
Chapter 1

Everything is gone… No one is left except for me Zana Night and a few others that survived the bombing in Hemmer. Well that’s what I thought until we arrived in Titanium. The “Monarchy” were the ones that kept everything in top shape. Titanium had 5 zones. Zone one made all the clothing, which made them the richest zone. Zone 2 made all the food, which made their zone be able to have lots of fun festivals, and no one went hungry. Zone 3 worked with construction, so they all had homes to live in and they were never cold. Zone 4 worked with the armed forces which made them be able to protect themselves from any danger, which also means that they get a roof over their heads and 3 meals a day. Zone 5 worked with animals, which made them have at least 2 meals a day, because most of their food went to the animals. Also they all had a home which helped them a lot.

I ended up in Zone 5. When we reached the Monarchy they sent us each into different Zones, some went to zone 3 others went to zone 2 or 1. But most went to zone 4 except for me. I was the only one sent to Zone 5. I guess it’s because they thought that I would be able to take care of myself because really, I was the only girl that survived through that treacherous bombing. My parents and brother died when I was out getting some food from the grocery store, they were the first really. By the time I got back to my home, there was nothing left except for a burning house. Everything happened really fast, I hardly had time to think about what I was doing before my feet lead me to the forest, where I got my bow and arrow and ran for it because I knew there was more explosions to come, and I wouldn’t want to be caught in one of them. On my way through the forest I met other people who were able to escape. We all worked together to keep each other alive. But that didn’t help until a terrible sickness came over most of the people in our group. I and some others were lucky not to catch it. Those with the sickness died because we had no cure from it, and we didn’t know what it was. We continued our journey after that in search of some other people. After about 4 days passed we stumbled upon the Monarchy. They sent us to zones. That’s how I ended up here in zone 5.

When I first stepped into zone 5, it was all very quiet. The first thought that came to my head was where was I going to stay? Live? Get food? But it was all quickly answered when a young couple walks over to me and said “Hello, are you Zana?” “Yes” I replied quietly trying hard not to have my emotions show. “Great! You’ll be living with us from now on until you get married or tern 20.” The lady replied. “Ok” was all I said. “Oh, how rude of us, my name is Cristal, and this is my husband Max.” Cristal says to me. “It’s very nice to meet you.” I say as a smile tugged at the end of my lips. Cristal had blonde hair that reached down to her waste, she had big green eyes that were full of love and care, her olive colored skin matching mine, she was about 5’5 a little bit taller than me. She looked to be about 23. I was 5’4 with dark brown hair that also reached down to my waste, but I usually wore it in a ponytail, I had dark blue eye’s that, as my mom used to say, fit my clear face perfectly. I am 17 years old. Max had black hair that was cut short so he could spike it up. He was about 5’11, with chocolate brown eyes. He looked to be about 25 year’s old. “Well then, we might as well start getting home because it’s starting to get dark, and we still had to feed the horses.” Max said.
Once we got to their home, I stared at it in awe. It was about 3 storages high, and was light blue. It was the biggest house I had ever seen. My old home was only 2 storages high and was green. I didn’t like it that much but it was a great place to live. Once we walked inside I was mesmerized by its beauty. It had about 7 bedrooms, 4 on the second floor and 3 on the 3rd floor. It also had 6 bathrooms, 3 on the 2nd floor and 3 on the 3rd. Their kitchen was HUGE! And so was the dining room and living room. “Zana your room will be up on the 3rd floor the second door to the left.” Cristal told me. I nodded and ran up the stairs. I know you’re not supposed to, but I was just too excited to see my room. When I walked into my room, I once again stared in awe. My bed was a queen sized bed, with a white fluffy blanket. The wall was a violet color. When I opened my closet door, I was surprised that it was full of clothes. I had a merrier on one side of my wall and a comfortable looking chair on the other end. I closed the closet door and laid down on my bed not bothering to change my clothing. Then fell into a deep sleep.

I was awoken by a loud beeping noise and turned my head towards the noise. My hand reached out and hit a button on what I realized was an alarm clock. It read 9:00 AM. I sat up on my bed and went to my closet to change my clothes. Once I got out the clothes that I was ganna wear which was a buttoned up shirt with a tank top underneath and a pair of tight jeans. I went into the bathroom and started the shower, undressed and got in. I was washing my arm off when I noticed that there was a huge cut going down it. “Must have been that beaver that I was hunting down” I think to myself. After I was finished getting all the dirt off my body, I started washing my hair. Once I got out I wiped myself clean with a white towel and put my clothes on. I was half way down the second floor stairs when a mouthwatering scent came to my nose. My stomach rumbled. I started running down the stairs. Once I got to the kitchen I saw a plate with some pancakes and eggs waiting for me. “Oh you’re up!” Cristal says. I nodded and went to my place and sat down. That’s when I noticed that I wasn’t alone. There was a handsome boy sitting a few seats away from me. He had grey eyes and black hair. His hair was also cut short like Max’s to be able to spike it. He was tan, and even though he was sitting I could tell that he was about 5’9. He wasn’t wearing a shirt which showed his 6 pack. “Umm, why are you staring at me?” he asks me. I quickly turn away my face flushing a red shade. I didn’t notice that I was staring at him. “Sorry.” I grumble. “Haha, it’s ok.” He laughs. “I’m Aaron, and you must be Zana that every ones been talking about.” He says then winces my way. “Uhhm ya I’m Zana…” I say awkwardly. He just laughs and turns towards Max who was sitting across from me. “Hey Max, so is Zana going to be helping me out with the horses now? “ He asks him. “Ya, I was hoping you could also show her around town. Sense she’s going to be living here.” “Sure” was all Aaron says before turning back to me and saying “Meet me by the front door in 15 minutes.” Then he stood up and walked outside.

Chapter 2

Once I was finished with breakfast, I slowly walked towards the door. A part of me wanted to run out the door to find Aaron, but another part of me wanted to stall as long as I can to try and not embarrass myself in front of him again. Once I opened the door, I realized that Aaron had been waiting for me. He smiled at me then said “What took you so long?” “Well, I was finishing breakfast.” I said in a Duh voice. He just laughed and started moving towards a barn. I followed him. Suddenly he disappeared. So I started running towards the barn door. *UMH* I hit something hard. Ouch. I looked up to see Aaron smiling at me. “Why’d you suddenly stop?” I ask him. “Well, I had to make sure you were coming now didn’t I?” he asks me. “Whatever.” I say. I stand up and look around. There was a bunch of hay in one corner, and the rest of the barn was filled with stalls for the horses I’m guessing. “While you were eating breakfast I took the time to let all the horses out to their field. So now all we have to do is get that hay and put it in their feeders. Then we could go to town so I could show you around.” He says to me. “Sure, that would be great.” I say smiling for the first time sense I got to zone 5. Aaron showed me how much hay to put in their feeders, then how much water to put in their buckets. After we were done, we started heading towards town.

“Hey, we’re going to stop by some of my friend’s house on the way to town k?” He asks me. “Yea sure.” I say in a bored tone. “Why do u live with Max and Cristal?” I ask Aaron. “Well, Max is my big brother. He started taking care of me after my parents died.” He replies. “Why are you here anyways?” He asks me. “Umm, well, I used to live in a town called Hemmer. One day I was coming home from the grocery store and there was an explosion. I ran towards the noise as fast as I could. I tried to save them. But they were gone… So I ran to the woods. Got my bow and arrow and ran for it. I met others in the woods and we traveled together. Later on a sickness came around. Only the strongest survived. I was the only girl left unfortunately. Sometime later we stumbled upon the Monarchy. They sent us to different Zones. That’s how I ended up here.” By the time I was finished telling my story, I had to try and push back the tears that were trying hard to come out. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry, I think to myself. “Wow, I’m so sorry.” Is all Aaron manages to say before looking away from my face. “Hey, Zana I never got to ask you but how old are you anyways?” he manages to ask. “I’m 17, what about you?” I ask. “I’m 18.” He replies. After about 5 minutes of walking in silence, we come near a big house about 2 storages high and are yellow. “This is one of my friend’s houses. His name is Toney Helter. “Aaron tells me. We walk up the steps to the door. *KNOCK KNOCK* “Hey Aaron!” Toney says as he walks out side. “And who is this beautiful lady?” he says looking me up and down. I turn away and blush. “She’s Zana.” He replies in a Duh voice. “Ohh, so you’re the girl who survived the woods, everyone’s been talking about you.” He says then winces at me. I could feel my face getting redder by the second. “Umm ya I guess.” I say, determined to keep my voice calm and not show any embarrassment. I mean the girl who survived the woods? Just great. I’m only here for a day and already everyone knows me, I think to myself. “So, what do you guys want to do?” Toney asks us. “We’re going to town so I could show Zana around.” Aaron replies, starting to look annoyed.

Once we got to town, I noticed that everyone was staring at me. Awkward, I think to myself. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted by strong arms. For a second I freeze enjoying its warmth. But all to soon I was set back down. “What do you think you were doing?!?!?!” Aaron screamed while turning me around to face me. “Umm, what are you talking about?” I reply, noticing that now everyone was staring at us. “You almost got yourself KILLED!” he screams. “How the heck was I ganna get myself killed.” I say, trying to control my voice. Really, I mean who does he think he was telling me I was about to kill myself? I don’t remember doing anything stupid like that. I turn around to leave when strong arms grasp me once again. “Stop doing that!” I yell. “Don’t move.” He says in a deathly calm voice. Just then I heard a hiss out of nowhere. I look down to see a huge Anaconda. I silently held in a scream. “Sword” I say out quietly. “What did you just say?” Aaron murmurs into my ear. It sent a shiver down my back. No. I think to myself. I have to focus if I want us to get out of here alive. “Sword” I say a bit louder this time. “Why do you need swords?” Aaron questions me. I slowly reach down to where my sword was. I just remembered that I had put it on today. Even though I don’t know why. I slowly pulled the sword out of its place in its sheath. I only have one chance at this. After that it’s life or death. “Release your grip on me Aaron.” I say in a calm voice. “And why would I do that?” he asks me. “Just do it and stop questioning me whenever I ask you to do something.” I snapped back. “Fine whatever.” He says. Then he slowly releases his grip from around my chest. Once his hands were off of me and the anaconda turned away for just a second, I quickly took my chance at its head. It came off as easily as it was on. Suddenly I heard everyone gasp in horror. I turned around to see Aaron right in front of me. There were clear emotions on his face, surprise, horror, desire, mad, then happy, then expressionless. He just stood there staring at me just like everyone else. “Why are you all staring at me?” I almost scream. No one replies. I guess that’s my que to leave, I think silently to myself. As I started walking away, I felt every ones eye’s burning into my sole. “Stop staring.” I say in a deathly calm voice. But then again, everyone was still staring. Uhhm, do any of these people have lives? Man I’m getting annoyed. I slip my sword back into its sheath.

Chapter 3

Once I got to my new “Home” I walked right in and up the stairs. “Hello? Is anyone home?” I called out. No reply. They all must be out or something. I walk into my room to find a note on my bed, it said: Zana, we are out getting the horses with other folks. Don’t be surprised if we aren’t home for a few days. Oh, and also I made you and Aaron some lunch. It’s on the kitchen counter. –Cristal & Max. Ok then. So I guess I might as well go eat some lunch. I’m starving. I ran down the two flights of stairs and ran into the kitchen. There were 4 sandwiches lying on the kitchen counter. I started to devour one and ended up eating another. After I was done eating my sandwiches I decided to go upstairs to take a nap. I was on the second flight of stairs when I hear the door open and close. That must be Aaron I think to myself. Suddenly I hear someone say “Man, did you see her back their? I mean WOW, I haven’t ever seen a girl in that situation, none the less handle it like that!” someone said. “Yah, when she told me to let go of her I was confused, but I guess arguing with her wouldn’t have helped. I didn’t even know that she had a sword with her! I’ve never seen a girl be able to handle one like that. I mean did you see the head of the snake come off completely? It was so unexpected.” Aaron says. “Ya, she’s one of a kind.” The person with Aaron says. That’s when I heard footsteps moving towards the steps. I quickly scurried into my room and closed the door softly after myself. I laid down on my bed. “Well that was fun” I think. With that I felt my eyes close and I was fast asleep.

The next morning I woke up to light snoring. I opened my eyes a little and saw Aaron laying there. He wasn’t wearing a shirt or his jeans… he was in his boxers… I felt my face go 3 shades of red. But then I noticed that Aaron had one of his arms protectively around my waist. I softly turned around, trying not to wake him up. Once I was facing him, I just looked at him. His beautiful tan face and black hair made him look so hot. I lightly raise my hand up and trace his jaw with my finger. When my hands reached him mouth, I thought about how great it would be to feel those soft lips on mine. Wait, what am I thinking? He doesn’t like me that way. He never will. Suddenly I feel eyes on me. I lift my face up to were Aaron was looking at me. “Good morning sleepy head, I see your awake.” He says to me. “What are you doing in my bed?” I ask him suspiciously. “I was lonely in my own bedroom... so I came in here.” He says smiling his beautiful smile. I couldn’t help it but smile back. He was so adorable. We just laid there looking into each other’s eyes. Suddenly I felt a hand go up my back, and started playing with my hair. “You know, you were pretty brave back there.” Aaron says. “Umm thanks I guess.” I said back. “I never knew you could work with swords.” He says. “It’s not like anyone else did either.” I said back a bit too harshly. Suddenly Aaron stopped playing around with my hair and moved his hand back down to my waist, looking at me with intent eyes. “Where did you learn how to use a sword?” he asks me very calmly, but I could hear the intensity in his voice. “My dad used to take me out to the woods. He taught me how to use swords, knives, and bow and arrows. But I was best at swords.” I reply trying to keep my voice steady. “Ok.” Was all he said before he smiled. I smiled back for no particular reason. It was great to be in his arms. I felt so safe and warm in his arms. With that I fell asleep once more, but this time I dreamed dreams that filled me with hope of starting a new life in zone 5.

I woke up to an empty bed. As I was walking down stairs to see if Aaron was there, I heard Troy and him talking. Ehh, I’m not in the mood to listen. When I walked into the kitchen, Troy and Aaron turned around and stared at me. Why does everyone stare at me?!?!?!?!?! I scream in my mind. Then all of a sudden Aaron picks me up on his shoulder and starts walking out the back door. “AARON! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTENT!” I scream at him. “Alright.” Was all he says before I’m thrown into a pool? I didn’t even know we had a pool. Once I finally get to the top of the water, I was surprised to see that Aaron had jumped in too. He moved towards me with soft strokes. Once he finally reached me, he put his arms around my waist, as I put my arms around his neck and put my legs around his waist. “I hate you.” I whisper. “I love you too.” He says matching my tone. Then for some reason I started laughing. I really don’t know why but I just really had to let it out. “Why are you laughing?” Aaron asks smiling. “I don’t know.” I said through giggles. Finally, after about 5 more minutes of hysterical laughing, I started to calm down a bit. “You know, you’re really beautiful when you laugh.” Aaron says unexpectedly. The next thing I know is him leaning in to completely dissolve the area between us. His lips reached mines. They were so soft and warm, and his kiss was so passionate. I kissed him back with the same amount of passion. My hand reached out and tugged at his hair lightly. I could tell that he was trying hard to hold back a moan. One of his hands slipped away from my waist and cupped my jaw lightly to deepen the kiss. I put my hand on his chest and pulled away. We were both gasping for breath. I looked up at his grey eyes and saw love, passion, and care in them. I took that chance to kiss him lightly on the cheek. After that we pulled apart and got out of the pool. Once we were out Aaron came over to me and linked our fingers together, then we walked inside the house soaking wet.

Chapter 4

Once we got inside, Troy was staring at us. “What?” I say in a harsh tone. I’m getting pissed that everyone’s been staring at me lately. I mean, I'm just a normal person like them. Gosh. “Nothing.” He says his eyes glistening in amusement. “Whatever.” I say before I walk up the stairs to shower and change. Once I got up to my room, I went to the closet and pulled out a black tank top, a black pare of tight pants, and a grey jacket. I know what your thing what’s up with all the dark colors? Well, I was never a girly girl, and I just feel like wearing dark colors right now. Then I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I was the chlorine from my hair and body. Once I was done, I dried my body, and then I changed and threw the wet clothes into my laundry basket. I might as well take it down now. Or else I’ll get lazy. So I start walking down the stairs. Once I got to the very bottom, I guess I wasn’t paying attention because I bumped into something hard. Ouch. I fell on my butt. I look up to see Aaron staring at me with amusement in his eyes. “Why do I keep on bumping into you.” I say out loud. It’s a stupid question, I know. But it was out before I can stop it. “Umm, I don’t know?” he says, making it sound like a question. “Ok..” I say then stood up to walk away. But before I could strong hands took my arm and pulled me back. “What do you want?” I ask, trying to keep it calm. “I’m sorry that you bumped into me. I wasn’t looking at where I was going.” I say’s, his eyes turning soft. “It’s ok.” I say trying to get out of his grip. But he wouldn’t let me go. I started backing away because he was walking towards me. Once I hit the wall I didn’t know what to do. “You know, you’re the prettiest girl that I know.” He says with a smile on his face. “Umm, thank you I guess…” I say trying hard not to smile, but I could easily feel myself melting. He moves his hands away from my arm and onto my waist. I could feel my heart skip a beat when he brushed his lips against my neck.

He pulled his lips up to mine, and kissed them softly. They were so warm. No, what am I thinking? I can’t like him... What happened in to pool was just for the moment. I can’t just like a guy that I’ve only known for like 3 or 4 days. I try to pull away from him, but he just tightened the grip on my waist. So I had no choice but to not kiss him back. As if he could read my mind, he says “Kiss me back, or I’ll never let go of you.” Wow. He’s so nice. I think sarcastically. Without waiting for my reply he kisses me fiercer then before. I’m stunned for a second, but then realize that he wanted me to kiss him back. Our mouths fit perfectly together, like they were made for one another. He puts his hand on my jaw, while I put my arms around his neck and played with his hair. After a few seconds he pulls back. We were both breathless. We just stood there like that. He took his hand off my jaw and put it back on my hip. “You know, you’re a really good kisser.” He says to me with another smile. I smile back this time. “Thank you, but I don’t think I could say the same about you.” I say teasingly. “Oh really? So u want me to prove that I’m a good kisser, Aye?” he says back. “Haha, sure I guess.” I say. Suddenly his lips are on mine again. Oh gosh, this kiss was so much better than the first one. We pull away breathing hard. “How was that?” he asks. “Better I guess.” He looks at me, and I look back at him. “Oh really? Fine then.” He says before he kisses me once again. This time he licks my bottom lip for entrance and I grant it for him. Our tongues met in the middle, and danced. After he pulled away, I could hardly breathe. “How was that?” He hardly gets out smiling. “It was great.” I finally say. “YESSS!” he says, and then pulls away from me. I turn to pick up my laundry basket that I almost forgot about. I put it in the washer and turned it on. Then I turn to leave.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.03.2012

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