

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2011

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Taming And Jasper are growing up fast there 12 weeks now... we let them run outside and play we bought two german shepards to gaurd them. when they are in trouble they howl. one night i did not hear them howl i had on my head sets when i saw another wolf through the window i let my german shepards out they jumped through the window and killed the wolf witch was Jaspers mom. i hugged jasper who was the brown wolf. "im sorry Jasper" i said he licked me and i smiled i kissed his head mom burst throught the door and said"BED TIME" i put the pups in the cage they were fast asleep before i could say butterscotch. Chapter 2 HUGE Wolves WOW jasper and taming are already a year old there huge and can you imagine Jasper is gonna grow bigger! wow there they beast but there tamed its been already 1 year since Chloe disappeared but Taming reminds me of her anyway okay enough about Chloe im gonna take pictures of them now "TAMING JASPER HERE GUYS!" i yelled they came running picture time guys. come on outside in the snow. say cheese! they posed and barked then it started snowing we went inside. i love them so much i never wan't to see them go. I remember one day i let them out side and they left for about 1 day and brought back a dead deer there crazy. Chapter 3 Hunting season its hunting season now and i stay in the barn with them as always i take pictures. as always hunting season is finally over and its spring im taking pictures everyday of them. Chapter 4 There 2 years now and HUGE they are crazy fun and..... Read more about Jasper And Taming n there new book Taming The Wolves New Pups.

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