
The End

I know its wrong to start at the end but what els can you do when the beginging is just as bad.

You go through life wondering if you do the right thing, but Year to the day I know that I did the rigt thing, and if I had my time again I would do it without a heart beat, beacuse one thing I learned a Year a go is that you can be good firends with people but you will never trully Know their intentions and thats why I am sat hear wirting this I did the right thing in the wrong situation .

I hurt her I know now I did but saying it now sounds better I did it for her own good if not then he would have raped her even murdered her and I would be the only one who knew the reasion why.

Year 7

In Year 7 we met in or Physical education class we both found it hard to make firends because every one had their own cliques comming from primary school I had no one they all went to other secondery schools and I tried to be nice to peoople but it always turned out wrong then we met in P.E we did not have no one els to work with so it was me and her. We grew close to each other finding out we actully had a lot in common. We likd the samee boys we had the same issues in Race exept mine were more vicious I got called every single sware word during the first three years of secondery school I wont repeat them because they are so bad, but you get the gist of it.

I also had three other firends by the end of year 7 some girls named Rachel,Kelly and Jona for some reasion she never liked them even though I did,I liked all my firends but she seemed to rely on me more.

Rachel was the nicest out of the three she lived closest to me we had our fights but we would always make up at the end of the day she lived with her dad in a 2 bed room aparment `with her 3 sisters that were lovly her dad was a single parent and did not know how to look after 4 girls but she was alsays critisized for somtrhing or the other.

Jona left in year 8 she got seriously ill with a illness called anorexia thats were you have a serious eating disoder and refuse to eat she started the first signs of it in year 7 because she was seriously bullied in year 6 people told her she was fat even though she weighed hardly anything.she was taken to a rehebilitation clinique through out the years she was in school until she could not stay becuse it distracted from her work so her mom put her into privert tutoring while she was in the rehab clinique.

Kally was really nice I almost wish she had stayed in school but Flur bullied her out saying that no one liked her but the truth was she was trying to take all off my firend agaist me and in the end she succeeded in doing that

year 8

Year 8 she was "seriously Bullied" according to her the reasion why i used the quotation marks is that her definuition of "S B" and mine was very differnt mine was being physically beaten up or Emotionally abused called horrific racial and discriminatory names that what was different hers was called somthing silly the thing is shee could of fitted in if she trusted people more instead of thinking that the world was against her and sticking up for what you belived was right that is what it meant to be bullied and if that did not work tell the teacher straight up what was going on because they had moore authority than any student would have


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2012

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To all those people who have done the right thing but have paid the price for it

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