
Chapter 1

"Hey new student." I said to the new guy of our class, I don't remember is name; I only remember names only if that person interests me or is some what important. The new boy was in my first period class, English II, and now he's in my second period class. The new boy didn't raise his head up at me just kept reading his book. Grrr....this guy is pissing me off.

I then slam my blinder down on his desk, no mine desk since he sitting at it. He still wasn't looking up.Bastard

I then yank his book out his hand and he finally looked up up at me. I smirked. The boy was no average human; he was a paranormal bounty hunter, I could tell by the color of his eyes; purple mixed with yellow. He had brown curly hair and a scare on his right eye.

"This is my seat your sitting at." I said.
"I thought we didn't have a sign seats in human development." Said the boy.
"Oh we don't but this is my seat." I said.
"I don't see your name on it." He said.
I then pointed at the name curved at the right corner of the desk; it said ZILLAH. He look down at where I pointed and he didn't say anything.
I then swatted down getting in perfect eye level with this bounty hunter. I smirked.
"Listen Mr. Hunter, I'm not scared of some stupid human. I don't care you have mind powers and you come from some big important bounty clan. I will kill you if you piss me off. You hunters think your so big in bad because you have little bit power and you think of yourself as higher than average humans. But either way, with powers or not, humans all die easily. I don't know who your after in this ghost town and I don't give a fuck who but you better stay out my way if not I'll kill." I said.
I look into his eyes and they were emotionless; it's like he was one of those leeches, having no soul.
"Hello?" I said.
I heard a snicker escape his lips and his lips then curl up into a smile.
"Your right Ms. Wolf we hunters do think of our self's higher than the humans and we do just die as anyone other human. But, Ms. wolf, so do werewolfs. All I need to do is shoot you with my gun I have in inside my jacket. Which by the way my gun contains 7 silver bullets that could kill you in seconds. Or would you rather have me stab you with my silver knife hidden in my boots? My point is you need to be a good dog and sit, stay out your master's way or I'll kill you."
He look into my eyes and I saw nothing but pure evil from his eyes; I shiver a little but I didn't back down, I had too much pride. We sat there staring at each other for a long period of time. We stared at each other not one of us backing down. I curl my lips flashing my sharp teeth but he still didn't back down. The bell rang and we still stared at each other. I heard everyone in the class taking their seats but I refuse to leave from my spot.

"Zillah! Take your seat!" I heard Mr. Black yell at me. I ignore him and continue staring at him.
"Zillah!Take your seat now young lady or go to the office!" Mr. Black continue to yell.
I continue to ignore and stare at the new guy. I heard mutters and whispers going around the classroom; I felt all eyes on the back of my head.
"Zillah!" Mr. Black yell. "I'm going to count till 3...1............2................thr-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP! DAMN!"I shouted. I then got up and sat in the seat next to the new guy. I heard him chuckle.You haven't won you bastard.

I look up and everyone in the class staring at me.
"GGGGRRR....What the hell are y'all looking at?!?" I growl.
Everyone in class turn around and look back at Mr. Black seeing what he was going to do about my outrageous behavior.
Mr. Black seem to be in shock for a few moments and they he finally realize all his students were staring at him; they were all about to loose their respect for him if didn't snap out his shock. He then snap out his shock and glare at me.

"Zillah, go to the office." Mr. Black said.
I shrug my shoulders and got up from my seat. I walk out the door, I then realize I still had the new guy's book in my hand. Like a good girl I went to the office like my teacher told me to.

Chapter 2

I sat the rest of my day in ISS (in school suspension) until the bell rung and I walk the ISS room. I walk to my locker to get my jacket and a couple of my books. I open my blue locker and then got my things. When I close my locker the bounty hunter was leaning against the locker next to mine. I cross my arms and narrow my eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask.
"Book." He said holding out his hand.
I look at his hand confuse.
He roll his eyes. "My book you stole stupid mutt."
I growl at him. How dare he call me a stupid mutt! If we weren't in public I would had rip his head off.

I smile. "I threw it away."
His eyes grew wide. "YOU DID WHAT!?"
"You heard me the first time." I said.
I saw his hands ball into a fist and his fist began to shake.
I smirk. "What are you going to punch me? Is little hunter going to cry?"
His fist came falling at me and I dodge. His fist went right into the my locker leaving a huge dent. People in the hall stop walking and turn to stare before you know it was a large group of people circling us.

I then drop my things on the floor. "Come at me Mr. Hunter."
He then came charging at me full speed and swung at me again and again. I dodge every move; I could see ever blow coming at me in slow motion. Bounty hunters had powers but he didn't use his in a public place like at school there is a large group of people staring at us. People began to chant saying 'you go girl' and 'hit that bitch'. With out his powers or weapons this hunter was just like any other human; no match for me. He then tried to trip me but I jump up in the air and my foot connected with is jaw. He stagger back a little but did not fall. Okay, maybe he was a little stranger than other humans; usually when I kick a human they fall down. I then came at him punch him in the face he hit the locker. I stop to look at him; he was dripping with sweat and his nose was bleeding and he had a bruise on his chin.

I was about to hit him again while he was recovering from my last blow but someone pull both my arms back. I tried to jerk away but whoever held me was a mighty strong. I then smell a grass mud smell; I knew who it was, it was my older brother, Luke. He turn me around and gave me a big bear huge; I push against his huge but the more I push away the harder he squeeze me. I finally gave up and went limp against his chest.

"Okay, I'm calm. Let me go." I said. I look up at Luke and he looked down at me. He stare into my blue and golden eyes for a moment trying to see if I was really calm. His golden eyes search mine. He then release me when he believe I was calm.
"Grab your things before the teacher comes." Luke said glaring at me. I glare back at him and then walk over to my things I drop. I glance the hunter's way and he was looking at me hardly standing breathing hard glaring at me; like he wanted to kill me. I smirked at at him and walk back over to Luke. We then push our way through the crowd and walk out the school to Luke's black Ford Escape 2005.

Luke starts the car and pulls off out the parking lot. We drive in silence for a while and then Luke pulls over to the side of the rode. He starts to breath hard and clenches his stirring wheel. He then look at me and I shrink back little; Luke was piss.

"Mind telling me what happen?" Luke asks.
I look out the window watching cars go by. "Mind taking me home?"
"Zillah! Tell me what happen!?!" Luke yells. I turn to glare at him.
"Stop yelling at me!" I yell back.
"Do you know what kind of trouble you can get into for beating a human?!?" Luke yells.
"What kick out the Pack?!? Well, it's too late for that! I'm already been killed out!"
"Zillah, I'm not talking about the pack I'm talking about the hunting clan that guy comes from." He said.So Luke knows he's a bounty hunter.

"What hunt me down and kill me? I like to see them try." I said.
"Zillah they'll do something much worst!They'll not only kill you but the pack you come from!"
"So what if they kill the pack too at least I won't die alone." I said sticking out my tongue.
"Zillah-"Luke began.
"No! Shut up! I don't care!" I then open the Ford Escape's door and got out leaving my things behind in the it.
"Zillah! Come back inside!" Luke calls.
I then begin to walk towards the woods, hear Luke getting out the Ford. I then dash off into the woods and Luke runs after me. I then feel my bone moving around and my organs moving as well; I was transferring into a wolf. When I was in full form I ran faster and I guess Luke transform too because I heard him call after me in my head.'Zillah!Zillah slow down! Lets talk about this!' Luke calls out into my head.
'Shut up Luke your not the boss of me!'I said back. 'Now get out of my head!' I then drain Luke's voice out my head.

Luke was now running beside me in his grey wolf form. Luke look more like a giant grey bear then a wolf compare to me I looked like a a hairy blackish brown chiwawa, well to everyone in the pack I looked like one. Being the weakest, I had my advantage, I was the fastest. I then took off full speed deeper into the woods. Luke tried to keep up but couldn't I was gone.Luke's sent went away meaning he was too far behind for him to catch up anytime soon.I slow down and took a drink at a small creak I found.

Chapter 3

When I got back to my apartment near the woods it was night fall. I knew once Luke went back to his Ford he would come over to my apartment and wait for me to come home so I decided to stay out into the woods. I sniff the air and like I thought Luke scent was here but it was only a faint scent meaning he went home to our jerk of a pack leader. I walk over to the tree where I laid my out some clothes just in case I needed to change into a wolf and have clothes to put on before I came out the woods. I put my large black t-shirt and my blue jean shorts. I didn't have shoes; didn't need any or bra or panties.

I walk up the steps to my apartment and walk to my door. My bag, books, and jacket were all near my door. Luke most have drop them off for me. I pick up my bag and got out my key from one of it's pockets. I unlock the door and walk into my empty apartment. I got my things from outside and brought them in. I slam my door shut and my apartment was pitch black. I walk past my den that only had a worn out couch, and empty room and then walk into my bedroom. My bed room was the most furntion room in the whole apartment, I switch on the light.

I had a queen size bed, a dresser with a TV on it, a chest and a night stand next to my bed. I walk over to my mirror that was on the closet door and undid my pony tail.My blackish brown hair falls down my back. I then take my bag and drag over to the next room over; I turn on the light. I call this room my studies because I have a chestnut desk and a black rolling chair. I then have green lamp on the desk and a bing bag chair in the corner where a stack of books were. I walk over to my desk and pick up my bag. I then dump my bag on the floor and I saw the new guy's book. I forgot I had this.

I pick up the book and then notice it wasn't a book at all but a small black dairy. In golden letters it had the name Abyssinia Rebecca Homer engrave on it.

Okay their is now way this is his dairy. This is a totally a girl name.

Could it be he stole this from some girl or she found on the floor? And he was reading it! That bastard does he have any respect for people privacy?!? I'll give this to the lost in found tomorrow at school.

I put the book on the desk and got my math workbook off the the floor and began doing my homework. When I was done with my math, I look at the dairy and then pick it up. I notice it had a heart shape lock on it and I was attempted to pick and open it. I respect other privacy unlike that hunter. I put the dairy back down and pick up one my science book to study for my test.

I heard the phone ring and I went to the kitchen to go answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.
"Did...did you really throw it away." Said a familiar voice.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"Hazel." Said the voice.
"I think you got the wrong number I don't know any 'Hazels'."
"The guy you fought today."
I smirked. "You mean the guy ass I kick."
"Did you throw it away for real?" Hazel asks. He was talking about the dairy.
"Yup." I lied.
"Oh, which trash can?"
"Huh? Are you going to dig in the trash for it? Is it really that important?"
"WHICH TRASH CAN!?!" Hazel shouts into the phone.
"Hey, keep yelling in my ear and I'm not going to tell you even if you torture me." I said.
"I'm...sorry...please tell me."
"I threw it in the dumpster behind the the hut near the ISS room." I lied. "But I think its at the sump now today was trash day."
"Hello? I hear you breathing into the phone. How you get this number anyways?" I ask.
There was a click and then there was nothing.I took the phone and slam it back on the hook.Bastard didn't have to hang up.

I then walk back over to my study room and look at the dairy; it most be really important to him.

chapter 4

I left home early the next morning and took the bus. Luke usually comes pick me up and take me to school but I wasn't ready to face him yet. When I got to school I went to the lost in found and dug into my bag and the dairy wasn't in there; I most had forgotten on my desk. I walk around the school and stop at the coffee machine. I got a cup of coffee and I smell Luke close by. I turn around and saw Luke heading towards me. I sigh and lean against the wall waiting for him to get to me; I had to face hims sooner or later.

"Hey Zillah." Luke said.
"Hey." I said taking a sip from my coffee. Then spitted it out on one the school floor; I forgot the coffee machine made the world's worst coffee. I wipe my mouth and walk over to the trash can to throw the coffee away.Luke follow me and then took out something from his book bag. It was a plastic coffee cup and he handed it to me.
"I thought you might want some good coffee." Luke said with a smile.
I grin and took the coffee cup. I then took off the led and took a sip of the still warm coffee; it was good.
"The leader wants to see you." Luke said.
I then glare at Luke.He snitched on me.

"No! I didn't snitch on you." Luke said honestly. "It was out the blue he said it was really important for you to come to a meeting."
"Why the hell should I come when he kick me out the pack?" I ask.
"Well, I don't know, maybe he'll let you back in the pack."
"I don't want to go back to a pack who would rather choose a leader that just pop out of thin air over a little girl who been in the pack since she was born." I said.
"Zillah." Luke began.
"Shut up." I said. The bell rung meaning students to get their butts in class. I then walk away from Luke.

When I got into English II I notice Hazel was't in class.Maybe he was looking for the criminal or still digging through the trash for a dairy he'll never find.

I sat in class trying to think what the leader would want with me an 'outsider' like me.

Hazel wasn't in second period neither and after second period was lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and spotted Luke at the jock table. I walk over to the table and sat next to Luke. All the jocks look at me like I was crazy but I ignore them.

I turn to Luke. "What time is the meeting?"
Luke look at then had the biggest smile on his face. "Today at 4:30."
"I'll stay for 30 minutes but if I get bored I'm leaving." I said.
"Luke who this chick?" Ask a jock with brown hair.
"I'm Luke's sister." I said.
"I didn't know you had a sister." said another jock.
"She's not really my sister, she's like a sister. We know each other since we were babies." Luke said.
"So are you single?" Asks the red head jock.
"Nope, I totally into Luke. We promise we'll marry each other after high." I said. It was the truth when Luke and I were 6 we promise to marry each other so that way we wouldn't have to worry about not getting married and be one of those old people who die alone.
All the jocks look at Luke and Luke blush and look at me; I could tell I embarrassed him, I enjoy embarrassing him.
"Luke a lucky man." Said the red head.
"I know he is." I said.
"But if you divorce him give me a call I'm Jackson Core." said the red head.
Luke gave Jackson the evil eye and I giggle.
I wink at Jackson. "I'll keep that in mind."
Luke then put his arm around me. "Mine." he said like a four year old.
After I few minutes of chatting with the jocks the bell rung and it was back to class. I don't know why people hate jocks their totally nice people and really easy going.

chapter 5

It turns out Hazel was in all my other classes too and he wasn't their for not one of them. Starting off skipping school when you just got here is not a good start. I waited for Luke by his car and he came with one other werewolf from the pack; Lily Greenhouse my enemy. I glare at her she was hanging all over Luke like always. She saw me and smile and did a little wave. I roll my eyes and look at Luke, I gave him that 'Why is she here' Luke. Luke shrug his shoulders. "She needed a ride home."

I shook my head. "Whatever." I then turn to Lily. "I'm riding shot gun and you in the back."
"What why do I have to ride in the back? I'm the one who's being drop off first." Lily argue.
"I don't care. Luke doesn't need some chick distracting him from his driving." I said.
"Why! I not going to distract him from driving." Lily said.
I roll my eyes. "Luke unlock the door."
Luke took out his key chain and press unlock.I then got in the front of the car. Lily glare at me and got in the back seat behind Luke. Luke then got in and drove out the parking lot.

After dropping Lily off we went to the main house which is were the meeting is being held. The main house was on the out skirts of town deep into the woods. It took us about 20 minutes to get there. Once we got on the dirt road to the main house, the road was really bumpy and had very small space for a car to get through. About 2 miles down into the woods we finally came to a giant wood cabin; my ex-home. I close my eyes and started having flash backs on when I was a child and how Luke and would play in these woods.

"You okay?" Luke asks me, snapping me out my flashbacks.
I look at him and nodded. "Yea, just having some flashbacks that's all."
Luke look at me for a moment and then got out the car, I did as well. I notice their wasn't any other cars and I look at my watch it was 4:30. Maybe the others were on their just running a little late.

We walk up to the porch and Luke open the door for me. I walk in and Luke then got in front of me leading me to the meeting room. The meeting room was huge with a giant glass table and about 20 chairs. There was one big black chair meant for the leader.I walk over to the leader's chair an sat in it. Luke gasp and I roll my eyes. No one besides the leader was to sit in this chair.

"I'm glad your comfortable sitting in my chair." said a familiar deep voice. I look over by the door and there was the leader of the pack. The leader of the pack had black hair and green yellow eyes. He was tall and built look to be 24 but really much much older then that.
"Yea, I am too." I said sitting in his chair. The leader glare at expecting me to get up and bow to him forgiveness but I wasn't about to do that. He was the pack leader not mine; I was my own leader.
The leader then walk over to me and stood there looking down at me and I look up at him staring right in the eye. You weren't expose to look your leader in the eye. His eyes were hard and cold. I heard a growl in his throat and I smirked. Are going to attack me leader?

"Excuse me but can we get down to business?" Asks a familiar voice. I look up at the door and there was Hazel.
I glare at him. "What are doing here?" Don't tell he wants me to apologize for beating him up.

"I have business with you." He said.
"Ready for round two huh?" I got up from the chair and crack my knuckles. "I guess the fight was a unfair since you couldn't use your powers or weapons in front of the humans."

"No, I'm not here to fight you. I came for your partner ship." Hazel said.
"Dude, I'm not going to marry you." I joked.
"No,I mean I need your help." Hazel said.
"On what? Finding the paranormal criminal?" I ask.
"Why should I help you? You piss me off and then you swing your fist at me." I said.
"If you help him you'll be accepted back into the pack." Said the leader. I chuckle and then began to laugh everyone look at me like I was crazy.
"You really think I want to come back into the pack? To follow a man such as you leader? I like being my own pack; I'm the boss of myself. I never again have to answer to you or come to your boring old meetings." I said. "Luke, I'm bored already take me home."
I then walk pass the leader, Luke and Hazel. They all stare after me and I kept walking till I came to Luke's Ford. A few minutes later Luke came out the main house and drove me home.

Chapter 6

On the whole way home Luke tried to give me reasons why I should help the hunter and saying why I need to come back into the Pack. I zone him out and close my eyes thinking about when the leader came. I was only 10 when the leader came and our pack was at war my father original leader but die in the wolf war. I was the one who found the leader and he was badly hurt so I took back to the main house and patch him up. I was young back then and didn't care what side he was on he was an injured man. When my father die I was next in line but I was too young; so the leader gain the pack's trust and they made him leader. Two years later the leader kick me out of my own home and out my own pack.

When I got home I went to take a shower; I heard a knock at my door. It most have been Luke so I shouted come in. I heard the door open and close. I then wrap a towel around me and went into the den. It wasn't Luke but Hazel. Hazel stared at me wide eye and turn away blushing.

"What are doing here?" I ask.
"Clothes, please put some on." Hazel said. I roll my eyes and went to my room and put on some girl's boxers and a tank top. I then came back into the den and Hazel was sitting on my couch.
"There. You happy?" I ask.
Hazel turn his head and look at me. He smile and nodded his head.
I then sat on the far end of the couch and look at him not smiling. "What do you want?"
"Help me fin the criminal." Hazel said.
"No." I said."Why should I?"
"Because-" Hazel began.
I cut him off. "Because I will get accepted back into the pack."
"No, not that. Because I'll give you half the money." Hazel said.
"I have money." I said. I still have some of the money my dad left me when he die.
"Well not enough to last you another year." Hazel said.My eyes grew wide;How did he know that.

"I look into your bank account and it seems you have very little left." Hazel said answering the question in my head.
"Why is that your business how much I got left?" I ask.
"It's not my business but I need to get to help me." Hazel said. "And black mailing you with money seems the only way."
"Why do you need me? Luke, Lily or any other werewolf can help you." I said.
"Yes they could but your special." Hazel said.
"Special how? Because I'm the fastest wolf?" I said.
"No because your also part paranormal hunter." Hazel said.
I look at Hazel like he was crazy."I'm a pure breed werewolf; meaning I'm 100% werewolf not tainted."
"No, you are tainted. Your mother was a paranormal hunter." Hazel said.
I couldn't question on that; I never knew my mother dad said she die giving birth to me.
"Your mother was a special hunter she had a great power." Hazel continue on about my mother. "She could use shadows to control people and objects, she could create shadow people and could see anywhere she wanted to by using a shadow."
I chuckle. "So your saying I'm a shadow wolf?"
"Yes." hazel said honestly; I was only joking.
"Okay Hazel, I am a shadow wolf but I don't know if I even have the same abilities as mom and I never use it." I said.
"No you do have the same abilities because every shadow passes it's it abilities to their child. You may not be able to make shadow people but you can control people with your shadows and spy on them."
I sigh. "Okay, I'll help you."
Hazel face brighten up. "Okay, I'll be leaving now. See you at school."
"Remember You give me half the money." I said. Hazel smile and nodded and then left.
I lay down on the coach and curl up into a ball. If I help Hazel I'm get money to last me a while and since he seems to know so much about my mother; I can learn more about her.

Chapter 7


Texte: To my BBF who loves werewolfs This book is PG-13.

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