

"Push baby push!" Zane was yelling into my ear. I screamed from the excruciating pain, and a small cry echoes in the room. "It's a boy!" the nurse yells. "We have to get the girl now, come on, PUSH!" the doctor yelled. The next pain came and I screamed twice as loud. My baby girl's cry filled the room along with her brothers. I was breathing heavily when the doctor asked, "Do you know the names?" I smiled slowly.
"Yes, Shane Cole Daniels and Shylie Anne Daniels. My baby boy and girl." Somehow freshman year wasn't so bad after all. Because I was in the hospital, they gave me work and tests here and I passed all years work, in just 6 and a half months. So I finished my freshman year, I can focus whole-heartedly on raising my babies. And you thought I was just another SKATER GIRL.

A Surprise!

"Shane Cole Daniels! If you don't come here right now, so help me...!" I was cut off abruptly as Zane wrapped his strong muscular arms around my waist. He kissed my neck as Shane bounded the corner. "Mommy, Daddy! Uncle Kay is after me!" Just then, as if on cue, Kay appeared from the corner and grabbed the small boy. Kay came and brought the struggling little menace to me. I tickle the little monkey on his tummy and watched him laugh uncontrollably. His black hair tangled, his hazel eyes bright, despite it being 5:30 in the morning.
"Mommy?" I hear an adorable little voice whisper. I turn my head to see Shylie coming out of the twins' room. She looked amazingly cute in her little nightgown. The blue of it made her baby blue eyes stand out. She looked at her brother tiredly and yawned. Zane went and picked her up effortlessly. She snuggled into her father's arms, while he played with her straight black hair. The twins, being two years old, will officially start pre-school. Zane tries to dress the screaming and thrashing Shane, while I dress the calm, easygoing Shylie.
Ever since they were first born, Shane has been a handfull. He got his mid-night black hair from his father and his hazel eyes from me. He is always energetic, and loves to play sports with his daddy. He is very protective of his little sister. Shylie got her hair and eyes from her daddy, but got her face from me. She has always been treated as the little princess, but she is extremely kind. She is always calm, and likes to help her big brother when he hurts himself playing a bit too hard.
Just as we finished dressing the little rascals, I heard the doorbell ring. I walk down the stairs slowly in my worn out jeans and tye-dye shirt. I open the door and see two faces I thought I would never see again.

The Rents are Back!

On my porch stood a tall man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and a graceful woman with bleach-blonde hair and blue eyes. My Parents. What the hell are my parents doing here?! They left and went to Japan, they said they had too much business and they needed to move there. I asked them to stay, I was only ten, but they decided work was more important. So, me and Kay decided to move out the mansion, yes I said mansion, and go to our small Summer Home. They weren't supposed to even know that we lived here!
"Hello there Krissy, what on Earth are you doing at this house? I asked the maids where you are and they told me you told them you got permission from us to stay here." I nodded. My father smiled and pulled me into a big hug, my mother was softly crying in the background. "Hey, who's at the door?!" Kay yelled from the top of the stairs. When he reached the bottom, mom saw him and ran into the house and threw her arms around his neck. Dad walked behind her and fist pounded him, then mom came and engulfed me in a hug as well. Though I hate to admit, I really missed them.
"Mommy!" Shane and Shylie yelled running down the stairs, Zane trailed behind them. My parents eyes went to the kids then to me. Shane ran to my parents while Shylie hid behind my legs. "Hiya, who are you?! Are you some of mommy and daddy's friends?! Do you like cake?!" Shane babbled in his excited voice. My mother turned to me with her eyebrows raised, my father was staring at Shane.
"Um, mom dad, I'd like you guys to meet Shane and Shylie, your grand kids." My mother's eyes widened, and my father's jaw dropped to the floor, soon followed by him. OMG, my dad just passed out, maybe I shouldn't have told him. My mother ran and hugged me. "I'm a granny?" She asked in a teary voice. When I nodded, she hugged me tighter. "Can I hug them?" I nodded. "Shane, Shylie, come here." I said to the twins. They walked to us and my mother threw her arms around them.

You Have Kids?!

When I heard that my baby girl, Krissa, had children, my jaw dropped. A cloud of darkness surrounded me, then everything was engulfed in a black swirl. I awoke with a headache, and everything was slowly coming back into focus.
My wife, Kaitlyn, was leaning over me with a worried expression. The two children were peering from behind her legs to look at me. That little girl has Krissy's face alright. "Honey, look! Our grandchildren! Aren't they adorable?!," Katie rambled on to me. She turned her attention to the twins, "Twins, this is grandpa." She smiled. I'm barely 40 and I have two grandchildren. I knew being gone was going to affect them, I didn't expect my baby girl to get pregnant and have children before the age of 20.
I know what you're thinking, why did he leave? How cruel can a father be? But honestly,I was a bit rough as a kid. Well, to be perfectly honest, I was a delinquent. I smoked, stole, cheated, and roughed up other gangs. But when I met Katie, I cleaned up my act, made myself a good fortune, and had two lovingly adorable kids. But when Krissa was 10, Kay 12, I had to leave to deal with some threatening old enemies of mine. Katie found out about my past, and decided to help me with dealing with it. We left the kids here, while we went to Japan to deal with the rotten bastards who threatened to kill my kids if I didn't go back. That guy got what he deserved 2 months ago!
I looked at my wife then the children, they are adorable. I hold out my arms and the little boy comes running in my arms, while the little girl hides behind Katie's legs. "She's a bit shy." Katie says to me, then turns to the girl. "Go on sweetie." The little girl came and wrapped her tiny arms around my leg.
"What are your names?" I asked the little ones. "I'm Shane Cole." The little boy says in an excited voice. He's basically jumping around the house. "I.. I'm Sh.. Shy.. Shylie Anne." The little girl says in a shy voice and hides behind Katie's legs again. Krissy's always been good with picking names. I turned to my wife.
"Where's Krissy and Krishten?" I asked her. "Krishten's at college, and Krissy went with her fiance to do some errands." I nodded looking at the kids then turned sharply to her. "Her fiance!?" She nodded.


So after the whole Parents-Come Back scenario, Krishten left for work and I left the twins with mom so me and Zane could go do some errands. I told mom about Zane being my fiance, and she totally squealed like a five year-old.
We then pulled into the parking lot of the laundromat to get our dry-cleaning. We quickly finished getting our dress clothes and went back in the car. Then Zane suddenly asked me, "Kris, why don't you ever talk to me about your parents?"
I faced the window and replied, "I don't know, it's just and uncomfortable subject. Mom and Dad just left, they gave no reason or location. They just went." I hardly ever talked about my parents to anyone. They abandoned me, i was 10! I just missed them and felt like they let me down.
Zane nodded then drove us to the house. I opened the door to be tackled by two little monsters. I ruffled Shane's hair and quickly got off the floor. My parents came into the view as Zane made his way into the kitchen with the twins. I turned to my dad and asked him, "Wanna tell me what happened to you?" My father nodded his head. "Okay then," I turned to the kitchen door. "Shane, Shylie! Nap Time!" Shane came bounding out of the kitchen with a sippy cup of milk in his hand that was half gone. Shylie walked into the room and held both her hands up after she gave me her sippy cup. I picked her up and walked up the stairs to the twin's room.
I opened the door and carried Shylie to the 5 foot gate that was a couple feet from the twin's beds. I had the gate built because once we got rid of the cribs they would always get out of bed and it would drive me crazy! I opened the gate and placed Shylie in her neon hot pink bed. Zane came in with a suprisingly dozing off Shane. He handed me Shane, and I put him in his neon electric blue bed. We shut and locked the gate and went downstairs after turning the baby monitor on.

Their Reason For Leaving

After we put the kids to bed for a nap, we slowly walked down the stairs. We strode into the living room where her parents sat on one of the two couches. Kris and me sat on the couch across from them, I grabbed Kris's hand and held it in my lap. She turned and smiled at me, then turned back to her parents with a serious expression. I just realized that we forgot to bring the twins to daycare. I guess they'll go tomorrow. just then her father began.
"Okay so here it goes, i moved away for your own safety. When I was your age, I was a bit of a delinquent. I was in a gang, I smoked, i stole, and of course i did drugs." He stopped to look at Kris. Her face was serious in concentration, listening completely to his story. "And then one day, I messed with the wrong people. When you were 10, they decided to get revenge on me. They threatened that if I didn't go to Japan, they would hurt you and Kay." Kris looked at her father with tear-filled eyes and jumped at him. She wound her arms around his neck and held onto him tightly. Her mother stood up and wrapped her arms around them both. I felt somewhat weird just sitting here, but oh well.
I hugged my father for another minute then let go and sat back down beside Zane. "Dad, since your back, I thought I should get you caught up. This is Zane," I said grabbing Zane's hand. "And he is my fiance and the father of the twins."
"Well, you always seem to amaze me." My father said in a humorous voice. I giggled and leaned on Zane. We were in the middle of getting caught up when we heard some noises stirring from the twin's room. Oh boy, the twins were up.
I got up and walked upstairs to the twin's room and opened the door. Shane was standing at the gate entrance while Shylie was sitting on her bed just staring at him. I unlocked the gate and opened it up and Shane came rushing out. He hugged my legs then ran out the room. I giggled then went to get Shylie. She's not much of wake-up person. I picked her up and walked down the stairs.
Once we were in the living room, I set Shylie down.She walked over to my mom and sat in her lap. "Hey guys, wanna go to the park?" The twins jumped up and down in excitement. My parents and Zane nodded, so I went to the hall to get the twins' shoes. I quickly put shoes on them and grabbed my purse.

The Park

I was so so happy when mommy brought grandpa and grandma over today, though I was kinda sad when we missed our first day of pre-school. Right now we're walking to the park, and I'm running with Shane ahead of them. Mommy said we could go play, and since daddy was sitting there with a funny look on his face, I pulled on his jeans to get his attention. Daddy looked down at me and smiled, I pulled his hand taking him with me to the swings on the other side of the playground. He pushed me and I decided to ask him.
"Daddy?" I waited until he looked at my face. "Why do you look so funny when you are around mommy's mommy and daddy. Where's your mommy and daddy?" He looked at me funny. He stopped pushing me on the swing and picked me up.
"Shylie, sweetie. My mommy and daddy are in the next town over, that's why I never bring you guys over. That and I'm not really accepted over there. They wanted me to be something I didn't wanna be, so I left. Did you know that I have a brother?" I shook my head no. "I do, two in fact." I smiled.
"Can we go see them today?" I asked daddy with a big smile on my face. He looked at me a moment and smiled back. "I'll see what I can do." was his answer. He went to mommy and they talked for a couple of minutes. So I went to go play with Shane. "Hey, hey, Shy!" I turned to him as he tried to get my attention. "Do you want to push me on the swing?" I nodded okay and pushed him for a little bit. I was beginning to get a bit thirsty so I went to mommy to see that she was packing up to leave.
After about 20 minutes at the park, my parents decided to retire for the night. "Hey, Baby." I said to Zane as I pushed onto my tip toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. He had come to me from pushing Shy on the swing. He pulled us to the bench as we watched the twins play.
"Honey, Shy asked me the weirdest thing today. She asked me why I looked weird when I saw you and your parents." I watched him closely as he finished his sentence. He was probably remembering about his parents.
Apparently his parents wanted him to follow in his father's foot steps and become a doctor after graduating from Harvard. His mother and father had picked out jobs for each of their three sons. Zane's eldest brother, Zachary, was a CEO, just like his parents wished for. Zane's second eldest brother, Zedidiah, was a real estate agent, again chosen by their parents. But Zane didn't want to be a doctor, he wanted to teach service dogs.
Zane's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "And after she said that, and watching how your parents reacted to the kids, I kind of wanted to introduce the twins to my parents. I mean, my parents don't even know about them." I slapped his cheeks softly. He looked at me with such sadness in his eyes, I knew that he needed to show the kids to his family.
"Sweetie, stop babbling. Of course I understand. How about we call your parents up and see if we can come over today. It's only 2 o'clock, we have time today, and it seems you really want this and I'm fine, so calm down." He nodded and leaned into me so that his face was in the crook of my neck. It was times like this, when I questioned him being older than me.
"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" I turned a bit to see Shane running to me. "Shylie was pushing me on the swing, and then she wasn't looking anymore, and the the swing hit her, and then she flew, and then, and then!" he paused to take a breath "and then she was on the ground and bleeding!" I quickly stood up and ran over to where Shy was sitting. She had fallen and scrapped her knee. Blood was trickling down her leg and she just stared at me as I wiped the blood with a tissue that I had in my purse. It was strange how she would never really cry when she got badly hurt, yet Shane would cry so much over a paper cut.
I poured a little water on her knee, then put a band-aid on it. She smiled at me sweetly and then ran off to the slide. Shane followed her silently, while I made way back to Zane. I pulled out my phone as I sat next to Zane and gave it to him. I gave him a reassuring smile, and he dialed his parents number. I heard a bit of murmuring as Zane stated who he was, and then Zane smiled at me handing my phone back. "We're going to meet my parents!" he exclaimed.

Zane's Parents

Kris busted out laughing at my outburst, and the twins rushed over thinking something was wrong. I picked Shy up and said, "Well, baby girl, ready to meet my mommy and daddy?" She smiled brightly and nodded her head eagerly. I was still worried about going there, because I hadn't told my parents about Kris or the twins. I can only imagine their reactions. We quickly walked home and set the kids in their room so me and Kris could take a quick shower. By the time we were dressed, the kids were hungry. We ate a small lunch, then gave the twins a quick bath. We dressed them in fancy casual.
Kris was wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jean that fit her quite nicely, and a dark grey loose fitting blouse with some plain sneakers. I wore some loose fitting jeans, and a regular black button down shirt with some red and black sneakers. Shane was wearing some bluejeans with a dark blue dressy shirt, and some black converse. Shylie was wearing a baby-blue dress that went right above her knees with some dark blue leggings and matching black converse.
We were about 5 minutes away from Zane's parents house, and I was finally starting to get nervous. I wonder if they'd like me, I mean I am the girl who got pregnant at 15, and am now home schooled. And I really hope they like the twins. We pulled into the drive way of a pretty two-story house with a white picket fence. Zane grabbed Shane out the car while I got Shylie, and began walking toward the house. He knocked on the door whilst I hid the kids behind his and mine legs. A woman in her mid-forties opened the door, and her eyes widened once she got a look at Zane. She threw her arms around him, then realized she wasn't alone.
"Oh my, how embarrassing! And who might you be?" Zane's mother asked with a hint of a blush on her cheeks. Zane rested his arm around my shoulders and said, "Mom, this is Krissa, my fiance." Her surprise was clear on her face, as she took a slight step back. He continued after he pulled the twins in front of us. "And these are our kids, and your grand kids." Her jaw dropped to the floor this time, before she composed her herself a bit, not much, but a bit. "Why don't you come in and we'll talk."
We followed her in and were led into what appeared to be the living room. Already there was three men, Zachary, Zedidiah, and Zane's father Ezequel (Eh-Zee-Key-Yell). His brothers jumped up and came to give Zane brotherly hugs and stared at me and the kids a bit oddly. "What's up everyone?!" Zane asked excitedly. I smiled lovingly at him that he finally got to see his parents after awhile. Zane's mother Lidia sat beside Ezequel, and turned toward us. "Sweetie, why don't you tell your father and brothers what you told me."
"Well," Zane started. He put his hand on my lower back and pushed me toward him and said, "Guys, this is Krissa, my fiance." He let go of me and leaned down to the kids and put a hand on each of their shoulder's. "And these are my kids." He waited a minute for that to sink in before Zedidiah screamed, "What?!"

Say What?!

I was sitting in my parents living room with my brother, Zach, and my parents, when a knock disturbs our family TV time. Well, not full family, since my younger brother Zane doesn't really interact with us anymore.Ever since he was younger, he had a wild streak in him, and when the time came, instead of becoming what our parents wanted him to be, he defied them and went his own way. I haven't heard from him in two years, and i am really wondering what's going on in his life.
My mother returns to the room with an odd expression, following behind her, I rubbed my eyes, no, following behind her is Zane, a girl in her late teens, and two young children. I can't believe Zane is here. My mother sat on the couch opposite to mine next to my father. "Sweetie, why don't you tell your father and brothers what you told me?" Her tone somewhat weird.
Zane pushed the late-teen forward some and said, "Well," he paused. "This is Krissa, my fiance." He knelt down to the two children who were obviously twins, and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "And these are my kids." he finished. I stared at him, not knowing what to say before blurting out the first thing that came to my head. "WHAT?!?!"
The little girl squeaked when my voice penetrated the silence of our stares. She hid behind my brother's legs peeking out slightly to look at me. I looked closely at the children and my heart squeezed when I noticed the resembelence they had to both of their parents. I continued to stare into the little girl's eyes, feeling myself melt. The little boy surprised us all by walking up to me and stomping on my foot. "Ouch!" I yelped in pain. I turned to glare at the boy when I notice then teenager knelt down whispering into the boy's ear. He looked scared, and slowly walked toward me.
"I'm sorry for stomping on your foot." He said without sounding sorry at all. He walked back over to his group and grabbed his sister by the hand. "Come on, he scared you, so he should say he's sorry." The little girl shook her head vigorously. The boy continued to yank the girl until we heard, "Shane." in a warning tone. The teenager had her eyes narrowed at the boy and he cowered a bit. "But you said when someone does a bad thing, they should say they're sorry. He scared my Sister, so he should say he's SORRY!"
I sighed before walking up to my brother and bending down to the little girl's height. "I'm Sorry I scared you." I said to her softly. She looked at me with the same eyes as my brother and smiled. My heart tightened, this girl's gonna have me wrapped around her finger. She walked forward and put her tiny arms around my neck in a tight hug. "I forgive you." She mumbled softly. She stepped back went to her mother saying, "Mommy, I'm tired." The teenager picked the girl up and said out loud, "I'm gonna bring the two of them home to get some early supper and call it a day. It was a pleasure meeting you all today." She left out the door with the little boy following. Then stuck her head back in, "Zane, Call me when you need a ride home."
"Soooooo," I lengthened the word. "Wanna tell us how this happened?" He shrugged his shoulders and replied. "I think you already know how it happened." I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. It was good to have my little bro back. Zach walked forward and slapped Zane on the back of the head, then enveloped him in a small Man-hug.
"Well, I assume you like this girl?" Zach wiggled his eyebrows at Zane. I couldn't help but laugh, this side of Zach was the best! Zane nodded and said. "Yeah, you wouldn't believe how much I love Kris. It was a complete surprise when she told me she was pregnant. I swear her brother was going crazy, I mean she was only fifteen. To be honest, Kris has wanted me to come here for about as long as she knew about our circumstances."
"Wait!" my father said loudly getting the attention of me and my brothers. "Before you get all caught up in our family drama, you really have kids?" he asked. I nodded yes and he looked happy as well as disappointed. "What are their names, and why didn't you ever bring them to us? Did you really hate us that much? We only wanted what was best for you."
"Calm down dad!" I said a little loud. "Their names are Shane and Shylie." I paused for minute to let that sink in. "I never really brought them here, because i thought that if I did, you would try and plan their future, like you did mine. They deserve to aspire to be who they want, and I didn't want to hinder that." My dad was now teary-eyed and my mother was full on crying. "I don't hate you guys at all, I love you and always will, I just wasn't ready to talk to you guys yet. And then when I was, I would always chicken out. I know you only did what you did out of love, so I decided to finally man up now that Kris manned up too." I paused again and Zed shot me a confused look.
"Today, Kris's parents came back after seven years, and instead of running away like I would have, she waited for their explanations and calmly discussed it with them. And then Shy asked me about you guys and I knew I had to man up, so we got the dressed and brought them over." My mother came over and hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back just as tightly. All of a sudden Kris burst through the door, looking angry as hell! Oh shishcabob, what'd I do now?
"Zane Alexander Daniels!" my family was looking at her as if she just grew another head. "Why did you have to do this to me?! Wasn't two enough for you?! Why'd you do this to me again?!" She yelled at me while crying. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in for tight hug.
"Calm down baby, I'm not following you, now explain what's going on." I told her in a soothing voice as I let go of her shoulders. My brothers were looking at me shocked, my father was looking amused, and my mother looked as if a bell just went off in her head. "You're not... are you?" my mother asked. Kris looked at her with tear filled eyes and nodded. I still wasn't following. My mother opened her arms and Kris ran into my mother waiting arms with no hesitation. "Are you sure?"my mother asked. Kris nodded and I was really confused. "what's going on?!" I asked in a panic. "I'm pregnant." Kris whispered.
Say wha?


As soon as the kids were home, I started feeling kinda off. I'd felt like this before, but I couldn't remember when. Then all of a sudden a bell went off in my head, and I was hoping, oh I was hoping, that I was wrong. I quickly called Lanie, and found that she was five minutes away. And fifteen minutes later, she was with the kids while I ran to the drug store and found what I was looking for. I quickly purchased the pregnancy tests, ignoring the clerks disapproving gaze as I took the four tests to the bathroom and put them to use. OMG!!!!
I was sitting in the car, speeding my way to Zane's parents house, while thinking about the four positive tests. Ugh, I don't know if I could handle another kid. Sure the twins were kind of easy, and I did want more, but I'm still only seventeen! As soon as I was at the house, I was in the door, and pretty mad. Man I was pregnant all right, I am hardly ever this mad.
"Zane Alexander Daniels!" I stopped. "Why did you have to do this to me?! Wasn't two enough for you?! Why'd you do this to me again?!" I stopped to breathe. Then Zane's mother, Diana, asked. "You're not... are you?" I looked at her with tears in my eyes and nodded. She opened her arms and I ran into them with no hesitation. "Are you sure?" I nodded again. "What's going on?!" Zane yelled in panic. I whispered so low, "I'm pregnant."
Zane just stared at me, then a question showed on his face. I nodded yes that I was sure. He nodded, then turned to his family. "Sorry, cane we reschedule?" They nodded. Zane had me out the door and in my regular doctor's office. We were extremely lucky her appointment for now was a no-show. She took us in and did all the stuff needed and motioned for us to sit in the room. I hate the weird jelly, but she put it on a proceeded. Me and Zane were to busy looking at each other to look at the screen.
"Congrats! You are indeed pregnant, but there is something you need to know." I looked at her worriedly and she held her hands up in a surrender position. "Everything is fine! Calm down, you don't want to upset the little ones!" I nodded then did a double take. "Yes, you are having multiples again, actually from what I can see, it's going to be triplets. By the way, you're 2 and a half months pregnant." I guess the weight I was gaining wasn't from all those cookies I've been stealing from my brother. And now that I took a good look at my stomach, there was a slight bump, OMG it's happening again. Zane was just staring into space after he heard the word triplets. I said a quick thank you, made a new oppointment, and dragged Zane to the car. We sat there for a good ten minutes just sitting in silence. "Three," I hear him whisper to himself.
I started my drive back to Zane's parents house since home was far and it was late. I knocked on the door and Diana answered. "Guys they're back!" She exclaims loudly. She stepped aside so we could walk in, and me and Zane made our way to one couch. Zach and Zed were walking in from the kitchen and Zane's parents were sitting on the couch across from us. "So, what happened?" Diana asked us in an excited voice.
"Well, I'm definitely pregnant." She squealed in delight while the men aside from Zane whooped. "But," I paused. Diana motioned for me to continue. "I'm having triplets." The whole place went silent. All of a sudden, Zach made the stupidest comment I ever heard, "How you gonna fit three of them in ya?" Everybody bust out laughing at this, and Zach seemed clueless as to why that was funny, which only made it funnier. Diana said we could spend the night and led us to a guest room, I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Triplets! Triplets? How could she have triplets? Are multiples traditions in her family? She was knocked out, so I called Lanie knowing she would have the kids. "Hey Nee-nee." I said to her cheerfully. "So, could you put Krishten on the phone?" Krishten's voice suddenly said hello. "Hey. So, bro, I don't really know how to say this, but.... Kris's pregnant again." He sighed into the phone. "With triplets." Suddenly all hell broke loose. He was screaming at me and I couldn't even make out what he was saying half the time.
I just hung up on him to give him time to process what I just told him and called Kris's parents. I told them the same thing and they had basically the same reaction. I quickly went to sleep.
I awoke to the sun shining in my face and snickering. I turn my head to see my brothers snickering at me, I sit up in bed and realize that I'm only in boxer and Kris one of my mothers night gowns. I slowly get out of bed and pull on some sweats and no shirt ignoring my stupid brothers. Walking down the stairs to the kitchen, I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat at the table. "So, how'd you and Kris meet? And how old are your kids?" Zed asks as he sat across from me, Zach at his side.
I chuckled to myself at his enthusiasm, Shy must have gotten to him with her cuteness. "Well, it was actually a funny story about the first time I met Kris. I was hanging at the skate park like always when some guy decided to challenge me at a ramp I held the record to. That was Krishten, you know, one of my best friends?" I paused then continued after their nods. "Well, on the day of our competition to see who was better, Krishten being the idiot he is, sprained his ankle and was on crutches. Instead of rescheduling he sends his feisty little sister in who was only 11, and even if I was completely awesome, she whooped my ass. For someone so small, she could skate over me anytime, and she still can!" I exclaimed laughing at the truth of my words. My brothers were laughing along with me, when I continued.
"It wasn't until two years ago that we started dating. We were at the skate park like any normal day, when all of a sudden some dude comes and kisses her. She was like a some crazy psycho that day, she started punching him and wouldn't come off until everyone pryed her fist from his face. Then she came crying to me, and I took her home where we admitted our love and made the twins." The guys busted out laughing and I did too after I realized what I said. "Oh yeah, and as you probably know now, the twins are 2." Kris suddenly appeared from upstairs and sat in the chair next to mine leaning her head on me. "We have to go home soon, the kids aren't going to be happy that we weren't there last night."


Texte: Grrrrrr! Mine!! :>
Lektorat: who ever wants to be!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.04.2012

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