

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2011

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Once,One day a girl named Chloe sat on her bed Picked up the phone And Called Her Friend Amber. "Hello Amber?"Chloe Said "Hey girl whats up wanna go to the woods today?" Amber Asked "Nah Not Today im a little pooped out from taking care of Jasper and i came up with a nickname for him Jupie pronounced joopee"Said Chloe Amber Replied"OMG AWESOME! hey open your room door." "Why?" Chloe Asked "Just do it." Amber Added "kk" said Chloe.' She opend the door and there was Amber. "SURPRIZE" shouted Amber "-.- i told you not to do that and plus you spelled it wrong" Said Chloe "wheres your cheer" Amber Said just then right there a rock flew in the window and woke up Chloe's Puppy Jasper "ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar MAMA MAMA!" Cried Jasper "WHOAH YOU TOUGHT HIM HOW TO TALK" Yelled Amber "No he tought him self yes peanut brain i did" Hollered Chloe,Chloe yelled out the window"SEE WHAT YOU DID ANDREW YOU WOKE UP JASPER!" Andrew Cried"Sorry Sis" Chloe Yelled"I HOPE YOUR HAPPY ABOUT THAT NOW YOU WILL GET IT!" "Get what?" Asked Andrew. "THIS!" Chloe Yelled While Throwing a tiny rock at him."OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" screamed andrew "HAHAAHAHAA " laughed Chloe while rolling on the floor laughing "That Wasn't nice Chloe." Amber said "I know but it was funny" Chloe Added "yea thats true" Amber Laughed About a week later Amber Climbed in Chloe's Window And Got Her MegaPhone And yelled into Chloe's Ear "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM UP IM UP IM UP !" screamed Chloe "why would you do that " said Chloe " i dont know im bored LETS GO TO THE WOODS!!!" " Let me brush my hair" Chloe Said. As Chloe Finished brushing her hair they climber out the window and ran to the woods. Just then Chloe Spotted a Wolf "wow a wolf" Chloe Said as she was walking to it "don't touch it" Amber Said just then Chloe did pet it and it licked her hand. Chloe Turned around and said "She's Friendly" Just When Chloe Turned Around It Bit Her Hand And Ran Off "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Chloe Screamed "GO GET MY MOM" Chloe Added Chapter 2 Where Is Chloe? Amber got Chloe's mom and they wen't looking for her they called out Chloe but she was gone "Guys im right under your feet" Chloe called but no one awnswerd just then Amber looked down to the floor were Chloe was at Aww so cute "Hey Chloe's mom can you adopt me"?Amber Asked "yes i can right after we find Chloe!" said Chloe's mom "Mom can i call you that?" "Yes" Said Mom "Mom can we keep her shes soo cute "Said Amber "Keep who?" Said Mom "This wolf pup" Said Amber "yea sure." said mom Chloe said"What wolf pup im not a wolf pup put me down!" Amber herd the pup whimper and set it down she grabbed a leash out of her pocket and a collar and put it on the pups neck "this used to be my old dogs but she died i named it Taming now i name you after her too and its weird you have green eyes like her too its almost like shes here with me" Amber told the wolf pup she walked over to her new home with the pup. she fed it Jasper's dog food and put her in the cage with jasper she watched them eat together they were friends although Chloe still didn't know why they were treating her that way until the morning when she took Jasper out for a walk and acendently left the cage open Chloe looked in the mirror and saw herself as a wolf pup its what she always dreamed of but not like this. she sat at the mirror until Amber came back she looked at Amber and howled "Arooooooooooooooooo" Said Chloe Chloe thought i have to act like a wolf pup now i guess i'll learn from Jasper cause he was a wolf dog mix she didnt know how old she was she looked in the mirror she was the same hieght as jasper who was 5 weeks she she was 5 weeks too. Chapter 3 Hunting season We were walking the wolves when we herd a gun shot Taming had Almost got shot we ran to the house and locked the doors mom went out and built a barn for them to keep them safe i slept on a cot the whole season in the barn to keep them safe. she called hewr fake mom on the cellphone and asked for her to come bring more food for her and the dogs and more water for all of them. her mom came and gave them the food. Amber was wonder where Jasper was and he was eating the food like always. then he fell asleep in the bowl next to Taming... Amber woke Taming up and fed her. and gave her some water. Grabbed both of them and set them on the cot with a blanket they woke up about and hour later. she gave them more food them they fell back to sleep. She Called her mom on her cell phone and told her to come and bring the camera then when she herd a gunshot he mom came running the pups were okay just a hole in the wall easliy repared Amber grabbed Taming and told her mom to take a picture of both of them. Then they found a picture of taming in the camera from 2 weeks ago at the vet. Chapter 4 Taming The Wolf Growing Up Taming was 12 weeks like Jasper and growing fast.... Read more about Taming in her new book Taming The Wolf Growing Up

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