

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.08.2011

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Once, one day Amber was playing animal jam downstairs on her mini laptop it was 1 in the morning at 12 midnight Taming had been laying on Amber's bed when at 12:01 midnight she turned back to CHLOE at 2 AM in the morning Amber went into her room and saw Chloe laying on her bed "OMG CHLOE HOW DID YOU GET HERE" Amber yelled Chloe said"I've always been here" "NO" amber said Chloe added" im TAMING!!!!! MORON!" "WHAT" amber yelled "yea" Chloe said softly. just then Amber fainted when she woke up she simply said "oh it was a dream" Chloe came to her " no it wasn't" "how Chloe did this happen" Amber asked "well it all happened when that wolf bit me when you left i was that wolf pup i decided to act like a wolf so you wouldn't notice " Chloe said Then at the stroke of 2:30 Chloe turned into back into Taming Chapter 2 Finding out Hmm Chloe said "how do i turn back to a human i have to find out but my mom will need to know where i have been i'll just stay a wolf i guess." Chloe added Taming/Chloe was sitting on the bed as a wolf amber walked in and was telling her how to communicate she said"just write with your mouth" Taming Nodded Jasper had no clue what was going on and the pups didn't know ether they were following their dad jasper. Chapter 3 The pups are 3 and Taming and jasper are 5 years old old im still wondering about Chloe it wasn't a dream i know it wasn't it was to real to be a dream TAMING COME HERE I CALLED were you really Chloe She nodded and walked away Chapter 4 Chloe's Return Chloe came back tonight at 12 midnight and left at 2:30 amber was happy to see her friend again and happy to know she was always there with her but that night Chloe grabbed the mirror and put it on the floor she looked into it and saw her reflection as a wolf she was sad but happy cause she had pups. She layed on the bed and waited for her to turn back to human. Chapter 5 Returning to the wild Chloe told amber that night she was returning to the wild and... Read more about Chloe in her new book Taming The Wolf Leaving

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