
Chapter 1-

Hey, I’m Emma Luve. Strange last name, I know. But what can I do about it? I was born with it. Anyways, Right now I’m at soccer practice. “Emma, PAY ATTENTION!” screamed the coach. “SORRY!” I scream back. I run for the ball, get it, and then pass it to my best friend Megan. “SCORE!” I scream out just as the ball goes into the opposing teams net. I run up to Megan and we do our handshake for when we score. Kinda cheesy I know, but we can’t help ourselves.

“LADIES, EVERYONE COME HERE FOR A MEETING!” Coach screams. Once everyone got to where the coach was, the coach started talking. “So as we know, next Fridays the last game for this season. The next season starts in 3 months. That’ll give you enough time to rest before tryouts again. I hope all of you will be there.” With that, she dismissed us all to run 5 laps then go into the locker room then go home. I was on my 4th lap when Megan ran up to me.

“Hey, can I spend the night at your house? My parents are in Florida for about a week and I don’t want to go home.” Megan is rich as you can tell. Her parents are hardly ever home. “Yea sure you can.” I say. After we were both done we went into the locker room to change outa our sweaty shorts and tops. Once we were done changing we went outside to my sexii new BMW M5. I got it for my 17th birthday about a month ago.

Once we reached my house, I saw that there was an unknown car in my drive way. “We must be having guests or something.” I say out loud. “Probably.” Says Megan. I get out of the car, and then go to the trunk to get mines and Megan’s things out. We close everything then I lock my car. My house is pretty big I guess, or well that’s what all my friends told me. It’s about 4 storages high, it’s made outa bricks, it also has 9 bedrooms, 3 on each floor. I opened the house door and walked inside, Megan hot on my heels.

“Mom Dad, I’m home.” I yell out loud. “Oh ya, Megan’s spending the night.” I yell again. We started walking up the stairs when my mother came into view. “Umm Emms? Can you please some in here to meet our guests?” My mom says in a shaky voice. ‘What’s wrong with her all of a sudden?’ I think to myself. I shrugged it off and walked into the living room where I found my mom and dad and our ‘Guests’ siting.

There was a man in a well-kept suit with brown hair that was starting to grey. His eyes were a mix of blue and grey. Next to him sat a woman that also had a suit on, except for it having a skirt instead of pants like her husband. She had golden hair that was cut to her shoulders and baby blue eyes. “Darling this is Mr. and Mrs. Burmington.” My father says to me with a smile. “Hello, My names Emma.” I say stretching out my hand to shake their hands. Right when I was about to walk out the door, I hit something solid in my tracks. I look up to see the hottest guy that I’ve ever seen. He had sea blue eyes, dark brown hair, and was wearing a blue Abercrombie shirt and some black jeans.

“Oh I’m so sorry.” I say. “It’s all right.” He says before sitting down in a chair. “Oh yes, and this is their son Kyle.” My mom says. “Emma, can you please sit down for a moment? Your mother and I have something to tell you…” My dad says. I sat down in the closest chair next to me, which was right next to Kyle. “Ok, shoot.” I say. “Well… right after you were born our company had almost gone bankrupt. That’s when we met Mary and David. They offered to help pay our company so it would be able to go on. Now our company makes lots of money.” He says.

“And the point of telling me that is?” I say interrupting my father. “Well umm how do I say this… Well when they offered to pay we had to make a deal. And well it was so that after you turn 17 you would marry their son…” He says not looking at me. I sat there in shock. I’m supposed to get married to Kyle? What! At the age of 17! That just totally takes away the rest of my teenage years. Why me, why me?!?! I think to myself.

“Umm Honey? Are you alright?” my mom asks me. I look up at her and say “Yea. I’m all right. Just a bit surprised that’s all.” I say before walking out of the room and into the backyard to get some fresh air. I stood there for a few minutes before I heard someone walk out into the backyard also. “Hey, your mom told me to tell you to pack up because you’re going to live with me in my house,” said Kyle.

I turn around and looked at him. “Do you really want to do this?” I ask him. “Well I guess it can’t be that bad. Anyways we can’t get out of this now can we?” he states. I sigh and turn back around. That’s when I felt warm arms go around my waist and pull me back a little. I felt a hard chest behind me.

“You know, this is going to be fun. Just me and you in our room…” I pull away from him before he could even finish his sentence. “I am not going to be like one of your little toys that you use then throw away.” I say. He grabs my hand and pulls towards him. “I know you want me.” He says in a husky voice.

I pull away from him and run back inside. I didn’t stop running until I was up in my room. “What took you so long?” I hear Megan ask me. “I’m getting married.” I say in a low voice, with a single tear going down my cheek. “Oh honey! I’m so sorry!” she says with a worried expression on her face. I explained everything that happened to her.

After I was done, I look at her and said “help me pack up, I’m leaving to Kyle’s house in the morning.” After we finished packing all my stuff, we went to bed. I woke up the next morning feeling happy. That is until I remembered everything that had happened yesterday. I stood up trying hard not to wake Megan up. ‘This may be the last time I see her in a while.’ I think to myself.

I walk to my closet and got a pair of short shorts and a big t-shirt. I also got a bra and panties of course. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I stripped then put the cloths in the hamper. I stepped into the water and let it soak into my tan skin. I was 5’5 with a golden eye color, brown hair, and tan as you already know.

I washed my hair and my body then got out. I put on my cloths and walked out of the bathroom to wake Megan up. “MEGAN WAKE UP!” I scream across the room. That made her wake up alright. If you count flipping off the bed I mean. “What the flip is wrong with you! You almost gave me a heart attack!” she screams. As you can see, she is most definitely not a morning person. “Whatever, Get up, get ready, eat breakfast, then I’m ganna take you home before I have to go.” With that I walk out the room. I was practically running down the stairs. I really don’t know why but it’s really fun to do. Then I jump the last 7 of them.

Once I reached the kitchen, I wished that I never did. Standing there, next to the counter talking to my mom was Kyle. “Hey, you’re up.” He says walking over to me then pecking me on the cheek. “Hey…” I mutter. I walked to the refrigerator and got out some milk. I took out a cup also then poured the milk in. I drank it while looking at Kyle who had a stupid smirk on his face.

Once I was done with the milk, I put it in the sink then sat down on the counter. I then noticed that my mom was not in the room. Must have gone out to leave us alone… ‘BAD IDEA MOM’ I scream inside my head. That’s when I noticed how close Kyle was to me. “So umm, when are we leaving?” I ask him. “We’ll leave soon.” He replied while putting his arms around my waist.

“Umm what are you doing?” I ask him. “What? I can’t even touch my fiancé?” He asks me with a smirk on him face. I lean in close to him and whisper in his ear “you can wait until we’re married.” Then I move away from him and lean back on the counter. “Your one hard girl to get.” He says to me. “Well I try.” I say sarcastically. This makes him laugh softly, showing off his pearly white teeth a little.

Just then Megan came in. “Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?” she asks eyeing Kyle’s arms around my waist. “No, you’re not.” I say before Kyle says anything. “Are you ready to go?” I ask her. She nods then I get off the counter and walk out the door holding my keys. I open the door then we both got in. “OMG, He’s so freakin HOT!” Megan practically screams. “Hey, that’s my fiancé that you’re talking about.” I say with a small smile.

“Oh my gosh, Emms, do you like him?” she asks me in a surprised tone. “Well umm I don’t know… I mean, I’m going to be living with him.” I say to her. We reach her house before she could ask me anything else. “Bye girl, I’ll see you soon!” I say to her through one of the open windows. “Bye babe!” she yelled back.

With that I took off back home. Once I reached the house I was all my stuff being put in a limo. Yes a limo. I walked out of my car and locked it. Just when I was about to turn around, I was Kyle right in front of me. “Hey baby.” He says, making a shiver go down my spine. “Hey, and don’t call me that.” I say with a serious face. “We’re leaving like right now so get in the car.” He says to me. “Alright.” Is all I say before getting into the limo.

He got in too and sat right next to me. And when I say next to me… I mean like practically on top of me. I turn my body a bit to that I could put I legs on him and lay back. That’s when I noticed that I was still in my short shorts and my large t-shirt. I looked at Kyle as he started rubbing my thigh a bit while watching a movie.

“Are you cold?” He asks me. “Umm a little.” I reply. I watch him as he takes off his jacket and gives it to me. I take it gratefully then put it on. It smelled really good, well just like him I guess. I smile and he smiles back. “Thank you.” I say as I took one of his hands and held on to it. With that I fell asleep.

(A/N) Hey, I hope that you guys are enjoying the book so far. I'm on my spring break right now so I have a lot of time to finish this book. Message me if you have any ideas for me, I promise I wont take full credit for it. Thank you for reading this and I'll update soon.

Chapter 2-

“Wake up.” I hear someone whisper in my ear. “Huh?” I say as I open my eyes. Everything was a little blurry at first but then cleared up. I looked up to see Kyle right in front of me. “We’re here.” He says with a smile. “Great.” I say sarcastically. I get out realizing that I still had Kyle’s coat on. “Oh sorry, here.” I say while taking the coat off.

“No, keep it on. It looks cute on you.” He says then winks at me. “Umm, ok.” I say with a sly smile. I put the coat back on and went towards the house or should I say mansion. Kyle walks with me, once we reach the door he knocks and one of the maids open the door. She looked about my age. She had blonde hair with blue eyes. She was taller than me that’s for sure.

She was about 5’9. I walk in and say “Thank you.” I smile at her and she smiles back. “Hello, I am Heather. You must be Emma.” She says to me. I node and say “Oh my gosh, you have such a beautiful name!” She giggles a little and says “Thank you.” With that I turn to Kyle who was smiling and ask “Can you show me to my room?” “Ya sure, but actually we’re sharing a room.
My parents think it would be a good idea that way we can get to know each other.” He responds.

“Uhhh, fine.” I say and start walking up the stairs. Once we reach ‘our’ bedroom I walked in. The bedroom had a huge king sized bed that had black coverings, the walls were painted black and blue. There was a huge flat screen TV at one wall. The other had a huge stereo with lots of CDs.

Then there was a door that must have led to a bathroom. ‘Hmm, this won’t be that bad…’ I think to myself. I decide to take a shower because I felt dirty for some reason. I turn to Kyle and say “I’m ganna take a shower.” Then I turn towards the bathroom and walk in. I stripped and put the cloths in the hamper. I turn on the water. Before I got in I took out my IPod and found some speakers. I turned on a song called It’s you by Fireflight. I got in and started singing to the song:

I wish that I could break all the mirrors in my mind
The ones that lie to me and steal away my pride
I wish I could be blind to everything that haunts me
If I use my heart, I can see your face
You show me the real me

It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothing's left in me
It's You

This world is always trying to take a piece of me
But You are always there to make me feel complete
If I can keep my eyes on what You have for me
I will face the truth and never look away
You'll show me the real me

It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothing's left in me
It's You

When I have nowhere else to go
And I can't find my way out
Your light it comes to guide me
I can't hide
You show me the real

It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothing's left in me
It's You

After the song ended I had finished washing my body and my hair. I got out and realized that I forgot that I didn’t bring my stuff up with me except for a backpack that had my panties and bras because you never know; someone might try and look through your bags. I put a towel around me and looked out the door to make sure that Kyle wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t in there thank goodness. I walked out and grabbed the backpack and ran back into the bathroom. I put on the bra and panties then walked out to go to Kyle’s closet. I looked around until I found a huge t-shirt and boxers. I put them on and walked down stairs.

Once I reached the kitchen I noticed that I only had breakfast. I asked the cook if he was able to make me a fruit salad sense I had to eat healthy for soccer. Once he was done making it I thanked him and walked into the living room where I found Kyle with some of his friends. I turned to walk away but I felt strong arms go around my waist. I turn to see Kyle. “Hey baby, can I have some of your salad?” He asks me.

“You’re capable of getting your own food. Anyways I’m hungry.” I say with a smirk on my face. He just smiles then pulls me into a kiss. But before he could kiss me, I turn my face a bit so he only gets my cheek. “Sneaky.” He says with a laugh. Then he turns back to his friends who were staring at us.

“This is John, Adam, and Matt.” He says while pointing to a guy with brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. Then a guy with blonde hair and green eyes. Then a guy with spiky black hair and hazel eyes. “Hey,” I say. “Oh and this is Emma, the girl I was telling you guys about.” Kyle says with a small smile. I decided that that would be a good time to sit on the couch and enjoy my salad.

I was almost done eating the salad when I heard all the guys leave. Huh, I didn’t even notice. I look up to see Kyle in front of me. “Let’s go upstairs.” He says. I walk back into the kitchen and throw the bowl that had my salad in it into the washer. I walk towards the stairs to see Kyle waiting for me. He smiled his million dollar smile and takes my hand. We walk up the stairs together.

Once we reached the room I ran towards the bed to get comfy. Once I put the covers over myself I turned my head to see Kyle standing there in only boxers. Damn he has a 6 pack. He caught me staring at him and said “Like what you see?” I turned away blushing. I hear him laugh before climbing in too. “Hmm, I never thought that you’d look that sexy in my cloths.” He says. I look up at his face and smile. “Thank you,” I say. He smiles then leans down to kiss me. This time I let him.

The kiss was soft at first; his lips were so warm and soft. After a while it became more passionate. I pulled away from him, both breathing hard. I look at him then say “I think this whole thing might work out.” “Ya, maybe.” H says before pulling me into another kiss. This time it was hungrier. I felt my stomach do little flips. I felt his tongue brush my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I grant him. When our tongues met in the middle, it felt like fireworks exploded in my mouth.

Our tongues danced together. I pulled away again after a while to catch my breath. “You’re a pretty good kisser.” I say to him. “You too,” He replies. With that I peck him on the lips and cuddle up next to him. His arm went around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled. Then I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to someone moving around the room. "Mom. Stop walking around the room." I mumble. I feel someone come close to me then peck me on the lips softly. "I'm not your mom, now wake up. You have 30 minutes to get ready for school." I hear the person say in a husky voice. I opened my eyes to see Kyle in front of me. "Uhh. You didn't tell me that I was going to school today!" I say in a mad tone. I got up and stretched. "Accidentally" Hitting Kyles face with my arm.

"Hey. That hurt." He said with a winy voice. "Whatever." I say then walk into the bathroom. I brushed my white teeth. After I was done I just brushed my hair sense I took a shower yesterday. I walked out of the bathroom to see Kyle putting on a white Aéropostale shirt, with dark blue jeans, and Jordans. Damn did he look hot.

I looked around to see that my stuff had finally been brought into the room. I went over to them and opened up the first suit case. I found a black Hollister with some dark jeans that I bought at Rue21. I put them on, not caring if Kyle was looking. Once I was done I turned around to find Kyle starring at me. "What?" i say in an annoyed voice. "Nothing. You look hot, lets go." He says looking away then starting to walk out of the room then down the stairs.

Chapter 3-

I walked out of the house and into Kyle's sexy blue Lamborghini. We didn't talk the whole way. Once we got to school, I walked out of the car. Everyone starred at me. And if someone didn't, it was because they were to busy whispering to their friends. I felt Kyle come up from behind me and take my hand.

"Hey, can you show me where the office is so i can get my schedule?" I ask him. "Yea, sure." He replies. We walk into the school and everyone was still starring. "Just ignore them." I hear kyle whisper to me. We walk into the office and I walk up to the lady behind the desk. "Hi,I was wondering if you can give me my schedule?" I ask her. I think her name was Rossa Park. "Sure, whats your name sweetie?" she asks me while standing up to go to a filing cabinet.

"Emma Luv" I say to her. She looks through the cabinet until she took out a piece of paper. "Here you go Emma." She says in a sweet voice. "Thank you." I say to her then walk out of the office. I saw Kyle standing there talking to some girl. I didn't mean to but I guess I eavesdropped. "Hayley we're over." Kyle says. "What? why? Kyle I love you! why do you want to break up with me?" She says practically crying. "Because. I'm getting married. I wish I could be with you but I can't." He says in a sad tone. I couldn't help but have my eyes well up with water.

So he doesn't like me or anything. That's when I knew that this marriage wasn't going to work. And that I'd have to learn to live with a man that doesn't love me. I felt tears start falling down my face. 'No' I think. He is not worth to cry about. I guess I just let myself believe that maybe this story will end like every other story that you read. That they fall in love, and they live happily ever after.

But that's not ganna happen. I made sure that all my tears were gone and that I didn't look like I was crying. I walked out all the way to find Kyle making out with Hayley fearsly. I looked at them in disgust. "Get a room." Is all I say while walking away from them. I looked at my schedule and it said Advanced Math, Art, Advanced English, Advanced Social Studies, Gym, Science. Yes I know, i'm pretty smart I guess. I walk to my first period class, then walk to the back of the room and sit down next to a girl that looked nice.

"Hey I'm Emma." I say to her. She looked up from her book and said "I'm Nataliy." Nataliy had long blonde hair and she wore glasses. She also had baby blue eyes, and was about 5'5 like me. "Are you new here?" She asks me. "Yea I am actually." Just then Kyle came in and smiled at me. "OMG, did Kyle just SMILE at you?" she asked me surprised. "Umm yea I guess so. But whatever." I reply not caring. "Are you serious? He's like the most popular guy at school. He's also going out with Hayley. She's captain of the Cheer team." She says to me.

"Nice to know." Is all I say. "Can I see your classes?" She asks me. "Yea sure." I say. I take the folded piece of paper outa my pocket and hand it to her. "OMG you have all the same periods as me!" She says excited. "That's awesome!" I say truly happy. I was glade that I had Nataliy in all my classes or else I wouldn't know how to get around anywhere.

"I'll be right back." I say to her. I walk up to Kyle and tap on his shoulder. "Hmm? Oh hey Emma." He says to me. "Hey, what classes do you have?" I ask him as I hand him my schedule. "Umm, I have art, gym and science with you." He says to me. I took my schedule away from him then pecked him on the lips lightly trying to play around with him a little. "Thank you, that's all I needed." I say then walk back to Nataliy who was starring at me in shock. Once I sat down she said "You can't just go up to him like that, and kiss him too."

"And why not?" I ask her taking that chance to look at Kyle who was looking at me. "Because, he has a girlfriend, Also he's catptain of the football team." She replies. "Oh, so that's where he got that sexy 6 pack of his." I say. I looked at her and saw her mouth litterally drop all the way to the floor. "Honey, close your mouth, you look like your about to have a seizure." I say to her.

She closes it then says in a low voice "How did you get to his 6 pack? I mean you just came here." I thought about what I was going to tell her, then decided to tell the truth because I hate lieing, even though I'm good at it. "Kyle and I are having an arranged marriage." I say in a whisper.

She looked surprised at first, then just looked away. She just nodded her head. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her with concern in my voice. "Oh nothing... It's just that I feel really bad for you that you have to marry him. I mean he can be a complete jerk sometimes." She replied. That's when the teacher came in. His name was Mr. Woods I think. We took notes until the bell rang. I packed all my stuff up and walk out the door.

While i was walking to my next class, i felt someone grab my hand and pull me into a closet. They turned on the lights. It was Hayley. "What do you want?" I ask her in a firm tone. "To stay away from my boyfriend!" She practically screamed. "What are you talking about?" I ask. I really had no clue. "Don't play dumb with me. I know what you did in 1st period. That's all everyone's been talking about." She say's really mad. "Ohh, that's what your talking about." I say in a sarcastic voice.

"Your boyfriend and I are getting married. And you can't do anything about it." I say with a smirk on my face. "UHHHHH." She screams then walks out of the closet. I watched her walk out. She had brown hair and blue eyes. She was tan. I walk out of the closet too and start walking around trying to find my next class sense I lost Nataliy. *DING DING* the bell just rang. Crap I'm going to be late. With that I start running.

Once I reached Art, i was 5 minutes late. First day and already late, this sucks. I opened the door to find my teacher, Mr. Kinde, starting class already. "And who are you?" he asks in a sarcastic voice. "Hey, i'm Emma Luve. I'm new here, sorry that i'm late!" i say. "it's alright, now go find a seat." he replies with a smile.


Bildmaterialien: Google Photoes/ Made the cover myself
Lektorat: Yours truely(:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2012

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