

Date: January 1-3, 2021(unsure)
Continent: North America
Country: America
Region: Southeastern (Mississippi-Alabama)
It's was the year 2021, the world had gone crazy. The war between the Vampires and Humans was raging and beyond control. The humans were destined to lose. I think even they knew. They didn't stand a chance. The Vampires had gone power-crazy. There was no hope, anywhere.
I remember the night like it was yesterday. It was the middle of winter, the ground was frozen, and icy rain was falling from the sky, thick like slush. I was at my home in Falkner, Mississippi with my wife, Coraline, drinking heated pig's blood in front of the fire. My friends Mary and Collin had gone to bed early. (They were staying with us for ethical reasons. They, like us, believed what was happening in the world were wrong.)
Coraline and I were discussing "President" Eric Moore. She and I had both agreed he was the exact opposite of what America was founded for. He had stripped the humans of all civil rights recently, by ratifying the 17th Amendment, which stated that human beings were to be hunted and captured like cattle and sent to blood farms. She strongly believed in freedom and rights of all creatures. (She was older than even I. She'd been a tried as a witch during the Black Plague. She'd seen it all. She to me was the most beautiful and perfect woman in the world. I worshipped the ground she walked on. I was wrapped around her finger, and boy did she know it) *faint smile*
Anyway as I was saying... We were discussing (or rather I was listening to her rant about) how "President" Moore was a scum-filled dictator who should be left to fry in the sunlight for all eternity, castrated, and burned at the stake. (She would sometimes slip into the Dark Ages. It always fascinated me.) And how she wished she could fight back in some form or fashion.
Then she had looked at me alertly and said "Quiet... Do you hear that?” There was loud banging and crashing, suddenly the front door was blown to a million pieces, hanging from the hinges. Coraline was already up standing composed and ready to attack, like a brilliant goddess of battle. *starry eyes* (sorry I'm a bit of a romantic.)
Meanwhile, I was on the floor, ducking and yelling "What the hell was that!?!" (I'm a relatively new Vampire. Coraline changed me on my 20th birthday. I'm currently 92. I was still working on the rock hard composure thing.) "Calm yourself William; it's only Humans." I stood up cautiously and looked at them.
It was the biggest group of Humans I'd seen in years. I counted them quickly: 10 women, 11 men, 13 children. We all stared at each other for a moment. Coraline opened her mouth to speak, and a Human male raised a gun. I had him against the wall in seconds. No one was going to hurt Coraline. Endangered or not, I would've ripped every one of those Humans apart.
Luckily, that wasn't needed. A small male child stepped forward. I'll never forget his face. Angelic and dazzling beautiful. Hair of pale blond ash, skin tanned lightly by the sun, slight freckles on his cheeks. I continued to stare at him. Then his eyes met mine. Sharp and intense as liquid silver. I couldn't look away from them. I was trapped by the gaze of a mere child, as I had been when I met Coraline.
He looked away and began smelling the air. Suddenly, a woman with almost his exact features reached to grab him. "Issac!" Coraline had stopped her and given her that smile, that deep, empathetic, perfectly pure, and sincere Coraline smile. "It's okay. We are you're friends." The woman stood there for a moment looking at her, deep into her eyes searching. Then she she'd slowly nodded, quiet and determined.
"What's that smell?", the young boy had asked. "It smells like blood, but dirtier." Coraline walked to the glasses and picked one up. "It's pig's blood." She said handing him the cup. He took it and sniffed at it. "Will it hurt me?” he'd asked curiously. "No.", Coraline had answered. He lifted the glass to his lips quickly gulped it all down.
Suddenly his hair turned to a golden blond color. "Thank you!” said handing Coraline the cup as he ran back to his mother. He was smiling. He appeared much healthier. He looked at me again, I gasped. His eyes were a deep forest green.
"How?” I'd muttered to myself. "He's half-human, half-vampire.", the Human man I'd been holing against the wall had said, "He's my son. That dazzling creature is his mother. She’s a Vampire."
And that's where it all began. That's when the fight for peace all started. Soon Vampires and Humans were coming from all over to join. We were going to change the world.

We had soon taken over Mississippi. Our HQ was stationed in Falkner. We were an unstoppable force. The world was ours. Everything was going perfectly. Finally there were vampires willing to stand-up and fight for what was right, to put an end to all of this. We were growing in numbers daily. Humans flocked to us for salvation as well.
That’s when we started The Project. We called them Breakers. The half-Human/Vampire children we created to break the bonds of Human and Vampire society. It actually wasn't that hard. There were so many Inter-racial couples, so glad to know they could have children.
Now let me give you a Biology lesson. Vampires cannot mate and make children because both of their bodies are undead. They don't change or move forward, but when you put a Human and a Vampire together to form genuine, true love, no forcing, faking, or lying: You get a Breaker. (This being said, you cannot force Humans and Vampires to mate, nor trick either party into loving you. It has to be real love for the magic properties to work. This is why “President” couldn’t create an army of Breakers, in case you wonder later.) The love has to be honest, pure, and true.
That's when it happens. Male Vampire/Female human Breakers are very easy to accomplish. The only trouble is getting a male Vampire that is honest, loyal, and true. Female Vampire/Male Human are a bit trickier. The love has to be stronger; both parties have to want the child equally. The love must have a... a deeper bond. Less physical, more emotional and mental, which is ironic considering most of the magic involved with Vampire Breaker moms is more a physical change. But if you can find the people with The Bonds; you've got Breakers.
We ended up finding about 50 couples. The first time around was a bit wild, but we learned. The second was perfect, we created.
• First off, Breakers can change their physical attributes at will. To dumb it down, they can go from looking human, to looking like vicious killer vampires. (Talk about a temper tantrum.) Some things they can't control, however, for example: when they go without blood for too long, they look like vampires. Also, when they are children, they're looks change on their feelings.
• Second, they have Vampire and Human strengths, along with their weaknesses. They can go in sunlight without being affected, they don't need much sleep, they're incredibly strong and fast, they can have Dark Gifts, they have living bodies... to a point, they have living reproductive organs, they are stunningly beautiful and fit, they have hypnotic voices. But they also have many weaknesses. They're extremely emotional. EXTREMELY. When they hit puberty... *shudder* But this is also a benefit. They feel. They connect. (More about this in the next one.) Also, they depend on blood to supply their bodies with proper nutrients, but they can eat human foods for short periods of times. (Animal blood doesn't sustain them long. Human is the best. Vampire blood makes them sick, because of the impurity and death.)
• Third, this is a benefit and weakness, but it's such a... complicated and fascinating subject I had to give it its own dot. :) They form bonds. They aren't solitary creatures like Vampires. They travel in packs. It's hard to explain. It's like they're connected through this invisible tether. They need to be close to each other. It took us awhile to figure it out, years. The first group went through hell about it. They couldn't make us understand until they were older. The second group, however, we did differently. They were all conceived on the same night. They were all born on the same day. They were together from the moment of birth. Never apart. They know everything about each other. They're 16 now and still share the same room. *reminiscing smile* Anyway, the bond benefits them in combat. They know where each other are constantly. They feel when one of their bond mates is in trouble, or hurt, or angry, sad, happy, everything. They have this other worldly sense of awareness. Only a Breaker could really describe it. The first group's bond was weaker than the second. (Our fault.) The second group well... They are emotional. It does get in their way from being true warriors, but it makes them fight 10 xs harder, for each other. Take for example: Aza, Estelle, and Zachary (the 3 eldest of the 2nd group) were lost in the woods years ago. It was the middle of winter, they were 6, and it was snowing like crazy. They were lost for 3 days before we found them. When we did... It was a site like nothing I'd ever seen. They were fighting a bear. No weapons, just teeth and claws. Three 6 year olds. We stood back for a moment to watch them. They were doing pretty good, until Aza jumped for its throat and missed. The bear pounced on her. We moved in to stop instantly, but there was no need. Before we had even gotten close, Zachary and Estelle had ripped it apart. Zachary had its head; little Estelle had its body. We stood in amazement. They ran to Aza. (The bond did also suffer a tad from the 3 days they were apart. Zach, Aza, and Estelle have been closer since then. Making alliances in the bond. Please note: Dangerous.) That's what the bond does to them. They have this instinct to protect each other at all cost. They don't fear or feel when they get like that. They kill. You can imagine how they feel when the fall in love. *shudder* Romeo and Juliet ain't got nothing on them. So you understand the bond? It's their greatest weakness, but it's also their greatest strength.
There you have it. That's all we know of the Breakers.... Now, perhaps I should tell you the story of how it all came to an end?...
It was 18 years later from the start of Group 1. (Forgive me for any tear stains on the paper.) In fact, it was their birthday. They were celebrating Rebel style.*sigh and smile* I'd given them a mixture of whiskey and blood to let them cut loose for a night, be normal teenagers for a while. (Interesting fact, they can get drunk.) They were loud and partying, dancing, kissing. Being kids.
That's when it happened. "President" attacked. The full 9-yards, believe me. Tanks, bombs, guns, gas, you name it. We didn't stand a chance. We were vulnerable, unarmed, unaware, and unprepared. We did what we could. I hate that phrase. He took them. He took my children, my work, and... He took my love. Coraline... Oh sweet Coraline... She died trying to help them escape. There's nothing like it yu know... Seeing your love die, holding her in your arms until she stops breathing and turns to ash... I wanted to die. I wanted to lay there and give up. The world held no meaning. Nor did my life. That's when Issac found me. He was now a strong 23 year old Breaker. He looked no older than 18. (Their age slows as they get older. They stop aging in looks at around 21.) He picked me up and helped me walk through the wreckage. I cried silent tears. He just talked to me. "Come on Uncle. We've gotta be strong. And get stronger every time they try to stop us. Freedom is what we’re fighting for, and if we don't who will?" I'd just looked at him... "When did you turn into a man?", I asked. He laughed, "Around the time the voice deepened Uncle."
He brought me to a stronghold where he had found all who survived. 15 people. Out of over 7,000. 15 was all that was left. 8 men, 7 women, no children.
I'm not sure what’s happened the Group 1. Some say he starved them mad and chained them to solar panels. Some said he had them executed. Some say he's hiding them, using them as secret weapons. I don't know. But I do know, if I ever have the chance... I’ll kill him.
I was ready to give up... But not Issac. He coaxed everyone, took care of everything, kept us hidden and fed. A year later... We started the program again. We'd gained 2 more humans, a married couple. We were living in an old community

College. It was nice. Issac did well. The second group was made of 9 members. 7 Breakers, 2 Humans. Here's where the story begins. They are 16 now. They are powerful. They are kind. They are a revaluation. They are The Breakers.

Chapter 1

“Check your weapons everyone. This is the biggest blood farm we’ve been up against.” Isaac said looking around at all of us. I nodded, trying to think of a funny comment I could say.
Hi, I’m Andrew Mark, youngest member of the Breakers/Group 2. I’m 16. I’m half Vampire, and I am badass.
Haha, I’m only joking. Nice to meet you. Hope we become great friends.
Right now we’re about to raid a blood farm. See, the world has is under the rule of Vampires, has been since I was born. So, it’s all I know. My parents tell me about how things use to be different, back when Humans were in power. I find it hard to believe… But then I look at what the world has become, and it makes sense. If Vampires had been in control the Earth wouldn’t be populated. In 41 years they’ve almost completely wiped out the Human race. No Humans, no Vampires, no advanced intelligence. (If either can be called that)
“Isaac you say that every time.” I looked over at Zane. You’ll probably be wondering what everybody looks like….
Well, Zane is Asian. He has pretty long black hair, but he spikes it up so you can’t really tell. He’s got brown eyes and olive skin. Also, he’s got a kinda weird body shape. He’s tall, slim, but pretty well-muscled. His arms are pretty big. I wouldn’t wanna fight him.
“What are you trying to say?” Isaac said smiling at Zane as he cleaned his gun.
Isaac is Russian, well, his parents are anyway. But, since we’ve all grown up with such a diverse family environment; none of us have accents. He has really long pale blond hair, almost white. He’s got really dark green eyes, like a forest, pretty scary. He’s also very pale. He’s tall too, about 6’1’’. He’s slim and very fast. In other words, he’d have you laid out on the ground before you made your first move. I wouldn’t wanna fight him either.
“I’m saying nothing ever goes wrong. So chill. You’re acting like The Old Man.” Zane replied with a snarky grin. He was sitting on the couch making out with Aza.
Aza is beautiful, no way around it. She’s just got this look to her. She’s got long wavy black hair that flows down her back like a beautiful dark Caribbean waterfall; her eyes are the color of an oak tree’s bark. Her skin is this shade of dark caramel, and her completion is perfect. She’s tall, almost as tall as me. She’s got the body of a goddess.
Too bad she wastes her time with Zane. (Yeah, I’m jealous. Sue me.)
Zach chuckled from where he was laying on his bed. “Better not let Uncle Will hear you saying that Zane. Remember what happened last time.” Zach is… Well hard to describe. His mom is a very beautiful African woman, but no one knows who his dad is. He’s got short black hair, which he keeps in a crew cut. His eyes are sapphire blue. He’s dark skinned, but not too dark somewhere in between. Ever seen one of those UFC fighters from before the Apocalypse? Well, Zach is like those guys. Huge. I’d rather fight Zane any day.
“Shut the hell up Zach!” Zane yelled from the couch.
Zach smiled. Yeah, you’d think Zach would be a total meat-head, but he’s actually a really nice guy. A Southern gentleman is what Uncle Will calls him. I really don’t know what one of those is. Uncle says it was from before, even before him. I asked him what makes Zach one of them; Uncle said it was because of the way he treats Estelle and all the other girls. Estelle is his girlfriends in case you were wondering.
Speaking of…
“I remember.” Estelle said skipping in behind Nevaeh. “It was hilarious! Who could forget?” I watched as she sat in Zach’s lap and curled up. She’s only 4’11’’ so it’s no big deal to a guy as big as Zach. She’s little, actually kinda childlike. No, I’m not saying Zach is a pedophile. She just… looks like a doll. She’s got really, really long black curls, and light lilac colored eyes. Her skin is the color of perfect smooth porcelain; her lips are the color of pink roses. Like I said, she’s slim and very lean. She and Zach are complete opposites. In looks anyway, but in personality, they’re both sweet natured, good people.
Nevaeh plopped down next to Aza and laughed, eating chips. “Haha! Yeah! He was sore for weeks!”
Nevaeh is the tom-boy of the group. She’s a walking contradiction. Her parents are very traditional Indians. She wears the whole traditional Indian saris and shoes that make her look like a genie straight out of the bottle. She even has that little dot in the middle of her for head. Her hair comes to her ankles when it’s down. She’s got big wide innocent brown eyes, and she’s got a very pretty shape. From the look of her you’d think she was a quiet, girly, sensitive… Flower? Then she opens her mouth and burps loud enough, you could hear it a state over. She won’t even say ‘excuse me’. She’ll laugh! She’s the type of girl that can spit as far as she can throw, and punch as hard as she can kick. I’d rather fight two Zach’s than one her.
“Hey Nevaeh, do us all a favor and shut it will yu?” Aza said looking at her with that classic “do as I say or I’ll kill you” Aza look.
“You first hag.” Veah said with a grin. Don’t let the cruel words deceive you. They’re best friends.
Pan giggled as he walked wearing only towel. “Your woman defending you now Zaney-Poo?“
Zane picked up a couch cushion and threw it at Pan. “Put some clothes on you damn gay!”
“My, my, such harsh words. Have I struck a nerve?” Pan said still smiling as he walked over to his dresser.
“One more word and I’ll-“
“You’ll what? Knock my lights out? Or will you have your girlfriend do it for you?” Pan said putting his hand on his hip and looking at Zane. Pan is gay. He is attracted to other males. He’s homosexual. Yes, he is. Got a problem with it, and I’ll kick your ass. Gay or not he’s my brother. I’m the only person that’s gone say shit about it. And if you got a problem with him put the book down and jump your homophobic tale off a bridge.
If you’re still reading, mad respect to yu man. (general term)
Now, Pan is Native American. He’s got kinda long straight jet black hair, and dark brown eyes that spark with humor. He’s short and small, he little brother of our group. He’s not very strong, but he’s quick, not to mention his Dark Gift is wicked cool. He can conjure fire from nothing. So he’s a good guy to have on your side in a fight. The only problem with it is that the more fire he makes, the more it drains him. If uses too much, he’ll pass out.
Oh yeah, you’re probably wondering what Dark Gifts are. Well, they’re hard to explain. Let’s see where to start…. Hmmm…. Dark Gifts are the immortal powers of Vampires basically. The longer they live, the stronger the gift becomes. We’re only 16, but we aren’t Vampires. We’re Breakers. We’re born with our Dark Gifts. Mine is the power to manipulate emotions and feelings. I’m not very good, but so far I’ve mastered anger and sadness. Aza’s is a mind reader, talk about annoying. But, The Bond dulls her effect on us. Most of us can keep her out completely now. Zach is, you guessed it, super strong. He makes Super-Man look like a light weight. Zane and Estelle can sorta control minds but in different ways. Zane uses his voice and eyes to put you in a kind of trance. Estelle uses her doll like innocence to lure you into a false sense of security; then when she’s got you close enough BAM! Dead. Nevaeh, Miss.Walking Contrididction’s is her beauty. When you see her you’re shocked into paralysis but only for a moment. That’s all she needs.
“That’s it you little fag!” Zane yelled as he jumped off the couch headed straight for Pan’s bed.
Suddenly, Zane was hit in the head with a shoe. “If you don’t shut the hell up and sit your ugly Ramen noodle ass down; I’m gonna beat the living shit outta you Zane!”
“Maddy lay off the cussing before I get mom.” Kristopher said looking down at her from the bunk above her’s.
“Snitches get stiches, Kris.” she said giving him an evil look.
He looked back at his book and began to ignore her. “I’d love to see you try.”
Ah, the Twins. How could I forget? They’re our Feeders. Yeah, I know it sounds gross, but…. We’ve gotta eat something, and we’ve gotta keep getting stronger. Human blood is the best for both. They’ve been with us since we were born. We didn’t start drinking from them until we were all about 14 though; so don’t go picturing toddlers feeding on each other, accidents aside.
It’s actually very magical… Ok it’s hot and sexual, but we only do it once a week and before a fight. The guys feed on Maddy (except for Pan); the girls feed on Kris. It’s bad I know, but it’s what we have to do.
Maddy is actually very pretty to be a human. She and Kris are biracial, mixed with white and black. She’s got these really tight kinky little blond curls. They both have pale green eye and light tan skin, like coffee with milks. She’s pretty short though, about 5’1’’. Kris on the other hand is 6’2’’. His hair is black and it’s in long big curls. He keeps it in a ponytail. They look a lot alike other than the hair and the height. Their personalities couldn’t be more different. It’s like Yin and Yang. Kris is quiet, keeps to himself, level-headed, and pretty nice. Maddy is loud, always in your way, annoying, and a total brat. She just makes me wanna… UGH!
“Ow! You bitch!” Zane yelled rubbing his head.
Oh shit, it’s Uncle. Darn-it. I swore.
“Old Man! I mean Will! I mean Uncle! She-“ Zane stumbled.
“I don’t care! I don’t wanna hear it! Training hall! First thing in the morning! Before the sun even rises! I want you running! 20 laps!” Uncle shouted coming into our bedroom.
“But!” Zane started.
“No buts! I don’t care what she did! You never call a lady that! Ever! In fact you don’t use such language in the presence of ladies in the first place! 5 more for even saying it!” Uncle interjected.
Zane shut his mouth. “Yes sir.”
Maddy smiled.
William isn’t actually our uncle. He’s our teacher in every sense of the word. He’s a Vampire rebel. He and his wife were the ones who started the Breakers Project. She died in an invasion years ago, along with Isaac’s parents, and Group 1. He’s 92 in Vampire years, but he was changed by his wife when he was 20. He was a folk lore professor before he was changed
. He has the look of an adult Peter Pan to me: short blond curls, bright lively green eyes, comical smile. He and Isaac take care of us. He takes care of the Family. (that’s our parents)
Wait, I haven’t described myself yet, have I? Well, my mom is a Vampire. My dad is a Human. I have long wavy blond hair that comes to my shoulders; I push it out of my face a lot. I have dark stormy blue eyes, and I’m shorter than Zane but with more muscle tone. (Ok, there I go being arrogant again. I apologize.)
“When are we leaving Will?” Zach asked with Stelle still in his lap. Zach had stopped calling William Uncle a long time ago. They had this understood respect between them. Something about responsibility.
“Right after y’all feed.” Uncle replied.
“Your grammar is atrocious.” Maddy said sitting up with a sigh.
She always gets like this before a feeding. She won’t say anything, but it scares her. I know because I feel the fear coming from her at this very moment. Her heart almost shot out of her chest when Uncle said feed.
“My apologies, Miss Madeline.” Uncle said with a smile.
“Whatever.” Maddy said as she rolled her eyes. “Let’s get it over with.”
Zane snickered. “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”
“Don’t be crude Zane.” Pan said putting his hand on Maddy’s shoulder. For some reason, Pan and Madeline just sorta clicked. They were very close and very protective of each other.
“Zane make that 10 more laps.” Uncle said leaving the room. I had a feeling Uncle Will knew about Maddy’s fears, too.
“Damn-it.” Zane muttered.
“15 more!” Uncle yelled from the hallway.
“Ugh!!!” Zane said as he walked towards Madeline.
Just as he got close, Kris jumped from his bunk. “You better not hurt my sister.” He said grabbing Zane’s arms.
Zane jerked away.
Nevaeh spoke up, “Ok everyone chill. It’s too tense in here. Calm down. Take deep breaths.” Miss Walking Contradiction.
“Yeah,” I said backing her up. “Let’s hurry up. People are dying waiting for us right now.”
That got everyone in gear. No matter how much we fought, we knew our duty. To protect the innocent, to restore the world, to end the war.
I’m not sure how to describe feeding to you. It’s…. a rush, especially since we all started feeding at once. I’m always on her neck, Isaac and I. Zane is on her right wrist. Zach is on her left. We all try to bite at the same time and take it slow. I don’t know how to put it so…. I’ll write it like a poem.

I change my features, my fangs come out.
I bend down, and they sink it.
I close my eyes, and hear her moan.
I feel the heat, the blood, and drink.
My energy rises, I feel so alive.
I feel her feel me, and she tries to hide.
It gets harder to stop, and she tries harder to resist.
The feeling intensifies, and I want more.
She gives in, and her moans become screams.
She starts to fade, I don’t want to stop.
I feel I can’t, and I feel her again.
She’s in pain, she feels me.
I stop, and draw back.
I look at her, she is passed out.
I feel corrupt.
I feel her again, she feels content.
I feel content, and it’s over.

That’s it. I looked at Madeline. She was laying sound asleep on her bed. I looked up and around. Zane was wiping his mouth, Zach was standing up, and Isaac was already gone. Kris was also asleep. Zach picked up Madeline.
“Let’s get to the car.” He said walking out of the room carrying her.
Estelle and Aza followed. Nevaeh went over to Kris and helped him up.
“Come on, bro.” She said quietly.
I got on his other side, “I’ll help.”
Zane walked past us without a word.

The beginning of the car ride was pretty quiet. Everyone was just silently thinking to themselves. I began searching everyone’s emotions. Zane was feeling anxious. Zach was feeling determined. Maddy was sad. Pan was concerned. Nevaeh was, of course, hungry. Only she would think of eating on the way to a battle… I got to Aza’s and paused. She was feeling deep pain.
I sighed, Zane of course.
I crawled in the back seat next to her, “Hey, Az.” I said with a smile.
“Oh hi, Drew.” She said half-heartedly.
“What’s up?” I asked sympathetically.
She paused for a moment before answering. I admired her beautiful facial features. She was truly perfect…
“Is there something wrong with me?” She mumbled looking down.
I was shocked. I stared at her for a moment.
“Well is there?” She asked again finally looking at me.
“What?!?!?!? No! Of course not! You’re perfect Az!” I replied still in disbelief that she would even ask that.
She paused again, “… Then why doesn’t he love me?”
“Cause he’s an idiot.” I said plainly.
“I dunno… I knew from the start we were just screwing around, but now… I love him.” She whispered with a tear running down her cheek.
I stared at the back of Zane’s head for a moment. I wanted him to feel the pain she was feeling. I wanted him to hurt, for hurting her.
I jerked myself back. I could feel my Gift leaking out; I had to stop it. I took some deep breaths trying to hold it in. I panicked for a moment. Zane’s emotions wavered and he looked at me. I stared at him coldly. He turned away.
“Stop fucking with my head, pretty boy.” He said after he was looking forward.
Aza looked at me.
I shook my head.
She pulled away. She’d felt my emotions through the bond. I sighed before looking at her. She was staring into space, no doubt reading my mind.
“I hate it when you do that.” I mumbled as I blocked her out.
She smiled and laughed. “Whatever! Let’s be happy!”
I looked at her for a moment before smiling with her. “Yeah! We’re about to kick Vampire ass! Death to the “President”!”, I yelled putting my fist in the air.
Pan sighed loudly, “Andrew dear, we simply must work on that social awkwardness of yours.”
Everyone erupted in laughter, and I smiled. I had done my job. The tension was broken. Family ok.  


Chapter 2
Have you ever loved someone so desperately and hopelessly that just thinking of a single moment without them seems like complete torcher? Ever felt like a part of your soul is sitting right beside you. Been so hopelessly obsessed without someone that when you close your eyes they’re all you see. They’re all you’ll ever see?
Then had to pretend you didn’t give a damn, because they don’t? Welcome to my life. I’d say it wasn’t fair, but I did it to myself. I have no one to blame.
Haha love is a bitch with the cruelest sense of humor. She throws you a guy that you KNOW is completely in love with you and would do just about anything to make you smile, and then dangles a hot bad boy right in your face. And all you can think is: that bitch.
Hi, I’m Aza, Aza Dembe, nice to meet you. Yeah, I know I have a really weird name. My dad liked Ava; mom liked Zamaria, Aza. Dembe is my grandmother’s name, or so I’m told. I don’t know her. She died a long time ago. Anyway, Dembe means . My mom thought it was pretty.
By the way, I’m half Vampire/ half human. Just thought I’d throw that out there and let you know.
Speaking of, we’re on our way to a Blood Farm right now. Gonna bust it up, free some humans, the usual.  I’m a Breaker. The eldest girl actually. Zach is the eldest guy.  Then there’s Estelle, then Zane, then Drew, then Pan, and Nevaeh. Isaac is the eldest Breaker but not in our Clan.  Kris is our eldest feeder by like 2 seconds, then Maddy (a.k.a. The Skitch).
So, anyway, we’re supposed to be Group 2, but I don’t like the term “Group”. So we’re the Lovelock Clan. (In my mind ) I call us the Lovelock Clan because of our Bond. I assume you know what a Bond is. We’ve been together since we were born. We know everything about each other, more than we’d like most of the time. Zach, Stelle, and me were separated from the rest of the Clan for 3 days when we were 6; so, our bond is a little stronger, ever so slightly.
I remember how it felt when we were separated from them. It was torcher, like a part of my being was missing, like my soul was missing half of itself. I felt naked, alone, vulnerable, trapped. It was so scary. When we’re away from each other it takes something from us. That’s why, even though it’s dangerous and crazy, we take Kris and Skitch with us everywhere. We’re Bonded with them also, because we’ve had a firsthand taste of their blood. It’s weird I know, but hey, it’s life. Plus, we never feel truly alone. We’ve always got someone. We feel each other yu know? We know when something is wrong.
That really helps when we battle.  The slightest notion of fear or distress, and we’re on it. WE HAVE TO BE. We don’t have a choice. It’s a part of the Bond. We HAVE to respond. I mean, I don’t even THINK. I completely black out. I feel this instinctive sense. It’s so strong it pulls and takes over my whole body. All I feel, see, or want is to protect, and I do.
Especially, Zach and Stelle. I think that’s the only reason I would kill someone in my Clan. If Zach or Stelle was being threatened, they’re DEAD. End of story. I wouldn’t even mean to. It’s the Sense. It would control me. I wouldn’t have a choice.
Gosh, why am I being so depressing! Excuse me, I apologize. 
So I told you we’re on our way to raid a Blood Farm. Hmmm… Maybe I should explain that too…
Well, after the Fall-Out (sounds cooler than Apocalypse, I mean we’re still here.) the Vampires took control of the government. Uncle Will talks about how great and wonderful America use to be. How it was the only place in the world a poor man could be president and a homeless man could become an actor. How Freedom was the base of everything.
I’m sorry to say it’s no longer like that. America is the Blood Farm capital of the world. Countries all over send Humans here to be raised, drained, bought, sold, hell Torched is a better word in my opinion. They put the humans in cells, big cages according to age groups and drain them daily. Some Humans live their whole lives like that, born and raised as animals. Uncle Will says if you’re put down your whole life, told your less, one day you start to believe it. He says they take something more than just the lives of Humans; they crush their spirits. A man without a spirit is a hollow shell left to walk earth until it’s days are over. That seems like a fate worse than death to me.
That’s why I’m amazed at how uncompassionate Vampires can be. Drew said something one day, when we were younger just starting to see the world and train. Uncle was telling us about Blood Farms giving us speeches. Drew stood up crying and yelling: “Why doesn’t someone do something! Why doesn’t someone stand up and stop it! It shouldn’t be up to a group of teenagers to save the world! Where the fuck are peoples souls! Don’t they feel!?” Uncle looked at him. “What do you suppose they do Drew? Fight a losing battle?” Drew looked disgusted. “I expect them to do more than sit by and watch it happen!!!” Uncle stared him down coldly. “They speak out they get killed. You know that just as well as I do. There’s nothing they can do.” Will opened his mouth, but it was Zane who spoke. “So what are you saying old man? We’re wasting out time? The bull y’all have been feeding us since birth is a lie?” Uncle turned to Zane, but Zach spoke first. “So, you’re saying there’s nothing to be done? We’re fools fighting a dead man’s war?” Uncle tuned to Zach, but Pan spoke. “Cause I don’t believe that.” Nevaeh spoke. “I’d rather be a fool than a coward!” I’d laughed. “Rather go out swinging, than with my tail between my legs.” Ever patient, quiet Estelle had spoken up then with the biggest grin on her face. “We’ve gotta die sometime, might as well die kicking ass.” Zach looked at her surprised, and we all laughed except Drew, who was still deadly serious. “We are going to do something. There’s no excuse for being a coward.” Isaac started clapping from the doorway. “Bravo.” Drew smiled then; he’s always craving Isaac’s approval. Uncle was smiling to my surprise. “Your passion rivals mine and at such a young age. One day, you’ll be unstoppable.” Zane laughed then. “I’d love to see them try.”

I got out of the car and slammed the door. We parked a ways from the building and started preparing.
“Check your weapons everyone. Tighten your pads. Zach fix your ankle brace.” Isaac said calmly
I nodded and made sure my gun was locked and loaded. I tightened my straps holding my Silver Kiss in place. (A silver kiss is a dumb-downed version of brass knuckle.) Vampires are allergic to silver, just so you know. It like eats their skin. Shoot one threw the heart or cut their heads off with silver, and they stay dead.
The only problem is: getting silver.
I checked my daggers. One in my boot, one up my sleeve, one on my belt, and a very small one triggered by a button on my bracelet, just in case. Being a Breaker gives me super speed and strength, plus my dark gift. But all the power


Texte: Breanna Gillard
Bildmaterialien: Breanna Gillard
Lektorat: Brian McDowell
Übersetzung: Google?
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.02.2012

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