
First Bliss

A humming bird, so small and happy, flew by quickly as Alyssa smiled, walking in a circle in the medow. She loved this place so much, even in the dead of winter she had seen beauti where others had seen sadness.
Smiling as she twirled around in her small white sundress, watching the flowers and bees and trees, she laughed. Shoving some of her long, honey gold hair back from where it had escaped the long braid down her back that ended at her hips, she spun again.
"It is not wise for you to be out here, alone, young, tempting..." A voice said behind her, smooth as silk, making her gasp and spin around, her dark hasel eyes meeting pale blue ones.
"I do not care what is wise and what isn't it is not your place to speak to me as if you were my father." The mysterious woman with the beautiful blond hair told Rafe as he watched her watch him with those exquisite hasel eyes that weren't too green, nor too brown.
"You should though, My Lovely..." He said, running a hand through his short, wavy, black hair, watching her intently. "Because someone might decide one day that your small red mouth need some company..."
Staring silently Alyssa smiled some, laughing softly. "Is that so, Mr....?"
"I am Rafe, Rafe Masters." The man said quietly, still standing deep in the shadoms of an Elm tree. Smiling softly, blushing, Alyssa stepped closer, into the shadow of the tree and offered him her hand.
"I'm Alyssa, Alyssa Valerie."
Rafe stared at her hand, surprised, as the beautys smile slowly faded and her hand fell to her side slowly. Frowning, Rafe stepped foreward, still in the shadows, and traced the curve of her cheek with his thumb, smiling slightly at how soft and small she was.
As he watched her eyes he noticed the exact moment that she registered the differences in their skin temperature. Immediatly he stepped away, his hand falling back to his side, his face a mask of cool indifference once again, cloaking his pain over not being able to even touch her.
Frowning, Alyssa stepped forward and took it again, holding it back up to her cheek, smiling softly. She didn't mind the difference in skin temperature, in fact, she liked it. She just couldn't understand why he'd pulled away.
Surprised and shocked, Rafe did nothing to stop her when she lifted his hand to her face. Smiling slightly he began to wonder just what it would be like to kiss her. Not that he would, no, that might scare her. But this, ah this, he thought, was enough for him.
Smiling at Rafe, Alyssa blushed and stepped forward. Lifting her hand slowly she traced a finger across his jaw, down his cheek and back. Stepping closer she traced the line of his nose and down to his lips, following the shape of his lips with her finger tip.
Standing still as a statue except for his roaming hand, Rafe closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure as her fingers brushed across his cold skin. It had been so long since he had known anothers touch. Years and years, decades...nothing could compare to such a simple pleasure as having this lovely creature touch his face, his cheek, his forehead, his lips.... His eyes snapping open, Rafe stared at her, shocked. She had progressed from touching and was now a mere breath away, staring up at him with wide, curious, innocent eyes.
Taking a deep breath Alyssa gathered her courage and looked into his beautiful blue eyes for a long moment before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his softly, not wanting him to be shocked and run away. She felt his body stiffen slightly before he relaxed and puled her into his arms and kissed her long and slow, closing his eyes again.
Rafe couldn't believe it, even as he kissed her back, that she had leaned over and pressed those beautiful, perfect lips to his cold, unmoving ones and just stood there, pressed against him. As he continued to kiss her he let one of his hands drift down slowly so as not to startle her and settle on the small of her back to pull her closer yet again. Oh how good she felt, her soft body agaisht his hard one, her curves perfect with his angles.
Pulling back, Alyssa blushed and smiled up at him. "See, I'm not scared of you, I think you're kinda cute." She mumbled, stepping close again, her head down, and sliding her arms around his neck, not wanting to move away yet. They were both silent as he held her close, seeming to want to keep her there forever. Not that she blamed him, she thought, I could stay right here forever....

Knightly Letter

My Dearest Alyssa,
I have been informed that your father has left
your home at Malice Manor, and that to visit you
under such circumstances would be scandalous. And
so, Sweet, I shall leave a continuous stream of
letters for you under our Elm Tree in the clearing.
I know you are not aloud to leave the manor when
your father is not present, so perhaps you might
send a servant or friend of some kind? If you wish
to reply to my letter, Darling, merely send someone
to place it beneath the tree and I shall retrieve it.
Graciously Yours,
Rafe Masters

As Alyssa reread Rafe's first letter to her she considered the past week and how they had easily used her hand maid Gwen to chauffer letters between them. Today her father had sent word that he would be arriving tomorrow morning, and that the servants were to ready the manor. The news had made Alyssa so very happy that she had sent Gwen away with another letter for Rafe.
Tonight she would stand on her small balcony as she had told Rafe she would in her letter, and wait. All the servants would be so busy cleaning, no one would notice if she went to bed early!
Walking over to her vanity table and seating herself she looked into her mirror. Her manner of speak was so different from all of her friends, but then, her uncle had been a duke, which meant she was a Lady and expected to act as one. Why she even had a maid to help dress her, do her hair, even run her bath water! But Rafe spoke the same as her, even acted royal, and his penmanship was exquisite!
She didn't honestly why being refined was so strange to her friends, but it was. She was just happy that Rafe didn't see things that was, he was so easy to get along with, and his kiss still lingered in her dreams. Hopefully tonight I shall have to dream of it no more, she thought to herself with a shyly impish smile. Dreams weren't enough, she wanted to kiss him again.

Darling Rafe,
I have had news from my Father and he shall
be returning on the morrow. The servants are
in a scramble to prepare his rooms again and
check over the entire manor until it is in
perfection, and so, I have a proposition for
you. Tonight I will stand out on my balcony
and await you, if you come I will know your
heart longs for me as mine does for you, if
you do not, I will repeat my balcony swarray
until I hear from you and have your written
rejection. I know not how you always manage
to leave a beautiful rose on my balcony ledge
every morning, but I am glad, for they serve
as a reminder that you haven't forgotten me.
I await you, Dear One, please do not delay!
Yours Truly and Happily,

A smile tipped Rafe's lips as he read, his laughter filling the small bedroom he occupied. His dear little Alyssa was impatient for their next meeting, and he could not deny a similar feeling in himself.
Since their parting in the clearing he had cancelled his meeting with a Duke Waistaff in London in favor of staying nearer her. He was currently residing at the Whipsted Manor that was merely a few miles south of his Darling. Tonight he would meet her, and hopefully be able to reveal his true self, should he think her ready. He was tired of lying to Sweet Alyssa, her naiveity only made him feel a fool. TOnight was it then, he would reveal his monstrous nature to his lovely Lady, and pray, should God see fit to answer a creature of evil, that she not despise him for it.
Folding her letter and laying it with the rest he stood, pulled a pair of black dress pants from his boudair as well as a starched white shirt and quickly dressed. The time was mere moments from sundown and he had an few errands to run before meeting his love. Alyssa would wait, patient and charming as always, but his gift for her would not! trying to imagen her reaction when he brings her a show white puppy with a black button nose and large blue eyes he laughed again and shook his head. She would be delighted!

Confused Truths

As Alyssa stood leaning against her balcony railing she watched for Rafe. He should have been here by now, but she guessed it just felt like it was taking hours not minutes.
She wanted to see him and now, she needed to see him smile, maybe laugh. She'd missed him terribly and it was getting worse with each tick of the clock.
"Alyssa, Darling." A warm voice said in her ear making her gasp with delight and spin. Rafe stood behind her, dressed in a tuxedo suit with his hair combed and a smile on his face as he watched her. Smiling she stepped foreward to offer him a kiss but froze when she heard a muffled barking.
Now what could be barking? She wondered, her smile turning into a thoughtful frown. Looking around she noticed that Rafe's hands were still behind his back and she glanced at his face curiously.
"Well, I guess the surprise is ruined then, huh?" He asked, smiling and reaching in front of him, revealing the snow white puppy in his arms with large gorgeous blue eyes.
'Oh, Rafe, he's gorgeous!" She exclaimed happily, taking the puppy and dropping to the floor smoothly to set him down and start petting him.
"It's a she actually. Thought I'd get you a female so you wouldn't feel smothered by the throng of men around here." He teased, reffering to her father and all the suitors she was constantly turning down.
"Thats very sweet, Darling, truly. But Father will never allow me to keep him, he hates pets!" She murmured forlornly, her eyes on the puppy as she chased a butterfly.
"Then she shall stay with me and visit you constantly. Now, why don't you name her, Sweet? We can't expect her to respond to a mere 'Here doggy'. She is a pure bred you know." Amusement flashed in his eyes as he teased her and knelt down on the balcont with her, waching her as she became thoughtful.
"Hm...names, huh? Not Saphire, too obvious. Let see, theres Yasmin, Hera, Snow, Pearl, but they are all so...boring!" Sighing she watched her puppy, enjoying her little sqeak like barks. 'Hey, thats it! Her name shall be Squeak and she shall squeak instead of bark!"
As they both laughed at the silliness Alyssa leaned against Rafe's strong frame, smiling when Sqeak bolted toawrd them and into her lap, licking her face enthusiastically.
"I like it, My pet, it is very fitting."


An hour later, with Sqeak sleeping out on the balcony in the moonlight and Alyssa and Rafe holding onto each other, Rafe knew the time had come.
"Alyssa, Darling, I must tell you something." He began, pulling back and tilting her face up to his with a finger under her chin.
"Okay." She replied, her smile sweet and trusting.
"Dearest, I'm not...what you think. I'm not just a lord of vast land and wealth. Sweet Love, I'm-"
"Alyssa, your father has arrived early, you must come greet him!" The anxious voice of her hand maid came through the door, making bother Alyssa and Rafe freeze.
'Darling, tell me later, for now, hide in the closet, I'll return in a moment. Keep Squeak quiet!" She said, rushing out of the room and following her maid to her father.
"Damnit!" Rafe cursed darkly, his dark eyes flashing angrily. Fate seemed against him this evening, for dawn was approaching fastly and he had to go.
Quickly scribbling out an explination he left the letter on her pillow, using her powers to make a pale pink rose appear on top of it. He may have been vague in his letter, but atleast the rose would assure her of his devotion.


Dearest Alyssa,
Darling, I truley regret that I must rush
off on such short notice, but dawn
approaches swiftly and so I must go. I
wanted to tell you before, but I couldn't
and so here goes. I am not what you think,
I'm not good. I am darkness my darling
but have no fear, for I am ever alert near
you, I will never allow this beast to harm you.
Sweet, please forgive me. My love is yours.
Hopelessly Devoted,

As Alyssa read the letter and held the rose by its long elegant stem she frowned. Both Rafe and Squeak had been gone when she'd reappeared, and now she was merely confused.
Squeak wasn't a monster, she was a simple puppy!


Texte: MY STORY!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2011

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