
“God ever. Why can you be a girl sometime? I roll my eyes. “Im a girl I just don’t dress like one” she rolls her eyes at me and I laugh. “Can you please drive? We’re going to be late for school and if im late because of you I will kill you!” She stops at a red light and turns around. Facing me she sticks she tongue out at me and starts talking. “Hannah” !!!!! that’s when the white flashing lights hit our car.

My god. There so much color and energy here. I can normally avoid and ignore but sometimes its bothers me. I turn into my classroom Stacy standing up waiting for me. “Hey, freak” walking past her I can hear her thoughts the same as all the other 20 people in the class. “God. What a freak.” I ignore them walking back to my seat I try to make the volume higher on my I pod but the voices still manage to get through. The thoughts of henna; I wonder if she has like problems. Oh I bet she’s emo. Then there’s Stacy’s. Such a pathetic loser. Has no hope for anything. And of course Lilly. Freak. Why do I even bother to torment her? She like a bug. Don’t want to get near them and most of all you don’t talk OT bugs. I look up almost after a few seconds seeing that her thoughts have turned toward the front of the room. Whast this? A new student? Great, just great. Putting my Hoddile more over my face I slouch in my seat. Oh! Hot guy! I ignore the voices and then forget myself in the music.

The whole school day I had a pounding headache. Everyone keeps talking about some new guy. I roll my eyes and walk over OT Santana my best friend here in this prison. Before I can slap her hand away she touches my arm and I know. “Guess what!” I guess already knowing. “Oyu like Britney spears?” she laughs. “Guess!” Even though just by the way she made skin contact I knew her parents are divorcing, her brother got detention and she was upset that she broke her cds. She’s planning on changing her hair color next week, and she can’t wait to tell Brandon. Her boyfriend. All by one touch. No im not crazy. Im physic. “Um what you tell me?” She laughs and pulls away her aura gleaming yellow around her. “Someone’s happy? Whast the news?” She laughs and grabs her brownie. Taking a test bite she nods her approval before leaning in close. “Im dying my hair red next week!” I giggle and get excited for her when I see how her face breaks inot a huge smile her thought bouncing in my head I can’t believe this! Eepp. Soooo excited. Hmnnn should it be like red with blacktiops?? Ohhhhh ever should go with me! “Ever you should come with me.” Pretending to think about it I look over to see Dane walks over to our table. “Okay yeah ill go. Why not.” She squeals and eats her brownie her face glowing. Eating my apple I look over at Dane. “Hey Dane whast up?” He looks at me and sits down; taking out his cupcake he tests the frosting by tasting the very top. “Whast up? Why didn’t you tell me that the new kid is your new neighbor?” I look at him. Grabbing the cherry from the top of his cupcake. “What new guys and what are you talking about?” I ask licking the chocolate frosting from the bottom of the cherry. “Um. New hot dude! Moving next door to you! Omg you need to like get your head into the game!” I laugh. “Uh no I don’t know about the new guy moving next door and I and Santana already had this conversation.” He looks at me his eyebrow raising. His light blue eyes shining like the sea glistening in the summer. His blonde hair cut short and pristine and his painted black nails rest on his cupcake before he takes a neat bite, chewing three times before swallowing. Santana looks up from her phone. I absolutely want to meet him!” I laugh. Dane laughs and points a chocolate covered finger at me. “Expect us at your house almost every day.” I laugh and shake my head, finishing my apple and throwing it in the trash can as we walk out of the cafeteria. Dane hits me on the shoulder before waving and going towards the east wing, towards art and sculpture. Santana looks over to be Brandon stood. I sigh. “Go, meet up with him I’ll see you after school okay?” She bites her bright red lips and sighs. “Okay. Thanks Ever!” she run off her light pink dress swirling by her black sandals. “Brandon!” she sequels and he looks over to her and I can see his smile. He turns around and sees me I wave and smile as I walk away. Rounding the corner I hit something hard. Someone. Instantly I feel their thoughts. Damn it was am I? Okay this map doesn’t help at all. Shit she on the floor. Omg is she okay? He has a feternal twin brother a younger sister who stole his football and his parents were searching for a tutor for him and his brother. “Wow are you okay?” I nod and before looking at him I get up from my butt and run down the hallway my long black hair covering my face. My god. That was weird. Who was that anyway? I shake my head and keep walking to choir. This was my private lesson with Mr. Peters my teacher. Walking into the choir room, I shut the door behind me, shutting us out from the rest of the world. Walking in I see Mr. Peters at the piano getting my sheet music ready. Mr. Peters thought I was too shy and so for my assightments he was making me write a song with him and making me perform at the talent show at the end of May. It was already April. “How does he expect me to finish this song by the end of May? “Good afternoon mr.peters. He looks up and smiles. “Good afternoon evermore.” I scrunch up my nose every time he says my full name. Thast why I use the nickname ever. “Alright come ever. Let’s get started.” I nod and wait until I start to here the first few beat of the song.

EVERMORE! My eyes shoot open as I hear my name is shouted.” EVERMORE! PLEASE COME DOWN HERE” I sit up and shoot out of bed. “ yes!?” I hear a sigh. “Come down here. NOW!” I open my brass door handle and run down the stairs tripping and sprawling down ht last few. “Ow.” I say as I sit up and rub my back. “Ever!” the pain forgotten as I get up and run to the living room. “Ah Evermore. You’re finally here,” my step mother says. I nod and walk into the room sitting on the couch. “Did you need anything?” She looks me over her piercing brown eyes looking me over. “Oh yes. Yo are going to be tutoring the new neighbors. Okay! Its two kids your age and then there little sister. Of course you’re sister will be with you and you will help her with her homework as she needs her grades to go up or shopping in London is out of the question.” I see abie shoot from her seat. “Wait what!?” her mom nods. “As soon as you’re grades go up your trip to London is postponed.” Cynthia says picking at her red nails. “but mom!” she rolls her eyes and picks her bag up taking her keys and standing taller than me she laughs. “Now dear stop fretting with the help of ever here you will be there soon just be good okay. Now mommy needs a new nail job and I absolutely need something to wear for the function tomorrow. Ill sees you girls later. Ta ta.” She waves using all her fingers as she maneuvers past the rooms towards the door. We stay there until we hear the door slam shut behind her and David their butler comes forward. “Madam Abie, you’re car is here to take you and you’re friend madam Samantha and Madam Dana to the mall.” He bows and exits his hands folded behind his back. Abie looks over to me, her brown eyes just like her mother’s pierces through me as if it’s my fault that she needs to be tutored. She walks off her heels clicking and clacking down the hall. I roll my eyes and I go upstairs and close my door behind me as I walk inot my room. Falling onto my bed I set my alarm for eight o clock for that nigh I start tutoring my new clients. Joy.
Ugh. No I don’t want to get up. But I have too. Dang it. Grabbing my towel I shower and put on a pair of jeans and a purple sleeved tank top putting on a plaid shirt on I keep it unbuttoned and then slip on my purple converse. Putting on my glasses and pushing my bangs form my eyes for the fifth time I put on my beanie hat and then grab my bag running down the stairs. My big nerd glasses all dirty I clean them before calling out for abie. After realizing she is still at the mall I head for the park where I was told to meet these two idiots and there sister. Walking up the stairs I enter the library and smile at the librarian. “Hey Mrs., Hamilton.” She smiles. “Hi dear.” Walking back towards the study tables I see them. A small girl with blond hair and then two other boys. Black hair, green eyes and both with bored faces. “Hey!” the Girl jumps and looks over to me. “So who’s ready to study?”
Before even sitting down the guy on the right stands up. “Got to go.”I blink. “Wait we haven’t even started yet!?” He shrugs. I couldn’t see his face “I have to go meet with some people.” I look at my textbook open on the table. “Hey thanks. Um Charlie ill meet you at home, bye lexis” he grabs his notebook and walks out, kissing the little girl on her forehead. The silence that follows in inevitable and then the guy- Charlie, stand sup too. “Well let’s go lexis, you heard Adrian. Well just go and watch that new movie you wanted to see. Come one.” Before I even have a chance to butt in there leaving and im left alone. “Great.” I grab my stuff putting my notebooks and text book back in my bag I leave the library. “By Mrs. Hamilton.” She smiles. “Bye Hun” walking home I grab my key and open the door, abbie’s cat tinkles runs out. “Hey tinkles” I say as I shut the door. Walking into the kitchen I grab an apple and start biting into it. “Yum” I mutter walk upstairs and then I see my room. All my posters were on the floor, my draws and clothing thrown everywhere and my fish dead. I walk into the living room and I see the blonde hair of abie so I walk in. “where were you?!And what the hell did you do to my room!? Your moms going to kill you and then kill Me.” she laughs and rolls her eyes. I walk more inot the living room to see abbie’s friends and then the dude- well Adrian. The guy im supposed to be tutoring. “Calm down geez.” I look at her. “Calm down? Yo destroyed my room and then are going to get me in trouble. Calm down? I will not funking calm the fuck down!” I look at her” why are you so idiotic sometimes.” I mutter. “Well serves you right. I destroyed you’re room so that you know you r the one who’s gonna be doing my homework I don need a tutor. And well it was fun. And mom doesn’t need to know that I wasn’t at the session.” I laugh. “As if it’s my fault you’re stupid!” She slaps me and then smirks, pushing me my head hitting the wall hearing a small crack. The room grows fuzzy. “What are you gonna do. Mom hates you and your dads dead.” I look at her and then her words pierce through me. You’re dads dead. I feel the small tears as I push her back and run from the room. Making it halfway up the stairs I clutch my head a huge headache starting. And then I fall, going back down the stairs and landing on the first floor, the blood spreading on the tile beneath me.

“Hey can I get a glass of water?” I ask, abie looks at me and smiles. “Sure.” She jumps up and bounces off and it’s not long before we hear her scream. We all follow her and then we see her sister on the landing crumpled. Blood underneath her. “I killed her!” we run and I check for a pulse. “no she still alive but we might need to take her to the hospital.” I look and no one moves so I scoop her up and put her in the back of my car driving so fast I pulled up to the emergency room and carried her bridal style towards the door. At the entrance someone takes her from me and I follow them my eyes never leave her.

Ugh. My head hurts. Is this death? Is death so painful? Aren’t I supposed to be happy and at peace when im dead-oh great im probably in hell. Great bring on the flames.

She won’t wake up and I see her hand flutter lightly her fingers sometimes moving. And I can sometimes hear her sigh as if she was awake but couldn’t get up.

What is that beeping? God some one turns it off. I flutter my eyes open and try to sit up. There’s a wire in my nose and I look at it. Going to rip it off I start taking it off when I feel a pair of warm hand pushing me back. What the fudge? I see Adrian, wait what is he doing here? Wait, were is here? Where am I? Looking around the room I notice Im in a hospital room. “why am I in here? What is going on? The fudge I need to get home.” I try to take the wire off again but then pair of hands stops me again. I look up, my eyes meeting a pair of beautiful green eyes.

She looked up her eyes a light green. She looked confused. “Hey” I say. “What are you doing here?” I look at her I can see the irritation on her face. “I was told to pick you up when you get let out.” I explained and then she nods. “Whatever.” She turns and presses the button for the nurse. After a minute of static we hear a bored monotone voice. “Yes?” she rolls erh eyes. “Im ready to leave can I please get my doctor in here?” a moment of silence and then her voice, annoyed that we bothered her,” he will be up in a moment, silence. She slumps back in her bed, crossing her arms a frown forms on her head. I see her touch her forehead and I can hear her small groan.

In the car I sit as close to the door as possible and as far away of him. Once we get to our street he pulls up to my house and I slam the door open. Grabbing my bag I close his door. “Thanks.” Running up the stairs I avoid falling over my own feet. I open the door to the house and turn around to pick my mail when I see his car still outside and watching me until I walked inside. After closing the door I heard his car enter the driveway next to our house and then the slam of a car door. I turn around and start turning on lights in the dark house. I guess no one’s home. I walk up the stairs when I hear voices in abies room. I creak open the door and then hear her moans and I knew she has company over. Closing her door softly I walk over to my room and slam my door shut making sure they heard me. Putting on a pair of sweats I take off my glasses and fall asleep.

I absolutely hate this school. Charlie fit right in with abie and her friends not me, im still not over what happened with evermore. When I see her during class I check to see if she was okay. I noticed that her breathing was hard and labored but she seemed fine. Anytime I tried to talk to abie about her abie would change the subject. “So do you guys like want to come? My mom gonna be away for the next few weeks she going to Africa and this party is going to rock.” Abies voice rang. I looked over to Charlies and saw him nodding. We walk down the hallway. Rounding a corner I walk into something.

I was trying to get my phone and folder stacked with sheet of music after my lesson with Mr. H, when suddenly I run into someone. My sheet music goes flying and so does my phone I falling back on the floor, somebody’s falling on top of me. Closing my eyes I prepared myself for the weight of them when I open my eyes they braced their hands on either side of me. It was Adrian. I frown and push him off of me. Grabbing my phone I kneel down and grab some sheet of music that scattered when we collided. “Here let me help.” I heard him say as I saw him pick up my lyrics and music. Putting everything in my folder I avoided abies glare and muttered a quick thank you to Adrian before running down the hallway.
I was sitting in my room when I opened my folder wanting to organize my sheet music, considering after that fall it was all a mess. Organizing page by page I notice they lyrics were missing. “Oh no omg where is it! Where is it?” I NEED THAT SHEET MUSIC! “Omg he probably has it. That idiot he probably thought it was his.” I grab my shoes and run downstairs. Cutting across the bushes I go up to his front door and knock on it, the brass and wood shiny and polished underneath my fisted hand. After a few seconds an old little lady opens the door and I see the maids outfit. “Yes?” she asks her small face tilted upward. Her brown eyes sparkling, “um I here to see um Adrian.” She nods and looks me over. “Hmmn okay” she turns on her heel walking up a marble staircase. “Adir! Adri!” She yells. She walks down a hallway and I follow close behind. Opining a black door she opened it and steps in. “Adrian some girl is here to see you.” She walks over OT him and whispers something in his ear. Even though I can’t hear it her vibe and her thoughts hit me. And I think you should just leave her alone she seems nice yore too much of a heart breaker. I try to hide me smile. “Yes mina.” He sighs and rolls his eyes. She puts her hand on her hips. “Didi you just roll your eyes?” he looks at her. “No mina. I love you mina.” She smiles and pats his head. “Good boy. Now come downstairs later on I made you’re favorite chocolate mint cookies.” She pats his shoulder before closing the door behind her. He turns around. And sees me his eyes look startled. “Evermore – WH- what- are you doing here?” I look at him my eyebrows rising. “Adrie? Cookies?” I laugh. He laughs and looks innocent. “Mina has been our nanny since like Charlie and I was born and she’s grown on me.” I laugh and he looks at me. He walks out of the room and walk downstairs and I follow him. “Were you going?” he laughs and tugs me hand .I feel a shock and warmth shoot through me. We walk downstairs towards a warmly lit kitchen. We see mina sitting and reading a book. She looks up and smiles at me. He slips behind her and mines me to distract her. “So mina, what book are you reading?” I ask hiding a grin as she explained to me what the help, the book she was reading , was about I saw Adrian grab the milk and the plate of cookies from the counter. He winked and nodded his head towards the stairs. He walks out and then I hear his voice. “Evermore come on” I can hear his small giggles as I departed from mina and ran up the stairs after him. He walks into his bedroom and shuts the door behind me. “You are not allowed to judge until you try her cookies.” I giggle as he dunks a piece of cookie and eats it. I look at him my eyebrows raised. He grabs a cookie and puts it on my mouth. I open it and take a bite. I close my eyes. “Yum” he laughs and takes eth cookie back taking a nother bite. “Hey thast my cookie” he laughs and I reach over to grab it but he grabs my wrist. I laugh and reach with my neck towards the cookie in his other hand. Were both crouched down and I can feel us unbalancing and before ei had a chance to bite my cookie we fall over and his weight is on me. The cookie next to my face. “You owe me a cookie” he says breathless staring at my face. “You took my cookie” and then he kissed me. Kissing Adrian was like running up a hill and then riding back down on your bike. The taste of his lips left me breathless and his skin was not believable. We pull apart when I hear the doorbell ring and I blink, breathing hard. “Omg.” I push him back and stand dup grabbing my bag. “I got to go.” I run downstairs and past the kitchen I run towards my house and sprint upstairs. Slamming my door I turn toward the window was I saw him standing waiting for me. I look at him. He was writing something. “Im sorry are you okay?” he puts the page on the window and I just sigh closing my shade. Blocking him out.

I kissed her. What was that about?! She ran out of here. And she just closed her shade but I can see her silhouette. She was still standing at the window and I can see her take a step away and then the sound of music blaring from the open window underneath the blind. Her light turns off and I give up walking back towards my room I grab the plate of cookies and milk and walk downstairs. Putting the plate on the counter and placing the glasses on the sink. “Oh Adrian, you should apologize. It’s the weekend invite there family over for dinner. Ill makes something special and then you can ask her to a movie. Yeah?” she looks at me. “I’ll even make more cookies.” She pats my shoulder and leaves me leaning against the sink. Going up the stairs I make sure lexis is asleep and im guessing Charlie is out with that Barbie, abie. She is nothing like her sister I don’t even know. I walk back to my room and fall asleep my thoughts drifting to Ever.

So I am learning to be patient with this new school. The girls are fakes and Barbies wanna Bes. And I can only think about ever. Walking down the hallway and through class I try to find her and try to apologize. I was going to apologize during her sister’s party but I figured that was silly. She probably will be busy with her friends. Ugh, her sisters party. Thast tonight and I are so not ready to go but of corse with Charlie going I have to go along with him. “Adrian!” I look to my left and find Charlie waving his head in my direction. “Let’s go. I told abie id help her set up.”

Its the night of the party and I can feel the vibrations of the music playing downstairs. I hear the girls scream and then harry styles voice comes up. Ah great. One direction. No offense to anyone but I absolutely can’t deal with one more one direction song. I roll my eyes and put my music louder and try to keep the headphones from falling from my small ears. Turning the page of my book I try to concentrate on the small black words written on my book. Suddenly someone opens my room door and I see a boy, drunk. His vibe has turned black. I can see what he’s thinking; the alcohol has created a barrier. He smiles in my direction and stumbles over to me. I roll my eyes and get up. I take his hand and then lead him over OT the door. He protest and he smells like beer. I open my door and slam it in his confused face. My god why are people so idiotic? Scrambling back onto my bed I continue reading, evenasance singing softly in my ear. I finally realize I need to shower and go out. This music is giving me a head ache. Grabbing my towel I walk into my bathroom.

I look around the sea of students to find my brother making out with some girl. Everyone else’s either drinking or drain way too inappropriately. Hey im a guy but im not that type of guy. Walking up the stairs my bottle of water In my hand I avoid everyone and walk up the stairs sliding up past a couple obvisoly not talking. Walking past them I walk down a big hallway and open a huge double door bedroom door. I look in and immediate feel safe. Walking in I close the door and I see im in Evers room. But she doesn’t seem to be in here so I guess a little bit of snooping won’t do harm if she doesn’t know. I look up and see her huge bookshelf looking at all he titles not realizing and not hear the door creak open and then her scream.

I walk out of the dang bathroom and scream. Clutching the towel closer to me I run toward my closet. Avoiding his red face I slam the door and grab my clothes. Putting on black skinny jeans and a lace black see through shirt with a white spaghetti strap on underneath I grab my comb and open my door. “What the hell are you doing here?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” I yell as he opens his eyes. “Im sorry I didn’t know you were here.”

I look at her mad face. “Im sorry.” She huffs as she starts brushing her every long hair. She starts combing it and then lets it dry. I can see her hair curling. Small medusa curls forming. Yet her bangs stay straight. She puts her glasses on and then looks at me. she grabs a pair of white flat shoes and slips them on, grabbing her messenger bag she walks out. I look at the weather outside and I see that its raining. I grab a small umbrella and run after her. I see her walking down the street ignoring the flooded sidewalks. I can hear her singing and I wonder is she’s gone crazy. I stand there and yell. “What are you doing?” she laughs. “im singing” her laugh is like pure sunshine or the summer breeze or the butterfly’s wing. It was pure and full and beautiful. I laugh and open the umbrella. Holding it out to her. “Why?” I ask but she just runs away from the umbrella laughing she tilts her face up to the crying sky. She then looks at me and then I can help but smile. “Why not?” she then looks back at the sky and smiles. I walk up to her and drop the umbrella standing in front of her. She smiles and looks at me and then I grab her hand. Not caring gif I was getting all wet or that it was getting dark out I took her hand and we walked. Everywhere yet no were.

In the morning my cell phone rings. I groan and grope around the nightstand looking for the ringing culprit.
“Oh good. You’re up” Adrian
“Whast time is it?
“im going to kill you
“im on my way over” he says.
I groan. “Why?” he laughs and I can almost hear his smile. A few minutes later I hear a rock being thrown at my window. I hang up open the window going to the bathroom I brush my teeth and get dressed. I walk out to see him laying on my bed the perfect photo of ease. I smile and snuggle next to him. I laugh and he tries to tickle me but I shush him. My neither sister nor parents know. But Adrian and I have been dating for a few months now. My sister has this whole crush thing with him. We stay like that for a while. Before Adrian gets a call from his brother. “Were you?” Adrian smiles. “Im closer than you think I am.” “Well no cause im at abies house to pick up my stuff witch I forgot and no one answers the door. “
“Well Maby thast because eits eight in the morning,”
I stifle a giggle and Adrian kisses me. “Who are you with?”
“No one.”
“Yeah right I hear someone.”
“Nope nope no one here just the sound of the rain.”
Im full out giggling now and I can’t help it.
“What? What are you talking about?”
Just then my door bust open and who else sit is but my sister. abie.

I run off the bed and close the door getting underneath the bed I try ot take a deep breath.
What is going on in here? I heard giggling and someone else’s voice. I can hear ever trying to stifle a giggle. “Nope. Just me lonely as always.” I can hear abies heels. “Okay im going out with Charlie ill be back by like midnight. See you later.” She slams the door and once I hear the downstairs door slam is when I get out from underneath the bed. “Well one whole day without either of them. Woo ho!” I yell and she giggles as she lies down. Its raining out and I grab her. I look her in the eyes and take a deep breath. Taking her outside I wait to get out in the rain, the middle of the street. I stand her there. “ what are we doing?” she laughs and I smile. “ do you love me?” I nod and he smiles. “i dream about a big porch. painted green or yellow, maybe even blue. with white wicker furniture and comfy cushions. i want a big porch were in the morning i can sit there and watch the joggers and early risers walk by waving my hello to them. and a huge porch for nice summer nights when the stars are out and twinkling so that i can sit on my porch swing and watch the late night owls walk around, insomnia preventing sleep and just sit there sipping my ice tea or lemonade ,maby even coffee and watch the world go by.
that's my dream. And I know thast its only been. 5 months and 2 weeks I feel like, I love you and I want yo for my own. I mean I know that were young but the heart known no age. “
Ilook at her and see the water from her face. Not knowing if it’s the rain or tears. “ will you marry me?” she gasp and nods and as I put the ring on her finger I know its perfect.

We fianly told everyone about us. and then our engagement. Even though we have no date my mom already started planning.

Santana knows about Adrian and me and Dane is okay with it he got a new girl friend. “Santana. Are you okay?” I ask walking inside. She was closing her eyes. Small tears forming. “Dane. He just found out he has cancer. And- and im pregnant,” she starts sobbing and Adrian and I look at her. “Are you sure?” she nods and shows me the text messages transferred between her and Dane. He was in the hospital now.

We ran to the hospital and I walk inot his room. All of our memories making me tear up. They let me go in first. “ hi dane.” He smiles and grabs my hand his cold clammy one boney in mine. “ hi ever.” He whispers. His breathing shallow. The scilence is bothering me and he tells me everything. About how he’s was excited about sanatannas baby. We talk about everything, the tears falling from my eyes.

We decide on bringing the wedding from next year to that late august. Dane really wants to be a part if the wedding. Sanatana has been getting a little bit bigger but her doctor says that shes been pregnant fro 5 months already. Its may thast mean it was in January. And now is when she noticed. A small bump has formed but nothing huge. Dane gets a smile every time he sees her. Ever has been visiting him almost everyday, letting him help with planning. Its already the begging in of may and dan looks like he has barely any energy in him. “Ever. Come one. We need to go.” And she looks at me her tear streaked face starting to look normal to me. I hold on to her quivering sholders as she tells me about danes chemotherapy or abot danes laugh or how dane seems to be a little bit better. When she leaves the hospital its all about dane fro a while but its okay with me cause she knows she need to vent and im the only person she has. We make it to the small house we got and she goes upstairs. To rest.
On the day of the weeding sanatannas and I got ready. We decided we were getting married together. We all knew that dane wasn’t living much longer and she wanted to tie the knot.
I finished her makeup. Putting her dress up and lacing it in the back. The small waist flowing and makiugn her look like cindrella. Her hair cut up to her sholder was curled and flowers were clipped on. We both looked in the mirror. My dress lace and long sleved lave, with a waist sash and then it flows down o my feet. The heels I had on making me taller. My hair curled and down my back and the veil covering my face, I tun and cover her face with the veil. “ alright babe. Yo ready?” she nods and I smile. “ me too.”

She walks down first. Her father holding her. She smiled and then made it up to dane who stain his wheelchair, at the alter. Once she came up to him he stood up and took her hands in his fragile ones. I see him mouth “ I love you to her and I can see the tear that rolls from her eyes.
Its my turn and I walk down charlies brother acting as best man and my father. He walk down the asile wih me, the church alight the summer breeze flowing in and out of the open windows. We walk up the asile and I make it to were Adrian stood. His green eyes sparkling and his tuxedo and tousled hair tempting me to just run up to him. “ hi” he whispers to me when he grabs my hand. I smile. “ hi”
The vows. :
Dane: I know that right now im slipping away from the world but never may I slip away from you. Yo are my rock and what keeps me from falling. You are the beating of my heart and the smile on my face. I don’t know what would have done is I never realized that I loved you. Because I was lost and then I saw you and then I weren’t lost anymore. I just realized I was looking for home when home was right here in your arms. I love you my Santana and always remember that.
I was crying when she responded and then it was my turn. Saying my vows I start crying again and I see he has a small tear in his eyes. I giggle and then he starts talking to me. his voice deep and luscious. He lets the tears fall as he says his vows and I cant help but cry with him
Adrian: you are my world. My sunshine and my rain. Yo make the world bearable and you make the nights warmer. You make my smile bigger and my thoughts revolve around you. I remember the day you finaly accepted me. it was raingin and you were in the rain and I asked why and when you looked at me those eyes of yours took my breath away just like they do every morning, and you know what you said? You answered me with two simple words that made me realize why I wasn’t in love with you before. “Why not.” And so everyday when a new challenge comes up all I remember is youre voice laughing telling me; why not. I love you
We stare at each other for the rest of the ceremony and when he kissed me I realized the wedding was over.

The reception went smoothly and when the final song came on Dane requested it and got from his wheelchair dancing with her.
She's sitting at the table, the hours get later
He was supposed to be here
She's sure he would have called
She waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway
No one's said they've seen him
Why, is something wrong?
She looks back to the window
Suddenly the phone rings
A voice says something's happened
That she should come right now
Her mind goes to December
She thinks of when he asked her
He bent down on his knees first
And he said

I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together
Forever and always

[Verse 2:]
She pulls up to the entrance
She walks right to the front desk
They lead her down a million halls, a maze that's never ending
They talk about what happened but she can barely hear them
She tries to keep a straight face as she walks into the room
She sits by his bedside, holds his hand too tight
They talk about the kids they're gonna have and the good life
The house on the hillside, where they would stay

Stay there forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether rich or for poor or for better
We'll still love each other, forever and always

Then she gets an idea and calls in the nurses
Brings up the chaplain and he says a couple verses
She borrows some rings from the couple next door
Everybody's laughing as the tears fall on the floor
She looks into his eyes, and she says

I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether happy or sad or whatever
We'll still love each other, forever and always
Forever and always, forever and always

She finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow
His voice is almost too low
As he says, I love you forever, forever and always
Please just remember even if I'm not there
I'll always love you, forever and always
im crying and I cant help it. Adrian and my song was so emotional and breathtaking but just because Dane requested this song and it just tells his story I can’t help but cry for them and then when he kisses her at the end we all clap for them. This truly was a memorable night.

She had a baby girl. They name her Danielle-Elizabeth. Dane was with her side by side, his bed right next to hers, his hand our stretched and holding hers. When Santana and Danielle go home Dane decides on going home to. They move in next door to us a few towns away from where we used to live.
“Good morning Danielle.” I hear Dane say when I walk in to find Santana making breakfast and upstairs the sound of Danielle’s small voice. Dane has made it on home care for a whole two years and half in the meantime having twins. Shana and Tanya. Thast December Dane gets sick and lands on bed rest. “ good morning Dane” he smiles at me and I grab his hand. “I love you Dane you’re my best friend. Ill misses you. Ill miss you’re laugh and your smile. Please just don’t go stay with me. Please don’t go.” He smiles and holds my hand. “Santana come in here!” I see Santana and Adrian come in. she walks to his other side and kisses him. “I love you” we hear him whisper and then a small smile. “Sing to me ever. Sing me to sleep.” I fight the small sobs as I sing the song that they danced at when it was our wedding. Santana crying and holding his hand and he was staring at the wall. A pleased look in his face.
She sits by his bedside, holds his hand too tight
They talk about the kids they're gonna have and the good life
The house on the hillside, where they would stay

He smiles and squeezes my hand

Stay there forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether rich or for poor or for better
We'll still love each other, forever and always

Then she gets an idea and calls in the nurses
Brings up the chaplain and he says a couple verses
She borrows some rings from the couple next door
Everybody's laughing as the tears fall on the floor
She looks into his eyes, and she says

I see him look over to Santana his eyes glistening.

I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together, and always remember
Whether happy or sad or whatever
We'll still love each other, forever and always
Forever and always, forever and always

She finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow
His voice is almost too low
As he says, I love you forever, forever and always
Please just remember even if I'm not there
I'll always love you, forever and always

His breathing shallows out “I love you” he whispers to know one in particular yet it reaches all of us. And then we see his chest stop rising. “Oh Dane” Santana and I whisper at the same time.

Hey please comment and tell me if I should keep writing. Thanks all comments welcome. Baad or good. Thasnk.


Texte: 2012 maycristal Santos copyright number. 2068754
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.05.2012

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