" he said.
"GRRRR!!! STOP IT!!!!!!" I heard Hyper yell.
"What’s wrong?" I heard Brittany asking.
"What that boys thinking." she growled.
"Then stop reading my mind!" Brandon yelled.
I heard a growl and Brandon got scared I hugged him gently and he hugged back. Then Hyper yelled, "STOP IT! AND DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT DOING THAT!"
He sighed and I whispered to him too low for them to here from where they are, "What are you thinking?" he didn't answer so I gave up on trying to find out. The days went on and no sighting of Jake or Jane. I never left him if I did it was to get some stored blood or Brandon had to use the bathroom or shower.
Soon we were alone again and he was nervous.
"Okay… Why are you nervous?" I said, watching him shake like mad.
"I'm not nervous." he said.
"Then why are you sweating?"
"Because you’re near me." he said grinning.
"Aww. There got to be another reason?" I said, and giggled and hugged him my skin was cold to his hot skin. He hugged me back and I kissed him.
"It’s…Hard to explain..." he said.
"Then show me I’ll understand."
He nodded and I felt his arm unhook my bra strap through my shirt.
"Woo boy," I said, and grabbed his arms with one hand and rehooked my strap with the other.
"I knew it was a bad idea...I never asked it because I knew the answer already." he said and sighed.
"Aww. Don't say that. I don't want to hurt you that’s all," I said.
"I know," he said looking down.
"Don't say that," I said lifting his chain up, "It’s… Just a bad time right."
"I know with Jake and Jane after me…You guys should just save yourselves and kill me..."
"No. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. Not while I'm Ali...Immortal..."I said laughing. He laughed a bit with me and laid his head on my shoulder. I kissed him on the lips gently on the lips and then he said, "I'm sorry I...I..." he said before I hushed him. I hugged him and picked him up and said, "How about if we live we can do that?" He seemed a bit scared at the words, "If we live."
"Please promise me you won't die...Please..." he said.
"I can’t promise that I died years ago," I said giggling, and he laughed a bit and nearly cried I hushed him and kissed him he kissed me back and we kissed for 5 minutes before he yawned and rested his head on my neck.
"I love you..." he mumbled and then mumbled some things that made me giggle a lot.
"I love you two." I whispered and took him to a bedroom and laid him on the bed and laid next to him he rolled over to me and put his arms around my waist. I smiled and put my arms gently around his back and kissed him again and for some reason he kissed back in his sleep which I giggled at and when I was done giggling I went to sleep. I woke up later from Hyper talking to Brittany.
"But Hyper…" I heard Brittany say
"Don't you "but" me!" Hyper yelled.
"Hyper. It’s wrong to be mad at that."
"I don't care!"
"I don't like what that boy thinks."
"It’s his mind. Can't he be free to think?"
"Not what his thinking!"
"Well. It’s not really right to be judging him from what he thinks. Besides his a guy of course his going to think stuff like that."
"Brittany!" Hyper yelled growling, "Do you even know what his thinking?!"
"Emily?" she guessed.
"Yes, but more bad then that!" she growled, "And I don't like it!"
"Guys think that all the time Hyper sometimes even worse than that you know. Trust me I should know while I was human my boyfriend was thinking about way worse than you'd ever imagine."
"So what? Let him think…. bad things!?"
"Well. He loves her so of course he'd think stuff like that. If you find love the guy will probably be thinking the same thing if you couldn't give him what he wants because his human and in danger! Is it so wrong for him to think that? It is his mind so just don’t read his mind. Now let’s stop this conversation before we wake someone. I think it might be too late anyway."
"Sure sure," she muttered.
I didn't think about it anymore and went back to sleep. When he woke up I woke up and he looked pretty sad.
"What’s wrong?" I asked.
"I'm putting you guys in danger..." he said looking down. When a knock came from the hatch Brandon and I went to the room with the ladder and hatch.
"You know the code already!" I yelled.
It smelled familiar so I guess one of them got into a lot of humans and changed her scent from it.
"Come on you couldn't have forgotten it!" I yelled. They just knocked again as if I said nothing at all. I ran up the ladder clicked the hatch and did a back flip landed next to Brandon again, “maybe I should be a cheerleader.” He laughed. The hatch opened and who came down wasn't who we wanted. We gasped in surprise as a hooded male jumped down and laughed evilly.
"Well well. Look what I've got," he said, and pulled his hood down. It was not Ryan...It was not Chad...It was not Hyper...It was not Luna…It was not Brittany....Who came down is not who we wanted at this time…It was...Jake.

The Surprise Deaths
I couldn't believe my eyes. Jake somehow tricked me in letting him in my secret hideout! Brandon ran away and Jake jumped after him I grabbed Jakes leg and he kicked me in my face which would have hurt very bad if I was human which I was glad I wasn’t. It was hard to fight in such shock. I grabbed my mini phone and hit the alert button and Jake kicked it out of my hand. I just needed to keep him occupied long enough for them to come to help. He hit me and said, "Still defending the mortal’s life, but why his human."
"Don’t you get it at all!?" I said.
"Get what? That you’re in love with a weakling!?"
"He might be a "weakling" to us, but all humans are. You were, I was, Jane was, and somehow even Luna was."
"You like my sister don’t you?"
"I wander how you guys are related."
"Don’t ask me why she hangs with humans," he said, and then Hyper jumped down the hatch and grabbed his leg and she was reading his mind to know what he was going to do. Brittany did a back flip down the hatch and kicked him in the face. Hyper gave me the looked and I understood she wanted me to run to Brandon so I did. He was hiding in the closet I hugged him gently trying not to hurt him. Soon enough Jake ran at us I grabbed his leg and through him back at Hyper, Brittany, Chad, and Ryan. Then suddenly someone ran down the hall at Jake. Luna came to fight. She jumped him, but he grabbed her arm and threw her at my direction so I caught her and she said, "Thanks, hi Brandon." And ran at Jake and Hyper kept him occupied. Soon Jane came running at Brittany and pulled her head back and Chad hit her away I giggled because I felt something in Chad which made me believe he liked Brittany. Ryan was helping Hyper with Jake when Jane hit him so hard he went flying to my direction. So I caught him like I caught Luna. When I caught him he nodded and I nodded two and he ran after them again.
Brandon whispered in my ear, "I love you if anything please don’t get hurt I’d hate myself for the rest of my miserable life if you ever got hurt..."
I laughed and said, "Isn’t that what I should be saying to you?? And trust me I’m not half as worried about me. You have more to live forward for I’m just a vampire who kills people."
"I don’t know…but to me you’re more than a vampire or a killer."
"What am I?"
"The sweetest and prettiest girl I’ve ever met alive or not I don’t care you can be a zombie I don’t care. If anyone kills me I hope it’s you."
"Aww," I said, and almost cried.
"I’m not joking to me you are. And I’d hate myself if I ever let you get hurt. Just because…I love you."
"I love you two Brandon with all I have for now and as long as you want me."
"You know that means forever."
I smiled and picked him up said, "I hope so." and ran away past them all running so fast I was really running on the wall to get past the people fighting. No one really noticed, but Hyper she looked at us and kept fighting Jake I don’t think Jake noticed. I ran up the ladder and out the open hatch and ran to the other side of the island. I sat him down and he was freaked out because I ran extremely fast so it was probably was really scary.
"Are you okay?" I said.
"Yes…Th...That….Was amazing!" he said, and jumped up. I laughed and kissed him gently on the lips which lasted 10 minutes before he tried to take my shirt off.
"Woo boy." I said.
"I…I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking so I was moving without…" he said before I hushed him again.
"Stop apologizing so much." I said giggling.
He hugged me tightly while I hugged him gently.
"I can’t I got to apologize when I do something stupid…" he said.
"When did you do something stupid? You’ve never done anything stupid."
"Yes I did."
"No you didn’t to you maybe, but to me that’s normal. More than I am anyway."
"Okay, but you are normal..." he said blushing when I kissed him again this time holding his arms to his sides.
"I wish this was better than it is now…" he said, and sighed, "I never meant to put anyone in danger…" he said, and almost cried again.
"Shhh…Don’t be crying…" I said.
"I’m not crying…" he said quickly trying not to.
"Sure..." I said, and wiped a tear off his face
and he blushed and I giggled and kissed him on the lips until we were disturbed by someone.
"Aww. So nice," a male said, and we looked to see it was Jake.
"Come on no one gives people privacy now-a-days!" I said, and jumped at Jake and he hit me in the stomach.
"Emily!" Brandon yelled, and attacked Jake and he bite him in the neck and I hit Jake away and Brandon fell down holding where Jake bit him. Soon enough Jane tried to attacked Brandon and Chad and Ryan came, but we didn’t really notice. Soon enough we all heard a scream and looked back to see Chad and Ryan turn to dust. Then Hyper came and jumped on Jane’s back and bit down into her neck and tore her head off.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed and turned to dust.
"Jane!!!" Jake yelled, and punched me in the face and I went flying near Brandon and attacked Luna. I got up and went to Brandon’s side and looked at him his eyes were closed and he was biting into his lip. The venom was inside of him and I could tell it was too late.
"Brandon...Are you...Okay?" I said, and all the other people came to get Jake.
"NO!! I'M NOT!!!" he yelled in agony holding tightly to where Jake bite him.
"Nothing we can do," Luna said rushing over. Jake tried to attack us, but Hyper attacked him and he grabbed her leg without thinking and threw her at me and I caught her and then he ran away.
"Brandon you’re going to be okay," I said.
"IT DOESN’T FELL THAT WAY!!!!" he yelled.
I picked him up and ran to the hideout and set him on the bed.
"You need anything Brandon?" Luna asked.
"THE PAIN TO BE GONE!!!" he yelled.
"I can’t do that…" she said.
"Brandon the venom only takes one hour till it’s all gone can you make it to that?" I said.
"I want blood," he said. I looked at Hyper and she ran to get the human blood and came back
Brandon drank a gallon of human blood, "I think...It feels like it’s almost gone already," he said. Soon enough he loosened his grip on his neck and stopped looking like he was in pain.
"How do you feel?" I asked.
"I’m…Okay.." he said.
"Well we only got Jake on our trail so…I think we can get home," Luna said, and Hyper looked down and Brittany sighed.
"What’s wrong guys?" I asked.
"Well we don’t have a home and you guys are our friends," Hyper said.
"Our only friends…" Brittany said.
"Well there’s plenty of room at my "Haunted" Cavern," I said.
"You mean it?!" Hyper said.
"You’d really let us in your home?" Brittany said, and hugged me very tightly. Then Hyper hugged me tightly two and then they let go and said at the same time, "Thank you so much!"
"Okay time to go home!" Luna said, and we all nodded in agreement and we all got up and ran out toward home.

It Never Ends
While running home I noticed Brandon kept getting faster.
"Hey. Brandon. Slow down a bit okay?" I said.
"I’m not trying," he said.
"Sure," he said, and Brandon and I ran as fast as we could but he got to the cavern first and we noticed Hyper, Brittany, and Luna was running as fast as they could two but they just weren’t as fast.
"So..." Hyper said trying to catch her breath, "This...Is it?"
"Yeah," I said, and opened the door. There were two males inside it looking around and backed up as we entered and Brandon jumped them and sucked them dry.
"I’m not thirsty anymore…" he said.
"I bet you aren’t thirsty anymore," I said giggling.
"But Brittany and I are thirsty. So we will go get some animal blood. We will probably get back…In an hour or so," Hyper said, and I nodded and they left.
"Yeah I’m going to go home bye Emily, Brandon," Luna said, and left.
Then Brandon and I were alone I walked in the bedroom and he followed and closed the door.
"So what you want to do?" I asked.
"Why ask if you already know?" he said.
"I don’t know. Maybe you changed your mind?"
"Ok then," I said, and kissed him quickly and walked backwards to the bed while he followed me.
"Emily, Brandon?" said a voice three minutes later while Brandon and I was still kissing. Brandon and I went out of the room Brandon was swearing a bit under his breath. Brittany stood there. "Wow I didn’t even hear her enter," I thought to myself.
"Where’s Hyper?" I asked.
"She was kidnapped!" Brittany yelled, and Brandon and I were shocked Brittany ran out and we followed her.
"Ok explain what happened," I said.
"Well. Hyper and I were walking around hunting and we kept laughing at a joke she made and we talked and then she stopped talking and fell to the floor unconscious and then she vanished I don’t even know what happened!" Brittany said, almost in tears.
"I see," I said, and we got there I closed my eyes and focused for a second and soon I saw what happened.
~~~~~~~~~~The Kidnap Scene~~~~~~~~~~~
“Hey… umm Hyper,” Brittany said.
“Yeah?” she said.
“How is it like to kill?”
“Oh yeah I forgot you’ve never killed a vampire.”
“No. Is it easy?”
“Yeah, but heck it was Jane I bet bears are harder to kill then her!” she joked and they laughed. Suddenly Hyper’s face showed a lot of pain and fear.
"Hyper?! Are you okay?!" Brittany was yelling, to Hyper, but she only fell on the ground after five minutes then she vanished.
"So," I said, and opened my eyes, "That’s what happened…I see this is bad, but I can see a reason. Because you were talking about Jane, but… Why would it matter any way?"
"I don’t know," Brittany said.
"I smell something…" Brandon said sniffing the ground, and ran foreword we both followed him then we were attacked, but there was no one even there.
"Hey who’s there!?" I said getting punched in the gut.
"What do you want?!" Brittany yelled getting thrown at a tree.
"GET LOST!!!!!!" Brandon yelled, and grabbed something and threw it and I saw a tree break.
"You are stronger than I thought..." a female’s voice said. Then a girl no older than 14 appeared from nowhere. She was wearing a hot pink shirt with a hot pink skirt, long pink hair, pink eyes, dark pink nails, and light pink skin. She reached to her hot pink belt and grabbed a pink handle of a sword.
"Names," she said.
"Emily," I said.
"Brandon," Brandon said.
"Brittany," Brittany said.
"Stephanie," she said, "You all come with me."
"Why?!" Brandon yelled.
"Please come silently I don’t want to use force!" she said, and swung out her sword.
"To where?" I asked.
"You have killed my sister you'll have to pay the price! But Dave wants to kill you himself so I can’t unfortunately," she said.
"Well. You’ll have to defeat me to make me go easily!" Brandon yelled, and jumped at her and she got her hot pink sword out and sliced his chest he flew back I ran to catch him.
"Brandon. I don’t think this is a good time for that," I said.
"B…But..." he said, "I don’t want you to die…"
"It’s okay I won’t die," I said.
"Yeah that’s what you think," Stephanie said.
"What did you do with Hyper!?" Brittany yelled apparently she was holding it back.
"The one who killed Jane is going to the same place we are," she said.
"Okay then, but I’m not going down without a fight!!" Brandon yelled, and attacked her. He grabbed her arm and threw her at the other tree she was a great fighter, but Brandon’s anger problems make him a better fighter he had her down on the ground before any of us knew it.
"Evil…..Never….Pays…" she said coughing apparently when he pinned her down it knocked the wind out of her.
"Then why are you evil?" I asked leaning down next to her.
"Dave forced Jane and me to be evil. Jane really only did it because Jake was evil," she said, "I hate being evil…." she cried.
"Then Dave is the one we need to kill?" I asked.
"No. You need to kill Sam first she heals and brings people back to life," she said.
"So Jane is already back to life…" Brandon groaned.
"Yeah," she said.
"Anyone besides Sam?" I asked.
"Yes. Nightmare was with me I made him invisible and can make people see their worst fears for five minutes then it’ll leave them unconscious. The other one is Valerie she can make fire with her mind," she said.
"Okay take us to the place then," I said.
"WHAT?!" Brandon and Stephanie said at the same time.
"You heard me," I said, and Brandon got up, and started shaking me.
"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!" he yelled shaking me more.
"Yeah that’s a great idea! We can save Hyper and kill Nightmare, Dave, Jane, Sam, and Valerie!" Brittany yelled.
"That’s your plan?" Brandon said, and stopped shaking me.
"Well, yeah," I said.
"It’s suicide, but ok," Stephanie said.
"I Don’t think it is, but whatever you want to think," I said, and she ran foreword and Brandon, Brittany, and I ran after her. We ran mostly over water. Soon I could see a castle that looked pretty strong. Stephanie lead us inside and we found Hyper still unconscious.
"Sam don’t revive Jane don’t do what Dave tells us to!" Stephanie yelled at a girl with red hair, a silver top, and black pants.
"What you know he will kill us if we don’t listen to him!!" she yelled.
"To bad we are stronger than him! If we all work against him we can win!" Stephanie said.
"Whatever your funeral," she said, and suddenly Jane appeared I flinched because she was human Brandon tried to jump her, but Sam pushed him away and bite Jane’s neck.
"Why…Didn’t you just….leave me dead?!" she yelled in agony. Then we heard a groan and we looked to see Hyper was waking up.
"Hyper!!!" Brittany yelled, and ran to her side.
"Brittany?" she asked weakly, and stared at her apparently Brittany was thinking what happened. Brittany untied Hyper and she got up.
"Oh great got to kill her again," Hyper said.
"NO!!!!!! I DON’T WANT TO BE EVIL!!!" Jane yelled.
"Shut up!" Sam yelled, and Brittany stood up.
"Sam. What’s the point of being evil?" Brittany said suddenly I realized her power, "It’s all useless good guys always over power."
She looked down to consider it and sighed and said, "Your right."
"Thank you." she said, shocked she was able to persuade people.
"We need to get Nightmare and Valerie." Sam said.
"SAM!" said a voice, "What are you doing with them?! Sam, Stephanie kill them."
I looked to see a male with spiky black hair with orange streaks and emerald green eyes. He didn’t have a shirt on he had a black leather band with a sword that he had his hand on and long blue pants. Then a girl came. She had black hair, red and blue eyes, a black sleeveless shirt with Capri pants.
"Nightmare what are they doing?!" she said.
"I don’t know Valerie!" Nightmare said.
"Nightmare, Valerie! Let’s not do what Dave tells us to!" Stephanie said.
"What they got you brainwashed!?!" Nightmare said, and suddenly Stephanie looked like she was in pain then fell on the floor unconscious.
"You little idiots!" Brandon yelled, and attacked Nightmare, and held him by the neck and had his teeth a few inches from his neck, "Go on! You can’t make my worst fear! And you make fire I dare you!!"
"Don’t…Kill Nightmare…"Jane said, and got up swaying back and further with a look of pain.
"Then they should listen," Brandon growled.
"If we don’t we will be killed!!" Valerie said.
"If we don’t work together," Brittany said, and suddenly something flew at her and knocked her down.
"What Th-" was all I could say before a table flew at me and hit me in the gut.
"Emily!!" Brandon yelled and I heard footsteps and then someone being hit across the room.
"Well. Well. What do we have here?" an unfamiliar voice said.
"It must be Dave…" I thought to myself.

I pushed up on the table to get it off I looked at Dave and he had black hair, eyes, and nails with of course pale skin. He had a red shirt, shoes and pants. I saw Brandon lift in the air and I saw Stephanie trying to talk to Dave, Jane was laying on the floor very weak from no blood as a new vampire, Hyper was trying to wake up Brittany, Sam was fighting Valerie and Nightmare was looking for what side to take. I got up and took out a small black cup I kept in my pocket it was very small so it fit in my pocket and crawled to Jane because things were flying everywhere when I got there I give her the black cup of blood she looked at me surprised and I nodded for her to drink it and she stared at me for a few seconds and the blood lust stopped her from keep thinking so she drank the blood and got up then suddenly everyone including me was frozen in place I tried to move but I couldn't.
"That’s enough," she said.
"JANE! Unfreeze me now!!" Dave yelled.
"Well… If I knew what I did, but even if I did no! Dave I don’t want to be evil or do what you say anymore!" Jane yelled.
"Hey why aren’t my powers working??" Hyper said.
"Hmm… The power to freeze people and make their powers not work… Interesting," I said, "Jane try to control what you’re doing to control your powers."
"Okay I’ll try," she said and suddenly I could move.
"You did it don’t hurt yourself," I said. She focused again and Stephanie was able to move then Hyper then Brandon and Brittany was still unconscious.
"Dave give up being evil. Nightmare, Valerie, you two," Stephanie said.
"Nightmare, Valerie," Dave growled. Nightmare and Valerie looked at each other without turning their heads.
"Well?" Jane and Dave said at the same time.
"Dave. Evil is wrong. Give up," I said.
"NEVER!" he yelled.
"I will be good," Nightmare said.
"Me too." Valerie said, and she let them free.
"You fools attack them!" Dave said.
"No," Valerie said, and Nightmare bite his lip.
"Your not thinking about it are you?" Stephanie said.
"I...I...Don't.....Ummm...." he said.
"Kill them!" Dave yelled.
"No! It's not worth it!" Stephanie said. Dave and Stephanie started yelling at Nightmare.
"STOP!" I yelled, and they stopped yelling at Nightmare.
"I am... My own man..." he said, and everyone looked at him and he ran out the door.
"Umm...Okay..." I said. Then we all heard a groan and looked at Jane as she collapsed and a table flew at me and I dodged it. Fire erupted around Dave and Brandon punched Dave while Stephanie ran to Jane while Hyper was trying to wake Brittany up again. It didn’t seem like we were winning Dave defeated Brandon by making a book case hit him from behind and a table from the front so he lay unconscious on the ground and attacked me I dodged and tried to hit him but he kept making things fly and dodged by jumping on what he made fly I saw that Valerie was knocked out I also saw Sam was knocked out which was weird I didn’t even notice them. I didn't know what was going to happen if we lose we could all die.
"I don't want to die.." I thought to myself. Soon I was down on the ground I didn't know what to do I was pinned down on the ground then suddenly Dave went flying. I heard strange un-vampire like growls I looked over to see a werewolf. The werewolf hit Dave off and bit into him and then he couldn't move, when werewolves bite a vampire they are paralyzed if they rip there head off they are permanently dead if they don't take a vampires head off they will turn part werewolf in twenty minutes after being bitten, then all the sudden the werewolf jumped on Brandon and bite him and then I jumped on the werewolf angry I didn't want Brandon to die then the werewolf changed into a vampire.
"Get off of me!" she yelled, she had black hair with pink highlights, blue eyes, black nails, a torn gray shirt with black words that say, "Rock Forever", and tight jeans. Suddenly she made fire come out of the palms of her hands and I got shot back, "You and your gang will parish Dave!"
"Wait gang?! I defiantly don't work for him!" Brandon said weakly.
"None of us do," I said.
"What...Your lying!" she said.
"No we want to kill him!" Hyper said, "No we don't work for him. Yes I am a mind reader."
"Wha...What!?" she stuttered.
"Just kill him already!" I yelled, and Brandon fell to the ground and I caught him and I gently set him on the ground. So she did. Then Brandon started growing and turning into a werewolf I don't know what happened, but then before I realized it I was on the ground and Brandon was snarling on top of me as a werewolf with brown short fur. Then Sam and Brittany woke up and got up.
"Brandon its me!" I said. While everyone else tried to get him off which didn't work.
"Well. If I am going to die I guess its best by the person I love..." I said. I don't know what happened, he turned to normal and I hugged him.
"What. Happened?" he asked confused why he was pinning me on the ground.
"You turned into a werewolf," I said.
"Then looked like you were going to eat Emily," Brittany said.
"W..What..I'd never do that..! You are lying!" he said.
"No...Its true" I said, and hosted Brandon and me up from the ground, "Lets just go home okay?"
"Fine." he said, and sighed. Then we all started home.
"Wait," Sam and Valerie said at the same time and Brandon, Hyper, Brittany, and I all looked back at Sam and Valerie, "we want to come."
"Anyone can come to my cavern the more the merrier," I said smiling.
"And me?" Stephanie, and the girl who's part wolf said at the same time.
"What about me?" Nightmare said coming in slowly.
"Sure, I said, and looked at the part werewolf girl and said, "Name."
"Taylor," she said.
"Well...Taylor. I don't trust you!" Jane yelled, and I sighed and looked at Taylor and then I was able to see if she was friendly.
"No. Taylor you can come," I said.
"What?!" Jane said.
"So where going to let this stranger come home with us?!" Jane yelled.
"Yes," I said, and started walking and everyone else followed me. We ran home and I opened my cavern door.
"Welcome home," said a voice inside, and we didn't see anyone so we all walked forward then suddenly I was jumped and pinned and I saw everyone else frozen in place with white eyes then I saw a male in blue shirt and jean pants his eyes where emerald green with light brown hair and bare foot, "meet my friend."
He didn't talk I noticed Brandon was looking at the guy and then I saw everyone was, "Oh no this is very bad!"
Luna jumped in and then froze and her eyes turned white and stared at the guy like everyone else.
"Well everyone you know and loved, who you care for is going to die! Including you!"
"No! Not so fast!" I heard Jane yell, and jumped forward and Jake looked at her in surprise and then the guy freezing them appeared in front of her and stared into her eyes and she froze before she could try to look away.
"So your alive Jane and joined the other side so foolish...You were always soft," he said.
"Leave her alone!"
"Your done for Emily!" Jake snarled, and looked back down at me with a superior look on his face.
"You wish," I tried to push him off and he lowered his head and his teeth were inches from my neck.
"Time to die," he said, and I moved my head a little bit to see him pilling his upper lip up and baring his teeth and was moving closer and closer to my neck it seemed like slow motion to me.
"I'm going to die when he finishes me he'll just kill the others...I'm going to die.. Forever.." I thought as I stared at the person who will end my vampire life.

One More Unneeded Chance
I closed my eyes and suddenly felt him get flung off. I opened my eyes to see that he was laying on the ground I looked to see Taylor shaking "Impossible! No vampire can resist this power!" the guy said.
"What?" she looked up, and I saw her eyes turn to slits and her teeth where fangs, "what didn’t expect to see a werewolf did you?"
She jumped up and turned into a werewolf and snarled. She jumped at the dude who had everyone else frozen and bit him and ripped his head off and he died quickly and I jumped at Jake and growled.
"I guess this is your death isn't it?" I snarled. Then everyone else gathered around and growled.
"Jane! Help me please!" he yelled.
"Ha! You wish I'm not blind. Evil is wrong! I'm not weak like you seem to think," she snarled.
"You think you understand anything!?" he growled, and then I wasn't able to keep him pinned down and he threw me off and I went threw the window I heard noise and then I started to lose consciousness.
I started to wake, but I wasn't outside the cavern I looked and I saw a young girl about six years old. She had brown hair in a pony tail, a small pink dress with flowers, and light pink shoes her eyes were closed and then she opened them and had brown eyes and was crying. She looked familiar. She stood in the corner looking forward.
"Aww.. Don't be scared little girl we won't hurt you," I heard a deep rough voice, and I looked and saw two guys in full black and green eyes with a sword that had blood on it the other one was wearing the same, but with blue eyes and bloody fists. I tried to stop them, but they went through me. Then I saw something that made me cry even through I haven't cried since I turned vampire. I saw my dead parents I turned and realized that little crying girl was me when I was six years old.
"Stay away!" she screamed as they walked closer. She screamed and kicked the air when they grabbed her.
"Shut her up!" the one with the bloody sword yelled.
"Taste this you brat!" the other said, and put his bloody hand on her mouth. I started feeling weak as the tears filled my eyes and rolled down my checks. I looked up and realized I was in a different part of my life. I saw me when I was eight I was still in my dress my hair was burnt and dirty, tears were rolling down my checks. It looked like the dress and my shoes where to small to fit. The guys came in with a bag they dropped some cloths that looked big and a small bag I sniffed the air and smelled chicken.
"Can I have a drink?" she asked looking in the bag.
"Fine, but only because you'll die if you don't get something to drink," one said, and dropped a small cup and some milk spilled out and she grabbed and drunk out of it, "Don't drink to much you brat you can only use the bathroom three times a day!"
I watched her eat and the guys leave. The whole time I forgot completely of my childhood even though I was just trapped in a secret basement for most of it. I couldn't believe how miserable I use to be. I only remember it vaguely. Tears rolled down my face as I watched myself eat and then I watched everything change. I saw me when I was ten sitting over a piece of paper writing on it with a crayon wearing a longer ragged dress. I walked over and looked at it. It was plans to steal the sword and kill them. She looked side ways and switched papers and made it looked like she was really coloring. I looked at the same direction to see a movable wall start moving and the guys came one with a drink the other with food and a sword in his belt.
"We got your dinner and a drink for being quiet," the one with the food said, and put the tray of food next to her and the other guy put the drink next to her, "Hmm...What’s this?" he said picking up a picture of a flower, and then suddenly she jumped up and took the sword and cut his chest.
"You little!" the other one said, "Drop it now or else!"
"You can't do anything if your dead!" she yelled, and stabbed him in his heart and he dropped down dead she picked up the sword out of his heart and backed away as the other one with the cut on his chest neared her.
"Just drop the sword and I won't hurt you," he said.
"Lies!!!!!" she screamed, and stabbed him.
"You...Brat.. You will never survive alone.." he said, and died. She looked at the dead people and the sword in her hand and started to shake. She moved toward the food and water. I saw my life to when I was twelve I was taller then I use to be I was wearing one of the guys black cloths and I had a lot of rags and I was sewing rags together I was skinnier and weaker. It looked like I was dieing I got up and I realized I was still in the basement, but the dead guys are gone. I noticed something in her hand I stepped forward and looked and I saw a small golden locket she opened it and I saw a picture of me when I was six and my parents on both sides we were all smiling I felt my eyes fill with tears again.
"If its the last thing I do I'll kill anyone in my way...I will survive.." she said. Then out of nowhere the wall opened and she grabbed the sword and a dude came threw the door and I gasped when I realized it was Jake.
"Well what do we have here?" he said, and leaned down next her.
"What do you want?!" she said, and jumped up and fell down because she didn't have enough strength she lifted her sword up and growled.
"As tempting to drink you dry I fear I'm not that heartless, you are only child," he said holding her chin up. She tried to continue growling, but it looked like she was too weak.
"Are you hungry?" he said.
"And thirsty.." she said.
"Okay. Stay here," he said, and ran out in five minutes he came back with a chair and picked her up and sat her on it then he ran out and came back with a table and sat it in front of her then came back a lot setting food and water on table.
"Dig in," he said drinking a glass of blood. She ate most of it and he left a lot and came back with furniture, books, a refrigerator, cases of bottled water, canned food, cooked food, and even cloths.
"Why?" she asked looking at him.
"I don't know," he said, "Just seemed to heartless to harm a dieing girl."
"Are you leaving?" she said as he started walking toward the door.
"I can't stay," he said, "here," he said, and tossed me a small golden necklace that engraved, "Live in hope."
"Thanks I'll never forget you…I hope we meet again," she said.
"Maybe. I really doubt it though," he said, and left. Then I was when I was fifteen I was looking at my picture then the wall opened and someone threw a bomb in and closed the wall. It went off and smoke came everywhere I was able to see myself putting away the necklace and pass out then I appeared I was in a room I didn't know what was happening there was no sound expect myself crying and then I started to cry. A door opened a bit and I saw myself hide in the corner.
"She vanished!" a guy in a weird suit yelled and ran out the room leaving the door wide open and she ran out I ran to keep a good distance behind her we ran to find the house I lived most of my childhood in was burned down. Then I saw the everything changed and then I was eight-teen I was leaning on a wall with my eyes closed wearing a outfit out of rags.
"Hello," a guy in a black jacket blue pants brown sneakers and a hat and none of the sun hit him at all.
"Leave before I kill you," she growled, and pulled the sword out from what I didn't realize was a rag belt.
"I don't see that happening," he said chuckling, and she swung her sword at him and it didn't even cut him, but the sword did break.
"What the!?" she said, and he put his hand over her mouth.
"Shhh..." he said, and tilted his head and bite her neck and before she could scream he knocked her out. The place changed to where I woke up this time she was a vampire wearing a blue shirt and a pink skirt she sat up not even knowing what happened then the dude who turned her into a vampire gave her a glass with a red drink while brushing her hair behind her. I sniffed the air and smelled it was blood. She drank it quickly. She turned her head at him shocked breathing hard as he brushed her long hair back gently.
I woke up out side of the cavern I heard more noise in the cavern and jumped up and ran inside. Everyone was tied up and Taylor and Brandon in werewolf form were laying unconscious on the ground.
"So you came back and now your going to risk your long life for your little friends," he said, "I guess the memory dreams don't last long do they?" he said, and I realized It was him making me see that.
"So you did that. It made me remember something I forgot," I said, and he looked confused I got out the necklace he gave me that has engraved, "Live in hope" on it, "I can't believe it. You saved my life when I was twelve."
"What?!" he said looking shocked.
"I was starving and you gave me an all you can eat and a home where I was. Its because of you I also have this," I said.
"It was you that’s why you always looked and smelled familiar. Why did you ever leave that house?" he asked.
"I was kidnapped by some dumb people and when I got back it was burned down," I said.
"So what you guys met earlier then us?!" Jane asked.
"Actually…like a thousand years ago." I laughed a bit.
"Well. I can't kill you," Jake said chuckling.
"You can't I can," The guy Taylor killed appeared, "But first.." he said, and killed Jake.
"Why did you do that?!" Luna yelled, and I watched her and then her nails grew and broke the rope and her eyes turned red and she attacked the guy. I saw Brandon and Taylor getting up. I saw Nightmare, Valerie, Sam, Stephanie, Hyper, and Brittany stood up and helped Luna. Then I was floating everyone was thrown into the wall they were all getting weaker I couldn't move to protect them. Then out of nowhere I was thrown threw the wall I was in the bed room and the guy was growling in front of me.
"Since you seem to be the leader. The gold. The glue of the friendship. I will kill you. So give up or they pay," he said, and Brandon, Taylor, Nightmare, Valerie, Sam, Stephanie, Hyper, and Brittany floating, limp above him, "Give up and only you will die."
"Don't...Do it...Your the strongest one..."Jane said.
"Do you care about your life or your friend's lives?" he said.
"Don't do it Emily," Taylor said.
"Don't stop fighting because our lives are at risk...Don't stop fighting for us! Please," Luna said.
"Never stop fighting!" Brandon yelled.
"Kill him and don't give up!!!!!!!!" Hyper said.

Taylor’s version
Emily’s First Death
"Don't let him win!" Everyone yelled including me.
"I can't let you guys get hurt I'd rather die then to let you guys get hurt. So I give up...I'm sorry...I can‘t let anyone get hurt I would never forgive myself…" she said.
"Good choice," he said, and she looked at Hyper.
"Time to do what that fool Jake couldn't do!" he said, and she closed her eyes.
"No!!!" I heard Brandon and Luna yelling. Jane and I started growling.
"Don't do it!!!" Nightmare yelled.
"Don't let him win!!!!!" Sam yelled.
"Don't stop fighting!!!!" Valerie yelled. He bite her neck and then tore her head off and she was dead nothing but dust. She did not scream, but I felt like I was about to.
"I win!" he yelled in triumph, and I felt hatred fill inside of me.
"I WILL KILL YOU!!" Brandon yelled right next me.
"Loud much..." I said, and he growled at me.
"I agree with Brandon! You kill my brother you asking for pay back! You kill my best friend you asking for death! You kill my brother and my best friend your asking for hell!!" Luna yelled, and broke free of the spell and killed the guy before he could do anything.
"Great," I said as everyone landed on their feet.
"Now revive Emily, Sam," Hyper said.
"Okay," Sam said, and Emily appeared and Brandon hugged her.
"To tight!!" she yelled.
"Sorry," Brandon said, "Taylor get a cup of blood in the room down the hall."
"Fine," I said, and ran to the room Brandon told me had the blood I took a cup and I saw what looked like a barrel I filled the cup with blood and ran back without spilling I came back to see Brandon bite Emily on the neck. She flinched, but didn't scream we all watched as the hour past then she took the cup of blood and drank it in one gulp.
"Thanks Taylor," she said, and hugged me.
"Anytime," I said, and Brandon looked at Emily.
"What?" she said.
"I'm afraid if I touch you you'll vanish," he said.
"Nah," she said, and Brandon touched her arm and she vanished everyone, but Hyper jumped in surprise suddenly she appeared and started laughing.
"Remember I can turn invisible," she said, and giggled Brandon gave her mean looks and she hugged him.
"I guess we got to fix this hole," Hyper said.
"Yeah and make more rooms," Emily said, and I nodded. I started to walked and my hand touched Emily's and then a scene where a girl screaming and two guys appeared in my head. I froze and everyone looked at me.
"Wow weird memory," Hyper said.
"Not mine," I said.
"What?" Emily said looking confused.
"A six-year-old screaming while being picked up by two guys," Hyper said.
"That’s my memory..." Emily said. No one said anything Nightmare, Sam, and Valerie left to get animal blood. Luna was crying at her brothers ashes that she put in a small jar. Hyper and Brittany left to get some wood. Brandon was pulling Emily's arm to go into the bed room.
"Taylor," Emily said pulling away, and gave me a list I looked at her, "Please get me the items on the list okay?"
"Sure sure," I said, and ran out to the store I looked at the list it showed a small diagram for cloths and numbers. I saw a small list also:
10 beds, one of them is for you so get it how you want your bed.
A set of knifes
10 packs of nails
30 curtains 100 4 by 4 glass windows.
And anything you want Thanks!
I got everything on the list. I hate having to walk and pretend to be to weak to lift things that are to heavy for mortals. Some guys loaded it on a truck and I gave them an address near the woods where the cavern is after telling them I can handle it I watched them leave and picked it all up and ran off to the cavern I set the beds near the unfinished wall I found I ran Emily's cloths and found a note I read it and it said, "Do not disturb, if you must knock." under it I found another in Emily's hand writing so I read it, "Taylor, please leave the cloths outside the door and through this paper away. Thanks!"
I dropped the bag of cloths outside the door and threw the paper away then I went back out side and took beds inside.
"Your names on the bed room doors!" Hyper said. I took my black bed and put it in the room with my name on it, it had one window so I went back and grabbed four small windows and placed them on the empty window slots. I also grabbed a black curtain, grabbed some black sticky flowers I put them on the walls. I heard a call and went to the living room. Emily had on the cloths I got her, Sam had blood on her cloths, Stephanie was staring into space, Brandon looked happy, Hyper looked proud, Brittany was staring at Hyper, Luna was holding Jakes ashes, Valerie was looking at her feet, Nightmare was staring at Emily, And Jane was humming and twirling her hair.
"We are all old, we are all friends, I believe we have gone through a lot in the past twenty-four hours some of us have gotten a second chance to live thanks to Sam," Emily said looking at Sam, and she smiled, "Sam I think you should revive our fallen friend Jake."
Sam looked surprised, but did as Emily said Jake appeared human and Luna hugged him.
"OW!!" he yelled, and I saw his arm go limp, Sam healed Jake and I ran to get a cup of blood I heard Jake growling in pain I ran back and everyone watched Jake growl in pain on the couch for an hour then he grabbed the cup of blood out of my hand and drank it and mumbled, "Thanks."
"Jake!!" Luna yelled, and hugged Jake like before, "I missed you brother."
"I missed you too," he said hesitating to hug her. When she finally let Jake go he said, "Why did you revive me?"
"Your a fallen friend," Emily said smiling.
"I got a question," he said
"Okay ask away," she said.
"What memories did you see?" he asked.
"I saw myself when I was six, eight, ten, twelve, fifteen, and eight-teen," Emily said, and everyone went to their rooms Brandon and Emily went past me.
"What did you see?" I heard him asking.
"Its to depressing," she said.
"Please tell me," he said.
"why?" she said, and they walked into the bedroom I left to get some blood because my vampire side was blood thirsty, but I don't ever drink human blood. I heard a deer and I jumped it and drank it's blood and turned into a werewolf and ate its meat. Then I heard something I looked to see a female in a black shirt and shorts barefoot, blond hair and blue eyes.
"What do we have here an over-sized dog?" she said, and I growled and attacked her, but she was faster then I was she grabbed my tail when I attacked her.
"Oh. Grab my tail your so nice!" I thought to my self, and howled to call Brandon. She threw at a tree and clawed me then knocked me out I woke up chained heavily to the ground in vampire form I couldn't go to werewolf I felt weak.
"Well, well, look who we have here," a familiar voice said. I tilted my head to see Dave I growled.
"You!" I yelled and tried to get free. My anger giving me strength.
"Still mad at what I did?" he said chuckling smiling evilly.
"You burned my village down! You killed my family! You will pay!!" I yelled. I saw a flashback of the blazing fire and the screams of my friends and family and I burst out of the chains and turned into a werewolf. He made books float and jumped on them just out of my reach. The female came out, but because I was angry I was faster and stronger and killed her easily. I used my mind to get into Brandon's head to tell him I need backup.
"Hello?" I thought.
"What?? Taylor," Brandon said.
"What’s wrong doggy can't get me?" Dave chuckled watching me jumping trying to get him. I growled.
"I need you here! Dave is alive and if your too thick headed to believe me close you eyes."
"What did you call me?!" he said, "Oh my he is alive!"
"Yeah. What did you think I said?!"
"What can't reach me?" Dave chuckled, and I turned human and blasted the books with fire out of my fingers, "Cheater!"
Then Emily and Brandon came in through the door.
"I told you, you will pay," I said and Nightmare, Sam, and Valerie broke through a wall on the other side of the building.
"You won't win," he said as Hyper and Brittany broke through the wall that was twenty feet behind me, and he backed up.
"What scared Dave?" I said, and Jane and Stephanie broke through the door Twelve feet behind Dave.
"No..." he said as a circle hole was cut into the roof and Jake and Luna jumped down ten feet from Dave and I and everyone closed in ten feet away also.
"Look the gangs all here try to make a run for it and they will stop you, you will die, so give up," I growled.
"You wish," Dave said, and I jumped him and bit into his arm and it turned black and went limp, when vampires bite another vampire anywhere but the neck that part turns black.
"I will kill you like I should have when I first came to your village to bad the over sized dog stopped me!" he yelled, and I bite his other arm and he tried to bite me and I bite his neck
"That over sized dog was my brother!" I yelled, and ripped his head off.
"Well that was a waste of time," Brandon said, and Emily elbowed him in the gut, "sorry."
"I'm sorry.." I said, and looked at the ashes and flash backs of the fire came into my head,
"What the? Isn’t fire a werewolf's weakness?" Hyper asked, and I nodded, "Why are you thinking about that?"
"Just a memory.." I said.
"What is it? Tell us about it," Emily said.
"Okay," I said, and sat down, "When I was four-teen Dave came to my village where all pure werewolf's were we could turn into humans, we used sheep wool for cloths, and we were all a really good civilization village. I was on top of a hill playing around when he came he bite me, but couldn't kill me because my brother stopped him. I turned human and screamed in pain after I turned vampire I drank one of the sheep’s blood. My parents got everyone to not kill me and from then I left to get blood and meat. One day I came back I smelled fire I ran to village, but I was stopped by Dave. He grabbed my arms and held them behind my back and made me watch the blazing fire destroy the village. I listened to my friends and family scream dieing.. I tried to kill him, but he was to strong," I said, and started crying.
"Its okay I will tell you my childhood if you want," Emily offered.
"Yes!" Brandon said, and sat down facing Emily and she started giggling.
"Sure.." I said.
"Okay," she said, and everyone sat down and listened to her, "When I was six I was with my mom and dad then these two guys came in. One had a sword. My mom shoved me to the side. The first guy killed my father with his fist the second killed my mom when his sword. They took me to their house and told me if I wanted to live stay quiet when their is people over. When I was ten they told me it will be better when I'm eleven I could tell it was only good for them not me. So a day before my birthday I decided to kill them. I killed them. How I survived till Jake came is a mystery. When I was twelve Jake came and gave me what I needed to survive," Emily said looking at Jake, and he smiled, "the house was bombed with sleeping gas when I was fifteen I woke in a dark room I moved to the dark side of the room when the door was opened they freaked because they thought I escaped and left the door open. I went back to where I basically lived to find out they burned it down. I was turned into a vampire when I was eight-teen."
"Wow.." Brandon said, "I thought my life sucked before you came along."
"I'm sorry," I said.
"Its okay. Lets go home shall we?" Emily said, and everyone got up.
"Where do you think your going?" we all heard a voice and looked to see a male in black.
"The fight never ends!" I said.
"I know," Emily said giggling, "It never does and never will."
"Why are you giggling?" Brandon said as she fell down giggling.
"I don't know," she said giggling suddenly Jane started giggling then Stephanie, Luna, Sam, Valerie, Hyper, and Brittany started giggling.
"What the heck?!" I said, and they all fell to the ground giggling. Then Nightmare and Jake started chuckling. I looked at Brandon he was flinching a bit.
"Hmm...Not giggling or chuckling.." the male said, "I'll just have to kill you two. Up," he said, and suddenly everyone stopped giggling and chuckling and surrounded Brandon and I, "Kill them."

Their Under A Mind Control!
"Oh no," Brandon said.
"I don't want to kill anyone," I said, and Jane jumped at me and I moved I blasted fire and I saw Emily fall back and Brandon growled at me. Suddenly a female jumped in between Brandon and me and suddenly we appeared in a room. I looked at her and she was wearing a turquoise blue shirt and blue jeans with blond hair with blue streaks and big brown eyes.
"Hello," she said, "My name is-"
"Paige? Is that you?" a voice interrupted in another room and a female walked through the wall wearing a tattoo sleeved shirt and black jeans with long violet braided hair going down to her ankles and bright green eyes.
"Yes Marie," Paige said, and I looked at both of them.
"Is that really you?" Marie said, and Brandon laughed a bit.
"Yes," Paige said.
"Tell me now is that really you??" Marie said, and Brandon chuckled and Paige hit him in the gut and he stopped and growled, "Don't laugh you could fall in the mind control he put out I know your not born a werewolf."
"So?! Don't hit me!" he growled, and I sighed, and sat down I thought about everything that has happened and I felt like I was about to cry.
"There's only three ways to destroy the mind control. Show them something they love for example if they love a certain necklace get that necklace and dangle it in front of them, kill the guy that did it or kill them," Brandon growled when she said, "Kill them." and I elbowed him in the gut.
"Okay you can bring us back," I said.
"No!" Marie said, and run up the wall and got two bottles and threw them at us they were purple Brandon looked at me to drink first and I rolled my eyes and looked at Paige and she nodded and I drank mine and started floating and Brandon drank his. I thought about going up and I floated up. Then I thought about going down and I went down I thought about flying and I could fly then I thought about the ground and I fell and Brandon laughed and I shot him with fire and he got mad and I got blasted.
"Emotion powers. Nice!" Marie said, and I flew past him and my arm touched his and I saw him trying to talk to Emily stuttering and I fell down laughing and he growled.
"Calm down. You guys can't get along," Paige said looking at us growling at each other, "Lets go," she said, and we all appeared where we were, but it was deserted. I closed my eyes and I felt the presence of someone else and I floated to where I felt the other person and I gasped as I saw Emily laying unconscious on the ground. I picked her up and everyone gasped Brandon ran at me and punched me away and grabbed her.
"Mean much?!" I growled.
"She’s going to die," Paige said examining her neck and showed a small mark, "Death symbol the permanent death."
"No!!!!!!!!!!" Brandon yelled, and they floated I watched them and suddenly the mark started to vanish slowly.
"Wow," I said, and she woke up she looked at Brandon and didn't say anything.
"Hi! I'm Paige!" Paige said.
"I'm Marie!" Marie said, and bowed and Emily still said nothing at all I was a bit worried something was wrong with her and I started getting scared.
"Emily?" I said, "Are you okay please speak," I looked at her she looked at me and she didn't speak.
"Hmm," Paige said, and Emily looked at her with a blank expression, "Yeah theirs something wrong with her. Brandon try to get her to move or talk at any means possible you never know what will work."
"Okay," he said, and ran out of their with her in his arms. Suddenly I saw Jane and then I was knocked out.
I woke up and Dave was smiling evilly at me. I looked at them and attacked him and he ran out when I tried. I ran at him and he was going further then I could. Paige and Marie disappeared I ran full speed at him the anger raging inside of me the wanting to kill him took over and I started blasting him with fire, but nothing worked he got further and I seemed to get further behind like I'm running backwards. I couldn't understand why this was happening suddenly I saw the fire of my village and I was in the center. All my friends where yelling my name trying to get away suddenly my brother hit into me.
"H...Help...Me...Please Taylor..." he said.
"Why don't you help…Us? You caused…T ...This didn't you..." my sister said, and I tried to look at them, but the fire was too thick.
"No. This is Dave's fault!" I yelled.
"Why…" my mom said. Suddenly I was on the ground and everyone was standing over me looking frightened, but Paige and Marie weren't here.
"Are you okay?" Emily said.
"What happened?" I said, and Brandon helped me up smiling brightly, "Um? Something wrong Brandon?"
"Nope, I‘m just glad to see my best friend finally wake up," he said.
"Best friend? We hate each other and what do you mean finally?" I asked.
"You have been asleep for a week," Emily said.
"Really?" I asked surprised, "I...I don't remember anything."
"Well after Jake captured you and everyone else we had to kill him," suddenly I realized Jake wasn't here, "You worried us all."
"Lets go hang out," Brandon said.
"Why??" I asked, and everyone smiled.
"We all missed you Taylor," Hyper said.
"No you hate me! Brandon we don’t get along! What happened with the dude who took over all your guy’s minds?! Why isn’t Jake back!?" I yelled.
"Jake is evil!" Luna yelled.
"His your brother!" I yelled.
"Hey, hey, don’t yell guys we’re all family here," Emily said.
"This isn’t right!" I yelled.
"Taylor?" Paige said, and appeared in the room, "If you can hear me your in a illusion fight it and come back to reality we need you!"
I focused hard and then I woke up they looked a little scared I saw Jane on the ground and my arms where black, when vampires bite werewolves nothing really happens. They wouldn’t talk just moved away with scared expressions on their faces.
"What?" I asked looking at them. Jane got up groaning.
"Don’t be scared of me," I said.
"I’m not," Jane said, "Thanks for getting me out."
"Anytime," I said, "Lets go."

Emily’s Version Again
The Bad Guy Is A Lifesaver
Suddenly I saw everyone trying to attack Brandon and Taylor I felt something trying to take over me trying to make me attack them and then a girl jumped in between them and then vanished.
"How did you let me get away?!" he yelled and everyone bowed down low, but me, "What’s this?" I tried to move, and he yelled, "Get her!"
Then I was grabbed and pushed to the ground Jane had my right arm down and Jake had my left arm Nightmare held my legs down hyper pushed against my stomach and Stephanie held my head. He came in front of me and I felt a giggly feeling and fought it and he got mad. Then he knocked me out. I woke up in Brandon’s arms and I couldn’t speak I was dizzy and I didn’t know what to do. I saw two females looking at me.
"Hi! I'm Paige!" one female said.
"I'm Marie!" the other one said, and bowed.
"Emily?" Taylor said, "Are you okay please speak."
"Hmm," Paige said, and I looked at her, "Yeah theirs something wrong with her. Brandon try to get her to talk at any means possible you never know what will work."
"Okay," he said, and ran out to the cavern he checked for people before he set me on the bed in the bedroom.
"Okay… What to do…" he said, and started pacing back and forth, "I know!"
He ran out and came back with blood and made me drink it.
He kissed me seeing my arm move. Then out of no where Hyper broke through the wall and Brandon growled and looked at her. Suddenly she got thrown back. "W.. What… Happened..?" she groaned.
"Get lost I’m trying to get Emily to talk," Brandon said.
"I’m sorry," I said surprised I could talk.
"Yes!" Brandon yelled, and hugged me and I hugged him Hyper left and then we heard a lot of noise and a crying sound I left the room and I heard Brandon groaning behind me. I saw Brittany on the ground unconscious and Hyper was crying over her.
"What happened?" I asked looking at them.
"I hit her thinking… She was someone… Else.." she cried, and Brandon sighed next to me and suddenly she woke up.
"Your welcome," he mumbled, and I kissed him.
"What… Happened?" she asked getting up, and shook her head.
"Mind control and stuff," I said, "Lets go find everyone else."
I heard Brandon groan behind me and I giggled. Hyper and Brittany nodded and we all left the same way we went I felt slow and then I tripped and fell.
"Are you okay?" Brandon asked helping me up.
"You guys are far from okay," said a voice we all jumped. We all looked to see him again. Then Jane, Taylor, Paige, and Marie jumped down behind us.
"My name is controller," he said, and Jake jumped down from a tree Jane attacked him and they rolled down out of view Taylor went to help, but controller jumped in front of her and pushed her away. I looked at him I didn’t know what to do I tried to move but I was just to shocked and confused I was trying to figure out how he seems so familiar. Brandon ran at him and he grabbed his arm and threw him at a tree Paige and Marie jumped at him from different sides and he jumped up and they smacked into each other. I was frozen in shock I couldn’t even move anymore Hyper attacked him and he grabbed her by the neck and Brittany ran at him and he threw Hyper at her and they fell.
"Well, well, I guess its time to kill," he said, and I breathed really hard. He laughed and grabbed my arm and spun around and threw me at Brandon who tried to get up and I heard a clank and I hit into Brandon.
"What’s this?" I heard controller say and I looked over and he picked up a necklace and a gold locket.
"Hey! That’s mine!" I yelled, and got up and he opened the locket, "Get your hands of it!"
I ran at him and he grabbed me and pushed me on the tree I growled.
"Too bad my sword broke a long time ago!" I growled, and then I tried to get out of his grasp.
"Really? I turned a girl into a vampire after her sword hit me," he said, and I was shocked when I realized who he was. Then Jake and Jane got up holding each other up.
"It… Was …. You.." I stuttered.
"Move away and I’ll kill him!" Taylor said, and small balls of fire. I started floating and I realized that the balls of fire could kill vampires.
"You want to kill me and your friends?" he said, and everyone else jumped down around him. Suddenly they all fell on the ground.
"You can kill me now," he said looking at the ground.
"No!!!" I yelled.

The Big Surprise
I saw Taylor’s small balls of fire at the tips of her fingers grow then she froze.
"Don’t you realized his the one who released them if you killed him before he did that they would be dead forever!" Jane yelled.
"True," Brandon said.
"You not really evil.. Are you?" I asked.
"I don’t know… I am but… Not to people I’ve met in the past," he said.
"Yeah, me too," Jake said chuckling and Jane and him swayed trying to support each other and they both laughed.
"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine," he said.
"I totally agree!!" Jake said.
"Lets go home," I said, and Brandon hugged me while we walked home.
After we got home we all settled down and months went by. One day I saw Brandon handing Taylor a note. One day I left to get blood I came back and only Taylor was sitting on the couch staring into space.
"Where did everyone go?" I asked listening for anyone else breathing, but I only heard Taylor breathing.
"They… Had to go get some…… Blood and…. Told me to stay to tell you," she said.
"Okay.. I guess I’ll try to find them to help," I said, and she grabbed my arm with a gloved hand.
"No, why can’t we hang?" she said.
"Sure I guess we can hang out," I said.
We talked about our life and gossiped about the guys. I couldn’t believe how fun it was we told each other secrets and by the time the guys got home we were giggling about who we thought was cuter.
"No!! Don’t leave me!!!!" Brandon yelled, and I giggled I turned invisible, "No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I giggled and jumped him he pushed me off and tried to catch me, but I kept moving away Hyper grabbed my arm and Brandon jumped and pinned me down.
"Cheaters!!" I yelled, and we all laughed. We all went to bed and I woke up and their was a note instead of Brandon next to me. I picked it up and read it, "Emily, I went to see my parents and I might be their for awhile. Brandon."
I left the bedroom and Taylor, Jane, Luna, Paige, Marie, Sam, Valerie, Hyper, Brittany, and Stephanie were all sitting down whispering.
They stopped when they saw me and smiled. “Want to make this a human slumber party?" Jane suggested.
"Sure go to the big room I got some stuff in my room," I said, and tossed Taylor a small bag of money, "get some or a lot of pillows."
I went to my room and got some make up and pony ties and ran to the room Taylor got their ten minutes later. We did makeovers and pillow fights, not hard hitting, and we talked and giggled about who was cuter like me and Taylor did yesterday.
"Hey! I got an idea! What if when the boys get back we make a little noise in here so they’ll come in here and we all hide and jump them!" I said.
"Yeah!" they said, and Taylor stopped and listened a little bit.
"They are about one mile away!" she said.
I smiled and we all screamed and everyone hide Stephanie and I hide invisible by the door no one breathed. Then the door opened and they all walked in I shut the door and we all screamed and jumped them Stephanie and I pinned Brandon down from behind because he was the last inside. Jane, Hyper, Brittany, and Taylor pinned Jake down. Paige, Marie, and Luna pinned Controller down and Sam and Valerie pinned Nightmare down.
"Cheaters! Four people on me?!" Jake yelled face down on the ground.
"Well… Its just that your strong so it takes more then one girl to bring you down!" Jane said in his ear.
Then Brandon turned werewolf and Stephanie and I held on for dear life. Stephanie got flung off and Jane caught her then I was flung at the wall. We all laughed and curled up next to each other and went to sleep. I woke up by an alarm clock it said it was eight I looked around and turned it off I was only one there and I saw a note it said, "Go north of the house," I did and I saw a building. I touched the door and Brandon came out wearing a tux. Before I could say anything he put his finger over my mouth.
"Don’t talk.. " he said getting a small black box leaning on one knee, "Will you marry me?" he asked opening to reveal a diamond ring I felt tears roll down my cheeks I nodded.
He ran inside and I saw a white dress get put over me I looked to see Stephanie shock and happiness swept over me. She walked me in and I saw Brandon at the end of the red rug. Their was pink flowers on a row on one side of the rug that had two benches and pink flowers on another row of two benches on other side their was pink decorations all around the room. On the left side the front bench sat Luna near the wall Jane in the middle and Jake next to Jane and one sit open I guessed was where Stephanie was going to sit. Behind that bench Paige sat near the wall and Marie on the end. On the other side on the first bench sat Controller near the wall next to Sam and next to her sat Valerie and one the end Nightmare sat. On the bench behind them sat Hyper at the end next to Brittany and Hyper at the end. They all looked at me smiling as I walked to where Brandon was standing smiling I saw a priest, a vampire priest to make the marriage official. Stephanie sat at the end bench on the left and I faced Brandon I stared into his eyes and soon it was over he placed the ring on my finger. Some music played and we all paired up, but controller who was playing the music.
"This what you been vanishing off too?" I asked when we were dancing.
"No, I got a job to buy the ring Hyper built this place and Brittany decorated. The priest was a friend of Luna’s," he replied.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too and I always will," he whispered back, and we both kissed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2010

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