
Hannah's POV

Why do I have to move back here? Where he is? The person that broke my heart and humiliated me. The person who crushed my heart, made fun of me and who is at fault that I was nearly raped.

Right now my new school. The school where my first love and the person who ruined my life is, and that person is Mike Megal.

The flashbacks flow inside my head.


There I see him in the middle of hall. Today is valentines day and I am about to confess to him. I gather all my courage and go to him.

I stand in front of him with my hands shaking a bit. Slowly I look up at him and our eyes meet.

-I l...I…like you.- I said with quiet voice.

There is pure quiet for few seconds. And then I hear what I feared the most.

-Are you freaking kidding me ? Do you think I am an idiot? Listen clearly here you nerd bitch, there is no fucking way I would ever be with you.- He said and pushed me away.

I heard everybody laugh and my heart brake in thousand peaces.

I felt sharp pain when somebody suddenly kicked my back and when I looked up I saw our schools quinka Linzy. Soon many other hits followed and I felt tears fall from my eyes. I looked up and everybody was blurry but I could see smile on Mike’s face.

I saw him walk away and laughing.

I don’t know for how long the kick continued but to me it seemed like ages till I heard my only friends voice.

-You freaks get away from her!!!- My best and only friends, Lucas said.

I felt somebody touch my back and when I looked up I saw Lucas’s sweet face.

-Mu…- I said weakly and fell in his arms.

-Those bastards!! I am sorry for not coming sooner.- Lucas said and picked me up and carried me to infirmary.

Lucas was my only friend, he was only who didn’t turn back on me when my bullying started. He always protected me.

[Flashback end’s]

After that incident my bullying got even worst. The near rape incident made my parents move me to Korea for five years. My mom , Kathy, cried every night, saying that she is bad mother for not protecting me. My dad was looking strong but sometimes I could hear him cry as well.


Our PE just ended and I was only one left in locker room.

-Look who we have hear? The nerds bitch.- I heard some voices and when I turned around I saw three seniors. They where smirking and I felt shivers run through my spine.

I quickly grabbed my bag and tried to leave but one of them grabbed me by hand and pushed me against the wall.

I fell on the ground and I felt them grab my hands and tie them behind my back.

-Let’s have some fun hear.- Said one of the seniors and turned me around and pushed me against wall harshly.

-N…no…pl..plea…please…le..let me g…go…- I stuttered in fear.

I felt burn on my left cheek and I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Tears started to poor out of my eyes.

-Shut up you bitch!- yelled the senior that was holding my from moving.

I started to struggle when I felt one of seniors hands move under my shirt.

I felt fear and disgust when he did that.

I started to cry out loudly and begged for them to stop but once again I was hit.

The guy cursed and ripped my shirt open. My tears stained my cheeks and traveled down my neck. The taste of blood mixed with my tears and I felt the urge to vomit.

My fear and panic grew bigger when I saw the eyes of senior. They where full of hunger and something that I couldn’t explain.

-NO!!! LET ME GO!!!- I yelled and tried to free my hands but then I felt on of the seniors grab me by my hair and then they hit my head against wall harshly. I felt warm blood flow down the side of my forehead.

The fear and pain took over my body and the only thing I could do was cry.

I felt one of the seniors go down to my pants and unbutton them.

My body didn’t listen to me. I wanted to fight against them but the pain was too much for me to bear.

-YOU BASTARDS LET HIM GO!!- I heard Lucas’s voice and I knew I was saved.

I let my eyes close and the only sound I heard for next ten minutes was punches and cursing.

-Lucas take him away.- I heard Lucas's brother, Jim’s voice.

Strange, Jim never liked me so why is he helping.

-I’m sorry for not protecting you.- I heard Lucas's voice that full of saddens and then I felt something cover my body and untie my hands.

-I will deal with them, you take the poor kid home and it would be better if you tell his parents what happened. He cant keep up with this.- I heard Jim’s voice but then I didn’t hear anything, only dripping of my blood.

[End of flashback]

Luca did tell my parents about this and Kathy immediately transferred me to school in Korea and we moved there.

Now after five years I am finally back. Changed. I don’t wear my glasses anymore. I have blonde hair in place of black pony tail . My new uniform looks perfectly on me with my black jacket, that has silver colored flower with silver feathers on my right chest pocket, open and my shirt that has two from top open. The shirt goes till lower then my hips and i have black short skirt, wearing black high heels.

I walk confidently in the school’s building and head to my new classroom. At least I know that Lucas is there waiting for me.

I reach the classrooms doors and open them. I am greeted by teachers warm smile and she invites me in.

-This is your new classmate, she transferred here from Korea so please be nice to her. Now introduce yourself and then go sit next to Lucas.- Teacher said and smiled.

-wow she is so hot.-

-Man I would go crazy from her.-

-Shee is so cute.-

-is she even a girl? She's more like angel.-

I heard whispers. They really didn’t know who I am. But I know who are they. They are the people who bullied him.

-Hello everyone, my name is Hannah Mindey and with many of you I was classmates in middle school.- As soon as these words left my mouth, every bodies eyes widened and I could hear gasping.

And then my eyes landed and two persons that I hated the most. Mike and Kevin.

I smirked when I saw the shocked expressions on their faces.

-Hannie!!!- I looked to my right and saw smiling Lucas.

He is the only one who knew that I am coming back, this is gonna be fun.

Chapter 2

Hannah’s POV

I walked and sat down next to Lucas who hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. He smiled at me.

-I missed you Hannah.- He said happily.

-I missed you too.- I said and smiled at him.

-Lucas, Hannah. Quiet!- our teacher said and we slightly bowed and kept quiet for the rest of the of the lesson.

All the time while lesson kept going I kept feeling stares on my back. It actually felt really uncomfortable.

I turned around and saw both Mike and Kevin looking at me.
Mike had black hair and his well built body could bee seen even thought he whore the uniform, Kevin on other hand had blonde hair and he as well had well built body.

They where getting on my nerves so I decided to do something to piss them of more. I gathered all my strength and courage and showed them “finger”.

Now Kevin was looking at me with shocked expression while Mike’s shocked expression soon became into smirk.

I turned my attention back to teacher who was teaching class.

Soon the lesson ended and I packed my bag. I wanted to ask Lucas where is our next class but he grabbed me by my hand and dragged me away. He dragged me all the way to the rooftop.

-Lucas, aren’t we supposed to go to our next lesson?- I asked him but he just smiled.

-Let’s skip it. I haven’t seen you for five damn years!- He happily exclaimed and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged him back.

-I missed you too.- i said and I felt the hug tighten.

After hugging for few minutes we finally parted away and sat on the ground.

-So tell, what happened to you in these five years.- Lucas said and put his head in my lap.

I sighted and closed my eyes.

-It was okay.- I said trying to avoid the subject but guess he knew that.

-Hannah, please tell me the truth.- He said and I took deep breath. first my mom wanted to transfer me alone but for first three years she and dad came with me. For two years I couldn’t step out of my new house. I was scared and I guess I gave in to the fear. My mom hired best home school teacher but all of them where women because I was scared of being touched by another male. The only person who could do it was my dad and cousin. For two years I never took step outside the house and I spent my days in my room listening to music. For few month’s I couldn’t even sleep. I would wake up in the middle of night screaming and crying. I had nightmares every time I closed my eyes and in the beginning my mom always slept next to me. Honestly my nightmare never ended. Even now there are time when I have those dreams and fear and paranoia takes over me.- I said and opened my eyes to look at bright blue sky.

-Hanna…sorry…- Lucas said and I just patted his head.

-It’s not your fault Lu. After two years of being in the house I decided to take my first steps outside. I went out without saying anything to my parents. I walked around and saw park so I went there. It was so beautiful there and also there I met my first friend in Korea. He was a guy. He was nice to me even thought I was just stranger. At first I still couldn’t be able to let him touch me and he understood it. We talked for hours and we became friend. When I went home I saw crying mom and dad and only then I understood that I have to get better so I tried to do it. Me and that person met everyday in the park and slowly he helped me overcome my fear. He said that I have to be strong not only for myself but also for people dear to me, because they are in pain as well. Slowly I did it. I started going to school and made new friends.Soon after that my parents came back because of the business. I changed myself in order to get stronger but I still think that I am weak. That person is still my friend and I still met him every day at park, I even told him that I am mowing back to Korea but never once did he tell me his name. I called him Moko.- I said and looked at Lucas.

He had painful expression on his face. One full of regret and sorrow.

-Lu, don’t make that face. Nothing is your fault, you actually saved me. If it weren’t for you then I would have probably…- I was cut of by doors of rooftop opening and when I looked in the door direction I saw Kevin there.

-Kevin…- I heard Lucas say.

So they call him like that.

-Lu, I will go and look around, okay?- I asked and he nodded unwillingly.’

I rifled his hair with smiled and he sat up removing his head from my lap. I smiled and stood up. I took my bag and walked in the direction of doors while Howon or Hoya walked straight at me. He stopped right in front of me.

-Move.- I said with cold tone.

- I want to talk.- He said firmly,

I laughed.

-You, all mighty Kevin, want to talk to me? Wow just because you are kinga hear you think I will feel happy because you want to talk to me? Well I got news for you, I don’t want to talk or see you. It’s enough that we are classmates.- I said and was about to walk away when he grabbed me by my hand and turned to face him.

-I’m sorry.- he said and this made me laugh even more.

-Heh, you weren’t sorry when everybody used to beat me up and call me names. You weren’t sorry when those bustards tried to rape me. You weren’t sorry when you decided to abandon somebody who despite you being poor was willing to be your friend wholeheartedly. You weren’t sorry when your father got rich and you ignored me. So don’t dare to say that word because know that I will never forgive anyone who used to hurt me.- I said and pulled my hand out of his grip.

I walked till the door and then turned around.

-And so just so you know I HATE YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY.- I said and walked away.

While walking around this new school memories of me being bullied flowed in my head an suddenly I heard oh so familiar cheers.

This time it wasn’t memory, somebody was being bullied it just like I was. I looked to my right and saw crowd of people. I walked closer and there I saw Mike with girls all over him smirking and looking at boy, who was crying and holding his books and broken glasses.

I felt rage boil inside of me. Nothing has changed. If it is not me then it is somebody else. I saw people just walking by or looking with pity in their eyes.

I detest these people even more. They are not laughing but they are just watching. They are even worse for those who are laughing.

I decided to step in. I walked true the crowd of people and bended down in front of the crying boy.

-Here, let me help you.- I said and took some of his textbooks.

I saw boys shocked expression. I smiled and helped him up.

-let’s go.- I saw and glared at the crowd that was now silent. Slowly they made path for me and the boy.

We started waling until I heard his, Mike’s, voice.

-What do you think you are doing? I am not finished with him.- he said and showed the girls away.

I felt the boy tremble and I pushed him behind my back.

-You are lower that dog.- I said and slapped him hard.

Chapter 3

Hanna’s POV

-You are lower than dog.- I said and slapped him hard.
I heard loud gasps and everybody had their eyes widened.
I kept looking straight at Mike who was the most shocked. He looked at me with widened eyes.
-What? What you gonna do to me after I hit you, Mike? Are you going to order for somebody to beat me up like in middle school? Hah, I will tell you one thing, never again will I fear you or let you do the same of what you did to me!! Never!! I wont let you ruin somebody’s life just because you are a arrogant spoiled brainless idiot, who dosent care about anything but who would be next person that you would fuck.- I said and his eyes grew even wider.
I didn’t even wait for his reply when I turned around, grabbed boys arm and dragged him away from that place.
-Hey, where is the infirmary?- I asked him when I saw his bleeding hand that started to stain his textbooks.
-Eh? Do…down the h…hall…first floor a…and left.- He stuttered.
I nodded and dragged him even faster.
We quickly reached infirmary and when we entered I saw that there was nobody there. I sighted and made boy sit on one of the beds. I went to search for some medicine to apply on his wound and also bandages.
-take of your jacket.- I ordered him and he did as I told him.
i rolled up his shirt and then cleaned his wound with water. It wasn’t that bad. I bandaged his wound and then smiled at him.
-Thank you.- he said quietly and lowered his head.
-But you shouldn’t have done that. Now they will probably bully you as well.- he said in sad tone.
I put my hands on his shoulders and looked straight in his eyes.
-Listen to me. I helped you from my own free will and I am not afraid of those like him. Also, where are your friends, why weren’t they helping you?- I asked and I saw tears swell up in his brown eyes.
- I don’t have any. Nobody wants to get bullied so they avoid me.- he said with broken voice.
-Than meet me, Hanna Mindey, your new friend.- I said with big smile and I saw his eyes widen.
He looked in disbelief at me but soon he burst out in tears and hugged me.
-Thank you.- he cried while hugging me and I hugged him back.
-Also soon you will have another friend. I have known him since I was in middle school.- I said when he finally stopped crying and released me from hug.
-Are you sure he will want to be my friend?- he asked shyly.
He was so cute.
-Yup, when I was in middle school I was also bullied by the same jerk as you but that person was the only friend who didn’t abandon me and he even helped me. You don’t need to worry about him.- I said with reassuring smile.
He smiled and hugged me once again.
-Oh by the way, what’s your name?- I asked and looked at him.
-Nick.- he said with smile.
-Hehe you have any siblings?- I asked him as I got more comfy on the infirmary bed.
-Yup, I have older brother, who came form Kore yesterday and he will come to this school in three days..- he said with smile.
-really, that’s cool. I have friend in Korea but I never got to know his name. I always called him Moko.- I said and heard bell rang.
-You should go now, I will be fine.- Nick said and I nodded.
-Bye bye Nick.- I waved him goodbye and run off.
After looking in schedule I saw that my next lesson is PE, I remembered where the dressing rooms where from what Luca told and quickly run to get changed.
I quickly changed in plain black sleeveless v-neck t-shirt and black short. I pulled my hair in pony tail and run to gym.
-Hannie!!- I hear Luca yell and I smiled.
I run to him and saw that there was another guy standing next to him. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
-Hannie, meet Ed, he is captain of basketball team that I am in. Ed, this is my best friend who just came back from Korea.- Luca introduced us and I shook hands with him.
Soon I heard girls yell and scream and when I looked up, I saw Mike and Kevin enter the gym.
Just grate.
Soon after that teacher came and told that we will be playing dodge ball.
Teacher assigned captains and they where Mike and Kevin. I was in the same team as Mike, but lucky for me so was Luca and Ed.
After fifteen minutes in game, our team only had left me, Luca and Mike. In our team every girl except for me where hit out first.
On Other team was Kevin and five other guys.
Ed was hit out when he protected me from the ball. I was really athletic to begin with and I liked playing dodge ball.
Soon I had ball and I hit out Kevin. Everybody was amazed and guys from my team, who where out, cheered for me.
Mike had ball and soon I felt big pain on the back of my head and I fell on the ground harshly.
-What’s your problem!?- I heard Luca yell.
What happened?

Chapter 4

Hannah’s POV

:uca helped me to walk till locker room because my head was still hurting and I felt really dizzy.

-Hannah, lie down, I will get some ice for you.-Luca said and I lead on the bench and closed my eyes.

-I will be back soon.- he said and I juts nodded.

After few minutes I heard doors open and somebody walking to me. I wanted to open my eyes but a warm hand covered them. Then it mowed to my forehead and then it gently and slowly rubbed my hurting side.

The hand was warm and gentle.

-Sorry.- the voice said and I realized that it wasn’t Luca. I opened my eyes and saw Kevin looking at my with eyes full of hurt, pain, sadness and love.

I brushed his hand away and quickly sat up.

Wrong move.

My dizziness grew and I felt my body falling but Kevin caught me. He didn’t say a word and helped me lean against the wall. He sat down next to me and held me from falling down.

I didn’t say anything to him. I felt his eyes looking at me but I ignored him.

-Hannah I…- he wanted to say something but I cut him of.

-Don’t. Don’t say anything. It is hard for me to be near you so please just let me be. Plus leave, this is girl locker room.- I said and closed my eyes.

-I cant. Please don’t ignore me.- he said in broken voice.

-Kevin I said…- he cut me of.

-Please Hannah, I am sorry for what I did. I really am. Please forgive me and give another chance.- he begged.

-I cant. Not after what I have been true. Understand me and leave alone.- I said and I felt tear slid down my face.

I never thought that it would be this hard to face him.

I opened my eyes when I felt him standing up.

-What do you want for me to do? If you want I will beg on my knees in front of entire school.- he said with pained expression.

I wanted to answer but Luca entered.

I looked at him and he looked at me and then at Kevin.

-Leave.- I said and turned my head away so I would be facing him.

He looked at me once again before leaving.

Luca didn’t say anything and came to me. He gently put the ice on my hurting side of head and I smiled at him weakly.

Kevin’s POV

I walked out of locker room and headed to one place that I felt I would be free. Rooftop. I quickly run there and when I opened doors I saw nobody there. I took few steps further and then I fell on my knees. Tears falling from my eyes. I was crying. I haven’t cried for so long. I remember when I cried when my mom passed away the one who comforted me was Hannah. I have loved her ever since then. I wasn’t rich when I was small kid and Hannah was the only person who wanted to be my friend. I know I did wrong. I know that and I regret it so fucking much. I wish I could go back to past. I wish I would have never left her when we entered muddle school. I wish I would have been the one protecting her from bullying. But I didn’t. I was coward and now Hannah hates me. She wont forgive me and I know I deserve this. Remembering what Hannah told Luca about the time she was in America. I never knew that she suffered so much. I feel like the lowest of them all. I have always loved her but never once did I have courage to protect her. Why was I such a coward?

What can I do to make her forgive and love me again?

Mike’s POV

-Mike, you are so hot!!- I heard one of annoying sluts say but I juts ignored it.

I kept walking till I reached out now empty classroom.

I sat in my seat and banged my head against the table.

-WHY THE HELL DID I APOLOGIZED TO HER!!??- I yelled out loudly.


Of course I hit her with the ball because she insulted me but why did I apologize?


I banged my head against the table once again.

I leaned back in my seat and looked at ceiling.

I have to admit it. She has become so beautiful. I never thought that she would come back after I paid those guys to rape her. But honestly I am happy that her friend saved her.

I was so shocked to see her back and this beautiful. Never once did I thought that she would become this beautiful. I knew she was beautiful and that’s why I bullied her, but never I would I have guessed this. On top of that she saved my new toy that I bullied and she even insulted me.

She sure is the first to do that. She has changed so much.

-AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!- I yelled loudly.

Even so, why did I say that I am sorry? Why didn’t I just laugh at her and why did my heart hurt to see her hurt like that?

I cant be liking her! I already got rid of my feelings for her after she left!! I cant fall for her again!!

But she is so beautiful…NO!! I Can’t!!

-L!- I heard my newest girlfriends, Sarah’s voice.

I looked at her and she run and sat next to me. She tried to act cute and it was so annoying.

She hugged my hand and kissed me on cheek.

-Mike, let’s go on a date.- She said in really girly voice that sounded so disgusting.

…you are an arrogant spoiled brainless idiot, who doesn’t care about anything but who would be next person that you would fuck….

Suddenly her words run through my head.

-it’s over slut.- I said to the girl and pushed her of me.

-Wh…why?- she said with fake tears in her eyes.

-heh because you are a slut and I’m not into sluts.- I said and smirked at her.

Soon I saw a smirk on her face as she moved closer to me and unbuttoned top two buttons of her shirt.

-Mike, then let’s have some fun, what do you say?- she said and leaned closer to me.

-What a slut.- I said and pushed her of and walked to doors.

-You won’t find anyone better then me!! Every girl is the same here, you know because you have fucked half of them. You know that I am the best you can get in this place so why not take it.- She said with smirk and sat on my chair, crossing her legs and playing with her hair.

Hannah’s face appeared in my head.

- I already have seen better.- I said and walked away.

While walking true hallway I couldn’t think o logical reason why I rejected her.

Seriously she was the biggest slut and the best in bed in entire school so why did I reject her? If it would have happened before I would have banged her countless times but now when she is offering herself I just reject her? And why the hell that Hannah’s face appeared in my head when she said there is no one better?

SHIT!! What is happening to me?


Texte: the copyrights belong to me dark1995 or on other site (AFF) known as 1995dark.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.11.2011

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