

A harsh breeze rushed over the city skyline of Metropolaris. A thick layer of clouds covered the capital of the Continent, like cotton candy pierced by thousands of needles, representing ginormous skyscrapers, which measured several kilometres in height.

The light pollution dyed the coat of liquid droplets orange, trapping all the light from the streets and illuminations of the backlit placards. Though, on the Acro levels of the upper city half, it appeared to be darker.

Sirens are heard, echoing along the endless streets that ran down in a straight line. A silhouette stood on a 360 degree view balcony of a Bell Tower. A hooded man, covered in a long blackish brown coat. Beneath the clothing, he wore a thick leathery chest plate.

An aircraft suddenly ascended from the Vasi levels, the lower half of Metropolaris. The hooded man stared upon the airborne vehicle, motionless.

It had a rather long, oval formed corpus, bearing two wings with two cylinders at the ends, which ejected extremely strong gusts of air downwards. There were even auxiliary turbines releasing constant streams of flames in the same manner. Even the tail of the vehicle had a similar object attached, although horizontally in order to steer to the left or right.

Two very bright floodlights shot at the man, they appeared to be nearly as radiant as the sun itself, affectively.

"We've got you now, Shade Runner! Surrender now, or we will be forced to act violence upon you!"

The loud speakers roared out in all directions, disturbing the otherwise peaceful night on the Acro levels.

A faint smile widened on the hooded figure's lower facial features, the headlights revealing his nose, mouth and his trimmed beard. He suddenly turned around and dashed off.

"Stop right there!"

The vehicle followed, its turbines adjusted its angle, darting forward but still keeping its altitude. Two canisters with dozens of holes in them suddenly rose out of a small hatch from the vehicle as it expanded to reveal the full view of the weaponry.

Still running from his pursuers, the darkly dressed man now hopped onto the other ledge of the Bell Tower and leaped into the abyss, spreading his arms and legs out wide like a kite. His coat fluttered wildly in the fast descend, but suddenly manifested into a tense sheet that now stabilized the man's fall and even made him control his aerial course.

The pilots of the aircraft now decided to not be fooled by his actions any longer and fired upon him.

Loud hisses are heard as several salvos of metallic bolts flung out of their Slingers, while it's aero turbines now rotated until they were causing the craft to sink down into the lower levels along with the man, although never reaching the same speed as him.

Bolts passed by to the left and right of the falling person, though none of them finding its mark. In an instant, he tilted his arms to the right, as his entire body followed its course, managing to swoosh into one of the side alleys. He was no longer in sight.

The aircraft decreased the output energy of its engines, slowly being brought to an aerial standstill in front of the alley.

"Dammit, we lost 'im again!" The pilot said to his co-pilot.
"Hope the Collectors will get those bastards."

Its rear shot out its flames, while the craft turned around, flying past several buildings to return to the outpost.


Approximate look of Skairan Barond

Skairan opened his eyes slowly, since his room was illuminated brightly by the Copter of the Federal Metropolaris Police Force.

Cursing under his breath, he got up onto his feet and toddled over to his window, still halfway asleep. He was quite tall and had a slim body, medium length brown hair and green eyes.

Skairan opened his window, feeling the cool breeze invading his room, refreshing the oxygen in it. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Upon reopening his eyes, he jumped in surprise.

A hooded man walked across, then stood in front of his windows on the emergency scaffold of the building, staring down at the male 16 years old, who froze on spot for a brief moment.

The boy immediately shut his window, picking up the next Graviball Bat and gripped it tightly. Ready to beat the hell out of the intruder. He started panting from the panic that shot through his nervous system, but strongly felt the urge to stand his ground, even though his opposite could probably kill him effortlessly.

"Hit the road!" He yelled and realized that his apartment was on the 64th floor.

Taking one step closer to the window, the hooded figure crossed his arms and smirked. "Your courage is remarkable, boy. Some people may kill for that."

Now, the man stepped backwards before he lifted himself onto the handrail, balancing himself on it, perfectly. He gave Skairan a two-fingered salute and leaned backwards, before his body dropped into the streets below. Skairan gasped and instantly rushed to the window, peering down. The scaffold was blocking his view. With another breath, he pulled himself together and reopened the window. He carefully stepped onto the walkway and leaned over the railing.

Nothing more but lights, civilian aircrafts and a large street are seen in the depths, which caused Skairan to frown. Did this guy just commit suicide? No. The images made him shudder, but it was a normal day for occurances such a those. He wiped some cold sweat off his forehead and carefully placed his bat back against the wall. Your courage is remarkable, repeatedly circled his mind and he couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Skairan's room was rather small, even for Acro level apartments, though his older brother had the larger room, since he was the jewel of the family, the Baronds.

A knock on his door. The teenager jumped again, but realized that there was no immedate threat, this time.

"Skairan?! What's going on?" It was his mother, using the typical condescending voice tone.

He sighed. "Nothing, mother. I just had a bad dream." Skairan wasn't sure, why he didn't enlighten her about what really happened. Most likely because she wouldn't have believed him anyway.
"Well, get back to sleep at once, young man. Remember that your first day at the high school begins tomorrow and you need to be well rested."

Skairan sighed again. "Yes, mother."
Hollow but soft steps are heard as she returned to her room and Skairan let himself fall onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. The Exams of the high school. I need to pass them, what else will I do with my future? He thought and closed his eyes.

"What? There was someone in front of your window last night?" Boris said. He was Skairan's best friend since the first school year. Both of them sat in the magnet train to another district in Metropolaris, where their High School was located. The train took them through the Central District where multiple skyscrapers and other tall towers were perfectly lined up side by side.


Approximate look of Boris Gertrud

Boris was smaller than Skairan by a head, had blonde hair and wore wide frame glasses, which covered his green eyes.

Skairan again recalled everything he was able to remember and nodded his head.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't make it up, since my mom also heard me scream."

Boris' eyes widened as he adjusted the tie on his school uniform, to let a gulp sink down into his stomach. "T-that's messed up, man." He voice shaked a little. "It must've been those Shade Runners who've been causing so much trouble lately."

Shade Runners. Skairan stared out of the window. Their train now left the Central District and entered the Western District, where mostly commoner accomodations and grocery stores past by their windows.

He never was someone who paid close attention to the media, who are spreading propaganda and fear to keep the citizens in check. The Sanguine Movement was a religious  group who have gained a lot of influence within the Metropolaris Senate. They were spreading their words of belief and the end of the world, shouldn't they act now. Additionally, about their lord and savior Nelkor, who will bring great fortune and balance to the world. How they managed to actually integrate themselves as an active, powerful party remains to be seen. At first, they were nothing more but fanatics and doomsayers. But many of their prophecies and theories have become reality, which spread fear across entire Metropolaris. Fear plus comforting words of hope in such dire situations are pure genius in terms of manipulation. And the Shade Runners acted out terrorism, mainly targeting them.

But Skairan never believed in such fairy tales. Unfortunately, his family did and they scolded him for being so unfaithful and rebellious. He even believed that it has reached a point, where they started to avoid their newest born, himself, intentionally.

The magnet train came to a halt at one of the stations in the Western District. Dozens of people entered or exited the transportation vehicle. Skairan idly watched them, until his eyes fixated a young teenage woman in his age. Her figure was skinny and slightly tanned. He assessed her to be his height. She approached their compartment with long, prideful steps. Her hair was dyed a darker crimson and her cyan blue eyes stared directly into Skairan's.

"Who's that?" Boris mumbled and peered upon the same person with wide eyes. Skairan could have sworn that he was drooling and mouth-gapped. He shrugged at his friend.

She bore the same school crest as himself and Boris. It was a striped black and red shield, bearing two crossed black books and a writing feather in the centre. Symbolizing the Educational District. Her uniform was a greyish black jacket with a tie and a white shirt beneath, although the female version was tailored slightly slimmer around the waistline. The female uniform contained a skirt, although the obligatory stockings were missing.



Approximate look of Stezany Korsten

The young woman entered their compartment. "These seats free?" She said in a rather determinative tone. Boris cringed slightly, he was very shy around women. Skairan nodded his head at her, without saying a word.

She sat down next to Boris and crossed her legs, while folding her arms. Boris slipped over to the other end of his seat, away from her. His face blushed heavily. Skairan eyed the female school mate before she met his gaze, raising a brow.

"What's your problem?"
"What do you care?"

Silence, as both stared each other down.

"Weren't you taught not to stare at people, you creep?"
Skairan's pulse rose rapidly, though he just viciously smirked.

"Depends. It ain't really creepy, if the person I'm lookin at aims to be all snowflakey and special, by ignoring school uniform protocols."
Skairan lifted his chin and brows towards her naked legs. The woman narrowed her eyes at him and pulled her skirt downwards. Skairan expected a slap or a rather uncomfortable exit from the teenage girl. To the surprise of both Boris and Skairan, she let out a short and soft chuckle.

"Because they're too itchy." Her eyes surveyed Skairan up and down.
"You got a name?"
"Who's askin'?" He folded his arms as he continuously stared at her, deadpan.

She extended her hand to her which had long, black painted fingernails.

"Stezany Korsten. Some people call me Stezzy, but you'll call me Korsten."
Her grin widened slowly as she waited for the handshake.

Skairan shifted his gaze to her friendly gesture, but remained arms folded.
"What an introduction", he scoffed, but then decided to go for the shake anyway.

"Skairan Barond. How ya doin'."
Her grip was surprisingly firm and determined. Both of them shared another moment of staring at each others eyes, not in a romantic way, but more in a way of showing dominance.

"U-Uhmm... I'm Boris Gertrud, b-by the way."
Her cyan blue eyes darted to the intimitated friend of Skairan's.
"No one asked you."
"R-right. You're ... you're right."

Skairan couldn't help but blow air out of his nose in amusement. Boris always has been a spineless man, but he always tried to encourage him as well as he could. Both of them eventually released their grip on each other's hands.

Stezany pulled out some earphones from her jacket's pockets and plugged them into her ears, connecting the cable's input into her audio device. She closed her eyes and didn't share another word with them throughout the entire journey. Neither did Skairan or Boris.

The magnet train's conductor announced their arrival at the high school campus through the speakers, a few minutes before it halted. He kindly requested the passengers to leave and step towards the campus main hall. Boris stuck closely to Skairan, while Stezany disappeared shortly after they exited through the slide doors of the train.

Skairan rose his gaze at the very broad and high glass building of the Metropolaris high school and nodded at himself.

"Here we go."



Masses of young teenage boys and girls stumbled into the main hall, where they were welcomed by the teachers commitee.


To Skairan's surprise, there were several armed members of the Police Forces stationed inside the hall. All of them wore heavily reinforced ballistic armor and their standard grade military sabers, shields and crossbows. Full masked helmets hid their faces behind them and they seemed quite intimidating to say the least.


Boris' expression instantly turned worried and Skairan rolled his eyes as he looked at him. "They're here to protect us, dummy."
"I'm not afraid because of that..."

Skairan gave his best friend a look with an arched brow.

"I'm scared, because they suspect another terrorist attack by the Shade Runners, and it could be us next", Boris said and gazed around in slight panic.

Skairan opened his mouth but didn't bring out a word. There was no point in teasing Boris, when he actually was afraid of being a victim.


"Don't be ridiculous", he simply said afterwards.

The commitee gathered around the lectern as the principal stepped up, adjusting the microphone in front of his mouth. A very beautifully embellished robe he wore. White fabrics, golden striped and red epaulettes, nearly shining in the well lit main hall. Even his shoulder length white hair had a sort of a glimmer. He spread out his arms as he spoke in a welcoming tone.


"A new year for the freshmen of Metropolaris. Many paths await to be chosen. Several challenges will tear you apart, but only the best will remain true to themselves and face them with every last fiber in their brain and bodies. Ladies and gentlemen I hereby welcome you to Metropolaris' Western High Campus."


Nearly all of the fresh learn-ready students broke out in cheering and clapping. Boris seemed to have gained some more confidence back in the vast loudness of the celebration. Skairan smirked, but remained arms crossed. His gaze wandered over a few faces,recognizing a few students from middle or even elementary school.


"As you may or may not know, this is the final stage in your education to become independent citizens of Metropolaris, I expect your full cooperation for your own future. If that is provided, I see great fortune ahead of each and every one of you."


Another round of heated applause.


The principal shifted his gaze to the teacher commitee and waved a person over. A tall and shady robed man stepped forth and joined the principal by the speaker's table. Skairan squinted his eyes. He was a member of the Sanguine Movement.


Both of the representatives swapped places as the robed man started talking.


"My valued students, I have come to spread out the news of our great savior Nelkor, who will guide you trough your difficult time to become adults of our society of Metropolaris. We shall praise him, as he shall bless you with his aura. But that is not all."


The entire hall darkened as a projector shot its light at the screen behind them, revealing just black silhouettes of hooded people with long coats and a large exlamation mark in the centre of the frame. Murmering and other noises of rather panicked reactions broke the silence. Boris gulped and Skairan still fixated the screen with his eyes.


"The Shade Runners have conducted multiple assault on our Senate on the headquarters of the Sanguine Movement. We advise you, if you should encounter any members of the wicked organisation, to contact your next federal employee, such as the Police Force, immediately."


"Those bastards killed my sister in one of their attacks on the Police outposts!" One of the freshmen shouted in full force.


Another clutter of voices filled the great hall of the campus building. Skairan was quite surprised about how many people felt affected by this.


The representative of the Sanguine Movements raised his arms to his sides. "Please, my dear citizens, I beg for your composure. The Police Force also prevented a lot of serious incidents in the past. The situation is under control. Our great savior Nelkor will act judgment upon them soon and accordingly."


A hooded figure suddenly dropped onto the lectern, right in front of the representative of the Sanguine Movement.


Skairan widened his eyes until they hurt. It was the same person as last night.


Approximate look of the Shade Runner


The shady man smirked at the speaker, before he pulled out a one-handed crossbow from the inside of his coat and fired a bolt straight through the man's head. The bolt got stuck in the ground in front the feet of the principal, who screeched in horror. Splatters of red stains formed on the screen behind them, as a small pool of blood started to stream down from that one step, towards the masses of teenage students.


Many started screaming in panic as they began to scatter and push themselves around in order to get to safety.


Shattering glass is heard from behind the masses of teenagers, before some of them yelped in surprise. Skairan turned about and couldn't believe his eyes.


Six hooded people broke into the main campus building on the upper level, now standing on the catwalk right above the crowd.


Boris and Skairan got tossed around, as the young determined one grabbed his shy best friend by the shoulder.


"Stay where you are! They want us to panic." Skairan said and cast another gaze upwards.
The group already seemed to have spread out. All available Police guards have assumed an effective combat formation. They have formed a line around the crowd of teenagers, each guard having a gap of merely 1 - 2 metres in between. Their shields were raised and their sabers in their respective sword arm.


Sounds of clashing metal is heard from above, followed by some screams and command barking. They must've already engaged in battle. The crowd of students was still restless and on the edge of fleeing out the doors. The Police Force went to their limits, to keep them calm and disciplined.


The same six attackers rappelled down, giving that distinct sound in the process. They were now facing the crowd, who were shielded by the Police Force. Each side had about 5-10 guards and quite heavily outnumbered the hooded people.


Skairan gritted his teeth, since they were trapped like fish in a net. He peered back to the lectern. The man from yesterday seemed to have already disappeared.


The hooded terrorists taunted the Police Forces and suddenly pulled out small, grey spherical objects from their coats and tossed them at the floor, with quite a punch. A screen of smoke emerged from the bombs, densifying in an alarming rate. More screams are heard from all around Skairan but he remained cautious and tried to distinguish anything inside the scene.


More noises of fencing and battlegrunts from all sides, Skairan now couldn't bear it any longer and pressed through the masses until he stood at the outmost line of students. Many have decided to stay still, since they probably wouldn't want to be killed in the smoke, which surprised Skairan.


The sounds stopped and the smoke subsided slowly but surely. The six hooded attackers stood in one line, their hands clasped behind their backs. Skairan took a good look around. All the guards were slain, and all members of the terrorist squad survived. His knees began to shake, especially when the bearded man, who most certainly was their leader, stepped forth and approached the young teenager.


Skairan froze. He froze extremely solid as the murderer of the Sanguine Movement representative moved closer, and closer towards him. He's gonna finish what he started last night. His thoughts pained in his head, which shot several doses of adrenaline through his body. But he remained where he was.


There was probably an armslength between them, when the man stopped.

"You've got quite the nerve to stand so far from the herd", the man said and lifted his chin at the crowd behind Skairan.

Skairan slowly turned his head, expecting to be killed as he does so, but he only saw, that his fellow students have retreated several steps away from him and the hooded man, staring at them like deers caught in headlights.


As he turned his head back, the man's blade pressed against his throat. He moved closer to Skairan as he muttered.

"Many would kill for your courage, but I won't. Not today."

He withdrew his blade and returned it back to its sheath. He gestured to his people as they all rushed out the building, disappearing in the distance.


Skairan stared after them and suddenly dropped onto his knee. As the adrenaline faded, he started panting and even tears formed in his eyes. Just due to the intense moment between life and death.


The crowd behind him started to all speak simultanieously in panic, once more. Boris ran towards his friend and turned him around. His expression contained a mixture of multiple emotions. Fear, confusion, but mostly anger.

"Skairan! You bastard, are you with them?!"

The downed teenage boy, who was struck by awe and pure anxiety shifted his gaze to his other fellow high schoolers. They all bore the same face, as they returned the look. What the hell just happened...?




The acrylic glass bench felt quite comfortable, as Skairan sat on it. Boris took a seat right next to him and turned to face his friend.


The building was evacuated a few moments after the attack. All students were assembled on the campus plaza, where beautifully colored trees and elegant fountains garnished the otherwise plain spot. The school was surrounded by an artificial lake on a peninsula.


"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have s-said that back then. It was uncall~"
"It's alright'. I ain't blamin' ya", Skairan interrupted without looking at him.


I won't kill you. Not today. He shook his head as he repeated the approximate words of the assassin.


"But- Why didn't he hurt you?" Boris stared at the ground, before he turned his head to Skairan.


"I told you already!" Skairan suddenly snarled at Boris but realized that he was overreacting. He quickly lowered his voice as he resumed.


"I dunno. If they would want to spread fear more effectively, they probably would target civilians, too. Just to prove a point. But they didn't."


Skairan supported his elbows on his thighs and his chin rested on his hands, while he peered out to the water, that surrounded them.


"You had quite the show there, Barond."

Skairan lifted his head, turning it to the source of the voice. Stezany stood there with her hands on her hips. Her crimson hair gleamed in the sunlight. Boris gulped again, since a woman entered their immediate privacy.


"Whaddyou want?" Skairan snapped at her.
"Nothing. Just came to say that everyone suspects you being the mole for the Shade Runners, that's all."


Squinting his eyes and taking a good glance around, Skairan now noticed many scared looks, that were cast over to him and Boris. He let out a soft grunt, before looking back to Stezany.

"So, what about it?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe you'd want to watch your back in the future."

He stood up and walked over to her slowly until they were face to face. Stezany stared back, unimpressed. Boris winced slightly.


"That a threat?" He say quietly through gritted teeth.
"Not at all, more friendly advice. From all the people I've met here, you seem to be the only person I actually don't hate by default." She gently tapped his upper back.
"How cute." Skairan rolled his eyes, while folding his arms, before he shook off her hand.

She giggled, although it wasn't that typical teenage girl giggle. It was somewhat unsettling. Skairan raised a brow.
"Any idea when they're gonna let us in?"

Stezany Korsten glanced over her shoulder to the entrance.
"Hm. Still doing the report, the Police Force. This might take a while. A lot of paper work is done at a crime scene, then they interview the directly affected people, if able, then they investigate the murdered, take samples and~~"

"Are you a cop or what?" Skairan interrupted her and frowned.
"No, but my dad used to work there and I'm not ignorant."

Sirens seemed to be getting louder by the second. Belated Police Force reinforcements have completely barred down the campus.

"So, why ain't he here?" He asked and looked between the Police Forces and her.

Speakers filled the campus with noise:

"Attention. All students are to return to their homes for today, since the crime scene will still be under investigation by the Federal Police Force of Metropolaris. You will be contacted immediately, once the situation is under control. We sincerely apologize for the inconvinience and still wish nothing but the best for all of you. Stay stafe, students." A crackling is heard as the announcement came to an end.


Skairan shook his head. Dozens have lost their lives today and they treat it as if it was just another day at the campus. It made his blood boil. He returned his gaze back to the female student and awaited her answer with a sharp and impatient throat clearing.


Stezany turned to the side, still looking at Skairan.
"Because he's dead."
She smiled before she headed for the magnet train that would take the students back.


Boris now stood up and walked over to his friend. Skairan stared after her, trying to put himself in her place. Imagening how he would feel, should his father or mother die. There wasn't a strong bond or connection between him and his family. He wasn't really an introvert, just stubborn and often broody. He felt something he was quite unfamiliar with. Sympathy.


"Come on, let's go home, Skai."

Boris tapped his shoulder as he took the lead, Skairan followed shortly after.


A long silence befell Skairan and Boris on their trip home. Many shocked faces past by their compartment, some even stopped to look at Skairan, just for what happened at the main hall of the campus building. Some even increased their walking speed as they saw him. And some glanced at him with anger and fear.



Nearly two hours passed before the magnet train halted in the Central District main station. Skairan and Boris stepped out with several other passengers, but their way was blocked.

"Well, well. Look who we got here. The Shade Walker rat."

Skairan abruptly looked up and peered at some students from his school who formed a half circle around him and Boris. He buried his hands into his pockets as he stared back.

"The heck are you talkin' about, Simmeon?"

Skairan knew him. He was the only child of a rich real estate family. Simmeon always tried to act tough in front of his friends, since he didn't want the reputation of a spoiled brat to ruin his image. Often picking fights for no reason at all.


"We all saw it! He said something to you. Must've been some codeword or a 'Good job, Skairan.' Or something like that...!"


A sigh escaped Skairan's mouth as he shook his head at his school mate.

"You're deluded, as always. Always making mountains outta molehills. The only reason he spared me, is because the Shade Runners are not targeting innocent civilians."


"Shut up! You're a double agent and you're not welcome here. People like us take care of trash like you. Sick him, boys!" Simmeon said and gestured towards the duo.


Boris held up a hand. "Guys, trust me, you don't want to mess with Sk~"

The first one who attacked was his chubby friend Heiner, aiming a curved punch at his face, but he was lunging out so far, Skairan could've walked to the campus and back and still block in time. He simply rammed his elbow into his side, before Heiner even got the chance to finish his punch, then followed up with an uppercut into his jaw. Heiner immediately yelped and stumbled over.


Next was Simmeon's best friend Noah who also had a similar inferiority complex like Simmeon, attempted to deal out a harsh push at Skairan. Though he was quickly redirected and tripped by Skairan, before he fell flat on his face and broke his nose in the process.


Simmeon, and a person Skairan didn't recognize, assaulted from two fronts. Simmeon went in for a low kick at his guts, while the other teenager also clumsily aimed at his head with a clenched fist.


The defender decided to counterattack instead of avoiding them simultaneously. Heading straight for the fist, he used his left hand to push the attacker's fist out of the target zone in order to prevent the fist from reaching him, while the other hand applied a strong jab into his solarplexus. Not too much pressure, though. He didn't intend to kill him. Simmeon missed his first kick and went in for another one.
Still having one more to deal with, he spun around and kicked Simmeon's foot with his heel, causing him to lose his balance. Skairan follows up with a knee blow to his stomach. Simmeon dropped onto his knees and groaned, immobilized by his irregular breathing.


Heiner seemed to have recovered, but seeing his friends either nose broken or moaning in pain, decided to forfeit for now. Skairan feinted a dash at him, before the chubby teenager ran off, whimpering.


Boris sighed and shrugged. "Tried to warn you." Skairan rolled his shoulder and tilted his head from left to right. Faint cracks are heard from it.


Skairan secretly visited special melee combat classes, called Aikuwundo. It was an Eastern martial art sport which was heavily based on self defense against multiple attackers. Simmeon never knew Skairan and his traits well.

"Let's get outta here, before the cops arrive." Skairan gave him a slight push into his shoulder with his hand and jogged off, Boris nodding before trotting closely behind him.


Lunchtime in Metropolaris, while many hungry citizens are in a complete rush to their destinations. Skairan and Boris really had to fight their way through the uncountable amount of people.


Skairan and Boris saw each other off, before heading to their designated trains home. Now that Skairan sat alone, he realized how fast the entire morning passed by and what has occured.


As harsh as it may sound, but the fact that he was spared annoyed him. It turned most of the school against him. Was there a particular reason for humiliating him in that fashion?


His train came to a halt at the Central Commoners Quarter, where he then got up and exited.
He walked for two or three blocks until he stood in front of the entrance to the  Barond's apartment building. Using the key card to gain access to the inside, and the elevator to the 64th floor, he then went inside his home.


His mother was ironing a few shirts as her gaze turned to Skairan, her face went slightly concerned.

"Skairan, are you hurt?" She placed the iron onto tray and rushed over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders as she stared into his eyes.

"No, mother. The students weren't attacked."
"Why did they send you home? You could've used the time to begin your studies already."

Skairan frowned at his mother. She had the same hair color as him, but she bound it into a ponytail, just her eyes were blue instead of green. The woman was in her fourties.


"Mother, I could've been killed. Just ... sayin'", Skairan muttered and folded his arms. He wasn't trying to gain attention, but he was not taking it for granted that he was still alive.


"Yes, but there have been dozens of terrorist attacks, they should probably already know how to handle the situation. You need to pick up economics and politic classes to follow the footsteps of your brother Valen."

Skairan clenched his hands into fists and spoke through gritted teeth.
"For the last time, mother, I don't want anything to do with the Senate I want to do my own thing."


A slap found its mark on Skairan's cheek as it reddened swiftly. As he turned his head back he peered upon his furious mother.

"You will do as your father and I say, there will be no exceptions or excuses. Now get out of my sight."


Without another word said, Skairan returned to his personal quarters. Tears of rage began to form in his eyes, rolling down his cheek. His fist rammed into the concrete wall of his room as he began to sob softly.


His Viscomm in his jacket went off. Skairan turned around abruptly and wiped some excess tears off his face as he rushed over to answer it. Boris was displayed on the screen, along with his shy expression. Skairan sighed deeply to stabilize his speaking voice. Pressing the answering button, the projector on the Viscomm's front began to manifest Boris' head which was recorded by a scanner on the same front. Clearly, he seemed worried about something.


"What's up?"
"Did I leave my datapad on the bench or in the magnet train?!"

Skairan frowned into the scanner. "What fricken datapad?"
"You know, my datapad! It's my diary..."

A sigh was heard through the Viscomm's speaker.
"Alright fine, see ya!"

The projection vanished and Skairan tossed his communicator on his bed and layed onto his bed. His Viscomm went off again. While groaning, Skairan picked up his device again and answered it instantly.


"I told you already I haven't~~"
Skairan stopped and stared at the projection of a young teenage woman with long straight hair. It was Stezany.

Speechless he glanced at the display which showed Unknown.
"Korsten, what the heck do you want?"
"Meet me at the Western Commoners Park in one hour. Don't be late." Her voice was flat and decisive.
"What, why would I~~"

Her head disappeared as she broke up the call. His eyes stared into the screen for several minutes before he shook his head. Why would she want to meet me?




A slurp is heard, before Skairan gulped and swallowed some iced Honeymilk from his cup. A quick glance was given towards his Viscomm to check the time, every minute or so. Skairan, being an impatient and passionate teenager, hated waiting.

His bench was located near the edge of the acrylic glass barrier, which prevented a fall that led a few hundred metres into the abyss. The Western Commoners Park was the greenest area in Metropolaris and bordered both the Acro and the Vasi altitude levels. It was a sanctuary.

It contained plants, trees and artificial ponds. It left a wide area for the sun to shine upon and many people who still had some love for the environment cherished this place dearly.

The number of visitors was rather low, since it was during the working shifts at this time of day. In the distance was a silhouette of a feminine person, walking around on the designated pathways of the park until she sat down on the other end next to Skairan's bench.

Skairan finished his cup and threw it into the bin next to him. Stretching, he then leaned back onto the backrest and supported his arms on it.

Stezany removed her fluffy earphones and her eyes fixated the ground in front of her feet as she spoke.

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" Her voice seemed strong and decisive as always.

Skairan frowned, adding a soft grunt in surprise. "So, you watched that, huh."
But suddenly he remembered that she got in from the Western District. That's at least two stations before his own. How could she have seen it? Stezany was already ahead of him, before he was able to ask.

"I had some business to do in the Central District."

A brow raised itself on Skairan's face.
"Are ya sayin' that you brought me all~ the way out here to ask me this?"

Stezany now finally turned her head and looked at him.
"Of course not, dumbass. I need you to help me with something."

Skairan's impatience only grew more.
"Well, why won't you get on with it?!"
"If you would just shut the hell up for only two seconds, I'd tell you!"

Both of them stared each other down with bared fangs. Finally, Stezany Korsten resumed.

"Look, since you're kinda good with your fists, I need you to help me with some people."
She blushed. It wasn't like her to ask for the help of others, Skairan assumed and folded his arms. His temparament seemed to have been overridden by curiosity.

"And what makes ya think I'll help you?" He tried his best to sound annoyed and disinterested.

There was a quite long silence as her cyan blue eyes dug into his own green ones.
"I can offer you change."

Skairan blinked at her, quite baffled.
"Change? That's pretty weak if you're gonna offer me spare coins to beat up some guys."

"That's not what I meant, you idiot!"
She facepalmed quite loudly and groaned into her hand.

"Then what did you mean?! I ain't really following."

Another pause, before Stezany elaborated further, her voice tone now calm and explanatory. Her eyes rested as she stared at the grass in front of them.
"You're not satisfied with your life and your planned future as it is. You seek change. You seek the power to change."

Skairan's eyes widened and he felt his pulse rise rapidly.
"What the hell do you know about m~~"
"I know who you are, Barond. What you are. I know more about you, than you can imagine."

Her rather aggressive and vicious attitude was absent entirely. As if she took on a different personality. But it wasn't like that. It was the fact that she was dead-solemn about this. Or at least, that's what Skairan thought she was.

"I can offer you that power. That power to change the things you want to be changed."

Skairan stood up on his feet, his fists clenched in front of him as he glared down at his school mate.
"Stop messin' with me! You're batshit crazy, Korsten!"
"If you don't believe me, I can show you. My organisation can show you the path you're looking for."

Skairan frowned at her, then turned around.
"You think you can get me into some weird cult, huh? Well guess what, you can fuck off", he nearly yelled and strolled off, leaving her behind on the bench without casting another look back.

The pace of his steps was irregular and swift. He groaned slightly at his own irritation.

"What the hell does she know about me? Nothin'!", he mumbled to himself repeatedly, while he made his way back to the magnet train station.

In due time, the "what" turned into "how" in his mind. How? How does she know about his inner desires? About his ambitions?

Skairan never was afraid of big, scary thugs or armored Police Forces. But this? This made him feel true fear to its very core. Even starting to believe that she wasn't real. A figment of his imagination. Although, he shook that thought off immediately, since Boris saw and interracted with her, also. And he's quite positive, that he wasn't mentally unstable.

The white train with red stripes arrived at the station. Skairan didn't even notice, that he stopped on the correct platform. Stepping inside, he saw how all the seats were taken. So, he decided to remain standing.

Taking off slowly, then increasing its speed, the magnet train departed from the Station, heading towards the Central District. Skairan sighed deeply. He decided to just forget about it, even to avoid Stezany Korsten in the future.

Arriving at the station, Skairan made his way back home on the quickest route. His mother was still ironing some suits and shirts, that belonged to Valen, Skairan's older brother. She didn't even spare him a glance, as he slided his card to the Barond's apartment and entered. Making his way to his room he mumbled "I'm back", before he shut the door behind him.

His room was still as messy as always. Sheiva, his mother, doesn't even bother anymore to clean it. Especially after countless arguments about tidiness in one's room.

Stezany's words still echoed in his mind.
I can offer you the power to change.

Skarian shook his head. What kind of 'power' she possibly could have to offer? She's the same age as him. Sure, her father used to be a Police Force employee, but still. There isn't much that could fuel or aid his ambitions to change Metropolaris to the better.

Naturally he could chose the political path for change, which his parents originally intendeed for him, but it never suited him. Nor did he have the patience or even the intellect for that kind of profession. He sought his own path for personal and collective satisfaction.

He sat at his desk and started up his personal terminal. The screen flickered on as the electricity surged through the gadget, upon pressing the power button. Its operating system displayed the logo before the desktop is revealed. Skairan selected the Metropolaris Network and started browsing the first page, which contained the local news.

Most of the articles were about the Senator and Representative elections, newest Gossips about celebrities and new trends. Skarian shook his head. Metropolaris has much more important matters that should be adressed by the media. But of course, people prefer to only read about things that lift up their spirits. Most of the readers have fallen victim to it.

A headline of an article caught Skairan's attention.

"GraviSports Sale this week! Find your local GraviSport store and profit!"

Skairan double clicked it as he nodded at himself, before he put his red and black striped jacket on and left his apartment. Sheiva Barond once again, not taking any note at all.

GraviBall was his favorite sport and he was quite talented at it. Basically, it's a large field in a hall, spanning from 100 metres in length and 50 metres in width, with very low gravity. Specially developed suits and boots with induced magnetic energy allows the player to move in high speeds and jump unnatural heights, without suffering the 'falling damage'. The goal is to score points into a large container by hitting the Graviball with the Graviball bat into the designated zone. And even the Graviball has its own magnetic field, which amplifies itself to be tossed and hit in long distances.

Skairan thought about asking Boris to join him in his shopping spree, but he remembered that his best friend wasn't really the sporty type. The elevator took him down to the main floor, before he made his way to the Central District main station. It was starting to dusk as he entered the massive station building. He even made it just in time to catch the 16:00 magnet train.

Rush hour was just about to begin, as people around this time of day seemed more stressed out and hasty. And again, all seats were taken, forcing him to stand near the doors. As the magnet train departed, Skairan thought about all the new equipment he could buy today with the local discount.

His gaze now wandered to the windows, where all the tall, glassy buildings rushed by.

A scream broke the silence in the train. Skairan turned around abruptly. A man stood at the end of the wagon, holding a fully automatic crossbow. He was shaking heavily.
"You- You bastards are all responsible for this!"

All the other passengers were nearly breaking out in panic. Women were sobbing or wincing. Children were all just frozen solid, staring at the crazy person, while the men tried to regain their composure. Skairan felt a sting in his guts. It was literally ordering him to do something about him.
Now was his chance to make a difference in this city. He could save lives. Glory and fame didn't concern him. It was the thought of helping people.

Trying to blend behind some other standing passengers, Skairan carefully stepped in between them, his eyes fixated on the man with the weapon who now started to make demands.

"I- I will need all your wallets and j-jewlery on the floor, and you will all then walk over to the other side of the wagon. Then nobody moves anymore...!"

Most of them did as they were told and dropped their valuable belongings to the floor and stumbled to the other end with raised arms. Skarian bit his lip. His chance of shining was fading away.

The armed man now aimed at a young middle aged woman who shook her head.

"Pl-please! This belonged to my dead mother, I can't leave it...!"
"Drop it!", he insisted and now made a step towards her. The tip of the bolt aiming straight at her face.

"No! Please! I beg you!" The woman continued to bargain.
"L-listen, if you won't give it to me, I will shoot you!" His voice was shaky and sweat started to curl down his cheeks.
But still she held on to her necklase with a golden locket. The man lost his patience and slapped her across the face, which made her yelp. Skarian couldn't bear it any longer and used the timing of his slap to try and disarm him. He pushed two guys in front of him aside and sprinted off.

Catching on to Skairan's intentions, the maniac quickly lifted his crossbow and released two to three shots at him in panic.

The young boy's heart stopped as several clanking noises are heard. Three shining dots flying directly at him, quickly and deadly.

Despite facing life or death situation, he carried on. Trying his best to avoid the bolts, he attempted to turn his body sideways in a split second. But to his disfortune, one of them hits its mark. The tip of the bolt drilled into his shoulder. The pain. The pain was unlike anything he has ever experienced so far. Just the mere fact, that a sharp foreign object is penetrating the layers of skin, muscle and flesh was beyond comprehension.

Skairan yelped loudly and fell forward and cletched on to the bolt that was still stuck in his body. A warm substance made its way through the gaps in his hand. It was warm and rather viscous. His own blood.

"Hey! I thought I told you nobody moves!"
The crossbow in his hand shaking even more intense. His aim now was directed towards Skairan.
"I should kill you right now, just to prove my p-point! You little fucker!"

The man's pupils were widened and sweat was clearly visible on his forehead. He then nodded at himself.
"Yes, yes! I think this will show you all that I'm not kidding around!"
He aimed through the small scope and adjusted his amining stance.

This... This can't be the end! Skairan clenched his teeth and seemed frozen solid.

A brief hiss is heard from the back, before the maniac suddenly heald the side of his throat. He began twitching intensively. The entire body of the man began shaking uncontrollably, even forcing him to drop the weapon. After a few seconds, he fell to the floor and the spasms continued for another few seconds, before he finally moved no longer.

Skairan panted heavily and turned around spotting a very familiar, but displeasing face.

"You're a mess, Barond."
Stezany stood in front of him, her hands buried in her jacket pockets. A rather vicious smile on her face. Skairan was speechless.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2016

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