
I can hear the coffee brewing downstairs, the smell making my noise tingle, the broken toaster humming as it burns my mom bread, before she puts her grape jelly and kisses my dad on the check before he says. “Have a good day mum” but looking at my little brother and he giggles. I can hear my dad turning the newspaper, tsking at the sports and smiling when he sees the Girl Scout troop helping out in town. My mom and brothers in the living room as my mother attempts to get them to their school meeting on time. I would wake up and walk down the wood stairs, avoiding the third stair before the last because it squeaked. I would step to my left and walk to the kitchen exactly 20 steps to my left and then 5 steps to the right to get to the refrigerator. 4 paces to the toaster next to it and 8 paces towards my vitamin cabinet. I would grab a glass with flowers on it, it was glass and I would pour in orange juice. No pulp. I would drink it and shovel some cereal in my mouth. The clock on the wall going faster and faster, my time running out. I would kiss my mom as she tried to find her keys in the messy living room, the blue making her blonde hair and pale complexion fade out. And my brother would attempt to crawl underneath the couch and search for her lost earring. I would walk 15 paces towards the kitchen breakfast bar and kiss my dad on the forehead his green eyes smiling up at me as he said in his accent. “I love you Hun” my baby brother would make a small gurgling noise and I would try to feed some oatmeal to him before seeing his small face scrunch up his blue eyes like our mother start tearing up until I play peek a boo.
But that won’t ever happen again.
Because my parents are dead.
My younger brother is dead.
All thast left are my twin older brothers and me.
All alone.
No more, newspapers and no more peek a boo. No more lost earring and no more I love you Hun. No more giggles and everytinme I drink orange juice I get nausea.
No more burnt toast or coffee, no more family.
All because of alcohol. All because some dude, was angry about something, either fought with his wife or lost his job. Maby his teenage girl got pregnant or his father had died. He drove to the nearest pub. After his fourth vodka he decided it was a good idea to dance, after his 6th it was a good idea to cheat on his wife by raping some girl that was walking home from softball practice and then leaving her in front of the house she was walking towards, her body covered by a thin blanket he found at the motel he dragged her too. The dainty yellow sheets showing how cheap and dirty it was in that room. After returning to the pub he had a few more and by the time his eighth vodka was shot down his head was feeling fuzzy nod he decided to drive around to clear his head. Turning right on Raeburn he started driving towards Cornwall Street he turned left onto a one way street and collided. Hitting a small motorcycle the driver sped up and hit a small convertible, the top was open and a family was driving home, their baby son was asleep in the back and his brother to his left was staring at the stars. Their father was driving humming along to john Lennon and their mother, his wife was sitting next to him , thinking about their daughter and twin sons that they left at home. He impacted on the father and baby’s side, killing them instantly and then a turning the car over upside down over the sped he was going at the brother was hit in the skull the blood seeping into the dark seats. The mother screaming for a few seconds before passing out when her head hit the concrete floor and the car turned over and over, spinning down the hill. Blood stamps left in their trail. A half hour later the ambulance sirens came closer and they contacted the family.
It was 2 15 in the morning the day I was told half my family was killed. I was asleep my small dog snuggled at my feet and my brothers snores reaching me traveling through the vents. The moon was shining brightly through my white lace curtains and hitting the floor illuminating the stack of books I kept on my bedside table and the cell phone on the floor charging. I was deep into a dream when I hear the phone ring and my eyes snapped open. Swinging my legs over to the side of my bed I get up and walk the thirty steps to the hallway were the phone at the end of the hallway is kept. Picking up the cold phone, my arms producing goose bumps as I put the phone to my ear.
Hello? The voice on the other side sounded tired. Yet strongly calms, as if she made call at 2 15 every night to strange people.
Im so sorry. I blinked a few seconds and let the phone slip from my hand my back finding the wall and slididing down I hold my knees as I let the sobs and realization take over me.

James helped me out of the car and put his arm around my shoulder. My peocoat on top of my sweat pants and I love SpongeBob shirt. My converse tied all wrong and my hair in its messy braid traveling down my back reaching the end of my butt, my green eyes glistening with fresh tears as James and I follow Alexander into the emergency room. The blank bright white walls irritating my newly woken eyes. The pale orange waiting chairs empty except for a few other people. One mother was rocking her crying baby in her arms the hum of a lullaby hitting my ears and the sound of a book being dropped by an old lady as she tried to comfort a younger version of her, Either her granddaughter or niece Maby her daughter? Forty five steps from the entrance we come to the white counter that smells like antibacterial spray, tall red head women with too bright red lipstick greets us with a smile. A poppy seed was stuck in her front two teeth.
I dint pay much attention to what happened next. It was all just a mess and maze of lights and talking with doctors and then they took us to see our family’s bodies to identify them.
By 6 26 we were pulling up in our driveway and Alexander was carrying me up the stairs and I ruined his sleeping shirt with my tears and snot. I apologized but he said it was okay. / That he was here. That he loved me and so didi James. He took my shoes off and helped me out of my coat tucking in my bed sheets he made a makeshift bed on the floor and used a throw pillow as his pillow. James sleeping next to me his black hair contrasting my white pillows. I remember staying up until I saw the plane fly by and once the blinking lights faded I closed my eyes and counted to ten, drifting into a dark sleep.
Waking up and see both my brothers asleep and smile despite of myself at their messed up hair and the cutest teddy bear snuggled with James. I carefully step over them using my ballet skills by stepping on my toes and lightly grabbing my shower stuff, the cloths I was going to wear and my hair comb.
Putting on my shorts and tank top I walk the sixteen steps to James room and I look around for my head band. I find it and put it on my bangs still falling into my eyes. Walking back out step on all the creaky spots on the floor and walk to my parents closed doors. I turn the brass cold door handle and walk in the overwhelming smell of my mom’s faviuorite perfumes over bears me, my father’s masculine scents lingering afterwards. Smells like his aftershave. I walk over to my mom bureau. Passing my hand along the side of all her lotions and her makeup. The mirror covered in sticky notes on reminders she needed to do. The colorful bottles reflecting off the mirror making the room spin in color. Walking the perimeter of the room I see their comfy bed and climb into the middle. Smelling their scents, the smell of baby Chris on the blanket that was left on their bed. Closing my tired eyes. I want to fall asleep but I hear James waking up next door and I know he won’t be happy if he sees me crying again. Getting off the bed I smooth over the wrinkles and close their door behind me. Walking down the steps jumping over the creaky step me walking to the living room I try to imagine the earring and then I walk towards the kitchen the vision fading. I stand at the door way and I can see my dad their baby Chris giggling his blue eyes bright. Grabbing the ice tea from the fridge I swipe at the memories they fading like smoke. Sipping at the iced tea I watch the morning joggers passing by the house. “Good morning violet” I turn. “Good mornining James.” He grabs a bottle of Gatorade and sits down. “Are you okay?” his British accent thick and his eyes curious.
“Yes im fine. You?” I finish my tea and place the glass in the dish washer.
“Im okay.”
The silence following was awkward and filled with unspoken emotions.
“Listen Alexander and I we need to talk to you about what’s going to happen.” I look at him and then towards the stairs were I hear that step squeak and a few seconds later Alexander comes into the sunlit room his eyes red and puffy. The sun hit both brothers directly and made them look heavenly. The kitchen bright and sunny. Opposite of how we feel. He grabs a banana and chomp on it. “Good morning.” I shrivel my noise. “How can you eat that?” I ask my eyes looking towards the yell banana he was holding. He shrugged his big built shoulders going up and down his Adams apple bobbing as he swallowed the yellow fruit. “Blokes gotta eat” and to prove his point finishes the banana throwing the skin away in the green trashcan next to the side door. James scoffs and sets his hands on the table. “Back to the important topic. We will be moving with a couple of Alexander and mine friend’s house. They live a couple towns over; therefore you will be attending a new school. I know that with everything this is the last thing you want to hear but this funeral will be in a few days.” I look at him and I know the small tears pooling in my eyes are falling over because both protective brothers step forwards and tug me into their arms. Both mumbling encouraging words. James hand stoking my head a comforting touch my mom used to make. And Alexander letting my rest my head against his chest. “Alexander and I we will continue 12th grade and you will finish your 11th grade and in 3 months it will be summer and we can take a break.” He says and tries to make things sound better than it was. His eyes hopeful that we don’t break down again. I nod. Avoiding their eye contact and stepping away walking 23 paces to the left I open our front door and step out onto our white porch. Sitting on the small swing/ rocker I curl there and try to take comfort in knowing my brothers have everything handled.
Walking through the house I have memories. In each rooms a new memory. In Chris’s room I remember spilling baby powder everywhere my mom laughing at me when I try to clean it up ending up with white hair. My parents room when I was five my brothers 7 we were playing dress up and I was their princes they were my knight s in shining armor. I had broken moms red heels, the ones with the flowers on the top strap. James tried to tape it back together and dad decided we would blame the dog. My mom making us lemonade Alexander adding four more spoonfuls of sugar. Smiling I walk down the stairs staring at the empty spaces all the boxes in the moving truck. I take final look at the kitchen and wipe away a small tear I walk out and grab a box we were forgetting in the porch. Getting in my car I sit in the car, my head spinning. This is it. No more Sunday morning breakfast. No more broken toasters and no more summer nights spent swinging on the swings or attempting to grill some meat without burning our house down. No more. Once I pull out of this drive way this it is. I can’t look back. All I have are my memories and that’s it. The photos in were the people eyes tell the story. Backing out of the driveway I look back in my review mirror saying goodbye to my house. My memories. Were the past lays, on the top of the grass hill. Were events happened and my first date was interviewed on that porch. James first broken leg, as he wobbled onto the stairs and almost fell again. Were stories and mystery’s are locked away in the squeaky floorboards and secrets’ were whispered in the closets of our rooms.

Walking up the stone steps walkway I carry my photos in a box, my dog following on my leash. Hesitantly walking up the few steps up the wood porch that looped around the whole house. The house looked huge. I can hear my brothers voices greeting people and I lift an eyebrow. How many people live here? I grunt trying to climb up the stairs and dump the box on the ground. “Mother jumble. I hate heavy boxes!” I stare at it for a moment before looking up when I hear the sinker. A tall boy with black hair flopped over his emerald forest green eyes stared at me with a smug look on his face. His eyebrows raised. I look at him. “What?” he stares at me? “Mother jumble?” he snickers. I nod. “Yes I don’t curse unless im mad. Or excited.” I place my hand son my hips and stare at him. There were two awkward moments until James comes out. “Oh violet! You met adam.” I nod. Instant hatred. “Well come inside and met the roommates.” I bend down to pick it up when James picks it up with no effort. I follow behind him the small dog following behind. Walking two paces I enter a doorway and into the houses hallway. On the walls it’s all photographs with people on them. All staring at me. Once you walk ten paces forward you see two doorways on either of you. To the left you would enter the living room, were we entered. The furniture black and a small wood table in the center. A TV propped on top of a fireplace, even more photos on the walls and on the mantel of the fireplace. A bookshelf hat goes up to the ceiling crowded knick knacks and photraphs; exiting through a different door we enter a dingin room and then a kitchen. When we exit the kitchen I notice that we ended up making a complete turn of the whole bottom floor and were in the same hallway we started. This house was huge beocase we continued down the hallway, passing door after door, James telling me that all four of them belonged to people. At the end of the hallway we met with a staircase winding up. I look up and I can see the two floors that await us, the stairs going in circles. James goes ahead and starts climbing. 15 steps later we make it to the second floor, were the bathroom is shown and then the other 2 rooms were occupied by James and Alexander. Down the hallway we walk into a small den a TV set up with couches set up around it. Leaving the second floor we beginning our ascend towards the third floor. “Adams room is to the left, the bathroom is right in front of the staircase and then you’re room to the right. Down the hallways is the Sebastian’s room.” He finishes his tour and smiles at me. “Are you okay didi I go to fast?” I shake my head. “No im fine. Just a little tired. Thast all.” He smiles sadly and hugs me. “I miss them but I know they don’t want us to be sad. Get some rest everything will be clearer in the morning” he kisses my forehead and past my head placing the box in my room, I watch him climb the staircase and stop at the second floor. I hear his door slam slightly and I sigh. I open my room and blindly fall into the bed. My eyes instantly closing.
I wake up to silence. No humming of the toaster or the smell of coffee. No noisy step sounding everytinme somebody steps on it. Just silence.
I sit there and listen
I sit there and I cry.
I don’t know how long I cried. It could have been hours but I donh stop when I hear my phone ring and I dotn stop when I hear my door creak open. I sit there on my bed crying silently to myself. I feel my brother’s protective arms surround me and then I break down all over again. My tears and sobs echoing throughout the room. Once I control myself I sigh and close my eyes. “Im okay now.” Silence. “No really im fine. It was just the shock of everything just hit me right now and it’s a lot to take in,” I take a deep breath. Still they sit there waiting for me to break down again. “no im okay im just going to get ready go downstairs.” I stand up and go through my boxes until I find a pair of shorts and a tank top my towel and other stuff I needed. I walk to the door and open it, they following me. I walk into the no decorated bathroom, the black green walls dull and boring. I watch them walk down the stair worry etched into their faces, before I slam the door shut. Showering I put on my favorite lotion I use to help me feel calm and let my hair dry natural curly, my bangs falling limp into my eyes. Putting on some studs and my favorite necklace my parents gave me I slip on the shorts and the purple tank top a white one underneath. My purple converse laced I walk downstairs the flow of voices reaching my ears. Stepping into the hallway I enter the first door. I end up in the living room. I look around and keep going until I find the kitchen. I enter it and find my brothers surrounded with five other guys. They all ignore me all focused on something. I slip past them and open the refrigerator grabbing a water bottle I slip past them again and grab an apple. Sitting on one of the breakfast bars stool chair. Alexander is the first to notice my presence. “Oh you’re here.”I nod and finish my apple. Then they all look up. They all looks surprised.
“Who’s the chick?” one of them asks. I roll my eyes.
“This chick has a name and her name is violet thanks for asking.”
They all snicker. One of them in the back laughs. “She got sass.” I roll my eyes. James looks furious. “Listen guys this is violet, our sister. Repeat SISTER if you touch her we will hurt you.” I smirk and cross my arms. The all look at James and nod. Sadness and disappointment obvious. James the stand ups.
“So these crazy gus are: parker, CJ, Xavier, Ian and Sebastian. Oh and Adam.” He nods to them. “Guys this is my sister violet” I smile and wave. I hop off the stool. Alexander stand sup. “Were you going?” I look at him. “School?” he shakes his head. “No need we have a week before we start. Our mourning time.” I shake my head. “Why do I need mourning time? Mourning is for people to cry over death and im not going to sit here all day and cry and drown myself with despair.” I shake my head. Fixing my head band. James laughs. “Fine you dotn have to “mourn” but just chill out don’t be such a nerd.” I scoff. “I am no such thing. You take that back.” He laughs and walks out of the room. I stare at him retreat and then stand there and bite my lip. “Then what am I supposed to do?” Alexander shrugs. “Go unpack?” I shrug. “Why? Were not staying here.” He looks taken by surprise. “Were not?”
I laugh, “no of course not. You don’t expect me to live with eight boys under one roof now do you?” he looks confused.
“James!” I yell running after him. My panics attack coming back. Catching up to him I tug at his shirt.
“Were not actually staying here! Right I can’t stay here was going to go away and move and it will only be us right?” he looks at me. “No violet, we stay here. Don’t worry ill protect you. None of these guys will ever hurt you like hi-” he stops mid sentence his jaw tightening at the past memory. I shrug away the dark feeling creeping past my shoulder. He looks at me his jaw still tightened and a dark look in his face. Without saying a word he runs up the stairs and slams his door. I wince. I stand there and awkwardly slip out of the house. Grabbing my car keys I drive out of the driveway, not knowing where to go. Finding a gas station I fill up my gas tank and start driving. Finding a small town, I drive by. A movie theater, two small diners and fancy restaurant. Some small little stores and the library. The people all looked at me when I got out of the car.
As if I was the stranger.
I look down at the street as I grab a chocolate bar and a can of ice tea from the aisle. Paying I get in the car, backing out of the parking lot. I park at a lonely park. Walking out twenty five paces I get to the swings. The metal holders rusty and glisten with the sun setting behind the small lake. The black seat slightly moving back and forth as the wind pushes it. The wind being the swings only companion. Sitting atop the swings the black underneath me cold. I look down and look at the wood chips the mud showing underneath with so many of the shoes that pushed off and jumped from. Eating half my chocolate bar I feel full and feed it to the small pigeons that surrounded me. pushing of the ground I let my legs pump forwards and then back, propelling me into the tress and right before I fell I caught myself with the chains and fell back down, back into the buses my eyes closed the wind spilling secrets and whispering sweet jokes in my ear. I laugh and sing with them. My eyes tearing at how high I am going and how fast the wind is whipping my face. My hair falling out of the ponytail holder, my bangs flopping onto my forehead, the night making the trees look scary and monstrous their tree branches like long hand with a million fingers out to take e you the moment you get close enough. I open my eyes when I realize that I had stopped pumping my legs and that I was now starting to slow down my legs brushing the ground forcing my swing to stop. Abruptly I stop and my swing creaks. As if to say it hadn’t had a person ride on it for a while. Im guessing it had enjoyed being ridden because when I got up the metal chains looked brighter and the seat looked shiner. No so cold anymore. The mud on the ground freshly messed up with my feet marks still imprinted in it. Sighing I turn around and walk around until I make it back to my car. Stepping into the car I lower my window and drive off, the lights in the town adorable. On both streets that the stores and restaurants are held all the places had white lights strewn on the top, the trees decorated aswel. I smile and drive by entering my street. MY street. That sill sound weird to me. My. It’s not mine though. Thast the problem. All MY cloths all MY possessions, they aren’t mine. There some other girls possessions. She was asleep in the big white house on ht small green grassy hill. Her dog by her feet. Her brothers sleeping and the stars twinkling. And she will never wake up to a phone call. She will just keep living in her own worlds were tragic things don’t happen. She will never pick up the phone and the next day she will go on with her life. This ghost of a girl will live the life I want. A life with family and squeaky floorboards. With missing earrings and burning toasters the grapes jelly running out. Shell is my ghost and I am hers. Because she still wonders about the other lives. The joggers that pass on the street. Because she hears the crying at night and the sad screams. And she wonders what it will feel like to be out there. In the world. By herself. If only she knew. She is my ghost and I am hers

Pulling up to the house. I sit in the car and look at my surroundings. I turned on the radio. News stated to come on. That’s when the pieces started to click. The huge house was surrounded by a wooded area, the moon bright and shining illuminating the start of it but the darkness continues more deep you go in. I get out of the car. Ignoring the rock pathway up to the light of the house I take a few steps towards the woods. I can’t think straight. I know it but im not sure. My thoughts are in a jumble.
And suddenly im running.
Running up the porch steps I slam the door open my hands shaking closing the door behind me quietly I run up the winding stairs.
Falling twice.
I hear music in the other rooms as I pass them on the stairs. All the windows open. The moon glowing
It was staring at me.
I open my door and close it behind me my breathing labored.
I walk towards my bedside table, the calendar underneath all my books and things.
The room was spinning.
Taking out the photo that was buried somewhere in a envelope next to the letters I wrote to send to my parents but never go to send them.
I place the photo on my bed, rustling through a box, I come up to the photo I had I took 4 years ago.
Placing them side by side, I take a moment to breath. For my breathing stopped momentarily.
My family’s killer was also my raper. I think. The similarities are sticking and the strange feeling I have is making my stomacke sick. Putting the photos back I leave the envelope UN closed and shove the envelope back in the box. Hiding it in my closet. I close the door. The handle cold in my hand. I lean my clammy forehead to the door closing my eyes. “Violet are you okay?” I spin and up both my hands on the Door knob. “Im fine yes. Why must you ask?” James looked at me strangely. “Well Adam heard you come in and everyone else went to pick up pizza.” Silence. “Violet are you sure you’re okay? You seem a bit ghosted.” “He’s back. He won’t leave eme alone.” I mumble to myself. Pushing my temples. Looking up I set my gaze at James.
“Did you see him?” I see James flinch.
“No” I sigh.
“It’s okay” she looks aggravated until hug him and he stiffly hugs me back until feel him relax. We hear the door slam downstairs and he straightens. “Food!” I laugh. I push him. His gray t-shirt way too tight for his muscled chest. His black hair flopping everywhere as he searches for somebody to come upstairs. “Go eat!” He laughs and grabs my shoulder. Pushes me first. “Well you need to eat too!” I shake y head smiling. I walk down the stairs.
Slowly. I can hear the groans of James. He tries to be patient.
He grabs me and carries me downstairs. Putting me down at the bottom step he runs off to a dark hallway. I get lost again. “Hello? Where am I going?” I keep walking until I find the kitchen. “Were in here” I hear someone say. I laugh. “Yeah I found it!” I walk in and grab a water bottle. Sneaking in a slice of pizza I sit on the counter. My legs crossed. I sit there staring at the, scarf down the food. I finish my slice and have a few fries. My stomacke feeling full. I feel a slither at my leg.
I look down to its beady black eyes and smile
Sitting still I try to ignore the way it watched me.
He looked harmless and it wasn’t a poisons snake. As it was distracted I caught it behind the neck, holding his tail. He stayed calm in my hand and I smile. Letting it curl around and slither around me. I stoke the scales, amazed at how calm he is.
“Rodger!” I look up to see James reaching for the snake. But it hissed and wanted to bite him. “How did he get out of his cage? He likes biting people so we keep him locked up. Don’t worry he isn’t poisonous.” I shrug and as James tried to pick him up I grab it and it curls around my hand. “Wow. How does he not bite her?” I look and see CJ Adam and Xavier all looking at the snake Ian Sebastian and parker staring at me. I hop of the counter and walk towards the cage. Slipping him in the slithers in and falls in a clump somewhere in the corner. Closing the cage.
Correctly this time
I walk back to the kitchen and wash my hands.
James and Alexander and most of the guys stare at me mouth agape. “What are you all staring at its rude. And close you’re mouths.”
“How- how did you do that! You’re supposed to be freaked out by snakes.” I laugh
“He liked having snakes. It was his hobby.”
I look out of the window. The moon seeming bright.
“He would go out, take m with him and catch them. He taught me too.”
I laugh “he tried to make anti venom but that didn’t work so he decided just to catch them. For fun. He would play his guitar and they would all crawl around him and I would feel them throughout the night on my feet or by my pillow. But they weren’t poisonous. The venomous ones were caged. The gates impossible to open” I look back to them and see James staring at me.
Xavier talks. “Didi you ever get bit?” I laugh.
“Tons. But HE called them love bites. It meant they liked me.” I laugh and pop French Fri into my mouth.
All the guys think im talking about a friend but my brother know better. They stand up tense. But I laugh. “It was fun. It taught me not be afraid of snakes.” I looked out the window. Trees moving in the wind. Agreeing with me. Since that night. I made six new friends.
I didn’t feel so alone anymore.
Then things started to get weird.
“Oh. My head is hurting” I say as the tan walls behind all of them faded. I close my eyes. Immediately the picture of my captor rises to the forefront of my mind and I open my eyes, forcefully. They all sat there not touching their food. Sometimes taking a bite and playing around with it. They all sat there drinking either water or some different colored water that they said was vitamin water. They all looked to glow today. “Am I going crazy? And why is the cafeteria so bright today?” Adam laughs and takes hold of a French Fri dipping it into ketchup and then placing it back down on the plate. “No, you’re fine. You must have not gotten enough sleep” he smiles and I feel the flutter of butterflies in my stomacke everytinme I see that smile. I smile slightly and eat some more of my apple. I look at my brothers arguing about something. Their eyes changed color from green to a dark emerald green like mine. “Whast wrong with you guys? And why are you covered in gray?” Alexander looks at me.
“Gray?” he asks. I nod “you see gray surrounding my body?”
I nod again.
“How about anyone else’s. Can you see more color?” I nod and look at everybody. Their colors blending with each other.
A huge rainbow surrounding us.
Just them the shrill of the bell sounded and everyone started to get up. I followed gathering my things.
I was in between CJ and parker when I felt weak. My head was pounding and my vision blurred. My legs were weak and I felt myself falling. They dropped me by my English class that I shared with Adam and then agreed to meet me back at the house so that we can go out to dinner after their football practice.
After an excruciating hour of Mrs. Silvers preaching’s about Shakespearean on the importance of the poison and whatever else’s she said i tumbled to my car. Almost crashing on my way home. Parking I stumble up the front porch steps and make it up the porch and into the kitchen until I fall.
I manage to crawl a few more paces before my head hits the ground and im out.

I woke up to a migraine, thumping inside my head. As if my brain was having a party the music way to loud. And my veins and muscles were all dancing... On second that not dancing; jumping. Everytinme I moved they jumped and the dang music box would shake, making my vision blur. I sit up and realize im in my room. Not wanting to open my eyes I keep them closed. Ugh,
“Violet?” I open my eyes the light blinding.
“What the hell is happening? I can’t see anything.
Everything fuzzy I try to open my eyes again and blink multiple times.
Everything finally comes into focus, and I can see.
As in I can see
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. Whoa.
I feel taller.
I sit back down and touch my face. Sighing I rub my eyes and then stop.
Wait. Where are my glasses? I open my eyes and then close them again.
I can see?
Without my glasses?
I squint and still everything looked perfect.
I look around when I hear the snicker.
Adam stood at the door.
“Uh hey?” I ask. My voice!
“Don’t worry about your voice. You’ll get used to it.” I look at him.
“How- how did you know what I was think--? What is going on?”
He laughs. “Don’t worry. Well explain in time. You need to calm down or you will heat up.” He touches my forehead.
Heat up? Ow. My head hurts.
Slipping my feet into my sandals I get up and turn around. “Were is everyone?” I walk towards the door noticing how light I feel when Im walking. Im dead aren’t I.
This is all in my head.
Im dying and this is my last dream.
Fudge. Whose gonna feed fin?
Im going crazy. Great. Dead and crazy.
But other than that im fine.
“There down at the lake. They told me to come check up on you and see if you wanted to join us.” I look at him. “why not.”
He smiles and I notice his dimples. O my jam.
“Great. Um you need a bathing suit and a towel and yeah I’ll be out side. I grab a black swimsuit and put it on with a pair of shorts and a long sleeved lace shirt, my flip flops already on my feet I grab a bag and stuff in a change of clothes and some other necessities. As I fix my bag I notice though that I have no mirrors in my room. Where did they all go? I shrug as I open my door and shut off my room light. The small rectangle that holds the on and off button cold. As if haven’t been touched in a while. I noticed the small stickers. They looked scratched up and I can’t tell what it is but there they are asuroudnign the light switch.
I close my eyes and try to imagine how they got there.

Walking out side I don’t see a car but a black motorcycle. Adam appears from behind the bike. “Oh hey. You’re ready!” he hesitates. “So have you’ve ridden one before?” I shake my head. The voices in my head arguing.
No! There dangerous! I hear James and Alexander
Oh motorcycles! Yes does it sounds fun! I can hear my younger dead brother’s voice.
“So Heres your helmet” he says as he straddles the bike. I put it on top of my head, my hair lose and falling around my back falling to the end of my butt. And place my sunglasses in my bag.
“ okay so –“ he takes my arms and wraps them around him his masculine cologne making me hold on tighter to him and take a secret inhale of his back. “You ready?” he calls. I nod. “As ready as ill ever be!”
I try.
I really do. Not to touch him and move as far back as I can when I realize that I find him attractive.
But it seems to be impossible.
I swear.
Every turn through the woods and the trail I sequel and wraps my arms tighter around him and close my eyes my head against his back. Even though I don’t want it there.
But I swear. It’s just because im scared. I swear.
When he stops I don’t realize it. H has to cough and call my name more than once.
“Violet. Uh were here.” I open my eyes to realize I still had my arms around him.
Opps. I smile
“Opps. Sorry” I unwrap my arms from him and follow him up a small trail. We end up a small cabin. A wood cabin in the woods. I can hear voices inside. He goes in first. I hesitate. Hmnnn
What if he kidnapped me and then is going to kill me.
Oh damn. Why did I believe him? Watch him kill me. Again.
Can you even kill a dead person?
Omg. Whast if he’s dead too. Omg are we ghost. Well we can be zombies I –
“Relax. Im not going to kill you and you’re not dead.” I snap my eyes to him and see him smiling.
Aw. She’s so funking cute when she confused.
“What?” I ask walking up the wood steps. Next to him. Walking inside behind Adam I see a kitchen and then a living room. I see stairs and then another hallway next to the stairs. He grabs a water bottle and hands me one.
Poland springs.
There was red coloring in mine. I shrug it off taking a sip I almost gag. “What is that stuff?”
He laughs. “It’s good for you. Drink more. You’ll see. You’ll feel better”
I squint at him. “Are you trying to drug me?”
He laughs again. A full out laugh and shakes his head, his hair wet I just noticed shook around his face. “No. I promise. Were all drugs free! I promise!” he takes a sip of his and I close my eyes. And take huge gulps. Swallowing.
I don’t feel anything as I screw the lid back on or when im in the bathroom taking off my shorts and shirt. I don’t feel anything as I try to find a mirror in the bathroom but that didn’t work. I didin feel anything as I dropped my bag off in one of the bedrooms or when I followed everyone’s voices and the smell of food outside.
When I got outside and felt the warm sun hit my cold skin I felt alive. I felt warm and stronger. Less weak.
Everyone says hello and I dive in with them. We spend some time swimming and then we eat. I take some more gulps of the red juice.
No one notices me at first.
Then they all seem to notice me.
They all turn around. “Violet!” James runs over but stops. He stares at me in awe.
“Whast wrong?” I look at everyone and then I realize what there staring at. I look down at myself and see im glowing.
Im fudging glowing. The heck.
Suddenly im being picked up and carried inside. Placed on a warm bed they open all the shades. The windows in this room all floor length.
“Stay!” Alexander tells me. Even though I have no intention in moving
He runs out for a second and comes back with a water bottle full of blue and green. James had two that had purple and yellow. They mix it inot one bottle and tell me to drink. I shrug.
I take a gulp.
And then another.
And then the bottles empty and im sighing in relief. Trying to rid the taste left behind.
“What the helm was that?” I ask looking around at all of them. They all have goofy grins on their faces. I get up and push past them and go to the mirror. I gasp.
The girl in the mirror is not me
It can’t be.
This girl, she had long hair longer that I had, past her butt and curly. Her face, blemish free and green forest green eyes huge. They seemed bigger than before. She looked maybe two inches taller. Maby 5” 1.
She was beautiful.
I raise my hand and lift my foot. The girl in the mirror follows my movement.
I see James come up to me. “Congratulations” he whispers.
I look at him. “Why?”
He smiles. “You’re an angel.”

That was two days ago. And just t so you’re wonder.
Im not one of those angels who were those white robes and walks around with a halo around my head. And sings with god. No of course not.
But I do have some purpose. And I do have some advantages.
Like I get to live forever.
Well until I get killed.
And I get to fly and help people cause of my magical powers.
If you think this one’s creepy just think about how I feel.
When I get married and I start glowing it means im talking to god and when I glow just randomly it means im happy or upset and my emotion shines through.
Yeah. Freaky.
Don’t even get me started with the whole color thing. I can feel people’s auras. I can know what their thinking and what emotion they feel.
Yeah im a little freaked out about it too.
Adam though seems to be helping. Summer started and when everyone goes to work its only CJ and Adam and I left in the house. CJ usually has his girlfriend over. They stay by the pool and in his room.
I don’t bother them
“Adam helps me fly again!” he looks at me and laughs. “Last time we tried that you feel into the pool and got you’re wings wet. I had to help you back out and blow dry you’re wings until they were semi dry.” He smiles and his eyebrows raise. His dimple indenting his left and right check. His green/ hazel eyes shining.
“Please! I promise! Ill tries to be light and not fall in the pool this time!”I give him my puppy dog face and touch his shoulder.
I smile on the inside. Uhg. I can’t believe I like him.
Yes you can. You’re in loveeeee with him. A small voice nags me and I realize it’s my voice.
I tune back in when I see him nod and start talking to me.
“- so when you’re wings are in the wind you don’t fall got it?” He looks at me.
I smile. “Yup. Yeah heard every word. Come on!” jumping up and down I kip outside to the side of the house and climb up the ladder. Getting on the roof and wait for him to follow me.
I unfurl my wings.

There white with green swirls in them and there really soft. The first night he helped me with my wings I couldn’t stop looking at them in the mirror.
“Okay ready. Think of light and close your eyes. Clear your mind”
He notices I don’t start doing anything.
“Okay. Think of something a memory or somebody”
I smile and think about him. His green eyes and dimples. And I feel my wings start fluttering my feet starting to rise.
I smile bigger. I think about his smile and the way I feel when his laughter reaches my ears. I think about his voice as he jokes around and how soothing it can be when in a serious problem. I think about his lips and his hair. His personality and his hugs. Oh his hugs. It’s like im made of light everytinme he hugs me.
“Good violets now keep going. Open your eyes!” I open them and see Adam flying next to me. His white and black swirled wings fluttering behind his so fast. Like a butterflies.
“Okay. Now just keep your mind light and follow me.”
He turns and heads towards the sky. And I follow him. I follow him and when we soar through the tree tops, avoiding hitting the trees and branches, we swoop down and land on a rock. He stops and curls his wings back. I do the same. He looks at me. And smiles. “Congrats!” I smile and he talks my hand. He leads me to a small rock. It was facing everything. “this is a peak. We can see the sun set here.” He sits down and I sit next to him. As we sit there I feel his hand close around mine. I rest my head on his shoulder. “ you are so beautiful” he whispers and kisses my forehead. I smile and on the fly home that night my forehead tingled the whole way home.

I was in the store the next day, Adam was holding my hand. A group of girls walked by and stared at us. as he was debating over cookies or ice-cream I got some other stuff and when I go to a different aisle the girls follow me. “ I wouldn’t trust him.” The short haired tall brunette whispered. “He dates a girl every summer. You’re just another girl in his book” a short blonde blue eyed girl told me. “He’s a heart breaker.” They all nod and when they see him come my way they all nod once and leave. The blonde leading the way. On their way out though she smirked at me. “Cause I mean all he needs is a slut like her and he’s got some fun for the summer.” They all laugh and all that’s left is the shrill of the bell hung over the door.
He comes over and smiles. “ hey do you wan to go meet my parents?” I look at him “ what do you mean.?”
He smiles. As he pays he grabs the bags and loads them into the car. Walking outside the tempeture was hot. “ well you know we go say hello and then babysit my little sister and brother.”
I look out the sundown as he starts driving. “um. Okay I guess..”
“Why don’t you live with them?” I look over OT him and he shrugs. Looking over to me he smiles his dimples showing. “There a bit much.”
I look at him “how!”
He smiles. “You’ll see”
I sit back in my seat and he grabs my hand. “Thell love you. I don’t even think my mom will be there. She has a meeting.”
I sit back. Nervous.

I fall asleep fast because I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I open my eyes I see Adam leaning in through my open door and smiling. “Wake up” I smile and pat his head. Getting out of the car I look up and stare in awe at the house. “you live here?” I ask. Gasping at the white mansion in front of me.
“Used to”
“Omg. Im not going in there” I say as I walk back to the car. He wraps his strong arms around my waist and pulls me towards him. “Stop, leave me alone! Ugh Adam!” I laugh and he kisses my neck. I laugh. He keeps kissing me.
I sober up when I see a women standing on the white stairs going up the house. He has a short blue dress and her hair perfectly straightened, brushing at her ears. “Oh Adam. You’re here. Shara and carter are waiting for you.” Adam looks at her.
“Mom this is violet” with that she looked me up and down and spun on her heel. “Why don’t you come inside as I get their suitcases ready.” She calls. Her black heels clicking and clacking.
Adam takes a deep breath and takes my hand. “im sorry”
I shrug, “it’s okay”
We walk inside the house. The marble floors shiny and all you can hear is the faint sound of kid voices. “Adam, why don’t you come have lunch with us?” we hear her voice. “ um mom we don’t really hav-“ adam tries. “ nonsense come child have lunch with me.” we hear her down the hallway and as we walk down the hall way he apologizes more that 4 times. We enter the dining room and she sits us down.
Dinner with the parents. And im dressed in shorts and a tank top with I love you drawn on the front. Great.
Just great.
The beginning goes fairly well – meaning no one talked. Once the kids were finished with their ice cream and she was walking us out she started talking. “So Adam. How’s Anna?” she bluntly asks. “Mom I haven’t talked to Anna in forever” she nods. “Oh then who is it. Angela, Alice ari, oh that’s right! That girl, annabeth. Oh she is so sweet. Yo should invite her to be you’re escort for the awards dinner you’re father has in a few weeks. She hasn’t been over in so long.” She tsk and looks at me smiling. Adams neck vein starts to bulge. “Mom violet wants to become a psychologist, and minor in music. Isn’t that interesting?” she looks at me. “ oh a psychologist, who was it. Oh carrie! Yo remember her. From two years ago! Oh so sweet. On no im mistaken he wanted to be a vet. What college are you planning to go?” I look at her. “ oh Colombia in new York city” she scrunches her nose. “ oh well I and adams father met in Harvard and we hope that all three of our kids will go there. Adam has been accepted, now haven’t you Adam.” She smiles at him and then doesn’t wait for a response. Says goodbye to the twins who are asleep in the back seat and walks inside. Kissing Adam on his check and ignoring me. the slam of the house and then silence.
He looks over to me and I get in the car.

Once the kids were in there room, next to Adam’s I walk outside. I sit in the back yard until I feel the need to walk outward towards the lake and the shelter of the woods. I sit on a rock leaning on a tree throwing pebbles into the water.
And I sit there and I think about him
Even though I don’t want to.

I stare at the small blades of grass waving in the wind and the small squirrels and chipmunks climbing up the trees. I stare at the small creases and indent the pebbles I throw make. I sit there and when im certain I can’t cry anymore I stand up.
I turn around and there he is.
No not Adam.
My raper. My captor. My enemy

He just stood there.
I gulped.
He smiled.
Staring at me. “Hello violet” he takes a step forward.
I take one back.
He smiles. I swear he look the same as he didi a few years ago.
“How did you know I was here?” I ask. Attempting to keep my trembling voice loud and confident, which I may add sounded anything but strong.
I can hear him chuckle. “I have been following you my dear violet. After you’re little escape I thought you would talk and I would get investigated. But you didn’t; good girl. But I came to get you. Yo are mine. I clamed you. I missed you.” He smiles and I can see the small switch blade in his hand.
“Leave me alone Tyler.” I sneer. Trying to get closer to the trees. Backing away slowly.
He laughs. “You see my dear. I can never possibly do that. You are my rose and until you are petal less and yore thorns kill me I will never let you go. Do you understand?” I nod and as he turns around I run.
But he’s faster.
“Were do you think you’re going?” he places the switch blade on my throat I can feel the tiniest of pressure. I whimper. And as I shake my head, my head band falls.
He doesn’t notice.
He grabs my and pulls me through the woods and as he tries to get me and him through an empty fence, I kick him and he falls. Using my angel powers I hack into his brain making him fall into a deep sleep.
I let my wings out and I pick him up, grunting with the weight of him. Mumbling a couple of cursed words I fly him unevenly towards the house, at the edge of the woods I put him down and curl away my wings, dragging him.
I drag him up the driveway and up the porch steps.
He’s heavy. “James!”
No one seems to be home. “God dang it!” I yell. I drag him into the kitchen. Grabbing Sebastian handcuffs I cuff him up and tie him in a chair with rope. Duck taping his feet with tape I cover his mouth and his arms. I wash my hands never keeping my eyes off of him. I sit on the counter crossed legged with a knife in my hand.
But I realize he’s smarter than me.
Getting up I grab the phone and the knife I run upstairs to my room and hide in my closet I call James cell phone.
“Violet!!!” I can hear his franticness.
“James! He’s here. I have him tied in the kitchen please come quick.”
“Okay! Well is right there staying there okay!”
I then hear the dial tone. I stay behind everything in my closet. The light was off. Thast when I hear everyone’s voices downstairs and the HIS voice.
Yelling at them.
I stay there and when I hear Parker in my room I crawl from the closet.
“Parker?” I look up and he sees me and smiles.
“Hey there violet!” He picks me up and lets me hug him. “No don’t you worry. They have him. James and Alexander they have them real well.”
I look at him horrified. Running down the stairs I run into the living room. “No don’t hurt him!” I yell as I see James ready to punch the living daylight out of him. “No stop!” I push James back stand in front of Tyler.
“Don’t sink to his level! How dare you use violence?” I say. I crouch down and see that he hasn’t been harmed. I stand up and make him fall asleep.
I stand up. “Now we call the police. I want him out of here and never in my sight again.”
I say as I walk into the kitchen I call 911 and wait on the counter. Playing with my bracelet.
Everyone stays in the living room. And when the police come in they take him and I follow them outside. I sit on the porch watching the red and blue lights leave down my street and until couldn’t see them anymore, I still just stared.
I get up and walk around. I gave thought to everything. The relief that he was taken and what I was thinking when he appeared.
I went to bed that night with a head ache.

I diditn talk to anyone.
And when someone talked to me I responded.
Adam tried to talk to me but I ignored him.
When he brought his brother and sister home they said goodbye and I waved.
My world was dark and gray. And I diditn know why.
Grabbing a book. I go behind the house toward the pool and sit on the pool chair. It was warm out but I can feel that it was going to rain. I can hear Adams mom inside. Doing her surprise checkups to see if everything is in order. Her voice annoying me. I get thirsty and get up placing my phone and book down. Walking up the steps I open the front door and grab a water bottle. I stand up and grab an apple; washing it I turn around and see them in the doorway. I smile politely and grab a napkin. “Oh hello! Veronica right! Ah yes you know Adam! Yes! Hello again.” I smile. “Uh its violet” she laughs. “Oh pardon me vergina!” I SMILE tightly. “It’s violet.” She looks at me “oh yes. Okay” her smile in place. “Okay mom, this is the kitchen. Thast it. You can go now.” He sighs. “So violet. Are you the only girl in the house?” his mom stares at me. “Uh yes.” She raises an eyebrow. “Really. Don’t the other girlfriends get jealous?! Ha-ha I can imagine Adams girlfriends, he always takes the jealous type.” she laughs and does that little thing with her hand were she waggles her fingers at her son. She smiles and I tightly smile. “Yes. Hah ha.” I say awkwardly. She laughs and then hugs Adam. “I must be going! I forgot I have a diner with my friends!” she leaves her black heels echoing in the hallway.
We stand there awkwardly. I would have left but he was blocking the entryway.
I swear.
I put my apple down my appetite gone and look randomly at the window to see rain pouring down. “Shirp!” I run out pushing him back. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket. Grab my book. Now soaked. Adam followed me.
“Violet!” I stare at him “leave me alone Adam.” He grunts. “No I won’t. Why do you suddenly hate me?”
I look at him. “Why? Why don’t you leave me alone! I don’t wan to be a summer fling! Another girl in your book why can’t you understand that!” I look at him. “I wan to know you love me not pretend to like me and then dump me when you see someone else.” I see him try to respond. “Violet! Of course I dated other girls! But that was before I met you! Yo make me feel... Different. No other girl has made my heart race when she smiles and no other girl make me blush when I think about her. Im sorry! My parents will always want me to be this way but I have to tell you something.” I laugh. “No. just leave me al-“
And he kisses me. And that kiss was enough for me to forgive him and kiss him right back.
I hit his shoulder. He laughs and kisses my forehead, pulling me into a hug.
And then he kisses me again and after that all I remember was making it up stairs, changing and ending up in bed. Asleep.

My dream was interrupted by a scream downstairs and I open my eyes. What was that?

I will be adding more. Please comment!


Texte: 2012 maycristal Santos copyright number. 2068754
Bildmaterialien: 2012 may ]
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2012

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