
Title page

Islam…! What Are the Veil, Divorce, and Polygamy for?




Authored by

The Great Humane Eminent Scholar

Mohammad Amin Sheikho

(His soul has been sanctified by Al’lah)




Checked and Introduced by

Prof. A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani




Copyright ©



Chapter One

Is the Veil a Calumny in Islam! Truth… or... Falsehood!

A Dialogue between a Western Orientalist and a Muslim Savant about the Verity of the Philosophy of the Veil in Islam

  • The Importance of Marriage Contract
  • Marriage and Adultery
  • The Effect of Unveiling upon the Spirits of Single Young Men and Women
  • The Effect of Unveiling on the Class of Married People
  • The Definition of the Veil in Language and legislation
  • The Rule of the Woman’s Praying at the Mosque.
  • The Woman’s Veil in Praying
  • Unveiling the Woman’s Face in Pilgrimage
  • The Story of the Veil and the French Woman

The Importance of Marriage Contract

The Western scholar: You, most of the Easterners, hold fast to hereditary traditional norms in vain. These norms bequeath you diseases and psychic complexes that cause depression for your boys and girls. Thus you cut off all connections and social relations in separating the two sexes. You cover charms, beauties and juvenility in jet-black curtains that do not suit modern civilization. And your women lurk in houses. Where is the freedom then? You are earmarked in backwardness and retardation. Why are this complexity for and the separation between the sexes? Give them freedom until their motives are replenished. Then they will be bored and these psychosexual motives will be extirpated. Let the young man and the young woman set out in building up their country while the motives cooled down and the instincts were put out where the spirit was bored and exhausted of them, and its burning fire is extinguished. Then, they prepare themselves for construction and the work for fruitful production for affluence. From this side I know that you are going to answer in definite replies without logic or proof or even a dialog. You are going to tell me that this is adultery and interrupt the discussion without any understanding, consciousness or perception.

§ The Muslim scholar: My brother, The Western scholar... Is that all without marriage contract?

The Western scholar: By God, my dear brother Arab Muslim… Is that ‘the paper’ which you write! Is that the thing, which makes the prohibited licit, otherwise the one enters a bonfire that burns him for enjoying beauty depriving him from paradise? Isn’t God the Spring of All Beauty and He loves Beauty too! How couldn’t the creature practice praying for love and beauty except by this paper that can be blown with the wind?

§ The Muslim scholar: My brother, The Western scholar…I shall go on in the dialog a little in order to arrive at the results of this paper, and you can evaluate the problem by its results and ends. Let us suppose we have refused the paper so the young man loves the beautiful girl. She also loves him and they have practiced love without the paper and procreated boys and girls. Then the lover dies suddenly. The question: Who will take care of the boys and girls and this beloved woman broken at the death of her protector who plucked the flower of her youth and threw her without security in destitution, poverty, lowness and disgrace? What is the destiny of the orphan children? Surely, the inheritors of the young man and his family will throw the orphans and their mother to the street because their illegal father died and calamity befell on his widow and his children. Yes, the inheritors, like a brother, a sister, a father, and a mother and relatives, will take with them everything: beds, chattels, victuals, drinks and the residence by the power of law. They will say to them ‘the inheritance is for the legal kinsmen, and you shall have the stone’. Then my brother western scholar for the sake of beauty and consummation you can see what did what you called a mere paper do, i.e. ‘the Marriage Lines’. If that paper could make from the adulteress an honest woman and from the children of the adulteress respectable legal sons, could anyone rob the legacy of their father or drive them out of their residence. They will become poor and criminals, enemies of the severe society as they see it, only because of this paper! What will the community call the woman ‘an adulteress prostitute, or an honest wife’? Who would like to share life with her as a wife and her offspring a heavy burden and an earmark of shame? Where is her inheritance? How could she live in prostitution after her youth withered away? How could she bear the difficulty and bitterness of life? Who will befriend her? All these troubles are because of the paper that you mocked at, my dear! This is the law of the Merciful God. This is a part of a reply to the second section of your logical question. Let us tackle the first part of it.

The Western scholar: My brother Muslim scholar, I do not know what to say. In fact, you surprised me in your humane scientific reply, which I have never thought to be found in your religion. Verily, there is sublime elevated Aminence in your religion that contains mercy and social security in its affection. Nevertheless, it is a fortified fortress for the widow and her children for a life filled with joy and happiness… Please, give me more of gnomes of your sublime wise religion. I have never heard of such logical discussion in the studies of the Islamic religion. But how did you get the veil for the woman? A complete veil where there is no vestige in it for an entertainer. I’d like to tell you that a few days ago I was roaming down the alleys of the very old city looking for the ruins of the fathers and the forefathers during the forenoon where I was attacked by a black ‘ghost’. It appeared suddenly and I jumped up into the air in fright. But it passed me peacefully. Perhaps it was a young beautiful woman, but the loose jurally veil curtained her even her face. The veil gave her the shape of a fearful black ghost… By God! What is this fearful Islamic uniform for?

§ The Muslim scholar: Verily, dear scholar, it is a fearful sight… to repel the Satan of the spirit and its fatal whim, to repulse from her abomination and disgrace, and to look away from illicit and to look for the licit and accept it. By intention, we have designed this uniform for our women.

The Western scholar: You have liked this abnormal and discordant uniform to hide beauty, charm and juvenility?

§ The Muslim scholar: Yes… When we all maintained ‘veil’ from the time of the honorable Messenger (CPTH) in Al-Medina, the striking product was that we reserved the inclinations of the youth from the adolescence stage, then we guided them toward the Good, virtue and consummation, and they darted in matchless conquests never heard of before by mankind. Many nations applied and accepted the veil. Most Asiatic and African peoples accepted it because of its sublimity by their own free will, moreover; many European nations adopted it. In fact, we preserved all Freudian sex powers by this curtain or veil and directed them toward the Good and production.

The Western scholar: What do you say? Do you mean by this wonderful veil you reigned and led the countries of the world? Please, more clarification, details and explanations.

§ The Muslim scholar: O, the scholar who is looking after reformation. You visited our houses in its Arabic style of building, and you saw their airiness and vastness, aren’t they so?

The Western scholar: Yes, my Muslim brother. Verily, I am amazed at their designs in construction. While we are in zigzagged old roads without art or design, I entered some old-fashioned Arab houses, I was extremely astounded at their vast yards and large courts surrounded with basins, and planted with flowers and fruitful trees of various kinds, and vineyards hanging with punches of grapes.

While the scent and fragrance of jasmines, narcissi, carnations, lilies perfumed the place. No need to say about the ponds with flowing sparking water. There is an orchard with hanging fruits in every house and the walls and the doorways reflect the green color of the garden. Thus I wondered from the despicable roads and the majesty and beauty of the houses with flourishing gardens. Why?

§ The Muslim scholar: What you said is true. We are Muslims and we did that on intention and design. We made the roads zigzagged and narrow where light could rarely penetrate them. In return for that we made paradises from our houses. Thus we realized wondrous miracles in the conquests. Suppose a certain man was lost in the jungles for a few months plucking the fruits and living on natural plants then he met a woman whatsoever the degree of her beauty she had. Won’t his heart incline to her, and accept her in this arid land from people or with loss of women in the jungles. Doesn’t he accept her a partner to his life in these virgin lands? Do you think he will accept an alternative for her?

Surely, he will find her a gift from heaven or an angel landed from orbits… In the apex of their glory, the Muslim used to live that way. Wherever you go or travel or walk in a marketplace or a street, you shall find the harsh sex everywhere. There is no presence of a female except in the black shadows, which do not attract attentions or arouse charm. The women rest in Arabic houses like paradise. If a female wants to go out, she will find nothing but narrow roads that do not fill the eye with joy, and do not enjoy the viewer as the roads are void of a beautiful scene. Thus she prefers to stay in her beautiful house, and the man will not see outside his house or in his work except the harsh sex like him as if he were apart from the fair sex; like the man of the arid land or of the jungles. Whenever he enters his house and sees his female, i.e. his wife, and no one other than ‘women of forbidden degree of consanguinity’. Thus in contrast with the harsh sex, he finds his wife as an invaluable blessing. In this respect he does not see any other woman more beautiful than his wife. In seclusion; in her house, the wife does not see any other man than her husband, she cherishes with him and she realizes all her dreams.

The Western scholar: In fact, I hear strange things and concepts that were never heard of before… Please give me more of these brand new things. Be blessed for your knowledge.

§ The Muslim scholar: This overall screen or veil that also covers the face is not new at the Muslim whereas it was since their early life in Al-Medina where God supported his honorable Messenger and ordered him and the Muslim women to wear the veil. As well as, the moving out of the Jew of Bani Qai’noka’a took place when they belittled the veil of Al-Ansar Muslim woman and tried to take it off her face, a passer-by Muslim defended her and the Jews killed the defender.

Thus God’s Messenger (CPTH) drove them out of Al-Medina and then from the entire Arab peninsula. The veil continued to exist, and prestige and victory continued to exist until the Muslim disregarded it in the twentieth century for that the Jews disdained them and they became the weakest among the nations. Thus we perceive the values of the screen and the veil. The veil was imposed on all heavenly religions. In the thirties of the twentieth century all the Christian and Jewish women were veiled in the alleys and marketplaces. As for the Muslim, there was no unveiled woman until 1950. There was not even a Muslim woman that could uncover her face in Al-Sham cities, Lebanon, Al-Ghouta at all and also in all Islamic and Arab countries. The unveiling in Egypt was a little before when the poet Hafez Ibrahim said: ‘I do not say, leave the women unveiled as men roaming in the market places’.

In Great Britain the veil was prevailing even the aristocratic women used to attend the Shakespearean theater and sit veiled in closed galleries in order to see the social Shakespearean literary masterpieces.

The Western scholar: Truly, I heard of that and I forgot it. If you didn’t remind me, it would be lost in a state of oblivion: God blesses you. Continue, Brother.

§ The Muslim scholar: Verily, the screen and the veil are important problems. If they were left and ignored, the capacities of the young men and women would be sucked by the sexual sides, their money was lost and their hearts were occupied by the charms of beauty, and ‘the Freudian Assumption’ would master their minds, and their efforts for building up their country would be in the precipice of sex of which the western scientists said, ‘any person fell into it, he would never be rescued’.

The sexual outset will be their chief concern. Thus they neglect every innovation and invention. They will lose their worldly life and their Lifeafter while drowned in sex and its frivolities: singing, mirth, music, dolls and expensive fancy perfumes; diversity in clothes, and the military effort for the protection of the country is lost, for they are plunged in charms in attaining that joy through the taboo channel. If we could organize the problems of screens and veils as God and his Messenger (CPTH) did; the young men and women will consecrate themselves for building high up, as did their fathers and the disciples of the great messengers of God. The young men and the young women will have both realized their goals. The sexual drive will be satisfied only in marriage. And both sexes will undertake to build a good country or rather a reformer for mankind, and every one will be in his/her own world for which he/she was born. When we applied this law we conquered the whole world and we were the best nation sent out for people ordering the Good and repulsing the Evil. But we nowadays became a nation that let other nations laugh at our ignorance. Thus we have not endeavored to win this worldly life and we are unable to compete with the greater states, so we have not done anything for our life-after where, previously by our faith we mastered the world and led the nations to light and happiness in this world and the hereafter.

Now my free European brother give me your ear to answer your first inquiry when you said the co-existence of the two sexes and the release of the desires will quench the affections and cool down the instincts even to death. I say that what fact decides is:

First: The sexual instinct is inborn in every living creature, and it is liable to be excited on viewing beauty and the charm of the body. So long man eats and drinks, the material of life originates in him, which he was created of, is still there and it can come out in arousing it by charm and beauty.

Second: The morals that grew and integrated cannot destroy the sexual instinct forces, but it can direct them towards the Good. Moreover, the complete morals cannot change the present psychic laws. These remarks will be clear when tackling the subject of the veiling and the unveiling.


Marriage and Adultery

The Western scholar: My brother, The Muslim scholar, you have shown in a statement beyond dispute that the paper or ‘the Marriage Lines’ is important and is a basic thing for building a high, advanced and virtuous community and likewise is the veil. Could you explain to me the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Lektorat: Prof. A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.05.2011
ISBN: 978-3-7309-9608-9

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