


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2011

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Chapter 1, There almost here One day my mom told me her friend was comming to live with us i was exited until she told me she had a daughter. i was still happy but i didnt know if i would get along with her. so i asked how old is she shes 13 cool shes 3 years older than me. and my mom didnt know if she was nice ethier. so i waited carefully and patently until they arrived Chapter,2 They're here Finally they arrive shes tall like really tall i show her her room and mine and the pool we talk about our both intirest in mermaids and i talked about how i like wolves. then she goes to Bed. Chapter,3 Next day She Wakes up and is bored so i tell her she can use my computer, so she does she goes on facebook and play empires and allies i hate that game i said to her she says why i love it i said to her joy i dont know why i hate it its just me and building and stuff like that dont get along. oh joy said Chapter,4 Tommorow Its the next day so i decide to show her a scary video not scary but sad its a girl throwing 8 newborn puppies in a river. i show her and she cries and cries and cries me to she runs to tell her mom i get scared i mean thats the first time i have ever seen her cry. i say sorry give her a hug and tell her im really sorry. Chapter, 5 The Next Day.

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