
Chapter 1

Gunshots could've been heard from miles around, along with the screams. Screams of the innocent, screams of the guilty, and screams of all statures inbetween. The battle had lasted years and years. But in the end, it was all for nothing. The great battle of Majesty is what everyone called it. What was so great about it? The fear of being the next to hit the ground? The guilt that came after the killling? The adrenaline of shooting the gun? What was it?
Lord only knows, Becca thought as she set her books on the check out desk in front of the librarian.
Becca's class was going to waste an entire two months studying and writing, about the 'oh so great battle.' Everyone else was excited, they all knew the story, so it was an entire two months of bird course.
Becca hated it. She didn't she the point. Why go messing around and poking at a story about a war that was the cause of so much turmoil? Why couldn't the new history teacher just leave it be? Hundreds dies in the fruitless battle of Majesty, what was so interesting about it? Yes, it was a war. Yes, it went down in history. So what! If the new teacher was so interested in the story, why not just google it?
"Here you go, Becca. Remember, two weeks, then they have to come back." Mrs. Dole said. She was a little over seventy but didn't care, and came down to open the library at five a.m. every morning and close at six thirty p.m. every night. Today her silver gray hair was up in a tight bun on top of her head, and she wore a red, floral print dress, a long string of pearls hung from her neck. And, she was the closest thing to a grandmother Becca would ever get.
When Becca was younger her mother and father had died in a car accident. She was only three at the time, so she didn't remember them. After the crash, she had been put in custody of her Aunt and Uncle,on her fathers side. Every day she prayed that her father wasn't anything like her Uncle.
"Sure thing, Mrs. Dole." She said with a small smile, wincing slightly when the movement stung her black eye, which was hidden behind her sunglasses.
Her Uncle hadn't liked her grade on her math test.
She walked out the door, walking quickly with a ducked head. She didn't have any friends, so she wasn't worried about getting held up. What she was worried about, was that cousin, Jimmy, would show up. Jimmy was twenty seven, with summer blue eyes, and thicky, curly, golden blond hair. For eight years now Jimmy had been living on his own only a few blocks from the sheriff's office, Jimmy was a cop. But here in Majesy, cops were called Deputies and the Chief was called the Sheriff. For eight years now, his father had had a short temper with both his wife, and Becca. Jimmy didn't like it. The ;ast time his father had hit Becca, he had found her in the park crying. She'd had bruises all over her arms, and her left jaw was swollen and discolored. Jimmy had said he was going to tell the Sheriff, but Becca had talked him out of it. Promising to go to the Sheriff if her Uncle did it again, but, she had crossed her fingers behind her back.
Who would have believed her? He was the Mayors' nephew! The Sheriff would laugh in her face before throwing the Mayors' nephew in jail, and Uncle Herb knew it. He knew that was the only reason he even got away with it.
Walking with her head down, she didn't she the boy she collided, her head to his chest, with. Looking up, she could have sworn she was staring at some kind of dark angel. He was gorgeous. He had raven dark hair, cut short, but still casual and messy, in a good way, dark brown eyes, he was tall, and built. The guy looked like he could bench two twenty without breaking a sweat, but he wasn't bulking. He stared down at her, suprised, for a moment.
Then he casually offered her his hand and helped her pick up her books. He smiled at her, a dimple playing hide and seek on his left cheek.
"Sorry, guess I wasn't watching where I was going." He said, his voice that of an angels.
"No. It was my fault...I wasn't watching where I was going. Sorry." She said sheepishly, turning her head down again.
"Ok, if you say so." He said, a hint of dark amusement entering his amazing gaze. "So, your a light reader. Research on some kind of war as far as I can tell."
"Yes, its for school. Are you knew?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Yep, just moved in today."
"Cool, where'd you move into at? I haven't seen any moving vans lately."
"Oh, we moved out. Closer to the forest, you know?"
"Oh, cool. Well, I gotta go. See you around?"
"You sure will."
With that she walked away. Not looking back as she rounded a corner and dissapered from his view.

And a lovely view it was at that, Gage thought, as she dissapered, with that cute little butt of her, around the corner. She had been quite pretty, with dark, wavy, auburn hair, and dark pink lips. Her face was small and pretty, with a pert little nose, a small forehead, curvy andfull lips, and a sprinkle of golden freckles over her nose. Her dark sunglasses had concealed her eyes.
She wasn't really his type, but he couldn't deny that she was pretty. He might even try a turn in that direction during his stay here. But right now he had buisness to do. Playing with the girl would have to wait. Right now, he needed to find the one by the name of Jim Cavera.
He made his way to the police station and walked calmly throught the door. The secretary gave him one look and prepared for trouble. He figured it served him right, walking into a police station decked out entirly in black, probably looking like death except for his light tan.
"Can I help you, sir?" The secretary asked, staring at him hard through her hornrim glasses.
"Yes, thank you. I was looking for a Jim Cavera, do you know where he might be?" Gage asked, throwing her one of his lopsided smiles. Hoping to charm her a little if nessicary.
"Oh, Jimmy? He's in his office, but I can buzz him for you." She said, looking slightly flustered. Gage smiled again, this time it was a self congratulatory smile.
"Jimmy," She said into the speaker at her desk "There's a Mr. ..." She trailed off in speculation.
"Sanders, Gage Sanders." He said, smiling in irony at the borrowed line.
"Mr. Sanders out here looking for you. Can he come on back?"
"Sure, send him over. Thanks Betty." The intercom said.
"No problem Jimmy, anything for you." She said, her voice getting a little wistful. "Just go on back, down the hall and to the left." She told Gage.
Without another word he left, walking the way he was told. He knocked lightly on the door and opened, not waiting for an answer. He entered the room, closing the door behind him. Before him sat a man, probably in his late twenties, blond hair, blue eyes, and a tall, lean, build. He held a folder in his hands, but sat it down when he heard the door open and close.
"You Cavera?" Gage asked.
"Yep, what can I do for you kid?" Jim Cavera asked, looking up and starting when he recognized Gage's features. His high cheekbones, strong jaw, stuborn chin, black hair, and straight nose, had been his fathers. The only features of his mother that he had was her eyes. A deep brown, almost like a dark, rich, chocolate.
"I was counting on that." Gage said as Jim's startled look dissapered and he no longer looked as if he had seen a ghost. Taking delight in the nervous and scared look in Jim's eyes.
"Sanders. I knew that name sounded familiar. You can tell your father-"
"No. I can't tell my father anything. He's dead, and unless you have a Wiji board, then we might as well forget that possability.
"Dead! Roy's dead?" Jim exclaimed in a shocked voice.
"Yep, and...much as I hate to admit it, I need your help. You used to work for my father, you know what he was. Well, his 'pals' want me to take over his little buisness. I don't want to do it, but they have a little bit of leverage on their side. I don't help them, they kill my brother and sister. I help them, and I risk ending up in the slammer. You helped my dad out of it a little while back. Now, as his son, I need you to help me stay out of it." Gage said, not looking directly into the eyes of the man in front of him, his pride disregarding anything other than itsself.
"Roy's dead," Jim huffed. "And you need my help. To stay out of the mess he made. Figures."
"If you can help me out of it, I'll owe you man. I'll owe you the world on a silver platter. But I need your help first."
"Look, kid, your old man, he was a good guy, but...I don't think I can risk my job again."
"I'm not asking you to risk anything. All I want, is a fresh start. A fresh start for my baby brother and sister, a fresh start for me." Gage said, choking a little at the thought of how happy Hailey and Mark would be if they could all have a fresh start.
"I don't know kid..."
"Look man," Gage was finally able to look Jim in the eye, and what Jim saw there, he would never forget. "I'm asking you to do this for a five year-old little girl and a seven year-old little boy! Not for me, not for my mom, not for my father. But for two little kids, two little kids who are in a crumbled, burnt down, rickety old shack, waiting for me! Depending on me, for food, water, a place to sleep! Hoping to have atleast one night where their not curled up on the ground, struggling to stay warm! How can I give them any of that with a bunch of ediots out there trying to find and kill me?" He demanded, staring at Jim with pure, unadulterated pain in his eyes, pain for his brother, pain for his sister, and only guilt and contempt for himself.
"Ok. I'll do it, I'll give you a knew idenity, one for your brother and sister as well. You can keep your first names, and I'll clear it for you to have new last names. Where do you plan on staying?"

Chapter 2

"Damnit, Becca. Again, really? Why haven't you been down to the police station yet?" Jimmy demanded as he drove her home. She didn't have a car, and never took the bus, so today Jimmy was driving her home from school. Perfect, she thought.
"Because, with all the mess going on right now, it wouldn't help. Besides, what makes you think the Sheriff would actually put the jerk in jail, for good?" She asked, remembering the times her Uncle Herb had been thrown in the slammer for a night, and the next day, Aunt Janeen would always take him back. Her Uncle was onle forty two, her Aunt was thirty nine, so it wasn't like her Aunt would never find another guy, she was just to scared of Herb to kick him out for good.
"You'll never know unless you try. You promised Becca, so, before I take you home, I'm taking you by the station to file for a restraining order, for you and Aunt Janeen."
"No! Are you trying to get me beat to death?" She exclaimed, "Uncle Herb would kill me! The Mayor would never let it happen. Then, when Uncle Herb got home, me and Aunt Janeen would have to take the brunt of the entire mess!"
"Well what do you want me to do? Ignore it? Damnit Becca you know I can't do that!"
"Just give me some time, I have a plan. Soon as my plan falls through I'll file for a restraining order, me and Aunt Janeen both. I swear, on all the stars in the night sky!"
"Thats alot of stars." He grumbled.
"I've only ever counted up to two thousand one hundred and twenty six stars before I loose count."
"How much free time do you have?" He asked, clearly suprised.
"None, I just don't sleep much, ok? That's all."
They were silent for the rest of the drive. Jimmy dropped her off out side the house, and watched her as she walked up the steps and through the door, closing it softly behind her.
"Becca?" Her Aunt's sing song voice asked, it seemed to be coming from the kitchen.
"Yep." Becca answered, tossing her bag in the closet and walking into the kitchen.
"How was school?" Her Aunt asked, she was bent over a pot at the stove trying to save that nights dinner.
"So, so I guess. Jimmy picked me up. He saw the bruises and demanded to know why I hadn't been down to see the Sheriff yet."
"Oh, dear. I really am sorry. I wish..." She trailed off, staring at her neice with despair and remorse in her eyes.
"Its not your fault, M'athair mo chroi." Becca said, knowing the Irish words for Mother of my heart would help to make her feel better. Irish being her, and her Aunt's, first language, Becca knew her Aunt wouldn't need a translation.
Her Aunt gave her a watery smile, and said.
"I know you don't blame me as I do myself, and, that among many other reasons, is why I love you my dear."

Two hours later Herbert Cavera stormed into the house, cursing every thing and everyone he'd encountered that day. The forty seven year old man had gumpsion. He hated Majesty, but wouldn't leave.
"Good evening, Uncle." Becca said politly. "I'm going to go to bed early to night." She said, knowing he wouldn't answer.
She went up to her room, a big room with and Antique Victorian bed. The entire room was centered a dark green. Ignoring the bed, she walked over to her bug window and climbed out, onto the roof. She laid down and looked up at the night sky, with all its stars, airplanes, and darkness, she preffered it to the house inunder her. Staring at the stars she saw some airplanes and began to make a wish.
She pretended that the airplanes were shooting stars, knowing she needed a wish more than ever before. Knowing that it would never come true regardless.
She remembered the stranger she had met today, and made a wish to see him again. Made a wish to make a new friend the next day. Made a wish that she could just go home, back to Haven. Haven was small and remote, but it was home. It wasn't much different from Majesty, but, as long as there wasn't a Herbert Cavera there, it was the most wonderful place in the world.
Before makihng her last wish, she thought about the crash that had caused it all. About how her parents had been on their way home to her when they were recked. About how many ways it was her fault that they were dead. Mostly, she thought about the one aspect no one but her and her Aunt knew, how her mother had been pregnant with a baby boy at the time. How she had caused the death of a child, unborn or not.
She made her last wish, praying reverently before she had fell asleep that it would be answered. Sleep did not keep the wish from her minbd though. As she slet the words she had whisered burned them selves into her memory, heart, and very essence.
I wish I had been in that car too....

Chapter 3

"Gage, I'm hungry. Did you find any food?"
Every time he came back, Hailey asked the same question in the same hopeful tone, and every time Gage died a little inside at the sound. Mark stood beside his sister in the doorway, his expression looking all buisness and no play.
"Yep, I got you guys some burgers. You can take off anything you don't want thats on it." He said, staring at both of them.
They were in the same clothes they had been wearing the day he had yanked them off the side walk, shoved them into his hand me down truck, and drove, without looking back. He had come home to find both mothers dead body on their kitchen floor, covered in blood. They same blood that was smeared in handprints all over the kitchen walls and doors. From what he had seen, she had tried to escape, and failed. Her eyes had been wide with horror, and even now, he could almost feel them, staring at him with death. Accusing him, hating him,...loving all of them. He knew his mother had loved him, knew the accusing, and hating looks had been for the ones who had cut her up, her throut, her pixie face, her arms, legs,...everything. But he couldn't get rid of the guilt.
It was his fault. His fault his mother had been murdered. His fault his brother and sister were scared of every little sound or shadow. His fault they didn't have a solid home. His fault they had no family but him left. His fault they hadn't stayed in any one place for longer than forty eight hours for over three months.
But he would fix that. He would.
"Before we eat, I have a surprise." He said, staring at them after they had both sat down with their legs crossed beneath them, in front of him in anticipation. "Jim Cavera said he would help us. We're going to have the new start that I've been promising you guys. You can to school, and I'll get a job. We'll be staying in a small house in the woods behind Jim's place. How does that sound?"
His question was answered by the feel of two young kids in his arms immediately. That was all the answer he needed. They ate and moved out. An hour later, they met Jim Cavera at the bottom of the trail up to the little cabin. They climbed into the back of his car and waited. As soon as they were all settled in the little house, Jim left. Hailey and Mark fell asleep on the twin bed in the master bed room, and Gage took the couch.
He didn't sleep though. And after a while he got restless. He got up and went outside, he climbed onto the small room, and lay on it, beneath the stars. He watched the stars and remembered, back to the day of the funeral, the day that had been their mother’s death. Finally he began to drift. His last coherent thought drifted through his dreams.
Nemo me impune lacessit...
He who shall offend me beware...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2010

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