
chpapter 1

We finally made it to my new home. My bed was bigger than the one before. I unpacked my cloths and hunged them up in my walk-in closet. Yes, it was so much better from were we lived before. Ever since my dad became a top lawer and started making millions, my life became sweet. I finally got done with my room and went down stairs. The stairs was made out of a pretty marble matrial. I walked into the kitchen on my dad and step mom making out. Ewww, I hated when they did that in the kitchen. My dad looked up and me. "So what do you think honey, do you like it here?", he askesd me. "Yeah, I mean it's okay. And I love my walk-in closet
",I said smiling at him. "Well honey thats good to know.You are starting a knew school tomorrow",my step mom said. "What? Why? Why tomorrow dad? We just Moved here. Why Can't I explore the new world here and go to school the next day?" My dad chuckled at me. "You'll Do fine at School tomorrow. Trust me. I know you're kind of nervous but you'll be okay." NERVOUS! I wasn't nervous at all or was I? "But dad i-" i started to say untill my dad cut me off. "But dad noting. Go get your things ready for school in the morning and com back down in an hour to eat dinner.
I went back to my room. I couldn't believe that i was starting a new school tomorrow. I really wasn't ready to even meet new people yet. Yep, my dad was right i am just a little nervous about a new school and new people. I scammed my closet to look for an outfit for school tomorrow. i took out a white sweater dress with a yellow belt that goes around it which stopped above my knees and a pear of yellow flats to bring out the belt a little more.
I went down stairs for dinner. I sat down at the table and took my napkin and layed it on my lap.
Dinner was fairly queit.....

chapter 2

I layed on my bed and got a txt messege from my ex-boy friend Carmel.
Carmel:whats up bby i been missing you every since you left...hw is it up there?:)
he is so full of bull. and for one i know he don't miss me because when i left he didn't even tell me good bye. i txted him bac.
Me:u knw u full of b.s. right? u did n even tell meh good its ok up here n i start a new school tomorrow..
Carmel: o word....n u was n 'round fa me to even tell u good bye..
Me: o so nw u jus gon blame it all on me..u could hav found me jus lik every other person that ain't no excuse..
Carmel: y n the hell u always so hard on me? its like every since we broke up u treat me like we never had anything. i can stand da way u treat me...:(
Me: carmel plz cut the b.s. out.....
Carmel: i still love you doe...
Me: ya wateva..
Carmel: o nw you dnt love me????
Me: i neva said dat so stop putting words in my mouth.....
Carmel: den tell me you love me den!!!
Me: wateva carmel
Carmel: yea i c hw it is wit u nw....there aint no point to even have a friendship any mo if u gne treat me like this.....:(
Me: stop act n lik dat
Carmel: naw u stop act n like dat
Me: ok wateva imma txtyl im bout to go to bed nw
Carmel: yea wateva bye!!!!!
Me: y u act n like dat
Carmel: aint u bout to go to bed
Me: yea good nite oh nd guess what????...
Carmel: yea wats up??
Me: i love you boy lol
Carmel: ily 2 bbygirl good nite
Me: nite!!!!!!!

chapter 3

i got up and took a long shower and got dressed. i looked in my full body mirrow. Hmmm i got a shape like a black girl to be white. Got nice hips and booty....... i put a little bit of curls in my hair and did my make up. just eye shadow and macara... i went down stairs to grab a galola bar.. i see my dad looking at me."What?" i say to him. "Don't you need the directions to school?" he asks me. He pointed to the window. I looked out the window and seen a brand new purple Dodge Charger sitting in the drive way. "Oh my gosh. Thank you so much daddy," i said hugging him. "you welcome honey" he said. he gave me the keys and a sheet of paper with dthe adress on it. "and how am i going to get there with just this on it?",i asked. "G.P.S."' he said answering my question. I ran out the door kissin his cheek. I got into my fresh car and ckunked it up. I put the address into the G.P.S. and was on my way to school.
When i got to the school there were a lot of kids on the campus just hanging around. Alot of atteneion was on my car. I looked in the mirrow one last time to check my make up. i got out of the car and grabed my bag out the back seat. "dang white girl got back", one of the guys said that was in a group next to my car. I smiled at them and said'"well thank you". I walked pass a group of girls who looked at me mugging hard. "i hope she dont think she bout to be miss glmour girl cuz she white"' one of them said. I stopped and turned around to the group of girls.
Me: "excuse me, come agian!"
Girl: "okay wanna be black girl you need to keep walking"
Me: "first of all who said i wanted to be black. oh i know what the problem is; you dont get enough of attention from boys do you? well imma give you a tip:STOP hating. oh and one other thing, learn how to dress and match honey."
And with that said i walked away. The only thing who could here was "oooos" and "awwws". I'm use to the black girls hatting on my swag. I had the same problem at my other school. i was the bomb diggty and didn't have too much drama. But i see here i'm not gonna make to many friends............
when i walked into the halls i got a lot of stares and eye rolling. i flipped my hair and kept walking. i looked at my schedule to see where my locker was...5021..i went to my locker and did my combination and then when i tried to open it my locker wouldn't even come open....
Boy: a yo look at shawty tryna get ha locker open.
i rolled my eyes at him while the boy and his crew came up to me. he pushed me out the way and magically my locker opened. he smiled at me with his shiney teeth and dimples in both cheecks. Damn he was fine. Light-skinned completion, 6'1, built with a nice body(just wish he could take that shirt off), he had it all.
Boy: now thats how you do that thing girl.
Boy 2: yo man that girl look like she ain't even with us right now!
Boy 3: yea derren man i dont knw whats wrong with this chick here.
i rolled my eyes at all of them as they cracked up in laugher.
Me: what's so freaking funny?
Boy 2: oh shoot! shawty talking to us.
Boy 3: With the attitude bruh!
Me: i dont have an attitude. thank you! And I like the way yall cracking yall corny jokes in my face. you all needs to get a life and stay out of mine. i turned around to my locker and started placing my things into it.
Boy: yo ma' we was just messin around. you-
Me: well look, i aint the person to be messing round with. so play with somebody who'll put up with yall.
Boy 2: man white girl going black on us on some real stuff mane, i aint messin with her no more.
Boy: well you could at least say thank you for openin your locker fa you.
Me: i didn't ask you to open it fa me; i had it.
Boy; well looked like to me you was having some problems, so you really needs to have some respect when a man just tryna help yall skanky tricks out. yall always gots to have an attitude with somebody. Mane yall lets roll out this piece.
They all walked away shaking there heads. What did i care? Then he had a nerv to call me skanky trick cause i didn't say thank you. I slammed my locker door and went to my first class which was math.

chapter 4

i was the first person in class when class started. When the students started coming into class i noticed the girl i was arguing with and the boy that opened my locker with their crews. OMG! this can't be happening right now. I rolled my eyes at them all!!
Boy 2: aww mane we gt the white girl in our class man? dang bruh she got a crazy attitude on some real stuff.
Me: the only one thats gone have an attitude in here is yo momma. Cause when i get trouhg with you she gone wish she could have done something better with your butt. Now im gone tell you this once and once only: LEAVE-ME-ALONE!
Everyone in the class was staring me down like i was crazy or something. THen the next thing i know the class just started bussin out laughing. I looked around the class confused. why was everyone laughin at me? I sat down in my seat. i was mad now! everything i do around here is a problem or its funny...bluh bluh bluh!
Teacher: excuse me class but may i ask whats so funny?
No one said a word. everyone just sat down. Then the cutie just had to sit next to me didn't he. That's how it always goes huh? Ilooked at him and he smiled then started snickering. i slammed my hands on the desk and got up in his face while he was just sittin there in his seat.
ME: What is so funny?(he stood up as well)
Boy: i dont know shawty you tell me. You swear you badder than everybody round here with that little attitude of yours. you need to go back where you came from.
Me: For get this crap.(i picked up my books and headed for the door) This whole school is full of just CRAP!
Teacher: aye little girl close my door behind you!
these people are insane but i did just that as i walked out of the class. I went into the hallway and sat on the floor. I dont know how much longer i can take this mess. I just want to go back home where i was loved and everyone liked me for who i was.
Someone came out of the classroom. Now you knw it was Mr. Cutie. i guess he was coming to apoligize, bt to my suprise he looked down at me and laughed then walked down the hall to the restroom. See what i mean. He had his pants sagging. UGH! He was just killing me. When he came out the restroom he looked down at me again before going in the class room. i looked back at him.
Boy: man come on and stop acting like that bruh.
Me: for one im not a man or your bruh. I do have a name and thats Hope. Just get out of my face and go back in the class with your little friends.
Boy: yo ma' look, ain't nobody tryna be mean to you or nothing but you got a bad attitude like on some real stuff.
Me: i dont have a bad attitude. It's people like yall that i act like this towards.
Boy: what did me and my boys do to you?
Me: oh dnt play stupid! yall crackin jokes in my face and crap like that. That makes me mad. And then yall acted like i wasn't even there.
Boy: that was the expresion on ur face. looked like you was daydreaming or something.
Me: well i wasn't!
Boy: yo you need to chill with the attitude like fa real.
Me: whatever!
Boy: but fa real doe! you need to get it together ma'.
Me: look i'm not your ma'. i should be the last person that u need to tell get it together to. one thing you need to do is pull up your pants and stop sagging...its not cute, second stop with the don't sound right talking like that, and third those people in there are not even your true friends....i'm just saying.
Boy: look you don't know nothing 'bout me, so you need to take that somewhere else.
Me: look at you!(getting off the floor)you can't even take the truth.
Boy: and you can't either. so what? (getting closer to me)
Me: you're stupid. back out my face dude. (stepping back and him getting closer)
Boy: i'm not stupid for one thing. i'm a str8 A student on the basketball team; the best player they ever had for that matter.
Me: well it don't look like it to me. Not when u 'round here sagging like u some type of thug or something.
Boy: what you hating for? you act like you the baddest white chick around here. but i can do better.
Me: what you trying to say?
Boy: man dont worry about it, just do you.
Me: whatever.
Boy: are you coming back in the class or what. i done wasting my time on you.
Me: boy i didnt tell you to come out here running behind me anyways.
Boy: you know what you right.
He walked away and went back in the class room and left me standing in the hall way all alone looking sy\tupid. After a few minutes i walked back into the class. Everybody stared at me and i just went to my seat and put my head down. The bell rung a little after that. I got up and got my things and headed to my next class. As i was in the hallway this girl bumped into me.
me: bitch, you cant say excuss me or something.
the girl just kept walking no giving a care in the world if i was talking to her or not. when i got in my class, there he was again.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.12.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To book is dedicated to all the heart breaking men in this worl and the ones that just play us girls that really loves them.

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