

"Angel honey you have to get ready for bed" Queen Grace tells the little girl with red wild hair and striking green eyes.
" I can't I wanna wait for him,he will come back to me mamma... won't he" tears were pouring down the little girls face

 "Yes honey i believe one day he will be by your side but right now you need your rest" the woman had such pain in her eyes from lying to her daughter. 

after getting her daughter to sleep queen grace walks to her husbands study 

"where is Ash honey Angel has been crying non stop, its really getting to her she cried her self to sleep today and the day before and before that honey i can't help but think there is something your not telling me" she stands tall and looks the king in the eye.

"I sent Ash elsewhere i can't have her having feelings for a slave it's not natural, it's vile and shameful and well she is already engaged" The queen face went from confused to pained 

" you didn't, how could you Aaron you sold our daughter, our only daughter to the Ajax  kingdom no... for what an army for a war that won't come I can't believe this for all the things you did this is by far the worst I hope you can live with yourself from now on" Queen grace stands tall and walks out the door leaving the stun king still in his chair. 

"one of these days you will thank me Grace for there will be a war and a mighty powerful one, I am not sure we can win, I just hope it is enough" he sighs and goes back to his papers." Its the right thing to do" he says silently to himself but still his wife voice plays in his head like a broken record. Knowing  he won't get anything done he heads to his room.

The room was silent the only noise was the soft snores and the curtain blowing from the wind.They had fallen asleep with their balcony open for anyone to sneak into but little did they know their killer was already in the room opening their door with a creak. Loud thunder and light flashed into the room causing little shadows to pass by ,footsteps ran closer to them,trembling in fear praying the monstrous man would not  come to take her. The little girl hoped into the bed waking her parents instantly.

"Honey what are you doing up" her mothers sweet soft voice echoed through the empty night."I am scared may I sleep with you please mamma I don't want to sleep alone" 

"sure honey come here and sleep next to me" the kings voice boomed in the night and more lightning  and thunder came as rain water came in to the room. The little girl curled up close to the king, closing her clouded misty eyes with a faint wicked smile on her lips.

The thunder boomed again as the little girl decapitated her father with her bare hands  no sound filled the air and her mother lay sleeping beside him.she turned to her mother sleeping form and lightning flashed in the room. crimson covered her white night gown as tears streamed down her face. her mind an empty mess 'consume her, I wanna feel her fear..wake her...wake her... consume her' her thoughts were repeating only the little girl was not a where of what she was doing. didn't know her hands would be their death. That something else was clawing to come out. 

"consume her fear... wake her...consume her fear" Queen grace woke to a strange dark voice whispering to her. lightning illuminated the room showing her dear husband body and head not connected.Fear showed in her face exciting the creature inside her daughter 

"angel where are you" her hoarse cried out 


Chapter One: Not alone anymore


I walk to the park to think about everything. It's cold and dark. I hate this small town I have no friends and everything is futile. I moved here with Aunt Lucy and Uncle Dale after my parents died nine years ago. My mother and Lucy were identical twins; they have the same laugh, same habits, same hair, and same face and body type. If they dressed and talked the same, you couldn't tell the difference between them. Every time I look at Lucy, I see my mother. Sometimes I go into a state of dejection that no one but Nartiko can drag me out of. My fluffy black cat with a white beard is all I need as I cry into his fur.

I feel a tear leak down my chin. It's so hot. It feels good against this cold night. I stand behind a willow tree and cry out to my heart's desire thinking about the past about how my family was alive i think about that little boy i once knew, the little boy who was my friend, the little boy who made my heart skip a beat,about how he just disappeared one day and never returned never came back for me. I don't know how much time has passed when I calm down, but I just stand there staring out into the glistening lake in front of me. Someone breathes out loudly and a tingle goes down my spine. I creep around the tree and spot a person asleep on the ground, using his arm as a pillow. I walk closer to get a better look and see that he is, in fact, a male lying on the soft white snow, not bothered by the cold. Letting no sound escape my mouth, I creep closer and kneel down in the snow next to him, watching as the snow blankets his face. Raven black hair covers his eyes, and he has a firm strong jawline. You could see his well-muscled body through his shirt. I feel a pull going through me, wanting to touch him. My eyes travel down to his lips. I bit on my bottom lip, still staring at his perfect mouth. Wanting to touch him, my hand moves down on his face feeling the smoothness of it. His skin is so hot heat flows up my arm, I move my face closer to his and feel the warmth lick at my cheek Inches away from his lips to mine. I move closer, losing my will to stay away. I feel the shadow of his lips when I gain control and back away from him.

"Well, are you going to kiss me or not?" his voice is husky and smooth like honey. I lean in closer to him again. Biting my bottom, lip I quickly retreat

"It's not what it looks like, I..." Say something! Anything, come on! I tell myself. "I was just seeing if you were okay. That's all. And indeed you are, so I will take my leave and go. Goodbye." I walk away as fast as I can without running, going far away from him...far away. But something in me wants to crawl back into his warmth.

When I get home, I go to the kitchen and sit down on the counter watching Aunt Lucy finish up with making dinner.

"Need any help?"

"Yes I do. Go and set the table, honey, and set an extra place. We have a guest staying for a while, dear."


I quickly set the table then go upstairs to my room. I change into a black lace dress, some black flats and pull my hair into a fishtail on the side. Aunt Lucy always wants to dress up for dinner when we have company. The doorbell rings when I descend down the stairs. Dale opens the door, and I stand in a corner

"Erick, come on in son. It's a pleasure to have you over. I hope everything is to your liking." Dale steps back so the guy can step in.

"Yes, it was. Thank you for having me." He walks through the threshold and I go still him from the park is standing in my living room.

"Angel honey, come on down now."

I walk slowly but steadily down the rest of the stairs, gliding down like I was taught since I was young. He sees me and smiles, eyes traveling up and down my body. I wish my dress was longer than it already was. My dress is plenty long, but doesn't cover my back or front legs. Aunt Lucy picked it out for just today.

I give him my award-winning smile and hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Angel." He takes my hand to lips and kiss it. My eyes go wide I just wanted a handshake that was all.

"Nice to meet you Angel. I'm Erick." he says my name smoothly in his honey soaked voice that sends a ripple through my stomach. Dale leaves and helps Lucy in the kitchen. Erick still has a hold on my hand. His thumb caresses the back of my hand and he moves closer to close. He is tall and hovers over me. He leans closer to my ear

"I'm still waiting on that kiss." His breath touches my neck and I move closer to his warmth. His face is inches from mine. I want so badly to advance those inches right when I think I will. He moves away so fast I almost fall.

"Guys, dinner is done!" Dale walks in with red lipstick on his cheek and a smile across his face. I let out deep breath I didn't know I was holding in, following behind Dale with Erick close behind my tail.

Everyone takes their seat at the table Erick sits down at my left.

" Erick, how is everyone back at home?" Lucy looks him in the eyes

"Everyone is okay. Mother is the one worried and Father is too busy. Vidia is just Vidia." His eyes beam with joy and a smile goes across his face when he says the name, "Vidia."

" Erick, if I may ask, how old are you?" I expect him to say something like twenty-three or twenty.

"I'm seventeen, same age as you," he replies. "Same age as me" is what goes through my head the entire dinner.

After showering, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling when I hear scratches at the door 'Nartiko'. I open the door and Erick stands there with Nartiko in his hands.

"May I come in for a moment?"

"Sure...okay," I say, allowing him inside

He closes the door and behind him and sits on the bed staring at me with those hazel eyes. No, not quite hazel. They have specks of blue and gold with gray surrounding the colors.

"May I ask a question, Angel?" His voice rubs up against me. I sit down next to him before my knees buckle under me.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why were you crying at the park?" he says. I don't really know why I was crying I just miss my parents

"To be honest, I miss my mother and father," I yawn, feeling tired. Erick gets up.

" I shall take my leave then. Good night, Angel." He walks to the door but I don't want him to leave. I don't want to be lonely anymore.

"Can you stay with me?" I whisper, not knowing if he heard me at all. But he does and comes back, lying on top of the covers. I fall asleep to his steady breathing.


She sleeps so soundly. She is strong and brave and beautiful: I need her. My mate, I've found her. She has complete control of me. I embrace her, she doesn't move. She looks nothing like her picture, her dark wild red hair curls around her. Her figure is of a dancer. She moves with grace. Her body fits together with mine so perfectly. Her smell is enticing like roses and lavender. I need more of her. I hold her limp body tighter, she sleeps like the dead.

"I will never let go of you, you are my mate and my bride. I shall make you mine, and we shall run in the moonlight forever. We shall be together forever. I will love you, and forever I shall hold you tight for every night of our lives. I shall tell you again and again how much I love and never let a single tear fall from your eyes for, this is my vow for my bride," I whisper in her ear she holds me tight and she curls into me.'i swear i will make you mine'I untangle myself from her and walk to Mr. Cregmoors study were him and his wife are ready together both stand and bow at the sight of me.

"I've found my bride..."

" Just give her more time. She will open up, I promise. She is just a bit shy that's all. Please give her more time your highness" Lucy goes to her knees when she speaks

"I don't need any more time on my eighteenth birthday. I'm to marry, and I have chosen Angel to be my bride. I've found my mate, and I want to leave and take her with me two days' time."

"But she needs more time, your highness. She doesn't even know what she is or who you are yet, and she won't fancy the idea of leaving when she doesn't know why she has lost so much. She is fragile and vulnerable right now. She needs us the most, young prince." Dale doesn't dare look me in the eyes; he just bows his head when he speaks.

"I know my father had wanted the visit to be kept secret, but after visiting, Angel is the one that connects with me. She will have to learn her part in my life, and she will have to deal with it. She has no matter in the say. I've chosen her as my bride and as my bride she will live with me there is no changing destiny for it is already written in blood." I walk out going back to my Angel, my love. Yes, she is going to be powerful. Alright, she is going to be all mine. All mine, all mine my precious Angel, my valued jewel.

I lay next to her, holding her tightly, and fall asleep to her heartbeat. She is alive. She is right here, and she is all mine. But let's just hope history doesn't repeat itself. Let's just hope her heart will not be cold, will not be to broken to fix.


I wake up in warmth, and not cold sweat. I didn't have one nightmare last night. I open my eyes and Erick is there, holding me tight, snoring soundly in his sleep. I snuggle closer to him. His arms tighten around my frail body. I close my eyes and I see them: images of my parents' deaths, images of their murder, images of me being spared, images of a young girl who looks like me smiling at her work of art, blood splattering the wall, words writing my name over and over, her looking at me. I'm the one crying, but she is the one laughing. Her evil throaty laugh fills my ears. I close my eyes and cry for someone, anyone to "help please, help please save me." It's a never ending dream, never ending, never ending. I wake up with blood on my hands tears in my eyes and Erick whispering my name over and over.

"I didn't kill them...I swear I didn't ...I didn't do it ...Why was it my face covered in blood, my hand holding the knife, my heart breaking to pieces? I didn't do it! I would never do that!" I say over and over, rocking in Erick's lap over and over. I repeat it over and over. My face shows in the images over and over. I scream their names.

"It's okay, Angel. I believe you. I trust you didn't I understand" Erick whispers in my ear, brushing my hair out of my face. I don't say anything as Erick gets up with me still holding him tight. He carries me to the bathroom and gets it started. He sets me on the sink and brushes my hair. He looks me in the eyes, and a sad smile goes over his face, almost a wince

"I'm here Angel, and history shall not repeat itself. We shall change the past, and our kingdom shall be Merry for all eternity blessing your name" Erick says, but I don't care. I just need warmth. I just need him. I embrace him so hard I feel as if my arms are going to break, and if I let go, I will break.

He leaves after I have calmed down to let me take a shower. The hot water runs down my body and I relax in the warmth of the water. Tears mix in the water. I just stand there enjoying, the hot water fogging up the bathroom.

I walk to the kitchen and see Erick, Lucy, and Dale already in there.

"We were waiting for you, dear." Aunt Lucy walks over with a plate in her hand and sets it down in front of me.

"Eat honey, we have to talk." Dale puts the paper down and holds out his hand for Aunt Lucy to take. She puts her hand into his and begins speaking.

"Honey, before you were born, your parents had already decided on who would marry you. Prince Erick has come for you, Princess Angel. You are the last of the Fae Kingdom. The kingdom had died out so long ago... But understand this: you and Erick will rebuild it together. It is your fate as the heir of Queen Grace and King Aaron." She pauses briefly. "After their...accident, you had to go in hiding. So, we took you in. But your time has come to become the next queen and create a kingdom for everyone." As Aunt Lucy and Uncle Dale try to explain more, I can't move. I can't speak. It's like I'm just paralyzed and speechless. I can hardly understand what is being told to me. I was in hiding, and I can't remember anything but my parents' faces or what they taught me.

I remember being in a classroom with only me...and another kid whom I don't remember. I remember being told to never talk back, I remember never having any friends, I remember crying at night because mom and dad never had time for me, because I never had anyone by my side. I never had time to play with the other kids. And then... I remember dad always smiling and waving at people, and the people would wave back with bright smiles on their faces. One day, I was acting up. No one played with me, no one would look at me. They just went on, passing me by. And I hated it, I hated them! I I couldn't breathe, and flames erupted from me, creating a shield to block out their hateful thoughts. I was encased in flames, and I loved it. Power flowed through me -- real raw power. And I enjoyed it as people became scared of me! People took one look at me and fear showed upon their futile faces. Then, my dad came to me -- so strong and warm -- and scooped me up.

"Honey, what you did just now is not to be used that way. What you did could have hurt someone, including you. Do you understand what I'm saying? Never use it again," his voice was warm, not angry or upset. No, he had loved me with all his heart. The only one that had loved me, my dad. No matter what he was doing, he would always see me, always play with me always hold me tightly in his arms.

"But they don't want to play with me! They don't want to come over! I want friends, Daddy." I said, curled up in his arms. He smiled at me crinkles in the corner of his eyes "And I want a pet, Dad. Can I have a dog?"

"Yes dear, you can have a dog. But you have to learn to accept that they are not afraid of you, but rather they adore you. And I have something for you, Ash. Will you come over here?" A boy came behind Dad. Blond white hair, big icy blue eyes and so pale. His hair was cut short and he wore black clothes. He looked the same age as me, but something was wrong. He was all wrong. He was very handsome, even as a boy. Pretty even. And when he looked at me, something shone in his eyes. Silver, that was it, I saw silver eyes. For a minute, he scared me, but I didn't mind. I was lonely. I walked up to him.

"I'm Angel, and it's a pleasure to meet you." I grab ahold of him and embrace him. He was warm and soft and smelled of a forest and soup. He was happy, but sad his eyes were clouded blue and he gave me a half smile. His face fell as he looked at my father like he just realized how he lost his life

"I'm Ash, and I thank you for having me." He stayed with us for two years. We were happy and friends even. But that year, it changed. He disappeared, never to be seen again. And I forgot everything. It's like it's all a blur, a dream that I can't remember, a nightmare. And I'm too scared to recover it all... I'm such a coward.

"Angel, honey are you okay?" aunt Lucy stares at me with a worried look on her face her green eyes almost dark shaded. I won't remember it I won't look I'll go back asleep and pretend I never woke up

"No, I am going to bed." I stand up and walk to my room before either of them stops me. I lay on my bed, feeling raw, feeling scared, and feeling naked. I close my eyes and breathe in and out, counting backwards from twenty.

"Twenty..." Breathe in...

"Nineteen..." Let go...

"Eighteen..." Breathe in...

"Seventeen..."Let go...

The door opens and footsteps walk in, making the floor creak under their weight.

"Angel?" he sits on the bed and brushes hair from my face. Erick. It feels nice and comforting to be touched like this. I lean my face closer to him... If I were a cat, I would be purring. "Angel..." his voice is nice, and I want to stay like this forever with him whispering my name over and over...

"Yes?" I breathe out, feeling so vulnerable and fragile. I feel as if I might break any second.

"Come with me, be with me. Let me love you, let me make it better," he says. "You don't have to love me, you don't have to get married now, and you don't have to be with me. Just come with me, just let me heal your broken heart. Let me show you what it means to be happy, to be free. And when you are ready, let me be your king, and you my queen. Let us unite our kingdoms and open the gate. Let us bring peace to everyone we love. So I will ask again, come with me. Please I can't do this by myself. I need you by my side, Angel. Come with me." His voice is only a whisper, but I hear every word he said. Every crack his voice made, every strain. He is weak, soft, and lovely. Raw emotions lead him, and they are love and need. I can't help but want to make him happy, make him see me say "yes," but deep down inside, I am scared. I am lonely. I am a coward

"I can't ... I just... I'm scared." Tears begin filling my eyes, blurring my vision .

"Shh... Angel, I'm here. I'm right here, and no matter what, I will be here. You don't have to be scared. You don't have to be brave, you just have to say yes and I will protect you. I will be your knight in shining armor, your prince charming. I shall never let a single tear fall from those green eyes. Please...just say yes." He holds me so tightly that I can't say anything anymore. I just nod my head and relax under his firm hold. "Okay then. We will leave tomorrow. Now just get some rest and I will have Lucy pack your things do you want me to stay or shall I go" he said letting me go

"I want you to stay with me." I hold him and lay down. He puts his arms around me and I fall asleep in his embrace again. Tomorrow everything will change. Tomorrow I will leave this place... 


Chapter Two: Lost but now found



We arrive at my kingdom at dawn, and she even brought Nartiko with her. The cat was so annoying! It kept meowing the entire trip here... and it started to smell. I had some maids come and take care of him and set up a play room just for him so she and I could be alone for a bit. But no, she wanted to stay in a different room, far from where I stayed. She told me that if I came in the middle of the night, she would have me hanged!

I mean, seriously! After I claimed my love to her, I said it to her! Why... just why won't she love me? Why won't she come to understand? We were made for each other. We need each other. I just don't get it. She doesn't understand how I need to hold her, to smell her, to touch her... I need to make her mine, and fast, before her heart goes to someone else! We need to imprint right now. Even though she is far away, I can still smell her soft silky hair. Roses and lavender. It's so amazing. It fills my soul. Why, why did I even tell her "I can wait till she falls in love with me?" Because deep down, I can't I just can't take that chance of her belonging to someone else, being in someone else's embrace!

I feel deep vibrations in my chest and realize I've just growled. Whoa! I'm letting my inner animal out! That's not like me! I'm never this territorial! I have had many women in the past, but none have seemed to make me this crazy... by just their scent, maybe. I should go to her room tonight. I should just see if she needs any help relaxing after that long journey. Maybe she will change her mind and tell me she can't wait. Maybe, just maybe she will love me back! I mean, isn't that what girls do? They always change their minds. I sit in my room for a few minutes, debating whether or not I should go see her. But the beast inside me is fighting, urging me to go and take her, to go and see, to make her mine. I fight for control of this, but it doesn't last. Before I notice, I'm outside her room staring at her door, forcing myself to walk away.

"Erick, what are you doing here? I thought I told you..."

She is still talking, but all I can do is stare at her, watch her, be near her. She is in nothing but a purple silk robe with wet hair trailing her waist. I take her in, all of her, my eyes not knowing where to look first. My eyes travel up and down her body. I see all of her curves as her robe clings to her skin, and hunger claims me. I grab hold of her and kiss her with all my might. She doesn't fight back, she craves. Her arms go around my neck, pulling me closer to her room. I close the door behind me, never leaving her and push her against the wall a small moan escapes her mouth as my tongue pushes against her teeth for an opening which she gladly gives. My throat vibrate, telling me I just growled. Unable to hide my need, my hands travel up her body, feeling her skin, going for the tie that still holds her rode together. She stiffens at my touch as I undo the tie and push it aside .

"Wait stop please... I can't I'm not ready," she breaks the kiss and looks me in the eye removing my hand and tying her robe back up she pushes me away and goes to her bed and sits down

"I'm sorry, I should have not done that..." I speak low and quietly, my voice small, betraying the hurt I felt when she pulled away. "I should go now. You should get some sleep" I turn away and head for the door.

"Wait, stop... Can you stay with me for the night? I don't want sleep alone in this big room." she lays down and pats the spot beside her, beckoning me towards her. I go and lay down, pulling her close to me and whispering "goodnight" to her, doubting I'll get any sleep tonight. She falls asleep instantly and leaves me awake, hard as a rock. I can feel her soft skin beneath her robe. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I pull my clothes off and hop in the cold water as it pours down my body. Even the smallest touch from her sets me off. She is beautiful in more ways than one, and I'm so happy she is mine. I turn the water off and pull a robe around me. I make my way back to the bed and gently pick her up, pull the covers down, and set her back down covering her up with the soft cotton. I lay down under it next to her and fall asleep.


I wake up with the covers on me and Erick gone. The side he was on is cold, so I know he has been gone awhile. I can still feel his lips against mine, and the way he touched me I drove me insane. I don't know why I stopped! I was guess I was just a bit afraid... I've never been touched that way, never felt wanted like that. He made me crazy with the way he had looked at me. He looked at me with such need I went overdrive. I couldn't think when he kissed me. I couldn't form any word in my mind. It was such a rush and it happened so fast I couldn't do anything but let him lead me.

I hear footsteps in my dining room and go in to see who is there.

"Hello miss! I'm Donella, your maid, and we are here to dress you. This is Zanna" she points to a small girl with short brown hair. "And this is Lena" Lena is slim, tall, and curvy. They all look nice and friendly; they wear big smiles across their faces "Shall we get your bath ready, miss?" Donella asks.

"No thanks, it's fine. I can do it myself. If I need any help, I will send for you. Thank you very much!" I shoo them out of the room and take a nice warm shower.

After my shower I get dressed in some jeans and a and t-shirt, not really caring who I will meet. I walk out the door and head for the garden. But... I'm not quite sure where it is.

"Excuse me sir, umm... Do you know where the garden is?" I ask the first person I see -- a guard.

"Yes miss, would you like me to show you the way?" his voice is soft and kind

"Yes, please. I'm new here, so I know very little about this place." He takes the lead and I follow right behind him.

"So what's your name? I feel bad for not knowing your name after you helped me. "

"My name is Greg miss. And may I ask your name in return?"

"I'm Angel. Greg, what a nice name. So Greg, where are you from?"
"I'm from a small town called Fulton, and trust me it's very boring with nothing to do. So when my folks decided to move here, I was very glad. When I get older I signed up to be a guard so I could protect the people I love. Where are you from, Angel?"

"I was in a town called Thomson. It was small and boring too. Since both my parents died when I was young, I was to live with my Aunt and Uncle. They were nice, but I'm kind of glad I moved here." I've already told him too much

"Mr. Yates, you are needed elsewhere. Go back to your post and stay there. If you want to keep your job, that is." A shiver goes through my spine at the voice. It's like I know it, but I can't place where from. I turn to look and then I see him. Blondish white shaggy hair and pale skin with a face so beautiful I could weep. But a ugly scar cuts across his face, slicing from his right eye down to his chin. He looks like someone I once knew, but who?

"Yes sir, you see I was just showing this girl to the gardens but I will return right away" Greg starts to move away and jogs back to his post.

"I don't appreciate you swaying a guard from his post the garden is just straight of here and then take a left you will see a fountain and it will be right there now good day and don't go messing with my guards you got that now go you know the way to the garden" he turns his back on me and starts walking away

But I need to know who he, why does he look familiar to me is

"Who are you sir what's your name" I stand my ground he turns around
"My name is Ash why would you need to know anyways I'm sorry but I sleep alone now please leave" His voice is rough and angry but steady. And then I just realized what he just implied me in his bed no way I've never bedded anyone in my life.

"Ash is it, I'm sorry if that came off wrong but I have no intention of going to your bed now that that is over tell me where are you from" he doesn't answer but looks me in the eyes causing my stomach to do turns.

"angel there you are I've heard from Greg that you would be here" Erick's voice comes from behind me but I just stare at Ash's face seeing the surprise in his eyes at the mention of my name his face softens but I look away from him to Erick who is still behind me

" yes I was just going to the garden would you like to come with me"

"Sure but I can't stay for long I have a meeting with my father later" Erick's voice is sweet and he looks at me it drives me insane and I just want to start where we finished off yesterday. I hear footsteps going quieter and quieter noticing Ash has just left...

" Erick where did ash come from do you by any chance know"

"no one really knows he just appeared one day all battered up he never said a word about his past and he is always alone never once went to the parties or had girls in his bed he is just so serious all the time it's kinda sad it's like he is punishing himself or something like that to be honest i've never really talk to him or anything"Erick just dismissed the conversation just like it never happened . but it can't be no it's not him, the ash i know was brave and loving. No he was never there was never found he left me alone he can't be here if he is here did he abandoned me did he leave me. No i won't think about it anymore i won't remember him i refuse to notice him. But maybe he did search for me maybe...

We walk in the garden a little without talking after he left me i just sat down and stayed by myself in front of the fountain not really bothered by the sprinkle of water that goes on me. even though it's winter it's feels as if it's fall, the ground doesn't have snow anywhere the flowers still thrive but the trees are encased in frost it's beautiful really , it's like looking at something new and old almost like a web of ice ,the ancient trees and the new snow.

" Hey about earlier i'm sorry i thought you were trying to make my man leave their post no hard feeling right" i jumped at the sound of Ash's voice.He sits right next to me, i can feel him staring at me i can feel the warmth that comes from him. he feels safe and familiar but i shoot these thoughts down i came here to fall in love with erick i came to remake my kingdom i shall not lose my path . i force my head to turn to him

" sorry what did you say " i replied knowing i heard every last word but i wanted him to say it again

" i said i was sorry about how i behave earlier i heard some of the guards say that you're from a broken kingdom is that true are you her are you Angel Laila the last queen are you" he looked at me with pleading eyes there was sorrow there something sad about it something i don't ever want to see again something that hurt me in my heart "yes i am her with my mother and father gone all i have left is my kingdom i want returned and erick can give me that he can give me back my kingdom so i am here till i learn to fall in love with him then we will get married and i'll have my kingdom back i just hope i could fall in love with him" i don't know why i told him the truth, i don't know why i am spilling out all my thoughts all i know is it feels good to be able to tell someone my true feelings i feel raw and nervous i feel safe and happy i feel new.

"I have a question" ash looks elsewhere as he speaks

" okay what is it" I look out at the fountain

" do you remember me i know it was a long time ago and i know we only had a short time together but i want to know do you remember me because i can't get you out of my head did you ever think about the boy that left was i even once on your mind did i even mean something to you" he looks at me then i'm speechless not knowing what to say not understanding what he wants.

"Yes I do remember you Ash Akril a little boy who disappeared, my only friend ,my safe haven i thought about you every day for 7 years i thought about how one day you would come for me you would find me but you never did you never came looking for me and i lost hope you were all i had and now i'm all alone again and you can't change that you can't make everything right again you can't help me now"  i started to get up but he grab my wrist 

"I can't tell you how long I've been wanting to hear those words from you, I'm truly am sorry for how i left your father had wanted me to move on he had wanted me to live with some other family they were nice people i stayed with them until l  was old enough to move away...,I wanted to search for you so bad but i thought....i thought you were...gone just like them" he lets me go and turns his head facing the red roses.

"I've missed you so much Angel I missed your demands I missed your attitudes you don't understand what it means to me to see you right here in front of me healthy and alive I ju...Can we start over again can we go back to how it used to be just me and you together" I look at him in shock i don't know how to answer should i say yes or no should i forgive him and give him another chance.I don't say anything for awhile but he still stays there waiting for my reply.

"Yes" my voice is soft i didn't think he would have heard me but i know he does he looks at me for awhile not totally convinced i just said anything.

"Yes we can start over again" i say more loudly and he nods his head finally understanding what I am saying.

"I promise you, you will never regret this would you mind coming to dinner with me we can go to my room"he is nervous i can tell but so am i 

"sure what time"

"7 I have to go now see you in a bit love" and he walks away with a bounce in his step.


Chapter Three: Time Stands Still

 I feel like I am a little girl again nervous, anxious, and worried


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2016

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