
"Violet! We are going to be late! Just watch.” I laugh as Klaus get all neverveous looking rough his bag. While I am jumping down the stairs to find my keys he realizes he forgot his math book. When I get downstairs I find my keys on the kitchen table next to a plate of waffles. Mom. While I nibble on a chocolate chip waffle I see Klaus runs out my door and sprints to the house next door. While he sprints I cannot help but notice how muscular and fit his legs and his chest have gotten. I shake my head with the thought of it and get into my jeep to wait for him. As I sit in the drivers set I start thinking of how fit his arms were and how he seemed so much more- “okay let’s go” Klaus interrupts me in mid thought entering my car. as i start driving, avoiding all the speedy drivers trying to get on work on time , i notice the scent of cologne or perfume or "is that axe?" i ask klaus. he gives me a little nod. i sratrt wondering why the hell klause would be wearing axe? whatever i think, boys are crazy.
when we get to the school parking lot i park in my usual spot. as i take the keys out of the ingnition, the perseon i hate the most in the world walks by. alice sanerlic.
it all started in first grade when i came into school wearing a black dress with a pink satin bow at the waist, alice comes in wearing a gorgeous pink skirt with a white blouse that fit perfectly. her hair in perfect curls around her stupid perfect head. she always hated that i can sing and dance and am so much better at her in english so as my teacher tells me how wonderful i have been doing at luch she and her stupid posses round up a plan to ruin first grade all together. i was anti scocial whaen i was a id. i didnt have friends i didnt play tag or kick ball a recces i sat on the swings imagening what my life would be when i was older. during luch recess while the teachers are helping this kid that "fell" alice and her posse suround me. she tells me im not pretty enough, im way to smart and that dress i wore needded something special. pudding. yes thats right. on my first day of first grade i went home smoldered in chocolate pudding. i hate pudding. you are probbly thinking i just sat there and took it, oh no i got up curled my little hands into a fist and punched alice sanerlic right in the nose. oh how good that felt.well ever since that day shes hated me and i her. the only good thing about that day was when i met klaus. he helped me walk to the nurses office to get cleaned up. he was so nice ,sweet and inncoent i imidetly started liking him. when our moms picked us up klaus runs up to his mom and sys" i have a new best friend" ever since that afternoon i had klause.
as i let my head fall into the streering whell knowing today was the days i will always hate i hear a door slaming and another door opening. untill the breerze came into the car i didnt notice klaus got out of the car and has opened my door. i dont bother moving. i just stay tere. heaad on sterring whell.remebering what today is. as i daze away i feel klaus reach across the front part of my seat to unbucle my seatbelt when all of a sudden i notice how close to me in that instint i look up to him and stare into his deep browm black buetiful shingig eyes. we stay there frozen untill we hear a far off bell warning us we are going to be late to first period. as if nothing happeened klaus tkaes my seatbelt off grabs my bag of the floor grabs my hand and drags me o class. our normal rotuine. i cant stop thinking of how close he was to me. i tried to forget about it. probably my tirdness talking.
i have never imagined me as a dating option but thre was never anyone i wanted to date. i was present able and reasonably pretty, with straight long hair that falls bello my waist, slim muscualr long body dimples when i smile and huge brom blac eyes. (wheni get mad or upset they turn grey. i can imagine klaus with a girlfreind. hes cute in the strong boy next door who plays guitar and has an amazing voice type boy. with short/longish hair that falls in front of his eyes, not enough to cover his black eyes but just so, lean muscular form,has a 6 pack and can probably carry me on mis sholders. ha he did once. he wanted to prove how strong he was. as we enter our first period class the bells rings making us almost late. oh great school time.
the wind is blowing hard making a cool breze but with the sun not feeling like coming out of the clouds i feels like 40 degrees. im not surprised. its the middle of march in faiirtown , new jersy. the town i live in is the type of surburms surrounded by woods. oh and at nigh the moon and stars can be see so well you dont even need a telescope. sigh. as i unlock my jeep nad get in i see klaus running from the east wing. i beeb and he waves telling me to wait. i start the car while he trys to make it to the car. as he gets into the car he asks if im staying over at is house tonight. i imidietly say yes. we both have to get ready for work on saturday morn. we both work at the icecream poarlor in town. our crazy boss insits we both get toi work at 7:00 am on the dot or were late and fired. we have a crazy boss. as i park into my drive way i notice my parents car is in the driveway. why are they home so early? my chest tightens by the worry. reading my mid klaus takes my had and givs it a reasuring squezze trying to say"dont worry" i am not convinced bacause of his face portraying worry na terror. as we get out the car, we notice both our parents are in the living room with worried expressions on here face. i look at klaus and his confusd expression. i tug on his arm and we move to open the door, but before we got inside klaus takes me in a ahug and whispers so lightly im pretty sure i didnt hear him right " i love you" before i have time to ask what he means he kisses me softly on the lips. i stand in shock, until i realize im enjoying this. as i moan of pleasure and put my hand around his neck pulling him closer to me when we hear the front dorr fling open. we pull apart as fast as we can, and there stands my shocked mom staring at us as if she has walked into a omg what are you doing moment. i move my look from her and take a glance at klaus who has a huge smile on his face, not realizing i as well have stupid looking grin on my face. when i look back to my mom she looks at me then at klause then to the floor and says " come inside we have important news for you guys"

i walk innto my living room aand sit on the couch with klaus next to me. my parents on the love seat nad klauses parents on the couch facing the fire place. i see both moms crying softly into eathothers arms and wach as those fallen tear drops hit the floor and wash away as quick as they came. before either klaus or i have time to ask what going on, my mom says " your engaged" to me and klause. i stare at my parents for a long time before i ask " to who"?
"omg" and then everything went black.

a bright shining light is hitting my face as i struggle to blcok it i find i wont be able to go back to sleepp. "ugh" i take a huge yawn as i stuggle to remeber what hapeened before i passed out.
"hm,ummm morning?" says a voice from a chair next to my bed.
i look quickly to my right to see klaus sitting perfectly in a chair by my bed. "i had the worst dream" i explain to him about what my dream had been... "that was no dream. we have beed engaed for the past year and a half. we shall get marr-"
"what do you mean w have been engaged for the pasy year nad a half?" i interupt him
"it seems our parents had this whole plan set out we jsu tdidnt know about it untill 6 hours ago. " 6 hours ago!!! what time is it now?"
"8:00" " i still havent told you a little more things..." he looks at me caustiously waiting for my reaction. i nod for him to continue.
" we should be getting married when ver you chosse to but it has to be within 2 years. you may plan it, have you bridsmaids flower girs all that wedding crap and we have to go on a honeymoon.." he ooks at me seeing my shocked face " of coursel we do not have to do anything you dont want to do.... and we have our manson built furnished and ready for when we get back, or for whenever we move in dosent matter. my mom nad your mom want atleast 2 children before they die and our dads want us to keep the extra family room into a dads place for them to wch games and"bond" togher.." he glances at me trough his eyes waiting for me to start yelling or to faint again. i do none of this. i just nod my head nd say one thing " i want a nature theme wedding."
he nods. i can see by his face he is alittle shcokd at my composure.i stare at him back patting the space on my bed next to me. he obeys and sits cross legged on the second half of my bed. i wait a few seconds before crawling into his lap and kissing him on the neck before mving my way up to his mouth were he notices what i want and kisses me back holding me by the waist closer to him. when we hear a knock at my door i disconect my self from him and go to awnswer the door. our parents are looking at me srtying to find my reaction to thie situation but all i give them is " family metting living room 5 min." and shut my door.

klaus and i walk hand in hand into the living romm were our parents are waiting anxiously for us. whn we sit down and gt stteled i explain how i was okay with the plan and how we wnat a nature theme. how i want to plan it and how i want my dress to look like. they all nod with aproval. okay. that was easy. well that was wierd they never agree with me without a fight.. hmmm... i cheeck my wach to see what time it was. "8:30! holy cow.. got to do homework... ,omg i have to tell mia....!"
"ummm violet"... my mom looks at me. " you are not to tell anyone or anything about this until you plan your weding. you shall be in a realnship with klaus untill he proposes formaly or whatever. and you do not have a choice ..your going to prom..." prom?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? " ummm....... why prom?????" because you will never get that high school experience ever again. and you are probably gooing to win prom que-"
"what do you mean prom queen?"
" well didnt klaus tell you he sighned you up...??" i look oveer to klaus who was currently looking at his shoes. mumbling im sorry. i am very confused. why would i need to win prom.. i wasent even planning on even going.. wait that means i have to dress up.... go up against alice and gulp.. act pretty.... i realy hate parents...
the next day at school mia was gushing on how adorable we looked. i blushed. i look around the the cafeteria looking for alice. hoping she wont find about prom. everything was okay. i guessed she just let this one slide. guessed wrong.
"hello" sneers alice. i look up from my sandwich and into those hateful eyes.
"hi" i reply with no emotion in my voice. i thought she was going to come over here and make fun of me for the prom queen thing but nope wrong again.
"hi klaus." she say while walking over to him. she sits on his lap and starts stroking his hair. i wouldent mind before but now i just want to puch her prefec head off her perfect neck. anyother boy would be totlay fine with her doing that not klaus.
"im sorry alice but i dont feel confortable with oyu siting on me, or touching me for that matter" klaus says with some type of disgust in his voice. " why is that?" ask alice.
klaus looks at me trying to see if i aprove of him telling her. i nod. " im dating someone." as klaus says this he takes my hand and intwines ourfingers together. she notices.
"well well well i see the bffs ar now bf and gfs... haha... not surprised..... hope you guys have fun wiht oyur "relanship" i look over to klaus wondering if she threatend us by tellong everyone were dating or she just wants to make my life a living hell.... ah maby both.

as i walk into klaus house after school the smell of chocolate cookies hit me. " violet, klaus.. that you?" yells ever klaus's mom. " yheah mom its us..." " you guys are staying over here tonihgt?" " yeas why?" " no reason dad and i have a renioun thing tonight. we wont be getting back untill like 12 ish. that okay" " yheah have fun"... while this conversation takes place i roam upstairs to klaus's room opening the drawer with my name on it. i look trough all my stuff that has collected there over the years untill i find my grey sweats and dark red lond sleeved teeshirt. i put them on gladd to be able to take off the tight jeans and polished white shirt. as i pass klaus's bed side table to leave his room i notice a picture sticking out from behind a book. its klaus and i at our 5th birthday party. hes staring at me while i stare back with idk a loving gaze. i hear steps coming toward the bedroom so i quicly tuck the picture back into his book and jump on his bed with my book. when he comes inside he sees me reading and sighs. " why do you keep reading twilight... i mean come on vampires, love, wearwolfs... i beelevie in the true love thing but whats with the mytthycal cretures.??" i laugh at klaus's confused face. " is klausie upset?" i ask with a grin on my face. he hates being called klausie. " hahaha very funny." he looks at me with a sly grin on his face. before i even had time to yhink he was ontop of me tickling me to near death. instead of yelling at him to stop i kiss him gently on the lips, not wanting to pass the line. he flies off the bed and across the room in an instant. his normal black eyes now glazed and confused. " omg im so sorry" i whisper. looking down at my hands. i close my eyes wanting to turn back the clock and start back to 3:07 when we were eating cookies. i hear the bed heave under me and strong arms imbrace me. i look up and see klaus staring at me. " im sorry i pulled away, i just dodnt know how to respond to it at the moment i was in shock." " its okay" " hey do oyu want to go downstarirs and wach twilight?" sure why not.'

" klause do you like me.?"
" it all started that day on the playground when i told my mom i had a new best friend i realy thought that. everyday seeing you and then finding out that oyu lived next door was like the coolest thing in the world. ive always wanted to protect you. at our fith birthday you told me you loved me. i didnt know as in romaic or just i love you, but when you spoke those 3 little words i have felt an emotion towards you that i cant even understand. i have always loved you and alwasy will. i love you violet and i needed you to know that." with that he retreats upstarirs and into bed.
i odnt know what to do for a second untill i realize what i had to do. i was hoping he hasent fallen asleep. i climb into my side of the bed and whisper into his ear ever so softly, i love you klaus. when i dont get a respond i assume hes asleep untill i felt him grab onto my wait and hold me close to him. i hear him chucle and whisper to me " i know". i smile as i drift into a endless sea of dreams.

i wake up in a faze of what has happened the night before. i look at the clock and see it is 5:30 in the morning. i decided to go for a run. i open the front door to see a slight drizzle as started. i start toward our school trying to run trough the wind. after a few min i got used to the wind and my feet became used to the steady beat. i hear foot steps behind me and run a little faster. when i hear the foot steps become a little faster is when i notice the footsteps are from someone trying to ge to me. they grab my hand and i scream."klaus,.... klaus"!!! the man slaps me across the face to shut me up. i stop and start crying i try to get away but he just steps on my ankle untilli heard a crack and i heared a blood curing scream. not reailizing that was me. i hear leaves rustling and hear klaus's voice call to me." violet!" " you devil.what do oy want from her get away from. he- i hear klaus fall next to me and a chucle come from the man a few feet a way. kluase scrambles for his feet and the last thing i hear is klaus saying i love you, i then blackout.

klaus pov.
when i wake up i notice violet not in bed so i knew she probably went for a jog. i head for the school knowing shell proabably be there. as i start chucling to my self about what happened last night i hear violet scream " lkaus...lklUS!!!!" I hear a horrible scream and know shes in trouble. i follow the noiss i hear from the woods. when i get troyygh the trees i ssee violet on the florr with blood on her face and half unconcious. her ankle is in a weired ankle. theres a man over her hius back to devil.what do oy want from her get away from. he" i fall he comes over and ounches me in the stomacke. i fall next to violet, and whisper i love you to her. i get up and look over to the man and pucnch him in the fance and when he falls i kick him in the stomache. i hear a groan from violet. i toss her my phone yelling at her ti call 911. i grab the mans hair a pull him up. the mans awake but has no streangth to fight back. i thro whim on the ground and run over to violet.

violets pov.
i CALL 911 and scream to them to bring an ambulance an to the woosd behind the school. i see klause trow the man to the ground and run towaards me. i reach up to stand untill i remember my ankle. i scream out in pain while waching klaus run faster toward me. when he gets to me sits by me head stroking my hair as he call our parents. we hear the ambulance people shougting our names and klaus calles to them. when they get here they take in the situation and imidetly go into action. they take the man in hadcuffs and escort him into the police car. 4 ambulance troops come towards us with 2 strechers. i whisper to kluas" everythings gonna be alright baby al cosvered i love you your gonna be all right." klaus turns his in my direnctions and leans down. i kiss him and he says i love you i grin and chucle i know. when the police officer comes with the ambulance crew around him 2 men lift me up onto the strecher. they ask klaus to lay down on the other one but klaus diclines. he says he is fine. when we get to the ambulance klause attemmpts to get into the vehicle but is not allowed. " i am her fiance!!!" when they hear this they let him inside with a questioning look on their faces. one of the nurses probably 24 asked us how old we were. klause responds" were both 18" the nurs looks at us and questions" no how did that happn" " we have been best friens scince 1st grade, we live right next door to eachother and i love him hes my bestest friend and now my fiance." i glance over to klaus who looks so happy his fance might explode of happyniess. " i love yuo klausie" i love you to vi" . the nuse walks to the back of the ambulance to het some cotten for the blody gash in my forhead.. " this might sting al litlle but it will help you cause then oyu wont have a scar on oyur forhead. when he put it upon my forhead it sizzled and then dry up. i hear the ambulance come to a stop. the nurse whispers lightly to us " good luck, i see oyu guys have such a love for eachother." before any o f us can recover after what he said the doors swing wide open and light strikes my face. klalus take my hand and right before i black out i see a tear drop fall gently down klaus's buetiful cheeck and land on my hand.

i wake up to beeping noise to my right. i notice the iv on my left hand and go to rip it out when someones hand lightly take my hand a way and put it on my stomacke. i look up to see klaus face hovering over me. " morning"
" whats wrong with me"
" broken ankle, and some blood loss." "arg.... do i have to use cruches? " " yes" he smiles.
"sooo mias here, our parents and our boss."
" tou get to leave today, i just called the nurse to come and un hook you."
When i get indide my room klaus helps me si on my bed. i ask him to go ino my drawr and get out some jean shorts and a tank top. the sun si shining so i want to go outside. " do oyu need help gettingdressed" klause jokes.. i give him a look. " alright alright ill be here reading my boook... twilight." he sighs and climbs up on my bed his back facing me. i get my shorts on perfectly, when i get my shirt over mmy head i drop the one im going to wear. klause turns aound thinking im done. i shriek nad cover my self with my hands. he shakes his head and turns back around. i put shirt over my head and brush my hair and pulled ito a sloppy ponytail.
" im ready."
i turn around to see klause coming out ofmy bathroom changed into jeans and a short sleved tee. he has sandles on. " lets go then."

when we get to the park, klaus wants to take me to the bridge in the park, its mid afternoon and the sun is shining. as we stand on the bridge , klause looks at me and starts speaking" violet i know this is an aranged married but i love you truly and wan to do this right. i am hoping you love me as much as i love oyu and see how much i want to spend the rest of my life with you and make a family." as he says this he get down on one knee and says the 4 little words i have bed waiting to hear science forever. " will oyu marry me?"
he looks at me and withought hesitation i say " yes omg yes i love oyu klaus i love you!!" klaus gets uup wiht a llight in his eyes i have no owrds for. he kisses me and i kiss bak happy for once. im making the right decision.

when we get back to my house we announce it to everyone. we started planning right away. while looking trough wedding gowns i look over to klause with a huge smile on my face.

next book to the sries is right decisions... pleasse read.... im righting little by little so please be paitent..


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.04.2011

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