
High school Nobody

Once again I fell down and was trample by the large crowd of students rushing to get class. No offer me a hand to help me up; everyone just step around me or on me. When people step on me they realize they were stepping on a human and quickly mutter a 'sorry', then quickly be on their way. Once again not even helping hand! No "are you okay?' Just a 'sorry' and be on their way. To them I'm just a huge brick blocking the way.

They don't care if I'm hurt by the hundreds of shoes stepping on my back and butt; hurting me. That's because to them I'm a invisible; as in nobody.
Nobody-a person of no importance. That's the definition in the dictionary next to the word nobody is a picture of my face. To be a me you have to have no talent, no friends and just a plain old idiot. If I was smart I would at least be a nerd and get pick on by the popular kids. The nerds think getting bully by the jocks is the worst thing in life but to me it would be heaven.

For someone to notice your exists and notice what you are wearing, what your doing wrong and how you look. The nerds at least have other nerdy friends to lean on but me....I have nobody. I try to make friends I really do but it's one notice me.

Anyways enough with about my sad life. Let's get back to me on the floor getting flatten like a dead frog when a car runs over one. Have you ever seen flatten frogs on the road? I have it's really cool in a gross kind of way. ANYWAYS!

I try to get up off the floor but keep getting knock down. So I gave up trying to get up and lay down like we do in practice tornado drills; Sit down, cover the back of your head, shut up, and wait till its over. I didn't really understand practice tornado drills; if there was real tornado, we would all die because that crap they teach us is useless. I wonder during a real drill, would a teacher really walk around?

I close my eyes waiting for the heavenly bells to ring.
I could cry; the heavenly bells have rung. I open my eyes and got up; the halls were empty. Everyone had made to their class just before the bell but I was late. Which doesn't matter because I planning on skipping biology anyways. I heard the sound of someone shoes tapping on the marble floors. I turn to see someone boy running fast right towards me. He was running so fast that I didn't have a chance to get out his way.

BAM! I felt like a brick was had ran right into me; I fell hard on my butt. The brick wall just kept on going not even muttering a sorry like everyone else does. Just kept on going running. He most have been a jock because the brick wall sure can tackle. Jocks usually ignore me anyways when they run into me. I hope that brick wall gets into trouble for being late and get sent to the Principal Man's office; I don't know what our school principal name is, so I call him Principal Man (PM) for short. Okay, anyways, then he gets kick off the football team. I would have curse him if I was one of witches at our school; witches are girls who worship the dead and curse people with the help of their ghost friends.

I get up for the second time and spotted PM coming up the hall. He spots me.
PM: "Hey you! Why are you not in class?!?"
I then take off down the hall.
I keep running and don't stop until I reach the elevator room. I close the door shut and I hear PM walking quickly pass the door. I then sigh and turn on the light in the elevator room. The elevator room was right next to the elevator. It had a small metal box on the wall; had the elevator wires in it. Then had a shelve with those crappy thin sandpaper towel paper ( if you could call it 'towel paper'), yellow and blue sponges, and cleaning products.I guess I could stay in here until next period; better then walking the halls having a chance to get caught by a teacher or PM.

I'll take a little nap. I lock the door to the room, turn off the lights and sit down on my book bag. I then take my jacket like a blank and lean against the wall. I close my eyes and slowly went sleep.

Welcome to Jinken st!

I woke up to a large crowd of people talking and laughing. I dug my cell phone out my pocket and it said 2:30. I slept through every class; grandma was going to kill me when she got the call from school saying Marry Cashews was not at all day. I got up and stretch. I pick my book bag up and walk out the elevator room. Since school was over like 5 minutes ago all the buses had already left meaning I had to walk home; Yay!

I walk out the school and the cold wind hit me; I shiver and zip my jacket up all the way.A group of girls(cheerleaders I think, it's hard to tell without them wearing their short skirts, it's fall so their wearing sweat pants.) were surrounding some guy; most likely a jock, jocks and cheerleaders always seem together. This Jock most be pretty smooth and good looking for all the cheerleaders to have their attention on him. I walk a little closer to get a better look at this amazing jock. Only thing I saw past the heads of the cheerleaders was silver hair. So the jock had silver hair. Strange because usually jocks dye their hair the school color; red and blue.

The jock pushes past the girls and smiles at me. I blink did a jock just smile at me? Wait, backup, did a SEXY JOCK smile at me. The jock was indeed sexy; he had silver hair, beautiful blue eyes and a slightly tan face. Okay, this guy most be new because there is no way anyone in this town could get a tan here, not even in the summer.

Sexy Jock: "There you are."
All the cheerleaders turn to look at me; giving me the old evil eye.
Me:.......( I still couldn't believe he smile at me and wait is he talking to me?!)
SJ: "Well ladies I got to go. My friend and I have to get home."

The Sexy Jock grab my arm and walk me over to a black truck and open the door for me. He wink at me and like an idiot I got in the truck. He then close the door and got in on the driver side. He then put the keys in the key hole and drove out the school parking lot. I sat there trying to figure out what just happen and how it happen. I took a string of my hair and chew on it; it's what I do when I'm confuse, nerves and worried.

SJ: "Where do you live me."
Me:.......(chewing on hair.)
SJ: "Hello? Earth to red head."
Me:.....(I look at him.)
SJ: "Where do you live?"
Me: "um, do you know where chestnut-valley at?"
Chestnut valley is a neighborhood.
SJ: "Oh yea....I live there."

Okay, he couldn't be too new if he knew where my neighborhood was at. I chew my hair; trying to figure out what to do next.

SJ: "Hey, um are okay?"
Me:.......(I nod my head slowly. I think I'm okay.)
SJ: "You seem tense."
Me:........(what to say!?!What to say?!? Something funny or something cool. Wait I can't think of anything funny or cool!)
SJ: "Anyways sorry about forcing you into my truck. I just needed to get away from those girls. They all smell strongly of perfume. I mean perfume is a nice smell but it was to much mix perfume. So I needed an excuse to get away without seeming rude. I lie and told them I was waiting for a friend and just then you came along."
Me:.....( I guess I was only his escape rope.)
SJ:"So sorry about dragging you into this.Forgive me?"
Me:.....( I nod my head.)
SJ: "You don't talk a lot do you?"
Me:.....(Shrug my shoulders.)
SJ: "okay, we're here at Chestnut valley....what street?"
Me: "Jinken street."
SJ: "That's the street I live on."
Me:.....(No way! How long?!? How I never notice a hunk live on my street?!?)
Questions exploded in my head like a volcano.
SJ: "What's your house number?"
Me: 156
SJ: "Cool your my neighbor. I just move here yesterday, my name is Flex."

Flex pull up in my drive way; instead of puling up his drive way making me walk cross his yard and my yard to get inside the my house- like a jerk, he was the perfect gentleman and even got out to open my door. I got out the truck and walk up the drive way.Flex then got back in his truck and drove to the next house over. I stop and watch him get out of his truck. He look at me, smiles and waves.

"Welcome to Jinken st!" I shouted like an idiot.
"Thanks." Flex shouted back and walk into his open garage.
I walk into the house and slam my book bag down.
'Welcome to Jinken st!?!?'
How lame......


I left my bag in front of the door; I'll get it later, maybe.

I walk over to the kitchen and go to the refrigerator. I had a root beer ice cold and ready to be drunken. I open the refrigerator and look at the top shelve; my root beer was gone. I blink and then look around in the refrigerator; I most have misplace somewhere. I couldn't find it and close the refrigerator.
Someone been drunk my root beer.

And I know for a fact that it wasn't grandma because she hates root beer; who hates root beer!?!
I then reach on top of the refrigerator for my puffy cheese balls. The were also gone.
Someone ate my cheese balls.

I then ran up stairs to my bedroom; well it wasn't really my bedroom, it was the bonus room/ game room. I call it my bedroom because I sleep and hang out most of my days in there. Only time I use my real bedroom is when I'm changing clothes. I then walk in my bedroom and the TV was on showing a cartoon; 'the regular show', my newly favorite cartoon. I then see my cheeses ball's bag on the floor and my root beer bottle tip over now empty.
I hear a little sigh.
Someone been in my bedroom and their still here.

I look over at the cozy coach and spot my 9 year old cousin soundly asleep on it. Her golden curls spread all over the coach. Ugh, why is she here!?!

Goldilocks wakes up and sees me. She rubs her eyes and gives me the evil eye like I did something wrong.

Goldilocks: "What are you freakin looking at."
It's almost surprising such words came out of someone who looks much like a adorable blond angel. But if you knew her like I did you wouldn't expect anything else. My 9 year old cousin name is Crystal Waters. She has beautiful blond curly hair and big sky blue eyes; her cheeks are rosy red and her lips are plumb and red as well. She looks like the girl off children book 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. Have you ever heard of it? If not look it up on Google.

Me:"....Why are here?"
G: "Why is it your bees wax?"
Me: "Because it's my house."
G: "It's not your house! It's grandma! You just live in it because your mama don't want you."
I have nothing to say to her; she won the battle like always. Is it shameful to loose to a 9 year old. The thing she said about mom is true; mom doesn't want me. She dump me here at grandma's house when I was 5 and I only see her every holiday and sometimes on my birthday. But it's not my mom's fault; my mom is still too young and immature to take care of a kid. Mom is a party animal and she loves to travel; she didn't some kid getting in the way of her dreams to see the world. So she dump me here because grandma raise 3 kids already, why not one more?

G: "Why are you home anyways? Don't high kids hang out with friends till 10 at night?Like in the TV shows and movies."
G:"What are you some kind of loser?"
I walk out the room.
Goldilocks going to be a real bitch when she gets older but one of those popular bitches. The ones that are so mean but everyone puts up with it because their super hot.Is it wrong to call a 9 year a bitch, well I not really calling her a B now just calling her future self a B.

I go to grandma's office and knock the door.

Grandma: "Come in."
I come in her room and sit on the chair in front of her desk. Grandma was busy taping on her computer. She then look up at me. Grandma had a puffy white hair and dull blues eyes hidden behind her oval shape glasses.
Grandma: "What is it Marry?"
Me:"Why is Goldilocks here?"
G:"Her parents are going on a honeymoon for a week and I'm watching her till then."
Me: "A honeymoon? Isn't it too late for's been 2 years since uncle Mark and Aunt Joy got married."
Uncle Mark got remarried to Joy. Goldilocks is Uncle Mark's child.
G: "yes, but they been saving up for their honeymoon to France."
I pout and get up from my seat and leave.
I go to my real bedroom and lay down on the bed.

Great a week with Goldilocks! Just what I need!

Surprise Visit

I heard the door bell ring.
Me: "Grandma! Door!"
I didn't feel like getting it; too lazy. To much walking and it'll be tough for going back up the stairs.
Ding DONG!!
Me: "GRANDMA!!! DOOR!!!!!!"
Grandma: "Marry you get it! I'm working here!"
I groan.
Me:"Why can't Goldilocks get it?!?"
Grandma: "Just get the door!"

I groan and then get up off my bed. I stomp down the stairs and to the door.I open and the door and guess who! Nope! Your wrong and if you said Flex, yes your right.

I blush and smile a little.
Flex smiles.
My face reddens more.
'Hi', was all I could say. I'm such a loser.
Flex: "So, can I come in?"
Me: "Sure."
I wasn't sure if I should let him in. Grandma never really worry about me bringing boys home because I guess she knew I was a nobody. And she was home so I guess it was okay.
I move aside to let Flex in and he came in.
Flex:"Your house smells like you."
I smile like an idiot.
Flex blushes. WAIT DID FLEX BLUSH!!! He's so cute when he blushes. When he blushes my blush deepens.
Flex clears his throat.
Flex: "I mean that it has a nice smell. I can tell you live here a lot."
What he just said made no sense but he's so cute; I don't mind.
Flex smacks his forehead and his blush deepens.
Flex: "I mean I'm being a total dork right?"
Flex: "Anyways. I came over to see if I could borrow your can opener."
I then walk over to the kitchen and go to the spoon drawer and pull out the can opener. I turn and smack into Flex. I didn't know he follow me to the kitchen.
Flex: "Are you okay?"
I rub my nose.
I hand him the can opener.
Flex: "Thanks."
Flex turns to leave, but he turns back around.
Flex rubs the back of his head.
Flex: "Do you want a ride with me tomorrow to school? I'll drop you off at home after school too."
Me: "Um yea."
Flex smiles.
Flex: "Good.I mean okay! Um see you later then."
Flex then leaves. I wait till I here the front door open and close then I sink down to the floor. My face was heated up all over; I check my pulse and it was beating fast.
After I calm down, I walk to the stairs and look up at them. There are way to many stairs.

Getting ready

I couldn't sleep at all; too excited. Man, I couldn't believe a sexy guy like Flex wants to go out with me....well I mean me be in the same car with him.....going get it.

I woke up an hour and thirty minutes just to get ready when Flex came to get me! I scrub my my skin raw and wash my hair twice. I then brush my teeth a thousand times; until the were really white and shining. I then walk over to my dresser, open my all dowers and look through all of them. I sat on my bed once everything that was once neatly folded in my dower was spread out all over the floor. I flop back; I had nothing sexy, cute, pretty or even cool to wear! I only had a few jeans, t-shirts and sweat clothes.

I then got a light bulb. I rush over my closet and looked at all the sexy,cute,pretty and cool clothes that hung there. Thank you mother!

For once I was happy that woman was my mother. Every time she came to visit me; she would bring gifts, like clothes, high heels, flats, necklaces, brackets, ear rings and ect.
I could cry!

I took a tube top dress that had a flower pattern going on, some leggings and a jean jacket. Oh and but on some flats. I did put my hair up into a nice cute bun on my head and left my bangs hanging on my forehead. I put in my contacts for once and some make up. I look in the mirror...I was going for the cute look but some how ended up at hot....whatever! I still am looking good.

It was time for grandma to get up and make her coffee. I went down the steps and already made it for her.I heard grandma coming down the stairs and I pour some coffee into her favorite mug.

G: Marry? you're up this early?
She was pretty shock and hey I would be too if I were here. I don't wake up until the last minute.
I smile and hand her here mug. She takes it and sits down at the table. She looks me up in down.
G: Don't you look there a boy you like?
Me: (Blush)
I learn on the counter.

Goldilocks comes into the kitchen looking really pale and just sick.

Goldi: G-grandma..(she said faintly)
G: My, Crystal sweetheart? Are you alright.
Goldi: My tummy hurts.
Goldi walks over to me and looks like she's about to fall. I catch her and she turns green.
Goldi: UGH! (She throws up on my dress.)

Grandma picks Crystal up and carries her to the downstairs bathroom. I hear Goldilocks puking her guts out. I look at my dress and run back up the stairs. I had thrity minutes left and not much time. I took a shower again and was careful not get my hair wet. That was 10 minutes. 20 minutes left. I on a long sleeve greenish blue dress with a black belt on and black boots. 5 minutes; I brush my teeth...another 5 minutes...10 minutes left. lost on my contacts and wasted 5 minutes trying to find them....5 minutes left. I put on my black dork glasses and put my hair in two french braids leaving my bangs on my forehead. 5 minutes are up!

The door bell rings and I grab my bag. I jump down 6 steps and trip a little falling the rest of the way. I got back up and fix myself. My breads came loose. Screw it!

I undo my braids all the way and comb my hair with my fingers.

Knock at the door. I run to the door and open it. My crush stands there with a smile.

Flex: Ready to go?
Me: I been ready...

I call to grandma 'bye; and close the door. We walk over to his truck and he opens the door. I climb in and he gets in on the driver side.

Flex: How was your morning
Me: Same as always....

best friend?

Flex drove me to school and we hang out in the truck. We talk till the morning bells rung meaning it was time to get your ass to class before the late bell. I found out a lot of thngs about Flex; his last name was Longer, he likes to eat peanut butter with ores (gross but he said he'll try it with me one day), he never play a sport in his life (Shocking because he has a great athlete's body, he has 2 bothers (one in collage and the other in middle school), likes to eat taste and he said he likes the smell of strawberries (which he told me; I smelled like.....sweet...strange because I don't have body products that smell like strawberries).

I was upset when we part ways to go to 1st period. I found Flex to be very easy to talk to and has a way with words.I decided to skip 1st and went to the elevator room. I open a bag of chips that I got from my bag and sat down on my bag and ate them. I then pull out my Dsi and began to play dragon quest IV (fun game).

I couldn't wait till 2nd period because Flex had the same teacher as me.


I meet Flex at the door and he greets me when he sees me.

F: Hey.
Me: Sup?
I said turning to sound cool.

Then Flex did the most shocking and unexpected thing; he but his arm around my shoulder. We then walk into class together. All the girls froze when they saw Flex. Their eyes turn into pink hearts and the heat was bumping out their chest.

They all then swarm around him like whole bunch of flies swarming poo (sorry to gross)? I glance at Flex and saw him roll his eyes. I smile a little. We walk past the swarming girls and went over to my desk. I sat down and he sat down next to me.

Soon Mr. Lims came in and begins to teach.


Texte: Didn't draw picture
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2011

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