
Chapter 1 :Arriving

Thirteen-year-old Hayley Veil is offered to go to the most prestigious performing arts school in the state. Owing this all to her mom (aka her instructor). She's so nervous that the day she was supposed to go she ditched it. The school called her mom to see if she was sick, and her mom said she dropped her off. Soon enough Hayley came home and her mom was standing there with a look of disappointment on her face. Hayley knew she was busted but still played along like nothing happened. She tried to pass it off saying "school was great mom I really like it there". Her mom still didn't buy it "Hayley Grace Veil you promised me that you wouldn't back down from this school" said her mother with a grimacing look. "I'm sorry I just got too nervous when I saw how huge the school was", Hayley said wit a look of guilt.

The next day Hayley promised herself that she would not ditch. When she got there she walked in and felt like a mouse. She acted like one too she scurried to her new locker. Hayley was like every new girl-shy and quiet. She had no one to talk to at lunch. All she did was sit in the corner of a table ate her lunch and didn't say a word. It was fifth period when she bumped into a girl that had straight blonde hair and bright smile you could see a mile away. Both girls apologized and Hayley asked what class she is going to next. The girl said Miss Pepper. "No way me too" Hayley said. "Do you want to sit with me" asked the girl. "Sure" Hayley said. When they get in the class it was like lunch all over again. Nobody except her new friend noticed her. They sat down and the girl introduced herself "I'm Julia by the way". "I'm Hayley". "Nice to meet you" they said simultaneously.

Chapter 2:Getting Noticed

Finally someone (besides her new friend Julia) came up to her at her locker to greet and welcome her to their school. Hayley was excited, she now had two friends! Now, everyone knows that with every new girl (if she isn't already) comes a frenemie. A frenemie is someone who acts like they don't like you, but secretly does something for you or seretly comes to you for advice and then threatens you with something really weird if you tell anyone about it. Paige Andrews was Hayley's. At first sight Piage new that Hayley would take the spotlight from her. That happened two days later. They had a hidden talent night at the school. Paige was an awesome singer, but she also was an amazing artist. She can draw or paint what's on her mind and usually never have trouble coming up with an idea. That was Paige's hidden talent. Hayley went to the school for dancing, but she could also sing. Hayley sang like an angel and everyone crowded aroud her when she finished. Everyone except Paige.

The day after the hidden talents night everybody wanted to be Hayley's friend. Then Paige came up and said "you do know they're no your real frends. They just like you because you can sing and dance". After Paige said that Hayley stared at her for a little thinking "who do you think you are"? Then she ran off, with Julia following shortly after her.

Now it was time for lunch and everyone wanted Hayley to sit at their table. Hayley thought about what Paige said. She actually was right because two days ago nobody except Julia and Diana (the girl who said hi to Hayley at her locker) knew who she was. So she sat with her first real friends. They talked and hardley ate their luch. Luckily none of them weren't that hungry.

Next period was Miss P (she is the acting teacher). That day they learned how to show emotion with real passiion so it's believable. "Think of one of the saddest time of your life and act out how it made you feel" said Miss P. Nobody was up to her taste so she chalenged them to a competition. "After school in the auditorium you all shall meet me so we can work on the emotions".

After school they did excactly that. Miss P came carrying some of the things the kids like. "OK when everyone gets my approval on their acting they get to take what they want". When the competition started everybody got what they wantedon their first trial. Everyone except Hayley after about five tries she got it and got what she wanted.

Chapter 3:Everyone is Completly (not) Normal

One week into her arrival Hayley already has a frenemie and is the laughing stock of the school. That has to be a new record. "why couldn't this be just a normal school" Hayley whispered to herself? Another day came and everyone stopped laughing at her. They stared at her and talked about her when she walked past. Someone came up to her walking on their hands and said for her to look at the bulliten board in the lobby. There was a picture of her and underneath it said she can't act and she ditches her friends alot.

Hayley was so embarrased even though she knew it wasn'true. Her best friends even stayed away from her and stared at her like she did something terribly wrong. Hayley felt terrible and ran straight home crying. Hayley was getting ready for bed when she saw a shooting star. She doesn't believe that when you wish upon a star the wish will come true. So Hayley wished that everyone at school was normal and that she could get her friends back. "I hope it comes true" Hayley said.

The next morning Hayley woke up and got ready for school. When she got to school it was like she was new all over again. Nobody talked to her and no one even looked at her excepy her friends. "What's up with everyone today? Its like they don't even know I exist" Hayley said. "What do you mean" said Diana. "Well yesterday I was getting laughed at because I couldn't act" said Hayley. "You must be insane because we don't act at this school. It''s just a normal school" Diana said. Hayley thought for a couple seconds. "MY WISH"! "It came true! I can't believe it came true" Hayley said.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2013

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