
I wake up to my door opening and closing lightly and a giggle come from my bathroom. I sit up and tie my long black hair back into a ponytail and check my nightstand. 6: 02. What is she doing up so early. I see my bathroom light on underneath the shut door. I blink trying to wake up and rub my eyes as I look for my sandals on the floor. I get up and go towards one of the many boxes in my room to search for some type of shoe. I find my flip flops and converse at the top next to my ballet shoes and ballet flats. I snatch the flip flops and put them on tripping twice on my way across the dark room towards my bathroom. I get to the door and hear a sniffle come from the inside and I hear my 14 year old younger sister sigh. I open the door slightly to find her on my bathroom floor with a photo of our mom and us on her 12th birthday. Our mom died in a car crash 2 years ago on September 2nd caused by a drunk driver. “Hey” I whisper lightly” you okay?” I peek at her my body hidden behind the door. She looks up at me with tears running down her face. I pad over to her and sit down on the cold marble floor and hug her tight from the side. She looks at me and smiles slightly. She wipes her face with the sleeve of her pjs and looks back to her photo before speaking. “I had a dream. A small dream but mom was there and you were to and she told me to come here and look at this photo and when you woke up to tell you that she loves you. I went to hug her but she disappeared right through my fingers. I woke up and came into your room giggling at your hair and how messy it was. I saw the photo she showed me and I don’t know I just miss her. With the move and everything I can’t see to be excited for school. New school, new friends. High school” she gulps lightly and I stifle a giggle. “Hey don’t worry I’ll be there. And don’t worry school isn’t for like another few days. We did come in right before Christmas. It is a bit strange isn’t it?” I laugh encouraging her. She giggles lightly and picks herself up from the floor. Tugging on her arm she helps me up and we both stand there awkwardly. “I love you, you’re the best sister on the planet and I’m glad you’re here even though mom isn’t” she blurts out. I smile and hug her back.” I love you too sis.” Maby this move might not be so bad? How so very wrong I was.
Beep! Beep! Beep! I shoot out of my dream to turn off my alarm clock. I search for the button and press off. I sigh with relief that no one else woke up with the beeping. Why did I even get that alarm clock? It bothers me. I’m getting a new one tonight. I push away my deep violet covers and my feet hit the cold hardwood floor with a thud. I scratch my head as I walk towards my bathroom door and check out the window to confirm the weather. Rainy. I blindly get it the shower and as I scrub my strawberry scented shampoo into my hair, the sudden realization hits me. Today is the first day of school. I groan as I finish showering not knowing what I’m going to wear. I wrap my towel around myself and wipe the mirror with my hand. Dark grey eyes, no blemished face, thin red lips turned down into a scowl and long black hair that reaches her waist soaking wet and dripping down her back. I stare right back at my reflection and make a funny face. A small smile appears on the girls face and 2 sweet dimples are expressed with the growing smile. I sigh and gather my hair up and blow it dry, it takes me a few mins considering that I have perfect straight hair. I fluff out my bangs and walk out to my dark room. I turn on my light and switch my TV to the news. Ugh. “50 degrees out! What is winter! One day warmer one day colder than the arctic!” I groan at the TV. I go to my closet and walk in. I grab my dark purple dress with the lace at the bottom and long flowy sleeves. It comes up to my knees and you wear black leggings underneath. I slip that on and slide my feet into my black leather boots without heels. I check my watch and rush out my bedroom door opening Serena’s and finding her dressed and applying makeup on. I was supposed to wake her up at 6:30. “Oh you’re up already. It’s like not even 6: 30 yet and you’re awake!?” she shrugs and simply replies” I wanted to look nice on my first day so I got up early to get ready. Now leave me alone we have to be at school by like 7:05 because first period starts at 7: 20 and I don’t feel like being late.” She huffs this out while applying mascara to her left eye and checks it over approving. “Alright, my god, alright. Gesh calm down!” I chuckle as I close her door and return to my neat dark violet painted room. I stand at the doorway admiring all my hard work. My room was huge with a canopy bed with dark purple covers and a walk in closet. I have a desk on the left side window and a small chimney on my right. On top of my desk is my laptop, my little cup with pencils my stapler and a neat pile of papers. On my chimney are small candles and 4 photos of each person in our family. My dad on the right, me right next to him, Serena following and last my mom. I have 2 cozy chairs in front and a small flat screen mounted on top of my chimney. I look around once more before grabbing my book bag from the floor and walk gracefully down the stairs. I go down to our modernized kitchen and get out a fiber one granola bar and some OJ. I sit there eating quietly waiting for Serena. I hear he walk down the stairs and grab a granola bar from the table. She is wearing a white shirt and a jean skirt with leggings underneath; black flats adorn her feet as she gracefully walks to the closet and grabs her book bag. Her hair black, straight and longs just like mine in a half up half down up do. I finish my granola bar and she passes me my black pea coat. She shrugs hers on and grabs one of the ten dollar bills from the counter. I throw my wrapper away and rinse my glass out. I tug my coat on and grab the remaining ten dollars. I write a note to our sleeping dad, and grab my book bag and stroll out the door to my car.
“Oh park there. Yay we found a close parking spot!” sequels Serena as she jumps out the door. I take a quick gulp of air and follow her out the car. Serena walks ahead and leads the way towards the office. We come to a door and she opens it eagerly while I follow shyly behind. “Hi I’m Serena brook. My sister, violet brook, and I are new here and we were wondering if you can give us our schedules.” I smile politely at the women behind the desk and she tightens her mouth trying to hold back laughter. “My my someone is energetic!” I giggle lightly and take the piece of paper she hands to me. Serena and I walk out of the office and before she has time to run off I grab her arm.” Serena. Be careful okay. Don’t get in trouble, and meet me back at the car after school. Text me if you want to stay after to try a club or something. I don’t want to worry. “I look at her and she nods understanding.” I’ll call okay. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine!” Kisses my check quickly and walks off toward her first period. I sigh and look at my schedule. :
Math: 210
AP English: 218
AP Spanish: 114
History: 212
Science: 221
Choir: 111
Lunch: cafe
Drama: little theater
Study hall: Library
Gym: gymnasium
Hnmm, not such a bad schedule. I head off towards math, checking the map the secretary handed me with highlighted trails. I walk up the first flight of stairs when I hear the bell ring. “Shoot” I mumble lightly and sprint the rest of the way. I arrive to the door marked 210 and open the door. I walk in and find myself staring at almost 20 other students. “Ah you must be our new student. Come here.” I hear the teacher say. I walk over to him and find his name is mr.sanders, “okay class, today we have a new student, her name is violet brook and is coming here from New Orleans Florida.” he looks at me slightly. “Is that right?” I nod, mute with shyness. “Alright you shall be seated next to ... Umm let’s see… Aden. Yes Aden. Okay Aden raises your hand so Mrs. Brook can locate her seat. I look over the sea of kids and see a tan hand raised. I walk over to my seat examining this boy. Dark black hair. Short but long in a way. Intimidating dark black eyes and a smile on his face so adorable you can’t help but smile back. I smile lightly sitting myself next to him. “Hey” he whispers. “Can I see your schedule?” I nod and hand him my schedule. He smile checking it over. “We have the same except for AP Spanish and history. Not that smart.” He chuckles lightly. “Oh I’m Aden. Aden montes.” I smile. “I am violet. Violet brook. New here as you can tell.” I giggle. He smiles. I turn my attention back on the board. Grabbing my notebook and writing down the notes. Hnmm that’s not right I mumble to myself. “Yes Mrs. Brook?” “Um Mr. Sanders, shouldn’t that be square route over pie?” He looks at me and checks over his work blushing lightly at his mistake. “Why yes. Now aren’t you a smart one. Now Mrs. Brook do you know this already?” I smile gently and blush lightly. “Um yes.” Shock passes his face.” And tell me how did you learn this?” I look at the eyes staring at me wondering how I knew this. “Well since I was little I have been interested in learning everything and so we have this huge library full of books and well I had a private tutor and he never let me without something to do.” I smile at him my head slightly bent to the side. “Oh. My well he must be a good tutor.” I nod smiling.” He was. “You said was, why is that?” I look down at my hands and respond quietly. He passed away a year ago” I smiled grimly.” Leukemia.” He looks into my eyes “oh I’m sorry to hear that.” I laugh,” don’t be he was almost 89 and everyday he told me that when he died he would be such a happier man. Knowing he taught what he could and he served a purpose in life.” I shrugged lightly. Mr. Sanders looks impressed, awed and stricken by my calmness on the situation. Before he can respond the bell rings. I shrug and collect my books and tuck them gently in my bag. As I walk out the door I notice Aden by the door waiting for me. “Thought I can walk you to class.” He tells me before I can ask. I smile and nod nicely. We start walking towards English. We walk into our English class. I notice our desks are not desk but tables that seat four, Maby five. I look around to find most tables taken and if not the stares of those must mean their saving that chair. There was one table in the corner that was empty. I leave adens side to go sit there. As I take my book out our teacher calls my name out. I raise my hand and he nods. “Alright so violet is it. Spectacular. So this is English. We are right now working on a project for Romeo and Juliet so yes. Oh you got here right in time today or tomorrow we are picking out Romeos Juliet and montesors and the caplets. Ah. You would look lovely as Juliet. Her eyes have a mysterious gleam to them as she speaks. I smile politely thinking immediately that she is crazy. She laughs lightly and rights something down. I look around to see Aden looming over some girl talking about foot ball or basketball. Something involving touchdowns. He looks at me and caches me looking at him. I look down blushing madly while he says goo by to whoever it is he was talking to and comes down to my table. He sits down next to me. I keep reading. “so what book are you reading?” he lifts my hands and takes my book.” Ah. The host. Stephanie Meyers” he looks at me with an amused smile on his face. “Um well the other books she has written were about vampires this one though is a fascinating story of how the world ends up being taken over hosts and well it’s an amazing novel. “ I look at him with a shy smile on my face.” Oh I know I read it, English independent book.” I laugh lightly. He takes out twilight and starts to read. We both burst out laughing. The rest of the day goes in a blur. At lunch I sat with Aden and in the classes we weren’t in with eichother I sat alone.
My gods were is Serena! “Beep beep” I look down to find Serena calling me. I press the green button and clamp the phone to my ear. “Were the heck are you” she answers” oh um I’m with Claudia she is in all my classes. She invited me over to her house; she lives like a block away from us. Chill” chill? Since when does she tell me to chill? “Alright I’m going home. You have your key. Goodbye.” I hang up before she can respond and toss my phone into my bag. I unlock the door, before I have time to get into my nice and warm jeep I hear my name being called. “Violet. Violet! Wait up!” I turn around to find Aden running towards me. “Hey” he says once he comes over, out of breath. “Our sisters are “hanging out” Hnmm your sister is so different from you. She so I don’t know energetic.” He chuckles and looks at me with those big dark black eyes. I laugh lightly. “Yup that’s my sister. So crazy.” He nods thoughtfully.” Oh hey what you doing right now. I’ll give you a tour of my house ill drop my bag off, check in on my sister and give you a tour of the town. “He seems so excited I can’t help but to say “sure. You need a ride?” He looks at me sheepishly. “Yea, my car is in the shop, new tires. “Alright then hop in” I reply getting into the car. As I start the car he walks over to the passenger’s seat and gets in. we drive past my house, a few more houses when he tells me to stop at a house similar to mine. He hops out of the car and starts walking towards the front sidewalk towards his mailbox. I get out but leave my bag in the car. I walk to the front door surprised that it was open. I walk in Aden following behind to find the setting of the house the same except that he had different furniture. It’s like I already know the place. He drops his book bag in the kitchen and grabs a cookie offering me one. I recline. He then takes my hand and leads me up to his room which is opposite to were mine is and to Claudia’s room where we find Serena on the floor with a book in her hand and reading out loud wile Claudia was on a bean bag chair across the room doing homework. “Why aren’t you doing homework?” I asked her when we got inside and adens introduced me to Claudia. “Easy stuff. I know all this is was like a 5 min thing.” We leave her room and proceed down the hallway to a pink door. I open it and find a Maby 5 6 year old playing and jumping around in a miniature trampoline. When she sees me she immediately gets off and runs to me with open arms. I pick her up and she smiles. “Hi. I’m casssie. Who are you?” “ I’m violet casssie.” She nods.” So your adens new girlsfriend. He only brings home girls he likes. And let me tell you there aren’t many” she giggles lightly. I just stare at her with a grin on my face. I stare at Aden to find him blushing like crazy” is that so.?” I laugh lightly as she starts nodding hysterically. I glance at Aden who is starting reach for her. I laugh as I pull away with her still in my arms. “So tell me how you are so smart?” She giggles.” Well I’m in the 2nd grade and I love it! Ohh has dd kissed you yet?” she asks with her brown eyes wide with eagerness. “Dd?” I suppress a giggle. I look over to Aden to find him blushing a red crimson now. He finds away to distract her. “Alright casssie time for nature channel time.” She gets really excited that she scrambles off me a runs downstairs and a few min later I hear now on the nature channel... “Aww I was having so much fun Dd!!!” I burst out laughing and I see him planning. I run out the room before he gets me and into a dark blue room I don’t know where to go. I hear him in the hallway so I close the door and get on the bed. My hair hiding my face and the pillows hiding my body. I hear him walk in. I hear him open the closet and then look over somewhere. Next thing I knew he closed the door so I assumed that he left I sat up and almost giggled when he tackled me. “Boo.” I scream out and e gets on top of me and pins me down. My breathing gets hiked and I can see the mischief gleam in his eye. “They really like you.” “Dd get off me!! I can’t get tickled I can’t omg... Stop stop!” I sequel with a new round of giggles. He starts tickling me even more and I scream out with laughs. Because of how absorbed we were in our own little world we didn’t hear the door open. “Um hey. Aden?” we look over to find Serena and Claudia at the door with shocked and confused faces. Aden stays out. On top of me. I push him off and sit up. “Oh right hey.whats up?” Serena looks at Claudia. “Um we heard a scream and then a giggle we just wanted to see what happened but you guys were and we were here and um yeah so well talk to you later.” With that they close the door and leave. We can hear the footstep and a door slam shut. “Alright that was weird” I look over at Aden to find him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. “omg what wrong” he doesn’t respond” Aden?” He looks at me and speaks. “Listen I really like you. I mean to say is you came in and I don’t know I really like you and when you walked in today and sat next to me and just I just..” he looks over to me and kisses me gently on the lips. His breath smells like chocolate mint. I almost pull away but my brain wasn’t on speaking terms with the rest of my body. Instead of pushing away I put my arms on his neck and he leans into me. I lean back and end up lying down on the bed with him on top. “Oh right we forgot we want to g- oops” Aden laughs and I can’t help but giggle. He holds himself up by putting his hands on the bed on either side of me. “Sooo” “does this mean we are dating?” I giggle and smile “don’t know” my voice husky” you tell me.” I lean into him and kiss him. I feel his lips turn into a smile against mine and he kisses back.
I look over to Aden from where he is across the room on his bed with guitar in hand. I on his bean bag trying to figure out this new play our English and drama teacher wrote. He too was trying to figure out what it is.” I think it’s like a modern Romeo and Juliet and instead of dying they run away together. Weirdness. He comes up behind me and puts his arm around me and kisses my neck. We hear a knock.” Come in” Aden cries out. Before the door opens I end up in adens arms he caring me to bed. He sets me down kisses my forehead and throws himself on the bean bag chair. A young woman enters wearing a pencil skirt a gray shirt and heels her bun tight and neat and some curls in her face. She has adens black hair and eyes. “Oh hello” she says. “Oh mom this is violet, my um girlfriend.” He looks at me” she lives down like 4 houses and it seems to be that Claudia and her sister are now best friends. “Adens mom comes in and walks towards me. I sit up and stand up.” Hi I’m violet.” I extend my hand but she hugs me.” Omg thank god. I thought my son was anti social. It was either all his friends were boys or all the girls were just friends. “Laughs. I hug her back” so I’m Cynthia. I brought back pizza. And it seems your dad is having dinner with the guys. Claudia and her friend went out with a few girls to the burger place in town and casssie and I were hoping you would like to join us for dinner. I look over to Aden who seems to be looking at me.” Sure why not.” “Great ill be down in like 10 min. you may head down.” She walks out and we hear a door softly shut close. Adens comes over and practically burst.” Wow my family just loves you. And you do know that my mom’s is embarrassing just don’t listen to her.” He takes my hand and leads me downstairs. “What the matter Dd whose anti social?” he smiles and grabs on to my waist. We walk down the stairs to where casssie is in a chair devouring a slice of pizza. Aden goes to the cabinet and grabs 2 plates. Hands me one and grabs two sodas. We sit down and I start my first slice while casssie starts on her second and Aden devours his in two bites. I finish my first and eat half another and sit there looking at them eat. Cynthia comes down with gray sweats and a nice casual shirt. She takes half a box upstairs and tells us she was going to bed. While Aden eats his 3rd slice I see casssie drift to sleep in her chair. I get up and put our plates in the dishwasher. Ii go to her and pick her up. Aden follows and opens her door. I walk over to her bed and tuck her in gently. As we walk out of her room my cell phone rings. “Hello?” I hear a nurse’s voice.” Um hello, I was wondering if this was Serena brook emergency contact.” “Yes yes I am what am wrong?” the nurse answers “your sister has been physically abused, and is now in a slight sleeping trance. Not necessary a coma but when they gave her a drug, it knocked her out. We are at the vallien hospital please come.” “Alright, I’ll be there.” I hang up and a few minutes later Aden and I hear his phone ringing. Same thing. We rush down to the hospital and I run up to the office desk. “Um were looking for Serena brook and Claudia montes.” “Ah yes. Room a12.” I don’t even bother saying thank you as I sprint back towards the room number. We enter and see my sister on the left side of the room and Claudia on the right. They look tired and beaten. We see a nurse in the room and I go over to her.” Um hi, I was just wondering, you said physically abused. What did you men, as in abused and beaten?” the nurse looks over me and to the girls. She shakes her grimly.” No as in raped” I stand there kind of shocked. Aden asks the question that was on my mind” who?” the nurse leans in and whispers” a few drunk boys that the girl, Claudia said she knew. They joined them and they probably put the drug in their drinks. We found them in the street with half their close off and one of them” she points to Serena” bleeding madly.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2011

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