
Cahpter 1
alice walked in to her comrads rooms and gentely shook him awake "hatter, hatter!"
"What?" the hatter asked sleepily, the late night tea party he went to yesterday was catching up to him. he gave a sigh "im getting to old for this."
"hatter, your twenty!" alice said, then remember what she came here for added "the queen has asked for the four rullers to attened a peace meeting"
"another one, why cant she understand that the only reason there is no pice is because she wont listen to our brillient ideas."
"Why should she listen to you, you are mad after all."
"labels, lables, labels what is this world coming to." alice sighed, this man was compleatly sensless.
"by the way, the tea cups have reported that there is unexpected activity in the northern region(cats region) and the eastern region (queens region)."
"I hope they revil this at the peace meeting, alice, what is peace?"
"are you being seriouse?" alice asked in dismay
"i think so."
"no war, evryone working together," alice looked at the hatter thoughtfully, seeing his face deep in thought always gave her a sence of comfort.
"oh, ok then when, and where is this anti-war meeting?"
"in two hours in my region(southern) but, we are in the capital of your region so we should, probaly leave now."
Chapter 2
Alice and the hatter were riding in a carrige to the southern region. THe mad hatter was asleep and was humming what appered to be a nursery ryme. Alice was smiling at her friends inocence he always seemed so... abnormal. AS they hit the a bump in a road, the hatter awoke" pie! ther pie is attacking!"
" what nonsense are you screaming now?"
" huh were are we?"
"dont just ingor me!"
" i think i want some tea."
" Hatter!"
" oh alice! i diddnt see you there!" alice stomped on his foot and curled up in a ball.
" jerk!" hatter moved next to alice and put a arm around her. he leaned in close and wispered.
"alice im sorry please come out and play i brought tea!" the hatter was searching through his pocket and pulled his table, and a few assorted tea cups out.
" I hate it when you do that!" the hatter smilled
" but its os fun putting you in a state of wow! row row row you tub gently axcross the street mearilly happily a madders hat for me!"
" stop twisting the words around" alice said through a mouthfull of tea, sadly some spilled on her dress, they both laughfed.
" my dear, havent you bean taught not to talk with your mouthfull!" Befor alice could ansewr the carrige came to a halt. " oh joy the meeting i forgot!"
" you did realy, hatter why do you think your hear?" the hatter shrugged
Chapter 3
Alice was happy to be home again, but for the resons she would rather be away. Hatter on the other hand, was as pleasing and joyfull as boy on his birthday. Quite fasinated by the portratits and ordaments of the halls.
The hatter was escorted to his guest chambers, and alice to her quarters.
After an hour or so of unpacking and visiting with the servants. Hunger led them to the dining hall, were a fest, mighty and grand, lay out waiting.
The dinner lasted a half an hour at most, they, at lest alice, thought this be an asappropiet time to call metting.
The queen, and the cat walked in in a queer fashionthe queen wobbled her way to her char struggiling to stay a foot. The cat on the other hand floated in, and twirrled into a combination of summer saults before landing gracefully into he pulled out chair. The meeting had begun.


Texte: storyline
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2009

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