


Algernon Abernathy, a man well known in the town of Nugene, Florida was a spirited young man at the age of 38.He had moved to Nugene at the age of 30 and built a thriving business in the Airboat rides for hire and for sale. Being from New Orleans, Louisiana he had been very cautious with his money, his friends and his women. Algernon was a lonely soul by choice. No one lived nearer than 10 miles to Al and he liked that way.
He had a shop for the Air boats in the swamp next to his house so he had all he needed all in one place. Algernon was his own mechanic so he was alone a lot of the time, just him and the boats and the smelly old swamp.The only people that rented the airboats were tourist because the locals all had their own boats.

There was a gas station down the barely passable road to Nugene where Al had to go for fuel. He carried 55 gallon drums every week to get fuel for his truck and his boats. Algernon also owned a phone and electricity at his place which the previous owner had paid for dearly. Like I said "it is 10 miles out in the swamp".

Nicky Nolan, the owner of the only bar in Nugene was always glad to see Algernon come into town.Nicky just loved to hear about the snakes and gators ..Algernon told Nick stories and Nick set up drinks on the house" for Algernon..' Boilermakers' Algernon called the drinks, a shot of Jack Daniels Black whiskey and a cold Busch beer to chase it down. They would talk about anything and everything .After a few rounds they would be caught up on everything going on and Algernon would get the fuel and go back to the shop and fill up the boats for the next week.

Joan Jackson was a busty beauty that carried herself rather well. She worked in the red light district of New Orleans as a female escort of sorts. Jo was a little on the pricey side but she thought she was worth it.Algernon had been introduced to her by a man known as Rocky Webster. Algernon took a liking to Joan right away. They had a few good times but never got too serious about each other. Jo was a girl that Algernon could really talk to. They talked about each others plans for the future and what they really wanted out of life. Algernon told Jo he was going to buy a business in Florida and try his luck .

After Algernon left New Orleans, Joan kept her business going for a number of years until the hurricane Katrina hit. Joan’s money came almost to a end. Joan talked to Rocky Webster her friend and asked him what happened to Algernon and had he heard anything about Al. Rocky told Joan that he heard Algernon had moved to a place in Florida called Nugene, down in the everglades. And that Al was doing rather well in the air boat business. Joan's eye's lit up as she thought of the chance that lay ahead for her to get her hands on Al’s money.

Rocky caught the look on Joan's face and asked” what are you thinking Jo girl”? Joan told Rocky“we are both broke and Algernon isn’t”. Rocky said "that’s right now how do we get his money? Joan thought for a minute then asked, Rocky” didn't you tell me you would not live in the everglades because there is swamp gas that can kill without leaving evidence’. Rocky said yes but what's that got to do with us and Al. Don't you see said Joan we can use the gas on Al and steal his money.” Absolutely not “said Rocky. We don't want to kill him and be caught for murder and spend our lives in prison,.
OK said Joan we will just get his money. We can just rob him because we know he won't use banks, he don't trust them, so the money will be in or near his home. That’s right Rocky so lets think how to rob him and not kill him if we don't have to, Joan said excitedly "Are we partners in this one Rocky "Yes said Rocky, but first we have to get to Nugene and get ourselves up to date on what’s going on with Algernon and the business so we can plan our moves. We will leave tomorrow said Rocky.

The next day it was raining ,as it happens a lot in New Orleans. Joan and Rocky met at the board walk cafe. Rocky was waiting for his 4x4 ford half ton pick up to be serviced before the long drive to south Florida. Rocky called Bill Bailey who owned the shop where his truck was being serviced to see why it was taking so long. Bill told Rocky that the oil drain plug was stripped and leaking oil. Bill said he would have to replace the oil pan to stop the leak. Rocky said I don't have time right now so I will just keep putting oil in when it gets low. Bill told Rocky he was taking a big chance but if he had to go to check the oil often because it could get worse on the trip. Rocky said he would keep check on it and take the chance .Joan and Rocky walked back to Bill's garage and got the truck and left out to hit I -10 east.

Rocky drove all night and the next day before they stopped. They were hungry,tired and needed to take a shower. Rocky's old truck had an air conditioner but it quit soon after they left on the trip. The weather was hot and that made for a miserable trip.
Rocky had stopped so many times to put in oil that it took up a lot of time. Rocky bought 8 quarts of oil and was down to the last quart when they found a motel..

After checking in at the motel as Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jo said she would walk to the restaurant and get them something for supper. Rocky got in the shower and was through before Jo got back from the restaurant. They ate the greasy burgers and French fries and sipped the chocolate milk shakes like it was to be their last. Jo said my time for a shower and she would be right back.
Rocky did not go to sleep though he was in bed. He was waiting for Jo and had been since they left New Orleans. When Jo got out of the shower she wrapped a towel around her and started to bed.Jo noticed Rocky was acting like he was sleeping .Jo let the towel slip down to the floor. Rocky sat up and rolled the sheets back for Jo to get in. Rocky and Jo were not really lovers but that did not matter to them at this time.

Bright and early the next morning they started on down to Nugene. They had left so hastily that Rocky was not even fully awake so Joan got under the wheel so Rocky could rest a little more. After about 50 miles a knocking noise in the engine woke Rocky.” Pull over" Rocky shouted, we need another quart of oil. Joan had got off the interstate and was on highway 41 south. Highway 41 had all been almost forgotten since the interstate came through and not a service station or store was in sight” .Damned”shouted Rocky as he put the last quart of oil in. It won't even read on the dip stick its still to low. Jo wasoutside the truck rather nervous for she didn't know what Rocky may do to her. Rocky said get out of the way you stupid fool. He got the engine started but the noise was still noticeable though not as loud..Rocky bent down and looked under the truck and saw oil dripping faster than before. Rocky said we will probably not make it but we have no choice now so let's go.

As Jo and Rocky eased down the lonely road Jo saw a farm house across a long meadow. The farm house had a fence around it so they looked for a gate. They found the gate almost covered with weeds and grass, nearly hidden from sight. Rocky pulled weeds and cut weeds till he could swing the gate open.They drove down the long narrow road to the house and parked just away from the barn.Rocky told Jo you go ask if they have a phone we can use or maybe some engine oil.They will most likely trust you than they would me. Jo went up to the house cautiously and knocked on the door. No one came so she tried thelock and the door opened. Jo called out loudly” is anyone home “several times but no answer. Rocky was looking around the barn for some oil when Jo came back and said no was home and it looked like it had been abandoned for some time .Jo told Rocky there was a phone but it was not working.Rocky cursed "that’s my damned luck".
Both Jo and Rocky kept looking for some oil but found none. .Jo saw a riding lawn mower and said” Rocky is there oil in that riding lawn mower”. Yes yes yes said Rocky as he looked for a wrench to drain the oil out so they could catch it and use it. Rocky found a rusty pair of locking pliers and some plastic jugs to catch the oil..2quarts of oil that’s all that was in the lawn mower but Rocky said maybe it will get us to a store with oil and gas. Rocky put the oil in the truck and they went on down the road.

After 5 miles they found a small store with some oil but no gas. After getting directions back to the interstate, Rocky filled the engine with oil and headed south again. Rocky bought a case of oil ,all the man had at the store and felt good about the rest of the trip. Jo had hardly spoke to Rocky since she ran the truck low on oil. Rocky put his hand on Jo's leg and said how sorry he was for getting mad at her..Joan sat and looked at Rocky like she didn't accept the apology at all.
Rocky turned on to the interstate once again. He got gas and headed south to Nugene .Full of oil and plentyin the back of the truck they made good time traveling. The next stop would be Nugene ,Florida..Just so happened Joan and Rocky stopped at Nick' Nolan’s bar, Nicks place , as it was called by most people around Nugene. While having a drink to cool their thirst Algernon came in and sat down at the bar with Nick. Rocky had gone to the restroom and Jo was at the table alone. Algernon spotted Jo
when he sat down. Seeing the way Al looked at her Nick said "just got here before you came in. Rocky came out of the restroom and saw Jo and Al at the table together so he went out the backdoor so Al would not see him. He let Joan set up what they had already schemed up on the way down.

Joan said she would get a motel room but Al said no. stay with me .Jo knew she needed to stay in touch with Rocky so she no not now. Rocky had walked down the road to a motel and got a room while Jo and Al talked.Algernon told Jo how good he had made it with the business and he could take care of her if she would stay with him .Al bought Jo a lot of drinks to get her drunk, guessing she would go home with him.

As Al was getting Jo to his truck Nick said "what about the guy she was with. "Jo heard Nick and told Al just someone that gave her a ride and had already gone. Algernon took Jo home with him and let her sleep it off. Al fixed Jo some cereal and milk for breakfast and told her to just stay there and sober upwhile he went to work..

After Jo was alone she looked the house over for Al's safe and his money .Jo did not find any signs of money nor a safe. Jo found the phonebook and looked for the motel Rocky went to .Jo found only one motel in the phonebook for Nugene. She said that hotel must be where Rocky was staying.

The phone rung loudly and woke Rocky. .he hesitated then he thought, Joan was the only one that knew he was there and answered the phone. Jo told Rocky that she couldn't find a safe or any money .Rocky said Algernon must be keeping his money at the boat shop. Jo said well what do we do now. Rocky told Jo to go to the shop with Al the next day and see if she could find the safe

Al could hardly wait to get home that night and have his way with Jo. She was to tired and had to much to drink the night before. When Al got home that evening Jo was trying to fix him some supper. Jo found only a few potatoes and some eggs, so it was American fries and eggs for supper.Al apologized for not having much to eat and said He and Jo would go to Nugene in the morning to get some groceries if she was going to stay with him.When they had eaten and Jo cleaned the small kitchen Al called Jo over to his side on the couch and held her hand lightly as she sat beside him. After a long and passionate kiss, both were ready for the bedroom .Jo was playing her part so well Al really had no idea what she was up to .

When they woke up the next morning Al said get ready and we will go into town and get a few things they needed. Al left and went to the shop before Jo got ready Jo thought maybe Al was getting some money for the goods they would pick up in town. Jo and Al went to a small grocery store and Al let Jo gather what she needed to keep them fed for a week. Al told Jo he was going to get a haircut while she was getting the groceries .Rocky saw them go into the grocery store and he saw Al leave .Rocky went into the store to talk to Jo. She told Rocky about Al going to the shop before they left home probably to get some money. Rocky said that’s where the safe is most likely to be. The cashier knew Al and everyone else in town since it was a small town. She saw Jo come in with
Al and now talking to another stranger.. Al got his haircut and stopped to see Nick at the bar while in town. Nick told Al that the man Jo came in with was staying in the motel. down the street. Algernon remembered Josaid she had hitched a ride with that man .Al asked Nick what the man looked like .Well said Nick, he was tall , well built and had a cajun like accent, Nick said the man also had a small scar on his chin that looked like a potato chip

. Al knew that man was Rocky Webster from New Orleans .Al wondered why
Rocky had went out when he came into the bar the other night. Nick said that Jo and Rocky had been talking about doing something to get some money .Al asked Nick if would keep an eye on the guy for him .Nick said “you bet I will, don’t like his looks anyway”.

When Al got back to the grocery store to meet Jo she was almost ready to check out. Kate Carter the cashier asked Al if he would help her put a big box on the top of a tall shelf. As Algernon was helping herKate told him about Jo talking to the stranger Al asked Kate did the stranger have a scar on his chin.Kate said yes, do you know him. “ I think so” Al said to Kate.” Maybe I know him to good”.

Al was not Ignorant by no means so he wondered why Jo hadn't just said she got a ride with Rocky instead of just a man. Al didn't want Jo to leave him so He did not say anything about what he had heard from Nick and Kate while they were shopping in town.
Al didn't know that Rocky and Joan had just planned to search his shop later that night .When Joan and Algernon got back Al went to work and told Jo to put up the groceries.
Jo did what Al told her to but as soon as she finished she went to the shop to have a look around. Jo needed to have some information about the shop layout for Rocky .As Jo went into the shop she heard Al doing something in the office.
Jo peeked through a crack in the old walls and she saw Al dialing the combination on the safe .A number she would easily remember 38-24-36 ,exactly her measurements. That was all the information she needed to tell Rocky. Now she thought Do I really need Rocky since I already know the combination .Jo rushed back to the house to call Rocky and tell him where the safe was located. Jo lied to Rocky about where the
safe was located. Jo wanted to open it first and get a lot of the money without Rocky knowing about it and keep it for herself.

Joan and Rocky's plan was that she would have sex and drinks with Al until very late and when Al passed out they would meet at the shop get the money from the safe and leave Nugene for the Florida Keys. Everything was working fine at the house. Rocky was on his way to the shop down the long dirt road to meet Jo. Rocky looked at his watch to see what time it was because they had set the time to meet at 3 am. While looking at his watch Rocky ran off the road into the swamp below. He was thrown into the dashboard and killed instantly.Rocky’s feet were hanging out the door floating in the swamp water.

Jo was getting up to meet Rocky at the shop .She waited a half hour longer that what was planned so she went in, opened the safe and got the money bag .Jo did not count the money she just took the bag and walked down the road to meet Rocky. After a mile up the road Jo saw the headlights off the road ahead .She ran to the truck ,she knew it was Rocky's over in the swamp .When Jo got close to the truck she saw Rocky still in the truck. She thought he was knocked out and was unconscious . She checked his pulse she found out that he was dead. Though she hated the fact that Rocky had died she was going on with the plan.
It was another 8 or 9 miles yet to Nugene so she headed back to Al's shop to get a boat and go by water to Nugene. Jo got the boat and started back to town very slowly because she didn't know the swamp or the boat that well. Going slow was the worse thing that Jo could do.

Joan hit the bubbles in the swamp, gas was released and she was breathing the fumes. The more gas Jo inhaled the fainter she got. The fog and the gas soon got to Jo and she hit a stump and was thrown out of the boat. She struggled to hold onto the bag but she finally let go of the bag to hold on to a stump Jo slipped loose from the stump and drowned. A crocodile came and ate Jo’s arms and legs leaving the bag floating in the water near her mangled torso.

That morning Al was a little slow about getting up and around He noticed Jo was gone so he fixed some coffee for himself and one for Jo thinking maybe she was outside somewhere. The phone rang so Al answered it. It was Nick Noland from the bar He wanted to let Al know that one of his boats had drifted up near the bar .Al said he would get Jo and pick it up later that day. When Al got to the shop he saw the safe was opened and empty. Al called for Jo but she never answered .Al wanted to tell her that
someone had. opened his safe during the night. When Al didn't find Jo he got his truck and was going to Nick's to check on his boat .

On the way he saw his bag from the safe floating in the swamp near Rocky's truck down in the swamp. All that Al saw was Rocky’s head, and he was sure Rocky had been eaten by a crocodile. Algernon got a stick and pulled his bag back so he could grab it.

When Al got to Nick's he saw his boat tied up to the dock. Algernon told Nick that Jo was gone and a friend of hers named Rocky Webster was eaten by a gator most likely .Al showed Nick the bag that was from his safe. Nick said isn’t that bag the one you keep old papers in..Yes said Al but someone must have thought it had money .Nobody knows I let you keep my money in your Safe .Yes said Nick, you are so careful with your money, more careful than most people. Nick said“Al you always stay one step ahead of your friends and a block ahead of your enemies.” Al said the only one that got anything out of that deal was the crocs. That’s right Al now how about that free drink you always get, and I’ll take it out of your money in my safe. Make that a double my friend, said Al and one for you too. Al said “ Nick ,I wonder where the girl went I just found Rocky’s head by his truck down in the swamp..Al said maybe she is lost out there somewhere. Nick said maybe she is the one that had your boat. You may be right Al said, but she must have got here and got a ride to somewhere else.Al told Nick he would look for Jo again on the way back home. Al loaded the boat on Nicks trailer and headed back to his house. On the way back Al found Joan’s torso and head near some small trees in the water .Joan’s face had a bluish tint to it. Al tried to get the body out of the water but a gator got it just as he started to pull it out

When Al got home he called Nick and asked if he ever saw someone drowned with a bluish face.Nick said he saw one person like that and it was caused by breathing swamp gas. Nick said it must have happened during the night because if it had been longer than that the color would have gone away. Al said I guess they were together and they loved together and died together and the gators got desert, Al said I didn’t care to much for Rocky but I sure will miss Joan. Me too said Nick, she was the best looking woman around this old swamp town. Seems like you just can’t keep a woman here Nick said.

Algernon is still running the boat business and He has still got his money. The swamp has been good to the locals in Nugene ,Florida.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.09.2009

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