
Chapter 1

"Math... HOW I HATE MATH!" I say out loud in the middle of a test. I get a few chuckles from around the room. "Excuse me Ms. Austin’s, would you mind and not talk in the middle of your test?" the teacher says to me, giving me this glare. All my teachers hate me. Cuz I’m not scared if I get detention, or anything else like that. Ohh, I almost forgot, I'm Karina Austin’s. I guess my brother and the rest of the guys have REALLY bad influence on me. No, I don't cuss, and I don't ever plan on it. But sometimes it just slips out when I'm pissed.

I might as well explain how we look so it wouldn't be awkward later on if I forget.

Ok so I'm Karina Austin’s, I have waist length brown hair that has gold in it. I’m 5’5. I have dark blue eyes. Tan body. I play soccer, and as you can see I'm the team captain. I'm not "Popular" but I am known well around the school, if you haven't figured that out yet. Most girls would kill to have my body.

My brother Tristan. He has chocolate brown eyes. He’s 5’10. Black short hair that he spicks up. He also has a tan body like me. He's the captain of the football team. He's of course a player. Every girl that I know falls for him. It's not even funny.

Alex has blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He’s 5’10. He's also of the football team. But also on the basketball team. He's the biggest player of them all. He can get any girl that he wants and not even think twice about it.

Blake has brown hair and green eyes. He’s 5’11. Yes, he is on the football team. But also on the guys soccer team. He's not the biggest player, but he is like the most popular guy at school.

Matt has dark brown hair and sea blue eyes. 5’10. He's also my brother’s best friend. He's on the football and basketball team. He annoys the crap out of me half the time. The other he just teases me. We always get into fights. He's one of the hottest guys at school. I'm serious. Our year book proves it. Even though he can be annoying at times, I have to admit that he has the most adorable smile and the cutest dimples.

Eric has blonde hair and amber eyes. He’s 5’11. He is on the soccer team and basketball team. He has a huge ego and is so full of himself.

Jesse is my best friend outa all of the guys living in my house. He’s 5’10 He had soft brown hair and hazel eyes. He’s about 5’11. He always makes me smile, even when I’m mad, frustrated, sad, or just cranky. He’s a player with a heart. If that even makes sense.

Zane is about 5’10. He has black hair with blonde tips on them. Weird I know. But it makes him look really hot. He’s like the BIGGEST player at school. He’s nice to them, yes. But he’s just a complete jerk.

Before I know it the bell rings. Finally! Home here I come! I think as I run out the doors. *Oomph* I hit something in front of me. I waited to feel the ground under my butt, but it never came. Instead I felt strong arms wrap around me. I look up to see Matt. Omg, his aero shirt made his muscles stand out really good. And his basketball shorts made him look hot. Oh my... What am I thinking? This is my brother’s best friend that I’m talking about here.

He lifted me up and said “Why you in such a hurry? Oh and your brother said that I gatta give you a ride home after practice. “HOME, DUHH! and ok I guess.” Is all I say. I start walking away but a strong hand grabs my arm. I turn around to see Matt starting to pull me out onto the football field. “Why are you pulling me out here?” I ask him.

“Because I want you to practice with us today. I already asked coach and he said that it would be fun to see a girl trying football.” Uhh. He knows that I can’t play football. That annoying little fugly meanie. I know, I’m weird like that, but that’s the first words that popped into my head. “Really Matt? You know that I can’t play football.” I say in an annoyed voice. “Yea, that’s why you’re doing this.” He says with a sexy smirk. Wait, hold on, take a few steps back, a sexy smirk? What the heck is wrong with me today?

Once we got to the field the coach made us all run 10 laps around the field. Since I play soccer it wasn’t that hard to run, well until the 8th lap and my feet started to burn. “Damn princess, what lap are you on? You’ve been running like a maniac out here!” I hear Jesse say as he runs up to me. “I’m on my 9th now.” I reply breathless.

“I’m only on my 7th!” Jesse exclaims. “Well, then you better start moving those feet of yours before they stop working at all.” I say with a smile. Once I was done with my 10th lap I ran to the middle of the field and started stretching. It’s a habit of mine I guess. All the guys were still running their laps which I found pretty funny.

“Hey baby.” I hear matt say from behind me. I turn around and say “Don’t call me that. It annoys the crap outa me.” “Oh really? Then ima be calling you that all the time now.” He says with a smirk. Oh how I long to just smack it right off his pretty face.

Once their practice was over I went to the girl’s locker room to take a quick shower because I was really sweaty. No one was there so I quickly went into a stall and closed the door. I washed my hair and body then got out. Yes, I know our school is for rich kids. They have high tech stuff here like instead of laptops we get tablets.

Also we have showers that you can take. After I got out I dried myself then put on my cloths. I walked out to the parking lot to look for Matt. I found him standing in front of his car kissing freakin Jessica. Jessica is the cheerleading captain. She had long dark hair that reaches her butt. She also has dark brown eyes. She is about 5’7.

If it isn’t obvious, I completely dislike her. She’s a complete slut. She’s gone out with practically every guy at our school. Once I saw them standing there kissing, I couldn’t take it. I felt the tears coming. But I forced them to go back. Why would I cry about a guy that I don’t even like? But the truth is that I think that I do like him. He’s always been special to me. He’s always been there for me no matter what.

I turn around and start walking away. I’ve decided to walk home. I gatta clear my head out. But before I can walk any further, I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see Matt running towards me. I start walking faster, trying to get away but he grabs my hand and turns me to face him.

“Hey, why are you walking? I’m giving you a ride remember?” I turn my head and look away. I can feel the tears coming again. “Look at me when I’m talking to you Karina.” Matt says in a stern voice. I look up at him, and don’t care if he sees the tears that are now flowing freely. “Why are you crying?” he asks me with a concerned voice.

“It’s nothing.” I say in a calm voice. “Well it has to be something. Or else you wouldn’t be crying now would you.” He says. I look him straight in the eyes and say “Go back to that little whore that’s by your car. Don’t ever talk to me again.” Then I turn and walk away. I can feel his gaze burning on my flesh. I felt really bad to say it the way I did, but I didn’t care. He deserved it. Why you ask? Well it’s because I once told him that I liked him. He completely rejected me. Now I try and force myself to think that I don’t like him.

Once I got home I walked up to my room and didn’t say a word to the guys down stairs. I opened my room door and then closed it. I lie down on my bed and felt that I wasn’t alone. I turned to see a fast asleep Matt on my bed. He must have waited for me to get home. I wonder why. Ehh, whatever. I’m tired and it’s Friday so I wanna go to sleep. I laid down while putting the covers over myself. And fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up the next morning to a hand placed firmly around my waist. I turn around to see Matt lying in my bed. I then remember all that had happened yesterday. I poked him the arm playfully. “Oww. Dang. You pock hard.” He says sleepily. I giggle a little. “What are you doing in my bed?” I finally ask him. “I was waiting for you to get home. But I guess I kinda fell asleep waiting.” He replies. “Ok, well we can talk now.”

I say, “What did you want to talk about?” I ask him. “Why did you walk away? I mean I’m sorry about what you saw but I just couldn’t help myself.” He says to me. “You couldn’t help yourself? That’s your excuse? Wow, and I thought you were better than that. And I only walked away because I couldn’t stand just watching you kiss her. I mean you know that she’s a slut, but you still go for her.” I say trying to sound calm, but on the inside i was shaking.

“I… I… I’m sorry; I didn’t know what I was thinking. She just came up to me after practice and just kissed me. I couldn’t do anything about it so I kissed her back.” Was all he said looking straight into my eyes. I knew that he was telling the truth. So I cuddled up into him on my bed and fell asleep again without a further comment.

Once i woke up again it was about 1:00 pm. Matt wasn't there anymore so he must have woken up earlier than me. So i get out of bed, then walk to my closet to find some cloths to wear. I finally decided on a white tanktop with black booty shorts. Then I get some panties and a bra. It's supposed to be really hot today. I walk into my bathroom, start the shower, strip, then get in. I washed my hair, then my body and got out. I dried myself then put my cloths on. As i was walking down the stairs i saw that all the guys were watching tv.

So i went into the kitchen and got myself a poptart and walked back into the living room. There weren't any open seats so i decided to sit on someones lap. I walk up to Jesse and sit down on him. I lean back to get comfortable. Then I look at the guys to see them all looking at me, and is that drool? Haha, this will be something to laugh about.

"Guys stop drooling and watch your tv."I say with a hint of laughter. "Damn why does your sister have to be so damn hot?" I hear one of them say to my brother. "Hey, you do not talk about my sister that way. Or i will hurt you." He replies in his protective voice. Gosh, this is why i don't have a boyfriend. My brother always makes everything so hard. Uhh.

I feel someones eyes on me so i turn to see Zane stairing at me with lust? I dicied to plsy with some of them a little. I stand up and walk up to Zane and sit down on his lap this time. I move my body around a bit to get comfortable. Then i lean back and start playing with his hair. I hear him moan a little and smile. Suddenly i feel Zane Jr. Oh gosh. So i stand up and walk back into the kitchen to get some milk.

I laughing in the living room and some of the guys saying things like "Haha She got you good!" and "She really turned you on didn't she?" All that made me crack up. I walk back into the living room and say "I'm ganna go swiming, who wants to come with?" All i see is a whole bung of guys trying to get to there rooms to change.

Haha I guess that's all of them. I turn to see if anyone was left and there was my brother and Matt. "You guys coming or no?" i ask them. I brother stands up and says "Sure." then walks up the stairs. The only one left was Matt. "What's wrong? Don't you wanna come too?" I ask him. He just stands up, walks to me and puts his arms around my waist. "Yes i do.. But I don't know if you want me to come." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Of course i do!" I say. "Fine prove it to me." He says. "How do you want me to do that?" I ask him. "Kiss me." is all he says. Did he really just say that he wants me to kiss him? "Umm sure ok." Then i press my lips to his. He kisses me back but it didn't last that long. His lips were soft and warm. Then i pulled away and said "Was that good enough?" "It was perfect." He says with a smile. Then he pulls away and walks up the stairs to change.

You wanna know what's weird? the fact that one guy can make you feel like trash one moment and a princess the next. Stange right?
I went up stairs and went to my bedroom. I put on a black bikini and a pair of sort shorts with a tanktop. I walked down stairs holding a towel. None of the guys were down stairs. Hmm, they ust all be outside at the pool by now i guess.

I walk outside to see them all just standing around chillin. Suddenly i feel arms around my waist picking me up, then throwing my over their shoulder. "Put me down!" I scream while laughing at the same time. They're heading for the pool. Oh crap. The next thing i know is someone saying "Payback time!" and i feel myself hit the water. I squirmed around a bit, trying to tell my feet to move, and finally they did.

I reached the surface right before i ran outa breathe and would have been nocked out. I pull myself outa the pool. All i hear is all the guys laughing. I just sit there. I almost died, i think to myself. I just kept on sitting there. I think i went into shock or something. I guess my head hit that water pretty badly. Someone taps on my shoulder and says "Are you ok?" in a worried voice. That's when it all went black...


I opened my eyes to see a white room. I turned my head a little to see Tristan sitting in a chair a sleep. I noticed that someones head was next to my stomach. I turned to the other side to see Matt, laying there with his head baried in the white sheets.

I lifted my hand a little and placed it on his head.I felt him stir a little but didn't wake up. I started running my hand through his hair and after a while got tired of it. Just as i wsa about to take my hand away, I saw him lift his head up and rub his sleepy eyes.

Right when he saw me there looking at him, he opoened his mouth to say something but i shushed him by placing my hand over his mouth. "Shhh, I don't want Tristan to wake up." I say in a soothing voice. "I can't believe that your finally awake!" He almost screams in my hand. I giggle a little because it tickled. Then i ask "What happened? How long have i been out?"

"The docter said that you had a concution by hitting your head in the water to hard, You were pretty lucky to have had enough time to pull yourself outa there before you knocked out. You were out for 3 days now. Gosh, I was so worried about you! I don;t know what would have happened if i lost you!" He wails. "Wait? what do you mean by that?" I ask him, one of my eye brows raised in curiosity.

"Umm... Well.........I guess I can tell you... Umm how do I say this.... Well, I.. I.." "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" i scream in a whispered voice, trying hard not to wake Triston up. "I.... I like you a lot Karina Jay Austin's." Is all he says before turning his head away blushing. I knew he was telling me the truth because he sais my full name.

I take my hand and force him to look at me. "And I like you a lot too Matthew Vans Smith." I say with a smile on my face. he pulls ee towards him and kisses me. He didn't try and speed through it though. He took his time. His lips were so soft and so warm that i didn't want to let go.

Just then i feel someone shift around on the other side of me. I break the kiis to see Triston opening his eyes. "What did I miss?" he asked in a sleepy tone. Me and Matt just laughed a little and I said "Go to sleep Triston, I'll tell you in the morning."

With a glance at Matt he fell back asleep. "I'm kinda tired so I'm going to go to bed also." I whisper to Matt with a small smile on my face. "Ok, but if you need me, I'm right here." I nod my head.

I close my eyes, but before I fall asleep, I feel him kiss my lips softly, then lay his head in my arms. "I love you." I hear him whisper very softly. "I love u too." I whisper back, hoping that he didn't really hear me. But i feel a smile form on his lips. Then i fall into a dreamless sleep.

(A/N) Hey guys, I hope that you guys are enjoying the book so far. Anyways I wanted to ask u guys if you think that there should be a revenge scene soon. Ohh also you guys should give me some ideas too. Thanks and PLEASE give me ideas ASAP! (I wont take any credit in the ideas, I'll just put the ideas in the book) Thanks again. (:

Chapter 2

I went home about a week ago. It wasn't that bad, except for the fact that all the guys squished the crap outa me when they hugged me. Well anyways, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!?! ok fine you guessed it, the last day of school. I woke up by my name being called. I look up to see Triston only inches away from my face. "AHHHH," I screamed. I mean how would you feel if your brother was right in front of your face when you just woke up? "Well you wouldn't wake up. You have an hour left before we leave for school. So get ready." He says, then walks out of my room.

I get up and walk to my closet. Hmm, since it's the last day of school, I might as well wear a summer dress. I look around my closet until I find the exact dress that I was looking for. It was red, flowy, and had some flower desgines in the front and back. I also get the usual, You know it, bra and panties. I walk into the bathroom, brush my teeth, take a shower, dry, then put my cloths on.

I walked down the stairs to find all the guys there eating breakfast. "Umm, guys? shouldn't we get going I mean.. school starts in like 20 minutes." I say ask i grab my bag and start walking out to my sexy blue BMW i8. It's the most progressive sparts car ever. Yes, it costed over $500,000 dollars. NO ONE can touch it.

Matt came out side and jumped into my passenger seat. "Umm, What do you think your doing?" I ask him. "Getting a rid to school?" He says in a duh voice. Whatever. I sit down in the drivers seat and start driving. I turn on the radio and What doesn't kill you By Kelly Clarkson comes on. I start singing to it because YES, it's my favorite song.

You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you've had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new
They told you I was moving on over you
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me
But you see...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking 'about me
You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning
In the end...
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.

After the song was over we arrived at school. "Damn babe. You have one heck of a voice," He says with a grin on his face. "Whatever." I say and walk out of the car with him close behind. Everyone stared. Like always.

Matt grabed my hand and headed inside with me. Once we got inside, everything got quiet. 'Weird' I thought. "Hey Matt." said a voice behind us. I turned around to find Victoria, or should I say another "Slut" of the school.

Victoria has black hair that ws shoulder length. She had dark brown eyes, she was TALL, about 5'9. She wore a very short leathered skirt, a short sleeved V neck shirt that only reached her bellie button. She also had on some black pumps that made her look taller than she already was.

"Umm, hey.." said Matt. She walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "So, since it's friday, and my parents arn't ganna be home all week, you wanna come over tonight and have some fun with me?" She asked in a seducive voice.

Matt stepped back a bit so she wouldn't be touching him anymore and said "Sorry, but i'm taken. I also have plans." With that he took my hand again, which seemed to have departed, and pulled us to our first period class.

The last day of school passed by really fast. The teachers seemed to be nice to me today. Weird huh? Once 6th period was over, i headed down to my locker which was way on the other side of the school. I didn't have matt for 6th period, so he would just have to wait outside for me.

Usually i'm the last one out anyways. As I put my stuff in my locker, I felt hands around my waist. I turned around to find Zane, with lust in his eyes. "Hey sexy." He said, his voice purring. "Zane get off me! You know my brother will kill you!" I shout/whisper. He closes my locker for me the pushes me against it. He puts a hand over my mouth before I could say anything else.

Then he started kissing my neck trailing up to my lips. He then said the words that I thought would never be said to me again. "You scream, I will hurt you." I whimper a little in his hands before he slaps me hard across the cheek. I bite my lip from screaming out in pain.

Then he took hold of me, pulled me into a classroom that was empty. 'Crap. Why is there no one here?' I think to myself. Zane started pulling down my pants, but i wont go down without a fight. I start kicking him with my feet and try to scream but i couldn't.

He slaps me again, but harder this time, on the exact same cheeck as before. "stop kicking or I will make this more painful." He says, anger now itching in his voice. 'Oh gosh, he's ganna rape me..' I think. Just then an image appearedoh ow wonce when I was 14, I was raped by my dads friend.I never told anyone before. Zane startedpulling down my panties when the door suddenly opened. And there stood Matt. Shocked. 'Oh my gosg, I can;t believe it's him' I think.

I took that chance to kick Zane were the sun don't shine. He fell to the ground, cursing loudly. Matt runs up to me and say "Are you ok?" I look at him and say "Do i look ok to you? I was about to get rapped." Matt turns to Zane and starts beating the crap outa him. Once he was done, i had my pants and everything back on.

'Stay strong Karina, Don't you dare cry infront of Matt.' I think to myself trying to hold back the tears that threatened to come out. He takes me to his car and says "Are you sure your ok?" "Yes." Is all I say.He looks at me worriedly. I mean,

It's not everyday that your girlfriend almost gets rapped. I turn to him and hug him so very tightly. I guess a girl can't stay strong forever in this situation because the tears started flowing down hard.


Chapter 3

By the time we got home my face looked like a little puff ball. Matt turns towards and and hugs me. "Hey, it's going to be ok. You're going to be ok. I promise I won't ever let you get hurt. I swear if I see him again he's going to be 20 feet under." I looked up at him with a small smile. "Thanks Matt."

I opened the car door and walked up to the front door. I walked in to find no body home. Oh right, It was guys night out today.

I walk up to my room and lay down on my bed. What if he did rape me? what would people think of me then?

What am I saying, I never care about what people think of me. I close my eyes for a few moments only to open them again to an ugly sound escaping my stomach.

Oh Lorddd. I thought to myself. I swing my legs out of my comforters and stood up. "Woahhhh." I scream as i fall. OOMPH. I grumble a little as I stand up again. I hate it when I stand up to fast and all of a sudden go blind, like come on brain, work with me.

I begin to walk down down stairs, but once again fall on my butt. ouch. "Stupid little blanket." I whisper and yell at the same time.

Like seriously, who leaves a freaking blanket on the stairs. I look down to see Matt with a smile on his face trying hard not to laugh. Gosh, aren't I glad to be putting on such a splended show for him.

I walk down the rest of the stairs without falling thank goodness, and shoved right past him. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I was still pissed about what Zane almost did. It wasn't the first time I was almost raped.. But only a handfull of people know that. 

"What's up with you princess?" I turn around to look Matt in the eyes. Is he being serious right now. Did he really just ask that?

"Oh I don't know Matt, maybe it's the fact that I'm have a bad day?" I begin to walk away from him but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back towards him. I look down at the ground, tears beginning to build up in my eyes once again. 

"Hey hey, Look at me." I hear Matt say softly. I keep my eyes trained on the floor. I don't want him to see me like this. I need to get out of here.

I feel him softly brush his lips over my forehead. He lifts his hand and brings it up to my chin, forcing me to look at him. 

I look away from him, but i can feel him studying my face. "I need to tell you something Korina." I look up into his eyes and see sorrow and pain in them but quickly turn emotionless.

"I can't be with you anymore."



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.03.2012

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