
chapter 1

Mom yells from downstairs “Rose Ann get up its time for your first day of school.” I’m looking at my closet trying to find out what to wear for my first day of a new school.(this is our tenth time moving this month) “I’m already up mom” I pick out a bright blue stripped tank top and a pair of bright blue shorts and tennis shoes. I zap myself down stairs with my powers. “I’m ready”

I grab a piece of toast. “Bye mom love you.” I run out the door. “Bye sweetie love you to.” mom says yelling out the door. I go to the bus stop and the bus is pulling up. I walk up the steps and see almost the whole bus is full, but I see an empty seat next to this girl, so I sit next to her. She says, “Hi my name is Bethann. You’re new aren’t you?” I look at her, “yeah I’m new my name is Rose.” She looks at me and smiles “well Rose do you want help with finding your classes? Cause I’ll be happy to help you.” I look at her, smiling shyly and I nod my head. She says, “Cool.” We get to school and I start to walk off the bus and the bus driver whispers to me while laughing “good luck” I look at him “uhhh thanks I guess.” I walk off the bus and Bethann takes my hand and pulls me “come on or we’re going to be late we still have to stop by the office to get your schedule.”

We walk in the school, I look around thinking wow this is a big school. We walk in the office and the secretary looks up and smiles “you must be the new girl, Rose Ann.” I smile and say, “It’s just Rose.” She hands me my schedule “ok Rose here is your schedule have a good day. Good luck, you’ll need it.” We walk out of the office. Bethann takes my schedule and gasps. “What is something wrong?” I ask. She looks at me and smiles “just the complete opposite. We have all the same classes.” I look at her, thinking wow did I just make a new friend on the first day of school. She looks at me, “let’s go first period is about to start.” I say “ok.” we walk in to Mr. Cufflings class (math teacher.)

Bethann raises her hand. “Yes Ms. Sanders?” She puts down her hand “we have a new student.” “Yeah that’s right thank you Ms. Sanders.” Mr. Cufflings says. She looks at me and smiles and I look at her like thanks a lot. Mr. Cufflings points his hand at me and says, “Would you like to introduce yourself Ms. Beaker?” I look up “sure” I stand in front of the classroom “my name is Rose Beaker.” “Thank you Ms. Beaker would you like to tell us where you moved from.” I looked awkwardly at everyone “I moved from Atlantis, Georgia.” Some guy in the back coughs out “dork” “that’s enough Mr. Stanford. You may be seated Ms. Beaker.” Mr. Cufflings points to my seat. I sit in my seat and Mr. Cufflings talks about fractions, I take notes, the bell rings, and I go to my new locker and try out my combination. My locker will not open; I shake my locker still my locker will not open. I sigh, thinking great I really don’t want to use my powers, and then people will really think I’m a freak. I put my hand on my locker and close my eyes getting ready to concentrate, but then a cute guy comes up “are you having trouble?” I look at him frozen. He looks at me “hello?” I look at him “huh?”

He laughs, “Do you need help?” “Oh (I look at my hand on my locker I quickly take my hand off my locker) yes please” He shakes my locker and then bangs twice. “There you go. You’re the new girl, its Rose right.” while putting my stuff in my locker “yeah” he looks at me and smiles “cool the bell is about to ring I’ll see you later Rose. Oh by the way my name is Kyle.” Bethann calls from down the hallway “Rose hurry up we’re going to be late.” “Oh coming” I say closing my locker. I look back at the way Kyle went down. Then I walk toward Bethann. “Come on we have science the teacher there is very strict if you’re late.”

We make it in time for class. Then we went to health and now it’s time for lunch. Bethann looks at me “I’m sorry but I’m going to eat with my friends I’ll talk to you after lunch.” I look at her and say “ok that’s fine” I go and sit at an empty table, but then the popular, kids come up to the table “oh look honey we have a dork at our table. Hey dork.” I look at her. She continues “this is our table (I sit there looking at her) MOVE” I gather my things and get up to find another place to sit, I walk past her and her boyfriend (which is Kyle) and look around but there is no other place to sit so I go out in the courtyard and sit on the bench and draw. Then crystal walks up to me “may I help you” “we should hang out after school you want to go to the mall?” I look up trying not to use my powers “sure I guess” “good I’ll pick you up right after school see you then” she says while having a mischievous smile. My classes go by with an ease and like crystal said, she was waiting for me by her car. “You ready” “yeah sure” I say.

“Good lets go” I get into the car thinking everything is going to be fine.

She drives off and we pass the mall and I say “uhhh wasn’t that the mall” she keeps looking at the road “yes” I look at her “where are we going” “it’s a surprise,” she says. I look out the window and see her stop in front of the park (which is abandoned) she looks at me and says “ stay away from my boyfriend.” and she beats me up and cuts me, when she gets done she pushes me out of the car onto the sidewalk, while laughing. “See you later dork” I’m lying on the sidewalk hurt badly and I see someone running from the park yelling “Rose, Rose are you ok?” I’m thinking I know that voice, but I just couldn’t think of whose voice is it. I fall asleep, but I can feel someone picking me up and moving me.

chapter 2

I wake up and it’s getting dark out, I get up and my head hurts. Someone is sitting next to me. I look up and see its Kyle, I get up real quickly. He looks at me and says, “Oh you’re awake. How are you feeling?” I look at him confusedly “fine a little sore though. Why did you help me?”
He looks at me “I don’t know I was in the neighborhood.” I look down “oh ok. Well thanks but I’ve got to go.” I get up and start running while crying and he calls out “Rose wait up” I didn’t want to stop but it hurt to run and I was getting tired so I slow down. He catches up and I wipe my eyes to get rid of the tears. He says “Rose wait up. Why did you run off so quickly?” “I have to get home before my mom freaks out.” I say while a single tear runs down my cheek. He looks at me “are you crying?” I look down and say “no” I wipe away my tears. He looks at me worried “are you sure because it sure looks like you were crying.” “I’m fine,” I say running off again and I turn the corner knowing he was running after me and there was a gang around the corner. I bump into the leader of the gang, he says, “where are you going in a hurry sweetheart”, and the other guys are surrounding me, making me backing up until I’m up against the wall. “I said where are you going” he snaps he fingers and two of the gang members pin me against the wall. I hear Kyle getting closer to the corner, I don’t want him to see me use my powers but I don’t want to get hurt either, so I have no choice but to use my powers. The gang leader puts his hand up to hit me “I said where are you going” “let me go”

Kyle turns the corner. The gang leader looks at me “what did you just say to me?” I look at him angrily “I said let me go” and gray clouds start to gather up and lightning is going.

“Let me go or else”

He looks at me and laughs “or else what?” I look at him and give a little smirk I put my hands up and lightning strikes my hands and I bring my hands down and point a finger at the leader, lightning bolts out of my finger and strikes him. “Or else that” and the gang members pick up their leader and makes a run for it. I didn’t notice Kyle was standing there watching the whole thing and when I turn around, I see Kyle standing there shocked. I look at him shocked and I whisper “oh no” I started to cry so I run away past Kyle. Kyle grabs my arm before I could run away from him again and he says “number one stop running away from me and number two we need to talk.”

I look at him and sigh “ok we can talk tomorrow after school I promise cause I have to get home before my mom kills me.” he looks at me and says “ ok tomorrow after school meet me by my locker right after you get your stuff in your locker.” “Ok” I say. He looks at me and smiles “good now let me at least drive you home.” I look in his eyes “fine.” I get in his car and we get to my house, I open the door “thanks see you tomorrow” and I closed the door before he can say anything else. I walk in the door and my mom is in the living room waiting for me “how was your day” I look at her “good” she looks at me “oh my god what happened to you?” I look down “nothing” She looks at me with a firm look then she calms down “ok well go wash up for supper.” I look at her “ok.” I walk upstairs and wash up.

I feel my phone vibrate, I see an unknown number, and I answer my phone “hello?” The voice on the other end “hi is Rose there?” “This is she” “oh hi rose its Kyle” “oh hi Kyle what’s up” he pauses for a moment “I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner? Maybe we can talk?” “I don’t know don’t you have a girlfriend” “yeah but I mean as a friend” “I don’t think that’s a good idea…. What if she sees us” “nothing will happen” “ok I guess” “great I’ll pick you up in an hour” he hangs up. I call down stairs “mom I’m going out for dinner. A friend is picking me up.” “Ok don’t forget to take your phone” “I won’t (ding dong) I’ll get it” I run down the stairs and open the door. “Are you ready?” “Yeah hold on let me get my jacket.”

He looks at me “ok” I grab my jacket “by mom I’m leaving” “ok hon have fun” “k” I run the to the door “come on lets go before she changes her mind” Kyle opens the car door for me like a gentleman. “Thank you” “no problem” I get in the car, we go to La cwanzo (a fancy restaurant), and we go in La cwanzo. Kyle says to the name taker “reservations for Monroe” “yes right this way Mr. Monroe” “thank you” we go and sit down. Kyle looks at me “you can order what ever you want it’s all on me” “I’m not hungry. I don’t need to eat” he looks at me weird “what do you mean you don’t need to eat?” “I can go for a month with out eating” “oh ok. Now what I saw in the alley, how did you do it?”

I look at him and sigh, “I was born with it, sometimes I can’t control it but that’s only when I get mad. I try not to use my powers when I don’t have to.” “Ok powers? Like a superhero?” “Well kind of, but superheroes only have one superpower, and I have many and also some developing new powers.”

He looks at me and says, “Ok I think I get it.” I feel my phone vibrate. “It’s my mom she wants me home, but I better answer it anyway. (I open my phone) hi mom I’m on my way home.” “Ok well get home as soon as you can.” “Ok (I hang up the phone) we’ve got to go my mom wants me home.” “Ok let’s go” he pays the waiter and we head off. We get to my house. “Thanks for the dinner” “No problem” I walk into the house and my mom is sitting down waiting for me.

“Finally your home, now go upstairs and get ready for bed.” “Ok” I go upstairs and get my PJ’s on and go to bed.

chapter 3

“Mom have you seen my hair brush” I yell from upstairs. “Have you checked your bathroom cabinet?” “Never mind I found it” “ok” I look at the clock, “Oh no! I’m going 2 be late for school.” I run downstairs and I stop by the kitchen door and I overheard mom-telling dad something.

“Arnold we can’t keep her here she’s too dangerous to be around Candi.” “I know dear we have to call the government maybe they can take away her powers and she will be normal.” I back up from the door and look at the clock, “oh I’m really going to be late now” I run to school crying because of what my mom and dad said. I get to school and wipe my tears. I get into the building and I see Kyle with crystal, then he sees me and waves at me and I start crying I run to the courtyard and sit by the Oak tree. I put my head in my knees and cry I see a shadow over me and I look up and see Kyle. “Are you ok?” I look at him and wipe my tears, “no I’m not ok.” He looks at me for a little while then finally says, “So are you going to tell me whats wrong?” “it’s a long story” “I’ve got time” “ok well I got up this morning looking for my hair brush and I was going to be late for school so I found it and ran downstairs and I overheard my mom and dad talking and they were saying that I’m becoming to dangerous for my little sister Candi and that they were going to send me away and my dad said that they were going to call the government to take me away and see if they can get rid of my powers.” Then I start crying.

“Don’t cry everything is going to be fine.” “How is everything going to be fine I’m going to end up running away and won’t have anywhere to go and anywhere to sleep.” He thinks for a moment, “You can live with me I mean if you want to.” “Really you really mean it, wait what about Crystal she won’t like the idea of me living with you.” “Its fine she doesn’t have to know.” “Ok.”

School is over and I go home to find a strange car in the driveway I look at the license plate and it says prop. Govern so I climb up the vine ladder to my room and open the window and pack my stuff quietly so no one will hear me I sneak out my room and say good-bye to my little sister Candi. I throw my bags out of the window and I jump out the window and I end up spraining my ankle. “Ouch” I get out my phone and call Kyle. Kyle answers the phone “hello Rose” “ hey Kyle uh I’m out side my house and I think I sprained my ankle and the government is here in my house I already have my stuff packed but I need your help before the spot me please I can’t walk.” “Sure ill be right there hang in there.” “Please hurry” I hang up and the next thing I know Kyle pulls up and he runs up to me and try to help me up but I stop him. “Get my bags first please” “ok” he gets my bags and puts them in the car trunk. Then he helps me up and puts me in the passenger seat and we head off to his house and I fall asleep. I feel the car stop and I’m getting lifted up and carried into the house.

I wake up in a huge bed I sit up and there’s a note on the nightstand beside me. I read it out loud, “Dear Rose if you wake up and are hungry the kitchen is downstairs it’s the third left down the hallway to the right of the stairs. P.S. there are crutches next to your bed there for you ankle.” I slide to the side of my bed and pick up the crutches and start down the stairs. I crutched into the kitchen and found Kyle by the stove, Kyle turns around, looks at me, and smiles. “Hi Rose did you get enough sleep?” “Yeah I actually did. What you cooking?” “Eggs and bacon, you want some” “yeah sure” “well better hurry and eat we have and half an hour before we have to go to school.” “Ok… Wait I can’t go to school the government will be expecting me to go.” “Oh yeah well you stay here I’ll leave a map of the house before I leave.” “Ok”


Kyle looks at the door “I wonder who that could be” (knock, knock) “hello Kyle honey I’m coming in now” “oh crap she can’t see you.” The door opens and she walks in, “Kyle are you ready for sch… What the hell is she doing here?” “Crystal I can explain she has no where to go I just can’t let her live on the streets.” “Whatever she’s not coming to school with us is she?” “No she’s staying home today she doesn’t feel good” “oh ok well lets go before school starts.” “Ok you’ll be ok right Rose my mom will be home in about two hours and she already knows about you so it’s ok.” “Yeah I’ll be fine”

They head out the door and head for school. I watch them pull out of the driveway. I walk around playing games, reading books, and I even started cleaning the house a little bit. When I started, doing the dishes Mrs. Monroe comes in, she looks at me “oh you must be Rose?” I smile “yes maim I am” “oh and so polite to. You know you don’t have to do the dishes, we have maids that do that” “I know Mrs. Monroe I just was bored so I started cleaning.” “oh you don’t have to call me Mrs. Monroe you can call me Lilly” “thank you Lilly I was wondering if I can go for a walk in the woods” “sure sweetie just make sure you watch out for the government and you have to be back by seven o clock” “ok” I get my jacket on and walk out the back door and started walking in the woods I was climbing up a tree and the next thing I know is that I see a shadow fly by me. “Anyone there?” I look around and I stand on the branch trying to be careful but I slip on the branch and I end up breaking my leg and hitting my head on the branch I quickly grab on a branch almost blacking out I see the shadow again and this time its standing on the branch that I’m holding then I pass out, I let go of the branch, and I feel hands grab onto my hands and I completely pass out.

chapter 4

I hear voices, “is she going to wake up she’s been out for at least a week.” I open my eyes slightly and I sit up and look around I see a group of girls around me. “Uhhh who are you?” the blond hear girl says, “Oh where are my manners? My name is Sally and the black hair girl is Tanya, the brown hair girl is molly, and the other brown hair girl is holly, holly and molly are twins and you are?”

“My name is Rose” Sally looks at me and says “well hi Rose you need to get changed before five o clock” I look at her confused “whats at five o clock?” Molly looks at me and slightly smiles “The auction are at five o clock” “the auctions?” Holly says “yeah the auction are when we get bought from there kind” “whats their kind?” Tanya looks at me and says “the vampires and if you want to take a shower then I would do it now and get dressed.” “Ok”

I get in the shower and wash up. When I get out there’s a sluty looking outfit on the bed I woke up in. I put it on and look in the mirror, “wow I look horrible.” I hear a knock at the door and the door opens and a young blond hair, young looking woman comes in and says “ok girls time for the auction.” we go into a cold looking room with one window and it was my time to go up I walked up to the middle of the room and the next thing I know I’m being dragged to another room and this pale looking mad grabs my arm and says “your going to be a good little play thing for my son.” He shoves me into a car and we drive off. Then we stop in front of a mansion he drags me out of the car I see a red haired woman standing at the door, he tells me “you will call me lord and my wife at the door beauty and my son master understand” I nodded. He pulls me to beauty and she tells him she’s got it from here, so he hands me to her. She takes me inside the house, “sorry about my husband he has anger issues and you can call me Eli and whats your name?” “Rose. Eli lord said your going to be a good little play thing for my son. What did he mean by that?” “well he wants a slave for our son to have sex with but you look to young for that. How old are you twelve?” “no thirteen” “see to young if I catch him having sex with you he’ll be grounded.” I nodded. She lead me up to my room and she told me to stay up here for a couple days till my outfits come in. I laid on my bed and I was so tired so I fell asleep for two days. When I woke up my closet and it was full with cute outfits. I look at the dresser beside the bed and there’s a note it said ‘when you wake up, put on the outfit that I have picked on the rocking chair then go down stairs and to the left of the staircase is the living room I’ll be waiting for you there with my son. Sincerely Eli’ I look at the rocking chair and I put on the outfit I thought I looked cute I followed the directions and I walked into the living room and I saw Eli and some boy I thought that must be her son. Eli turned around and smiles “hi Rose come here and meet my son Sam.” I walk over to her and whisper “hello” Sam looks at me like he is shocked and I look up and my eyes get wide. I think he looks a little bit like Kyle. My eyes start to tear up and I quickly look down before he sees me cry then I start crying. Then I quickly wipe my tears so they wont see. Eli looks at me then at Sam then says “ok you two I have to go and do some arens I’ll be back in about 4 hours. Rose are you going to be ok?” “yes maim.” Eli leaves us by ourselves. I look at Sam “ well if you excuse me Master I’ve got some chores to do.” I start walking away and he stops me and says “ wait why don’t you sit down for a little while.” “ok” I sit down and he turns on the t v and a maid comes in and sits on his lap. “hello master are you thirsty cause you can always have me.” “Trish no I’m kind of busy here.” “Come on master you know you want to.” Eli comes in, “Trish don’t you have chores to do.” Trish looks at Eli and gives her a nasty look “don’t you have chores to do?” Sam gets up “ GET OUT NOW!” Trish stomps out of the room.. I look down then Sam grabs my arms I gasp in pain cause I have cuts on my arms I quickly pull my arm away, “sorry master but that hurt.” he looks at me
“go get me a grape soda” I walk down the hallway looking for the kitchen but the problem is I have no idea where it is. I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, I turn around, and there’s Sam. “You haven’t been around the mansion yet have you.” I just shake my head. He takes my hand and he leads me into the kitchen and he walk to the fridge and pulls out the soda.

He sits down at the counter he looks at me “come sit down with me” I walk over to him and sit down and my eyes start to get droopy and fall asleep he looks at me and says “ you should go to bed your falling asleep.” so I get up and go to my room and put on my pajamas and fall asleep.

chapter 5

I wake up to a beeping sound, I look around for the sound and it’s the intercom I press the button and a voice comes out of it, it was lords voice. “Slave get your ass down here now.” I get on my maid outfit, cut a little bit before I go down, and then I walk down the hallway and I see Sam’s room but I go down stairs and lord is waiting for me he sniffs the air

“I smell blood”

I walk closer and he sniffs me a little bit. “ Oh Order of Words (consider revising) I smell you smell like blood, but wait a second that doesn’t smell like human blood.” I take a big swallow ‘oh no I hope he doesn’t figure out I have powers he might send me to the government’ he looks at me “what are you?” “Human” “no your not your blood smells nothing like a human”
‘oh no I’m starting to get my explosive headaches’ Sam is walking down the stairs. I grab my head a picture cracks up stairs and a vase breaks. Then I pass out.
I hear Sam yelling Rose, Rose wake up. I wake up lying in a bed that’s not mine. I sit up and Sam is waiting for me to wake up. I look at Sam “finally your awake now I have a question for you what are you?” I look down “a supernatural” “how are you a super natural besides having headaches and stuff breaking?” “Do you have a candle?” “Yes” he gets out a candle. I look at the candle and it lights. Then I blow at the candle and it blows out. I start crying, “Sorry master but I have chores to do” “wait how would you like to meet my friends they all want to meet you.” “sure master” “and stop calling me master call me Sam” “but lord said I have to call you master” “only call me master when he’s around” “ok” “so get changed and meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes.” “Ok”

I go to my room and change into something cute, then I walk downstairs and meet him by the couch. “You ready?” “Yes” so we walk out the back door, we go toward, and tree house and by the tree house is a swing. I get a big smile on my face ‘omg a swing I cant believe it’ he looks at me “go ahead and swing the guys aren’t here yet” I look at him with a smile “really you really mean it I can swing?” “Yes” I run to the swing I trip on a branch and accidentally cut my leg on the swing “sorry I didn’t mean to…..” “Don’t apologize but we should clean it up before the guys smell it” “are they… like you?” “Yes they are” he walks up to me and rips my pant leg and he wraps the pant leg around my leg and ties it. The next thing I know I feel someone coming fast. I get up fast and back up against a tree. I kneel down and put my hands on my head. “Rose are you ok?” “I feel someone coming I don’t want it to happen again” “what happen again?” “I don’t want to be taken away again the last time I was in the woods I was taken away” “oh well that wont happen to you again I promise”

I stand up I look in the tree and a boy was just getting in the tree he was just about to say boo but I said hi first. “Hello” he jumped. “ Dang it I was trying to scare you. How did you know I was coming?” “Uhhh” “she guessed” I turn around to look at Sam I mouth ‘thank you’ and the other guys show up. Sam says, “ The one in the tree is john, the one over there is Larry and the one over there is Ren. Guys this is Rose” Ren says “oh this is the lovely Rose that Sam hasn’t been able to shut up about” I look down and blush and Larry says “now I know why look how gorgeous she looks”

John sniffs “oh I smell blood” ‘ uh oh this cant be good’ then Ren says “ its Rose oh my god she’s not human” I back up into the tree and I wince cause I back up into a branch.

Then I start running and they were catching up to me then I stop but Sam said, “don’t stop running” but I didn’t listen. I put up a force field around me but I didn’t stop John. John puts his hand though the force field and grabs my arm I scream in pain. I pulls up my sleeves and revels the cuts on my arm. I concentrate and my arm gets hot he quickly pulls away cause it was getting to hot. Then Ren says, “Oh we have a supernatural on our hands and a one that can control her powers. Tell me here sweetie how did you get your powers?” “I was born with them” then I start running again “Sam!” I teleport to his house and I pass out on the porch. Sam is running toward the house.

“Rose” he picks me up and takes me inside and lays me in bed. Eli walks in “what did you do to her?” “nothing she passed out cause I went to the tree house cause my friends wanted to meet her so we went to the tree house she accidentally cut herself we tried to clean it up before they came but they smelt it and then she ran and she teleported to the house and she passed out on the porch. I promise.”

“Ok well let her sleep.” “Ok” I slept for two days with out waking up. I hear voices “ are you sure she’s ok doctor she’s been asleep for two days” “yes she’s fine see she’s waking up.” “but she looks pale” “she’s fine if you want when she fully wakes up I can take some blood test and see whats wrong” “that will be ok” I wake up to see Sam and a doctor sitting by my bed. “what happened?” Sam looks at me “you passed out. You’ve been passed out for two days.” “oh whats today?” “it’s December 24th, Christmas Eve.” “oh it’s my birthday” “Christmas Eve is your birthday?” “yes it is” “that means it’s your fourteenth birthday. Happy birthday.” “thanks” the doctor looks worried “Sam can I talk to you for a moment, alone.” “sure” I just lay there while they walk out of the room. ‘whats happening to me? Is everything ok? Whats going on?’ they walk back into the room, Sam looks worried. “Whats wrong Sam?” “oh its nothing” “ok” the doctor looks at me “I was wondering if I can take a blood test just to make sure everything is alright.” “yea sure” he sticks a needle in my arm, takes some blood, and wraps it up. I’ll come back tomorrow with the test results and let you know. The doctor walks out of the room. Sam looks at me “the doctor told me that you should rest until tomorrow I’ll come back later and check up on you my mom and I are going shopping we will be right back and my dad isn’t here so you don’t have to worry about him, he’s in France for a busness trip.” “thanks” “and some of the maids will be in here in a bit to give you something to eat” “ok” I watch him walk out of the room. I lay down and I hear a knock at the door. “who is it?” “my name is Nina I’m one of the maids I was told to come up and bring your food.” “come on in” Nina comes in and I realize it’s Nina from the other place I was at before here. “Nina…. It is I, Rose we were at that place together” “ROSE I thought I would never see you again” she gives me a hug. “omg Rose you look so pale. You have to eat” she hands me my food. “thanks so much will you visit me as much as you can while Sam is gone” “of course I will we’re best friends.” “thank you” “no problem but I have to get back to my chores before they get back” she leaves the room. I look at my food and I try to eat it but I’m not hungry.

chapter 6

Then there’s a knock at the front door. So I get up and walk downstairs I look though the peephole and see Kyle, (my Kyle), then I see Sam coming up to the steps with Eli, “can I help you?” Kyle says, “maybe have you seen a 13 year old girl brown hair, blue eyes, she has an amazing laugh, and her smile will just make you want to melt?” “no I haven’t sorry” “that’s ok thanks for your time” I go back upstairs then all of a sudden I have to go to the bathroom so I walk to the bathroom but I couldn’t make it all the way so I fall in a sitting position.

Sam climbs up the stair “I’ll be right back mom I’m going to check on Rose” “ok hon try to hurry we have to make cookies your little sister is come over for Christmas tomorrow.” “ok Rose are you ok?” I look up, “yea I’m fine I had to go to the bathroom but my legs gave out so I couldn’t make it.” “ok well lets help you up. Did you eat.” “no I wasn’t hungry.” He helps me up and takes me to my room and lays me down on my bed. “you need to rest” he starts walking out of the room, “don’t leave me. Please” he turns around

“I have to help my mom with making cookies for my little sister then I’ll come back I promise.”

“ok” he comes back like he promises. Then my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep. The next day I feel even more tired. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom I look in the mirror and I look so pale, I brush my teeth and couple of my teeth looks a little bit sharper than what they were before. I walk into the bedroom and Sam is sitting in the rocking chair asleep. I lay back in bed and I fall asleep.

Then I hear voices, “you have to wake her I have her results.” “Rose wake up the doctor is here.” I wake up and I sit up in bed. “you have the results?” “yes Mrs. Rose I’m afraid I have some bad news.” “what are they” “you are part vampire.” “what!” “you are part vampire the power’s you had before, you still have them but those were a symptom of becoming half vampire.” Sam looks shock “what she’s half vampire that means she can’t be a slave anymore and that she can go home.” “WHAT! I can go home. I can’t go home even if I wanted to” “why” “cause I got kicked out of my mom and dads house and I lived with that guy that was here yesterday and I don’t want to go back” “you don’t have to if you don’t want to but you have to go to a different room. This is a slave room.” “oh ok” “but the thing is we have to find a room for you to sleep in how about you sleep in my room.” “ok” the doctor leaves and Sam stays. “I’m hungry” Sam looks at me “that’s fine what would you like?” “pizza” “ok one pizza coming right up” Eli comes in “the doctor told me everything did he tell you if you don’t drink human blood by time your 18th birthday you could die?” “WHAT! He didn’t tell us that. Mom can you have cloie make a pizza” “Sam can you have Nina make a pizza she’s really good at cooking” “ok” Eli says, “sure sweetie” Eli leaves the room. “We should start moving your stuff into my room.” We move everything to his room.

“oh no”
I clinch my head “are you getting one of you explosive headaches?” I fall to the ground and start screaming “ah……..” “Rose are you ok? Rose, Rose listen to me try to fight it” “I’m… trying… but it hurts to much. Its not me doing this. Some one is in my head. Ah……” Sam looks out of the window and sees some person in the tree.
“Hey you, stop that!” and the guy disappears.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.12.2011

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