
chapter one

My mother’s brother was driving us to the airport. It was 40 degrees and my mother was crying insanely up in the front seat. I and my two other siblings were crammed into the backseat, our body heat keeping us warm. Our breaths visible when we breathe out and our windows fogged up. Once we get there my twin brother and little sister climb out slowly not wanting to go out in the cold. She pulls me into a hug and I can feel her sobs as I put my arms around her. “You call me when you land in New Jersey okay?” I close my eyes from keeping the tears in. “okay mom” I can hear her sigh and pulls away hugging my brother and sister. She kisses my forehead once more before getting back inot the car and leaving. I stare at the retreating minivan, my mom’s head out of the window waving until out of sight distance. I take a deep breath and turn around to look at my twin brother Sebastian and my little 10 year old sister Shaya “Let’s go” we each grab our carryon bag and walk into the airport.
Getting off the plane I grab Shayas hand walking down the escalator. We walk over to the doors with our small suitcases; our things were already driving here, to wait for my dad. After a few minutes of getting pushed and yelled at for being in the way, my dad finally drove up in his jeep. I look down at shaya who is peeling off her jacket with the heat. Seattle was freezing compared to this heat. “Hi!” I hear my dad’s voice full of excitement. I look up and paste a huge smile on my face. “Hi dad!” I look down to shara and Sebastian. “We err... We missed you!” I can tell that he’s relived by the way his tense shoulders relax a little. He was expecting three quiet depressed kids who hate him. We stand there in a moment of awkward silence, Sebastian shuffling from foot to foot and shara tugging on my dress. “So, um dad how’s Meredith?” He picks up shaya and mine suitcase and starts walking. “Oh she’s fine, excited to see you guys and meet shaya.” I look down at shara who is staring at my dad’s retreating back with wide eyes. Her green eyes full of wonder and hate. I grab her fragile small hand and we walk after him to the car. I help her climb the car and then Sebastian without saying a word climbs behind her to the back seat, plugging his headphones into his ears. “Okay” I mutter. I walk around the car and sit down in the front seat, the air conditioner on and the cold air hitting my face, fells refreshing after standing there in the heat. Sitting back I close my eyes and keep my hands folded in my lap. “So how’s school melody?” I open my eyes slowly, exhaustion closing them. “Oh, um school, good.” I hear him sigh and after that the whole ride to his house was quit and rather peaceful. About an hour later we pass a little town. A small sign poking out form a bush reads:
I sit up and stare out of my window to the small town we pass. It’s a small peaceful town surrounded by trees. Soon we drive down a road that leads to mountain sides and then curves and curves. The road on either side has houses up on the grass, trees decorating every front yard. We turn onto a small hill street and we start driving up. Once were level we turn left and there I find us on a small street 6 houses on either sides of the road and a dead end curve stopping at a small river. Kids are taking home to the sidewalk and parents over watch them from porches smiling and calling over neighbors. My father waves to a few unknown parents and says hello to some kids before driving up two houses and turning right to a huge driveway. He drives all the way up the drive and parks the car outside of the garage. I open my door slowly letting my feet touch the ground before standing up complete, the house in front of me struck me in awe and I can’t stop staring. The house in front of me was a bug two story wood cabin house. A porch that looped around the entire house, and on the second floor in the back there was a balcony that overlooked the river. I hear a small chucke. “She fell asleep.” I turn my gaze from the enormous house and to my dad who was carrying shara in his arms while still managing to hold three suitcases. Shaya looking dark skinned compared to his overly pale skin. Well im not surprised. This place may be hot but sun sure doesn’t pass by too much with all these trees. Sebastian has his small carry on and is frowning. I pull Sebastian’s arm. “Listen up buddy. I don’t want to be here either but we had to move in with him because of reasons mom wouldn’t tell us. He is your father and even though they got divorced and he moved that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. Okay now wipe that frown off your face. Were supposed to start fresh here. Stop being depressed and start our life. Please make this easier for all of us!” He looks into my eyes and cracks a small smile at my attempt puppy face. “Alright. But once he starts talking about the whole marriage im tunnnig him out.” I smile. “Thanks. You know shaya won’t be happy till she sees you happy.” He shrugs. “Yeah, I guess. This house is totally awesome.” I tore my gaze off his face and onto the house looming over us. “Yeah. I know. Awesome doesn’t even start it.” Walking up the wood stairs to the front door I squeeze my brother’s hand slightly before stepping into my new home.
Stepping inside, you first see a living room, walls made of windows. A piano in the corner of the room along with two guitars. Long couches with two side seats face the fireplace, which was beside two wall bookshelves. Surprising thing though, the photos on the bookshelves were photos of all of us. Sebastian and shaya. Me. Photos since third grade when we were born. Mom must have been sending photos. I look to my left and there was a door, leading somewhere. Two glass double doors leading to a dining room and then the kitchen. Turning around I look to my left and see a hallway, leading to a bedroom. The master bedroom I guess by the way it was decorated. Walking down the little hallway leading back to the front doors I stare at the photos. All of them are us. I walk back out and am tempted to go up or down the wood stairs descending but I hear a voice call me from the kitchen. Walking across the wood floor I walk into the kitchen to find Sebastian and shara sitting eating chips at a table, my dad sitting watching them. “Oooh, uh hi Meredith!” she looks up. “Oh hello baby girl! How are you doing? Come here and give me a hug!” her southern drawl making some of her words hard to understand I nod and she pulls me into a deep hug, filled with her perfume and her long nails clawing at my back. After pulling back she holds my shoulders. “Well aren’t you beautiful. Look at how grown up you are! You want something to eat? Yo need some meat on those bones!” I smile. “Um, no thank you, I was actually hoping to go unpack and adventure the house a bit, and then put shaya down for her nap.” She smiles. Her eyes bright and mysterious. “No problem pumpkins. Your room is upstairs and shaya is upstairs next to yours and then Sebastian is across the hall form shaya.” I smile. “Thank you.” Turning to shara I grab her hand and walk her up the stairs. Opening the first door I notice it’s all blue so it must be Sebastian’s room and then the next room, coming to a bright pink room, shara name written on the wall next to her bed. She yawns and I lay her on her bed seeing her eyes close I turn around and close her door. I walk to the door next to hers and open it revealing a light green room. The far wall had two doors revealing to the little white balcony. Look out to the river I turn around and close the doors behind me. The room had a bed in the corner, black and white and green bedspread and pillows decorate the bed. The desk next to it had a small green lamp, the light shining on a photo of my brother and sister and I, the first time we visited my dad’s brother in Florida last year. Turning my gaze I look at the book shelf and fireplace. The small TV mounted on the wall. Walking to the two doors, I open one to find a small bathroom green white and black decorating everything. Opening door number two I open my closet. I walk into the small closet and I stand there puzzled because I never remember unpacking. My clothing is all hanging on one side of the closet my shoes on the floor underneath it. Shelves built into the other wall hold my folded clothing. A full body mirror on the wall. I walk out of the small closet felling claustrophobic. I close the door behind me before turning around. Taking a deep breath I walk across the room and open my door, stepping out to the hallway I walk downstairs and instead of stopping on the first floor I keep going to the bottom floor. Another living area with a TV and a small fireplace. Couches and chairs decorating. Sliding doors leading to the back yard and to the small reviser were I see small canoes tied up. I turn and walks down a small hallway I open the first double doors to a room. This room only had a piano in the middle of it, the window taking up the whole wall behind it. Book shelves surround every wall left and books ands picture frames take home on those bookshelves. Resisting the urge to go play the piano I close the doors and keep walking down the hallway, opening the next two doors, only finding two guest rooms. An office a bathroom and then another bedroom I turn around and walk back upstairs dazed at how big this house was. Walking up the stairs I hear Sebastian’s laugh followed by merideths. Walking into to the kitchen I hear them talking, dad outside on the porch/balcony. “Oh hello melody! You want some diner? Ill heats it up!” I smile shaking my head. “Oh um no thank you. I was just coming down to tell you all im gonna head to sleep. Tired of traveling.” I smile and she smiles back. This woman just keeps on smiling and smiling! “Well if you need anything were here.” I nod and walk upstairs; changing into some shorts and a t shirt I climb into the bed, falling asleep instantly.
The smell of pancakes and bacon wakes me up. I sit up onto my elbows. Rubbing my eyes I yawn and stretch. Slumping back down I look around my surroundings, forgetting for a second were I was. Yawning once again I get up, walking to my bathroom. I turn on the shower, brushing my teeth I wash and untangle my curly hair in the shower. Putting on some jean shorts and a blue flannel shirt a brown undershirt underneath. Tying up my converse I brush my butt long black curly hair. My green eyes refreshed and awake I walk downstairs towards the smell of food. Entering the kitchen I see Sebastian sitting at the kitchen table a huge plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him. Shara eating her portion of pancakes. “Good morning” Meredith smiles and hands me a plate putting her hand on my back she leads me to the table. “I heard omelets were your favorite.” I sit down and look down at the omelet. I grab my fork and take a piece biting into it I chew and swallow, seeing merideths face spread into a larger smile than it was already. I finish my omelet slowly, finishing up my dad walks in and tells shara that they were going to go meet friends that works in the school, were she will be attending. They leave as I put my plate in the sink. “Well Hun bunches will be going to yoga and then to the mall for a few hours. I’ll be back later!” merideths calls as she walks out the door. I stand din the kitchen staring out the window when Sebastian yells at me. “Im going outside goona skateboarded around. Wanna come?” I turn my head toward him. “Oh um yeah I’ll be out in a few gonna go find something.”

Aiden diditn understand why he let Darren drag him down the street to their neighbor’s house. Aidens sitter carra called and told him to come and so he goes. Dragging me along. Were standing in front of a huge wood house, carra is standing in front of the lawn hugging some tall guy with black hair. “Sebastian?!?” Darren calls over OT the boy who pulls away from carra. I see his face. Green eyes, black hair. Aiden runs ahead and high fives this Sebastian kid. I walk there slowly getting there. Darren clasps my shoulder. “Aiden this is Sebastian, my best friend since we were like born, then we moved here and communication got lost.” He looks around. “Weres melody?” Sebastian shrugs. “Melody! Get down here you wont believe it!” he shouts to a window upstairs. I look across the street to the lake and I don’t notice Darren mutter “wow” under his breath until I smell her. She smelt like strawberries. I turn around and face them. Darren is spinning her round, and I can hear her laugh. Once she pulls away I am left with no breath once I see her face.

“Darren!” I laugh at him punching him in the shoulder. “My god I missed you so much.” I look up at him looming over me. “And when did you get so tall?” he laughs and picks me up again. “When did you get so small?” I throw my head back and laugh. “Hey I’ve always been short. Now put me down!” he sets me down gently and I look over to see carra. “Carra!” She turns and her eyes look different. They’re not green anymore. Their dark brown. Almost a hazel color. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back noticing a small tattoo on the back of her neck. I pull back, my eyes widening. She must have figured it out cause she smiles small almost as if it’s a secret I couldn’t know about. I decide to drop the subject and look past her at the lake the sun was hitting the water perfectly making the lake water glisten. I looked closely and saw houses across the river too, and noticed houses surrounded the whole lake. The blue, whitish water tempted me to go and just swim all afternoon. “You are allowed to swim there you know.” I jump turning around to see a tall boy with green with hazel spots eyes and black brown hair. Of course he was taller than me. “Oh um, how did you know I was thinking about that?” I looked at him perplexed. This town just gets weirder and weirder. “Oh, well you’re easy to read.” I feel my checks flush and im pretty sure a deep scarlet colored my pale skin. I push my bangs out of my eyes looking behind him to be my brother stood surrounded by Darren carra and a boy and girl I don’t recognize. I look down to my shoes and bend down picking up a book from the ground, the cover pink and the title written in script. I brush off some dirt with my hand before looking closely at the title. “Romeo and Juliet” I mutter to myself. I put it back down and get up brushing my hands on my shorts. I look towards the front of the house were they all stand talking. I start walking towards them when I blink multiple times and fell my throat closing. It starts getting really hard to breath. I can’t see either. I stumble up to them and I poke Darren in the stomacke. “Im... going to go... inside, I... I don’t... Feel well...” I stagger my breathing and don’t wait for a response before running up my driveway. Slamming the door behind me I stumble to the staircase, my breathing getting heavier. I can’t see anything and all I need to do is get to my inhaler. I am almost to to my drawer when the breathing gets tiring. I reach and I fall, hitting my floor with a small thump. I roll back on to my back and try to take a deep breath. The room ceiling spinning. I can hear the faint slam downstairs before I close my tired eyes.

Aiden saw melody running towards them, her eyes looked puzzled. I try not to look into her eyes and so I look away. “Im... going to go... inside, I... I don’t... Feel well...” she pokes Darren and then runs. He looks after her and curses under his breath. “I’ll be back in a sec. just going to go check on her.” I see him run inside. Everyone seems to follow without question. I run behind carra and then we enter the house. I pause at the door for a moment, before see everyone run upstairs. I start up the stairs slowly, until I hear Darren and Sebastian’s voice together call melody’s name out.” I take them two at a time finding the door they were crowded in I see melody in Sebastian’s arms, an inhaler in his hand. We wait for a crutiating moment until he picks her up. He pushes past us and towards the car. Placing her in the backseat. Turning around his eyes look calm, as if he has done this multiple times. “Weres the closets hospital?” Carra and Darren look at each other and start arguing. Frustrated I yell over their voices to a very confused Sebastian. “Heterridge.” He nods and motions with his head to the car. I jog to the passenger side and we get in, the other two oblivious they were still arguing. He pulls out of the driveway, going down his street. Looking back in the review mirror the two both look over OT the car ad waves. He drives for a few minutes as I tell him to go and we pull into the emergency room entrance. He doesn’t even park correctly he r gets out picking her up, he runs. Her limp body small in his arms. I run behind him and see him running with a nurse, and I let them go, not wanting to see her limp anymore.

There was beeping coming from somewhere in the room. I open my eyes, blinking. I raise my hand but got stopped midway. I look down mad, to see an IV needle poking into my skin. My forehead scrunches up as I go to pull it off. “Don’t touch that” I gasp not knowing there was another person present. My brother smirks at me, seeing my scared reaction. I try to talk but until now I didn’t notice this piece of a mask on my mouth. A nebulizer. I take the mask off, taking a deep breath. “What happened?” My voice comes off weak and quiet. He takes a seat next to me. “Well you had an asthma attack. Nothing out of the ordinary. They say since you haven’t had one in a while it’s getting better but we figured out your aren’t drinking your pills.” He raises his eyebrows looking at me as I look down to my clasped hands. “How long has it been?” he shrugs. “A few days, really you get to go home today so ill call him over and were gone.” I nod. I see him walk across the room and towards the brown wood door. He turns the brass knob and I see him stop momentarily before opening the door and closing it behind him. I look down at the white sheets covering me and take a deep breath before pushing them off and getting up. The floor seems cold to my bare feet and I fell the room spin. I close my eyes taking a deep inhale the smell of disinfectant over powers my nostrils and my nose flares. I grab my bag from the side of the chair and walk slowly towards the bathroom. Inside the small cramped bathroom I put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top my brother get for me form home. Shoving my dirty clothes in the bag I look at myself in the mirror. My hair was loose and my curls were everywhere. My green eyes bright and rested. I braid my hair fishtail style the tip going past my butt. Time for a haircut. I wash my hand, letting the cold water refresh me. Walking out of the room I see the doctor with my brother and they are talking in the hallway. The white form everything, from the walls the windows the people lab coast and floors, blinded me. My converse walking down silently I walk down the long sad hallway almost turning the hallway when I see my dad and Sebastian talking. We can’t call lira. Shell comes get you kids in a second. You know she doubted my responsibility.” I can hear my dad plead and my brother sigh. I can imagine his face. I turn the corner pretending like I didn’t eavesdrop and pretended to be all shock when I see them. “Oh. Hio dad!” he looks at me as Sebastian scowls and looks away. “I hope you didn’t call mom, shell be all stressed!” my voice goes an octave higher, as I cough to hide it I see Sebastian raise his eyebrow his eyes knowing. I cough a little more before wrapping my arms around his waist. “Come on I want to go home and gets showered.” I walk ahead of my dad dragging Sebastian with me. Walking outside I feel the heat hit me and the sun burn my eyes. Getting into the jeep I push my face into the air conditioner. Driving back up mysterious roads we end up at home. Home. Im not sure if im used to calling it that.

“Will you please pass me the pizza box? Aiden!” I look back from the window to my kitchen table, seeing Darren look at me puzzled. Carra was arguing with something the jerk Dylan said to her. “Oh yeah um here” I pass him the box, my thought still in my head. I look around my kitchen towards the living room where I can hear them arguing. “I hate you! All you want is to make out. Nothing else. You don’t care how I feel! Do you? Well you don’t show it. You try to fix everything by buying me shit!” I can hear carra voice rise. She does have a point. He’s is a jerk and doesn’t care about her. Just what she can give to him. “Fine, I dotn even know why were dating. Again. Were over.” He yells at her. Before slamming the door behind him she yells at him some UN namable names and words that you wouldn’t find in the dictionary. The house is silent except for the screams and laughs coming from outside and the car starting and driving away. Carra comes in smiling. “Are you okay carra?” I unsure try not to get on her bad side. She looks at me smiling. “Actually yes. Im very okay. He’s gone I don’t have to worry about pleasing him anymore I can be myself!” she hugs me and squeals in delight. I laugh fakely trying to be happy for her. She doesn’t notice in her midst of happiness and goes outside to go talk to her friends. My face looking confused looks at Darren who is eating. “What just-?” I try to say. He just shrugs. “Don’t ask. Just be happy dude. Be happy” I laugh at this and go back to staring out the kitchen window. What I see though is not what im prepared to see. I see Sebastian running down the small pool with carra, noticing how carra got to their house so fast, and jumping inot the lake. I see Carra blonde’s hair pop up from the water. And he smile splashing water at Sebastian. Smiling at them playing childishly I look over to the sandy part of it were I see the familiar black hair flowing. Melody is walking slowly down the sad her flip flops in her hand. She calls over to someone but they can’t hear her. I look back to Darren who is now in the phone with sammi, his girlfriend. “Hey I’ll be back.” He doesn’t pay attention for his queen, his very life; his love was on the other line of the phone. I walk back outside the heat unbearable at first. I am about to cross the street when I hear her voice. “Aiden!” I cringe and try to keep walking Maby if I pretend I don’t hear her shell leaves me alone. Probably not. “Aiden!” her screeching voice calls. Yeah she won’t leave me alone. I turn around slowly hoping noshes would just disappears. Nope. “Good afternoon Maby.” Maby Fairmount. The head cheerleader in our school, she and I were friends and we were currently not dating yet to her that means we were. “Hi hon.” I back away. “No Maby” I pull out of her grasp. “We are not “hon.” we are friends.” She tries to pout to me her hazel eyes big and watery, covered in black makeup and ridiculous green stuff on her eyelids. “ what do you need Maby?” she sighs “ oh I was coming over to invite you to like my part tonight like my parents are away to like Romania for like a couple weeks and the like maid comes and like leaves she doesn’t like dare tell. So its gonna be a like seven.” She keeps babbling. How many times did she just say like? Like eight times right! Does she not hear herself? I shudder. I tune back in when she starts grabbing my arm. “So will you come?” I feel my nose scrunch up. “Um sure um yeah I guess.” She squeals in happiness waving at me creepy and try to look hot, saunters back to her friends who are all waving at me. I smile politely and turn around ready to go see melody when I diditn see her. She was sitting down there a few seconds ago. I see all three of them walking back up their driveway. Maby already heading up the driveway calling carra name. I start walking towards them. “Carra!” maybes voice rings through the air. Carra waves over. They talk and carra looks excited. “Oh no” I mutter before making my way up their little driveway hill. “Hey guys.” I wave to all them. Sebastian nods to me and carra tells me that we were invited to the party. I look around but melody was already heading up the porch stairs opening her door. “Sebastian you going?” I ask the dripping wet Sebastian in front of me. He shakes his hair out and smiles. “Wouldn’t miss it, nice way to make friends. I nod. Great that must mean she is going.

I grab an apple from the counter munching on it. This random girl, Maby, her name just invited Sebastian and carra to her party. As usual I was left out. I don’t care she seems like a horrible person to spend time with, and all that perfume is intoxicating after a while. I scrunch up my face. After throwing away my apple core I turn around finding Sebastian and carra laughing about something. Aiden coming in behind them. They all come into the kitchen. Carra hugs me though she is wt. “im going home ei have to go get ready. By!” she hugs Sebastian before running out of the house. Sebastian nods and throws his apple away. “Yeah I got to go get ready, Aiden you going right?” I see him nod. I turn around looking towards the window staring out there window my hands grasping the sink and countertop. He nods once again, I hear my brother walk up the stairs and a door slam. “So are you going?” I turn around walking out the kitchen. “Where?”
He shrugs “the party.
I scrunch my nose. “Um no thanks.”
I can hear him coming after me. I keep walking up my stairs and to the second floor, walking down the dark hallway I hear Sebastian’s shower running and his music blaring from his speakers.

She walks into her room humming a song. I follow her into her room and watch her cross the room to the huge bookshelves. She starts reaching for a book way out of her reach, on her tiptoes I see her reach the bottom of her shirt lifting showing some skin. I look from her skin to her who was still reaching. She finally reaches it and grabs it down taking it she flips to a page her hair covering her face as she takes the book in her hand sitting down on her bed. “Why aren’t you going?” I try to ask. “I wasn’t invited.”
I look at her. “Everyone was invited.” She shrugs and keeps doing what she is doing. I sit down on her rocking chair. “What song were you humming?” She turns back to me and cocks her head to the side. “Um excuse me?” Her face looks curious. “You were humming in the hallway. And just now what was it?” She looks down her face blushing deep scarlet. “Oh um misguided ghost by paramore.” She lays down the book on her face as she reads. Her hair falls over the side of the bed and I stop the temptation of just curling one of her curls around my finger. “Well a red moon is going to be out tonight pretty excited.” She looks up at me. “Red moon?” he voice low and curious. I look at her strange. Didn’t she know? “You know the red moon when the different kinds of us come out and we all party.” She now looks guenuily confused “Different kinds?” I start to awsnswer when her brother comes in and tells her something. She runs downstairs to go do it and I sit there dumfounded. “Don’t tell her anything she doesn’t know yet.” He looks at me. I look back at him. “She doesn’t know?”

I run downstairs to the basement and see two boys in one of the rooms. “Who are you?” They turn around and he looks at me. “Who are you?” I look at them confused. “What are you doing in my house?” they laugh. “Your house? We live here with mom and Terence.” I look at them.” whose mom, “merideths?” they nod and I just stare at them for a while until we hear footsteps downstairs. “Melody?” I can hear Sebastian call and then aidens voice. I head out of there room them following and we go upstairs. Carra was there too and she looks past me at the company. “David! Kyle!” She hugs them and after a few minutes she final explains. Their merideths sons, they live here but they were away to their dad’s house. After a while they and we are okay with each other and as the boys go down to the TV room carra drags me to my room. “So what are you wearing?” I look at her sitting down on my bed. “What am I wearing for what?” she laughs. “The party silly!” I laugh. “Im not going.” She stops laughing and stares at me. “Yore. Not. Going.” I look at her fear in my eyes. “You’re going!” I put my hands up. “Okay okay. Im going!” She smiles. And sits down. Her eyes turn back to hazel from the black they went to. I get in the shower and wash my curly hair. I get out and brush my hair out letting it go down my back naturally I go out and go to my closet getting out a white lace dress I slip that on. It came a little before my knees, it was lace all over with a black satin ribbon under the bust. I slip on my white lace flats and brush out my bangs, going all natural no makeup. I sit down on the bed as carra got ready. She slipped on a black sparkly dress and black heels. Her shoulder length hair cut and her eyes full of makeup. She looked gorgeous next to me. Just plain me. She tries to put some make up on and only successes on some blush and white eyeshadow. We walk downstairs and I go outside on the porch to wait for everyone. I look up at the moon. Its red. I stand holding the porch railings. Looking up. Looking at the red moon.

She’s standing outside looking at the moon. Her hair falling behind her. She looked beautiful. Simple. UN like carra who out dos herself. I look behind me to the guy and carra getting ready to go. I step outside and I hear her mutter “beautiful” I go up to her and mutter right next to her. “Yes you are.” She blushes and looks at me. Her green eyes boring into mine. I blush. “That that was cheesy wasn it. I was trying to like um, you look great tonight by the way um so the moon I told you it was going to be red. Um oh I think I hear my name.” I stupidly go back inside mentally kicking myself. Come one Aiden. You’re a ladies’ man how is this different. She’s just a girl.

The party was in full swing by the time we get there. The music was heard down the street and there were kids outside smoking and playing around. I look over to carra who runs over to a group of kids and start saying hello. Aiden and Sebastian and Darren, Kyle and David go over somewhere. I stay next to Aiden. Inside people are packed together the smell of alcohol lingered in the air and people’s eyes bleak and stoned. We were heading towards the kitchen when I lost the group. I start feeling claustrophobic and run to the stairs stumbling up the steps I go and open a room. I find myself in a big empty room, except for the bed and trophies littering everywhere. I am staring at a trophy when I hear the door slam. I jump and look over to the door. He’s drunk and stumbles. “Hello” I panic and try to run but he grabs my arms. “Stop it let go!” he laughs drunk and pulls me close the his breath reeked of beer. I try to get his grip off my arm. “Why are we being so cold? Come here let’s loosen up. My mate she left me for some wolf. Are vampires bad? Does no one love us?” I can he’s to strong. “Let go of me!” I scream but he kisses me. I push my face away. “Help me! Help!” I know no one will hear me over the loud bass of the music. He’s kissing my neck before I kneeled him in the place the sun doesn’t shine. Running I slam the door behind me, I run downstairs the music to loud. I try to find my friends but there lost in the sea of people, dancing away. I look to my left and right trying to escape. I run outside. I hear howling in the woods and when I pass the back yard I see a circle of girls sitting crossed legged. Candles in front of them. All of them wearing black. They were chanting something. I walk backwards back to the front yard where the howling continues. I run down the street and back the road we came on. Thank god I remembered the path. Walking endlessly about half hour later I find myself back at home. I throw open my door. All the lights were out and my dad was no were to be seen. I go down the hallway were there bedroom is and see the forbidden room my dad told me never to go in. inside it’s made of glass and shelves cover the was bottles lining it. In the middle are long table things aligning it. I see merideths dressed in black with a candle her eyes were closed and she too was chanting. I step out of the room running up the stairs I hear the howling again and I start crying. What is going on? I get in my room closing the door I put on black shorts and a long sleeved black shirt. My black converse. I sit on my bed worried.

I looked around the room, everyone was dancing and laughing but I couldn’t find her. I asked a few people outside and they all said she ran off down the street. I brush my hair with my hand frustrated. “Damn it she must be freaked out!” I run to their house and I can see her sitting on her bed. I open there front door and walk upstairs. Everything is dark. I creak open her door and she jumps.

I turn to see Aiden at my door. I stand up mad. “What the hell is wrong with this town?” she looks mad. “The girls all wear black and chat like their witches, at the party this dude was like his mate left him for a damn wolf. He said he was a vampire. Then im pretty sure I heard howling. I get home and I see merideths acting all wired in that little room. What is going on?” I take a deep breath. “Im not supposed OT tell you but I guess you need to know...” I pause. “This town is a mystical town. All different types of fairy tale characters live here. Werewolves, vampire, witches, elves and angels and a lot of others, we all live here.” She looks scared. “Im a werewolf/angel because of my parents and carra is too. David and Kyle are vampires and Sebastian is werewolf and elf / angel. And you are well I don’t know I still don’t understand you. Yo keep giving off vibes that you’re an elf, and angel, and then I get the sense witch. I don’t know I think you may be all three, and then your scent surprises me by telling me your werewolf” I stop babbling when I look behind me and find her on the floor, fainted. Oh damn.

I pick her up and put her on the bed, sitting next to her on the bed I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I woke up tired yet rested. I look to my left and I see Aiden asleep his had curled around my neck waist. I try to get out of his grasp when he suddenly woke up. His green eyes blinking he yawned and then looked over OT me. He smiled a breathtaking small smile and before smiling back I remembered what happened last night. I frowned and got out of his grasp and stormed to my door. He was following me and I storm into my bathroom. Making sure I was decent I brush my teeth and change inot different cloths before storming downstairs. I run into the kitchen was everyone was eating breakfast. Merideths came over trying to grasp my shoulder. “Oh no don’t touch me!” she looks back her face hurt. “Why didn’t you guys tell me?” My father comes forwards. “What are you talking about?”
“About mystical creatures. About the red moon.”
My father’s face is shocked. “Who old you about that. What else do you know?”
“Aiden, I came home scared and he was the only person who was caring enough to tell me the truth. What else don’t I know is there any more secrets I should know?” he takes my shoulders gently. And gives everyone a look. He leads me to the forbidden room everyone trailing behind. He sits me down and looks out the window. “So you know about what you are and what Aiden and everyone else is. Right?” I nod. “Okay well that basically everything oh and that you will be getting married soon and yeah so we were going to tell you but we planned to tell you like tomorrow.” I am looking at him. Did he just say I was getting married?” I shake my head getting out of my seat I laugh. “Wait did you just say married?” he nods. “Yes to your mate –“before he finished Aiden jumps in. “um I think that we should keep it a surprise until it’s time to tell her. Right! And um lets go eat some breakfast yum.” He steers me around and we walk to the kitchen. “Its okay melody I think we should go to the beach today.” I look up at him his eyes portrayed worry. All the way down the beach I smile. He must be kidding about the married part. Im only in my senior year of high school. He must just be messing with me. He wouldn’t do that to me.

Her dad almost gave it away. Good thing I distracted them. I am walking down the street with melody walking down to the beach when I felt her hand creep into mine. Her hand was small and warm and I loved holding it. I look down at her and see her smiling looking straight ahead. I smile and step a little closer to her walking down the street.
Getting to the beach we walk over and I help her put a blanket on the sand. She sits down and I can help but look at her. Her green eyes, much greener than mine, for mine are like hazel with some green, look at the water her bathing suit no shirt and some jean shorts. She looked good. No not good. She not a piece of meat. She’s well I have to admit she looked beautiful, with no makeup on and her hair free hanging down her back. I couldn’t help but turn around and run into the water. I look over OT her and see her taking her shorts on. Oh dear lord. A huge lump gets stuck in my throat looking at her walk over OT the water dipping a toe in before walking out to where I was. We spent a lot of the day playing out in the water. At around one o clock I finally fell hungry. Once we got to the restaurant me diditn notice how ravenous I was. We ordered some food to go and went back to our blanket. She sat down and started eating the French fires. I reach over OT get one but she pull them out of my reach. “Nope. Mine!” she says laughing. I smirk and go over to her pouncing on her I try to get the little bag. She takes one and throws it at me. I look at her and get ready to pounce. She gets up and starts running. “Oh im going to get you!” she sequels ands I love the sound of it. I grab her wrist and turn her around but I fall back on to the blacket bringing her with me. She is laughing and I end up on top of her. I can help it. Her eyes are mesmerizing and her smile is like the sun, bright and beautiful. Her hair was sprawled around her breath coming in rasp’s couldn’t help it. I lean down to kiss her and I can see her leaning her head up almost our lip touch when we hear he name. “Melody!” I roll off her and she sits up looking over to Darren and Sebastian and carra and sammi make their way over to us. I look down and curse. “Dame it.” The all come over and start talking but I can’t get out to my mind how it felt to almost kiss her.

He almost kissed me. Omg he almost kissed me. I. I um what just happened? “MELODY!” I look over to Sebastian who has a worried face on. I plaster on a small smile and get up. “Who wants ice-cream?” I grab my bag and wallet. Sammi and carra hands fly up. “Awesome I’ll be back” I start walking down to the shack when I hear Aiden jump up. “I uh ill help.” I turn around. “No its okay im fine. Im okay. To go. Get some. Ice-cream” I nod stupidly and turn around. Hitting my forehead I walk to the shack. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID! I order there ice creams walking back I hand there cones to them giving mine to Sebastian fro I lost interest in eating.

Walking up the stairs from the kitchen I walk to my room alone in the house. Everyone went to the store to get food and rent movies. I try to find Kyle or David but there all out including my dad and merideths. I walk to my room when I hear something crash inside my brother’s room. I walk slowly grabbing a glass vase on my way. I open the door and see a huge man going through his drawers. I throw the plant at him but miss and it hits his back. Aw shit. He turns around. And I run. I run to my bedroom before I have a chance though to slam the door he’s there. His eyes look familiar. Dotn know from were. He pushes me against my bed and I try OT hit him but he was strong. “Now that im here might as well get some pleasure out of it.” I look up fear striking through my eyes. “No no. oh I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He laughs a cynical laugh. Oh craps please don’t be how it ends. I try to fight back but he punches me in the side of the head and all I can remember is his face and cynical laugh before blacking out.

We walk in the house and try to find melody. Everyone goes downstairs to the living room. Carra and Sebastian get some popcorn and snacks ready while I adventure up the stairs to go get her. I walk down the hallway looking into Sebastian’s room I see broken glass. What the hell? I start to panic. “Melody?” I walk to her room. I open the door. Oh damn.
She is on the floor by the bed a big bruise starting by the side of her head, her clothes were ripped and her pants were on her ankles. She has scratches on her arm and back. Her lip was bleeding. “Sebastian! Guys come quick!” I call OT to them. Scared to touch her. I put a blanket one her. Covering her. I can hear their laughter filling the hallway. “What the hell happened in my room?” I can hear Sebastian’s voice rise. He comes to her room where he finds me standing next to her, his sister crumpled and broken on the floor.
After getting her dressed properly we all stand over her on her bed. “It smelt of wolf. When I got near her. And this scratch marks are not of a humans.” She whimpers in her sleep and she looks anything but peaceful.
Throughout the night we all take shifts on who stays with her. She wakes up for brief moments crying and then falls asleep again. It was my shift and I was looking at her breath and whimper. I was mad at that man for doing this to her. I was mad that we left her alone. And I was mad at me. I... could have been there, if I had kissed her she would’ve wanted to stay with me and I could have fought him off. Looking out the window I curse at the full moon. Why? Why here? Why is the world so cruel?
“It’s not your fault.” I whisper. He turns around and I can see small tears in his eyes. “It was nobody’s fault. I want you to know that.” His face was confused. “Did I say that aloud?” he asks his voice low. I nod a small nod before my head starting hurting. He walks over and sits down next to me. Even though I knew wasn’t going to do anything to me I flinched at his closeness. His eyes portray hurt when I flinched. “Im sorry” I whisper looking down at my hands. I can hear him and fell him reach out towards me but I tense up and hold my breath. “Its. Not your fault you don’t have to be sorry.” He holds his hands out for a second before dropping it beck on the bed. The silence is over powering and I can fell the anger rolling off him. I look around to the small digital clock the green numbers saying it was 3:32. I sigh and roll my neck a few times. I turn my head and see him staring at me. His lips in a small smile. “Yeha you’ve been sleeping a lot. Are you feeling okay?” I nod and get up. Falling to the floor. A wave of dizziness hitting me, before I hit the floor he caught me and put me back on the bed. I tense up. I sit up and try to stand up slowly. Regaining stability I walk across my room towards my bathroom. I close the door behind me. Right away I can feel the small sobs and tears form. I wipe them away with cold hands and step into the small shower, showering without looking at my bruised body I put on some shorts and a long slaved black shirt. Braiding my black hair back I try to take a deep breath before looking at myself in the mirror. There were a few bruises lining my nick and a bruise on the side of my head. A cut on my lip. The amazing thing is though it happened only a nigh ago my bruises were fading already. And the cut on my lip was sealing. I look away before I could center on my eyes and the sadness they held.

I wonder why life is like this to me. Why things have happened this way. Sitting up I undo my braid and let my curly hair fall back into their ringlets down my back. I let Aiden go downstairs earlier to hang out with his friends after I was sure I convinced him I was going to take a nap. Getting up I tie my converse and open my brass door handle slowly taking a deep breath while turning it. I step into my hallway and I can hear glasses clinking and forks scraping downstairs in the kitchen. I walk slowly. As if every step was leading to my death. Taking a lat deep breath I walk into the sunlit kitchen. No one noticed for they all had their back to me. Looking at something on Sebastian’s laptop. I open the fridge grabbing a water bottle; I open it taking a small sip. Looking out of the kitchen window I look out tot the sun lit garden and the lake. The blue water glistening, when the sun hit it perfectly, small waves rippling. I sigh out loud before I have a chance and open my water bottle taking a small sip. My throat all of a sudden dry. “Oh hi melody! Um good morning!” I strain a smile. “Oh good morning carra.” Everyone looks over OT me and smile their eyes all portraying sadness and anger, my brothers and aidens and Darren’s looked mad. Of course they were blaming themselves. I got mad. “Listen. Don’t you dare blame yourselves? It’s okay. Really it was nobody’s fault but that man. Please just forget about it just pretend like it never happened!” I sigh in frustration. They all nod solely and I look back to where my father and merideths came in. my brother was ready to tell him when glace at him and gave him a small shake of the head. His eyes look tortured. “No” I whisper and he nods. Understanding.

For the next few weeks we pretended like it didn’t happen and even though I was a little tense with the hand holding I was softening up. Everyone was on the deck the barbeque scent wafting down towards me. I was sitting on the dock my feet touching the cold water. I still haven’t had a chance to go swimming and I have the urge to just strip down to my bathing suit and jump in but of course im to scared. I look over and up when I hear someone’s presence next to me. Aiden was smiling down at me and held out his hand. “Come on!” I look over behind him to see a boat all set up oars on the side. I tentavly grab his hand and let him walk me over to the boat. Helping me get in I sit down and watch his muscles flex as he unties the boat and starts oaring. I see another pair and try to start oaring but ending up making us go in circles. I laugh.

I look at her. She has not laughed in a while. Her smile was breathtaking. Her head thrown back she continues rowing and then after realizing that were getting nowhere she put them down chuckling slightly. She looks at me the sun hitting her perfectly. She looked heavenly. I smile back at her and before I have a chance to realize it she splashed cold water in my face. Smiling even more. I laugh and make a little dip form with my hands filling it up she was laughing when I splashed her and I couldn’t help but notice how she had small dimples when she laughed. “Hey!” I chuckle and stand up. “Okay let me just get a bag from over there.” She stands up and moves so that I could grab the bag, the boat was wobbly. As I bend down the boat tips over. I can hear her sequel in delight as she falls over into the water, followed by me. I pop my head up and look over to see her floating a huge smile on her face. I swim next to her. She smiles and grabs my hand. I smile to her. Loving that she trusts me again.
After flipping the boat over I help her over and then climb in behind her. I lie down on the benches spreading across the boat and take a deep breath, letting the sun dry me. I feel an arm brush me and I notice she has laid down next to me. Her hands holding mine. I turn my head over and stare at her. “Hi” she smiles her breathtaking smile and turns her head. “Hi” she breaths slightly to me. And that’s when I kiss her.

I turn around and respond hi back to him, the sun hitting his hair and eyes, making him look like a god. I didn’t notice what was going on when suddenly his lips were on mine. I close my eyes and try to enjoy it when his lips leave mine. My eyes fly open. “What, what’s wrong?” I ask softly. He is looking at me worry in his eyes. “Im sorry. I didn’t mean for you to feel UN comfortable. I know I shouldn’t rush you. Are you okay?” his low velvety voice sounds worried. So worried I had to laugh. “Im fine Aiden. I’ve been waiting for that kiss since the day on the beach.” His face relaxes and a small smile goes on his lips. I hold his hand and then after hearing Sebastian call us over him starts rowing us. “By the way, I never felt uncomfortable with you. You make me feel safe. And you don’t lie to me you’re always the one telling me things. And I appreciate that.” I smile at him and he nods though his eyes look strained.

God dang it. Watch tonight when they tell her. Im gonna be the most hated of hers. She looked so happy, peaceful and im gonna screw I up. Walking up the dock she runs ahead and helps Shayas with the plates. My dad and merideths behind her. Her little sister looks just like her and she is so cute. I would love OT have a kid like her. Wait what I am saying!? Did I just say I want a kid? I shake my head and go over OT Sebastian. He pulls me aside. “Hey what did you do to melody, she came up and hugged me. And I heard you guys laughing over by the boat. What the hell happened?” he looks at me his incredioulus. “I laugh and pat his arm. “ I showed her what trust and love felt like again.” He smiles. And looks back at his twin sister. He’s been suffering lately knowing his sister was in pain and now he has some new light to his face seeing his sister smile.
Later that night we all went inside. Everyone went downstairs to clean up when my dad and merideths tell me to meet them in the living room. He and merideths were sitting down when I came in. I sat down next to them and then moved to the rocking chair. Rocking myself I waited for them to start talking. “Melody as you knows you’re getting married.” I jump up. “You weren’t joking about that?! Im legit is getting married! An arranged marriage! You do know were not living in the old ages this is the year 2012! People get married because there in love not because their parents arranged it!” I stand in front of them. I can hear my dad sigh and then proceed like he didn’t hear me.” So you shall be married in a couple of months. Of course you guys can stay here along with Sebastian and carra and and Darren and sammi. And of course well take Shayas with us to the new house.-“wait what?” He rolls his eyes. “So yeah.” I look at him anger in my veins. “To who?”

I hear my name and I knew she knew. I can hear stomping down the stairs and then she’s there. “I hate you! Yo knew and you diditn tell me. Im guessing the beach the boat that was all part of: let’s get her to like me so that when we marry she won funking hate me plan!” her eyes start to water. “You lied to me!” I can see her shoulders curving in and shacking. “After everything I now have to deal with this shit!” I look up at her eyes, at the green eyes I fell in love with and saw tears, tears I caused. I don’t really know what to say. I look down and stare at my arms. At my hands curled into small fist at my sides. “Im, sorry melody” I try to apologize. I look up and her face is tortured. “I am too.” She whispers to me and then turns around to walk away. Her hair covering her face and her shoulders shielding us off the way she is hunched over. There is a small awkward silence following and I can hear Sebastian huff out in frustration. “Great, now what?” I shrug and look back at the doorway she left. Temptation urging me to follow her and fix this.
I run inot my room and shut my door tightly behind me. I start school in exactly three days and thast when my plan will go inot action. I hate him at the same time I love him, but he will regret not telling me.

What is that sound?! I turn my head over to my bedside table to my small green clock and the vibrating green numbers portraying an unearthly hour. I press around for a while on the cold metal until I find the plush small sleep button. Once the boorish ringing ended I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Yawning I get up hearing Mara, my sister in the other room. Showering and getting dressed I grab my book bag and walk downstairs to find my parents eating and reading the newspaper, the sunlight shining through the windows highlighting my mothers dyed blonde hair and fathers black brown hair like mine. Simultaneously they sip there coffee and turn the page the silence comforting. “Good morning mother, father” they look up and my mother places a cold hand on my arm. “Good morning Aiden, how was your night?” I shrug. “Well, I slept a little less than planned.” I can see her pout and goes back to reading. “We will be leaving for the airport once you guys leave for school, were sorry we won’t make it back in time for your back to school night next week but we will be back in a few weeks. There’s money in the jar and don’t forget to drive your sister to the center after school, and please don’t forget to call me.” “Yes mother. Dotn worry.” She smiles a warm smile and hugs me before retreating upstairs. My father past my head before following and I stand there looking across the street to Darren and carra house seeing their car on I know they were leaving soon. “Mara you better be down in two minutes im going to go in the car!” I scream up the stairs and I can hear her yell at me to not rush her. Rolling my eyes I walk outside to a nice September morning. Walking to my car I get in and honk the horn rolling my eyes again when she gives me the finger coming out of the house. My sister, my younger tenth grade sister. Wearing shorts that don’t cover her butt so much makeup and purple highlights in her short blonde hair. Her blue eyes like my mother’s surrounded by black stuff and her like 5 piercing sin her ears. “Oh Mara why can’t you dress normally?” She rolls her eyes. “Just drive”
Never would I have dreaded school like I was dreading it today. Just to know that all these mystical figures were going to be roaming the halls and I would have to deal with werewolves sniffing me and vampires drinking blood in the nurses office kind of scared me. And the fairies. They were short pixies and they glowed. Glowed! I look down walking to my first period class AP English. Opening the corresponding door I sit down in my seat and look up at the clock. Please let this be over quick.
Once the last bell rang I ran to the football locker room and got changed. Ready just to start. Jogging around the field I can see carra and Sebastian holding hands walking towards his car and Darren giving sammi a piggy back ride, her laughter loud and careered over to me. Melody was alone in the back laughing and yelling at Darren. She looked different. I don’t know how and what but she looks like she changed. I hope she didn’t hear about the rumors. “Hey guys!” I wave over to them and they all wave back before getting in the car, melody rolling her eyes at me, slamming her car door. Yup she heard the rumors. God damn. Driving home sammi and carra would not shut the hell up. Pulling up the drive way in sammis house they jump out having to get ready for their double date tonight. I drive down the street to mu house locking the doors I walk upstairs to my room. Doing some homework I finish my math and lay down on my bed playing with a pillow. A few minutes later a knock on my door startles me. “Yeah!” I yell out and come in a well dresses sebatsian, his hair combed back and dark jeans and a nice black polo. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” he chuckles nervously. “Do I look okay?” I laugh at the small red tinting his checks. “You look awesome, have fun with sammi okay?” he nods and ruffles my head. “Ill is back later.” I nod and follow him down the stairs. “Have fun!” I yell running to the kitchen. Grabbing a slice of pizza I munch on it before grabbing my book and sandals and sun hat and running outside towards the lake.

I get home late from practice to see carra and sammi walk downstairs all dressed up. “Were you guys going?” they giggle, “were going on a double date silly! By have fun being alone!” they laugh walking outside and I stand all alone. I make myself a sandwich and eat it standing up by my kitchen window. Looking outside I see someone in a connue reading. They had a huge sun hat that flops over their eyes. I shrug and go inot my bedroom to shower and put on some running shorts.

I float towards the middle of the lake and start reading chapter 22 of this really good book. When suddenly things got boring and started lying back on my elbows, a song coming to mind.
Running up and down the walls, finding something’s yet nothing at all, every day I try to see myself.
Nothing is working, everything’s a mess. Things just turn n out to be not so great anymore.
Remember when we used to run into the sun and laugh away the day underneath the clouds.
Remember when we used to sing along to the radio to our favorites song not worried how we sounded. Do you? Do you remember when you say that you love me you say that you needed me there. Do you? Do you remember? When I was there and you were here but we always were together forever my love.
Thinking back I try to find the memories.
Running forward trying to mold a future.
Never falling yet never standing up straight never did I fell so lonely
Remember when we used to run into the sun and laugh away the day underneath the clouds.
Remember when we used to run into the sun and laugh away the day underneath the clouds.
Remer when we used to sing along to the radio to our favorites song not worried how we sounded. Do you? Do you remember when you say that you love me you say that you needed me there. Do you? Do you remember? When I was there and you were here but we always were together forever my love.

I was jogging around the lake when I hear her singing. I stop jogging bending over to catch my breath. I couldn’t make out who it was but I knew it was a girl. I sit on the dock and wait for the small boat to float back. I help pull it in and she lifts her head, the floppy hat no longer covering her face. “Melody!” I look at her and she looked mad. She pickups a bag and starts walking up the dock when I grab her wrist. “Melody” I whisper. “We need to talk.”

How dare he tell me that we need to talk? I already knew everything. He has a damn girlfriend, he’s a jerk. In school has completed someone I knew I never had met. Standing in front of him in my yard he is looking at me his lips moving words leaving them but no exactly getting to my ears. “Just leave me alone.” I let go of his grasp and walk upstairs. Looking back once watching his face stare at me.

December. A week before Christmas.
It was snowing and I stood against the cold glass of my bedroom window. Everything was covered in a white blanket of white powder footmarks evident of the mailman’s track leading down the front steps. White flakes start falling before blink again and I sequel with happiness. Oh I miss the snow! I shower in a daze of happineness and get dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved black off the shoulder shirt, putting on my faviuorite yellow owl necklace on. Brushing my curls out I put my faviuorite Beanie. Letting my bangs peek out form the hat I let my hair down and curly. I run out of my room and downstairs, noticing no one was home. They were all outside. I slipped on my boots and black peocoat. Putting on some black knit gloves I turn the door handle and run outside the snow flurries catching in my eyes. I walk down the street towards the park were everyone said they would be. Turning down the street I turn the corner to see Maby. The girl from school. She was walking close and holding on to someone’s arm as if she would fall without it. Walking forward I figure out that’s she was grasping aidens arm. A shot of pain went through me considering I was still in denial about having feeling for him and I’ve tried to change my mind. As she stops him to look inot a store I walk past them looking straight forward to avoid any notice from him. Walking around the block I make it towards the park. There I see Darren and carra, Sebastian and sammi and my dad and merideths, shaya is running around the snow her laughter loud and echoing over everyone’s voices. A small snowball fight is begging in as I open the park gate and run over to them, snow falling into my eyes. I smile and wave at them and as I go to sit down to watch I feel a cold ball hit my shoulder and I look to my right and wipe off the snow, taking a deep breath I turn around to find no one. I take a step forward. “Okay im going to get you!” I hear laughing and all of them jump out from behind trees and start aiming and throwing snow at me. After a few minutes I surrender and try to glare but finishes off with a fit of giggles. We all collapse in a circle our heads facing inward and our hands outstretched towards each other, we lie there while the small white flurries fall around us, dancing there winter dance. The sound of our laughter is there music.

Eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate were all in the living room. “I hate how smores can be so messy!” I giggle trying to get the deliciously chocolate dessert to my mouth. Munching I wipe my hands on a towel and curl myself up by the fire, my toes wiggling. Shaya is with dad and merideths at shaya friend’s house, for a Christmas party. Darren sammi are sniggled up on the couch sammi half asleep. And carra and Sebastian are sitting wrapped in a blanket on the couch watching a movie. They all decided that they needed smores to make this snowy winter wonderland fantasy night perfect. Darren comes back from the kitchen shutting his phone he looks guilty. “Whast wrong?” I ask licking my finger as the chocolate fell from my smores. He cuddles up with sammi and just shrugs. “I um invited Aiden over.” I look at him. “why!?” he shrugs.” cause he was all alone at his house after his sister left to California to live with their aunts he’s been very lonely.” He nods his head like a puppy waiting for their owner to smile at them to give them a treat. But I was far from smiling I was ready to hurt him. “Okay. I can do this. As long as he leaves me alone.” A few breaths later we hear his knock and Darren gets up opening the door. The notebook was on and Allie and Noah were laughing and kissing when we hear Darren’s cheerful voice. “Aiden!” pause. “And Maby. Its you” his voice turns icy and he gives attention to Maby. He turns around and heads over to us. “Grab a smores Aiden.”

She was sitting in front of the couch her head hitting the couch. The glow from the fireplace hitting her face. The notebook. Her faviuorite movie. I can my name being called and I turn my head away from her towards Maby. “Wait what?” she sighs and rolls her eyes. “Im asking if you would get me water?” she bats her eyes and I nod. Getting up I walk towards the kitchen. Everyone was in the kitchen refilling with food and drinks. Maby and melody were left back.

Everyone was in kitchen getting refills. I was left alone with Maby and she was staring at me as if I was some rabid animal. “What?” She smirked. “I wonder what he saw in you” her nasal voice lowered she leans over the couch her short hair in her face. “You’re not good looking, you don’t wear makeup and aren’t popular.” I huff and turn around facing the fire place. She kept going. “Just leave him alone. He used to date pretty girls before you and then dumped you and came to me.” She laughs. “You know we were in the middle of getting farther than making out when Darren called. If it weren’t for you people I swear he would be mine right now. I mean did you honestly think he liked you? I think he was lonely. Yeah lonely or desperate.” She picks up a strand of hair. “Hmmn I wonder what he saw” I look over to her and she starts to laugh. Some tears well in my eyes and I stand up. “Get out of my funkin house, yeah you heard me go. I don’t need some slut going around my house telling me these things, I so don’t need that. By the way, first of all he doesn’t like you he likes what you can give him, second of all beauty is not beauty if you can wipe off 95 percent of it with a Kleenex, and third of all im popular just not with your crowds. I swear not trying to imply something but you don’t really sleep in your own bed often do you” I drop the blacket that was around my shoulders and stand up. I can see her smirking. I turn around and there they all are their mouths agape. Aiden looks mad. “Melody” I frown. “What!?- She was – I didn’t-” they all look as if I did something wrong. “Did you guys hear her?” maybes voice chirps. They all nod and I thought they were eon my side but I guessed wrong. Aiden grabs maybes hand and starts walking away, Darren sammi and carra leave after him, all giving me a sad look. Sebastian hesitates and then calls after him. They all leave, mad at me. Because I stood up. Because I didn’t let her bully me. Because I said the truth.

Sighing I lay on top of my bed and look up to my ceiling. Angry I stretch and felt my arm tingle. I mumble something and my plant on my desk shatters. “Oh crap” I pick up the plant scared I would do anything else, throwing it out I lay back on my bed and I can fell magic pulsing through me. Sitting up I curl my hands. The windows shatter and I go flying down to the carpet the shards cutting into me. I try to stop the furl of magic when suddenly my desk topples over and the chair hits my leg. All the supplies flying everywhere. I then lay on my back and try to take a deep breath when I look and see all my books falling on me, my bookshelves tipping over. All I remember was that it fell, something hard stabbed my head ad everything went slowly going black.

She was staring at me. Maby was trying to get my attention, her lips moving, the people around her, our friends were all laughing. Sebastian suddenly gets a call the shrill ring of his phone brings me back to reality and I can see his face. As the words on the other side form. He waves and goes off running. We don’t have time to ask whast wrong.

I could hear voices. Talking. Melody, wake up. Hun, Melody. It sounds like my fathers. His voice sounds distraught. Dad im here I want you to know that. Im here but my eyes are heavy! I can move. Dad can you hear me? There is silence for a small amount of time before my father’s voice sounding panicked. Melody! Melody wake up.! I can hear his sobs and I try to reach out to him but everything is so heavy and everything is dark. I can’t see. Dad. Dad! Im here. Help me. Don’t cry! I don’t think he hears me. No one can hear me but me, and me is lonely.

They come back. The voices. I dotn know if there my dad’s or my brothers but they talk to me. Honey, merry Christmas. I love you. You know that right? Well it’s so beautiful out the stars are starting to come out brighter. Hon. don’t you wan to see the flowers? Wake up. Open your eyes. Come see the flowers. I try to open my eyes. But I can’t. It’s like someone holds a brick on them. A small silence from them. No stars. fine. Yesterday shaya and Sebastian they- his voice breaks and I can’t hear anything else. I love you baby girl. No one talks anymore. I feel lonely.
I walk inot the room. Come on Sebastian get it together, this is your sister here. I tell myself. But my other side of my brain yells. But she did those terrible things to Maby. Remember. She’s doing this for attention. I nod. “Hey Maby” no response. Im supposed to hold her hand but her hand is all cold. Like she’s dead. : “So you’re in a coma. It’s been like a month. It’s January. Shayas birthday is at the end of the month I hope you’re back.” Nothing, her chest moving up and down. Look gin pale. I get mad. “Why won’t you wake up already?” I breathe, “dads been crying and shays thinks you’re sleeping. Stop running away and com aback to face the real world.” I wait for a flitter of a finger or a smile but nothing. She’s like a corpse.

Why won’t you wake up already!? Trust me I want to. Everything seems clearer now. I think I can move but not yet. It’ll come back I’ll be back soon. No one wants to listen to me. Or it’s that they can’t hear me.


I stand back in my yard sitting on the porch with carra and Darren as we wait for them to pull up. There familiar car opens and we see shaya run inside, Sebastian after her. Her dad he gets out and pauses. “What happened?” I can hear carra yell. He looks up startled and crosses the road. “She woke up. She’s coming home soon.” He looks...Sad. “Then why the grim face?” He mumbles something. “She thinks she heard us talk to her. She feels bad about abandoning us. She thinks it’s her fault she went into the coma. She’s depressed.” He shrugs. “but she’ll get over it.” We all nod plastering smiles on our faces. He waves off and starts walking towards his home. Merideths and the boys weren’t home. They were up visiting merideths ex husband for his new wedding. So it was just him, shaya and Sebastian. And melody.

I tap my fingers nervously on the bed. All dressed I sit waiting for my dad to check me out. Shaya looks excited but I feel complete opposite. “Im sorry shaya. I promise ill make up your birthday some other way. I absolutely promise.” She nods and starts talking about school. My dad comes in and looks me over. “Ready?” I look at him the sun hitting his tired face. No I think to myself. Nodding yes I can feel my chest constricting. He nods and helps me up, for all my energy was drained with all of the medication. We open the door and we walk down the white hallway. I the sun hitting my face from the window and the doctors passing us, they all wear white lab coats and they smell like disenfectante. And death.
Looking up towards the sky I let everything pass me and dread making it home. But yet life seems to be not on my side anymore. Dad pulls into the driveway his eyes tired. We all step out of the car and shaya helps me out and we all walk up the staircase, dad holding the hospital bag. I walk into the warm house and walk simply up to my room, tired and exhausted. I need to get my energy back. I open my room to see that my bookshelves were back in place and my books were neatly place next to it. No one knows how to shelf the book the way I like it. My desk has all new supplies and everything seems as if nothing ever happened. I walk slowly in and gently sit on the bed. Putting my head in my hands I can feel the small sobs shaking my body. I didn’t tell anyone but I saw the man. Yeah him. He walking in town while we were in the car waiting at a red light I saw him and those eyes. I would never forget those eyes. I suddenly feel dirty and stupid and disgusted with myself. “Get a grip” I mutter to myself. Plugging my iPod on I let the words from sing me to sleep by Emily browning reach my ears.
Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I'm tired and I
I want to go to bed

I lie down and stare at my ceiling. He robbed me of my life. I can’t trust anyone anymore. I shut my eyes my fists curled up and on my side. I can feel the headache begin.

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
And then leave me alone

The tears falling from my eyes were soiling the pillow and I shiver, wrapping myself in a blanket o face the wall on my side.

Don't try to wake me in the morning
'Cause I will be gone
Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I will feel so glad to go

He did this to me and I don’t even know who or his name, because he was a coward. A god damn coward and imbesoul and heartless.

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I don't want to wake up
On my own anymore

He didn’t even care. He knocked me unconscious and robbed me of something I was waiting to give to someone special.

Sing to me
Sing to me
I don't want to wake up
On my own anymore

And then aidens. The lies and betrayal and the new knowledge of what I am is so over whelming and the mess I made and the trouble I must have been for my dad and merideths.

Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go

Everyone wants to help. But no one knows how. And I feel lonely,

There is another world
there is a better world
well, there must be
well, there must be
sing me to sleep

I look across the street from the lawn were carra and Darren and Sebastian and I all sit hanging out. Her window was open and I can see the wind blowing her curtains. I turn around at the sound of everyone’s laughter and laugh along. My glance still on her window.

I walk down the stairs slowly noticing how much quieter the house felt. I walk into the kitchen and I see merideths reading a cookbook while attempting to mix some sort of powdery white stuff. She smiles “oh hello Hun! How you been? We just got back last night you were asleep!” I smile small. “Oh im ... Fine.” She doesn’t notice my uncertainty. “Well here have something to eat.” I nod and try to eat a banana but once I had a couple of bits I felt my stomach not accepting it and nausea rolled over me. I smile politely and throw the rest of the banana down to the garbage. Escaping without her noticing I run upstairs. I throw up the banana and brush my teeth small tears escaping my eyes. I slide down the wall and hug my knees. “What is wrong with me?”
Shaking I stand up drying the tears and taking small breaths. I wash my face. Putting on some shorts and a long sleeved purple lace shirt I let my hair down. Tying my converse I hesitate before walking out my bed room door.

Everyone is laughing when a dude comes up riding in his skateboard. He has blue eyes like a storm in the sea and black hair. He says hello to everyone and I recognize him as Tyler, the vampire. Yet the scent of his mom who was a werewolf lingers on him. We joke around a bit and then all decide to go over to Darren and carra house. Sebastian runs over to his house and a few minutes later he comes out tugging on a scowling melody. She looks tense on the contact that he is making with her and once her lets her go some of the tension in her shoulders relax. Finally making it over everyone says there hellos and then after a 2 second awkward silence carra and melody wordlessly apologize to each other and nodding they smile. She goes to hug melody but melody tenses and awkwardly puts her arms around carra, stiffly. We all walk inside carra talking animatedly while melody just nods. “well Tyler will be here shortly. He had to pick some stuff up.” Darren mutters. We all nod.

We all are in the living room talking when a guy walks in. He says hello to everyone and after joking with Aiden and Darren and Sebastian he laughs. That laughs. I’ve heard it before. He nods to carra who scoffs and then looks at me. His eye brow raising he steps in front of me. “Hi im Tyler Jameson.” I shake his hands. “Im melody” looking up his face “nice to mee-” I freeze. At the same time I look in his eyes her sees me and says “oh shit,” That laughs. Those blue stormy eyes. My breathing gets very heavy and my hand who is still shaking his feels tight and sweaty my other hand curled in fist. Omg. His name is Tyler. Tyler Jameson and he even remember me. I rip my had away from him and before I had a chance to think I fell and the world faded.
MELODY! I open my eyes and find myself on the couch. Everyone surrounding me except him. When I see him though I momentarily get scared and my breathing starts getting harder. I sit up and run to the door running to the bathroom I throw up in the toilet. Breathing hard I wash my mouth out and sit on the floor, small tears escaping. “He’s there. His there. His name is Tyler. And he’s the one. He was the coward who did this to me and all I do is run away.” I mutter. “Omg.” How is this possible?” the knock on the door brings me to reality. “Melody it’s me, Sebastian open the door.” I hesitate and open the door. He comes in and sits on the bathtub. “What’s wrong?” I fight for control and utter the words trapped in my throat. “He did it to me. That night his name is Tyler. I would remember his eyes and laugh and that’s him. And he knows it and. And. And. And.” Im crying and when he tries to hug me I tense. “So you’re telling me that he raped you? It was him?” Sebastian voice sound angry. I nod. He gets up and slams open the door I can heat his footsteps and then carra scream.

Sebastian runs down the stairs as if the devil was after him. “Im going to kill you!” he yells and jumps on Tyler. He punches in the face and once I tried to grab him off with Darren he kicked me and punched Darren in the side. But before he has a chance to punch him again carra utters something and he freezes. He steps back and realization comes to him. He breaths and closes his eyes. Going to the other side of the room her leans his head against the wall. “I funkin hate you. Yo did that to my sister. You know she won’t touch anyone anymore? She’s scared to hold my hand. MY hand. Im her funking brother. Her BROTHER! And she’s scared ill hurt her... You did this to her and you deserve to die.” Sebastian’s shoulders are shaking and I can hear how he tries to hold the sobs back. I then realize what he said. You did this to her. You did that to my sister.

Realization dawns over me and then I feel anger seeping through me, red clouding my vision. Before I think I punch him and keep punching when he goes down. But then carra that witch mutters her words and I immediately get off. I look at him and see his nose bleeding and a small bruise on the arm but nothing serious. I look back and see that I can hear police sirens come closer and then the knock. They take him away and then go upstairs to go check on melody. Sebastian and I are forced to stay in the living room as they carry melody back on a stretcher her sobs echoing.

She was sleeping her face peaceful for once. . I didn’t know what to do. They had Tyler in the court room; he’s on trial for theft, breaking and entering a home and rape. I shudder as a flash of anger came through me with the fact that she was raped, and he was right there. I get up and take one last look at her. She needs her time. She’s mad at me I understand sell come around. Anyway she has to our wedding is getting closer.

I wake up in my room covered in my 0blanket a hospital bracelet on my arm and a huge headache. I sit up and then it hits me. Omg. I whisper. I slowly rip the bracelet from my arm and get out of my bed. Getting dressed I go downstairs were im hugged by merideths. “Um good morning.” She sighs and lets me go. I try to eat some breakfast but it all wanted to be thrown up, yet I forced myself to swallow it and tried to listen to merideths talking. I nod and smile going upstairs I go to Sebastian’s room and open it slightly seeing him sleeping. I sit on the edge and wrap my arms around my knees my head resting on the tip of my knees. I watch him sleep and then suddenly as if he knew I was there he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He sat up and then looked over to me. I swallow back the tears. “I want to change. I don’t, I don’t want to keep hurting myself Excpecialy cutting myself and I want to go back to my happy cheery self and I miss being with you and shaya and im really sorry about everything that happened. Im so sorry.” He looks at me and shakes his hand. “It’s not your fault melody. And I’ll be here. I’ll help you change. I promise. You’re my sister and I love you.” He smiles at me through his sad eyes and for the first time in a while I let myself be hugged.

I put makeup on my arms covering the angry red marks shouting my past at me and put on a t shirt and some shorts; tying up my purple converse I meet Sebastian he talked with everyone and there all helping me get back to normal. The day went awesome. And that night as I lay in bed I couldn’t help but fall asleep smiling.

“Morning dad!’ I hug him and took him by surprise that I was physically touching. He hugged me back and I couldn’t help but smile at the look of surprise that crossed merideths and my dad’s face when I hugged everyone in the morning and then kissed my dads forehead before walking upstairs. Taking my phone out I text Aiden. : We need to talk. Meet me in the playground the swings in fifteen: he immediately responds okay and yell goodbye walking outside to the sun I almost run to the playground.

She texted me. And now were meeting in the playground. What the hell is going on? I think walking past all the stores and crossing the street I walk towards the park and I can see her sitting on the swings and quicken my pace. Coming to a stop a few feet in front of her I shuffle my feet on the woodchips on the ground. “Hey melody” she looks up and her green eye stares at me a smile slighting her face. “Do it properly,” I look at her and then noticing what she meant I go down in front of her and took her hand. “Will you marry me?” she laughs. “Ask as if you mean it,” I scowl. “Okay.” I think. “Um melody my dear beloved girl. I fell in love with you at first sight and even though we were arranged to marry I would have probably asked beforehand. Now will you tell me if you will and put me out of my misery of doubt?” she giggles and when I hear it I find that most of those words are true and that I meant them. She nods and hugs me witch further surprises me. Wrapping my arms around her I feel her sniggle her head into my chest and sigh. She pulls back a glint in her eyes. Taking my hand she smiles “Come on.”

We spent the day swimming in the lake and I swear I hadn’t heard her laugh as much as she did today. We were under a tree the leaves sheltering us I had my arm around her and the silence was comforting. She sits up and looks at me and before I knew it her lips were so close to mine. “I missed you” and then she kissed me.

I kissed him and he didn’t flinch and I thought he was going to pull back when I feel his arms around me and then his lips pushing back on mine. He was kissing me back. I smile against his lips laughing at the way he grunts in disfatication. I get up and hold my hand. “Come one.” He laughs and grabs our stuff and then encasing my hand in his big hand we walk home.

Three years later.
Omg omgomg omgomomgomg omgomgomg breath. Breath. “Melody breath your gonna sweat off your face!” carra smirks and rocks baby Charlie in her hands. I nod and straighten out my white dress. She smiles and comes over to me. “It’s okay to be scared.” I nod again and even though I know he’s out there waiting for me im scared that this it. I take a deep breath and wait until it’s my turn to walk. Once I hear my cue I take a deep breath and take my father’s arm. “Ready kiddo?” I nod and kiss him on the check. “Yeah dad. I am.” Taking my first step I watch as the crowd’s eyes follow me, and my eyes look at Aiden. He was wearing a black and white tuxedo he looked nervous and he was smiling at me. I couldn’t wait I just wanted to go to him yet my dad’s hand kept me steady. I saw that backyard was turned into a makeshift church. The alter by the lake and the seats facing the lake. The trees had white lace in them with lights twinkling. On the ground layed down was a white trail and it was so beautiful. Purple flowers surrounded everything and I mean everything including aidens tuxedo.

She looked beautiful. She was wearing a white lace dress that flowed behind her and her hair was in a cute bun with hair falling out in ringlets. A purple flower in her hair she looked marvelous. She was smiling at me and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer.

I didn’t realize that it was my turn to say “I do” until Aiden looked at me and raised his eyebrows. “Oh um yes. Oh wait I mean I do” I smile and I can hear him chuckle and then he leaned in and cupped my neck with his hand tilting my head he kissed me and I turned bright red. I can hear him chuckle underneath my lips and then he pulled away leaving me looking at him. He turns us so that we faced the applauding crowd and draged me down the aisle to the end of the trail. Everyone met us there and then things went smoothly into the reception with was there next to the seating area. A small dance floor was set up a DIJA and tables with name cards. Everything went smoothly and when it was time for the father daughter dance, I and my dad swayed from side to side awkwardly considering my dad had two left feet when it came to dancing.

At the last song everyone started to disperse and after getting congratulation and goodbye the only people left were carra and Sebastian with baby Charlie. Darren with sammi and their two kids. Everyone was laughing when suddenly carra started to look at me strangely. “What?” she laughs. “Has he told you were he’s taking you?” I shake my head. “Nope. He says it’s a surprise.” She then laughs. “I know were he’s taking you.” I raise an eyebrow. “Oh really were I going on my honeymoon?” she laughs. “He’s taking you-_” then aidens voice. “Uh carra I think Sebastian needs you.” She wrinkles her nose at the fact that she was interrupted. I laugh and as she runs toward Sebastian he sits a takes my hand. “ready to go?” I nod and kiss his check. “whenever you’re ready.”

To be continued please comment or send me comments on how its good or horrible. Every opinion counts.



Texte: 2012 march cristal Santos copyright number. 2068754
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.03.2012

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