
Bring Them Home

Bring our sons and daughters home
they should be with their loved ones,
too many of them are being murdered
beneath the heat waves of the sun.

They should be on their way right now
they're fighting a war, that shouldn't be,
it has gone on long enough
since March of two thousand three.

Bring our brothers and sisters home
too much blood is being spilled,
they should be home, where it's safe
instead of being on foreign sand, getting killed.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

This is not only written for our Canadian Soldiers, but the American ones as well.

Fare Thee Well, Fair Maiden

If I was to have thy heart, fair maiden
I would gladly stay here with thee,
but it belongeth to someone else
thou hast to let me go free.
I've searched the world, for someone like thee
but I know thou shan't be mine,
go home to thy loving one
over me, thee shall not pine.
Fair thee well, fair maiden
I know thy life will endure,
love thy life to the fullest
of that, I am sure.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

He Tries So Hard

This poor little mouse, he tries so hard
to get his tasty piece of cheese,
the cat sits and waits in the corner
watching this mouse with ease.

The mouse can hear the cat giggling
as he sways back and forth in the air,
"mission impossible," he thinks not
he has so much style and flare.

He looks at the cat with contempt
as the cat roars, with laughter,
"I'll get this cheese yet, Mr. Cat
through my lifetime, I HAVE endured."

His little friends gather around him
as getting the cheese was a success,
now the cat is crying in the corner
and his fur is in such a mess.

"So Mr. Cat," says the mouse
"what do you think of me now?"
"Maybe you should try this little trick"
he removes his hat and takes a bow.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Hurricane Kyle

Hurricane Kyle is on his way
strong winds and rain we'll get,
the storm surge will be four feet high
it'll be spectacular, I bet.

It'll pass directly over us
probably around six o'clock tonight,
batten down the hatches
we'll be in for the ride of our life.

We're expected to get, at the most
one hundred millimetres of rain,
my poor garden, will take a beating
after the storm passes, it won't look the same.

The storm surge will be four feet high
it'll be spectacular, I bet,
hurricane Kyle is on his way
strong winds and rain we'll get.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

My First Flower

I was in my garden today
having a look around,
I was extremely surprised
I can't believe what I had found.

I found a single flower
soaking up the sun's rays,
I can't believe how small it is
it truly made my day.

A little forget-me-not
it's the first flower to grow,
I'm hoping to soon see more
gently, as it goes.

I was in the garden yesterday
but never saw it there,
a single forget-me-not grows
awaiting for me to stare.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Pan Handlers

They have a right to live
just as much as you and I,
battling through the cold
the cold wind blows in their eyes.

They deserve a hot meal
brave, to be out weathering the cold,
make sure you acknowledge them
whether they be young or old.

Everyone deserves to live
they're trying to help themselves,
they don't need to be laughed at
take a look in the mirror at yourself.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Racing With The Turkey

Children racing with the turkey
to get to the kitchen table,
the turkey tripped and landed on his face
running, now he isn't able.

The children laughed and giggled
but the turkey wasn't too pleased,
and the children kept going
around the front yard with ease.

The turkey struggled to get up
like a drunk, he staggered 'round,
neighbours were laughing at him
after he fell back to the ground.

The children felt sorry for him
ran over to help him to his feet,
it's not really a Thanksgiving
when you have to eat bruised meat.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Slaughtering Of Seals

It makes me sick to my stomach
every single time it comes around,
so many of Canada's baby seals
are being beaten to the ground.

Now, our Government is thinking
about taking all of the hides,
using them for the Canada Games outfits
in Vancouver, I take no pride.

I don't find it very fair
I certainly don't find it right,
for so many babies to be hunted down
and bloodied with every strike.

I know people on Newfoundland have to live
but there has to be another way,
instead of killing innocent baby seals
when the yearly "Seal Hunt" isn't the only pay.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I live in New Brunswick. I will never agree to what the Newfoundlanders do to those poor innocent baby seals. And I think our Government is stupid to the thought about using the hides for the Vancouver Olympics team uniforms. :oS :o(

Snow A Plenty

It started Sunday night
and didn't end until today,
50 centimetres of snow altogether
I wish it would all go away.

I don't mind Winter much
but I wish there was less snow,
the cold is nothing to complain about
it is when the wind blows.

When you're clearing the driveway
it makes it hard to breathe,
the wind and snow blows in your face
it would be nice for it to ease.

I'm happy to see the snow's over
but there's much to complain about,
being stuck, with nowhere to go
and getting stuck, shoveling yourself out.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

The Easter Bunny Has A Lisp

I woke up this morning and found
the Easter bunny was soaking his foot,
he said he hurt himself hopping
and his face was covered with soot.

I asked him why he had
soot all over his face,
"I thlipped down the chimney
and dropped my eggth all over the plathe."

I couldn't understand why
he was talking the way he was,
so I asked him again with concern
why he had soot all over his face.

"I thaid, I thlipped down the chimney
and dropped my eggth all over the plathe,
thop athing me quethtionth
and get the heck out of my fathe."

I think I may have cheesed him off
he looked at me with anger in his eyes,

he was trying to ease his pain
while swatting away at the shit flies.

"Thith ith really pithing me off
I wath thuppothed to deliver eggth,
how can I do it now," he askes
"with painth running up my legth?"

"How are the children thuppothed
to enjoy their Eathter now?
They have to get their goodieth
there'th got to be a way, thomehow."

I was willing to help him out
by delivering his eggs and gifts,
you really ought to help a bunny out
with an injured foot and a bad lisp.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Waiting For School Chums

A little boy waits for his chums
just outside of the school,
they were supposed to hang out
down at the public pool.

He leans against the hot wall
sweating beneath the Summer sun,
all he ever does, is wait
he wants so badly to have fun.

Summer days can be so hot here
within this little country town,
he waits for hours outside
his smile has turned into a frown.

Looks like he got left behind, again
there are a lot of days like this,
life can be so very harsh
filled with heartache, instead of bliss.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

What To Write

Sitting beneath the Winter's sun
wondering about what to write,
I have so many ideas floating around
it sometimes keeps me awake at night.

I find writing hard now-a-days
always thinking about my Mom and Dad,
but I've promised them I'd keep writing
no matter how many hard days I've had.

They are always on my mind
every single night and day,
I know they are watching over me
I try to keep my tears at bay.

What am I to write?
I'm sure I don't know,
I can still make them both so very proud
no matter how hard the wind may blow.

I still have many ideas
but lately, I'm not willing to write,
I'll get myself back into it

even if it keeps me up at night.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

And Heaven Smiled

I looked into your eyes
and knew we were meant to be,
God brought our souls together
forever, it's you and me.

The Angels danced with joy
our hearts are now as one,
the love we feel for each other
has only, just begun.

Just for you, only my dear
I'd walk a thousand miles,
to feel our hearts, beat as one
above us, God and Heaven smiled.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I Sailed A Sea

I sailed a sea
that was filled with love,
the love one feels
came from the Heavens above.

I sailed a sea
that was filled with sorrow,
hoping in my heart
there'd be a better tomorrow.

I sailed a sea
that was filled with sadness,
the emotions of Earth's torment
people are filled with madness.

I sailed a sea
that was filled with joy,
parents feeling happiness
for their little girls and boys.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

I Thank The Day For All Things Bright

I thank the day
for all things bright,
and Praise God
for His loving light.

I thank God for nature
and the singing, He provides,
without Him and His love
there'd be no sun in the sky.

He really knew what He was doing
when He gave us this beautiful Earth,
the sunsets, flowers and the animals
He's loved us, before our moment of birth.

I enjoy looking at sunsets
and having the love of nature within me,
I thank the day, for all things bright
my heart and soul, are filled with glee.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

If I were On A Cloud

If I were on a cloud
I would be able to see,
what is wrong in the World
without War, where would people be?

If I were on a cloud
I would feel extremely sad,
not being able to help those in need
keep them from all that is bad.

If I were on a cloud
I would cry all of my tears,
for so many people that had died
being misguided, all of these long years.

If I were on a cloud
I'd wrap my arms around the Earth,
love everyone with all of my might
and for everything that it's worth.

If I were on a cloud
the Earth would be loved,
not only from a human, like me

but from God, in the Heavens above.

Copyright Cynthia Jones

Majestic Flier

Majestic flier circles
through the air it flies,
watching the ground below him
with the sharpness of its eyes.

It came from over the river
gliding through the air,
taking in the wonderful sights
its beauty, is beyond compare.

Not a cloud in the sky
the sun shines from above,
majestic flier circles
created in the eyes of God's love.

Copyright Cynthia Jones


Texte: Copyright 2009 By Cynthia Jones All rights reserved. No part of this book, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any other means, without permission from the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2009

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