

Chapter 1: What Up?

So, whatsup, my name’s Katherine. I’m pretty much writing a diary of all I experience. My news of the day. If you would like to proceed with this diary, please proceed, if not, I suggest you look for other diaries. I love my life, but this is all I can really think of:

What happens when we die?

Why do we have to live?

Did we live just to see what humans can do to damage the world?

Did we come to suffer?

Why are people fighting against each other?

And so on………………………….




Not HAppy

Chapter 2: I Have a Bad Feeling Something Bad Is Going On

Today I’ve spent time with my friends watching anime. Pretty boring to me, but all the craziness is actually amusing for some reason. I guess now I know the answer to one question. I guess we fight each other for amusement? Oh well, I’m going to try to not do anything violent at all this year. Hahaha, I’m thinking, what can go wrong? That’s when one of the new kids in my class is in the corner, surrounded by a whole lot of dumbasses who are very sadistic, these are called Bullies. Even though, all I think is that they bully people because they have a fear towards them. My conscience is ignored and I’m actually READY TO FIGHT!


Chapter 3: My Bad Feelings are right

Now I’d love to say my fight was the best and I was victorious. I’d also love to say I had no scratches or anything. Thing is most bullies are fat, and have meaty hands, so when they push you, imagine a truck pushing you. FUCK, I was thinking, plus, the new kid wouldn’t do anything. Okay here’s what happened. I went right for the main bully’s jaw, and that was great. But I got hit with his meaty hand on my nose. I’d like to say not to imagine it since there is lots of blood when your nose is bleeding. Then at last the kid reacted, and thanks God or else I wouldn’t be here writing this, I might as well would’ve been in a coma in the hospital

Not HAppy

Chapter 4: I Have Problems With The Boy Not Saying Thank You. LOL

It’s pretty normal, some boys are so ungrateful. I sent the bully to the nurse, and this guy just flips out of his daze and gives these kids this creepy stare. I don’t know what it did because those kids started running like crazy. I guess I have met the weirdest boy in my whole life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.10.2015

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I spent 1 day on this, I really don't know what to write about. HELP!! NEED IDEAS!!!

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